static void _memory_tracker_shutdown( void )
	if( _memory_table )
		hashtable_deallocate( _memory_table );
	if( _memory_tags )
		bool got_leaks = false;

		log_debug( "Checking for memory leaks" );
		for( unsigned int it = 0; it < MAX_CONCURRENT_ALLOCATIONS; ++it )
			memory_tag_t* tag = _memory_tags + it;
			if( tag->address )
				char* trace = stacktrace_resolve( tag->trace, 14, 0 );
				log_warnf( WARNING_MEMORY, "Memory leak: %d bytes @ " STRING_FORMAT_POINTER " : tag %d\n%s", (unsigned int)tag->size, tag->address, it, trace );
				string_deallocate( trace );
				got_leaks = true;
		memory_deallocate( _memory_tags );

		if( !got_leaks )
			log_debug( "No memory leaks detected" );
Exemple #2
DECLARE_TEST(stacktrace, resolve) {
#define TEST_DEPTH 64
	void* trace[TEST_DEPTH];
	size_t num_frames;
	char* buffer;
	string_t resolved;

	if (system_platform() == PLATFORM_PNACL)
		return 0;

	num_frames = stacktrace_capture(trace, TEST_DEPTH, 0);
	EXPECT_GT(num_frames, 3);

	buffer = memory_allocate(0, 1024, 0, MEMORY_TEMPORARY);
	resolved = stacktrace_resolve(buffer, 1024, trace, num_frames, 0);
	EXPECT_NE(resolved.str, 0);
	EXPECT_NE(resolved.length, 0);

	//log_infof(HASH_TEST, STRING_CONST("Resolved stack trace:\n%.*s"), (int)resolved.length,
	//          resolved.str);

	EXPECT_NE(string_find_string(resolved.str, resolved.length, STRING_CONST("stacktraceresolve_fn"),
	                             0), STRING_NPOS);
	EXPECT_NE(string_find_string(resolved.str, resolved.length, STRING_CONST("main"), 0), STRING_NPOS);


	return 0;
Exemple #3
assert_report(hash_t context, const char* condition, size_t cond_length, const char* file,
              size_t file_length, unsigned int line, const char* msg, size_t msg_length) {
	static const char nocondition[] = "<Static fail>";
	static const char nofile[] = "<No file>";
	static const char nomsg[] = "<No message>";
	static const char assert_format[] =
	    "****** ASSERT FAILED ******\nCondition: %.*s\nFile/line: %.*s : %d\n%.*s%.*s\n%.*s\n";
	string_t tracestr = { _assert_stacktrace_buffer, sizeof(_assert_stacktrace_buffer) };
	string_t contextstr = { _assert_context_buffer, sizeof(_assert_context_buffer) };
	string_t messagestr = { _assert_message_buffer, sizeof(_assert_message_buffer) };

	if (!condition || !cond_length) { condition = nocondition; cond_length = sizeof(nocondition); }
	if (!file || !file_length) { file = nofile; file_length = sizeof(nofile); }
	if (!msg || !msg_length) { msg = nomsg; msg_length = sizeof(nomsg); }

	if (_assert_handler && (_assert_handler != assert_report))
		return (*_assert_handler)(context, condition, cond_length, file, file_length, line, msg,

	contextstr = error_context_buffer(STRING_ARGS(contextstr));

	if (foundation_is_initialized()) {
		size_t num_frames = stacktrace_capture(_assert_stacktrace, ASSERT_STACKTRACE_MAX_DEPTH,
		if (num_frames)
			tracestr = stacktrace_resolve(STRING_ARGS(tracestr), _assert_stacktrace, num_frames, 0U);
			tracestr = string_copy(STRING_ARGS(tracestr), STRING_CONST("<no stacktrace>"));
	else {
		tracestr = string_copy(STRING_ARGS(tracestr), STRING_CONST("<no stacktrace - not initialized>"));

	messagestr = string_format(STRING_ARGS(messagestr), assert_format, sizeof(assert_format) - 1,
	                           (int)cond_length, condition, (int)file_length, file, line,
	                           STRING_FORMAT(contextstr), (int)msg_length, msg,

	log_errorf(context, ERROR_ASSERT, STRING_CONST("%.*s"), STRING_FORMAT(messagestr));

	system_message_box(STRING_CONST("Assert Failure"), STRING_ARGS(messagestr), false);
	log_errorf(context, ERROR_ASSERT, assert_format, sizeof(assert_format) - 1,
	           (int)cond_length, condition, (int)file_length, file, line,
	           0, "", (int)msg_length, msg, 0, "");

	return 1;
Exemple #4
int assert_report( uint64_t context, const char* condition, const char* file, int line, const char* msg )
	static const char nocondition[] = "<Static fail>";
	static const char nofile[] = "<No file>";
	static const char nomsg[] = "<No message>";
	static const char assert_format[] = "****** ASSERT FAILED ******\nCondition: %s\nFile/line: %s : %d\n%s%s\n%s\n";

	if( !condition ) condition = nocondition;
	if( !file      ) file      = nofile;
	if( !msg       ) msg       = nomsg;

	if( _assert_handler && ( _assert_handler != assert_report ) )
		return (*_assert_handler)( context, condition, file, line, msg );

	_assert_context_buffer[0] = 0;
	error_context_buffer( _assert_context_buffer, ASSERT_BUFFER_SIZE );

	_assert_stacktrace_buffer[0] = 0;
	if( foundation_is_initialized() )
		unsigned int num_frames = stacktrace_capture( _assert_stacktrace, ASSERT_STACKTRACE_MAX_DEPTH, ASSERT_STACKTRACE_SKIP_FRAMES );
		if( num_frames )
			//TODO: Resolve directly into buffer to avoid memory allocations in assert handler
			char* trace = stacktrace_resolve( _assert_stacktrace, num_frames, 0U );
			string_copy( _assert_stacktrace_buffer, trace, ASSERT_BUFFER_SIZE );
			string_deallocate( trace );
		string_copy( _assert_stacktrace_buffer, "<no stacktrace - not initialized>", ASSERT_BUFFER_SIZE );

	snprintf( _assert_box_buffer, (size_t)ASSERT_BUFFER_SIZE, assert_format, condition, file, line, _assert_context_buffer, msg, _assert_stacktrace_buffer );

	log_errorf( context, ERROR_ASSERT, "%s", _assert_box_buffer );

	system_message_box( "Assert Failure", _assert_box_buffer, false );
	log_errorf( context, ERROR_ASSERT, assert_format, condition, file, line, "", msg, "" );

	return 1;
Exemple #5
int assert_report( const char* condition, const char* file, int line, const char* msg )
	static const char nocondition[] = "<Static fail>";
	static const char nofile[] = "<No file>";
	static const char nomsg[] = "<No message>";
	static const char assert_format[] = "****** ASSERT FAILED ******\nCondition: %s\nFile/line: %s : %d\n%s%s\n%s\n";
	int ret;

	if( !condition ) condition = nocondition;
	if( !file      ) file      = nofile;
	if( !msg       ) msg       = nomsg;
	if( _assert_handler && ( _assert_handler != assert_report ) )
		return (*_assert_handler)( condition, file, line, msg );

	_assert_context_buffer[0] = 0;
	error_context_buffer( _assert_context_buffer, ASSERT_BUFFER_SIZE );

	_assert_stacktrace_buffer[0] = 0;
	if( foundation_is_initialized() )
		if( stacktrace_capture( _assert_stacktrace, 128, 1 ) > 0 )
			//TODO: Resolve directly into buffer to avoid memory allocations in assert handler
			char* trace = stacktrace_resolve( _assert_stacktrace, 128, 0 );
			string_copy( _assert_stacktrace_buffer, trace, ASSERT_BUFFER_SIZE );
			string_deallocate( trace );
		string_copy( _assert_stacktrace_buffer, "<no stacktrace - not initialized>", ASSERT_BUFFER_SIZE );
	ret = snprintf( _assert_box_buffer, (size_t)ASSERT_BUFFER_SIZE, assert_format, condition, file, line, _assert_context_buffer, msg, _assert_stacktrace_buffer );
	if( ( ret < 0 ) || ( ret >= ASSERT_BUFFER_SIZE ) )
		_assert_box_buffer[ASSERT_BUFFER_SIZE-1] = 0;

	log_errorf( 0, ERROR_ASSERT, "%s", _assert_box_buffer );

	system_message_box( "Assert Failure", _assert_box_buffer, false );

	return 1;
Exemple #6
DECLARE_TEST( stacktrace, resolve )
	#define TEST_DEPTH 64
	void* trace[TEST_DEPTH];
	unsigned int num_frames = 0;
	char* resolved = 0;

	num_frames = stacktrace_capture( trace, TEST_DEPTH, 0 );
	EXPECT_GT( num_frames, 3 );

	resolved = stacktrace_resolve( trace, num_frames, 0 );
	EXPECT_NE( resolved, 0 );

	log_infof( HASH_TEST, "Resolved stack trace:\n%s", resolved );
	EXPECT_NE( string_find_string( resolved, "stacktraceresolve_fn", 0 ), STRING_NPOS );
	EXPECT_NE( string_find_string( resolved, "test_run", 0 ), STRING_NPOS );
	//EXPECT_NE( string_find_string( resolved, "main_run", 0 ), STRING_NPOS );
	memory_deallocate( resolved );
	return 0;