Exemple #1
void EventView::slotDeleteEvent()
    const TaskTreeItem& taskTreeItem =
            MODEL.charmDataModel()->taskTreeItem( m_event.taskId() );
    const QString name = MODEL.charmDataModel()->fullTaskName( taskTreeItem.task() );
    const QDate startDate = m_event.startDateTime().date();
    const QTime startTime = m_event.startDateTime().time();
    const QDate endDate = m_event.endDateTime().date();
    const QTime endTime = m_event.endDateTime().time();
    const bool sameDates = ( startDate == endDate );
    QString message;

    if ( sameDates )
            message = tr( "<html><b>%1</b>%2: %3 - %4 (Duration: %5)</html>" )
                      .arg( name )
                      .arg( QLocale::system().toString( startDate, QLocale::ShortFormat ) ).arg( QLocale::system().toString( startTime, QLocale::ShortFormat ) )
                      .arg( QLocale::system().toString( endTime, QLocale::ShortFormat ) ).arg( hoursAndMinutes( m_event.duration() ) );
            message = tr( "<html><b>%1</b><table><tr><td>Starting:</td><td>%2 at %3</td></tr>"
                          "<tr><td>Ending:</td><td>%4 at %5</td></tr><tr><td>Duration:</td><td>%6.</td></tr></html>" )
                      .arg( name )
                      .arg( QLocale::system().toString( startDate, QLocale::ShortFormat ) ).arg( QLocale::system().toString( startTime, QLocale::ShortFormat ) )
                      .arg( QLocale::system().toString( endDate, QLocale::ShortFormat ) ).arg( QLocale::system().toString( endTime, QLocale::ShortFormat ) )
                      .arg( hoursAndMinutes( m_event.duration() ) );

    if ( MessageBox::question( this, tr( "Delete Event?" ), message, tr( "Delete" ), tr("Cancel") )
         == QMessageBox::Yes ) {
        auto command = new CommandDeleteEvent( m_event, this );
        stageCommand( command );
Exemple #2
void EventView::slotDeleteEvent()
    const TaskTreeItem& taskTreeItem =
        MODEL.charmDataModel()->taskTreeItem( m_event.taskId() );
    const QString name = MODEL.charmDataModel()->fullTaskName( taskTreeItem.task() );
    const QDate date = m_event.startDateTime().date();
    const QTime time = m_event.startDateTime().time();
    const QString dateAndDuration = date.toString( Qt::SystemLocaleDate )
           + ' ' + time.toString( Qt::SystemLocaleDate )
           + ' ' + hoursAndMinutes( m_event.duration() );
    const QString eventDescription = name + ' ' + dateAndDuration;
    if ( MessageBox::question(
             this, tr( "Delete Event?" ),
             tr( "<html>Do you really want to delete the event <b>%1</b>?" ).arg(eventDescription),
             tr( "Delete" ), tr("Cancel") )
         == QMessageBox::Yes ) {
        CommandDeleteEvent* command = new CommandDeleteEvent( m_event, this );
        stageCommand( command );