Cn Analitza::operate(Container* c)
	Operator *op=0;
	Cn ret(0.);
	QList<Cn> numbers;
	if(c->containerType() > 100)
		qDebug() << "wow";
	if(c->m_params.isEmpty()) {
		m_err << i18n("Empty container: %1").arg(c->containerType());
		return Cn(0.);
	if(c->m_params[0]->type() == Object::oper)
		op = (Operator*) c->m_params[0];
	if(op!= 0 && op->operatorType()==Object::sum)
		ret = sum(*c);
	else if(op!= 0 && op->operatorType()==Object::product)
		ret = product(*c);
	else switch(c->containerType()) {
		case Object::apply:
		case Object::math:
		case Object::bvar:
		case Object::uplimit:
		case Object::downlimit:
			if(c->m_params[0]->type() == Object::variable) {
				Ci* var= (Ci*) c->m_params[0];
					ret = func(c);
					ret = calc(c->m_params[0]);
			} else {
				QList<Object*>::iterator it = c->m_params.begin();
				for(; it!=c->m_params.end(); it++) {
					if((*it)==0) {
						m_err << i18n("Null Object found");
						return ret;
					} else if((*it)->type() != Object::oper) {
				if(op==0) {
					ret = numbers.first();
				} else if(op->nparams()>-1 && numbers.count()!=op->nparams() && op->operatorType()!=Object::minus) {
					m_err << i18n("Too much operators for <em>%1</em>").arg(op->operatorType());
					ret = Cn(0.);
				} else if(numbers.count()>=1 && op->type()==Object::oper) {
					if(numbers.count()>=2) {
						QList<Cn>::iterator it = numbers.begin();
						ret = *it;
						for(; it != numbers.end(); ++it)
							reduce(op->operatorType(), &ret, *it, false);
					} else {
						reduce(op->operatorType(), &ret, 0., true);
				} else {
					ret = numbers.first();
		case Object::declare:
			if(c->m_params.count()<=1) {
				m_err << i18n("Need a var name and a value");
				return Cn(0.);
			Ci *var = (Ci*) c->m_params[0];
			switch(c->m_params[1]->type()) {
				case Object::variable:
					m_vars->modify(var->name(), new Ci(c->m_params[1]));
				case Object::value:
					m_vars->modify(var->name(), new Cn(c->m_params[1]));
				case Object::oper:
					m_vars->modify(var->name(), new Operator(c->m_params[1]));
				case Object::container:
					m_vars->modify(var->name(), new Container(c->m_params[1]));
				case Object::none:
					m_err << i18n("Unvalid var type");
		} break;
		case Object::lambda:
			ret = calc(c->m_params[c->m_params.count()-1]);
		case Object::cnone:
	return ret;
Exemple #2
  delete hij;
  delete vij;

  for (ii=0;ii<wid;ii++)
  {  int imm;

HdeltaMax = max(Hdelta,[],3);
hs = sum(HdeltaMax(:));
VdeltaMax = max(Vdelta,[],3);
vs = sum(VdeltaMax(:));
hij = reshape(Hdelta,size(Hdelta,1)*size(Hdelta,2),size(Hdelta,3)); %shij = sum(hij,1);
vij = reshape(Vdelta,size(Vdelta,1)*size(Vdelta,2),size(Vdelta,3)); %svij = sum(vij,1);
newh = zeros(size(hij,1),1);
for ii = 1:size(hij,1),
 tmp1 = hij(ii,:);
 tmp2 = vij(ii,:);
 mtmp1 = max(tmp1);
 mtmp2 = max(tmp2);
 mtmp1 = mtmp1(1);
 mtmp2 = mtmp2(1);
 mm = max(mtmp1,mtmp2);
 im1 = find(tmp1==mtmp1); im2 = find(tmp2==mtmp2);
 if mm == mtmp1, imm = im1(1); else, imm = im2(1); end
 newh(ii) = kk(imm);
total_coarseness = mean(newh);
Exemple #3
static void
  char string[] = "I am a string";
  WCHAR wstring[] = {'I',' ','a','m',' ','a',' ','w','s','t','r','i','n','g', 0};
  int f[5] = {1, 3, 0, -2, -4};
  vector_t a = {1, 3, 7};
  vector_t vec1 = {4, -2, 1}, vec2 = {-5, 2, 3}, *pvec2 = &vec2;
  pvectors_t pvecs = {&vec1, &pvec2};
  sp_inner_t spi = {42};
  sp_t sp = {-13, &spi};
  aligns_t aligns;
  pints_t pints;
  ptypes_t ptypes;
  padded_t padded;
  padded_t padded2[2];
  bogus_t bogus;
  int i1, i2, i3, *pi2, *pi3, **ppi3;
  double u, v;
  float s, t;
  long q, r;
  short h;
  char c;
  int x;
  str_struct_t ss = {string};
  wstr_struct_t ws = {wstring};
  str_t str;
  se_t se;

  ok(int_return() == INT_CODE, "RPC int_return\n");

  ok(square(7) == 49, "RPC square\n");
  ok(sum(23, -4) == 19, "RPC sum\n");

  x = 0;
  square_out(11, &x);
  ok(x == 121, "RPC square_out\n");

  x = 5;
  ok(x == 25, "RPC square_ref\n");

  ok(str_length(string) == strlen(string), "RPC str_length\n");
  ok(str_t_length(string) == strlen(string), "RPC str_length\n");
  ok(dot_self(&a) == 59, "RPC dot_self\n");

  ok(str_struct_len(&ss) == lstrlenA(string), "RPC str_struct_len\n");
  ok(wstr_struct_len(&ws) == lstrlenW(wstring), "RPC str_struct_len\n");

  v = 0.0;
  u = square_half(3.0, &v);
  ok(u == 9.0, "RPC square_half\n");
  ok(v == 1.5, "RPC square_half\n");

  t = 0.0f;
  s = square_half_float(3.0f, &t);
  ok(s == 9.0f, "RPC square_half_float\n");
  ok(t == 1.5f, "RPC square_half_float\n");

  r = 0;
  q = square_half_long(3, &r);
  ok(q == 9, "RPC square_half_long\n");
  ok(r == 1, "RPC square_half_long\n");

  i1 = 19;
  i2 = -3;
  i3 = -29;
  pi2 = &i2;
  pi3 = &i3;
  ppi3 = &pi3;
  pints.pi = &i1;
  pints.ppi = &pi2;
  pints.pppi = &ppi3;
  ok(pints_sum(&pints) == -13, "RPC pints_sum\n");

  c = 10;
  h = 3;
  q = 14;
  s = -5.0f;
  u = 11.0;
  ptypes.pc = &c; = &h; = &q; = &s;
  ptypes.pd = &u;
  ok(ptypes_sum(&ptypes) == 33.0, "RPC ptypes_sum\n");

  ok(dot_pvectors(&pvecs) == -21, "RPC dot_pvectors\n");
  ok(dot_copy_vectors(vec1, vec2) == -21, "RPC dot_copy_vectors\n");
  ok(sum_fixed_array(f) == -2, "RPC sum_fixed_array\n");
  ok(sum_sp(&sp) == 29, "RPC sum_sp\n");

  ok(enum_ord(E1) == 1, "RPC enum_ord\n");
  ok(enum_ord(E2) == 2, "RPC enum_ord\n");
  ok(enum_ord(E3) == 3, "RPC enum_ord\n");
  ok(enum_ord(E4) == 4, "RPC enum_ord\n");

  se.f = E2;

  memset(&aligns, 0, sizeof(aligns));
  aligns.c = 3;
  aligns.i = 4;
  aligns.s = 5;
  aligns.d = 6.0;
  ok(sum_aligns(&aligns) == 18.0, "RPC sum_aligns\n");

  padded.i = -3;
  padded.c = 8;
  ok(sum_padded(&padded) == 5, "RPC sum_padded\n");
  padded2[0].i = -5;
  padded2[0].c = 1;
  padded2[1].i = 3;
  padded2[1].c = 7;
  ok(sum_padded2(padded2) == 6, "RPC sum_padded2\n");
  padded2[0].i = -5;
  padded2[0].c = 1;
  padded2[1].i = 3;
  padded2[1].c = 7;
  ok(sum_padded_conf(padded2, 2) == 6, "RPC sum_padded_conf\n");

  i1 = 14;
  i2 = -7;
  i3 = -4;
  bogus.h.p1 = &i1;
  bogus.p2 = &i2;
  bogus.p3 = &i3;
  bogus.c = 9;
  ok(sum_bogus(&bogus) == 12, "RPC sum_bogus\n");


  str = get_filename();
  ok(!strcmp(str, __FILE__), "get_filename() returned %s instead of %s\n", str, __FILE__);
	char sal='0',opt,optarre;
	printf("Bernardo Orozco Garza 1719152\n");
	printf("Lo llenaras tu o random? 1) TU 0) RANDOM  ");
	    printf("ERROR de captura  ");
	printf("Dame el tamano del arreglo (1-10)\t");
		printf("ERROR de captura  ");
	    case '1':
            printf("Introduce los valores del arreglo\n");
                    printf("%d,%d = ",i+1,j+1);
        case '0':
                    list[i][j]=rand() % 10 + 1;
			printf("ERROR de captura 1-8 ");

			case '1':
			case '2':
			case '3':
			case '4':
            case '5':
            case '6':
            case '7':
		printf("\n\ndeseas salir? 1) SI 0) NO ");
			printf("ERROR de captura 1 o 0 ");

	int n;float s=1;float sum(int,float);
int main(int argc, char const *argv[]) {

  int *c = (int *)malloc(3 * sizeof(int));

  // Изначально вводит тип предполагаемой операции:
  // + - сложение
  // c - умножение на число
  // m - скалярное произведение
  // v - векторное произведение
  // g - скалярной произведение с кв.формой

  int j;

  char s;
  scanf("%s\n", &s);

  for (j = 0; j < 3; j++)
    scanf("%d", a + j);
  for (j = 0; j < 3; j++)
    scanf("%d", b + j);

  if (s == '+') {
    c = sum(a, b);

    int j;
    for (j = 0; j < 3; j++)
      printf("%d ", c[j]);

  if (s == 'c') {
    c = cmul(a, b);

    int j;
    for (j = 0; j < 3; j++)
      printf("%d ", c[j]);

  if (s == 'v') {
    c = vmul(a, b);

    int j;
    for (j = 0; j < 1; j++)
      printf("%d ", c[j]);

  if (s == 'm') {
    c = scmul(a, b);

    printf("%d ", c[0]);

  if (s == 'g') {
    for (j = 0; j < 3; j++)
      scanf("%d", g + j);

    c = scmul_g(a, b, g);

    printf("%d ", c[0]);

  return 0;
const Real GreensFunction2DAbs::p_int_theta_second(const Real r,
                                                   const Real theta,
                                                   const Real t) const
    const Real r_0(this->getr0());
    const Real a(this->geta());
    const Real minusDt(-1e0 * this->getD() * t);

    const Integer num_in_term_use(100);
    const Integer num_out_term_use(100);
    const Real threshold(CUTOFF);

    Real sum(0e0);
    Real term(0e0);
    Integer n(1);
    for(; n < num_out_term_use; ++n)
        Real in_sum(0e0);
        Real in_term(0e0);
        Real in_term1(0e0);
        Real in_term2(0e0);
        Real in_term3(0e0);

        Real a_alpha_mn(0e0);
        Real alpha_mn(0e0);
        Real Jn_r_alpha_mn(0e0);
        Real Jn_r0_alpha_mn(0e0);
        Real Jn_d_1_a_alpha_mn(0e0);// J_n-1(a alpha_mn)
        Real Jn_p_1_a_alpha_mn(0e0);// J_n+1(a alpha_mn)

        Real n_real(static_cast<double>(n));
        int n_int(static_cast<int>(n));
        Integer m(1);

        for(; m < num_in_term_use; ++m)
            a_alpha_mn = gsl_sf_bessel_zero_Jnu(n_real, m);
            alpha_mn = a_alpha_mn / a;
            Jn_r_alpha_mn     = gsl_sf_bessel_Jn(n_int, r * alpha_mn);
            Jn_r0_alpha_mn    = gsl_sf_bessel_Jn(n_int, r_0 * alpha_mn);
            Jn_d_1_a_alpha_mn = gsl_sf_bessel_Jn(n_int - 1, a_alpha_mn);
            Jn_p_1_a_alpha_mn = gsl_sf_bessel_Jn(n_int + 1, a_alpha_mn);

            in_term1 = std::exp(alpha_mn * alpha_mn * minusDt);
            in_term2 = Jn_r_alpha_mn * Jn_r0_alpha_mn;
            in_term3 = Jn_d_1_a_alpha_mn - Jn_p_1_a_alpha_mn;

            in_term = in_term1 * in_term2 / (in_term3 * in_term3);
            in_sum += in_term;

//                 std::cout << "inner sum " << in_sum << ", term" << in_term << std::endl;

            if(fabs(in_term/in_sum) < threshold)
//                     std::cout << "normal exit. m = " << m << " second term" << std::endl;
        if(m == num_in_term_use)
            std::cout << "warning: use term over num_in_term_use" << std::endl;

//             term = in_sum * std::cos(n_real * theta);
        term = in_sum * std::sin(n_real * theta) / n_real;
        sum += term;

//             std::cout << "outer sum " << sum << ", term" << term << std::endl;

        if(fabs(in_sum / (n_real * sum)) < threshold)
            /* if n * theta is a multiple of \pi, the term may be zero and *
             * term/sum become also zero. this is a problem. sin is in a   *
             * regeon [-1, 1], so the order of term does not depend on     *
             * value of sin, so this considers only (in_sum / n_real).     */

//                 std::cout << "normal exit. n = " << n << " second term" << std::endl;
    if(n == num_out_term_use)
        std::cout << "warning: use term over num_out_term_use" << std::endl;

    return (8e0 * sum / (M_PI * a * a));
Exemple #8
/// \brief Vespucci::Math::DimensionReduction::VCA
/// Vertex Component Analysis
/// \param R The dataset
/// \param endmembers Number of endmembers to compute
/// \param indices Row indices of pure components.
/// \param endmember_spectra Spectra of pure components (note that these are in
/// columns, not rows as in spectra_)
/// \param projected_data Projected data
/// \param fractional_abundances Purity of a given spectrum relative to endmember
/// \return Convergeance (no actual test implemented...)
bool Vespucci::Math::DimensionReduction::VCA(const arma::mat &R, arma::uword p,
         arma::uvec &indices, arma::mat &endmember_spectra,
         arma::mat &projected_data, arma::mat &fractional_abundances)
    arma::uword L = R.n_rows;
    arma::uword N = R.n_cols;
    if (L == 0 || N == 0){
        std::cerr << "No data!" << std::endl;
        return false;

    if (p > L){
        std::cerr << "wrong number of endmembers (" << p << ")!"<< std::endl;
        std::cerr << "set to 5 or one less than number of spectra" << std::endl;
        p = (L < 5? 5: L-1);
//mat of SNR
    arma::mat r_m = mean(R, 1);
    arma::mat R_m = arma::repmat(r_m, 1, N); //the mean of each spectral band
    arma::mat R_o = R - R_m; //mean-center the data
    arma::mat Ud;
    arma::vec Sd;
    arma::mat Vd;
    //arma::svds(Ud, Sd, Vd, arma::sp_mat(R_o * R_o.t()/N), p);
    Vespucci::Math::DimensionReduction::svds(R_o*R_o.t()/N, p, Ud, Sd, Vd);
    arma::mat x_p;
    x_p = Ud.t() * R_o;
    }catch(std::exception e){
        std::cout << "Ud.t() * R_o" << std::endl;

    double SNR = Vespucci::Math::DimensionReduction::estimate_snr(R, r_m, x_p);
    double SNR_th = 15 + 10*log10(p);

//Choose projective projection or projection to p-1 subspace
    arma::mat y;
    if (SNR < SNR_th){
        arma::uword d = p - 1;
        Ud = Ud.cols(0, d-1);
        projected_data = Ud * x_p.rows(0, d-1) + R_m; //in dimension L
        arma::mat x = x_p.rows(0, d-1);//x_p = trans(Ud)*R_o, p-dimensional subspace
        //following three lines are one in arma::matlab...
        arma::mat sum_squares = sum(pow(x, 2));
        double c = sum_squares.max();
        c = std::sqrt(c);
        y = arma::join_vert(x, c*arma::ones(1, N));
        arma::uword d = p;
        Vespucci::Math::DimensionReduction::svds(R*R.t()/N, p, Ud, Sd, Vd);
        arma::svds(Ud, Sd, Vd, arma::sp_mat(R*R.t()/N), d);//R_o is a mean centered version...
        x_p = Ud.t() * R;
        projected_data = Ud * x_p.rows(0, d-1);
        arma::mat x = Ud.t() * R;
        arma::mat u = arma::mean(x, 1);
        y = x / arma::repmat(sum(x % arma::repmat(u, 1, N)), d, 1);

    // The VCA algorithm
    arma::vec w;
    arma::vec f;
    arma::rowvec v;
    //there are no fill functions for arma::uvecs
    for (arma::uword i = 0; i < p; ++i)
        indices(i) = 0;

    arma::mat A = arma::zeros(p, p);
    double v_max;
    double sum_squares;
    arma::uvec q1;
    A(p-1, 0) = 1;
    for (arma::uword i = 0; i < p; ++i){
        f = w - A*arma::pinv(A)*w;
        sum_squares = std::sqrt(arma::sum(arma::square(f)));
        f /= sum_squares;
        v = f.t() * y;
        v_max = arma::max(arma::abs(v));
        q1 = arma::find(arma::abs(v) == v_max, 1);
        indices(i) = q1(0);
        A.col(i) = y.col(indices(i)); //same as x.col(indices(i));
    endmember_spectra = projected_data.cols(indices);
    fractional_abundances = arma::trans(pinv(endmember_spectra) * projected_data);
    return true;
Type Foam::fieldValues::cellSource::processValues
    const Field<Type>& values,
    const scalarField& V,
    const scalarField& weightField
) const
    Type result = pTraits<Type>::zero;
    switch (operation_)
        case opSum:
            result = sum(values);
        case opSumMag:
            result = sum(cmptMag(values));
        case opAverage:
            result = sum(values)/values.size();
        case opWeightedAverage:
            result = sum(values)/sum(weightField);
        case opVolAverage:
            result = sum(values*V)/sum(V);
        case opVolIntegrate:
            result = sum(values*V);
        case opMin:
            result = min(values);
        case opMax:
            result = max(values);
        case opCoV:
            Type meanValue = sum(values*V)/sum(V);

            const label nComp = pTraits<Type>::nComponents;

            for (direction d=0; d<nComp; ++d)
                scalarField vals(values.component(d));
                scalar mean = component(meanValue, d);
                scalar& res = setComponent(result, d);

                res = sqrt(sum(V*sqr(vals - mean))/sum(V))/mean;

            // Do nothing

    return result;
    //Class constructor
	TimeSegmentation(Tobj &G, Col <T1> map_in, Col <T1> timeVec_in, uword a, uword b, uword c, uword interptype = 1,
					 uword shots = 1)
		cout << "Entering Class constructor" << endl;
	    n1 = a; //Data size
	    n2 = b;//Image size
	    L = c; //number of time segments
	    type = interptype; // type of time segmentation performed
	    Nshots = shots; // number of shots
	    obj = &G;
	    fieldMap = map_in;
    	cout << "N1 = " << n1 << endl;
		cout << "N2 = " << n2 << endl;
		cout << "L = " << L << endl;

		AA.set_size(n1, L); //time segments weights
	    timeVec = timeVec_in;
	    T_min =timeVec.min();
	    T1 rangt = timeVec.max()-T_min;
		tau = (rangt + datum::eps) / (L - 1); // it was L-1 before
	    timeVec = timeVec-T_min;

	    uword NOneShot = n1/Nshots;
	    if (L==1) {
		    tau = 0;
	    else {
			Mat <CxT1> tempAA(NOneShot, L);
		    if (type==1) {// Hanning interpolator
			    cout << "Hanning interpolation" << endl;
			    for (unsigned int ii = 0; ii<L; ii++) {
				    for (unsigned int jj = 0; jj<NOneShot; jj++) {
					    if ((std::abs(timeVec(jj)-((ii)*tau)))<=tau) {
						    tempAA(jj, ii) = 0.5+0.5*std::cos((datum::pi)*(timeVec(jj)-((ii)*tau))/tau);
					    else {
						    tempAA(jj, ii) = 0.0;
			    AA = repmat(tempAA, Nshots, 1);
		    else if (type==2) { // Min-max interpolator: Exact LS interpolator

			    cout << "Min Max time segmentation" << endl;

			    Mat <CxT1> Ltp;
			    Ltp.ones(1, L);
			    Col <CxT1> ggtp;
			    ggtp.ones(n2, 1);
			    Mat <CxT1> gg;
			    gg = exp(i*fieldMap*tau)*Ltp;
			    Mat <CxT1> iGTGGT;
			    iGTGGT.set_size(L+1, n2);
			    Mat <CxT1> gl;
			    gl.zeros(n2, L);

			    for (unsigned int ii = 0; ii<L; ii++) {
				    for (unsigned int jj = 0; jj<n2; jj++) {
					    gl(jj, ii) = pow(gg(jj, ii), (T1) (ii+1));

			    Mat <CxT1> G;
			    G.set_size(n2, L);

			    for (unsigned int jj = 0; jj<L; jj++) {
				    if (jj==0) {
					    G.col(jj) = ggtp;
				    else {
					    G.col(jj) = gl.col(jj-1);

			    Col <CxT1> glsum;
			    Mat <CxT1> GTG;
			    GTG.zeros(L, L);
			    GTG.diag(0) += n2;
			    glsum = sum(gl.t(), 1);
				Mat <CxT1> GTGtp(L, L);
				for (unsigned int ii = 0; ii < (L - 1); ii++) {
				    GTGtp.diag(-(T1) (ii+1)) += glsum(ii);
				    GTGtp.diag((T1) (ii+1)) += std::conj(glsum(ii));
				    GTG = GTG+GTGtp;

			    T1 rcn = 1/cond(GTG);
			    if (rcn>10*2e-16) { //condition number of GTG
				    iGTGGT = inv(GTG)*G.t();

			    else {
				    iGTGGT = pinv(GTG)*G.t(); // pseudo inverse

			    Mat <CxT1> iGTGGTtp;
			    Mat <CxT1> ftp;
			    Col <CxT1> res, temp;

			    for (unsigned int ii = 0; ii<NOneShot; ii++) {
				    ftp = exp(i*fieldMap*timeVec(ii));
				    res = iGTGGT*ftp;
				    tempAA.row(ii) = res.t();
			    AA = repmat(tempAA, Nshots, 1);
		savemat("aamat.mat", "AA", vectorise(AA));
		cout << "Exiting class constructor." << endl;
Exemple #11
List objectivex(const arma::mat& transition, NumericVector emissionArray,
                const arma::vec& init, IntegerVector obsArray, const arma::imat& ANZ,
                IntegerVector emissNZ, const arma::ivec& INZ, const arma::ivec& nSymbols,
                const arma::mat& coef, const arma::mat& X, arma::ivec& numberOfStates,
                int threads) {

  IntegerVector eDims = emissionArray.attr("dim"); //m,p,r
  IntegerVector oDims = obsArray.attr("dim"); //k,n,r

  arma::cube emission(emissionArray.begin(), eDims[0], eDims[1], eDims[2], false, true);
  arma::icube obs(obsArray.begin(), oDims[0], oDims[1], oDims[2], false, true);

  arma::icube BNZ(emissNZ.begin(), emission.n_rows, emission.n_cols - 1, emission.n_slices, false, true);

  unsigned int q = coef.n_rows;
  arma::vec grad(
      arma::accu(ANZ) + arma::accu(BNZ) + arma::accu(INZ) + (numberOfStates.n_elem- 1) * q,
  arma::mat weights = exp(X * coef).t();
  if (!weights.is_finite()) {
    return List::create(Named("objective") = arma::math::inf(), Named("gradient") = wrap(grad));

  weights.each_row() /= sum(weights, 0);

  arma::mat initk(emission.n_rows, obs.n_slices);

  for (unsigned int k = 0; k < obs.n_slices; k++) {
    initk.col(k) = init % reparma(weights.col(k), numberOfStates);

  arma::cube alpha(emission.n_rows, obs.n_cols, obs.n_slices); //m,n,k
  arma::cube beta(emission.n_rows, obs.n_cols, obs.n_slices); //m,n,k
  arma::mat scales(obs.n_cols, obs.n_slices); //m,n,k

  arma::sp_mat sp_trans(transition);
  internalForwardx(sp_trans.t(), emission, initk, obs, alpha, scales, threads);
  if (!scales.is_finite()) {
    return List::create(Named("objective") = arma::math::inf(), Named("gradient") = wrap(grad));

  internalBackwardx(sp_trans, emission, obs, beta, scales, threads);
  if (!beta.is_finite()) {
    return List::create(Named("objective") = arma::math::inf(), Named("gradient") = wrap(grad));

  arma::ivec cumsumstate = arma::cumsum(numberOfStates);

  arma::mat gradmat(
      arma::accu(ANZ) + arma::accu(BNZ) + arma::accu(INZ) + (numberOfStates.n_elem- 1) * q,
      obs.n_slices, arma::fill::zeros);

#pragma omp parallel for if(obs.n_slices >= threads) schedule(static) num_threads(threads)       \
  default(none) shared(q, alpha, beta, scales, gradmat, nSymbols, ANZ, BNZ, INZ,          \
          numberOfStates, cumsumstate, obs, init, initk, X, weights, transition, emission)
    for (int k = 0; k < obs.n_slices; k++) {
      int countgrad = 0;
      // transitionMatrix
      if (arma::accu(ANZ) > 0) {

        for (int jj = 0; jj < numberOfStates.n_elem; jj++) {
          arma::vec gradArow(numberOfStates(jj));
          arma::mat gradA(numberOfStates(jj), numberOfStates(jj));
          int ind_jj = cumsumstate(jj) - numberOfStates(jj);

          for (int i = 0; i < numberOfStates(jj); i++) {
            arma::uvec ind = arma::find(ANZ.row(ind_jj + i).subvec(ind_jj, cumsumstate(jj) - 1));

            if (ind.n_elem > 0) {
              gradA.each_row() -= transition.row(ind_jj + i).subvec(ind_jj, cumsumstate(jj) - 1);
              gradA.each_col() %= transition.row(ind_jj + i).subvec(ind_jj, cumsumstate(jj) - 1).t();

              for (int j = 0; j < numberOfStates(jj); j++) {
                for (unsigned int t = 0; t < (obs.n_cols - 1); t++) {
                  double tmp = alpha(ind_jj + i, t, k);
                  for (unsigned int r = 0; r < obs.n_rows; r++) {
                    tmp *= emission(ind_jj + j, obs(r, t + 1, k), r);
                  gradArow(j) += tmp * beta(ind_jj + j, t + 1, k) / scales(t + 1, k);


              gradArow = gradA * gradArow;
              gradmat.col(k).subvec(countgrad, countgrad + ind.n_elem - 1) = gradArow.rows(ind);
              countgrad += ind.n_elem;
      if (arma::accu(BNZ) > 0) {
        // emissionMatrix
        for (unsigned int r = 0; r < obs.n_rows; r++) {
          arma::vec gradBrow(nSymbols(r));
          arma::mat gradB(nSymbols(r), nSymbols(r));
          for (unsigned int i = 0; i < emission.n_rows; i++) {
            arma::uvec ind = arma::find(BNZ.slice(r).row(i));
            if (ind.n_elem > 0) {
              gradB.each_row() -= emission.slice(r).row(i).subvec(0, nSymbols(r) - 1);
              gradB.each_col() %= emission.slice(r).row(i).subvec(0, nSymbols(r) - 1).t();
              for (int j = 0; j < nSymbols(r); j++) {
                if (obs(r, 0, k) == j) {
                  double tmp = initk(i, k);
                  for (unsigned int r2 = 0; r2 < obs.n_rows; r2++) {
                    if (r2 != r) {
                      tmp *= emission(i, obs(r2, 0, k), r2);
                  gradBrow(j) += tmp * beta(i, 0, k) / scales(0, k);
                for (unsigned int t = 0; t < (obs.n_cols - 1); t++) {
                  if (obs(r, t + 1, k) == j) {
                    double tmp = beta(i, t + 1, k) / scales(t + 1, k);
                    for (unsigned int r2 = 0; r2 < obs.n_rows; r2++) {
                      if (r2 != r) {
                        tmp *= emission(i, obs(r2, t + 1, k), r2);
                    gradBrow(j) += arma::dot(alpha.slice(k).col(t), transition.col(i)) * tmp;

              gradBrow = gradB * gradBrow;
              gradmat.col(k).subvec(countgrad, countgrad + ind.n_elem - 1) = gradBrow.rows(ind);
              countgrad += ind.n_elem;

      if (arma::accu(INZ) > 0) {
        for (int i = 0; i < numberOfStates.n_elem; i++) {
          int ind_i = cumsumstate(i) - numberOfStates(i);
          arma::uvec ind = arma::find(
            INZ.subvec(ind_i, cumsumstate(i) - 1));
          if (ind.n_elem > 0) {
            arma::vec gradIrow(numberOfStates(i), arma::fill::zeros);
            for (int j = 0; j < numberOfStates(i); j++) {
              double tmp = weights(i, k);
              for (unsigned int r = 0; r < obs.n_rows; r++) {
                tmp *= emission(ind_i + j, obs(r, 0, k), r);
              gradIrow(j) += tmp * beta(ind_i + j, 0, k) / scales(0, k);

            arma::mat gradI(numberOfStates(i), numberOfStates(i), arma::fill::zeros);
            gradI.each_row() -= init.subvec(ind_i, cumsumstate(i) - 1).t();
            gradI.each_col() %= init.subvec(ind_i, cumsumstate(i) - 1);
            gradIrow = gradI * gradIrow;
            gradmat.col(k).subvec(countgrad, countgrad + ind.n_elem - 1) = gradIrow.rows(ind);
            countgrad += ind.n_elem;
      for (int jj = 1; jj < numberOfStates.n_elem; jj++) {
        int ind_jj = (cumsumstate(jj) - numberOfStates(jj));

        for (int j = 0; j < emission.n_rows; j++) {
          double tmp = 1.0;
          for (unsigned int r = 0; r < obs.n_rows; r++) {
            tmp *= emission(j, obs(r, 0, k), r);
          if ((j >= ind_jj) & (j < cumsumstate(jj))) {
            gradmat.col(k).subvec(countgrad + q * (jj - 1), countgrad + q * jj - 1) += tmp
            * beta(j, 0, k) / scales(0, k) * initk(j, k) * X.row(k).t() * (1.0 - weights(jj, k));
          } else {
            gradmat.col(k).subvec(countgrad + q * (jj - 1), countgrad + q * jj - 1) -= tmp
            * beta(j, 0, k) / scales(0, k) * initk(j, k) * X.row(k).t() * weights(jj, k);

    return List::create(Named("objective") = -arma::accu(log(scales)),
                        Named("gradient") = wrap(-sum(gradmat, 1)));
List rhierMnlRwMixture_rcpp_loop(List const& lgtdata, mat const& Z,
                                  vec const& deltabar, mat const& Ad, mat const& mubar, mat const& Amu,
                                  double nu, mat const& V, double s,
                                  int R, int keep, int nprint, bool drawdelta,
                                  mat olddelta,  vec const& a, vec oldprob, mat oldbetas, vec ind, vec const& SignRes){

// Wayne Taylor 10/01/2014

  int nlgt = lgtdata.size();
  int nvar = V.n_cols;
  int nz = Z.n_cols;
  mat rootpi, betabar, ucholinv, incroot;
  int mkeep;
  mnlMetropOnceOut metropout_struct;
  List lgtdatai, nmix;
  // convert List to std::vector of struct
  std::vector<moments> lgtdata_vector;
  moments lgtdatai_struct;
  for (int lgt = 0; lgt<nlgt; lgt++){
    lgtdatai = lgtdata[lgt];
    lgtdatai_struct.y = as<vec>(lgtdatai["y"]);
    lgtdatai_struct.X = as<mat>(lgtdatai["X"]);
    lgtdatai_struct.hess = as<mat>(lgtdatai["hess"]);
  // allocate space for draws
  vec oldll = zeros<vec>(nlgt);
  cube betadraw(nlgt, nvar, R/keep);
  mat probdraw(R/keep, oldprob.size());
  vec loglike(R/keep);
  mat Deltadraw(1,1); if(drawdelta) Deltadraw.zeros(R/keep, nz*nvar);//enlarge Deltadraw only if the space is required
  List compdraw(R/keep);
  if (nprint>0) startMcmcTimer();
  for (int rep = 0; rep<R; rep++){
    //first draw comps,ind,p | {beta_i}, delta
    // ind,p need initialization comps is drawn first in sub-Gibbs
    List mgout;
    if(drawdelta) {
      mgout = rmixGibbs (oldbetas-Z*trans(olddelta),mubar,Amu,nu,V,a,oldprob,ind);
    } else {
      mgout = rmixGibbs(oldbetas,mubar,Amu,nu,V,a,oldprob,ind);
    List oldcomp = mgout["comps"];
    oldprob = as<vec>(mgout["p"]); //conversion from Rcpp to Armadillo requires explict declaration of variable type using as<>
    ind = as<vec>(mgout["z"]);
    //now draw delta | {beta_i}, ind, comps
    if(drawdelta) olddelta = drawDelta(Z,oldbetas,ind,oldcomp,deltabar,Ad);
    //loop over all LGT equations drawing beta_i | ind[i],z[i,],mu[ind[i]],rooti[ind[i]]
      for(int lgt = 0; lgt<nlgt; lgt++){
        List oldcomplgt = oldcomp[ind[lgt]-1];
        rootpi = as<mat>(oldcomplgt[1]);
        //note: beta_i = Delta*z_i + u_i  Delta is nvar x nz
          betabar = as<vec>(oldcomplgt[0])+olddelta*vectorise(Z(lgt,span::all));
        } else {
          betabar = as<vec>(oldcomplgt[0]);
        if (rep == 0) oldll[lgt] = llmnl_con(vectorise(oldbetas(lgt,span::all)),lgtdata_vector[lgt].y,lgtdata_vector[lgt].X,SignRes);
        //compute inc.root
        ucholinv = solve(trimatu(chol(lgtdata_vector[lgt].hess+rootpi*trans(rootpi))), eye(nvar,nvar)); //trimatu interprets the matrix as upper triangular and makes solve more efficient
        incroot = chol(ucholinv*trans(ucholinv));
        metropout_struct = mnlMetropOnce_con(lgtdata_vector[lgt].y,lgtdata_vector[lgt].X,vectorise(oldbetas(lgt,span::all)),
         oldbetas(lgt,span::all) = trans(metropout_struct.betadraw);
         oldll[lgt] = metropout_struct.oldll;  
    //print time to completion and draw # every nprint'th draw
    if (nprint>0) if ((rep+1)%nprint==0) infoMcmcTimer(rep, R);
      mkeep = (rep+1)/keep;
      betadraw.slice(mkeep-1) = oldbetas;
      probdraw(mkeep-1, span::all) = trans(oldprob);
      loglike[mkeep-1] = sum(oldll);
      if(drawdelta) Deltadraw(mkeep-1, span::all) = trans(vectorise(olddelta));
      compdraw[mkeep-1] = oldcomp;
  if (nprint>0) endMcmcTimer();
  nmix = List::create(Named("probdraw") = probdraw,
    		  Named("zdraw") = R_NilValue, //sets the value to NULL in R
				  Named("compdraw") = compdraw);
  //If there are sign constraints, return f(betadraws) as "betadraws"
  //conStatus will be set to true if SignRes has any non-zero elements
  bool conStatus = any(SignRes);
    int SignResSize = SignRes.size();
    //loop through each sign constraint
    for(int i = 0;i < SignResSize; i++){
      //if there is a constraint loop through each slice of betadraw
      if(SignRes[i] != 0){
        for(int s = 0;s < R/keep; s++){
          betadraw(span(),span(i),span(s)) = SignRes[i] * exp(betadraw(span(),span(i),span(s)));
    }//end loop through SignRes
        Named("Deltadraw") = Deltadraw,
        Named("betadraw") = betadraw,
        Named("nmix") = nmix,
        Named("loglike") = loglike,
        Named("SignRes") = SignRes));  
  } else {
        Named("betadraw") = betadraw,
        Named("nmix") = nmix,
        Named("loglike") = loglike,
        Named("SignRes") = SignRes));
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
  // Initialize POOMA and output stream, using Tester class

  Pooma::initialize(argc, argv);
  Pooma::Tester tester(argc, argv);
  tester.out() << argv[0];
  tester.out() << ": DynamicArray dynamic ops w/views." << std::endl;
  tester.out() << "-------------------------------------------" << std::endl;

  // Create an Interval object to create and index into an Array with

  tester.out() << "Creating an Interval<1> object ..." << std::endl;
  Interval<1> D1(3);
  tester.out() << "D1 = " << D1 << std::endl;

  // Create simple dynamic array.

  tester.out() << "Creating DynamicArray using domain ..." << std::endl;
  DynamicArray<int,Dynamic> a(D1);
  tester.check(a.domain().size() == D1.size());

  // Initialize dynamic array with scalar.

  a = 3;
  tester.out() << "Initialized DynamicArray to 3:" << std::endl;
  tester.out() << "a = " << a << std::endl;
  tester.check(sum(a) == (a.domain().size() * 3));

  // Create elements in the array.

  tester.out() << "Creating 2 elements at end of a ..." << std::endl;
  tester.out() << "a = " << a << std::endl;
  tester.check(a.domain().size() == (D1.size() + 2));

#if 0
  // This test is bogous, as the comment in Engine/DynamicEngine.cpp::create()
  // tells (the check for shared data is commented out):
  //   "It would be nice to assert that no-one else is looking at the engine
  //    when we perform dynamic operations, but all the particle swap operations
  //    take place inside iterates which means the engine is a copy of another
  //    engine, so the data is shared."

  // Call a function which takes a view and the original DynamicArray

  std::cout << "The program should abort in the next operation when it\n";
  std::cout << "tries to create elements in an array with an existing view.";
  std::cout << std::endl;
  tester.out() << "Calling testview with a and a(1,3) ..." << std::endl;
  tester.check(testview(tester, a, a(Interval<1>(1,3))));

  // Return resulting error code and exit; Tester will shut down POOMA.

  tester.out() << "-------------------------------------------" << std::endl;
  int retval = tester.results("DynamicArray dynamic ops w/views");
  return retval;
Exemple #14
void main(){
    int a = sum();
    printf("The sum is %d\n", a);
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
    #include "postProcess.H"

    #include "setRootCase.H"
    #include "createTime.H"
    #include "createMesh.H"
    #include "createControl.H"
    #include "createFields.H"
    #include "createFvOptions.H"
    #include "initContinuityErrs.H"
    #include "createTimeControls.H"
    #include "compressibleCourantNo.H"
    #include "setInitialDeltaT.H"


    // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //

    Info<< "\nStarting time loop\n" << endl;

    while (
        #include "readTimeControls.H"
        #include "compressibleCourantNo.H"
        #include "setDeltaT.H"


        Info<< "Time = " << runTime.timeName() << nl << endl;

        #include "rhoEqn.H"

        // --- Pressure-velocity PIMPLE corrector loop
        while (pimple.loop())
            #include "UEqn.H"
            #include "EEqn.H"

            // --- Pressure corrector loop
            while (pimple.correct())
                #include "pEqn.H"

            if (pimple.turbCorr())

        rho = thermo.rho();


        Info<< "ExecutionTime = " << runTime.elapsedCpuTime() << " s"  << "  ClockTime = " << runTime.elapsedClockTime() << " s"  << endl;

        Info<< "Inflow      : "   << -1.0* sum(phi.boundaryField()[inlet])   <<" [kg/s]" << endl;
        Info<< "Outflow     : "   <<       sum(phi.boundaryField()[outlet])  <<" [kg/s]" <<  endl;

        Info<< "EnergyInflow  : " << -1.0* sum( phi.boundaryField()[inlet]  * ( thermo.he().boundaryField()[inlet]  + 0.5*magSqr(U.boundaryField()[inlet])  ) )   <<" [W]"  <<  endl;
        Info<< "EnergyOutflow : " <<       sum( phi.boundaryField()[outlet] * ( thermo.he().boundaryField()[outlet] + 0.5*magSqr(U.boundaryField()[outlet]) ) )   <<" [W]"  <<  endl;   
        Info<< "EnergyBalance : " <<       sum( phi.boundaryField()[outlet] * ( thermo.he().boundaryField()[outlet] + 0.5*magSqr(U.boundaryField()[outlet]) ) ) 
                                     +1.0* sum( phi.boundaryField()[inlet]  * ( thermo.he().boundaryField()[inlet]  + 0.5*magSqr(U.boundaryField()[inlet])  ) )   <<" [W]"  <<  endl;

        Info<< "rho max/avg/min : " << gMax(thermo.rho()) << " " << gAverage(thermo.rho()) << " " << gMin(thermo.rho()) << endl;
        Info<< "T   max/avg/min : " << gMax(thermo.T())   << " " << gAverage(thermo.T())   << " " << gMin(thermo.T())   << endl;
        Info<< "P   max/avg/min : " << gMax(thermo.p())   << " " << gAverage(thermo.p())   << " " << gMin(thermo.p())   << endl;
        Info<< "Prg max/avg/min : " << gMax(p_rgh)        << " " << gAverage(p_rgh)        << " " << gMin(p_rgh)        << endl;
        Info<< "U   max/avg/min : " << max(U.component(2)).value() << " " <<  average(U.component(2)).value() << " " <<  min(U.component(2)).value() << endl;
        Info<< "Prg max-min : " << gMax(p_rgh)   -  gMin(p_rgh)        << endl;
        Info<< " " << endl;
        Info<< "sngrad(rho) :" << gMax(snGradRho.boundaryField()[outlet]) << " " << gAverage(snGradRho.boundaryField()[outlet]) << " " << gMin(snGradRho.boundaryField()[outlet]) << endl;
        Info<< " " << endl;

    Info<< "End\n" << endl;

    return 0;
Exemple #16
Int_t main(Int_t argc, Char_t *argv[])
   ROOT::Mpi::TEnvironment env(argc, argv);
   ROOT::Mpi::TIntraCommunicator world;
   TVectorT<Double_t> mResult;
   Double_t fScalarResult;
   TVectorT<Double_t> v1(elements);
   TVectorT<Double_t> v2(elements);

   for (Int_t i = 0; i < elements; i++) {
      v1[i] = i + (i + world.Size());
      v2[i] = i * (i + world.Size());


//Testing methdos with results in single Rank//
   ROOT::Mpi::Math::TVectorTWrapper<Double_t> add(v1);
   add.Addition(v2, root);

   ROOT::Mpi::Math::TVectorTWrapper<Double_t> sub(v1);
   sub.Subtraction(v2, root);

   ROOT::Mpi::Math::TVectorTWrapper<Double_t> dot(v1);
   dot.Dot(v2, root);

   ROOT::Mpi::Math::TVectorTWrapper<Double_t> norm2Sqr(v1);

   ROOT::Mpi::Math::TVectorTWrapper<Double_t> norm1(v1);

   ROOT::Mpi::Math::TVectorTWrapper<Double_t> min(v1);

   ROOT::Mpi::Math::TVectorTWrapper<Double_t> max(v1);

   ROOT::Mpi::Math::TVectorTWrapper<Double_t> normalize(v1);

   ROOT::Mpi::Math::TVectorTWrapper<Double_t> sum(v1);

   if (world.Rank() == root) {
      MpiCompareTVectorTest(mResult, v1 + v2, world.Rank(), "Vector Addition Single");

      MpiCompareTVectorTest(mResult, v1 - v2, world.Rank(), "Vector Subtraction Single");

      MpiCompareTest(fScalarResult, Dot(v1, v2) , world.Rank(), "Vector Dot Product Single");

      MpiCompareTest(fScalarResult, v1.Norm2Sqr() , world.Rank(), "Vector Norm2Sqr Single");

      MpiCompareTest(fScalarResult, v1.Norm1() , world.Rank(), "Vector Norm1 Single");

      MpiCompareTest(fScalarResult, v1.Min() , world.Rank(), "Vector Min Single");

      MpiCompareTest(fScalarResult, v1.Max() , world.Rank(), "Vector Max Single");

      MpiCompareTest(mResult.Norm2Sqr(), ((1 / TMath::Sqrt(v1.Norm2Sqr()))*v1).Norm2Sqr() , world.Rank(), "Vector Normalize Single");

      MpiCompareTest(fScalarResult, v1.Sum(), world.Rank(), "Vector Sum Single");

//Testing methdos with results in all ranks  //

   ROOT::Mpi::Math::TVectorTWrapper<Double_t> addAll(v1);

   ROOT::Mpi::Math::TVectorTWrapper<Double_t> subAll(v1);

   MpiCompareTVectorTest(mResult, v1 + v2, world.Rank(), "Vector Addition All");

   MpiCompareTVectorTest(mResult, v1 - v2, world.Rank(), "Vector Subtraction All");

   ROOT::Mpi::Math::TVectorTWrapper<Double_t> dotAll(v1);
   MpiCompareTest(fScalarResult, Dot(v1, v2) , world.Rank(), "Vector Dot Product All");

   ROOT::Mpi::Math::TVectorTWrapper<Double_t> norm2SqrAll(v2);
   MpiCompareTest(fScalarResult, v2.Norm2Sqr() , world.Rank(), "Vector Norm2Sqr All");

   ROOT::Mpi::Math::TVectorTWrapper<Double_t> norm1All(v2);
   MpiCompareTest(fScalarResult, v2.Norm1() , world.Rank(), "Vector Norm1 All");

   ROOT::Mpi::Math::TVectorTWrapper<Double_t> minAll(v2);
   MpiCompareTest(fScalarResult, v2.Min() , world.Rank(), "Vector Min All");

   ROOT::Mpi::Math::TVectorTWrapper<Double_t> maxAll(v2);
   MpiCompareTest(fScalarResult, v2.Max() , world.Rank(), "Vector Max All");

   ROOT::Mpi::Math::TVectorTWrapper<Double_t> normalizeAll(v2);
   //show if the vector is normalize, then Norm2Sqr of result is near to 1
   MpiCompareTest(mResult.Norm2Sqr(), ((1 / TMath::Sqrt(v2.Norm2Sqr()))*v2).Norm2Sqr() , world.Rank(), "Vector Normalize All");

   ROOT::Mpi::Math::TVectorTWrapper<Double_t> sumAll(v2);
   MpiCompareTest(fScalarResult, v2.Sum() , world.Rank(), "Vector Sum All");

   return 0;
void pxsnsr(vector<vector<Point>> &contours, Mat &Seg_img_red, Mat &Seg_img_blue)
	Rect *r = new Rect[contours.size()];   // 定义外接矩形数组
	Mat obj_rec_thr = Mat::zeros(Seg_img_red.size(), CV_8UC3);
	for (unsigned int i = 0; i < contours.size(); i++)
		r[i] = boundingRect(Mat(contours[i]));// boundingRect获取这个外接矩形

	/// 绘出轮廓及其凸包
	Mat Seg_img_blue_hull(Seg_img_blue.size(), CV_8U, Scalar(0));
	vector<vector<Point> >hull(contours.size());
	for (unsigned int i = 0; i< contours.size(); i++)
		convexHull(Mat(contours[i]), hull[i], false);
		fillConvexPoly(Seg_img_blue_hull, &hull[i][0], hull[i].size(), Scalar(1));
	erode(Seg_img_blue_hull, Seg_img_blue_hull, Mat(), Point(-1, -1), dilate_size);   // 对图像进行之前的膨胀恢复
	Seg_img_blue_hull.convertTo(Seg_img_blue_hull, CV_32F);
	imshow("Seg_img_blue _hull", Seg_img_blue_hull);

	double Evaluation = 0;      // 对潜在目标的打分值初始化
	double Evaluation_max = 0;   // 对潜在目标的打分最大值初始化
	int index_best = -1;         // 最优轮廓标记 <注意此处初始值应为-1>
	int index = 0;               // 轮廓标记
	cout << contours.size() << endl;
	vector<vector<Point>>::const_iterator itContours = contours.begin();
	//for (; itContours != contours.end(); ++itContours)
	while (itContours != contours.end())
		Mat imageROI_red = Seg_img_red(cv::Rect(r[index].x, r[index].y, r[index].width, r[index].height));
		Mat imageROI_blue = Seg_img_blue_hull(cv::Rect(r[index].x, r[index].y, r[index].width, r[index].height));

		Mat imageROI_red_blue = imageROI_red + imageROI_blue;
		threshold(imageROI_red_blue, imageROI_red_blue, 1, 1, THRESH_BINARY);   // 进行阈值分割(大于阈值1等于2时候取 1)

		Scalar s1 = sum(imageROI_red_blue);
		Scalar s2 = sum(imageROI_blue);
		double sum_red = s1.val[0];    // 获取图像块包含在蓝色中的红色像素数量
		double sum_blue = s2.val[0];    // 获取图像块中蓝色像素数量
		double pixel_sum_rate = rate(sum_red, sum_blue);  // 计算图像块中红蓝像素的比例
		cout << "sum_red:" << sum_red << "\t" << "," << "sum_blue:" << sum_blue << "\t";
		cout << "pixel_sum_rate:" << pixel_sum_rate << endl;
	    // 将红蓝像素比太低的连通域轮廓删除
		if ((pixel_sum_rate < threshold_value_pixel_rate) || (sum_red < 12))  // 如当前轮廓不含一定的红色像素
			itContours = contours.erase(itContours);  // 删除当前轮廓 <特别注意:删除当前轮廓后迭代器自动指向后一个>
		else     // 如当前轮廓含一定的红色像素
			int aaa = contours.size();  // 用于设置条件断点

			Evaluation = sum_red;       // 目标轮廓简单评价值定义
			if (Evaluation > Evaluation_max)
				Evaluation_max = Evaluation;
				cout << "index_best - " << index_best  << endl;
			itContours++;  // 继续检索下一个轮廓 <此处必须要代码指定迭代器转向后一个轮廓>

	int ttt = contours.size();    // 用于设置条件断点
   // 如果仍然有大于一个潜在目标则选取最优的一个
	if (ttt > 1) 
		int index = 0;
		vector<vector<Point>>::const_iterator itContours_2 = contours.begin();
		while(itContours_2 != contours.end())
			if (index != index_best)
				itContours_2 = contours.erase(itContours_2);
	delete[] r;
         Mat< std::complex<typename T1::pod_type> >&     coeff_out,
         Mat< std::complex<typename T1::pod_type> >&     score_out,
         Col<              typename T1::pod_type  >&     latent_out,
         Col< std::complex<typename T1::pod_type> >&     tsquared_out,
  const Base< std::complex<typename T1::pod_type>, T1 >& X,
  const typename arma_cx_only<typename T1::elem_type>::result* junk
  typedef typename T1::pod_type     T;
  typedef          std::complex<T> eT;
  const unwrap_check<T1> Y( X.get_ref(), score_out );
  const Mat<eT>& in    = Y.M;
  const uword n_rows = in.n_rows;
  const uword n_cols = in.n_cols;
  if(n_rows > 1) // more than one sample
    // subtract the mean - use score_out as temporary matrix
    score_out = in;  score_out.each_row() -= mean(in);
    // singular value decomposition
    Mat<eT> U;
    Col< T> s;
    const bool svd_ok = svd(U, s, coeff_out, score_out); 
    if(svd_ok == false)  { return false; }
    // normalize the eigenvalues
    s /= std::sqrt( double(n_rows - 1) );
    // project the samples to the principals
    score_out *= coeff_out;
    if(n_rows <= n_cols) // number of samples is less than their dimensionality
      Col<T> s_tmp = zeros< Col<T> >(n_cols);
      s_tmp.rows(0,n_rows-2) = s.rows(0,n_rows-2);
      s = s_tmp;
      // compute the Hotelling's T-squared   
      s_tmp.rows(0,n_rows-2) = 1.0 / s_tmp.rows(0,n_rows-2);
      const Mat<eT> S = score_out * diagmat(Col<T>(s_tmp));                     
      tsquared_out = sum(S%S,1); 
      // compute the Hotelling's T-squared   
      const Mat<eT> S = score_out * diagmat(Col<T>(T(1) / s));                     
      tsquared_out = sum(S%S,1);
    // compute the eigenvalues of the principal vectors
    latent_out = s%s;
  else // 0 or 1 samples
    coeff_out.eye(n_cols, n_cols);
  return true;
Exemple #19
// Coordinate descent for logistic models
RcppExport SEXP cdfit_binomial_hsr(SEXP X_, SEXP y_, SEXP row_idx_, 
                                   SEXP lambda_, SEXP nlambda_, SEXP lam_scale_,
                                   SEXP lambda_min_, SEXP alpha_, SEXP user_, SEXP eps_, 
                                   SEXP max_iter_, SEXP multiplier_, SEXP dfmax_, 
                                   SEXP ncore_, SEXP warn_, SEXP verbose_) {
  XPtr<BigMatrix> xMat(X_);
  double *y = REAL(y_);
  int *row_idx = INTEGER(row_idx_);
  double lambda_min = REAL(lambda_min_)[0];
  double alpha = REAL(alpha_)[0];
  int n = Rf_length(row_idx_); // number of observations used for fitting model
  int p = xMat->ncol();
  int L = INTEGER(nlambda_)[0];
  int lam_scale = INTEGER(lam_scale_)[0];
  double eps = REAL(eps_)[0];
  int max_iter = INTEGER(max_iter_)[0];
  double *m = REAL(multiplier_);
  int dfmax = INTEGER(dfmax_)[0];
  int warn = INTEGER(warn_)[0];
  int user = INTEGER(user_)[0];
  int verbose = INTEGER(verbose_)[0];

  NumericVector lambda(L);
  NumericVector Dev(L);
  IntegerVector iter(L);
  IntegerVector n_reject(L);
  NumericVector beta0(L);
  NumericVector center(p);
  NumericVector scale(p);
  int p_keep = 0; // keep columns whose scale > 1e-6
  int *p_keep_ptr = &p_keep;
  vector<int> col_idx;
  vector<double> z;
  double lambda_max = 0.0;
  double *lambda_max_ptr = &lambda_max;
  int xmax_idx = 0;
  int *xmax_ptr = &xmax_idx;
  // set up omp
  int useCores = INTEGER(ncore_)[0];
  int haveCores = omp_get_num_procs();
  if(useCores < 1) {
    useCores = haveCores;
  if (verbose) {
    char buff1[100];
    time_t now1 = time (0);
    strftime (buff1, 100, "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.000", localtime (&now1));
    Rprintf("\nPreprocessing start: %s\n", buff1);
  // standardize: get center, scale; get p_keep_ptr, col_idx; get z, lambda_max, xmax_idx;
  standardize_and_get_residual(center, scale, p_keep_ptr, col_idx, z, lambda_max_ptr, xmax_ptr, xMat, 
                               y, row_idx, lambda_min, alpha, n, p);
  p = p_keep; // set p = p_keep, only loop over columns whose scale > 1e-6

  if (verbose) {
    char buff1[100];
    time_t now1 = time (0);
    strftime (buff1, 100, "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.000", localtime (&now1));
    Rprintf("Preprocessing end: %s\n", buff1);

  arma::sp_mat beta = arma::sp_mat(p, L); //beta
  double *a = Calloc(p, double); //Beta from previous iteration
  double a0 = 0.0; //beta0 from previousiteration
  double *w = Calloc(n, double);
  double *s = Calloc(n, double); //y_i - pi_i
  double *eta = Calloc(n, double);
  int *e1 = Calloc(p, int); //ever-active set
  int *e2 = Calloc(p, int); //strong set
  double xwr, xwx, pi, u, v, cutoff, l1, l2, shift, si;
  double max_update, update, thresh; // for convergence check
  int i, j, jj, l, violations, lstart;
  double ybar = sum(y, n) / n;
  a0 = beta0[0] = log(ybar / (1-ybar));
  double nullDev = 0;
  double *r = Calloc(n, double);
  for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
    r[i] = y[i];
    nullDev = nullDev - y[i]*log(ybar) - (1-y[i])*log(1-ybar);
    s[i] = y[i] - ybar;
    eta[i] = a0;
  thresh = eps * nullDev / n;
  double sumS = sum(s, n); // temp result sum of s
  double sumWResid = 0.0; // temp result: sum of w * r

  // set up lambda
  if (user == 0) {
    if (lam_scale) { // set up lambda, equally spaced on log scale
      double log_lambda_max = log(lambda_max);
      double log_lambda_min = log(lambda_min*lambda_max);
      double delta = (log_lambda_max - log_lambda_min) / (L-1);
      for (l = 0; l < L; l++) {
        lambda[l] = exp(log_lambda_max - l * delta);
    } else { // equally spaced on linear scale
      double delta = (lambda_max - lambda_min*lambda_max) / (L-1);
      for (l = 0; l < L; l++) {
        lambda[l] = lambda_max - l * delta;
    Dev[0] = nullDev;
    lstart = 1;
    n_reject[0] = p;
  } else {
    lstart = 0;
    lambda = Rcpp::as<NumericVector>(lambda_);
  for (l = lstart; l < L; l++) {
    if(verbose) {
      // output time
      char buff[100];
      time_t now = time (0);
      strftime (buff, 100, "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.000", localtime (&now));
      Rprintf("Lambda %d. Now time: %s\n", l, buff);
    if (l != 0) {
      // Check dfmax
      int nv = 0;
      for (j = 0; j < p; j++) {
        if (a[j] != 0) {
      if (nv > dfmax) {
        for (int ll=l; ll<L; ll++) iter[ll] = NA_INTEGER;
        Free_memo_bin_hsr(s, w, a, r, e1, e2, eta);
        return List::create(beta0, beta, center, scale, lambda, Dev, 
                            iter, n_reject, Rcpp::wrap(col_idx));
      // strong set
      cutoff = 2*lambda[l] - lambda[l-1];
      for (j = 0; j < p; j++) {
        if (fabs(z[j]) > (cutoff * alpha * m[col_idx[j]])) {
          e2[j] = 1;
        } else {
          e2[j] = 0;
    } else {
      // strong set
      cutoff = 2*lambda[l] - lambda_max;
      for (j = 0; j < p; j++) {
        if (fabs(z[j]) > (cutoff * alpha * m[col_idx[j]])) {
          e2[j] = 1;
        } else {
          e2[j] = 0;
    n_reject[l] = p - sum(e2, p);
    while (iter[l] < max_iter) {
      while (iter[l] < max_iter) {
        while (iter[l] < max_iter) {
          Dev[l] = 0.0;
          for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
            if (eta[i] > 10) {
              pi = 1;
              w[i] = .0001;
            } else if (eta[i] < -10) {
              pi = 0;
              w[i] = .0001;
            } else {
              pi = exp(eta[i]) / (1 + exp(eta[i]));
              w[i] = pi * (1 - pi);
            s[i] = y[i] - pi;
            r[i] = s[i] / w[i];
            if (y[i] == 1) {
              Dev[l] = Dev[l] - log(pi);
            } else {
              Dev[l] = Dev[l] - log(1-pi);
          if (Dev[l] / nullDev < .01) {
            if (warn) warning("Model saturated; exiting...");
            for (int ll=l; ll<L; ll++) iter[ll] = NA_INTEGER;
            Free_memo_bin_hsr(s, w, a, r, e1, e2, eta);
            return List::create(beta0, beta, center, scale, lambda, Dev,
                                iter, n_reject, Rcpp::wrap(col_idx));
          // Intercept
          xwr = crossprod(w, r, n, 0);
          xwx = sum(w, n);
          beta0[l] = xwr / xwx + a0;
          si = beta0[l] - a0;
          if (si != 0) {
            a0 = beta0[l];
            for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
              r[i] -= si; //update r
              eta[i] += si; //update eta
          sumWResid = wsum(r, w, n); // update temp result: sum of w * r, used for computing xwr;

          max_update = 0.0;
          for (j = 0; j < p; j++) {
            if (e1[j]) {
              jj = col_idx[j];
              xwr = wcrossprod_resid(xMat, r, sumWResid, row_idx, center[jj], scale[jj], w, n, jj);
              v = wsqsum_bm(xMat, w, row_idx, center[jj], scale[jj], n, jj) / n;
              u = xwr/n + v * a[j];
              l1 = lambda[l] * m[jj] * alpha;
              l2 = lambda[l] * m[jj] * (1-alpha);
              beta(j, l) = lasso(u, l1, l2, v);

              shift = beta(j, l) - a[j];
              if (shift !=0) {
                // update change of objective function
                // update = - u * shift + (0.5 * v + 0.5 * l2) * (pow(beta(j, l), 2) - pow(a[j], 2)) + l1 * (fabs(beta(j, l)) - fabs(a[j]));
                update = pow(beta(j, l) - a[j], 2) * v;
                if (update > max_update) max_update = update;
                update_resid_eta(r, eta, xMat, shift, row_idx, center[jj], scale[jj], n, jj); // update r
                sumWResid = wsum(r, w, n); // update temp result w * r, used for computing xwr;
                a[j] = beta(j, l); // update a
          // Check for convergence
          if (max_update < thresh)  break;
        // Scan for violations in strong set
        sumS = sum(s, n);
        violations = check_strong_set_bin(e1, e2, z, xMat, row_idx, col_idx, center, scale, a, lambda[l], sumS, alpha, s, m, n, p);
        if (violations==0) break;
      // Scan for violations in rest
      violations = check_rest_set_bin(e1, e2, z, xMat, row_idx, col_idx, center, scale, a, lambda[l], sumS, alpha, s, m, n, p);
      if (violations==0) break;
  Free_memo_bin_hsr(s, w, a, r, e1, e2, eta);
  return List::create(beta0, beta, center, scale, lambda, Dev, iter, n_reject, Rcpp::wrap(col_idx));
Exemple #20
int sum(int idx) {
    return idx >= 1 ? tree[idx] + sum(idx - lowbit(idx)) : 0;
Exemple #21
float sum(float a[], int n)
{ if (n == 0) return a[0];
  else return a[n] + sum(a, n-1);
int sum(int n)
    return n + sum(n-1);
    return 0;
Exemple #23
match *find_best_match(const adapter_array *aa, const char *read,
                       float *p_quals, float prior, float p_match, int min_l) {
   Take an adapter array, and check the read against all
   adapters. Brute force string matching is used. This is to avoid
   approximate matching algorithms which required an a priori
   specified number mismatches.


  match *best_match=NULL;
  int i, shift, max_shift, found_contam=0;
  int *best_arr=NULL, best_adapter=0, best_length=0, best_shift=0, best_score=INT_MIN;
  int curr_score, *curr_arr=NULL;
  size_t al, rl = strlen(read);
  posterior_set *ps=NULL;
  float *best_p_quals=NULL;

  max_shift = rl - min_l;
  for (shift = 0; shift < max_shift; shift++) {
    for (i = 0; i < aa->n; i++) {
      if (min_l >= aa->adapters[i].length) {
        fprintf(stderr, "Minimum match length (option -n) greater than or " \
                "equal to length of adapter.\n");
      al = min(aa->adapters[i].length, rl - shift);
      curr_arr = score_sequence(&(read)[shift], (aa->adapters[i]).seq, al);
      curr_score = sum(curr_arr, al);
      if (curr_score > best_score) {
        best_score = curr_score;
        best_length = al;
        best_shift = shift;
        best_p_quals = &(p_quals)[shift];
        best_arr = curr_arr;
        best_adapter = i;
        ps = posterior(best_arr, best_p_quals, prior, 0.25, best_length);
        found_contam = ps->is_contam;
        if (found_contam) {
        } else {
      } else free(curr_arr);
    if (found_contam)
  if (!found_contam) /* no match found */
    return NULL;
  /* save this match */
  best_match = xmalloc(sizeof(match));
  best_match->match = best_arr;
  best_match->shift = best_shift;
  best_match->length = best_length;
  best_match->ps = ps;
  best_match->score = best_score;
  best_match->adapter_index = best_adapter;
  best_match->p_quals = best_p_quals;
  best_match->match_pos = calloc(best_length, sizeof(int));
  for (i = 0; i < best_length; i++)
    best_match->match_pos[i] = best_match->match[i] == MATCH_SCORE;
  return best_match;
Exemple #24
unsigned sum(unsigned n) {
  if (n)
    return n + sum(n - 1);
    return 0;
Exemple #25
void lower_bound(vrp_problem *vrp, lb_params *lb_par, heurs *lh,
                 int ub, int jobs, int *tids, int *sent)
    int s_bufid, dummy;
    int y, i, alpha, interval;
    int *sorted_demand, trials;
    int m1, numroutes = vrp->numroutes, capacity = vrp->capacity;

    if (!lb_par->lower_bound)

    if (vrp->par.verbosity > 1)
        printf("\nNow beginning lower bounding ....\n\n");

    /*Calculate m1 = maximum # of single vehicle routes*/

    sorted_demand  = (int *) calloc (vrp->vertnum, sizeof(int));

    memcpy (sorted_demand, vrp->demand, vrp->vertnum*sizeof(int));
    qsort (sorted_demand+1, vrp->vertnum-1, sizeof(int), intcompar);

    for (m1 = 0;; m1++)
        if (!(capacity*(numroutes-m1-1) >=
                sum(sorted_demand, m1+2, vrp->vertnum-1)))

    trials = (lb_par->lower_bound)*(numroutes-m1);

    lh->tids = tids;

    lh->jobs = jobs;

    if (!jobs) {
        fprintf(stderr, "\nNo jobs started .... \n\n");

    else if (vrp->par.verbosity >2)
        printf("\n%i jobs started ...\n\n", jobs);

    |                  Broadcast data to the lower bounding procedure         |
    for(i=0; i<trials; i++) {
        s_bufid = init_send(DataInPlace);
        send_int_array(&dummy, 1);
        send_msg(tids[i%jobs], MST);
        broadcast(vrp, tids+(i%jobs), 1);

        s_bufid = init_send(DataInPlace);
        send_int_array(&numroutes, 1);
        send_int_array(&ub, 1);
        send_int_array(&lb_par->lb_max_iter, 1);
        send_int_array(&m1, 1);
        send_msg(tids[i%jobs],  VRP_LB_DATA);
    interval = lb_par->lb_penalty_mult/lb_par->lower_bound;

    for (i=trials-1, y = m1, alpha = lb_par->lb_penalty_mult; i>=0; i--, y++) {
        s_bufid = init_send(DataInPlace);
        send_int_array(&y, 1);
        send_int_array(&alpha, 1);
        send_msg(tids[i%jobs], VRP_LB_DATA2);
        if (y == numroutes) {
            y = m1-1;
            alpha -= interval;

Exemple #26
int main() {
  return sum(10);
int test_boost_point_arithmetic(point_type const& left, point_type const& right)
  int error_count = 0;

  point_type a(left);
  point_type b = right;

  point_type sum(a);
  boost::geometry::add_point(sum, b);
  std::cout << "Point addition: a + b = "
            << to_string(sum) << "\n";

  error_count += test_expected_value<0>(sum, left.template get<0>() + right.template get<0>());
  error_count += test_expected_value<1>(sum, left.template get<1>() + right.template get<1>());

  point_type difference(a);
  boost::geometry::subtract_point(difference, b);
  std::cout << "Point subtraction: a - b = "
            << to_string(difference) << "\n";

  error_count += test_expected_value<0>(difference, left.template get<0>() - right.template get<0>());
  error_count += test_expected_value<1>(difference, left.template get<1>() - right.template get<1>());

  point_type pointwise_product(a);
  boost::geometry::multiply_point(pointwise_product, b);
  std::cout << "Pointwise product: "
            << to_string(pointwise_product) << "\n";

  error_count += test_expected_value<0>(pointwise_product, left.template get<0>() * right.template get<0>());
  error_count += test_expected_value<1>(pointwise_product, left.template get<1>() * right.template get<1>());

  point_type pointwise_quotient(a);
  boost::geometry::divide_point(pointwise_quotient, b);
  std::cout << "Pointwise quotient: "
            << to_string(pointwise_quotient) << "\n";

  error_count += test_expected_value<0>(pointwise_quotient, left.template get<0>() / right.template get<0>());
  error_count += test_expected_value<1>(pointwise_quotient, left.template get<1>() / right.template get<1>());

  point_type scalar_product(a);
  boost::geometry::multiply_value(scalar_product, 2);
  std::cout << "Scalar product: "
            << to_string(scalar_product) << "\n";

  error_count += test_expected_value<0>(scalar_product, left.template get<0>() * 2);
  error_count += test_expected_value<1>(scalar_product, left.template get<1>() * 2);

  point_type scalar_quotient(a);
  boost::geometry::divide_value(scalar_quotient, 2);
  std::cout << "Scalar quotient: "
            << to_string(scalar_quotient) << "\n";

  error_count += test_expected_value<0>(scalar_quotient, left.template get<0>() / 2);
  error_count += test_expected_value<1>(scalar_quotient, left.template get<1>() / 2);

  double distance = boost::geometry::distance(left, right);
//  double other_distance = left.distance_to(right);
  std::cout << "Geographic distance between points: " << distance << "\n";

  return error_count;
 int depthSum(vector<NestedInteger>& nestedList) {
     return sum(nestedList,1);
Exemple #29
T mean(const libNumerics::vector<T>& v)
	return (T) ( sum(v) / v.nrow() );
Exemple #30
 result_type result(Args const &args) const
     extractor<SumFeature> sum;
     return numeric::fdiv(sum(args), count(args));