Exemple #1
tar_extract_glob(TAR *t, char *globname, char *prefix)
	char *filename;
	char buf[MAXPATHLEN];
	int i;

	while ((i = th_read(t)) == 0)
		filename = th_get_pathname(t);
		if (fnmatch(globname, filename, FNM_PATHNAME | FNM_PERIOD))
			if (TH_ISREG(t) && tar_skip_regfile(t))
				return -1;
		if (t->options & TAR_VERBOSE)
		if (prefix != NULL)
			snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%s/%s", prefix, filename);
			strlcpy(buf, filename, sizeof(buf));
		if (tar_extract_file(t, filename) != 0)
			return -1;

	return (i == 1 ? 0 : -1);
Exemple #2
static int
list(char *tarfile)
  TAR *t;
  int i;

  if (tar_open(&t, tarfile,
#ifdef HAVE_LIBZ
         (use_zlib ? &gztype : NULL),
         O_RDONLY, 0,
         (verbose ? TAR_VERBOSE : 0)
         | (use_gnu ? TAR_GNU : 0)) == -1)
    fprintf(stderr, "tar_open(): %s\n", strerror(errno));
    return -1;

  while ((i = th_read(t)) == 0)
#ifdef DEBUG
    if (TH_ISREG(t) && tar_skip_regfile(t) != 0)
      fprintf(stderr, "tar_skip_regfile(): %s\n",
      return -1;

#ifdef DEBUG
  printf("th_read() returned %d\n", i);
  printf("EOF mark encountered after %ld bytes\n",
# ifdef HAVE_LIBZ
    ? gzseek((gzFile) t->fd, 0, SEEK_CUR)
# endif
         lseek(t->fd, 0, SEEK_CUR)
# ifdef HAVE_LIBZ
# endif

  if (tar_close(t) != 0)
    fprintf(stderr, "tar_close(): %s\n", strerror(errno));
    return -1;

  return 0;
Exemple #3
/* \internal
   Checks whether a tar file is valid.
   A valid tar file does not contains files
   that start with ./ or contain ..

   This is intended to prevent malicious packages
   placing binaries outside of the sandbox directory
bool check_tar_valid( const QString &tarfile )
    TAR *tarHandle = get_tar_ptr( tarfile );

    bool ret=true;
    QString filename;
    int i;
    while ( (i = th_read(tarHandle)) == 0)
        filename = th_get_pathname( tarHandle );

        if ( !filename.startsWith("./") || filename.contains( "..") )
            ret = false;
            qWarning() << "check_tar_valid:- tar contains invalid file path: "
                << filename << "\nAll paths must begin with ./ and not contain .."  ;
        else if ( TH_ISBLK(tarHandle) || TH_ISCHR(tarHandle) )
            ret = false;
            qWarning() << "check_tar_valid:-tar invalid, contains device special file:"
                << filename;
        else if ( TH_ISLNK(tarHandle) )
            ret = false;
            qWarning() << "check_tar_valid:-tar invalid, contains hard link:"
                       << filename;
        } else if (TH_ISSYM(tarHandle) )
            QString target;
            if ((tarHandle->options & TAR_GNU) && tarHandle->th_buf.gnu_longlink != NULL)
                target = tarHandle->th_buf.gnu_longlink;
                target = tarHandle->th_buf.linkname;
            if ( target.startsWith("/") || target.contains( "..") )
                ret = false;
                qWarning() << "check_tar_valid:tar invalid, contains symlink whose target"
                           << (target.startsWith("/")?"is an absolute path.":"references "
                              "a parent directory.")
                           << "Link:" << filename << "Target:" << target;

        if( TH_ISREG(tarHandle) )

    tar_close( tarHandle );
    return ret;
Exemple #4
qlonglong targz_archive_size( const QString &tarfile )
    TAR *tarHandle = get_tar_ptr( tarfile );

    qlonglong size = 0;
    int i;
    while ((i = th_read(tarHandle)) == 0)
        size += th_get_size(tarHandle);
        if( TH_ISREG(tarHandle) )

    tar_close( tarHandle );
    return size;
Exemple #5
static int sandbox_attr(void *fpctx,void *handle,const char *attr,glite_jp_attrval_t **attrval)
	glite_jp_error_t	err;
	glite_jp_context_t	ctx = fpctx;
	glite_jp_attrval_t	*out = NULL;
	int			i,nout = 0, count = 0;
	sb_handle 	*h = handle;

	printf("sandbox_attr() called\n");

	memset(&err,0,sizeof err);
	err.source = __FUNCTION__;

	*attrval = NULL;

	if (!strcmp(attr, GLITE_JP_ATTR_ISB_FILENAME)) {
		while ((i = th_read(h->t)) == 0)
			printf("-- %s\n", th_get_pathname(h->t));

			if ( !(count % ALLOC_CHUNK) ) {
				*attrval = realloc(*attrval, (count + ALLOC_CHUNK + 1) * sizeof(**attrval) );
				memset( (*attrval) + count, 0, (ALLOC_CHUNK + 1) * sizeof(**attrval));
			(*attrval)[count].name = strdup(GLITE_JP_ATTR_ISB_FILENAME);
			(*attrval)[count].value = strdup(th_get_pathname(h->t));
			(*attrval)[count].origin = GLITE_JP_ATTR_ORIG_FILE;
			(*attrval)[count].timestamp = th_get_mtime(h->t);


			if (TH_ISREG(h->t) && tar_skip_regfile(h->t) != 0)
				err.code = EIO;
				err.desc = "tar_skip_regfile";
				return glite_jp_stack_error(ctx,&err);
	else if (!strcmp(attr, GLITE_JP_ATTR_OSB_FILENAME)) {
		printf("Namespace %s not implemented yet\n", GLITE_JP_ATTR_OSB_FILENAME);
	else if (strstr(attr,GLITE_JP_OSB_CONTENT_NS)) {
		printf("Namespace %s not implemented yet\n", GLITE_JP_OSB_CONTENT_NS);
	else if (strstr(attr,GLITE_JP_ISB_CONTENT_NS)) {
		char *fileName = (char *) attr + sizeof(GLITE_JP_ISB_CONTENT_NS);
		printf("untaring file: %s\n", fileName);

		while (th_read(h->t) == 0)
			if ( !strcmp(fileName, th_get_pathname(h->t)) ) {
			/* extract the file */
				int	k;
				size_t	size;
				char	buf[T_BLOCKSIZE];
				char	*value;

				if (!TH_ISREG(h->t)) assert(0);	// not a regular file

				size = th_get_size(h->t);
				value = (char *) malloc(size * sizeof(char) + 1);
				memset( value, 0, size * sizeof(char) + 1);

				for (i = 0; i < size; i += T_BLOCKSIZE)
					k = tar_block_read(h->t, buf);
					if (k == -1)
						err.code = errno;
						err.desc = "tar_block_read";
						return glite_jp_stack_error(ctx,&err);

					// tar_block_read calls glite_jppsbe_pread, which usually
					// returns whole block (read from the middle of uploaded
					// tar file
					// so cut k in order to the last chunk had correct size 
					if (i + T_BLOCKSIZE > size) { 
						k = size - i;

					strncpy(value + i, buf, k);
				*attrval = malloc(2 * sizeof(**attrval) );
				memset( (*attrval), 0, 2 * sizeof(**attrval));

				(*attrval)[0].name = strdup(attr);
				(*attrval)[0].value = value;
				(*attrval)[0].origin = GLITE_JP_ATTR_ORIG_FILE;
				(*attrval)[0].timestamp = th_get_mtime(h->t);
			else if (TH_ISREG(h->t) && tar_skip_regfile(h->t) != 0)
				err.code = EIO;
				err.desc = "tar_skip_regfile";
				return glite_jp_stack_error(ctx,&err);

	return glite_jp_stack_error(ctx,&err);