Exemple #1
int main( int argc, char** argv )
    ctmbstr prog = argv[0];
    ctmbstr cfgfil = NULL, errfil = NULL, htmlfil = NULL;
    TidyDoc tdoc = tidyCreate();
    int status = 0;

    uint contentErrors = 0;
    uint contentWarnings = 0;
    uint accessWarnings = 0;

    errout = stderr;  /* initialize to stderr */
    status = 0;
    if ( tidyFileExists( tdoc, TIDY_CONFIG_FILE) )
        status = tidyLoadConfig( tdoc, TIDY_CONFIG_FILE );
        if ( status != 0 )
            fprintf(errout, "Loading config file \"%s\" failed, err = %d\n", TIDY_CONFIG_FILE, status);
#endif /* TIDY_CONFIG_FILE */

    /* look for env var "HTML_TIDY" */
    /* then for ~/.tidyrc (on platforms defining $HOME) */

    if ( (cfgfil = getenv("HTML_TIDY")) != NULL )
        status = tidyLoadConfig( tdoc, cfgfil );
        if ( status != 0 )
            fprintf(errout, "Loading config file \"%s\" failed, err = %d\n", cfgfil, status);
    else if ( tidyFileExists( tdoc, TIDY_USER_CONFIG_FILE) )
        status = tidyLoadConfig( tdoc, TIDY_USER_CONFIG_FILE );
        if ( status != 0 )
            fprintf(errout, "Loading config file \"%s\" failed, err = %d\n", TIDY_USER_CONFIG_FILE, status);

    /* read command line */
    while ( argc > 0 )
        if (argc > 1 && argv[1][0] == '-')
            /* support -foo and --foo */
            ctmbstr arg = argv[1] + 1;

            if ( strcasecmp(arg, "xml") == 0)
                tidyOptSetBool( tdoc, TidyXmlTags, yes );

            else if ( strcasecmp(arg,   "asxml") == 0 ||
                      strcasecmp(arg, "asxhtml") == 0 )
                tidyOptSetBool( tdoc, TidyXhtmlOut, yes );
            else if ( strcasecmp(arg,   "ashtml") == 0 )
                tidyOptSetBool( tdoc, TidyHtmlOut, yes );

            else if ( strcasecmp(arg, "indent") == 0 )
                tidyOptSetInt( tdoc, TidyIndentContent, TidyAutoState );
                if ( tidyOptGetInt(tdoc, TidyIndentSpaces) == 0 )
                    tidyOptResetToDefault( tdoc, TidyIndentSpaces );
            else if ( strcasecmp(arg, "omit") == 0 )
                tidyOptSetBool( tdoc, TidyHideEndTags, yes );

            else if ( strcasecmp(arg, "upper") == 0 )
                tidyOptSetBool( tdoc, TidyUpperCaseTags, yes );

            else if ( strcasecmp(arg, "clean") == 0 )
                tidyOptSetBool( tdoc, TidyMakeClean, yes );

            else if ( strcasecmp(arg, "bare") == 0 )
                tidyOptSetBool( tdoc, TidyMakeBare, yes );

            else if ( strcasecmp(arg, "raw") == 0      ||
                      strcasecmp(arg, "ascii") == 0    ||
                      strcasecmp(arg, "latin0") == 0   ||
                      strcasecmp(arg, "latin1") == 0   ||
                      strcasecmp(arg, "utf8") == 0     ||
                      strcasecmp(arg, "iso2022") == 0  ||
                      strcasecmp(arg, "utf16le") == 0  ||
                      strcasecmp(arg, "utf16be") == 0  ||
                      strcasecmp(arg, "utf16") == 0    ||
                      strcasecmp(arg, "shiftjis") == 0 ||
                      strcasecmp(arg, "big5") == 0     ||
                      strcasecmp(arg, "mac") == 0      ||
                      strcasecmp(arg, "win1252") == 0  ||
                      strcasecmp(arg, "ibm858") == 0 )
                tidySetCharEncoding( tdoc, arg );
            else if ( strcasecmp(arg, "numeric") == 0 )
                tidyOptSetBool( tdoc, TidyNumEntities, yes );

            else if ( strcasecmp(arg, "modify") == 0 ||
                      strcasecmp(arg, "change") == 0 ||  /* obsolete */
                      strcasecmp(arg, "update") == 0 )   /* obsolete */
                tidyOptSetBool( tdoc, TidyWriteBack, yes );
            else if ( strcasecmp(arg, "errors") == 0 )
                tidyOptSetBool( tdoc, TidyShowMarkup, no );

            else if ( strcasecmp(arg, "quiet") == 0 )
                tidyOptSetBool( tdoc, TidyQuiet, yes );

            else if ( strcasecmp(arg, "help") == 0 ||
                      strcasecmp(arg,    "h") == 0 || *arg == '?' )
                help( prog );
                tidyRelease( tdoc );
                return 0; /* success */
            else if ( strcasecmp(arg, "xml-help") == 0)
                xml_help( );
                tidyRelease( tdoc );
                return 0; /* success */
            else if ( strcasecmp(arg, "help-config") == 0 )
                optionhelp( tdoc );
                tidyRelease( tdoc );
                return 0; /* success */
            else if ( strcasecmp(arg, "xml-config") == 0 )
                XMLoptionhelp( tdoc );
                tidyRelease( tdoc );
                return 0; /* success */
            else if ( strcasecmp(arg, "show-config") == 0 )
                optionvalues( tdoc );
                tidyRelease( tdoc );
                return 0; /* success */
            else if ( strcasecmp(arg, "config") == 0 )
                if ( argc >= 3 )
                    ctmbstr post;

                    tidyLoadConfig( tdoc, argv[2] );

                    /* Set new error output stream if setting changed */
                    post = tidyOptGetValue( tdoc, TidyErrFile );
                    if ( post && (!errfil || !samefile(errfil, post)) )
                        errfil = post;
                        errout = tidySetErrorFile( tdoc, post );


            else if ( strcasecmp(arg, "language") == 0 ||
                      strcasecmp(arg,     "lang") == 0 )
                if ( argc >= 3 )
                    tidyOptSetValue( tdoc, TidyLanguage, argv[2] );

            else if ( strcasecmp(arg, "output") == 0 ||
                      strcasecmp(arg, "-output-file") == 0 ||
                      strcasecmp(arg, "o") == 0 )
                if ( argc >= 3 )
                    tidyOptSetValue( tdoc, TidyOutFile, argv[2] );
            else if ( strcasecmp(arg,  "file") == 0 ||
                      strcasecmp(arg, "-file") == 0 ||
                      strcasecmp(arg,     "f") == 0 )
                if ( argc >= 3 )
                    errfil = argv[2];
                    errout = tidySetErrorFile( tdoc, errfil );
            else if ( strcasecmp(arg,  "wrap") == 0 ||
                      strcasecmp(arg, "-wrap") == 0 ||
                      strcasecmp(arg,     "w") == 0 )
                if ( argc >= 3 )
                    uint wraplen = 0;
                    int nfields = sscanf( argv[2], "%u", &wraplen );
                    tidyOptSetInt( tdoc, TidyWrapLen, wraplen );
                    if (nfields > 0)
            else if ( strcasecmp(arg,  "version") == 0 ||
                      strcasecmp(arg, "-version") == 0 ||
                      strcasecmp(arg,        "v") == 0 )
                tidyRelease( tdoc );
                return 0;  /* success */

            else if ( strncmp(argv[1], "--", 2 ) == 0)
                if ( tidyOptParseValue(tdoc, argv[1]+2, argv[2]) )
                    /* Set new error output stream if setting changed */
                    ctmbstr post = tidyOptGetValue( tdoc, TidyErrFile );
                    if ( post && (!errfil || !samefile(errfil, post)) )
                        errfil = post;
                        errout = tidySetErrorFile( tdoc, post );


            else if ( strcasecmp(arg, "access") == 0 )
                if ( argc >= 3 )
                    uint acclvl = 0;
                    int nfields = sscanf( argv[2], "%u", &acclvl );
                    tidyOptSetInt( tdoc, TidyAccessibilityCheckLevel, acclvl );
                    if (nfields > 0)

                uint c;
                ctmbstr s = argv[1];

                while ( (c = *++s) != '\0' )
                    switch ( c )
                    case 'i':
                        tidyOptSetInt( tdoc, TidyIndentContent, TidyAutoState );
                        if ( tidyOptGetInt(tdoc, TidyIndentSpaces) == 0 )
                            tidyOptResetToDefault( tdoc, TidyIndentSpaces );

                    /* Usurp -o for output file.  Anyone hiding end tags?
                    case 'o':
                        tidyOptSetBool( tdoc, TidyHideEndTags, yes );

                    case 'u':
                        tidyOptSetBool( tdoc, TidyUpperCaseTags, yes );

                    case 'c':
                        tidyOptSetBool( tdoc, TidyMakeClean, yes );

                    case 'b':
                        tidyOptSetBool( tdoc, TidyMakeBare, yes );

                    case 'n':
                        tidyOptSetBool( tdoc, TidyNumEntities, yes );

                    case 'm':
                        tidyOptSetBool( tdoc, TidyWriteBack, yes );

                    case 'e':
                        tidyOptSetBool( tdoc, TidyShowMarkup, no );

                    case 'q':
                        tidyOptSetBool( tdoc, TidyQuiet, yes );

                        unknownOption( c );


        if ( argc > 1 )
            htmlfil = argv[1];
            if ( tidyOptGetBool(tdoc, TidyEmacs) )
                tidyOptSetValue( tdoc, TidyEmacsFile, htmlfil );
            status = tidyParseFile( tdoc, htmlfil );
            htmlfil = "stdin";
            status = tidyParseStdin( tdoc );

        if ( status >= 0 )
            status = tidyCleanAndRepair( tdoc );

        if ( status >= 0 )
            status = tidyRunDiagnostics( tdoc );

        if ( status > 1 ) /* If errors, do we want to force output? */
            status = ( tidyOptGetBool(tdoc, TidyForceOutput) ? status : -1 );

        if ( status >= 0 && tidyOptGetBool(tdoc, TidyShowMarkup) )
            if ( tidyOptGetBool(tdoc, TidyWriteBack) && argc > 1 )
                status = tidySaveFile( tdoc, htmlfil );
                ctmbstr outfil = tidyOptGetValue( tdoc, TidyOutFile );
                if ( outfil )
                    status = tidySaveFile( tdoc, outfil );
                    status = tidySaveStdout( tdoc );

        contentErrors   += tidyErrorCount( tdoc );
        contentWarnings += tidyWarningCount( tdoc );
        accessWarnings  += tidyAccessWarningCount( tdoc );


        if ( argc <= 1 )

    if (!tidyOptGetBool(tdoc, TidyQuiet) &&
        errout == stderr && !contentErrors)
        fprintf(errout, "\n");

    if (contentErrors + contentWarnings > 0 && 
         !tidyOptGetBool(tdoc, TidyQuiet))

    if (!tidyOptGetBool(tdoc, TidyQuiet))

    /* called to free hash tables etc. */
    tidyRelease( tdoc );

    /* return status can be used by scripts */
    if ( contentErrors > 0 )
        return 2;

    if ( contentWarnings > 0 )
        return 1;

    /* 0 signifies all is ok */
    return 0;
Exemple #2
int lua_tidy_ErrorSummary(lua_State *L)
    pTidy t = toTidy(L,1);
	return 0;