Exemple #1
static int set_cert_stuff(SSL_CTX *ctx, const char *cert_type,
	const char *cert_file, const char *key_file)
    const char *myname = "set_cert_stuff";

     * We need both the private key (in key_file) and the public key
     * certificate (in cert_file). Both may specify the same file.
     * Code adapted from OpenSSL apps/s_cb.c.
    if (SSL_CTX_use_certificate_chain_file(ctx, cert_file) <= 0) {
	acl_msg_warn("%s: cannot get %s certificate from file %s: "
		"disabling TLS support", myname, cert_type, cert_file);
	return (0);
    if (SSL_CTX_use_PrivateKey_file(ctx, key_file, SSL_FILETYPE_PEM) <= 0) {
	acl_msg_warn("%s: cannot get %s private key from file %s: "
		"disabling TLS support", myname, cert_type, key_file);
	return (0);

     * Sanity check.
    if (!SSL_CTX_check_private_key(ctx)) {
	acl_msg_warn("%s: %s private key in %s does not match public key in %s: "
		"disabling TLS support", myname, cert_type, key_file, cert_file);
	return (0);
    return (1);
Exemple #2
void    tls_set_dh_from_file(const char *path, int bits)
    const char *myname = "tls_set_dh_from_file";
    FILE   *paramfile;
    DH    **dhPtr = 0;

    switch (bits) {
    case 512:
	dhPtr = &dh_512;
    case 1024:
	dhPtr = &dh_1024;
	acl_msg_panic("Invalid DH parameters size %d, file %s", bits, path);

    if (*dhPtr != 0)

    if ((paramfile = fopen(path, "r")) != 0) {
	if ((*dhPtr = PEM_read_DHparams(paramfile, 0, 0, 0)) == 0) {
	    acl_msg_warn("%s: cannot load %d-bit DH parameters from file %s"
		    " -- using compiled-in defaults", myname, bits, path);
	(void) fclose(paramfile);		/* 200411 */
    } else {
	acl_msg_warn("%s: cannot load %d-bit DH parameters from file %s: %s"
		" -- using compiled-in defaults", myname, bits, path, acl_last_serror());
Exemple #3
int     tls_set_ca_certificate_info(SSL_CTX *ctx, const char *CAfile, const char *CApath)
    if (*CAfile == 0)
	CAfile = 0;
    if (*CApath == 0)
	CApath = 0;
    if (CAfile || CApath) {
	if (!SSL_CTX_load_verify_locations(ctx, CAfile, CApath)) {
	    acl_msg_info("cannot load Certificate Authority data: "
		    "disabling TLS support");
	    return (-1);
	if (!SSL_CTX_set_default_verify_paths(ctx)) {
	    acl_msg_info("cannot set certificate verification paths: "
		    "disabling TLS support");
	    return (-1);
    return (0);
Exemple #4
void    tls_set_dh_from_file(const char *path, int bits)
    FILE   *paramfile;
    DH    **dhPtr;

    switch (bits) {
    case 512:
	dhPtr = &dh_512;
    case 1024:
	dhPtr = &dh_1024;
	msg_panic("Invalid DH parameters size %d, file %s", bits, path);

     * This function is the first to set the DH parameters, but free any
     * prior value just in case the call sequence changes some day.
    if (*dhPtr) {
	*dhPtr = 0;
    if ((paramfile = fopen(path, "r")) != 0) {
	if ((*dhPtr = PEM_read_DHparams(paramfile, 0, 0, 0)) == 0) {
	    msg_warn("cannot load %d-bit DH parameters from file %s"
		     " -- using compiled-in defaults", bits, path);
	(void) fclose(paramfile);		/* 200411 */
    } else {
	msg_warn("cannot load %d-bit DH parameters from file %s: %m"
		 " -- using compiled-in defaults", bits, path);
Exemple #5
int     tls_bio(ACL_SOCKET fd, int timeout, TLS_SESS_STATE *TLScontext,
	int (*hsfunc) (SSL *),
	int (*rfunc) (SSL *, void *, int),
	int (*wfunc) (SSL *, const void *, int),
	void *buf, int num)
    const char *myname = "tls_bio";
    int     status = 0;
    int     err;
    int     retval = 0;
    int     biop_retval;
    int     done;

     * If necessary, retry the SSL handshake or read/write operation after
     * handling any pending network I/O.
    for (done = 0; done == 0; /* void */ ) {
	if (hsfunc) {
#if 1
	    status = hsfunc(TLScontext->con);
	    status = SSL_do_handshake(TLScontext->con);
	} else if (rfunc)
	    status = rfunc(TLScontext->con, buf, num);
	else if (wfunc)
	    status = wfunc(TLScontext->con, buf, num);
	    acl_msg_panic("%s: nothing to do here", myname);
	err = SSL_get_error(TLScontext->con, status);

#if (OPENSSL_VERSION_NUMBER <= 0x0090581fL)

	 * There is a bug up to and including OpenSSL-0.9.5a: if an error
	 * occurs while checking the peers certificate due to some
	 * certificate error (e.g. as happend with a RSA-padding error), the
	 * error is put onto the error stack. If verification is not
	 * enforced, this error should be ignored, but the error-queue is not
	 * cleared, so we can find this error here. The bug has been fixed on
	 * May 28, 2000.
	 * This bug so far has only manifested as 4800:error:0407006A:rsa
	 * routines:RSA_padding_check_PKCS1_type_1:block type is not
	 * 01:rsa_pk1.c:100: 4800:error:04067072:rsa
	 * routines:RSA_EAY_PUBLIC_DECRYPT:padding check
	 * failed:rsa_eay.c:396: 4800:error:0D079006:asn1 encoding
	 * routines:ASN1_verify:bad get asn1 object call:a_verify.c:109: so
	 * that we specifically test for this error. We print the errors to
	 * the logfile and automatically clear the error queue. Then we retry
	 * to get another error code. We cannot do better, since we can only
	 * retrieve the last entry of the error-queue without actually
	 * cleaning it on the way.
	 * This workaround is secure, as verify_result is set to "failed"
	 * anyway.
	if (err == SSL_ERROR_SSL) {
	    if (ERR_peek_error() == 0x0407006AL) {
		acl_msg_info("OpenSSL <= 0.9.5a workaround called: certificate errors ignored");
		err = SSL_get_error(TLScontext->con, status);

	 * Find out if we must retry the operation and/or if there is pending
	 * network I/O.
	 * XXX If we're the first to invoke SSL_shutdown(), then the operation
	 * isn't really complete when the call returns. We could hide that
	 * anomaly here and repeat the call.
	switch (err) {
	case SSL_ERROR_NONE:			/* success */
	    retval = status;
	    done = 1;
	    /* FALLTHROUGH */
	case SSL_ERROR_WANT_WRITE:		/* flush/update buffers */
	    biop_retval = network_biopair_interop(fd, timeout, TLScontext->network_bio);
	    if (biop_retval < 0)
		return (-1);		/* network read/write error */

	     * With tls_timed_read() and tls_timed_write() the caller is the
	     * VSTREAM library module which is unaware of TLS, so we log the
	     * TLS error stack here. In a better world, each VSTREAM I/O
	     * object would provide an error reporting method in addition to
	     * the timed_read and timed_write methods, so that we would not
	     * need to have ad-hoc code like this.
	    if (rfunc || wfunc)
	    /* FALLTHROUGH */
	    retval = status;
	    done = 1;
    return (retval);
Exemple #6
static int tlsp_eval_tls_error(TLSP_STATE *state, int err)
    int     ciphertext_fd = state->ciphertext_fd;

     * The ciphertext file descriptor is in non-blocking mode, meaning that
     * each SSL_accept/connect/read/write/shutdown request may return an
     * "error" indication that it needs to read or write more ciphertext. The
     * purpose of this routine is to translate those "error" indications into
     * the appropriate read/write/timeout event requests.
    switch (err) {

     * No error from SSL_read and SSL_write means that the plaintext
     * output buffer is full and that the plaintext input buffer is
     * empty. Stop read/write events on the ciphertext stream. Keep the
     * timer alive as a safety mechanism for the case that the plaintext
     * pseudothreads get stuck.
    case SSL_ERROR_NONE:
        if (state->ssl_last_err != SSL_ERROR_NONE) {
            event_request_timer(tlsp_ciphertext_event, (void *) state,
            state->ssl_last_err = SSL_ERROR_NONE;
        return (0);

     * The TLS engine wants to write to the network. Turn on
     * write/timeout events on the ciphertext stream.
        if (state->ssl_last_err == SSL_ERROR_WANT_READ)
        if (state->ssl_last_err != SSL_ERROR_WANT_WRITE) {
            event_enable_write(ciphertext_fd, tlsp_ciphertext_event,
                               (void *) state);
            state->ssl_last_err = SSL_ERROR_WANT_WRITE;
        event_request_timer(tlsp_ciphertext_event, (void *) state,
        return (0);

     * The TLS engine wants to read from the network. Turn on
     * read/timeout events on the ciphertext stream.
        if (state->ssl_last_err == SSL_ERROR_WANT_WRITE)
        if (state->ssl_last_err != SSL_ERROR_WANT_READ) {
            event_enable_read(ciphertext_fd, tlsp_ciphertext_event,
                              (void *) state);
            state->ssl_last_err = SSL_ERROR_WANT_READ;
        event_request_timer(tlsp_ciphertext_event, (void *) state,
        return (0);

     * Some error. Self-destruct. This automagically cleans up all
     * pending read/write and timeout event requests, making state a
     * dangling pointer.
    case SSL_ERROR_SSL:
        return (-1);
Exemple #7
  * This is the actual startup routine for the connection. We expect that the
  * buffers are flushed and the "220 Ready to start TLS" was received by us,
  * so that we can immediately start the TLS handshake process.
TLS_SESS_STATE *tls_client_start(const TLS_CLIENT_START_PROPS *props)
    int     sts;
    int     protomask;
    const char *cipher_list;
    SSL_SESSION *session = 0;
    SSL_CIPHER_const SSL_CIPHER *cipher;
    X509   *peercert;
    TLS_SESS_STATE *TLScontext;
    TLS_APPL_STATE *app_ctx = props->ctx;
    char   *myserverid;
    int     log_mask = app_ctx->log_mask;

     * When certificate verification is required, log trust chain validation
     * errors even when disabled by default for opportunistic sessions. For
     * DANE this only applies when using trust-anchor associations.
    if (TLS_MUST_TRUST(props->tls_level)
      && (!TLS_DANE_BASED(props->tls_level) || TLS_DANE_HASTA(props->dane)))
	log_mask |= TLS_LOG_UNTRUSTED;

    if (log_mask & TLS_LOG_VERBOSE)
	msg_info("setting up TLS connection to %s", props->namaddr);

     * First make sure we have valid protocol and cipher parameters
     * Per-session protocol restrictions must be applied to the SSL connection,
     * as restrictions in the global context cannot be cleared.
    protomask = tls_protocol_mask(props->protocols);
    if (protomask == TLS_PROTOCOL_INVALID) {
	/* tls_protocol_mask() logs no warning. */
	msg_warn("%s: Invalid TLS protocol list \"%s\": aborting TLS session",
		 props->namaddr, props->protocols);
	return (0);
    /* DANE requires SSLv3 or later, not SSLv2. */
    if (TLS_DANE_BASED(props->tls_level))
	protomask |= TLS_PROTOCOL_SSLv2;

     * Per session cipher selection for sessions with mandatory encryption
     * The cipherlist is applied to the global SSL context, since it is likely
     * to stay the same between connections, so we make use of a 1-element
     * cache to return the same result for identical inputs.
    cipher_list = tls_set_ciphers(app_ctx, "TLS", props->cipher_grade,
    if (cipher_list == 0) {
	msg_warn("%s: %s: aborting TLS session",
		 props->namaddr, vstring_str(app_ctx->why));
	return (0);
    if (log_mask & TLS_LOG_VERBOSE)
	msg_info("%s: TLS cipher list \"%s\"", props->namaddr, cipher_list);

     * OpenSSL will ignore cached sessions that use the wrong protocol. So we
     * do not need to filter out cached sessions with the "wrong" protocol,
     * rather OpenSSL will simply negotiate a new session.
     * We salt the session lookup key with the protocol list, so that sessions
     * found in the cache are plausibly acceptable.
     * By the time a TLS client is negotiating ciphers it has already offered to
     * re-use a session, it is too late to renege on the offer. So we must
     * not attempt to re-use sessions whose ciphers are too weak. We salt the
     * session lookup key with the cipher list, so that sessions found in the
     * cache are always acceptable.
     * With DANE, (more generally any TLScontext where we specified explicit
     * trust-anchor or end-entity certificates) the verification status of
     * the SSL session depends on the specified list.  Since we verify the
     * certificate only during the initial handshake, we must segregate
     * sessions with different TA lists.  Note, that TA re-verification is
     * not possible with cached sessions, since these don't hold the complete
     * peer trust chain.  Therefore, we compute a digest of the sorted TA
     * parameters and append it to the serverid.
    myserverid = tls_serverid_digest(props, protomask, cipher_list);

     * Allocate a new TLScontext for the new connection and get an SSL
     * structure. Add the location of TLScontext to the SSL to later retrieve
     * the information inside the tls_verify_certificate_callback().
     * If session caching was enabled when TLS was initialized, the cache type
     * is stored in the client SSL context.
    TLScontext = tls_alloc_sess_context(log_mask, props->namaddr);
    TLScontext->cache_type = app_ctx->cache_type;

    TLScontext->serverid = myserverid;
    TLScontext->stream = props->stream;
    TLScontext->mdalg = props->mdalg;

    /* Alias DANE digest info from props */
    TLScontext->dane = props->dane;

    if ((TLScontext->con = SSL_new(app_ctx->ssl_ctx)) == NULL) {
	msg_warn("Could not allocate 'TLScontext->con' with SSL_new()");
	return (0);
    if (!SSL_set_ex_data(TLScontext->con, TLScontext_index, TLScontext)) {
	msg_warn("Could not set application data for 'TLScontext->con'");
	return (0);

     * Apply session protocol restrictions.
    if (protomask != 0)
	SSL_set_options(TLScontext->con, TLS_SSL_OP_PROTOMASK(protomask));

     * XXX To avoid memory leaks we must always call SSL_SESSION_free() after
     * calling SSL_set_session(), regardless of whether or not the session
     * will be reused.
    if (TLScontext->cache_type) {
	session = load_clnt_session(TLScontext);
	if (session) {
	    SSL_set_session(TLScontext->con, session);
	    SSL_SESSION_free(session);		/* 200411 */
#ifdef TLSEXT_MAXLEN_host_name
    if (TLS_DANE_BASED(props->tls_level)
	&& strlen(props->host) <= TLSEXT_MAXLEN_host_name) {

	 * With DANE sessions, send an SNI hint.  We don't care whether the
	 * server reports finding a matching certificate or not, so no
	 * callback is required to process the server response.  Our use of
	 * SNI is limited to giving servers that are (mis)configured to use
	 * SNI the best opportunity to find the certificate they promised via
	 * the associated TLSA RRs.  (Generally, server administrators should
	 * avoid SNI, and there are no plans to support SNI in the Postfix
	 * SMTP server).
	 * Since the hostname is DNSSEC-validated, it must be a DNS FQDN and
	 * thererefore valid for use with SNI.  Failure to set a valid SNI
	 * hostname is a memory allocation error, and thus transient.  Since
	 * we must not cache the session if we failed to send the SNI name,
	 * we have little choice but to abort.
	if (!SSL_set_tlsext_host_name(TLScontext->con, props->host)) {
	    msg_warn("%s: error setting SNI hostname to: %s", props->namaddr,
	    return (0);
	if (log_mask & TLS_LOG_DEBUG)
	    msg_info("%s: SNI hostname: %s", props->namaddr, props->host);

     * Before really starting anything, try to seed the PRNG a little bit
     * more.
    (void) tls_ext_seed(var_tls_daemon_rand_bytes);

     * Initialize the SSL connection to connect state. This should not be
     * necessary anymore since 0.9.3, but the call is still in the library
     * and maintaining compatibility never hurts.

     * Connect the SSL connection with the network socket.
    if (SSL_set_fd(TLScontext->con, vstream_fileno(props->stream)) != 1) {
	msg_info("SSL_set_fd error to %s", props->namaddr);
	uncache_session(app_ctx->ssl_ctx, TLScontext);
	return (0);

     * Turn on non-blocking I/O so that we can enforce timeouts on network
     * I/O.
    non_blocking(vstream_fileno(props->stream), NON_BLOCKING);

     * If the debug level selected is high enough, all of the data is dumped:
     * TLS_LOG_TLSPKTS will dump the SSL negotiation, TLS_LOG_ALLPKTS will
     * dump everything.
     * We do have an SSL_set_fd() and now suddenly a BIO_ routine is called?
     * Well there is a BIO below the SSL routines that is automatically
     * created for us, so we can use it for debugging purposes.
    if (log_mask & TLS_LOG_TLSPKTS)
	BIO_set_callback(SSL_get_rbio(TLScontext->con), tls_bio_dump_cb);

    tls_dane_set_callback(app_ctx->ssl_ctx, TLScontext);

     * Start TLS negotiations. This process is a black box that invokes our
     * call-backs for certificate verification.
     * Error handling: If the SSL handhake fails, we print out an error message
     * and remove all TLS state concerning this session.
    sts = tls_bio_connect(vstream_fileno(props->stream), props->timeout,
    if (sts <= 0) {
	if (ERR_peek_error() != 0) {
	    msg_info("SSL_connect error to %s: %d", props->namaddr, sts);
	} else if (errno != 0) {
	    msg_info("SSL_connect error to %s: %m", props->namaddr);
	} else {
	    msg_info("SSL_connect error to %s: lost connection",
	uncache_session(app_ctx->ssl_ctx, TLScontext);
	return (0);
    /* Turn off packet dump if only dumping the handshake */
    if ((log_mask & TLS_LOG_ALLPKTS) == 0)
	BIO_set_callback(SSL_get_rbio(TLScontext->con), 0);

     * The caller may want to know if this session was reused or if a new
     * session was negotiated.
    TLScontext->session_reused = SSL_session_reused(TLScontext->con);
    if ((log_mask & TLS_LOG_CACHE) && TLScontext->session_reused)
	msg_info("%s: Reusing old session", TLScontext->namaddr);

     * Do peername verification if requested and extract useful information
     * from the certificate for later use.
    if ((peercert = SSL_get_peer_certificate(TLScontext->con)) != 0) {
	TLScontext->peer_status |= TLS_CERT_FLAG_PRESENT;

	 * Peer name or fingerprint verification as requested.
	 * Unconditionally set peer_CN, issuer_CN and peer_cert_fprint. Check
	 * fingerprint first, and avoid logging verified as untrusted in the
	 * call to verify_extract_name().
	verify_extract_print(TLScontext, peercert, props);
	verify_extract_name(TLScontext, peercert, props);

	if (TLScontext->log_mask &
	    msg_info("%s: subject_CN=%s, issuer_CN=%s, "
		     "fingerprint=%s, pkey_fingerprint=%s", props->namaddr,
		     TLScontext->peer_CN, TLScontext->issuer_CN,
    } else {
	TLScontext->issuer_CN = mystrdup("");
	TLScontext->peer_CN = mystrdup("");
	TLScontext->peer_cert_fprint = mystrdup("");
	TLScontext->peer_pkey_fprint = mystrdup("");

     * Finally, collect information about protocol and cipher for logging
    TLScontext->protocol = SSL_get_version(TLScontext->con);
    cipher = SSL_get_current_cipher(TLScontext->con);
    TLScontext->cipher_name = SSL_CIPHER_get_name(cipher);
    TLScontext->cipher_usebits = SSL_CIPHER_get_bits(cipher,

     * The TLS engine is active. Switch to the tls_timed_read/write()
     * functions and make the TLScontext available to those functions.
    tls_stream_start(props->stream, TLScontext);

     * All the key facts in a single log entry.
    if (log_mask & TLS_LOG_SUMMARY)
	msg_info("%s TLS connection established to %s: %s with cipher %s "
		 "(%d/%d bits)",
		 !TLS_CERT_IS_PRESENT(TLScontext) ? "Anonymous" :
		 TLS_CERT_IS_MATCHED(TLScontext) ? "Verified" :
		 TLS_CERT_IS_TRUSTED(TLScontext) ? "Trusted" : "Untrusted",
	      props->namaddr, TLScontext->protocol, TLScontext->cipher_name,
		 TLScontext->cipher_usebits, TLScontext->cipher_algbits);


    return (TLScontext);
Exemple #8
TLS_APPL_STATE *tls_client_init(const TLS_CLIENT_INIT_PROPS *props)
    long    off = 0;
    int     cachable;
    int     scache_timeout;
    SSL_CTX *client_ctx;
    TLS_APPL_STATE *app_ctx;
    int     log_mask;

     * Convert user loglevel to internal logmask.
    log_mask = tls_log_mask(props->log_param, props->log_level);

    if (log_mask & TLS_LOG_VERBOSE)
	msg_info("initializing the client-side TLS engine");

     * Load (mostly cipher related) TLS-library internal main.cf parameters.

     * Detect mismatch between compile-time headers and run-time library.

     * Initialize the OpenSSL library by the book! To start with, we must
     * initialize the algorithms. We want cleartext error messages instead of
     * just error codes, so we load the error_strings.

     * Create an application data index for SSL objects, so that we can
     * attach TLScontext information; this information is needed inside
     * tls_verify_certificate_callback().
    if (TLScontext_index < 0) {
	if ((TLScontext_index = SSL_get_ex_new_index(0, 0, 0, 0, 0)) < 0) {
	    msg_warn("Cannot allocate SSL application data index: "
		     "disabling TLS support");
	    return (0);

     * If the administrator specifies an unsupported digest algorithm, fail
     * now, rather than in the middle of a TLS handshake.
    if (!tls_validate_digest(props->mdalg)) {
	msg_warn("disabling TLS support");
	return (0);

     * Initialize the PRNG (Pseudo Random Number Generator) with some seed
     * from external and internal sources. Don't enable TLS without some real
     * entropy.
    if (tls_ext_seed(var_tls_daemon_rand_bytes) < 0) {
	msg_warn("no entropy for TLS key generation: disabling TLS support");
	return (0);

     * The SSL/TLS specifications require the client to send a message in the
     * oldest specification it understands with the highest level it
     * understands in the message. RFC2487 is only specified for TLSv1, but
     * we want to be as compatible as possible, so we will start off with a
     * SSLv2 greeting allowing the best we can offer: TLSv1. We can restrict
     * this with the options setting later, anyhow.
    if ((client_ctx = SSL_CTX_new(SSLv23_client_method())) == 0) {
	msg_warn("cannot allocate client SSL_CTX: disabling TLS support");
	return (0);

     * See the verify callback in tls_verify.c
    SSL_CTX_set_verify_depth(client_ctx, props->verifydepth + 1);

     * Protocol selection is destination dependent, so we delay the protocol
     * selection options to the per-session SSL object.
    off |= tls_bug_bits();
    SSL_CTX_set_options(client_ctx, off);

     * Set the call-back routine for verbose logging.
    if (log_mask & TLS_LOG_DEBUG)
	SSL_CTX_set_info_callback(client_ctx, tls_info_callback);

     * Load the CA public key certificates for both the client cert and for
     * the verification of server certificates. As provided by OpenSSL we
     * support two types of CA certificate handling: One possibility is to
     * add all CA certificates to one large CAfile, the other possibility is
     * a directory pointed to by CApath, containing separate files for each
     * CA with softlinks named after the hash values of the certificate. The
     * first alternative has the advantage that the file is opened and read
     * at startup time, so that you don't have the hassle to maintain another
     * copy of the CApath directory for chroot-jail.
    if (tls_set_ca_certificate_info(client_ctx,
				    props->CAfile, props->CApath) < 0) {
	/* tls_set_ca_certificate_info() already logs a warning. */
	SSL_CTX_free(client_ctx);		/* 200411 */
	return (0);

     * We do not need a client certificate, so the certificates are only
     * loaded (and checked) if supplied. A clever client would handle
     * multiple client certificates and decide based on the list of
     * acceptable CAs, sent by the server, which certificate to submit.
     * OpenSSL does however not do this and also has no call-back hooks to
     * easily implement it.
     * Load the client public key certificate and private key from file and
     * check whether the cert matches the key. We can use RSA certificates
     * ("cert") DSA certificates ("dcert") or ECDSA certificates ("eccert").
     * All three can be made available at the same time. The CA certificates
     * for all three are handled in the same setup already finished. Which
     * one is used depends on the cipher negotiated (that is: the first
     * cipher listed by the client which does match the server). The client
     * certificate is presented after the server chooses the session cipher,
     * so we will just present the right cert for the chosen cipher (if it
     * uses certificates).
    if (tls_set_my_certificate_key_info(client_ctx,
					props->eckey_file) < 0) {
	/* tls_set_my_certificate_key_info() already logs a warning. */
	SSL_CTX_free(client_ctx);		/* 200411 */
	return (0);

     * According to the OpenSSL documentation, temporary RSA key is needed
     * export ciphers are in use. We have to provide one, so well, we just do
     * it.
    SSL_CTX_set_tmp_rsa_callback(client_ctx, tls_tmp_rsa_cb);

     * Finally, the setup for the server certificate checking, done "by the
     * book".
    SSL_CTX_set_verify(client_ctx, SSL_VERIFY_NONE,

     * Initialize the session cache.
     * Since the client does not search an internal cache, we simply disable it.
     * It is only useful for expiring old sessions, but we do that in the
     * tlsmgr(8).
     * This makes SSL_CTX_remove_session() not useful for flushing broken
     * sessions from the external cache, so we must delete them directly (not
     * via a callback).
    if (tls_mgr_policy(props->cache_type, &cachable,
		       &scache_timeout) != TLS_MGR_STAT_OK)
	scache_timeout = 0;
    if (scache_timeout <= 0)
	cachable = 0;

     * Allocate an application context, and populate with mandatory protocol
     * and cipher data.
    app_ctx = tls_alloc_app_context(client_ctx, log_mask);

     * The external session cache is implemented by the tlsmgr(8) process.
    if (cachable) {

	app_ctx->cache_type = mystrdup(props->cache_type);

	 * OpenSSL does not use callbacks to load sessions from a client
	 * cache, so we must invoke that function directly. Apparently,
	 * OpenSSL does not provide a way to pass session names from here to
	 * call-back routines that do session lookup.
	 * OpenSSL can, however, automatically save newly created sessions for
	 * us by callback (we create the session name in the call-back
	 * function).
	 * XXX gcc 2.95 can't compile #ifdef .. #endif in the expansion of

	SSL_CTX_sess_set_new_cb(client_ctx, new_client_session_cb);

	 * OpenSSL ignores timed-out sessions. We need to set the internal
	 * cache timeout at least as high as the external cache timeout. This
	 * applies even if no internal cache is used.  We set the session to
	 * twice the cache lifetime.  This way a session always lasts longer
	 * than its lifetime in the cache.
	SSL_CTX_set_timeout(client_ctx, 2 * scache_timeout);
    return (app_ctx);
Exemple #9
static char *tls_text_name(X509_NAME *name, int nid, const char *label,
			        const TLS_SESS_STATE *TLScontext, int gripe)
    const char *myname = "tls_text_name";
    int     pos;
    X509_NAME_ENTRY *entry;
    ASN1_STRING *entry_str;
    int     asn1_type;
    int     utf8_length;
    unsigned char *utf8_value;
    int     ch;
    unsigned char *cp;

    if (name == 0 || (pos = X509_NAME_get_index_by_NID(name, nid, -1)) < 0) {
	if (gripe != DONT_GRIPE) {
	    msg_warn("%s: %s: peer certificate has no %s",
		     myname, TLScontext->namaddr, label);
	return (0);
#if 0

     * If the match is required unambiguous, insist that that no other values
     * be present.
    if (X509_NAME_get_index_by_NID(name, nid, pos) >= 0) {
	msg_warn("%s: %s: multiple %ss in peer certificate",
		 myname, TLScontext->namaddr, label);
	return (0);

    if ((entry = X509_NAME_get_entry(name, pos)) == 0) {
	/* This should not happen */
	msg_warn("%s: %s: error reading peer certificate %s entry",
		 myname, TLScontext->namaddr, label);
	return (0);
    if ((entry_str = X509_NAME_ENTRY_get_data(entry)) == 0) {
	/* This should not happen */
	msg_warn("%s: %s: error reading peer certificate %s data",
		 myname, TLScontext->namaddr, label);
	return (0);

     * XXX Convert everything into UTF-8. This is a super-set of ASCII, so we
     * don't have to bother with separate code paths for ASCII-like content.
     * If the payload is ASCII then we won't waste lots of CPU cycles
     * converting it into UTF-8. It's up to OpenSSL to do something
     * reasonable when converting ASCII formats that contain non-ASCII
     * content.
     * XXX Don't bother optimizing the string length error check. It is not
     * worth the complexity.
    asn1_type = ASN1_STRING_type(entry_str);
    if ((utf8_length = ASN1_STRING_to_UTF8(&utf8_value, entry_str)) < 0) {
	msg_warn("%s: %s: error decoding peer %s of ASN.1 type=%d",
		 myname, TLScontext->namaddr, label, asn1_type);
	return (0);

     * No returns without cleaning up. A good optimizer will replace multiple
     * blocks of identical code by jumps to just one such block.
#define TLS_TEXT_NAME_RETURN(x) do { \
	char *__tls_text_name_temp = (x); \
	OPENSSL_free(utf8_value); \
	return (__tls_text_name_temp); \
    } while (0)

     * Remove trailing null characters. They would give false alarms with the
     * length check and with the embedded null check.
#define TRIM0(s, l) do { while ((l) > 0 && (s)[(l)-1] == 0) --(l); } while (0)

    TRIM0(utf8_value, utf8_length);

     * Enforce the length limit, because the caller will copy the result into
     * a fixed-length buffer.
    if (utf8_length >= CCERT_BUFSIZ) {
	msg_warn("%s: %s: peer %s too long: %d",
		 myname, TLScontext->namaddr, label, utf8_length);

     * Reject embedded nulls in ASCII or UTF-8 names. OpenSSL is responsible
     * for producing properly-formatted UTF-8.
    if (utf8_length != strlen((char *) utf8_value)) {
	msg_warn("%s: %s: NULL character in peer %s",
		 myname, TLScontext->namaddr, label);

     * Reject non-printable ASCII characters in UTF-8 content.
     * Note: the code below does not find control characters in illegal UTF-8
     * sequences. It's OpenSSL's job to produce valid UTF-8, and reportedly,
     * it does validation.
    for (cp = utf8_value; (ch = *cp) != 0; cp++) {
	if (ISASCII(ch) && !ISPRINT(ch)) {
	    msg_warn("%s: %s: non-printable content in peer %s",
		     myname, TLScontext->namaddr, label);
    TLS_TEXT_NAME_RETURN(mystrdup((char *) utf8_value));
Exemple #10
  * This is the actual startup routine for the connection. We expect that the
  * buffers are flushed and the "220 Ready to start TLS" was received by us,
  * so that we can immediately start the TLS handshake process.
TLS_SESS_STATE *tls_client_start(const TLS_CLIENT_START_PROPS *props)
    int     sts;
    int     protomask;
    const char *cipher_list;
    SSL_SESSION *session;
    const SSL_CIPHER *cipher;
    X509   *peercert;
    TLS_SESS_STATE *TLScontext;
    TLS_APPL_STATE *app_ctx = props->ctx;
    VSTRING *myserverid;
    int     log_mask = app_ctx->log_mask;

     * When certificate verification is required, log trust chain validation
     * errors even when disabled by default for opportunistic sessions.
    if (props->tls_level >= TLS_LEV_VERIFY)
	log_mask |= TLS_LOG_UNTRUSTED;

    if (log_mask & TLS_LOG_VERBOSE)
	msg_info("setting up TLS connection to %s", props->namaddr);

     * First make sure we have valid protocol and cipher parameters
     * The cipherlist will be applied to the global SSL context, where it can be
     * repeatedly reset if necessary, but the protocol restrictions will be
     * is applied to the SSL connection, because protocol restrictions in the
     * global context cannot be cleared.

     * OpenSSL will ignore cached sessions that use the wrong protocol. So we
     * do not need to filter out cached sessions with the "wrong" protocol,
     * rather OpenSSL will simply negotiate a new session.
     * Still, we salt the session lookup key with the protocol list, so that
     * sessions found in the cache are always acceptable.
    protomask = tls_protocol_mask(props->protocols);
    if (protomask == TLS_PROTOCOL_INVALID) {
	/* tls_protocol_mask() logs no warning. */
	msg_warn("%s: Invalid TLS protocol list \"%s\": aborting TLS session",
		 props->namaddr, props->protocols);
	return (0);
    myserverid = vstring_alloc(100);
    vstring_sprintf_append(myserverid, "%s&p=%d", props->serverid, protomask);

     * Per session cipher selection for sessions with mandatory encryption
     * By the time a TLS client is negotiating ciphers it has already offered to
     * re-use a session, it is too late to renege on the offer. So we must
     * not attempt to re-use sessions whose ciphers are too weak. We salt the
     * session lookup key with the cipher list, so that sessions found in the
     * cache are always acceptable.
    cipher_list = tls_set_ciphers(app_ctx, "TLS", props->cipher_grade,
    if (cipher_list == 0) {
	msg_warn("%s: %s: aborting TLS session",
		 props->namaddr, vstring_str(app_ctx->why));
	return (0);
    if (log_mask & TLS_LOG_VERBOSE)
	msg_info("%s: TLS cipher list \"%s\"", props->namaddr, cipher_list);
    vstring_sprintf_append(myserverid, "&c=%s", cipher_list);

     * Finally, salt the session key with the OpenSSL library version,
     * (run-time, rather than compile-time, just in case that matters).
    vstring_sprintf_append(myserverid, "&l=%ld", (long) SSLeay());

     * Allocate a new TLScontext for the new connection and get an SSL
     * structure. Add the location of TLScontext to the SSL to later retrieve
     * the information inside the tls_verify_certificate_callback().
     * If session caching was enabled when TLS was initialized, the cache type
     * is stored in the client SSL context.
    TLScontext = tls_alloc_sess_context(log_mask, props->namaddr);
    TLScontext->cache_type = app_ctx->cache_type;

    TLScontext->serverid = vstring_export(myserverid);
    TLScontext->stream = props->stream;

    if ((TLScontext->con = SSL_new(app_ctx->ssl_ctx)) == NULL) {
	msg_warn("Could not allocate 'TLScontext->con' with SSL_new()");
	return (0);
    if (!SSL_set_ex_data(TLScontext->con, TLScontext_index, TLScontext)) {
	msg_warn("Could not set application data for 'TLScontext->con'");
	return (0);

     * Apply session protocol restrictions.
    if (protomask != 0)
		   ((protomask & TLS_PROTOCOL_TLSv1) ? SSL_OP_NO_TLSv1 : 0L)
	     | ((protomask & TLS_PROTOCOL_TLSv1_1) ? SSL_OP_NO_TLSv1_1 : 0L)
	     | ((protomask & TLS_PROTOCOL_TLSv1_2) ? SSL_OP_NO_TLSv1_2 : 0L)
		 | ((protomask & TLS_PROTOCOL_SSLv3) ? SSL_OP_NO_SSLv3 : 0L)
	       | ((protomask & TLS_PROTOCOL_SSLv2) ? SSL_OP_NO_SSLv2 : 0L));

     * XXX To avoid memory leaks we must always call SSL_SESSION_free() after
     * calling SSL_set_session(), regardless of whether or not the session
     * will be reused.
    if (TLScontext->cache_type) {
	session = load_clnt_session(TLScontext);
	if (session) {
	    SSL_set_session(TLScontext->con, session);
	    SSL_SESSION_free(session);		/* 200411 */
#if (OPENSSL_VERSION_NUMBER < 0x00906011L) || (OPENSSL_VERSION_NUMBER == 0x00907000L)

	     * Ugly Hack: OpenSSL before 0.9.6a does not store the verify
	     * result in sessions for the client side. We modify the session
	     * directly which is version specific, but this bug is version
	     * specific, too.
	     * READ: 0-09-06-01-1 = 0-9-6-a-beta1: all versions before beta1
	     * have this bug, it has been fixed during development of 0.9.6a.
	     * The development version of 0.9.7 can have this bug, too. It
	     * has been fixed on 2000/11/29.
	    SSL_set_verify_result(TLScontext->con, session->verify_result);


     * Before really starting anything, try to seed the PRNG a little bit
     * more.
    (void) tls_ext_seed(var_tls_daemon_rand_bytes);

     * Initialize the SSL connection to connect state. This should not be
     * necessary anymore since 0.9.3, but the call is still in the library
     * and maintaining compatibility never hurts.

     * Connect the SSL connection with the network socket.
    if (SSL_set_fd(TLScontext->con, vstream_fileno(props->stream)) != 1) {
	msg_info("SSL_set_fd error to %s", props->namaddr);
	uncache_session(app_ctx->ssl_ctx, TLScontext);
	return (0);

     * Turn on non-blocking I/O so that we can enforce timeouts on network
     * I/O.
    non_blocking(vstream_fileno(props->stream), NON_BLOCKING);

     * If the debug level selected is high enough, all of the data is dumped:
     * TLS_LOG_TLSPKTS will dump the SSL negotiation, TLS_LOG_ALLPKTS will
     * dump everything.
     * We do have an SSL_set_fd() and now suddenly a BIO_ routine is called?
     * Well there is a BIO below the SSL routines that is automatically
     * created for us, so we can use it for debugging purposes.
    if (log_mask & TLS_LOG_TLSPKTS)
	BIO_set_callback(SSL_get_rbio(TLScontext->con), tls_bio_dump_cb);

     * Start TLS negotiations. This process is a black box that invokes our
     * call-backs for certificate verification.
     * Error handling: If the SSL handhake fails, we print out an error message
     * and remove all TLS state concerning this session.
    sts = tls_bio_connect(vstream_fileno(props->stream), props->timeout,
    if (sts <= 0) {
	if (ERR_peek_error() != 0) {
	    msg_info("SSL_connect error to %s: %d", props->namaddr, sts);
	} else if (errno != 0) {
	    msg_info("SSL_connect error to %s: %m", props->namaddr);
	} else {
	    msg_info("SSL_connect error to %s: lost connection",
	uncache_session(app_ctx->ssl_ctx, TLScontext);
	return (0);
    /* Turn off packet dump if only dumping the handshake */
    if ((log_mask & TLS_LOG_ALLPKTS) == 0)
	BIO_set_callback(SSL_get_rbio(TLScontext->con), 0);

     * The caller may want to know if this session was reused or if a new
     * session was negotiated.
    TLScontext->session_reused = SSL_session_reused(TLScontext->con);
    if ((log_mask & TLS_LOG_CACHE) && TLScontext->session_reused)
	msg_info("%s: Reusing old session", TLScontext->namaddr);

     * Do peername verification if requested and extract useful information
     * from the certificate for later use.
    if ((peercert = SSL_get_peer_certificate(TLScontext->con)) != 0) {
	TLScontext->peer_status |= TLS_CERT_FLAG_PRESENT;

	 * Peer name or fingerprint verification as requested.
	 * Unconditionally set peer_CN, issuer_CN and peer_fingerprint.
	verify_extract_name(TLScontext, peercert, props);
	verify_extract_print(TLScontext, peercert, props);

	if (TLScontext->log_mask &
	    msg_info("%s: subject_CN=%s, issuer_CN=%s, "
		     "fingerprint %s, pkey_fingerprint=%s", props->namaddr,
		     TLScontext->peer_CN, TLScontext->issuer_CN,
    } else {
	TLScontext->issuer_CN = mystrdup("");
	TLScontext->peer_CN = mystrdup("");
	TLScontext->peer_fingerprint = mystrdup("");
	TLScontext->peer_pkey_fprint = mystrdup("");

     * Finally, collect information about protocol and cipher for logging
    TLScontext->protocol = SSL_get_version(TLScontext->con);
    cipher = SSL_get_current_cipher(TLScontext->con);
    TLScontext->cipher_name = SSL_CIPHER_get_name(cipher);
    TLScontext->cipher_usebits = SSL_CIPHER_get_bits(cipher,

     * The TLS engine is active. Switch to the tls_timed_read/write()
     * functions and make the TLScontext available to those functions.
    tls_stream_start(props->stream, TLScontext);

     * All the key facts in a single log entry.
    if (log_mask & TLS_LOG_SUMMARY)
	msg_info("%s TLS connection established to %s: %s with cipher %s "
	      "(%d/%d bits)", TLS_CERT_IS_MATCHED(TLScontext) ? "Verified" :
		 TLS_CERT_IS_TRUSTED(TLScontext) ? "Trusted" : "Untrusted",
	      props->namaddr, TLScontext->protocol, TLScontext->cipher_name,
		 TLScontext->cipher_usebits, TLScontext->cipher_algbits);


    return (TLScontext);
Exemple #11
 * This is the actual startup routine for the connection. We expect that the
 * buffers are flushed and the "220 Ready to start TLS" was received by us,
 * so that we can immediately start the TLS handshake process.
TLS_SESS_STATE *tls_client_start(const TLS_CLIENT_START_PROPS *props)
    const   char *myname = "tls_client_start";
    int     sts;
    int     protomask;
    const char *cipher_list;
    SSL_SESSION *session;
    SSL_CIPHER *cipher;
    X509   *peercert;
    TLS_SESS_STATE *TLScontext;
    TLS_APPL_STATE *app_ctx = props->ctx;
    ACL_VSTRING *myserverid;

    if (props->log_level >= 1)
	acl_msg_info("%s(%d): setting up TLS connection to %s",
		myname, __LINE__, props->namaddr);

     * First make sure we have valid protocol and cipher parameters
     * The cipherlist will be applied to the global SSL context, where it can be
     * repeatedly reset if necessary, but the protocol restrictions will be
     * is applied to the SSL connection, because protocol restrictions in the
     * global context cannot be cleared.

     * OpenSSL will ignore cached sessions that use the wrong protocol. So we
     * do not need to filter out cached sessions with the "wrong" protocol,
     * rather OpenSSL will simply negotiate a new session.
     * Still, we salt the session lookup key with the protocol list, so that
     * sessions found in the cache are always acceptable.
    protomask = tls_protocol_mask(props->protocols);
    if (protomask == TLS_PROTOCOL_INVALID) {
	/* tls_protocol_mask() logs no warning. */
	acl_msg_warn("%s(%d): nameaddr: %s: Invalid TLS protocol list \"%s\": aborting TLS session",
		myname, __LINE__, props->namaddr, props->protocols);
	return (0);
    myserverid = acl_vstring_alloc(100);
    acl_vstring_sprintf_append(myserverid, "%s&p=%d", props->serverid, protomask);

     * Per session cipher selection for sessions with mandatory encryption
     * By the time a TLS client is negotiating ciphers it has already offered to
     * re-use a session, it is too late to renege on the offer. So we must
     * not attempt to re-use sessions whose ciphers are too weak. We salt the
     * session lookup key with the cipher list, so that sessions found in the
     * cache are always acceptable.
    cipher_list = tls_set_ciphers(app_ctx, "TLS", props->cipher_grade,
    if (cipher_list == 0) {
	acl_msg_warn("%s(%d): %s: %s: aborting TLS session",
		myname, __LINE__, props->namaddr, acl_vstring_str(app_ctx->why));
	return (0);
    if (props->log_level >= 2)
	acl_msg_info("%s(%d): %s: TLS cipher list \"%s\"",
		myname, __LINE__, props->namaddr, cipher_list);
    acl_vstring_sprintf_append(myserverid, "&c=%s", cipher_list);

     * Allocate a new TLScontext for the new connection and get an SSL
     * structure. Add the location of TLScontext to the SSL to later retrieve
     * the information inside the tls_verify_certificate_callback().
     * If session caching was enabled when TLS was initialized, the cache type
     * is stored in the client SSL context.
    TLScontext = tls_alloc_sess_context(props->log_level, props->namaddr);
    TLScontext->cache_type = app_ctx->cache_type;

    TLScontext->serverid = acl_vstring_export(myserverid);

    if ((TLScontext->con = SSL_new(app_ctx->ssl_ctx)) == NULL) {
	acl_msg_warn("%s(%d): Could not allocate 'TLScontext->con' with SSL_new()",
		myname, __LINE__);
	return (0);
    if (!SSL_set_ex_data(TLScontext->con, TLScontext_index, TLScontext)) {
	acl_msg_warn("%s(%d): Could not set application data for 'TLScontext->con'",
		myname, __LINE__);
	return (0);

     * Apply session protocol restrictions.
    if (protomask != 0)
		((protomask & TLS_PROTOCOL_TLSv1) ? SSL_OP_NO_TLSv1 : 0L)
		| ((protomask & TLS_PROTOCOL_SSLv3) ? SSL_OP_NO_SSLv3 : 0L)
		| ((protomask & TLS_PROTOCOL_SSLv2) ? SSL_OP_NO_SSLv2 : 0L));

     * The TLS connection is realized by a BIO_pair, so obtain the pair.
     * XXX There is no need to make internal_bio a member of the TLScontext
     * structure. It will be attached to TLScontext->con, and destroyed along
     * with it. The network_bio, however, needs to be freed explicitly.
    if (!BIO_new_bio_pair(&TLScontext->internal_bio, TLS_BIO_BUFSIZE,
		&TLScontext->network_bio, TLS_BIO_BUFSIZE)) {
	acl_msg_warn("%s(%d): Could not obtain BIO_pair", myname, __LINE__);
	return (0);

     * XXX To avoid memory leaks we must always call SSL_SESSION_free() after
     * calling SSL_set_session(), regardless of whether or not the session
     * will be reused.
    if (TLScontext->cache_type) {
	session = load_clnt_session(TLScontext);
	if (session) {
	    SSL_set_session(TLScontext->con, session);
	    SSL_SESSION_free(session);		/* 200411 */
#if (OPENSSL_VERSION_NUMBER < 0x00906011L) || (OPENSSL_VERSION_NUMBER == 0x00907000L)

	     * Ugly Hack: OpenSSL before 0.9.6a does not store the verify
	     * result in sessions for the client side. We modify the session
	     * directly which is version specific, but this bug is version
	     * specific, too.
	     * READ: 0-09-06-01-1 = 0-9-6-a-beta1: all versions before beta1
	     * have this bug, it has been fixed during development of 0.9.6a.
	     * The development version of 0.9.7 can have this bug, too. It
	     * has been fixed on 2000/11/29.
	    SSL_set_verify_result(TLScontext->con, session->verify_result);

     * Before really starting anything, try to seed the PRNG a little bit
     * more.
    if (var_tls_daemon_rand_bytes > 0)
	(void) tls_ext_seed(var_tls_daemon_rand_bytes);

     * Initialize the SSL connection to connect state. This should not be
     * necessary anymore since 0.9.3, but the call is still in the library
     * and maintaining compatibility never hurts.

     * Connect the SSL connection with the Postfix side of the BIO-pair for
     * reading and writing.
    SSL_set_bio(TLScontext->con, TLScontext->internal_bio, TLScontext->internal_bio);

     * If the debug level selected is high enough, all of the data is dumped:
     * 3 will dump the SSL negotiation, 4 will dump everything.
     * We do have an SSL_set_fd() and now suddenly a BIO_ routine is called?
     * Well there is a BIO below the SSL routines that is automatically
     * created for us, so we can use it for debugging purposes.
    if (props->log_level >= 3)
	BIO_set_callback(SSL_get_rbio(TLScontext->con), tls_bio_dump_cb);

     * Start TLS negotiations. This process is a black box that invokes our
     * call-backs for certificate verification.
     * Error handling: If the SSL handhake fails, we print out an error message
     * and remove all TLS state concerning this session.
    sts = tls_bio_connect(ACL_VSTREAM_SOCK(props->stream), props->timeout,
    if (sts <= 0) {
	acl_msg_info("%s(%d): SSL_connect error to %s: %d",
		myname, __LINE__, props->namaddr, sts);
	uncache_session(app_ctx->ssl_ctx, TLScontext);
	return (0);
    /* Only log_level==4 dumps everything */
    if (props->log_level < 4)
	BIO_set_callback(SSL_get_rbio(TLScontext->con), 0);

     * The caller may want to know if this session was reused or if a new
     * session was negotiated.
    TLScontext->session_reused = SSL_session_reused(TLScontext->con);
    if (props->log_level >= 2 && TLScontext->session_reused)
	acl_msg_info("%s(%d): %s: Reusing old session",
		myname, __LINE__, TLScontext->namaddr);

     * Do peername verification if requested and extract useful information
     * from the certificate for later use.
    if ((peercert = SSL_get_peer_certificate(TLScontext->con)) != 0) {
	TLScontext->peer_status |= TLS_CERT_FLAG_PRESENT;

	 * Peer name or fingerprint verification as requested.
	 * Unconditionally set peer_CN, issuer_CN and peer_fingerprint.
	verify_extract_name(TLScontext, peercert, props);
	verify_extract_print(TLScontext, peercert, props);
    } else {
	TLScontext->issuer_CN = acl_mystrdup("");
	TLScontext->peer_CN = acl_mystrdup("");
	TLScontext->peer_fingerprint = acl_mystrdup("");

     * Finally, collect information about protocol and cipher for logging
    TLScontext->protocol = SSL_get_version(TLScontext->con);
    cipher = SSL_get_current_cipher(TLScontext->con);
    TLScontext->cipher_name = SSL_CIPHER_get_name(cipher);
    TLScontext->cipher_usebits = SSL_CIPHER_get_bits(cipher,

     * The TLS engine is active. Switch to the tls_timed_read/write()
     * functions and make the TLScontext available to those functions.
    tls_stream_start(props->stream, TLScontext);

     * All the key facts in a single log entry.
    if (props->log_level >= 1)
	acl_msg_info("%s(%d): %s TLS connection established to %s: %s with cipher %s "
		"(%d/%d bits)", myname, __LINE__,
		TLS_CERT_IS_MATCHED(TLScontext) ? "Verified" :
		TLS_CERT_IS_TRUSTED(TLScontext) ? "Trusted" : "Untrusted",
		props->namaddr, TLScontext->protocol, TLScontext->cipher_name,
		TLScontext->cipher_usebits, TLScontext->cipher_algbits);


    return (TLScontext);
Exemple #12
TLS_APPL_STATE *tls_client_create(const TLS_CLIENT_INIT_PROPS *props)
    const char *myname = "tls_client_create";
    long    off = 0;
    int     cachable;
    SSL_CTX *client_ctx;
    TLS_APPL_STATE *app_ctx;

     * The SSL/TLS specifications require the client to send a message in the
     * oldest specification it understands with the highest level it
     * understands in the message. RFC2487 is only specified for TLSv1, but
     * we want to be as compatible as possible, so we will start off with a
     * SSLv2 greeting allowing the best we can offer: TLSv1. We can restrict
     * this with the options setting later, anyhow.
    if ((client_ctx = SSL_CTX_new(SSLv23_client_method())) == 0) {
	acl_msg_warn("%s: cannot allocate client SSL_CTX: disabling TLS support", myname);
	return (0);

     * See the verify callback in tls_verify.c
    SSL_CTX_set_verify_depth(client_ctx, props->verifydepth + 1);

     * Protocol selection is destination dependent, so we delay the protocol
     * selection options to the per-session SSL object.
    off |= tls_bug_bits();
    SSL_CTX_set_options(client_ctx, off);

     * Set the call-back routine for verbose logging.
    if (props->log_level >= 2)
	SSL_CTX_set_info_callback(client_ctx, tls_info_callback);

     * Load the CA public key certificates for both the client cert and for
     * the verification of server certificates. As provided by OpenSSL we
     * support two types of CA certificate handling: One possibility is to
     * add all CA certificates to one large CAfile, the other possibility is
     * a directory pointed to by CApath, containing separate files for each
     * CA with softlinks named after the hash values of the certificate. The
     * first alternative has the advantage that the file is opened and read
     * at startup time, so that you don't have the hassle to maintain another
     * copy of the CApath directory for chroot-jail.
    if (tls_set_ca_certificate_info(client_ctx, props->CAfile, props->CApath) < 0) {
	/* tls_set_ca_certificate_info() already logs a warning. */
	SSL_CTX_free(client_ctx);		/* 200411 */
	return (0);

     * We do not need a client certificate, so the certificates are only
     * loaded (and checked) if supplied. A clever client would handle
     * multiple client certificates and decide based on the list of
     * acceptable CAs, sent by the server, which certificate to submit.
     * OpenSSL does however not do this and also has no call-back hooks to
     * easily implement it.
     * Load the client public key certificate and private key from file and
     * check whether the cert matches the key. We can use RSA certificates
     * ("cert") DSA certificates ("dcert") or ECDSA certificates ("eccert").
     * All three can be made available at the same time. The CA certificates
     * for all three are handled in the same setup already finished. Which
     * one is used depends on the cipher negotiated (that is: the first
     * cipher listed by the client which does match the server). The client
     * certificate is presented after the server chooses the session cipher,
     * so we will just present the right cert for the chosen cipher (if it
     * uses certificates).
    if (tls_set_my_certificate_key_info(client_ctx,
		props->eckey_file) < 0) {
	/* tls_set_my_certificate_key_info() already logs a warning. */
	SSL_CTX_free(client_ctx);		/* 200411 */
	return (0);

     * According to the OpenSSL documentation, temporary RSA key is needed
     * export ciphers are in use. We have to provide one, so well, we just do
     * it.
    SSL_CTX_set_tmp_rsa_callback(client_ctx, tls_tmp_rsa_cb);

     * Finally, the setup for the server certificate checking, done "by the
     * book".
    SSL_CTX_set_verify(client_ctx, SSL_VERIFY_NONE, tls_verify_certificate_callback);

     * Initialize the session cache.
     * Since the client does not search an internal cache, we simply disable it.
     * It is only useful for expiring old sessions, but we do that in the
     * tlsmgr(8).
     * This makes SSL_CTX_remove_session() not useful for flushing broken
     * sessions from the external cache, so we must delete them directly (not
     * via a callback).
    if (props->cache_type == 0 || tls_mgr_policy(props->cache_type, &cachable) != TLS_MGR_STAT_OK)
	cachable = 0;

     * Allocate an application context, and populate with mandatory protocol
     * and cipher data.
    app_ctx = tls_alloc_app_context(client_ctx);

     * The external session cache is implemented by the tlsmgr(8) process.
    if (cachable) {

	app_ctx->cache_type = acl_mystrdup(props->cache_type);

	 * OpenSSL does not use callbacks to load sessions from a client
	 * cache, so we must invoke that function directly. Apparently,
	 * OpenSSL does not provide a way to pass session names from here to
	 * call-back routines that do session lookup.
	 * OpenSSL can, however, automatically save newly created sessions for
	 * us by callback (we create the session name in the call-back
	 * function).
	 * XXX gcc 2.95 can't compile #ifdef .. #endif in the expansion of

	SSL_CTX_sess_set_new_cb(client_ctx, new_client_session_cb);
    return (app_ctx);
  * This is the actual startup routine for a new connection. We expect that
  * the SMTP buffers are flushed and the "220 Ready to start TLS" was sent to
  * the client, so that we can immediately start the TLS handshake process.
TLS_SESS_STATE *tls_server_start(const TLS_SERVER_START_PROPS *props)
    int     sts;
    TLS_SESS_STATE *TLScontext;
    const char *cipher_list;
    TLS_APPL_STATE *app_ctx = props->ctx;

    if (props->log_level >= 1)
	msg_info("setting up TLS connection from %s", props->namaddr);

    cipher_list = tls_set_ciphers(app_ctx, "TLS", props->cipher_grade,
    if (cipher_list == 0) {
	msg_warn("%s: %s: aborting TLS session", props->namaddr,
	return (0);
    if (props->log_level >= 2)
	msg_info("%s: TLS cipher list \"%s\"", props->namaddr, cipher_list);

     * Allocate a new TLScontext for the new connection and get an SSL
     * structure. Add the location of TLScontext to the SSL to later retrieve
     * the information inside the tls_verify_certificate_callback().
    TLScontext = tls_alloc_sess_context(props->log_level, props->namaddr);
    TLScontext->cache_type = app_ctx->cache_type;

    TLScontext->serverid = mystrdup(props->serverid);
    TLScontext->am_server = 1;

    TLScontext->fpt_dgst = mystrdup(props->fpt_dgst);
    TLScontext->stream = props->stream;

    if ((TLScontext->con = (SSL *) SSL_new(app_ctx->ssl_ctx)) == 0) {
	msg_warn("Could not allocate 'TLScontext->con' with SSL_new()");
	return (0);
    if (!SSL_set_ex_data(TLScontext->con, TLScontext_index, TLScontext)) {
	msg_warn("Could not set application data for 'TLScontext->con'");
	return (0);

     * Before really starting anything, try to seed the PRNG a little bit
     * more.
    (void) tls_ext_seed(var_tls_daemon_rand_bytes);

     * Initialize the SSL connection to accept state. This should not be
     * necessary anymore since 0.9.3, but the call is still in the library
     * and maintaining compatibility never hurts.

     * Connect the SSL connection with the network socket.
    if (SSL_set_fd(TLScontext->con, props->stream == 0 ? props->fd :
		   vstream_fileno(props->stream)) != 1) {
	msg_info("SSL_set_fd error to %s", props->namaddr);
	uncache_session(app_ctx->ssl_ctx, TLScontext);
	return (0);

     * If the debug level selected is high enough, all of the data is dumped:
     * 3 will dump the SSL negotiation, 4 will dump everything.
     * We do have an SSL_set_fd() and now suddenly a BIO_ routine is called?
     * Well there is a BIO below the SSL routines that is automatically
     * created for us, so we can use it for debugging purposes.
    if (props->log_level >= 3)
	BIO_set_callback(SSL_get_rbio(TLScontext->con), tls_bio_dump_cb);

     * If we don't trigger the handshake in the library, leave control over
     * SSL_accept/read/write/etc with the application.
    if (props->stream == 0)
	return (TLScontext);

     * Turn on non-blocking I/O so that we can enforce timeouts on network
     * I/O.
    non_blocking(vstream_fileno(props->stream), NON_BLOCKING);

     * Start TLS negotiations. This process is a black box that invokes our
     * call-backs for session caching and certificate verification.
     * Error handling: If the SSL handhake fails, we print out an error message
     * and remove all TLS state concerning this session.
    sts = tls_bio_accept(vstream_fileno(props->stream), props->timeout,
    if (sts <= 0) {
	msg_info("SSL_accept error from %s: %d", props->namaddr, sts);
	return (0);
    return (tls_server_post_accept(TLScontext));
TLS_APPL_STATE *tls_server_init(const TLS_SERVER_INIT_PROPS *props)
    SSL_CTX *server_ctx;
    long    off = 0;
    int     verify_flags = SSL_VERIFY_NONE;
    int     cachable;
    int     protomask;
    TLS_APPL_STATE *app_ctx;
    const EVP_MD *md_alg;
    unsigned int md_len;

    if (props->log_level >= 2)
	msg_info("initializing the server-side TLS engine");

     * Load (mostly cipher related) TLS-library internal main.cf parameters.

     * Detect mismatch between compile-time headers and run-time library.

     * Initialize the OpenSSL library by the book! To start with, we must
     * initialize the algorithms. We want cleartext error messages instead of
     * just error codes, so we load the error_strings.

     * First validate the protocols. If these are invalid, we can't continue.
    protomask = tls_protocol_mask(props->protocols);
    if (protomask == TLS_PROTOCOL_INVALID) {
	/* tls_protocol_mask() logs no warning. */
	msg_warn("Invalid TLS protocol list \"%s\": disabling TLS support",
	return (0);

     * Create an application data index for SSL objects, so that we can
     * attach TLScontext information; this information is needed inside
     * tls_verify_certificate_callback().
    if (TLScontext_index < 0) {
	if ((TLScontext_index = SSL_get_ex_new_index(0, 0, 0, 0, 0)) < 0) {
	    msg_warn("Cannot allocate SSL application data index: "
		     "disabling TLS support");
	    return (0);

     * Register SHA-2 digests, if implemented and not already registered.
     * Improves interoperability with clients and servers that prematurely
     * deploy SHA-2 certificates.
#if defined(LN_sha256) && defined(NID_sha256) && !defined(OPENSSL_NO_SHA256)
    if (!EVP_get_digestbyname(LN_sha224))
    if (!EVP_get_digestbyname(LN_sha256))
#if defined(LN_sha512) && defined(NID_sha512) && !defined(OPENSSL_NO_SHA512)
    if (!EVP_get_digestbyname(LN_sha384))
    if (!EVP_get_digestbyname(LN_sha512))

     * If the administrator specifies an unsupported digest algorithm, fail
     * now, rather than in the middle of a TLS handshake.
    if ((md_alg = EVP_get_digestbyname(props->fpt_dgst)) == 0) {
	msg_warn("Digest algorithm \"%s\" not found: disabling TLS support",
	return (0);

     * Sanity check: Newer shared libraries may use larger digests.
    if ((md_len = EVP_MD_size(md_alg)) > EVP_MAX_MD_SIZE) {
	msg_warn("Digest algorithm \"%s\" output size %u too large:"
		 " disabling TLS support", props->fpt_dgst, md_len);
	return (0);

     * Initialize the PRNG (Pseudo Random Number Generator) with some seed
     * from external and internal sources. Don't enable TLS without some real
     * entropy.
    if (tls_ext_seed(var_tls_daemon_rand_bytes) < 0) {
	msg_warn("no entropy for TLS key generation: disabling TLS support");
	return (0);

     * The SSL/TLS specifications require the client to send a message in the
     * oldest specification it understands with the highest level it
     * understands in the message. Netscape communicator can still
     * communicate with SSLv2 servers, so it sends out a SSLv2 client hello.
     * To deal with it, our server must be SSLv2 aware (even if we don't like
     * SSLv2), so we need to have the SSLv23 server here. If we want to limit
     * the protocol level, we can add an option to not use SSLv2/v3/TLSv1
     * later.
    if ((server_ctx = SSL_CTX_new(SSLv23_server_method())) == 0) {
	msg_warn("cannot allocate server SSL_CTX: disabling TLS support");
	return (0);

     * See the verify callback in tls_verify.c
    SSL_CTX_set_verify_depth(server_ctx, props->verifydepth + 1);

     * Protocol work-arounds, OpenSSL version dependent.
    off |= SSL_OP_NO_TICKET;
    off |= tls_bug_bits();
    SSL_CTX_set_options(server_ctx, off);

     * Global protocol selection.
    if (protomask != 0)
		   ((protomask & TLS_PROTOCOL_TLSv1) ? SSL_OP_NO_TLSv1 : 0L)
	     | ((protomask & TLS_PROTOCOL_TLSv1_1) ? SSL_OP_NO_TLSv1_1 : 0L)
	     | ((protomask & TLS_PROTOCOL_TLSv1_2) ? SSL_OP_NO_TLSv1_2 : 0L)
		 | ((protomask & TLS_PROTOCOL_SSLv3) ? SSL_OP_NO_SSLv3 : 0L)
	       | ((protomask & TLS_PROTOCOL_SSLv2) ? SSL_OP_NO_SSLv2 : 0L));


     * Some sites may want to give the client less rope. On the other hand,
     * this could trigger inter-operability issues, the client should not
     * offer ciphers it implements poorly, but this hasn't stopped some
     * vendors from getting it wrong.
     * XXX: Given OpenSSL's security history, nobody should still be using
     * 0.9.7, let alone 0.9.6 or earlier. Warning added to TLS_README.html.
    if (var_tls_preempt_clist)
	SSL_CTX_set_options(server_ctx, SSL_OP_CIPHER_SERVER_PREFERENCE);

     * Set the call-back routine to debug handshake progress.
    if (props->log_level >= 2)
	SSL_CTX_set_info_callback(server_ctx, tls_info_callback);

     * Load the CA public key certificates for both the server cert and for
     * the verification of client certificates. As provided by OpenSSL we
     * support two types of CA certificate handling: One possibility is to
     * add all CA certificates to one large CAfile, the other possibility is
     * a directory pointed to by CApath, containing separate files for each
     * CA with softlinks named after the hash values of the certificate. The
     * first alternative has the advantage that the file is opened and read
     * at startup time, so that you don't have the hassle to maintain another
     * copy of the CApath directory for chroot-jail.
    if (tls_set_ca_certificate_info(server_ctx,
				    props->CAfile, props->CApath) < 0) {
	/* tls_set_ca_certificate_info() already logs a warning. */
	SSL_CTX_free(server_ctx);		/* 200411 */
	return (0);

     * Load the server public key certificate and private key from file and
     * check whether the cert matches the key. We can use RSA certificates
     * ("cert") DSA certificates ("dcert") or ECDSA certificates ("eccert").
     * All three can be made available at the same time. The CA certificates
     * for all three are handled in the same setup already finished. Which
     * one is used depends on the cipher negotiated (that is: the first
     * cipher listed by the client which does match the server). A client
     * with RSA only (e.g. Netscape) will use the RSA certificate only. A
     * client with openssl-library will use RSA first if not especially
     * changed in the cipher setup.
    if (tls_set_my_certificate_key_info(server_ctx,
					props->eckey_file) < 0) {
	/* tls_set_my_certificate_key_info() already logs a warning. */
	SSL_CTX_free(server_ctx);		/* 200411 */
	return (0);

     * According to the OpenSSL documentation, temporary RSA key is needed
     * export ciphers are in use. We have to provide one, so well, we just do
     * it.
    SSL_CTX_set_tmp_rsa_callback(server_ctx, tls_tmp_rsa_cb);

     * Diffie-Hellman key generation parameters can either be loaded from
     * files (preferred) or taken from compiled in values. First, set the
     * callback that will select the values when requested, then load the
     * (possibly) available DH parameters from files. We are generous with
     * the error handling, since we do have default values compiled in, so we
     * will not abort but just log the error message.
    SSL_CTX_set_tmp_dh_callback(server_ctx, tls_tmp_dh_cb);
    if (*props->dh1024_param_file != 0)
	tls_set_dh_from_file(props->dh1024_param_file, 1024);
    if (*props->dh512_param_file != 0)
	tls_set_dh_from_file(props->dh512_param_file, 512);

     * Enable EECDH if available, errors are not fatal, we just keep going
     * with any remaining key-exchange algorithms.
    (void) tls_set_eecdh_curve(server_ctx, props->eecdh_grade);

     * If we want to check client certificates, we have to indicate it in
     * advance. By now we only allow to decide on a global basis. If we want
     * to allow certificate based relaying, we must ask the client to provide
     * one with SSL_VERIFY_PEER. The client now can decide, whether it
     * provides one or not. We can enforce a failure of the negotiation with
     * SSL_VERIFY_FAIL_IF_NO_PEER_CERT, if we do not allow a connection
     * without one. In the "server hello" following the initialization by the
     * "client hello" the server must provide a list of CAs it is willing to
     * accept. Some clever clients will then select one from the list of
     * available certificates matching these CAs. Netscape Communicator will
     * present the list of certificates for selecting the one to be sent, or
     * it will issue a warning, if there is no certificate matching the
     * available CAs.
     * With regard to the purpose of the certificate for relaying, we might like
     * a later negotiation, maybe relaying would already be allowed for other
     * reasons, but this would involve severe changes in the internal postfix
     * logic, so we have to live with it the way it is.
    if (props->ask_ccert)
    SSL_CTX_set_verify(server_ctx, verify_flags,
    if (*props->CAfile)

     * Initialize our own TLS server handle, before diving into the details
     * of TLS session cache management.
    app_ctx = tls_alloc_app_context(server_ctx);

     * The session cache is implemented by the tlsmgr(8) server.
     * XXX 200502 Surprise: when OpenSSL purges an entry from the in-memory
     * cache, it also attempts to purge the entry from the on-disk cache.
     * This is undesirable, especially when we set the in-memory cache size
     * to 1. For this reason we don't allow OpenSSL to purge on-disk cache
     * entries, and leave it up to the tlsmgr process instead. Found by
     * Victor Duchovni.

    if (tls_mgr_policy(props->cache_type, &cachable) != TLS_MGR_STAT_OK)
	cachable = 0;

    if (cachable || props->set_sessid) {

	 * Initialize the session cache.
	 * With a large number of concurrent smtpd(8) processes, it is not a
	 * good idea to cache multiple large session objects in each process.
	 * We set the internal cache size to 1, and don't register a
	 * "remove_cb" so as to avoid deleting good sessions from the
	 * external cache prematurely (when the internal cache is full,
	 * OpenSSL removes sessions from the external cache also)!
	 * This makes SSL_CTX_remove_session() not useful for flushing broken
	 * sessions from the external cache, so we must delete them directly
	 * (not via a callback).
	 * Set a session id context to identify to what type of server process
	 * created a session. In our case, the context is simply the name of
	 * the mail system: "Postfix/TLS".
	SSL_CTX_sess_set_cache_size(server_ctx, 1);
				       (void *) &server_session_id_context,
	if (cachable) {
	    app_ctx->cache_type = mystrdup(props->cache_type);

	    SSL_CTX_sess_set_get_cb(server_ctx, get_server_session_cb);
	    SSL_CTX_sess_set_new_cb(server_ctx, new_server_session_cb);

	 * OpenSSL ignores timed-out sessions. We need to set the internal
	 * cache timeout at least as high as the external cache timeout. This
	 * applies even if no internal cache is used.
	SSL_CTX_set_timeout(server_ctx, props->scache_timeout);
    } else {

	 * If we have no external cache, disable all caching. No use wasting
	 * server memory resources with sessions they are unlikely to be able
	 * to reuse.
	SSL_CTX_set_session_cache_mode(server_ctx, SSL_SESS_CACHE_OFF);

    return (app_ctx);
Exemple #15
int     tls_bio(int fd, int timeout, TLS_SESS_STATE *TLScontext,
                int (*hsfunc) (SSL *),
                int (*rfunc) (SSL *, void *, int),
                int (*wfunc) (SSL *, const void *, int),
                void *buf, int num)
    const char *myname = "tls_bio";
    int     status;
    int     err;
    int     enable_deadline;
    struct timeval time_left;		/* amount of time left */
    struct timeval time_deadline;	/* time of deadline */
    struct timeval time_now;		/* time after SSL_mumble() call */

     * Compensation for interface mis-match: With VSTREAMs, timeout <= 0
     * means wait forever; with the read/write_wait() calls below, we need to
     * specify timeout < 0 instead.
     * Safety: no time limit means no deadline.
    if (timeout <= 0) {
        timeout = -1;
        enable_deadline = 0;

     * Deadline management is simpler than with VSTREAMs, because we don't
     * need to decrement a per-stream time limit. We just work within the
     * budget that is available for this tls_bio() call.
    else {
        enable_deadline =
            vstream_fstat(TLScontext->stream, VSTREAM_FLAG_DEADLINE);
        if (enable_deadline) {
            time_deadline.tv_sec += timeout;

     * If necessary, retry the SSL handshake or read/write operation after
     * handling any pending network I/O.
    for (;;) {
        if (hsfunc)
            status = hsfunc(TLScontext->con);
        else if (rfunc)
            status = rfunc(TLScontext->con, buf, num);
        else if (wfunc)
            status = wfunc(TLScontext->con, buf, num);
            msg_panic("%s: nothing to do here", myname);
        err = SSL_get_error(TLScontext->con, status);

#if (OPENSSL_VERSION_NUMBER <= 0x0090581fL)

         * There is a bug up to and including OpenSSL-0.9.5a: if an error
         * occurs while checking the peers certificate due to some
         * certificate error (e.g. as happend with a RSA-padding error), the
         * error is put onto the error stack. If verification is not
         * enforced, this error should be ignored, but the error-queue is not
         * cleared, so we can find this error here. The bug has been fixed on
         * May 28, 2000.
         * This bug so far has only manifested as 4800:error:0407006A:rsa
         * routines:RSA_padding_check_PKCS1_type_1:block type is not
         * 01:rsa_pk1.c:100: 4800:error:04067072:rsa
         * routines:RSA_EAY_PUBLIC_DECRYPT:padding check
         * failed:rsa_eay.c:396: 4800:error:0D079006:asn1 encoding
         * routines:ASN1_verify:bad get asn1 object call:a_verify.c:109: so
         * that we specifically test for this error. We print the errors to
         * the logfile and automatically clear the error queue. Then we retry
         * to get another error code. We cannot do better, since we can only
         * retrieve the last entry of the error-queue without actually
         * cleaning it on the way.
         * This workaround is secure, as verify_result is set to "failed"
         * anyway.
        if (err == SSL_ERROR_SSL) {
            if (ERR_peek_error() == 0x0407006AL) {
                msg_info("OpenSSL <= 0.9.5a workaround called: certificate errors ignored");
                err = SSL_get_error(TLScontext->con, status);

         * Correspondence between SSL_ERROR_* error codes and tls_bio_(read,
         * write, accept, connect, shutdown) return values (for brevity:
         * retval).
         * SSL_ERROR_NONE corresponds with retval > 0. With SSL_(read, write)
         * this is the number of plaintext bytes sent or received. With
         * SSL_(accept, connect, shutdown) this means that the operation was
         * completed successfully.
         * SSL_ERROR_WANT_(WRITE, READ) start a new loop iteration, or force
         * (retval = -1, errno = ETIMEDOUT) when the time limit is exceeded.
         * All other SSL_ERROR_* cases correspond with retval <= 0. With
         * SSL_(read, write, accept, connect) retval == 0 means that the
         * remote party either closed the network connection or that it
         * requested TLS shutdown; with SSL_shutdown() retval == 0 means that
         * our own shutdown request is in progress. With all operations
         * retval < 0 means that there was an error. In the latter case,
         * SSL_ERROR_SYSCALL means that error details are returned via the
         * errno value.
         * Find out if we must retry the operation and/or if there is pending
         * network I/O.
         * XXX If we're the first to invoke SSL_shutdown(), then the operation
         * isn't really complete when the call returns. We could hide that
         * anomaly here and repeat the call.
        switch (err) {
        case SSL_ERROR_WANT_WRITE:
        case SSL_ERROR_WANT_READ:
            if (enable_deadline) {
                timersub(&time_deadline, &time_now, &time_left);
                timeout = time_left.tv_sec + (time_left.tv_usec > 0);
                if (timeout <= 0) {
                    errno = ETIMEDOUT;
                    return (-1);
            if (err == SSL_ERROR_WANT_WRITE) {
                if (write_wait(fd, timeout) < 0)
                    return (-1);		/* timeout error */
            } else {
                if (read_wait(fd, timeout) < 0)
                    return (-1);		/* timeout error */

         * Unhandled cases: SSL_ERROR_WANT_(ACCEPT, CONNECT, X509_LOOKUP)
         * etc. Historically, Postfix silently treated these as ordinary
         * I/O errors so we don't really know how common they are. For
         * now, we just log a warning.
            msg_warn("%s: unexpected SSL_ERROR code %d", myname, err);
        /* FALLTHROUGH */

         * With tls_timed_read() and tls_timed_write() the caller is the
         * VSTREAM library module which is unaware of TLS, so we log the
         * TLS error stack here. In a better world, each VSTREAM I/O
         * object would provide an error reporting method in addition to
         * the timed_read and timed_write methods, so that we would not
         * need to have ad-hoc code like this.
        case SSL_ERROR_SSL:
            if (rfunc || wfunc)
        /* FALLTHROUGH */
        case SSL_ERROR_NONE:
            errno = 0;				/* avoid bogus warnings */
        /* FALLTHROUGH */
        case SSL_ERROR_SYSCALL:
            return (status);