Exemple #1
bool wxToolTip::AdjustMaxWidth()
    // use TTM_SETMAXTIPWIDTH to make tooltip multiline using the
    // extent of its first line as max value
    HFONT hfont = (HFONT)
        SendTooltipMessage(GetToolTipCtrl(), WM_GETFONT, 0);

    if ( !hfont )
        hfont = (HFONT)GetStockObject(DEFAULT_GUI_FONT);
        if ( !hfont )

    MemoryHDC hdc;
    if ( !hdc )

    if ( !SelectObject(hdc, hfont) )

    // find the width of the widest line
    int maxWidth = 0;
    wxStringTokenizer tokenizer(m_text, wxT("\n"));
    while ( tokenizer.HasMoreTokens() )
        const wxString token = tokenizer.GetNextToken();

        SIZE sz;
        if ( !::GetTextExtentPoint32(hdc, token.t_str(),
                                     token.length(), &sz) )

        if ( sz.cx > maxWidth )
            maxWidth = sz.cx;

    // limit size to ms_maxWidth, if set
    if ( ms_maxWidth == 0 )
        // this is more or less arbitrary but seems to work well
        static const int DEFAULT_MAX_WIDTH = 400;

        ms_maxWidth = wxGetClientDisplayRect().width / 2;

        if ( ms_maxWidth > DEFAULT_MAX_WIDTH )
            ms_maxWidth = DEFAULT_MAX_WIDTH;

    if ( ms_maxWidth != -1 && maxWidth > ms_maxWidth )
        maxWidth = ms_maxWidth;

    // only set a new width if it is bigger than the current setting:
    // otherwise adding a tooltip with shorter line(s) than a previous
    // one would result in breaking the longer lines unnecessarily as
    // all our tooltips share the same maximal width
    if ( maxWidth > SendTooltipMessage(GetToolTipCtrl(),
                                       TTM_GETMAXTIPWIDTH, 0) )
        SendTooltipMessage(GetToolTipCtrl(), TTM_SETMAXTIPWIDTH,

    return true;
Exemple #2
 * _ccs_get_xpathlite
 * @handle:
 * @connection_handle:
 * @query:
 * @list: 1 to operate in list fashion
 * This function will allocate space for the value that is the result
 * of the given query.  It is the user's responsibility to ensure that
 * the data returned is freed.
 * Returns: char * to result or NULL in case of failure.
char *_ccs_get_xpathlite(confdb_handle_t handle, hdb_handle_t connection_handle,
			 const char *query, int list)
	char current_query[PATH_MAX];
	char *datapos, *rtn = NULL;
	char previous_query[PATH_MAX];
	hdb_handle_t list_handle = 0;
	hdb_handle_t query_handle = 0;
	int prev = 0, is_oldlist = 0;
	int tokens, i;

	memset(current_query, 0, PATH_MAX);
	strncpy(current_query, query, PATH_MAX - 1);

	memset(previous_query, 0, PATH_MAX);

	datapos = current_query + 1;

	prev =
	    get_previous_query(handle, connection_handle, previous_query,

	if (list && !prev && !strcmp(current_query, previous_query)) {
		query_handle = list_handle;
		is_oldlist = 1;
	} else {
		reset_iterator(handle, connection_handle);
		query_handle = OBJECT_PARENT_HANDLE;

	if (confdb_object_find_start(handle, query_handle) != CS_OK) {
		errno = ENOENT;
		goto fail;

	tokens = tokenizer(current_query);
	if (tokens < 1)
		goto fail;

	for (i = 1; i < tokens; i++)
		datapos = datapos + strlen(datapos) + 1;

	if (!is_oldlist)
		if (path_dive(handle, &query_handle, current_query, tokens - 1) < 0)	/* path dive can mangle tokens */
			goto fail;

	if (get_data
	    (handle, connection_handle, query_handle, &list_handle, &rtn,
	     datapos, list, is_oldlist) < 0)
		goto fail;

	if (list)
		if (set_previous_query
		    (handle, connection_handle, (char *)query, list_handle))
			goto fail;

	return rtn;

	return NULL;
Exemple #3
wxNativeFont wxLoadQueryNearestFont(int pointSize,
                                    int family,
                                    int style,
                                    int weight,
                                    bool underlined,
                                    const wxString &facename,
                                    wxFontEncoding encoding,
                                    wxString* xFontName)
    if ( encoding == wxFONTENCODING_DEFAULT )
        encoding = wxFont::GetDefaultEncoding();

    // first determine the encoding - if the font doesn't exist at all in this
    // encoding, it's useless to do all other approximations (i.e. size,
    // family &c don't matter much)
    wxNativeEncodingInfo info;
    if ( encoding == wxFONTENCODING_SYSTEM )
        // This will always work so we don't test to save time
        wxGetNativeFontEncoding(wxFONTENCODING_SYSTEM, &info);
        if ( !wxGetNativeFontEncoding(encoding, &info) ||
             !wxTestFontEncoding(info) )
            if ( !wxFontMapper::Get()->GetAltForEncoding(encoding, &info) )
#endif // wxUSE_FONTMAP
                // unspported encoding - replace it with the default
                // NB: we can't just return 0 from here because wxGTK code doesn't
                //     check for it (i.e. it supposes that we'll always succeed),
                //     so it would provoke a crash
                wxGetNativeFontEncoding(wxFONTENCODING_SYSTEM, &info);

    // OK, we have the correct xregistry/xencoding in info structure
    wxNativeFont font = 0;

    // if we already have the X font name, try to use it
    if( xFontName && !xFontName->empty() )
        //  Make sure point size is correct for scale factor.
        wxStringTokenizer tokenizer(*xFontName, wxT("-"), wxTOKEN_RET_DELIMS);
        wxString newFontName;

        for(int i = 0; i < 8; i++)
          newFontName += tokenizer.NextToken();

        (void) tokenizer.NextToken();

        newFontName += wxString::Format(wxT("%d-"), pointSize);

          newFontName += tokenizer.GetNextToken();

        font = wxLoadFont(newFontName);

          *xFontName = newFontName;

    if ( !font )
        // search up and down by stepsize 10
        int max_size = pointSize + 20 * (1 + (pointSize/180));
        int min_size = pointSize - 20 * (1 + (pointSize/180));

        int i, round; // counters

        // first round: search for equal, then for smaller and for larger size
        // with the given weight and style
        int testweight = weight;
        int teststyle = style;

        for ( round = 0; round < 3; round++ )
            // second round: use normal weight
            if ( round == 1 )
                if ( testweight != wxNORMAL )
                    testweight = wxNORMAL;
                    ++round; // fall through to third round

            // third round: ... and use normal style
            if ( round == 2 )
                if ( teststyle != wxNORMAL )
                    teststyle = wxNORMAL;
            // Search for equal or smaller size (approx.)
            for ( i = pointSize; !font && i >= 10 && i >= min_size; i -= 10 )
                font = wxLoadQueryFont(i, family, teststyle, testweight, underlined,
                                   facename, info.xregistry, info.xencoding,

            // Search for larger size (approx.)
            for ( i = pointSize + 10; !font && i <= max_size; i += 10 )
                font = wxLoadQueryFont(i, family, teststyle, testweight, underlined,
                                   facename, info.xregistry, info.xencoding,

        // Try default family
        if ( !font && family != wxDEFAULT )
            font = wxLoadQueryFont(pointSize, wxDEFAULT, style, weight,
                                   underlined, facename,
                                   info.xregistry, info.xencoding,
                                   xFontName );

        // ignore size, family, style and weight but try to find font with the
        // given facename and encoding
        if ( !font )
            font = wxLoadQueryFont(120, wxDEFAULT, wxNORMAL, wxNORMAL,
                                   underlined, facename,
                                   info.xregistry, info.xencoding,

            // ignore family as well
            if ( !font )
                font = wxLoadQueryFont(120, wxDEFAULT, wxNORMAL, wxNORMAL,
                                       underlined, wxEmptyString,
                                       info.xregistry, info.xencoding,

                // if it still failed, try to get the font of any size but
                // with the requested encoding: this can happen if the
                // encoding is only available in one size which happens to be
                // different from 120
                if ( !font )
                    font = wxLoadQueryFont(-1, wxDEFAULT, wxNORMAL, wxNORMAL,
                                           false, wxEmptyString,
                                           info.xregistry, info.xencoding,

                    // this should never happen as we had tested for it in the
                    // very beginning, but if it does, do return something non
                    // NULL or we'd crash in wxFont code
                    if ( !font )
                        wxFAIL_MSG( wxT("this encoding should be available!") );

                        font = wxLoadQueryFont(-1,
                                               wxDEFAULT, wxNORMAL, wxNORMAL,
                                               false, wxEmptyString,
                                               wxT("*"), wxT("*"),

    return font;
void compute_envelope(const scorer_document_type& scorers,
		      const hypergraph_set_type&  graphs,
		      const weight_set_type& origin,
		      const weight_set_type& direction,
		      segment_document_type& segments)
  typedef utils::mpi_device_source idevice_type;
  typedef utils::mpi_device_sink   odevice_type;
  typedef boost::iostreams::filtering_ostream ostream_type;
  typedef boost::iostreams::filtering_istream istream_type;

  typedef boost::tokenizer<utils::space_separator, utils::piece::const_iterator, utils::piece> tokenizer_type;

  typedef EnvelopeTask task_type;
  typedef task_type::queue_type queue_type;
  const int mpi_rank = MPI::COMM_WORLD.Get_rank();
  const int mpi_size = MPI::COMM_WORLD.Get_size();
  queue_type queue;
  boost::thread worker(task_type(queue, segments, origin, direction, scorers, graphs));
  for (size_t seg = 0; seg != graphs.size(); ++ seg)
    if (graphs[seg].is_valid())
  // merge segments into root
  if (mpi_rank == 0) {

    for (int rank = 1; rank != mpi_size; ++ rank) {
      istream_type is;
      is.push(idevice_type(rank, envelope_tag, 4096));
      std::string line;
      while (std::getline(is, line)) {
	const utils::piece line_piece(line);
	tokenizer_type tokenizer(line_piece);
	tokenizer_type::iterator iter = tokenizer.begin();
	if (iter == tokenizer.end()) continue;
	const utils::piece id_str = *iter; 
	++ iter;
	if (iter == tokenizer.end() || *iter != "|||") continue;
	++ iter;
	if (iter == tokenizer.end()) continue;
	const utils::piece x_str = *iter;
	++ iter;
	if (iter == tokenizer.end() || *iter != "|||") continue;
	++ iter;
	if (iter == tokenizer.end()) continue;
	const utils::piece score_str = *iter;
	const int id = utils::lexical_cast<int>(id_str);
	if (id >= static_cast<int>(segments.size()))
	  throw std::runtime_error("invali id?");
  } else {
    ostream_type os;
    os.push(odevice_type(0, envelope_tag, 4096));
    for (size_t seg = 0; seg != segments.size(); ++ seg)
      if (! segments[seg].empty()) {
	segment_set_type::const_iterator siter_end = segments[seg].end();
	for (segment_set_type::const_iterator siter = segments[seg].begin(); siter != siter_end; ++ siter) {
	  os << seg << " ||| ";
	  utils::encode_base64(siter->x, std::ostream_iterator<char>(os));
	  os << " ||| " << siter->score->encode()
	     << '\n';
int main( int argc, const char* argv[])
	int rt = 0;
	std::auto_ptr<strus::ErrorBufferInterface> errorBuffer( strus::createErrorBuffer_standard( 0, 2));
	if (!errorBuffer.get())
		std::cerr << _TXT("failed to create error buffer") << std::endl;
		return -1;
	strus::ProgramOptions opt;
	bool printUsageAndExit = false;
		opt = strus::ProgramOptions(
				argc, argv, 11,
				"h,help", "v,version", "license", "t,tokenizer:", "n,normalizer:",
				"m,module:", "M,moduledir:", "q,quot:", "p,plain",
				"R,resourcedir:", "T,trace:");
		if (opt( "help")) printUsageAndExit = true;
		std::auto_ptr<strus::ModuleLoaderInterface> moduleLoader( strus::createModuleLoader( errorBuffer.get()));
		if (!moduleLoader.get()) throw strus::runtime_error(_TXT("failed to create module loader"));

		if (opt("moduledir"))
			std::vector<std::string> modirlist( opt.list("moduledir"));
			std::vector<std::string>::const_iterator mi = modirlist.begin(), me = modirlist.end();
			for (; mi != me; ++mi)
				moduleLoader->addModulePath( *mi);
		if (opt("module"))
			std::vector<std::string> modlist( opt.list("module"));
			std::vector<std::string>::const_iterator mi = modlist.begin(), me = modlist.end();
			for (; mi != me; ++mi)
				if (!moduleLoader->loadModule( *mi))
					throw strus::runtime_error(_TXT("error failed to load module %s"), mi->c_str());
		if (opt("license"))
			std::vector<std::string> licenses_3rdParty = moduleLoader->get3rdPartyLicenseTexts();
			std::vector<std::string>::const_iterator ti = licenses_3rdParty.begin(), te = licenses_3rdParty.end();
			if (ti != te) std::cout << _TXT("3rd party licenses:") << std::endl;
			for (; ti != te; ++ti)
				std::cout << *ti << std::endl;
			std::cerr << std::endl;
			if (!printUsageAndExit) return 0;
		if (opt( "version"))
			std::cout << _TXT("Strus utilities version ") << STRUS_UTILITIES_VERSION_STRING << std::endl;
			std::cout << _TXT("Strus module version ") << STRUS_MODULE_VERSION_STRING << std::endl;
			std::cout << _TXT("Strus rpc version ") << STRUS_RPC_VERSION_STRING << std::endl;
			std::cout << _TXT("Strus trace version ") << STRUS_TRACE_VERSION_STRING << std::endl;
			std::cout << _TXT("Strus analyzer version ") << STRUS_ANALYZER_VERSION_STRING << std::endl;
			std::cout << _TXT("Strus base version ") << STRUS_BASE_VERSION_STRING << std::endl;
			std::vector<std::string> versions_3rdParty = moduleLoader->get3rdPartyVersionTexts();
			std::vector<std::string>::const_iterator vi = versions_3rdParty.begin(), ve = versions_3rdParty.end();
			if (vi != ve) std::cout << _TXT("3rd party versions:") << std::endl;
			for (; vi != ve; ++vi)
				std::cout << *vi << std::endl;
			if (!printUsageAndExit) return 0;
		else if (!printUsageAndExit)
			if (opt.nofargs() > 1)
				std::cerr << _TXT("too many arguments") << std::endl;
				printUsageAndExit = true;
				rt = 1;
			if (opt.nofargs() < 1)
				std::cerr << _TXT("too few arguments") << std::endl;
				printUsageAndExit = true;
				rt = 2;
		if (printUsageAndExit)
			std::cout << _TXT("usage:") << " strusAnalyze [options] <phrasepath>" << std::endl;
			std::cout << "<phrasepath> = " << _TXT("path to phrase to analyze ('-' for stdin)") << std::endl;
			std::cout << "description: " << _TXT("tokenizes and normalizes a text segment") << std::endl;
			std::cout << "             " << _TXT("and prints the result to stdout.") << std::endl;
			std::cout << _TXT("options:") << std::endl;
			std::cout << "-h|--help" << std::endl;
			std::cout << "   " << _TXT("Print this usage and do nothing else") << std::endl;
			std::cout << "-v|--version" << std::endl;
			std::cout << "    " << _TXT("Print the program version and do nothing else") << std::endl;
			std::cout << "--license" << std::endl;
			std::cout << "    " << _TXT("Print 3rd party licences requiring reference") << std::endl;
			std::cout << "-m|--module <MOD>" << std::endl;
			std::cout << "    " << _TXT("Load components from module <MOD>") << std::endl;
			std::cout << "-M|--moduledir <DIR>" << std::endl;
			std::cout << "    " << _TXT("Search modules to load first in <DIR>") << std::endl;
			std::cout << "-R|--resourcedir <DIR>" << std::endl;
			std::cout << "    " << _TXT("Search resource files for analyzer first in <DIR>") << std::endl;
			std::cout << "-t|--tokenizer <CALL>" << std::endl;
			std::cout << "    " << _TXT("Use the tokenizer <CALL> (default 'content')") << std::endl;
			std::cout << "-n|--normalizer <CALL>" << std::endl;
			std::cout << "    " << _TXT("Use the normalizer <CALL> (default 'orig')") << std::endl;
			std::cout << "-q|--quot <STR>" << std::endl;
			std::cout << "    " << _TXT("Use the string <STR> as quote for the result (default \"\'\")") << std::endl;
			std::cout << "-p|--plain" << std::endl;
			std::cout << "    " << _TXT("Do not print position and define default quotes as empty") << std::endl;
			std::cout << "-T|--trace <CONFIG>" << std::endl;
			std::cout << "    " << _TXT("Print method call traces configured with <CONFIG>") << std::endl;
			std::cout << "    " << strus::string_format( _TXT("Example: %s"), "-T \"log=dump;file=stdout\"") << std::endl;
			return rt;
		// Declare trace proxy objects:
		typedef strus::Reference<strus::TraceProxy> TraceReference;
		std::vector<TraceReference> trace;
		if (opt("trace"))
			std::vector<std::string> tracecfglist( opt.list("trace"));
			std::vector<std::string>::const_iterator ti = tracecfglist.begin(), te = tracecfglist.end();
			for (; ti != te; ++ti)
				trace.push_back( new strus::TraceProxy( moduleLoader.get(), *ti, errorBuffer.get()));

		std::string resultQuot = "'";
		bool resultPlain = false;
		if (opt( "plain"))
			resultPlain = true;
		if (opt( "quot"))
			resultQuot = opt[ "quot"];
		std::string docpath = opt[0];
		std::string tokenizer( "content");
		if (opt( "tokenizer"))
			tokenizer = opt[ "tokenizer"];
		std::string normalizer( "orig");
		if (opt( "normalizer"))
			normalizer = opt[ "normalizer"];
		// Set paths for locating resources:
		if (opt("resourcedir"))
			std::vector<std::string> pathlist( opt.list("resourcedir"));
				pi = pathlist.begin(), pe = pathlist.end();
			for (; pi != pe; ++pi)
				moduleLoader->addResourcePath( *pi);

		// Create root object for analyzer:
			analyzerBuilder( moduleLoader->createAnalyzerObjectBuilder());
		if (!analyzerBuilder.get()) throw strus::runtime_error(_TXT("failed to create analyzer object builder"));

		// Create proxy objects if tracing enabled:
			std::vector<TraceReference>::const_iterator ti = trace.begin(), te = trace.end();
			for (; ti != te; ++ti)
				strus::AnalyzerObjectBuilderInterface* proxy = (*ti)->createProxy( analyzerBuilder.get());
				analyzerBuilder.reset( proxy);
		// Create objects for analyzer:
			analyzer( analyzerBuilder->createQueryAnalyzer());
		if (!analyzer.get()) throw strus::runtime_error(_TXT("failed to create analyzer"));
		const strus::TextProcessorInterface* textproc = analyzerBuilder->getTextProcessor();
		if (!textproc) throw strus::runtime_error(_TXT("failed to get text processor"));

		// Create phrase type (tokenizer and normalizer):
		std::string phraseType;
		if (!strus::loadQueryAnalyzerPhraseType(
				*analyzer, textproc, phraseType, "", normalizer, tokenizer, errorBuffer.get()))
			throw strus::runtime_error(_TXT("failed to load analyze phrase type"));

		// Load the phrase:
		std::string phrase;
		if (docpath == "-")
			unsigned int ec = strus::readStdin( phrase);
			if (ec) throw strus::runtime_error( _TXT( "error reading input from stdin (errno %u)"), ec);
			unsigned int ec = strus::readFile( docpath, phrase);
			if (ec) throw strus::runtime_error( _TXT( "error reading input file '%s' (errno %u)"), docpath.c_str(), ec);

		// Analyze the phrase and print the result:
		std::vector<strus::analyzer::Term> terms
			= analyzer->analyzePhrase( phraseType, phrase);

		std::sort( terms.begin(), terms.end(), TermOrder());

			ti = terms.begin(), te = terms.end();

		for (; ti != te; ++ti)
			if (!resultPlain)
				std::cout << ti->pos() << " ";
			std::cout << resultQuot << ti->value() << resultQuot << std::endl;
		if (errorBuffer->hasError())
			throw strus::runtime_error(_TXT("error in analyze phrase"));
		return 0;
	catch (const std::bad_alloc&)
		std::cerr << _TXT("ERROR ") << _TXT("out of memory") << std::endl;
	catch (const std::runtime_error& e)
		const char* errormsg = errorBuffer->fetchError();
		if (errormsg)
			std::cerr << _TXT("ERROR ") << e.what() << ": " << errormsg << std::endl;
			std::cerr << _TXT("ERROR ") << e.what() << std::endl;
	catch (const std::exception& e)
		std::cerr << _TXT("EXCEPTION ") << e.what() << std::endl;
	return -1;
/* static */
DecoderTraits::CanHandleMediaType(const char* aMIMEType,
                                  bool aHaveRequestedCodecs,
                                  const nsAString& aRequestedCodecs)
  char const* const* codecList = nullptr;
  CanPlayStatus result = CANPLAY_NO;
#ifdef MOZ_RAW
  if (IsRawType(nsDependentCString(aMIMEType))) {
    codecList = gRawCodecs;
    result = CANPLAY_MAYBE;
#ifdef MOZ_OGG
  if (IsOggType(nsDependentCString(aMIMEType))) {
    codecList = MediaDecoder::IsOpusEnabled() ? gOggCodecsWithOpus : gOggCodecs;
    result = CANPLAY_MAYBE;
#ifdef MOZ_WAVE
  if (IsWaveType(nsDependentCString(aMIMEType))) {
    codecList = gWaveCodecs;
    result = CANPLAY_MAYBE;
#ifdef MOZ_WEBM
  if (IsWebMType(nsDependentCString(aMIMEType))) {
    codecList = gWebMCodecs;
    result = CANPLAY_YES;
#ifdef MOZ_DASH
  if (IsDASHMPDType(nsDependentCString(aMIMEType))) {
    // DASH manifest uses WebM codecs only.
    codecList = gWebMCodecs;
    result = CANPLAY_YES;
  if (GStreamerDecoder::CanHandleMediaType(nsDependentCString(aMIMEType),
                                           aHaveRequestedCodecs ? &aRequestedCodecs : nullptr)) {
    if (aHaveRequestedCodecs)
      return CANPLAY_YES;
    return CANPLAY_MAYBE;
  if (IsOmxSupportedType(nsDependentCString(aMIMEType))) {
    result = CANPLAY_MAYBE;
    if (nsDependentCString(aMIMEType).EqualsASCII("audio/mpeg")) {
      codecList = gMpegAudioCodecs;
    } else {
      codecList = gH264Codecs;
#ifdef MOZ_WMF
  if (WMFDecoder::GetSupportedCodecs(nsDependentCString(aMIMEType), &codecList)) {
    result = CANPLAY_MAYBE;
  if (DirectShowDecoder::GetSupportedCodecs(nsDependentCString(aMIMEType), &codecList)) {
    result = CANPLAY_MAYBE;
  if (IsAppleMediaSupportedType(nsDependentCString(aMIMEType), &codecList)) {
    result = CANPLAY_MAYBE;
  if (MediaDecoder::IsMediaPluginsEnabled() &&
      GetMediaPluginHost()->FindDecoder(nsDependentCString(aMIMEType), &codecList))
    result = CANPLAY_MAYBE;
  if (result == CANPLAY_NO || !aHaveRequestedCodecs || !codecList) {
    return result;

  // See http://www.rfc-editor.org/rfc/rfc4281.txt for the description
  // of the 'codecs' parameter
  nsCharSeparatedTokenizer tokenizer(aRequestedCodecs, ',');
  bool expectMoreTokens = false;
  while (tokenizer.hasMoreTokens()) {
    const nsSubstring& token = tokenizer.nextToken();

    if (!CodecListContains(codecList, token)) {
      // Totally unsupported codec
      return CANPLAY_NO;
    expectMoreTokens = tokenizer.lastTokenEndedWithSeparator();
  if (expectMoreTokens) {
    // Last codec name was empty
    return CANPLAY_NO;
  return CANPLAY_YES;
void Context::initialize(ContextType contextType) {
	// Initialize default state.

	type = contextType;

	// Obtain maximum texture size.
	glGetIntegerv(GL_MAX_TEXTURE_SIZE, (GLint *)&maxTextureSize);
	debug(5, "OpenGL maximum texture size: %d", maxTextureSize);

	const char *extString = (const char *)glGetString(GL_EXTENSIONS);

	bool ARBShaderObjects = false;
	bool ARBShadingLanguage100 = false;
	bool ARBVertexShader = false;
	bool ARBFragmentShader = false;
	bool EXTFramebufferMultisample = false;
	bool EXTFramebufferBlit = false;

	Common::StringTokenizer tokenizer(extString, " ");
	while (!tokenizer.empty()) {
		Common::String token = tokenizer.nextToken();

		if (token == "GL_ARB_texture_non_power_of_two" || token == "GL_OES_texture_npot") {
			NPOTSupported = true;
		} else if (token == "GL_ARB_shader_objects") {
			ARBShaderObjects = true;
		} else if (token == "GL_ARB_shading_language_100") {
			ARBShadingLanguage100 = true;
		} else if (token == "GL_ARB_vertex_shader") {
			ARBVertexShader = true;
		} else if (token == "GL_ARB_fragment_shader") {
			ARBFragmentShader = true;
		} else if (token == "GL_EXT_framebuffer_object") {
			framebufferObjectSupported = true;
		} else if (token == "GL_EXT_packed_depth_stencil" || token == "GL_OES_packed_depth_stencil") {
			packedDepthStencilSupported = true;
		} else if (token == "GL_EXT_unpack_subimage") {
			unpackSubImageSupported = true;
		} else if (token == "GL_EXT_framebuffer_multisample") {
			EXTFramebufferMultisample = true;
		} else if (token == "GL_EXT_framebuffer_blit") {
			EXTFramebufferBlit = true;
		} else if (token == "GL_OES_depth24") {
			OESDepth24 = true;

	int glslVersion = getGLSLVersion();
	debug(5, "OpenGL GLSL version: %d", glslVersion);

	if (type == kContextGLES2) {
		// GLES2 always has (limited) NPOT support.
		NPOTSupported = true;

		// GLES2 always has shader support.
		shadersSupported = true;

		// GLES2 always has FBO support.
		framebufferObjectSupported = true;

		// ResidualVM does not support multisample FBOs with GLES2 for now
		framebufferObjectMultisampleSupported = false;
		multisampleMaxSamples = -1;
	} else {
		shadersSupported = ARBShaderObjects && ARBShadingLanguage100 && ARBVertexShader && ARBFragmentShader && glslVersion >= 120;

		// Desktop GL always has unpack sub-image support
		unpackSubImageSupported = true;

		framebufferObjectMultisampleSupported = EXTFramebufferMultisample && EXTFramebufferBlit;

		if (framebufferObjectMultisampleSupported) {
			glGetIntegerv(GL_MAX_SAMPLES, (GLint *)&multisampleMaxSamples);

	// Log context type.
	switch (type) {
		case kContextGL:
			debug(5, "OpenGL: GL context initialized");

		case kContextGLES2:
			debug(5, "OpenGL: GLES2 context initialized");

	// Log features supported by GL context.
	debug(5, "OpenGL: NPOT texture support: %d", NPOTSupported);
	debug(5, "OpenGL: Shader support: %d", shadersSupported);
	debug(5, "OpenGL: FBO support: %d", framebufferObjectSupported);
	debug(5, "OpenGL: Packed depth stencil support: %d", packedDepthStencilSupported);
	debug(5, "OpenGL: Unpack subimage support: %d", unpackSubImageSupported);
std::string parseVariableName (const char* nameWithPath)
	VarTokenizer tokenizer(nameWithPath);
	TCU_CHECK(tokenizer.getToken() == VarTokenizer::TOKEN_IDENTIFIER);
	return tokenizer.getIdentifier();
void parseTypePath (const char* nameWithPath, const VarType& type, TypeComponentVector& path)
	VarTokenizer tokenizer(nameWithPath);

	if (tokenizer.getToken() == VarTokenizer::TOKEN_IDENTIFIER)

	while (tokenizer.getToken() != VarTokenizer::TOKEN_END)
		VarType curType = getVarType(type, path);

		if (tokenizer.getToken() == VarTokenizer::TOKEN_PERIOD)
			TCU_CHECK(tokenizer.getToken() == VarTokenizer::TOKEN_IDENTIFIER);
			TCU_CHECK_MSG(curType.isStructType(), "Invalid field selector");

			// Find member.
			std::string		memberName	= tokenizer.getIdentifier();
			int				ndx			= 0;
			for (; ndx < curType.getStructPtr()->getNumMembers(); ndx++)
				if (memberName == curType.getStructPtr()->getMember(ndx).getName())
			TCU_CHECK_MSG(ndx < curType.getStructPtr()->getNumMembers(), "Member not found in type");

			path.push_back(VarTypeComponent(VarTypeComponent::STRUCT_MEMBER, ndx));
		else if (tokenizer.getToken() == VarTokenizer::TOKEN_LEFT_BRACKET)
			TCU_CHECK(tokenizer.getToken() == VarTokenizer::TOKEN_NUMBER);

			int ndx = tokenizer.getNumber();

			if (curType.isArrayType())
				TCU_CHECK(de::inBounds(ndx, 0, curType.getArraySize()));
				path.push_back(VarTypeComponent(VarTypeComponent::ARRAY_ELEMENT, ndx));
			else if (curType.isBasicType() && isDataTypeMatrix(curType.getBasicType()))
				TCU_CHECK(de::inBounds(ndx, 0, getDataTypeMatrixNumColumns(curType.getBasicType())));
				path.push_back(VarTypeComponent(VarTypeComponent::MATRIX_COLUMN, ndx));
			else if (curType.isBasicType() && isDataTypeVector(curType.getBasicType()))
				TCU_CHECK(de::inBounds(ndx, 0, getDataTypeScalarSize(curType.getBasicType())));
				path.push_back(VarTypeComponent(VarTypeComponent::VECTOR_COMPONENT, ndx));
				TCU_FAIL("Invalid subscript");

			TCU_CHECK(tokenizer.getToken() == VarTokenizer::TOKEN_RIGHT_BRACKET);
			TCU_FAIL("Unexpected token");
Exemple #10
	vector<string> Split(const string& str, const string& separators) {
		Poco::StringTokenizer tokenizer(str, separators);
		vector<string> tokens(tokenizer.begin(), tokenizer.end());
		return tokens;
void ChatManagerImplementation::handleSocialInternalMessage(CreatureObject* sender, const UnicodeString& arguments) {
	if (sender->isPlayerCreature()) {
		ManagedReference<PlayerObject*> senderGhost = sender->getPlayerObject();

		if (senderGhost == NULL)

		if (senderGhost->isMuted()) {
			String reason = senderGhost->getMutedReason();

			if (reason != "")
				sender->sendSystemMessage("Your chat abilities are currently disabled by Customer Support for '" + reason + "'.");
				sender->sendSystemMessage("Your chat abilities are currently disabled by Customer Support.");


	Zone* zone = sender->getZone();

	if (zone == NULL)

	StringTokenizer tokenizer(arguments.toString());
	uint64 targetid;
	uint32 emoteid, unkint, unkint2;

	try {
		targetid = tokenizer.getLongToken();
		emoteid = tokenizer.getIntToken();
		unkint = tokenizer.getIntToken();
		unkint2 = tokenizer.getIntToken();
	} catch (const Exception& e) {

	//bool readlock = !zone->isLockedByCurrentThread();

	bool showtext = true;

	if (unkint2 == 0)
		showtext = false;

	String firstName;

	if (sender->isPlayerCreature())
		firstName = (cast<CreatureObject*>(sender))->getFirstName().toLowerCase();

	CloseObjectsVector* vec = (CloseObjectsVector*) sender->getCloseObjects();

	SortedVector<QuadTreeEntry* > closeEntryObjects(200, 50);

	if (vec != NULL) {
	} else {
		sender->info("Null closeobjects vector in ChatManager::handleSocialInternalMessage", true);
		zone->getInRangeObjects(sender->getWorldPositionX(), sender->getWorldPositionX(), 128, &closeEntryObjects, true);

	float range = defaultSpatialChatDistance;

	for (int i = 0; i < closeEntryObjects.size(); ++i) {
		SceneObject* object = cast<SceneObject*>(closeEntryObjects.get(i));

		if (object->isPlayerCreature()) {
			CreatureObject* creature = cast<CreatureObject*>(object);

			Reference<PlayerObject*> ghost = creature->getSlottedObject("ghost").castTo<PlayerObject*>();

			if (ghost == NULL)

			if (!ghost->isIgnoring(firstName) && creature->isInRange(sender, range)) {
				Emote* emsg = new Emote(creature, sender, targetid, emoteid, showtext);


Exemple #12
XULSortServiceImpl::InitializeSortState(nsIContent* aRootElement,
                                        nsIContent* aContainer,
                                        const nsAString& aSortKey,
                                        const nsAString& aSortHints,
                                        nsSortState* aSortState)
  // used as an optimization for the content builder
  if (aContainer != aSortState->lastContainer.get()) {
    aSortState->lastContainer = aContainer;
    aSortState->lastWasFirst = false;
    aSortState->lastWasLast = false;

  // The attributes allowed are either:
  //    sort="key1 key2 ..."
  // or sortResource="key1" sortResource2="key2"
  // The latter is for backwards compatibility, and is equivalent to concatenating
  // both values in the sort attribute
  nsAutoString sort(aSortKey);
  if (sort.IsEmpty()) {
    nsAutoString sortResource, sortResource2;
    aRootElement->GetAttr(kNameSpaceID_None, nsGkAtoms::sortResource, sortResource);
    if (!sortResource.IsEmpty()) {
      nsCOMPtr<nsIAtom> sortkeyatom = NS_Atomize(sortResource);

      aRootElement->GetAttr(kNameSpaceID_None, nsGkAtoms::sortResource2, sortResource2);
      if (!sortResource2.IsEmpty()) {
        nsCOMPtr<nsIAtom> sortkeyatom2 = NS_Atomize(sortResource2);
        sort.Append(' ');
  else {
    nsWhitespaceTokenizer tokenizer(sort);
    while (tokenizer.hasMoreTokens()) {
      nsCOMPtr<nsIAtom> keyatom = NS_Atomize(tokenizer.nextToken());

  aSortState->direction = nsSortState_natural;

  bool noNaturalState = false;
  nsWhitespaceTokenizer tokenizer(aSortHints);
  while (tokenizer.hasMoreTokens()) {
    const nsDependentSubstring& token(tokenizer.nextToken());
    if (token.EqualsLiteral("comparecase"))
      aSortState->sortHints |= nsIXULSortService::SORT_COMPARECASE;
    else if (token.EqualsLiteral("integer"))
      aSortState->sortHints |= nsIXULSortService::SORT_INTEGER;
    else if (token.EqualsLiteral("descending"))
      aSortState->direction = nsSortState_descending;
    else if (token.EqualsLiteral("ascending"))
      aSortState->direction = nsSortState_ascending;
    else if (token.EqualsLiteral("twostate"))
      noNaturalState = true;

  // if the twostate flag was set, the natural order is skipped and only
  // ascending and descending are allowed
  if (aSortState->direction == nsSortState_natural && noNaturalState) {
    aSortState->direction = nsSortState_ascending;

  // set up sort order info
  aSortState->invertSort = false;

  nsAutoString existingsort;
  aRootElement->GetAttr(kNameSpaceID_None, nsGkAtoms::sort, existingsort);
  nsAutoString existingsortDirection;
  aRootElement->GetAttr(kNameSpaceID_None, nsGkAtoms::sortDirection, existingsortDirection);

  // if just switching direction, set the invertSort flag
  if (sort.Equals(existingsort)) {
    if (aSortState->direction == nsSortState_descending) {
      if (existingsortDirection.EqualsLiteral("ascending"))
        aSortState->invertSort = true;
    else if (aSortState->direction == nsSortState_ascending &&
             existingsortDirection.EqualsLiteral("descending")) {
      aSortState->invertSort = true;

  // sort items between separators independently
  aSortState->inbetweenSeparatorSort =
    aRootElement->AttrValueIs(kNameSpaceID_None, nsGkAtoms::sortSeparators,
                              nsGkAtoms::_true, eCaseMatters);

  // sort static content (non template generated nodes) after generated content
  aSortState->sortStaticsLast = aRootElement->AttrValueIs(kNameSpaceID_None,
                                  nsGkAtoms::_true, eCaseMatters);

  aSortState->initialized = true;

  return NS_OK;
Exemple #13
Common::Error GagEngine::ScriptEvent(const Common::String &value)
	Common::StringTokenizer tokenizer(value, Common::String(_OPTION_PREFIX));

	Event event;
	event.name = tokenizer.nextToken();
		return Common::Error(Common::kUnknownError, "[Script Event] unnamed event");

		return Common::Error(Common::kUnknownError, "[Script Event] no options");

		Common::String option_line(tokenizer.nextToken());
		Option option;
		ParseOption(option, option_line);

		if(option.name == "C")
		else if(option.name == "COMM")
		else if(option.name == "DEST")
		else if(option.name == "IMAGE")
		else if(option.name == "KEYUP")
		else if(option.name == "R")
		else if(option.name == "RECT")
		else if(option.name == "SOUR")
		else if(option.name == "TRANSPARENT")
		else if(option.name == "ZONE")
		// command for on event execution
			if(option.name[0] != '*')



	return Common::Error(Common::kNoError);
    Engine* FclImporter::fromString(const std::string& fcl) const {
        FL_unique_ptr<Engine> engine(new Engine);

        std::map<std::string, std::string> tags;
        tags["VAR_INPUT"] = "END_VAR";
        tags["VAR_OUTPUT"] = "END_VAR";
        tags["FUZZIFY"] = "END_FUZZIFY";
        tags["DEFUZZIFY"] = "END_DEFUZZIFY";
        tags["RULEBLOCK"] = "END_RULEBLOCK";
        std::map<std::string, std::string>::const_iterator tagFinder;

        std::string currentTag = "", closingTag = "";
        std::ostringstream block;
        std::istringstream fclReader(fcl);
        std::string line;

        int lineNumber = 0;
        while (std::getline(fclReader, line)) {
            std::vector<std::string> comments;
            comments = Op::split(line, "//");
            if (comments.size() > 1) {
                line = comments.front();
            comments = Op::split(line, "#");
            if (comments.size() > 1) {
                line = comments.front();
            line = Op::trim(line);
            if (line.empty() or line.at(0) == '%' or line.at(0) == '#'
                    or (line.substr(0, 2) == "//")) {
            line = fl::Op::findReplace(line, ";", "");
            std::istringstream tokenizer(line);
            std::string firstToken;
            tokenizer >> firstToken;

            if (firstToken == "FUNCTION_BLOCK") {
                if (tokenizer.rdbuf()->in_avail() > 0) {
                    std::ostringstream name;
                    std::string token;
                    tokenizer >> token;
                    name << token;
                    while (tokenizer >> token) {
                        name << " " << token;
            if (firstToken == "END_FUNCTION_BLOCK") {

            if (currentTag.empty()) {
                tagFinder = tags.find(firstToken);
                if (tagFinder == tags.end()) {
                    std::ostringstream ex;
                    ex << "[syntax error] unknown block definition <" << firstToken
                            << "> " << " in line " << lineNumber << ": " << line;
                    throw fl::Exception(ex.str(), FL_AT);
                currentTag = tagFinder->first;
                closingTag = tagFinder->second;
                block << line << "\n";

            if (not currentTag.empty()) {
                if (firstToken == closingTag) {
                    processBlock(currentTag, block.str(), engine.get());
                    currentTag = "";
                    closingTag = "";
                } else if (tags.find(firstToken) != tags.end()) {
                    //if opening new block without closing the previous one
                    std::ostringstream ex;
                    ex << "[syntax error] expected <" << closingTag << "> before <"
                            << firstToken << "> in line: " << line;
                    throw fl::Exception(ex.str(), FL_AT);
                } else {
                    block << line << "\n";
Exemple #15
void MessageServer::processMessage( pair<int, string > mes ){
	cout << mes.first << " " << mes.second << endl;
	string command;
	string text;

	Poco::StringTokenizer tokenizer(mes.second, "~");
	bool invalid = false;
	int tokCnt = tokenizer.count();
	if( tokCnt < 1 && tokCnt > 2){
		invalid = true;
	} else {
		command = tokenizer[0];
		if(tokCnt > 1 ) text = tokenizer[1];
		if( command.length() == 0 ){
			invalid = true;
	if( invalid ){
		sendToUser( mes.first, "~ERR_INVMSGFRMT");

	// VALID format

	if( command.compare("SETNICK") == 0 ){
		if( text.length() == 0 ){
			sendToUser( mes.first, "~ERR_EMPTYNICK");
		users.insert( pair<int, string>(mes.first, text ) );
		sendToUser( mes.first, "~SUCCESS");
	} else if( command.compare("MSG") == 0 ){
		if( text.length() == 0){
			sendToUser( mes.first, "~ERR_EMPTYMSG");
		string nick;
		stringstream allMessage;
		bool found = false;
		if( users.find(mes.first) != users.end() ){
			nick = users[ mes.first ];
			found = true;
		if( found ){
			string mes(nick);

			mes += ": ";
			mes += text;

			sendToAll( mes );
		} else {
			sendToUser( mes.first, "~ERR_NOTREG");
	} else if( command.compare("QUIT") == 0 ) {
		map<int, string>::iterator qu = users.find(mes.first);
		if( qu != users.end() ){
			string name = (*qu).second;
			users.erase( qu );
			stringstream allMessage;
			allMessage << "User " << name << " leaving chat" << endl;
			sendToAll( allMessage.str() );


void TskCarveExtractScalpel::carveFile(const std::string &unallocImgPath, const std::string &outputFolderPath, const std::string &stdOutFilePath, const std::string &stdErrFilePath) const
        // Find out where Scalpel is installed.
        std::string scalpelDirPath = GetSystemProperty("SCALPEL_DIR");
        if (scalpelDirPath.empty())
            throw TskException("TskCarveExtractScalpel::configure : Scalpel directory not set");

        if (!Poco::File(scalpelDirPath).exists())
            std::stringstream msg;
            msg << "TskCarveExtractScalpel::configure : specified Scalpel directory '" << scalpelDirPath << "' does not exist";
            throw TskException(msg.str());

        // Get the path to the Scalpel executable.
        std::stringstream pathBuilder;
        pathBuilder << scalpelDirPath << Poco::Path::separator() << SCALPEL_EXE_FILE_NAME;
        std::string scalpelExePath = pathBuilder.str();
        if (!Poco::File(scalpelExePath).exists())
            std::stringstream msg;
            msg << "TskCarveExtractScalpel::configure : Scalpel executable '" << scalpelExePath << "' does not exist";
            throw TskException(msg.str());

        // Get the path to the Scalpel config file.
        std::string scalpelConfigFilePath = GetSystemProperty("SCALPEL_CONFIG_FILE");
        if (!Poco::File(scalpelConfigFilePath).exists())
            std::stringstream msg;
            msg << "TskCarveExtractScalpel::TskCarveExtractScalpel : Scalpel config file '" << scalpelConfigFilePath << "' does not exist";
            throw TskException(msg.str());

        // Set the Scalpel command line: specify the Scalpel config file.
        Poco::Process::Args args;

        // Set the Scalpel command line: allow for nested headers and footers.
        // Set the Scalpel command line: put any carved files directly into the output folder.

        // Set the Scalpel command line: specify the file to carve.

        // Launch Scalpel with console output redirects.
        Poco::Pipe outPipe;
        Poco::Pipe errPipe;
        Poco::ProcessHandle handle = Poco::Process::launch(scalpelExePath, args, NULL, &outPipe, &errPipe);

        // Capture the console output. Note that Scalpel may block at times as it waits for this loop to empty the stream buffers.
        Poco::PipeInputStream stdOutInputStream(outPipe);
        Poco::FileOutputStream stdOutOutputStream(stdOutFilePath);
        Poco::PipeInputStream stdErrInputStream(errPipe);
        Poco::FileOutputStream stdErrOutputStream(stdErrFilePath);
        while (stdOutInputStream || stdErrInputStream)
            if (stdOutInputStream)
                Poco::StreamCopier::copyStream(stdOutInputStream, stdOutOutputStream);

            if (stdErrInputStream)
                Poco::StreamCopier::copyStream(stdErrInputStream, stdErrOutputStream);
        // Scalpel should be finished since the console output streams are closed.
        int exitCode = Poco::Process::wait(handle);


        // On the first invocation of Scalpel, record its use in the image database.
        static bool toolInfoRecorded = false;
        if (!toolInfoRecorded)
            std::ifstream stdOutStream(stdOutFilePath.c_str());
            if (stdOutStream)
                std::string versionString;
                std::getline(stdOutStream, versionString);
                Poco::StringTokenizer tokenizer(versionString, "\t ", Poco::StringTokenizer::TOK_IGNORE_EMPTY | Poco::StringTokenizer::TOK_TRIM); 
                if (tokenizer[0] == "Scalpel" && tokenizer[1] == "version")
                    TskServices::Instance().getImgDB().addToolInfo("Scalpel", tokenizer[2].c_str());
                    toolInfoRecorded = true;
                    LOGWARN("TskCarveExtractScalpel::carveFile : Scalpel stdout output format changed, cannot record tool info");
                LOGWARN("TskCarveExtractScalpel::carveFile : failed to open stdout stream, cannot record tool info");

        // Delete input files by default.
        std::string option = GetSystemProperty("CARVE_EXTRACT_KEEP_INPUT_FILES");
        std::transform(option.begin(), option.end(), option.begin(), ::toupper);
        bool deleteInputFiles = (option != "TRUE");

        if (deleteInputFiles)
            Poco::File file(unallocImgPath);

        if (exitCode != 0)
            std::stringstream msg;
            msg << "TskCarveExtractScalpel::carveFile : Scalpel exited with error exit code " << exitCode << " when carving '" << unallocImgPath.c_str() << "'";
            throw TskException(msg.str());
    catch (Poco::Exception &ex)
        std::stringstream msg;
        msg << "TskCarveExtractScalpel::carveFile : Poco exception: " << ex.displayText();
        throw TskException(msg.str());
Exemple #17
bool wxNativeFontInfo::FromUserString(const wxString& s)
    // reset to the default state

    // ToUserString() will quote the facename if it contains spaces, commas
    // or semicolons: we must be able to understand that quoted text is
    // a single token:
    wxString toparse(s);

    // parse a more or less free form string
    wxStringTokenizer tokenizer(toparse, wxT(";, "), wxTOKEN_STRTOK);

    wxString face;
    unsigned long size;
    bool weightfound = false, pointsizefound = false;
    bool encodingfound = false;
    bool insideQuotes = false;

    while ( tokenizer.HasMoreTokens() )
        wxString token = tokenizer.GetNextToken();

        // normalize it
        if (insideQuotes)
            if (token.StartsWith("'") ||
                insideQuotes = false;

                // add this last token to the facename:
                face += " " + token;

                // normalize facename:
                face = face.Trim(true).Trim(false);
                face.Replace("'", "");

            if (token.StartsWith("'"))
                insideQuotes = true;

        // look for the known tokens
        if ( insideQuotes )
            // only the facename may be quoted:
            face += " " + token;
        if ( token == wxT("underlined") || token == _("underlined") )
        else if ( token == wxT("strikethrough") || token == _("strikethrough") )
        else if ( token == wxT("light") || token == _("light") )
            weightfound = true;
        else if ( token == wxT("bold") || token == _("bold") )
            weightfound = true;
        else if ( token == wxT("italic") || token == _("italic") )
        else if ( token.ToULong(&size) )
            pointsizefound = true;
            // try to interpret this as an encoding
            wxFontEncoding encoding = wxFontMapper::Get()->CharsetToEncoding(token, false);
            if ( encoding != wxFONTENCODING_DEFAULT &&
                 encoding != wxFONTENCODING_SYSTEM )    // returned when the recognition failed
                encodingfound = true;
#endif // wxUSE_FONTMAP

                // assume it is the face name
            if ( !face.empty() )
                face += wxT(' ');

            face += token;

            // skip the code which resets face below

#endif // wxUSE_FONTMAP

        // if we had had the facename, we shouldn't continue appending tokens
        // to it (i.e. "foo bold bar" shouldn't result in the facename "foo
        // bar")
        if ( !face.empty() )
            wxString familyStr;
            if ( face.EndsWith(" family", &familyStr) )
                // it's not a facename but rather a font family
                wxFontFamily family;
                if ( familyStr == "decorative" )
                    family = wxFONTFAMILY_DECORATIVE;
                else if ( familyStr == "roman" )
                    family = wxFONTFAMILY_ROMAN;
                else if ( familyStr == "script" )
                    family = wxFONTFAMILY_SCRIPT;
                else if ( familyStr == "swiss" )
                    family = wxFONTFAMILY_SWISS;
                else if ( familyStr == "modern" )
                    family = wxFONTFAMILY_MODERN;
                else if ( familyStr == "teletype" )
                    family = wxFONTFAMILY_TELETYPE;
                    return false;

            // NB: the check on the facename is implemented in wxFontBase::SetFaceName
            //     and not in wxNativeFontInfo::SetFaceName thus we need to explicitly
            //     call here wxFontEnumerator::IsValidFacename
            else if (
                    !wxFontEnumerator::IsValidFacename(face) ||
#endif // wxUSE_FONTENUM
                    !SetFaceName(face) )


    // we might not have flushed it inside the loop
    if ( !face.empty() )
        // NB: the check on the facename is implemented in wxFontBase::SetFaceName
        //     and not in wxNativeFontInfo::SetFaceName thus we need to explicitly
        //     call here wxFontEnumerator::IsValidFacename
        if (
                !wxFontEnumerator::IsValidFacename(face) ||
#endif // wxUSE_FONTENUM
                !SetFaceName(face) )

    // set point size to default value if size was not given
    if ( !pointsizefound )

    // set font weight to default value if weight was not given
    if ( !weightfound )

    // set font encoding to default value if encoding was not given
    if ( !encodingfound )
#endif // wxUSE_FONTMAP

    return true;
/* Function ParseHotkeyConfig
 * the input format is: shortcut  "key"  "function"
 * lines starting by # are ignored (comments)
 * lines like [xxx] are tags (example: [common] or [libedit] which identify sections
void ParseHotkeyConfig( const wxString&           data,
                        struct EDA_HOTKEY_CONFIG* aDescList )
    // Read the config
    wxStringTokenizer tokenizer( data, L"\r\n", wxTOKEN_STRTOK );
    EDA_HOTKEY**      CurrentHotkeyList = 0;

    while( tokenizer.HasMoreTokens() )
        wxString          line = tokenizer.GetNextToken();
        wxStringTokenizer lineTokenizer( line );

        wxString          line_type = lineTokenizer.GetNextToken();

        if( line_type[0]  == '#' ) //comment

        if( line_type[0]  == '[' ) // A tag is found. search infos in list
            CurrentHotkeyList = 0;
            EDA_HOTKEY_CONFIG* DList = aDescList;

            for( ; DList->m_HK_InfoList; DList++ )
                if( *DList->m_SectionTag == line_type )
                    CurrentHotkeyList = DList->m_HK_InfoList;


        if( line_type == wxT( "$Endlist" ) )

        if( line_type != wxT( "shortcut" ) )

        if( CurrentHotkeyList == NULL )

        // Get the key name
        lineTokenizer.SetString( lineTokenizer.GetString(), L"\"\r\n\t ", wxTOKEN_STRTOK );
        wxString keyname = lineTokenizer.GetNextToken();

        wxString remainder = lineTokenizer.GetString();

        // Get the command name
        wxString fctname = remainder.AfterFirst( '\"' ).BeforeFirst( '\"' );

        // search the hotkey in current hotkey list
        for( EDA_HOTKEY** list = CurrentHotkeyList; *list != NULL; list++ )
            EDA_HOTKEY* hk_decr = *list;

            if( hk_decr->m_InfoMsg == fctname )
                int code = KeyCodeFromKeyName( keyname );

                if( code )
                    hk_decr->m_KeyCode = code;

Exemple #19
void VolumeManager::InitConfig()
  MOZ_ASSERT(MessageLoop::current() == XRE_GetIOMessageLoop());

  // This function uses /system/etc/volume.cfg to add additional volumes
  // to the Volume Manager.
  // This is useful on devices like the Nexus 4, which have no physical sd card
  // or dedicated partition.
  // The format of the volume.cfg file is as follows:
  // create volume-name mount-point
  // configure volume-name preference preference-value
  // Blank lines and lines starting with the hash character "#" will be ignored.

  ScopedCloseFile fp;
  int n = 0;
  char line[255];
  const char *filename = "/system/etc/volume.cfg";
  if (!(fp = fopen(filename, "r"))) {
    LOG("Unable to open volume configuration file '%s' - ignoring", filename);
  while(fgets(line, sizeof(line), fp)) {

    if (line[0] == '#')

    nsCString commandline(line);
    nsCWhitespaceTokenizer tokenizer(commandline);
    if (!tokenizer.hasMoreTokens()) {
      // Blank line - ignore

    nsCString command(tokenizer.nextToken());
    if (command.EqualsLiteral("create")) {
      if (!tokenizer.hasMoreTokens()) {
        ERR("No vol_name in %s line %d",  filename, n);
      nsCString volName(tokenizer.nextToken());
      if (!tokenizer.hasMoreTokens()) {
        ERR("No mount point for volume '%s'. %s line %d",
             volName.get(), filename, n);
      nsCString mountPoint(tokenizer.nextToken());
      RefPtr<Volume> vol = FindAddVolumeByName(volName);
    if (command.EqualsLiteral("configure")) {
      if (!tokenizer.hasMoreTokens()) {
        ERR("No vol_name in %s line %d", filename, n);
      nsCString volName(tokenizer.nextToken());
      if (!tokenizer.hasMoreTokens()) {
        ERR("No configuration name specified for volume '%s'. %s line %d",
             volName.get(), filename, n);
      nsCString configName(tokenizer.nextToken());
      if (!tokenizer.hasMoreTokens()) {
        ERR("No value for configuration name '%s'. %s line %d",
            configName.get(), filename, n);
      nsCString configValue(tokenizer.nextToken());
      RefPtr<Volume> vol = FindVolumeByName(volName);
      if (vol) {
        vol->SetConfig(configName, configValue);
      } else {
        ERR("Invalid volume name '%s'.", volName.get());
    if (command.EqualsLiteral("ignore")) {
      // This command is useful to remove volumes which are being tracked by
      // vold, but for which we have no interest.
      if (!tokenizer.hasMoreTokens()) {
        ERR("No vol_name in %s line %d", filename, n);
      nsCString volName(tokenizer.nextToken());
    ERR("Unrecognized command: '%s'", command.get());
Exemple #20
    void Antecedent::load(const std::string& antecedent, fl::Rule* rule, const Engine* engine) {
        FL_DBG("Antecedent: " << antecedent);
        this->_text = antecedent;
        if (fl::Op::trim(antecedent).empty()) {
            throw fl::Exception("[syntax error] antecedent is empty", FL_AT);
         Builds an proposition tree from the antecedent of a fuzzy rule.
         The rules are:
         1) After a variable comes 'is',
         2) After 'is' comes a hedge or a term
         3) After a hedge comes a hedge or a term
         4) After a term comes a variable or an operator

        Function function;

        std::string postfix = function.toPostfix(antecedent);
        FL_DBG("Postfix: " << postfix);
        std::stringstream tokenizer(postfix);
        std::string token;

        enum FSM {
            S_VARIABLE = 1, S_IS = 2, S_HEDGE = 4, S_TERM = 8, S_AND_OR = 16
        int state = S_VARIABLE;
        std::stack<Expression*> expressionStack;
        Proposition* proposition = fl::null;
        try {
            while (tokenizer >> token) {
                if (state bitand S_VARIABLE) {
                    Variable* variable = fl::null;
                    if (engine->hasInputVariable(token)) variable = engine->getInputVariable(token);
                    else if (engine->hasOutputVariable(token)) variable = engine->getOutputVariable(token);
                    if (variable) {
                        proposition = new Proposition;
                        proposition->variable = variable;

                        state = S_IS;
                        FL_DBG("Token <" << token << "> is variable");

                if (state bitand S_IS) {
                    if (token == Rule::isKeyword()) {
                        state = S_HEDGE bitor S_TERM;
                        FL_DBG("Token <" << token << "> is keyword");

                if (state bitand S_HEDGE) {
                    Hedge* hedge = rule->getHedge(token);
                    if (not hedge) {
                        HedgeFactory* factory = FactoryManager::instance()->hedge();
                        if (factory->hasConstructor(token)) {
                            hedge = factory->constructObject(token);
                    if (hedge) {
                        if (dynamic_cast<Any*> (hedge)) {
                            state = S_VARIABLE bitor S_AND_OR;
                        } else {
                            state = S_HEDGE bitor S_TERM;
                        FL_DBG("Token <" << token << "> is hedge");

                if (state bitand S_TERM) {
                    if (proposition->variable->hasTerm(token)) {
                        proposition->term = proposition->variable->getTerm(token);
                        state = S_VARIABLE bitor S_AND_OR;
                        FL_DBG("Token <" << token << "> is term");

                if (state bitand S_AND_OR) {
                    if (token == Rule::andKeyword() or token == Rule::orKeyword()) {
                        if (expressionStack.size() < 2) {
                            std::ostringstream ex;
                            ex << "[syntax error] logical operator <" << token << "> expects two operands,"
                                    << "but found <" << expressionStack.size() << "> in antecedent";
                            throw fl::Exception(ex.str(), FL_AT);
                        Operator* fuzzyOperator = new Operator;
                        fuzzyOperator->name = token;
                        fuzzyOperator->right = expressionStack.top();
                        fuzzyOperator->left = expressionStack.top();

                        state = S_VARIABLE bitor S_AND_OR;
                        FL_DBG("Subtree: " << fuzzyOperator->toString() <<
                                "(" << fuzzyOperator->left->toString() << ") " <<
                                "(" << fuzzyOperator->right->toString() << ")");

                //If reached this point, there was an error
                if ((state bitand S_VARIABLE) or (state bitand S_AND_OR)) {
                    std::ostringstream ex;
                    ex << "[syntax error] antecedent expected variable or logical operator, but found <" << token << ">";
                    throw fl::Exception(ex.str(), FL_AT);
                if (state bitand S_IS) {
                    std::ostringstream ex;
                    ex << "[syntax error] antecedent expected keyword <" << Rule::isKeyword() << ">, but found <" << token << ">";
                    throw fl::Exception(ex.str(), FL_AT);
                if ((state bitand S_HEDGE) or (state bitand S_TERM)) {
                    std::ostringstream ex;
                    ex << "[syntax error] antecedent expected hedge or term, but found <" << token << ">";
                    throw fl::Exception(ex.str(), FL_AT);
                std::ostringstream ex;
                ex << "[syntax error] unexpected token <" << token << "> in antecedent";
                throw fl::Exception(ex.str(), FL_AT);

            if (not ((state bitand S_VARIABLE) or (state bitand S_AND_OR))) { //only acceptable final state
                if (state bitand S_IS) {
                    std::ostringstream ex;
                    ex << "[syntax error] antecedent expected keyword <" << Rule::isKeyword() << "> after <" << token << ">";
                    throw fl::Exception(ex.str(), FL_AT);
                if ((state bitand S_HEDGE) or (state bitand S_TERM)) {
                    std::ostringstream ex;
                    ex << "[syntax error] antecedent expected hedge or term after <" << token << ">";
                    throw fl::Exception(ex.str(), FL_AT);

            if (expressionStack.size() != 1) {
                std::vector<std::string> errors;
                while (expressionStack.size() > 1) {
                    Expression* expression = expressionStack.top();
                    delete expression;
                std::ostringstream ex;
                ex << "[syntax error] unable to parse the following expressions in antecedent <"
                        << Op::join(errors, " ") << ">";
                throw fl::Exception(ex.str(), FL_AT);
        } catch (...) {
            for (std::size_t i = 0; i < expressionStack.size(); ++i) {
                delete expressionStack.top();
        this->_expression = expressionStack.top();
             "Only call from parent process!");
  MOZ_ASSERT(!NS_IsMainThread(), "Only call on worker thread!");

  if (mFileSystem->IsShutdown()) {
    return NS_ERROR_FAILURE;

  bool exists;
  nsresult rv = mTargetPath->Exists(&exists);
  if (NS_WARN_IF(NS_FAILED(rv))) {
    return rv;

  if (!exists) {
    if (!mFileSystem->ShouldCreateDirectory()) {

    rv = mTargetPath->Create(nsIFile::DIRECTORY_TYPE, 0777);
    if (NS_WARN_IF(NS_FAILED(rv))) {
      return rv;

  // Get isDirectory.
  bool isDir;
  rv = mTargetPath->IsDirectory(&isDir);
  if (NS_WARN_IF(NS_FAILED(rv))) {
    return rv;

  if (!isDir) {

  nsCOMPtr<nsISimpleEnumerator> entries;
  rv = mTargetPath->GetDirectoryEntries(getter_AddRefs(entries));
  if (NS_WARN_IF(NS_FAILED(rv))) {
    return rv;

  bool filterOutSensitive = false;
    HTMLSplitOnSpacesTokenizer tokenizer(mFilters, ';');
    nsAutoString token;
    while (tokenizer.hasMoreTokens()) {
      token = tokenizer.nextToken();
      if (token.EqualsLiteral("filter-out-sensitive")) {
        filterOutSensitive = true;
      } else {
        MOZ_CRASH("Unrecognized filter");

  for (;;) {
    bool hasMore = false;
    if (NS_WARN_IF(NS_FAILED(entries->HasMoreElements(&hasMore))) || !hasMore) {
    nsCOMPtr<nsISupports> supp;
    if (NS_WARN_IF(NS_FAILED(entries->GetNext(getter_AddRefs(supp))))) {

    nsCOMPtr<nsIFile> currFile = do_QueryInterface(supp);

    bool isSpecial, isFile;
    if (NS_WARN_IF(NS_FAILED(currFile->IsSpecial(&isSpecial))) ||
        isSpecial) {
    if (NS_WARN_IF(NS_FAILED(currFile->IsFile(&isFile)) ||
                   NS_FAILED(currFile->IsDirectory(&isDir))) ||
        !(isFile || isDir)) {

    if (filterOutSensitive) {
      bool isHidden;
      if (NS_WARN_IF(NS_FAILED(currFile->IsHidden(&isHidden))) || isHidden) {
      nsAutoString leafName;
      if (NS_WARN_IF(NS_FAILED(currFile->GetLeafName(leafName)))) {
      if (leafName[0] == char16_t('.')) {

    nsAutoString path;
    if (NS_WARN_IF(NS_FAILED(currFile->GetPath(path)))) {

    Directory::FileOrDirectoryPath element;
    element.mPath = path;
    element.mType = isDir ? Directory::FileOrDirectoryPath::eDirectoryPath
                          : Directory::FileOrDirectoryPath::eFilePath;

    if (!mTargetData.AppendElement(element, fallible)) {
      return NS_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY;
  return NS_OK;
TskModule::Status TskExecutableModule::execute(TskFile * fileToAnalyze){
        // Perform macro expansion on command line args.
        std::string arguments = expandArgumentMacros(m_arguments, fileToAnalyze);

        // Split the arguments into a vector of strings.
        Poco::StringTokenizer tokenizer(arguments, " ");

        std::vector<std::string> vectorArgs(tokenizer.begin(), tokenizer.end());

        // Perform macro expansion on our output location
        std::string outFilePath = expandArgumentMacros(m_output, fileToAnalyze);

        // If an output file has been specified we need to ensure that anything
        // written to stdout gets put in the file. This is accomplished by passing
        // a pipe to Poco::Process::launch and reading its contents once the process
        // has terminated.
        if (!outFilePath.empty())
            // Create directories that may be missing along the path.
            std::string outFilePathNoQuote(TskUtilities::stripQuotes(outFilePath));
            Poco::Path outPath(outFilePathNoQuote);
            Poco::File outDir(outPath.parent());

            // Create the output file if it does not exist.
            Poco::File outFile(outFilePathNoQuote);

            if (!outFile.exists())

            // Create process redirecting its output to a Pipe.
            Poco::Pipe outPipe;

            Poco::ProcessHandle handle = Poco::Process::launch(m_modulePath, vectorArgs, NULL, &outPipe, NULL);
            // Copy output from Pipe to the output file.
            Poco::PipeInputStream istr(outPipe);
            Poco::FileOutputStream ostr(outFile.path(), std::ios::out|std::ios::app);

            while (istr)
                Poco::StreamCopier::copyStream(istr, ostr);

            // The process should be finished. Check its exit code.
            int exitCode = Poco::Process::wait(handle);

            if (exitCode != 0)
                // If a module fails we log a warning message and continue.
                std::wstringstream msg;
                msg << L"TskExecutableModule::execute - Module (" << m_modulePath.c_str()
                    << L") failed with exit code: " << exitCode << std::endl;
            // No output file was specified.
            Poco::ProcessHandle handle = Poco::Process::launch(m_modulePath, vectorArgs);

            // Wait for the process to complete
            int exitCode = Poco::Process::wait(handle);

            if (exitCode != 0)
                // If a module fails we log a warning message and continue.
                std::wstringstream msg;
                msg << L"TskExecutableModule::execute - Module (" << m_modulePath.c_str()
                    << L") failed with exit code: " << exitCode << std::endl;
    catch (Poco::Exception& ex)
        std::wstringstream errorMsg;
        errorMsg << L"TskExecutableModule::execute - Error: " << ex.displayText().c_str() << std::endl;
        throw TskException("Module execution failed.");

    return TskModule::OK;
Exemple #23
bool LessParser::importFile(Token uri,
                            LessStylesheet &stylesheet,
                            unsigned int directive) {
  size_t pathend;
  size_t pos;
  size_t extension_pos;
  std::string source;
  std::string relative_filename;
  std::list<const char*>::iterator i;
  char* relative_filename_cpy;
  std::string extension;
  if (uri.type == Token::URL) {
    uri = uri.getUrlString();
  } else if (uri.type == Token::STRING) {
  VLOG(2) << "Import filename: " << uri;

  // no remote includes
  if (uri.substr(0, 7) == "http://")
    return false;

  pathend = uri.rfind('?');
  if (pathend == std::string::npos)
    pathend = uri.size();

  extension_pos = uri.rfind('.', pathend);
  if (extension_pos == std::string::npos) {
    uri.insert(pathend, ".less");
    pathend += 5;
    extension = "less";
  } else
    extension = uri.substr(extension_pos + 1, pathend);
  // don't import css, unless specified with directive
  // don't import if css directive is given
  if ((extension == "css" &&
       !(directive & IMPORT_LESS)) ||
      (directive & IMPORT_CSS)) {
    return false;
  // uri.source is the sourcefile that is currently parsed.
  source = uri.source;
  pos = source.find_last_of("/\\");
  // if the current stylesheet is outside of the current working
  //  directory then add the directory to the filename.
  if (pos != std::string::npos) {
    relative_filename.append(source.substr(0, pos + 1));
  } else
    relative_filename = uri;

  if (!(directive & IMPORT_MULTIPLE)) {
    // check if the file has already been imported.
    for (i = sources.begin(); i != sources.end(); i++) {
      if (relative_filename == (*i))
        return true;
  ifstream in(relative_filename.c_str());
  if (in.fail() || in.bad()) {
    if (directive & IMPORT_OPTIONAL)
      return true;
    else {
      throw new ParseException(relative_filename, "existing file",
                               uri.line, uri.column, uri.source);

  VLOG(1) << "Opening: " << relative_filename;

  relative_filename_cpy = new char[relative_filename.length() + 1];
  std::strcpy(relative_filename_cpy, relative_filename.c_str());
  LessTokenizer tokenizer(in, relative_filename_cpy);
  LessParser parser(tokenizer, sources, (directive & IMPORT_REFERENCE));

  VLOG(2) << "Parsing";
  return true;
Exemple #24
bool path_get_cdpath(const wcstring &dir, wcstring *out, const wchar_t *wd,
                     const env_vars_snapshot_t &env_vars) {
    int err = ENOENT;
    if (dir.empty()) return false;

    if (wd) {
        size_t len = wcslen(wd);
        assert(wd[len - 1] == L'/');

    wcstring_list_t paths;
    if (dir.at(0) == L'/') {
        // Absolute path.
    } else if (string_prefixes_string(L"./", dir) || string_prefixes_string(L"../", dir) ||
               dir == L"." || dir == L"..") {
        // Path is relative to the working directory.
        wcstring path;
        if (wd) path.append(wd);
    } else {
        // Respect CDPATH.
        env_var_t path = env_vars.get(L"CDPATH");
        if (path.missing_or_empty()) path = L".";  // we'll change this to the wd if we have one

        wcstring nxt_path;
        wcstokenizer tokenizer(path, ARRAY_SEP_STR);
        while (tokenizer.next(nxt_path)) {
            if (nxt_path == L"." && wd != NULL) {
                // nxt_path is just '.', and we have a working directory, so use the wd instead.
                // TODO: if nxt_path starts with ./ we need to replace the . with the wd.
                nxt_path = wd;

            // debug( 2, L"woot %ls\n", expanded_path.c_str() );

            if (nxt_path.empty()) continue;

            wcstring whole_path = nxt_path;
            append_path_component(whole_path, dir);

    bool success = false;
    for (wcstring_list_t::const_iterator iter = paths.begin(); iter != paths.end(); ++iter) {
        struct stat buf;
        const wcstring &dir = *iter;
        if (wstat(dir, &buf) == 0) {
            if (S_ISDIR(buf.st_mode)) {
                success = true;
                if (out) out->assign(dir);
            } else {
                err = ENOTDIR;

    if (!success) errno = err;
    return success;
    void Consequent::load(const std::string& consequent, const Engine* engine) {

        if (Op::trim(consequent).empty()) {
            throw Exception("[syntax error] consequent is empty", FL_AT);

         Extracts the list of propositions from the consequent
         The rules are:
         1) After a variable comes 'is' or '=',
         2) After 'is' comes a hedge or a term
         3) After a hedge comes a hedge or a term
         4) After a term comes operators 'and' or 'with'
         5) After operator 'and' comes a variable
         6) After operator 'with' comes a float
        enum FSM {
            S_VARIABLE = 1, S_IS = 2, S_HEDGE = 4, S_TERM = 8,
            S_AND = 16, S_WITH = 32
        int state = S_VARIABLE;

        Proposition* proposition = fl::null;

        std::stringstream tokenizer(consequent);
        std::string token;
        try {
            while (tokenizer >> token) {
                if (state bitand S_VARIABLE) {
                    if (engine->hasOutputVariable(token)) {
                        proposition = new Proposition;
                        proposition->variable = engine->getOutputVariable(token);
                        state = S_IS;

                if (state bitand S_IS) {
                    if (token == Rule::isKeyword()) {
                        state = S_HEDGE bitor S_TERM;

                if (state bitand S_HEDGE) {
                    HedgeFactory* factory = FactoryManager::instance()->hedge();
                    if (factory->hasConstructor(token)) {
                        Hedge* hedge = factory->constructObject(token);
                        state = S_HEDGE bitor S_TERM;

                if (state bitand S_TERM) {
                    if (proposition->variable->hasTerm(token)) {
                        proposition->term = proposition->variable->getTerm(token);
                        state = S_AND bitor S_WITH;

                if (state bitand S_AND) {
                    if (token == Rule::andKeyword()) {
                        state = S_VARIABLE;

                //if reached this point, there was an error:
                if (state bitand S_VARIABLE) {
                    std::ostringstream ex;
                    ex << "[syntax error] consequent expected output variable, but found <" << token << ">";
                    throw Exception(ex.str(), FL_AT);
                if (state bitand S_IS) {
                    std::ostringstream ex;
                    ex << "[syntax error] consequent expected keyword <" << Rule::isKeyword() << ">, "
                            "but found <" << token << ">";
                    throw Exception(ex.str(), FL_AT);

                if ((state bitand S_HEDGE) or (state bitand S_TERM)) {
                    std::ostringstream ex;
                    ex << "[syntax error] consequent expected hedge or term, but found <" << token << ">";
                    throw Exception(ex.str(), FL_AT);

                if ((state bitand S_AND) or (state bitand S_WITH)) {
                    std::ostringstream ex;
                    ex << "[syntax error] consequent expected operator <" << Rule::andKeyword() << "> "
                            << "or keyword <" << Rule::withKeyword() << ">, "
                            << "but found <" << token << ">";
                    throw Exception(ex.str(), FL_AT);

                std::ostringstream ex;
                ex << "[syntax error] unexpected token <" << token << "> in consequent";
                throw Exception(ex.str(), FL_AT);

            if (not ((state bitand S_AND) or (state bitand S_WITH))) { //only acceptable final state
                if (state bitand S_VARIABLE) {
                    std::ostringstream ex;
                    ex << "[syntax error] consequent expected output variable after <" << token << ">";
                    throw Exception(ex.str(), FL_AT);
                if (state bitand S_IS) {
                    std::ostringstream ex;
                    ex << "[syntax error] consequent expected keyword <" << Rule::isKeyword() << "> "
                            "after <" << token << ">";
                    throw Exception(ex.str(), FL_AT);
                if ((state bitand S_HEDGE) or (state bitand S_TERM)) {
                    std::ostringstream ex;
                    ex << "[syntax error] consequent expected hedge or term after <" << token << ">";
                    throw Exception(ex.str(), FL_AT);
        } catch (...) {
Exemple #26
static bool path_get_path_core(const wcstring &cmd, wcstring *out_path,
                               const env_var_t &bin_path_var) {
    int err = ENOENT;
    debug(3, L"path_get_path( '%ls' )", cmd.c_str());

    // If the command has a slash, it must be a full path.
    if (cmd.find(L'/') != wcstring::npos) {
        if (waccess(cmd, X_OK) != 0) {
            return false;

        struct stat buff;
        if (wstat(cmd, &buff)) {
            return false;
        if (S_ISREG(buff.st_mode)) {
            if (out_path) out_path->assign(cmd);
            return true;
        errno = EACCES;
        return false;

    wcstring bin_path;
    if (!bin_path_var.missing()) {
        bin_path = bin_path_var;
    } else {
        if (contains(PREFIX L"/bin", L"/bin", L"/usr/bin")) {
            bin_path = L"/bin" ARRAY_SEP_STR L"/usr/bin";
        } else {
            bin_path = L"/bin" ARRAY_SEP_STR L"/usr/bin" ARRAY_SEP_STR PREFIX L"/bin";

    wcstring nxt_path;
    wcstokenizer tokenizer(bin_path, ARRAY_SEP_STR);
    while (tokenizer.next(nxt_path)) {
        if (nxt_path.empty()) continue;
        append_path_component(nxt_path, cmd);
        if (waccess(nxt_path, X_OK) == 0) {
            struct stat buff;
            if (wstat(nxt_path, &buff) == -1) {
                if (errno != EACCES) {
            if (S_ISREG(buff.st_mode)) {
                if (out_path) out_path->swap(nxt_path);
                return true;
            err = EACCES;
        } else {
            switch (errno) {
                case ENOENT:
                case ENAMETOOLONG:
                case EACCES:
                case ENOTDIR: {
                default: {
                    debug(1, MISSING_COMMAND_ERR_MSG, nxt_path.c_str());

    errno = err;
    return false;
SVGPointList::SetValueFromString(const nsAString& aValue)
  // The spec says that the list is parsed and accepted up to the first error
  // encountered, so we must call CopyFrom even if an error occurs. We still
  // want to throw any error code from setAttribute if there's a problem
  // though, so we must take care to return any error code.

  nsresult rv = NS_OK;

  SVGPointList temp;

    tokenizer(aValue, ',', nsCharSeparatedTokenizer::SEPARATOR_OPTIONAL);

  nsAutoCString str1, str2;  // outside loop to minimize memory churn

  while (tokenizer.hasMoreTokens()) {
    CopyUTF16toUTF8(tokenizer.nextToken(), str1);
    const char *token1 = str1.get();
    if (*token1 == '\0') {
    char *end;
    float x = float(PR_strtod(token1, &end));
    if (end == token1 || !NS_finite(x)) {
    const char *token2;
    if (*end == '-') {
      // It's possible for the token to be 10-30 which has
      // no separator but needs to be parsed as 10, -30
      token2 = end;
    } else {
      if (!tokenizer.hasMoreTokens()) {
      CopyUTF16toUTF8(tokenizer.nextToken(), str2);
      token2 = str2.get();
      if (*token2 == '\0') {

    float y = float(PR_strtod(token2, &end));
    if (*end != '\0' || !NS_finite(y)) {

    temp.AppendItem(SVGPoint(x, y));
  if (tokenizer.lastTokenEndedWithSeparator()) {
    rv = NS_ERROR_DOM_SYNTAX_ERR; // trailing comma
  nsresult rv2 = CopyFrom(temp);
  if (NS_FAILED(rv2)) {
    return rv2; // prioritize OOM error code over syntax errors
  return rv;
Exemple #28
void RE2NFA::tokenize(const QString &input)
#if 1
    RegExpTokenizer tokenizer(input);
    Symbol sym;
    int tok = tokenizer.lex();
    while (tok != -1) {
        Symbol sym;
        sym.token = static_cast<Token>(tok);
        sym.lexem = input.mid(tokenizer.lexemStart, tokenizer.lexemLength);

        if (sym.token == TOK_QUOTED_STRING) {
            sym.lexem.remove(0, 1);
            sym.token = TOK_STRING;

        if (sym.token == TOK_STRING || sym.token == TOK_SEQUENCE) {
            for (int i = 0; i < sym.lexem.length(); ++i) {
                if (sym.lexem.at(i) == '\\') {
                    if (i >= sym.lexem.length() - 1)
                    QChar ch = sym.lexem.at(i + 1);
                    if (ch == QLatin1Char('n')) {
                        ch = '\n';
                    } else if (ch == QLatin1Char('r')) {
                        ch = '\r';
                    } else if (ch == QLatin1Char('t')) {
                        ch = '\t';
                    } else if (ch == QLatin1Char('f')) {
                        ch = '\f';
                    sym.lexem.replace(i, 2, ch);

        if (sym.token == TOK_SEQUENCE) {
            Symbol s;
            s.token = TOK_LBRACKET;
            s.lexem = "[";

            for (int i = 1; i < sym.lexem.length() - 1; ++i) {
                s.token = TOK_STRING;
                s.lexem = sym.lexem.at(i);

            s.token = TOK_RBRACKET;
            s.lexem = "]";

            tok = tokenizer.lex();

        tok = tokenizer.lex();
    int pos = 0;
    bool insideSet = false;
    while (pos < input.length()) {
        QChar ch = input.at(pos);

        Symbol sym;
        sym.column = pos;
        sym.token = TOK_INVALID;
        sym.lexem = QString(ch);
        switch (ch.toLatin1()) {
            case '"': {
                if (insideSet) {
                    sym.token = TOK_STRING;
                    sym.lexem = QString(ch);
                    symbols += sym;
                if (pos + 1 >= input.length())
                int quoteEnd = skipQuote(input, pos + 1);
                sym.token = TOK_STRING;
                sym.lexem = input.mid(pos + 1, quoteEnd - pos - 2);
                symbols += sym;
                pos = quoteEnd;
            case '{':
                sym.token = (insideSet ? TOK_STRING : TOK_LBRACE);
            case '}':
                sym.token = (insideSet ? TOK_STRING : TOK_RBRACE);
            case '[':
                insideSet = true;
                sym.token = TOK_LBRACKET;
            case ']':
                insideSet = false;
                sym.token = TOK_RBRACKET;
            case '(':
                sym.token = (insideSet ? TOK_STRING : TOK_LPAREN);
            case ')':
                sym.token = (insideSet ? TOK_STRING : TOK_RPAREN);
            case ',':
                sym.token = (insideSet ? TOK_STRING : TOK_COMMA);
            case '*':
                sym.token = (insideSet ? TOK_STRING : TOK_STAR);
            case '|':
                sym.token = (insideSet ? TOK_STRING : TOK_OR);
            case '?':
                sym.token = (insideSet ? TOK_STRING : TOK_QUESTION);
            case '.':
                sym.token = (insideSet ? TOK_STRING : TOK_DOT);
            case '+':
                sym.token = (insideSet ? TOK_STRING : TOK_PLUS);
            case '\\':
                if (pos >= input.length())
                ch = input.at(pos);
                if (ch == QLatin1Char('n')) {
                    ch = '\n';
                } else if (ch == QLatin1Char('r')) {
                    ch = '\r';
                } else if (ch == QLatin1Char('t')) {
                    ch = '\t';
                } else if (ch == QLatin1Char('f')) {
                    ch = '\f';
                // fall through
                sym.token = TOK_STRING;
                sym.lexem = QString(ch);
                symbols += sym;
        symbols += sym;
#if 0
    foreach (Symbol s, symbols) {
        qDebug() << "Tok" << tokStr(s.token) << "lexem" << s.lexem;
Exemple #29
void wxToolTip::Add(WXHWND hWnd)
    HWND hwnd = (HWND)hWnd;

    wxToolInfo ti(hwnd, m_id, m_rect);

    // another possibility would be to specify LPSTR_TEXTCALLBACK here as we
    // store the tooltip text ourselves anyhow, and provide it in response to
    // TTN_NEEDTEXT (sent via WM_NOTIFY), but then we would be limited to 79
    // character tooltips as this is the size of the szText buffer in
    // NMTTDISPINFO struct -- and setting the tooltip here we can have tooltips
    // of any length
    ti.hwnd = hwnd;
    ti.lpszText = const_cast<wxChar *>(m_text.wx_str());

    if ( !SendTooltipMessage(GetToolTipCtrl(), TTM_ADDTOOL, &ti) )
        wxLogDebug(wxT("Failed to create the tooltip '%s'"), m_text.c_str());


    if ( wxApp::GetComCtl32Version() >= 470 )
        // use TTM_SETMAXTIPWIDTH to make tooltip multiline using the
        // extent of its first line as max value
        HFONT hfont = (HFONT)
            SendTooltipMessage(GetToolTipCtrl(), WM_GETFONT, 0);

        if ( !hfont )
            hfont = (HFONT)GetStockObject(DEFAULT_GUI_FONT);
            if ( !hfont )

        MemoryHDC hdc;
        if ( !hdc )

        if ( !SelectObject(hdc, hfont) )

        // find the width of the widest line
        int maxWidth = 0;
        wxStringTokenizer tokenizer(m_text, wxT("\n"));
        while ( tokenizer.HasMoreTokens() )
            const wxString token = tokenizer.GetNextToken();

            SIZE sz;
            if ( !::GetTextExtentPoint32(hdc, token.wx_str(),
                                         token.length(), &sz) )

            if ( sz.cx > maxWidth )
                maxWidth = sz.cx;

        // limit size to ms_maxWidth, if set
        if ( ms_maxWidth == 0 )
            // this is more or less arbitrary but seems to work well
            static const int DEFAULT_MAX_WIDTH = 400;

            ms_maxWidth = wxGetClientDisplayRect().width / 2;

            if ( ms_maxWidth > DEFAULT_MAX_WIDTH )
                ms_maxWidth = DEFAULT_MAX_WIDTH;

        if ( ms_maxWidth != -1 && maxWidth > ms_maxWidth )
            maxWidth = ms_maxWidth;

        // only set a new width if it is bigger than the current setting:
        // otherwise adding a tooltip with shorter line(s) than a previous
        // one would result in breaking the longer lines unnecessarily as
        // all our tooltips share the same maximal width
        if ( maxWidth > SendTooltipMessage(GetToolTipCtrl(),
                                           TTM_GETMAXTIPWIDTH, 0) )
            SendTooltipMessage(GetToolTipCtrl(), TTM_SETMAXTIPWIDTH,
        // replace the '\n's with spaces because otherwise they appear as
        // unprintable characters in the tooltip string
        m_text.Replace(wxT("\n"), wxT(" "));
        ti.lpszText = const_cast<wxChar *>(m_text.wx_str());

        if ( !SendTooltipMessage(GetToolTipCtrl(), TTM_ADDTOOL, &ti) )
            wxLogDebug(wxT("Failed to create the tooltip '%s'"), m_text.c_str());
Exemple #30
int main(int argc, char** argv)
  try {
    if (getoptions(argc, argv) != 0) 
      return 1;
    expgram::NGramCounts ngram(ngram_file, shards, debug);
    std::string  line;
    tokens_type  tokens;

    const int order = ngram.index.order();
    while (std::getline(std::cin, line)) {
      tokenizer_type tokenizer(line);
      // Here, we store in vector<string>.
      tokens.insert(tokens.end(), tokenizer.begin(), tokenizer.end());
      // Alternatively, you can try: (Remark: sentence is simply vector<word_type>)
      // sentence.clear();
      // sentence.insert(sentence.end(), tokenizer.begin(), tokenizer.end());
      // and iterate over sentence type, not tokens.
      // The above example still automatically convert word_type into word_type::id_type on the fly.
      // An alternative faster approach is: (Remark: we assume id_set is vector<word_type::id_type> )
      // id_set.clear();
      // for (tokenizer_type::iterator titer = tokenizer.begin(); titer != tokenizer.end(); ++ titer)
      //   id_set.push_back(ngram.index.vocab()[*titer]);
      // then, you can iterate over id_set, not tokens.
      // Note that the word_type will automatically assign id which may not
      // match with the word-id assigned by the indexed ngram language model.
      // This means that even OOV by the ngram language model may be assigned word-id.
      // If you want to avoid this, here is a solution:
      // const word_type::id_type unk_id = ngram.index.vocab()[vocab_type::UNK]
      // id_set.clear();
      // for (tokenizer_type::iterator titer = tokenizer.begin(); titer != tokenizer.end(); ++ titer)
      //   id_set.push_back(ngram.index.vocab().exists(*titer) ? ngram.index.vocab()[*titer] : unk_id);

      // ngram access must use containser that supports forward-iterator concepts.
      // If not sure, use vector!

      std::copy(tokens.begin(), tokens.end(), std::ostream_iterator<std::string>(std::cout, " "));
      std::cout << ngram(tokens.begin(), tokens.end()) << std::endl;
  catch (std::exception& err) {
    std::cerr << "error: " << err.what() << std::endl;
    return 1;
  return 0;