string search_search2 (void * webserver_request) { Webserver_Request * request = (Webserver_Request *) webserver_request; string siteUrl = config_logic_site_url (webserver_request); string bible = request->database_config_user()->getBible (); if (request->query.count ("bible")) bible = request->query ["bible"]; bool hit_is_set = request->query.count ("h"); bool query_is_set = request->query.count ("q"); int identifier = convert_to_int (request->query ["i"]); string query = request->query ["q"]; string hit = request->query ["h"]; // Get one search hit. if (hit_is_set) { // Retrieve the search parameters from the volatile database. string query = Database_Volatile::getValue (identifier, "query"); //bool casesensitive = convert_to_bool (Database_Volatile::getValue (identifier, "casesensitive")); bool plaintext = convert_to_bool (Database_Volatile::getValue (identifier, "plaintext")); // Get the Bible and passage for this identifier. Passage details = Passage::decode (hit); string bible =; int book =; int chapter = details.chapter; string verse = details.verse; // Get the plain text or USFM. string text; if (plaintext) { text = search_logic_get_bible_verse_text (bible, book, chapter, convert_to_int (verse)); } else { text = search_logic_get_bible_verse_usfm (bible, book, chapter, convert_to_int (verse)); } // Format it. string link = filter_passage_link_for_opening_editor_at (book, chapter, verse); text = filter_string_markup_words ({query}, text); string output = "<div>" + link + " " + text + "</div>"; // Output to browser. return output; } // Perform the initial search. if (query_is_set) { // Get extra search parameters and store them all in the volatile database. bool casesensitive = (request->query ["c"] == "true"); bool plaintext = (request->query ["p"] == "true"); bool currentbook = (request->query ["b"] == "true"); string sharing = request->query ["s"]; Database_Volatile::setValue (identifier, "query", query); Database_Volatile::setValue (identifier, "casesensitive", convert_to_string (casesensitive)); Database_Volatile::setValue (identifier, "plaintext", convert_to_string (plaintext)); // Deal with case sensitivity. // Deal with whether to search the plain text, or the raw USFM. // Fetch the initial set of hits. vector <Passage> passages; if (plaintext) { if (casesensitive) { passages = search_logic_search_bible_text_case_sensitive (bible, query); } else { passages = search_logic_search_bible_text (bible, query); } } else { if (casesensitive) { passages = search_logic_search_bible_usfm_case_sensitive (bible, query); } else { passages = search_logic_search_bible_usfm (bible, query); } } // Deal with possible searching in the current book only. if (currentbook) { int book = Ipc_Focus::getBook (request); vector <Passage> bookpassages; for (auto & passage : passages) { if (book == { bookpassages.push_back (passage); } } passages = bookpassages; } // Deal with how to share the results. vector <string> hits; for (auto & passage : passages) { hits.push_back (passage.encode ()); } if (sharing != "load") { vector <string> loaded_hits = filter_string_explode (Database_Volatile::getValue (identifier, "hits"), '\n'); if (sharing == "add") { hits.insert (hits.end(), loaded_hits.begin(), loaded_hits.end()); } if (sharing == "remove") { hits = filter_string_array_diff (loaded_hits, hits); } if (sharing == "intersect") { hits = array_intersect (loaded_hits, hits); } hits = array_unique (hits); } // Generate one string from the hits. string output = filter_string_implode (hits, "\n"); // Store search hits in the volatile database. Database_Volatile::setValue (identifier, "hits", output); // Output results. return output; } // Build the advanced search page. string page; Assets_Header header = Assets_Header (translate("Search"), request); header.setNavigator (); header.addBreadCrumb (menu_logic_search_menu (), menu_logic_search_text ()); page = (); Assets_View view; view.set_variable ("bible", bible); string script = "var searchBible = \"" + bible + "\";"; view.set_variable ("script", script); page += view.render ("search", "search2"); page += Assets_Page::footer (); return page; }
const char *Exception::what() const throw() { mTranslatedWhat = translate(); return mTranslatedWhat.c_str(); }
const char *RemoteException::what() const throw() { mTranslatedWhat = "[Remote]" + translate(); return mTranslatedWhat.c_str(); }
void Camera::moveUp(float magnitude) { translate(glm::normalize(upVector_) * magnitude); }
/* * Application entry point. */ int main(void) { int8_t accelData[2]={0,0}; // Discovery Board's Accelerometer uint8_t receivedBuff[4]={0,0,0,0}; // Received request/information from PandaBoard uint8_t sentData[4] = {0,0,0,0}; // Returned Information (reply) to the PandaBoard float imuData[7]={0,0,0,0,0,0,0}; // IMU calculated data based on Razor Boad int* razorInfo; // Razor Board Data int steering = 0; int speed = 0; int ir_data[3]={0,0,0}; int16_t us_data[3]={0,0,0}; /* * System initializations. * - HAL initialization, this also initializes the configured device drivers * and performs the board-specific initializations. * - Kernel initialization, the main() function becomes a thread and the * RTOS is active. */ halInit(); chSysInit(); mypwmInit(); // Initializing Motor motorInit(); // Initializing IR Thread ADCinit(); // Initializing US Thread // myUltrasonicInit(); // Initializing Discovery Board's Accelerometer //mySPIinit(); // Initializing Razor Board myRazorInit(); // Activates the USB driver and then the USB bus pull-up on D+. myUSBinit(); // Initializing IMU Calculations. initIMU(); //Starting the usb configuration sdStart(&SDU1,&portConfig2); char receivedInfo[11]; /* * Main loop, it takes care of reciving the requests from Panda Board using USB protocol, * and reply with the requested data. */ while (TRUE) { receivedInfo[0]='T'; sdRead(&SDU1, receivedInfo, 10); // getImuValues(imuData); // getAccel(accelData); // getIR(ir_data); // getUS(us_data); if(receivedInfo[0] != 'T'){ receivedInfo[11]='\0'; parse(receivedInfo); //setMotorData(-(rcvData[1]-28),rcvData[2]-2); setMotorData(rcvData[1],1550); translate(rcvData[0],ir_data,us_data,razorInfo,imuData,accelData,sentData); sdWrite(&SDU1, sentData, 4); } } }
void translate( Geometry& g, Kernel::FT dx, Kernel::FT dy, Kernel::FT dz ) { translate( g, Kernel::Vector_3( dx,dy,dz ) ); }
void Camera::moveRight(float magnitude) { glm::vec3 orientation = calculateLookDirection(); glm::vec3 tangental = glm::normalize(glm::cross(orientation, upVector_)); translate(tangental * magnitude); }
void Camera::translateX(float magnitude) { translate(glm::vec3(magnitude, 0, 0)); }
void Camera::translateZ(float magnitude) { translate(glm::vec3(0, 0, magnitude)); }
glm::vec3 *Spatial::translate(float x, float y, float z) { return translate(glm::vec3(x,y,z)); }
string Navigation_Passage::getNavigator (void * webserver_request, string bible) { Webserver_Request * request = (Webserver_Request *) webserver_request; Database_Navigation database_navigation; string user = request->session_logic()->currentUser (); bool passage_clipped = false; bool basic_mode = config_logic_basic_mode (webserver_request); string fragment; // Links to go back and forward are available only when there's available history to go to. // In basic mode they are not there. if (!basic_mode) { fragment.append ("<span>"); if (database_navigation.previousExists (user)) { fragment.append ("<a id=\"navigateback\" href=\"navigateback\" title=\"" + translate("Back") + "\">↶</a>"); } fragment.append ("</span>"); fragment.append ("<span>"); fragment.append (" "); if (database_navigation.nextExists (user)) { fragment.append ("<a id=\"navigateforward\" href=\"navigateforward\" title=\"" + translate("Forward") + "\">↷</a>"); } fragment.append ("</span>"); fragment.append ("\n"); } int book = Ipc_Focus::getBook (request); // The book should exist in the Bible. if (bible != "") { vector <int> books = request->database_bibles()->getBooks (bible); if (find (books.begin(), books.end(), book) == books.end()) { if (!books.empty ()) book = books [0]; else book = 0; passage_clipped = true; } } string bookName = Database_Books::getEnglishFromId (book); bookName = translate (bookName); fragment.append ("<span><a id='selectbook' href='selectbook' title='" + translate ("Select book") + "'>" + bookName + "</a></span>"); int chapter = Ipc_Focus::getChapter (request); // The chapter should exist in the book. if (bible != "") { vector <int> chapters = request->database_bibles()->getChapters (bible, book); if (find (chapters.begin(), chapters.end(), chapter) == chapters.end()) { if (!chapters.empty()) chapter = chapters [0]; else chapter = 1; passage_clipped = true; } } fragment.append ("<span><a id=\"selectchapter\" href=\"selectchapter\" title=\"" + translate ("Select chapter") + "\"> " + convert_to_string (chapter) + " </a></span>"); int verse = Ipc_Focus::getVerse (request); bool next_verse_is_available = true; // The verse should exist in the chapter. if (bible != "") { string usfm = request->database_bibles()->getChapter (bible, book, chapter); vector <int> verses = usfm_get_verse_numbers (usfm); if (!in_array (verse, verses)) { if (!verses.empty()) verse = verses [0]; else verse = 1; passage_clipped = true; } if (!verses.empty ()) { if (verse >= verses.back ()) { next_verse_is_available = false; } } } fragment.append ("<span><a"); if (!basic_mode) { fragment.append (" class=\"previousverse\""); } if (verse) { // A previous verse (0) is assumed to be available. fragment.append (" id=\"previousverse\" href=\"previousverse\" title=\"" + translate ("Go to previous verse") + "\""); } fragment.append ("> « </a></span>"); fragment.append ("<span><a"); if (!basic_mode) fragment.append (" class=\"selectverse\""); fragment.append (" id=\"selectverse\" href=\"selectverse\" title=\"" + translate ("Select verse") + "\"> " + convert_to_string (verse) + " </a></span>"); if (next_verse_is_available) { fragment.append ("<span><a"); if (!basic_mode) fragment.append (" class=\"nextverse\""); fragment.append (" id=\"nextverse\" href=\"nextverse\" title=\"" + translate ("Go to next verse") + "\""); fragment.append ("> » </a></span>"); } // Store book / chapter / verse if they were clipped. if (passage_clipped) { Ipc_Focus::set (request, book, chapter, verse); } // The result. return fragment; }
String translate (const char* const literal) { const String text (literal); return translate (text, text); }
String translate (const String& text) { return translate (text, text); }
void changes_modifications () { Database_Logs::log ("Change notifications: Generating", Filter_Roles::translator ()); // Set flag so the notifications are not now available to clients. config_globals_change_notifications_available = false; // Data objects. Webserver_Request request; Database_Modifications database_modifications; Database_Mail database_mail = Database_Mail (&request); // Check on the health of the modifications database and (re)create it if needed. if (!database_modifications.healthy ()) database_modifications.erase (); database_modifications.create (); // Create online change notifications for users who made changes in Bibles // through the web editor or through a client. // It runs before the team changes. // This produces the desired order of the notifications in the GUI. // Get the users who will receive the changes entered by the contributors. vector <string> recipients; { vector <string> users = request.database_users ()->getUsers (); for (auto & user : users) { if (request.database_config_user ()->getContributorChangesNotificationsOnline (user)) { recipients.push_back (user); } } } vector <string> users = database_modifications.getUserUsernames (); if (!users.empty ()) Database_Logs::log ("Change notifications: Per user", Filter_Roles::translator ()); for (auto user : users) { // Go through the Bibles changed by the current user. vector <string> bibles = database_modifications.getUserBibles (user); for (auto bible : bibles) { // Body of the email to be sent. string email = "<p>" + translate("You have entered the changes below in a Bible editor.") + " " + translate ("You may check if it made its way into the Bible text.") + "</p>"; size_t empty_email_length = email.length (); // Go through the books in that Bible. vector <int> books = database_modifications.getUserBooks (user, bible); for (auto book : books) { // Go through the chapters in that book. vector <int> chapters = database_modifications.getUserChapters (user, bible, book); for (auto chapter : chapters) { // Get the sets of identifiers for that chapter, and set some variables. vector <Database_Modifications_Id> IdSets = database_modifications.getUserIdentifiers (user, bible, book, chapter); //int referenceOldId = 0; int referenceNewId = 0; int newId = 0; int lastNewId = 0; bool restart = true; // Go through the sets of identifiers. for (auto IdSet : IdSets) { int oldId = IdSet.oldid; newId = IdSet.newid; if (restart) { changes_process_identifiers (&request, user, recipients, bible, book, chapter, referenceNewId, newId, email); //referenceOldId = oldId; referenceNewId = newId; lastNewId = newId; restart = false; continue; } if (oldId == lastNewId) { lastNewId = newId; } else { restart = true; } } // Process the last set of identifiers. changes_process_identifiers (&request, user, recipients, bible, book, chapter, referenceNewId, newId, email); } } // Check whether there's any email to be sent. if (email.length () != empty_email_length) { // Send the user email with the user's personal changes if the user opted to receive it. if (request.database_config_user()->getUserUserChangesNotification (user)) { string subject = translate("Changes you entered in") + " " + bible; if (!client_logic_client_enabled ()) database_mail.send (user, subject, email); } } } // Clear the user's changes in the database. database_modifications.clearUserUser (user); // Clear checksum cache. request.database_config_user ()->setUserChangeNotificationsChecksum (user, ""); } // Generate the notifications, online and by email, // for the changes in the Bibles entered by anyone since the previous notifications were generated. vector <string> bibles = database_modifications.getTeamDiffBibles (); for (auto bible : bibles) { string stylesheet = Database_Config_Bible::getExportStylesheet (bible); vector <string> changeNotificationUsers; vector <string> users = request.database_users ()->getUsers (); for (auto user : users) { if (access_bible_read (&request, bible, user)) { if (request.database_config_user()->getUserGenerateChangeNotifications (user)) { changeNotificationUsers.push_back (user); } } } users.clear (); // The number of changes processed so far for this Bible. int processedChangesCount = 0; // The files get stored at<port>/revisions/<Bible>/<date> int seconds = filter_date_seconds_since_epoch (); string timepath; timepath.append (convert_to_string (filter_date_numerical_year (seconds))); timepath.append ("-"); timepath.append (filter_string_fill (convert_to_string (filter_date_numerical_month (seconds)), 2, '0')); timepath.append ("-"); timepath.append (filter_string_fill (convert_to_string (filter_date_numerical_month_day (seconds)), 2, '0')); timepath.append (" "); timepath.append (filter_string_fill (convert_to_string (filter_date_numerical_hour (seconds)), 2, '0')); timepath.append (":"); timepath.append (filter_string_fill (convert_to_string (filter_date_numerical_minute (seconds)), 2, '0')); timepath.append (":"); timepath.append (filter_string_fill (convert_to_string (filter_date_numerical_second (seconds)), 2, '0')); string directory = filter_url_create_root_path ("revisions", bible, timepath); filter_url_mkdir (directory); // Produce the USFM and html files. filter_diff_produce_verse_level (bible, directory); // Create online page with changed verses. string versesoutputfile = filter_url_create_path (directory, "changed_verses.html"); filter_diff_run_file (filter_url_create_path (directory, "verses_old.txt"), filter_url_create_path (directory, "verses_new.txt"), versesoutputfile); // Storage for body of the email with the changes. vector <string> email_changes; // Generate the online change notifications. vector <int> books = database_modifications.getTeamDiffBooks (bible); for (auto book : books) { vector <int> chapters = database_modifications.getTeamDiffChapters (bible, book); for (auto chapter : chapters) { Database_Logs::log ("Change notifications: " + bible + " " + filter_passage_display (book, chapter, ""), Filter_Roles::translator ()); string old_chapter_usfm = database_modifications.getTeamDiff (bible, book, chapter); string new_chapter_usfm = request.database_bibles()->getChapter (bible, book, chapter); vector <int> old_verse_numbers = usfm_get_verse_numbers (old_chapter_usfm); vector <int> new_verse_numbers = usfm_get_verse_numbers (new_chapter_usfm); vector <int> verses = old_verse_numbers; verses.insert (verses.end (), new_verse_numbers.begin (), new_verse_numbers.end ()); verses = array_unique (verses); sort (verses.begin (), verses.end()); for (auto verse : verses) { string old_verse_usfm = usfm_get_verse_text (old_chapter_usfm, verse); string new_verse_usfm = usfm_get_verse_text (new_chapter_usfm, verse); if (old_verse_usfm != new_verse_usfm) { processedChangesCount++; // In case of too many change notifications, processing them would take too much time, so take a few shortcuts. string old_html = "<p>" + old_verse_usfm + "</p>"; string new_html = "<p>" + new_verse_usfm + "</p>"; string old_text = old_verse_usfm; string new_text = new_verse_usfm; if (processedChangesCount < 800) { Filter_Text filter_text_old = Filter_Text (bible); Filter_Text filter_text_new = Filter_Text (bible); filter_text_old.html_text_standard = new Html_Text (""); filter_text_new.html_text_standard = new Html_Text (""); filter_text_old.text_text = new Text_Text (); filter_text_new.text_text = new Text_Text (); filter_text_old.addUsfmCode (old_verse_usfm); filter_text_new.addUsfmCode (new_verse_usfm); (stylesheet); (stylesheet); old_html = filter_text_old.html_text_standard->getInnerHtml (); new_html = filter_text_new.html_text_standard->getInnerHtml (); old_text = filter_text_old.text_text->get (); new_text = filter_text_new.text_text->get (); } string modification = filter_diff_diff (old_text, new_text); database_modifications.recordNotification (changeNotificationUsers, changes_bible_category (), bible, book, chapter, verse, old_html, modification, new_html); string passage = filter_passage_display (book, chapter, convert_to_string (verse)) + ": "; if (old_text != new_text) { email_changes.push_back (passage + modification); } else { email_changes.push_back (translate ("The following passage has no change in the text.") + " " + translate ("The change is in the formatting only.") + " " + translate ("The USFM code is given for reference.")); email_changes.push_back (passage); email_changes.push_back (translate ("Old code:") + " " + old_verse_usfm); email_changes.push_back (translate ("New code:") + " " + new_verse_usfm); } } } // Delete the diff data for this chapter, for two reasons: // 1. New diffs for this chapter can be stored straightaway. // 2. In case of large amounts of diff data, and this function gets killed, // then the next time it runs again, it will continue from where it was killed. database_modifications.deleteTeamDiffChapter (bible, book, chapter); } } // Email the changes to the subscribed users. if (!email_changes.empty ()) { string body; for (auto & line : email_changes) { body.append ("<div>"); body.append (line); body.append ("</div>\n"); } string subject = translate("Recent changes:") + " " + bible; vector <string> users = request.database_users ()->getUsers (); for (auto & user : users) { if (request.database_config_user()->getUserBibleChangesNotification (user)) { if (access_bible_read (&request, bible, user)) { if (!client_logic_client_enabled ()) { database_mail.send (user, subject, body); } } } } } } // Index the data and remove expired notifications. Database_Logs::log ("Change notifications: Indexing", Filter_Roles::translator ()); database_modifications.indexTrimAllNotifications (); // Remove expired downloadable revisions. string directory = filter_url_create_root_path ("revisions"); int now = filter_date_seconds_since_epoch (); bibles = filter_url_scandir (directory); for (auto &bible : bibles) { string folder = filter_url_create_path (directory, bible); int time = filter_url_filemtime (folder); int days = (now - time) / 86400; if (days > 31) { filter_url_rmdir (folder); } else { vector <string> revisions = filter_url_scandir (folder); for (auto & revision : revisions) { string path = filter_url_create_path (folder, revision); int time = filter_url_filemtime (path); int days = (now - time) / 86400; if (days > 31) { filter_url_rmdir (path); Database_Logs::log ("Removing expired downloadable revision notification: " + bible + " " + revision, Filter_Roles::translator ()); } } } } // Clear checksum caches. users = request.database_users ()->getUsers (); for (auto user : users) { request.database_config_user ()->setUserChangeNotificationsChecksum (user, ""); } // Vacuum the modifications index, as it might have been updated. database_modifications.vacuum (); // Clear flag so the notifications are again available to clients. config_globals_change_notifications_available = true; Database_Logs::log ("Change notifications: Ready", Filter_Roles::translator ()); }
int main (int argc, char **argv) { int n1,n2,n1tic,n2tic,nfloats,bbox[4], i1,i2,grid1,grid2,style, n1c,n2c,n1s,n2s,i1beg,i1end,i2beg,i2end,i1c,i2c, nz,iz,i1step,i2step,verbose,hls,bps, legend,ugrid=SOLID,lstyle=VERTLEFT,lz,lbegsup=0,lendsup=0,ln=256, lbbox[4], threecolor=0; /* BEREND, Schoenfelder */ int lnice; /* c liner */ float labelsize,titlesize,perc,clip,bperc,wperc,bclip,wclip, d1,f1,d2,f2,*z,*temp,zscale,zoffset,zi, xbox,ybox,width,height, x1beg,x1end,x2beg,x2end, x1min,x1max,x2min,x2max, d1num,f1num,d2num,f2num, p1beg,p1end,p2beg,p2end,matrix[6],colors[3][3], /* for 3 color mode */ d1s,d2s, lwidth,lheight,lx,ly,lbeg,lend,lmin=(float) FLT_MAX,lmax=(float) -FLT_MAX, ldnum,lfnum,ld,lf=0,labmatrix[6]; /* BEREND, Schoenfelder */ float axeswidth, ticwidth, gridwidth; unsigned char *cz,*czp,*sz,*data_legend=NULL; char *label1="",*label2="",*title="",*units="", *legendfont="times_roman10", *labelfont="Helvetica",*titlefont="Helvetica-Bold", *styles="seismic",*grid1s="none",*grid2s="none", *titlecolor="black",*axescolor="black",*gridcolor="black", *lstyles="vertleft",*lgrids="none"; FILE *infp=stdin; float **x1curve=NULL,**x2curve=NULL,*curvewidth=NULL; int i,j,curve=0,*npair=NULL,ncurvecolor=0,ncurvewidth=0,ncurvedash=0,*curvedash=NULL; char **curvecolor=NULL,**curvefile=NULL; FILE *curvefp=NULL; cwp_Bool is_curve = cwp_false; /* initialize getpar */ initargs(argc,argv); requestdoc(1); /* get parameters describing 1st dimension sampling */ if (!getparint("n1",&n1)) err("must specify n1!\n"); d1 = 1.0; getparfloat("d1",&d1); f1 = 0.0; getparfloat("f1",&f1); x1min = (d1>0.0)?f1:f1+(n1-1)*d1; x1max = (d1<0.0)?f1:f1+(n1-1)*d1; /* get parameters describing 2nd dimension sampling */ if (!getparint("n2",&n2)) { if (efseeko(infp,(off_t) 0,SEEK_END)!=0) err("must specify n2 if in a pipe!\n"); nfloats = (int) (eftello(infp)/((off_t) sizeof(float))); efseeko(infp,(off_t) 0,SEEK_SET); n2 = nfloats/n1; } d2 = 1.0; getparfloat("d2",&d2); f2 = 0.0; getparfloat("f2",&f2); x2min = (d2>0.0)?f2:f2+(n2-1)*d2; x2max = (d2<0.0)?f2:f2+(n2-1)*d2; /* read color parameters */ if (!getparint("threecolor",&threecolor)) threecolor=1; bps = 8; hls = 0; /* color[][0] is black, color[][2] is white in 2 color mode */ colors[R][0] = colors[G][0] = colors[B][0] = 0.0; colors[R][1] = colors[G][1] = colors[B][1] = 0.5; colors[R][2] = colors[G][2] = colors[B][2] = 1.0; if (countparval("brgb") || countparval("wrgb")) { float brgb[3],grgb[3],wrgb[3]; brgb[R] = brgb[G] = brgb[B] = 0.0; wrgb[R] = wrgb[G] = wrgb[B] = 1.0; getparfloat("brgb",&brgb[0]); getparfloat("wrgb",&wrgb[0]); grgb[R] = (brgb[R] + wrgb[R])/2.; grgb[G] = (brgb[G] + wrgb[G])/2.; grgb[B] = (brgb[B] + wrgb[B])/2.; if (threecolor==1) getparfloat("grgb",&grgb[0]); brgb[R] = MAX(0.0,MIN(1.0,brgb[R])); grgb[R] = MAX(0.0,MIN(1.0,grgb[R])); wrgb[R] = MAX(0.0,MIN(1.0,wrgb[R])); brgb[G] = MAX(0.0,MIN(1.0,brgb[G])); grgb[G] = MAX(0.0,MIN(1.0,grgb[G])); wrgb[G] = MAX(0.0,MIN(1.0,wrgb[G])); brgb[B] = MAX(0.0,MIN(1.0,brgb[B])); grgb[B] = MAX(0.0,MIN(1.0,grgb[B])); wrgb[B] = MAX(0.0,MIN(1.0,wrgb[B])); colors[R][0] = brgb[R]; colors[R][1] = grgb[R]; colors[R][2] = wrgb[R]; colors[G][0] = brgb[G]; colors[G][1] = grgb[G]; colors[G][2] = wrgb[G]; colors[B][0] = brgb[B]; colors[B][1] = grgb[B]; colors[B][2] = wrgb[B]; if (!getparint("bps",&bps)) bps = 12; if (bps!=12 && bps!=24) err("bps must equal 12 or 24 for color plots!\n"); } else if (countparval("bhls") || countparval("whls")) { float bhls[3],ghls[3],whls[3]; hls = 1; bhls[H] = ghls[H] = whls[H] = 0.0; bhls[L] = 0.0; ghls[L] = 0.5; whls[L] = 1.0; bhls[S] = ghls[S] = whls[S] = 0.0; getparfloat("bhls",&bhls[0]); getparfloat("whls",&whls[0]); ghls[H] = (bhls[H] + whls[H])/2.; ghls[L] = (bhls[L] + whls[L])/2.; ghls[S] = (bhls[S] + whls[S])/2.; if (threecolor==1) getparfloat("ghls",&ghls[0]); bhls[L] = MAX(0.0,MIN(1.0,bhls[L])); ghls[L] = MAX(0.0,MIN(1.0,ghls[L])); whls[L] = MAX(0.0,MIN(1.0,whls[L])); bhls[S] = MAX(0.0,MIN(1.0,bhls[S])); ghls[S] = MAX(0.0,MIN(1.0,ghls[S])); whls[S] = MAX(0.0,MIN(1.0,whls[S])); colors[H][0] = bhls[0]; colors[H][1] = ghls[0]; colors[H][2] = whls[0]; colors[L][0] = bhls[1]; colors[L][1] = ghls[1]; colors[L][2] = whls[1]; colors[S][0] = bhls[2]; colors[S][1] = ghls[2]; colors[S][2] = whls[2]; if (!getparint("bps",&bps)) bps = 12; if (bps!=12 && bps!=24) err("bps must equal 12 or 24 for color plots!\n"); } /* get legend specs BEREND, Schoenfelder */ legend = 0; getparint("legend", &legend); /* BEREND, Schoenfelder */ getparstring("units", &units); /* BEREND, Schoenfelder */ getparstring("legendfont", &legendfont); /* BEREND, Schoenfelder */ /* set up curve plotting */ if ((curve=countparval("curve"))!=0) { curvefile=(char**)ealloc1(curve,sizeof(void*)); getparstringarray("curve",curvefile); if ((x1curve=(float**)malloc(curve*sizeof(void*)))==NULL) err("Could not allocate x1curve pointers\n"); if ((x2curve=(float**)malloc(curve*sizeof(void*)))==NULL) err("Could not allocate x2curve pointers\n"); npair=ealloc1int(curve); getparint("npair",npair); is_curve = cwp_true; } else { npair=(int *)NULL; curvefile=(char **)NULL; x1curve=(float **)NULL; x2curve=(float **)NULL; is_curve = cwp_false; } if (is_curve) { if ((ncurvecolor=countparval("curvecolor"))<curve) { curvecolor=(char**)ealloc1(curve,sizeof(void*)); if (!getparstringarray("curvecolor",curvecolor)) { curvecolor[0]=(char *)cwp_strdup("black\0"); ncurvecolor=1; } for (i=ncurvecolor; i<curve; i++) curvecolor[i]=(char *)cwp_strdup(curvecolor[ncurvecolor-1]); } else if (ncurvecolor) { curvecolor=(char**)ealloc1(ncurvecolor,sizeof(void*)); getparstringarray("curvecolor",curvecolor); } for (j=0; j<curve; j++) { curvefp=efopen(curvefile[j],"r"); x1curve[j]=ealloc1float(npair[j]); x2curve[j]=ealloc1float(npair[j]); for (i=0; i<npair[j]; i++) { fscanf(curvefp,"%f",&x1curve[j][i]); fscanf(curvefp,"%f",&x2curve[j][i]); } efclose(curvefp); } } /* read binary data to be plotted */ nz = n1*n2; z = ealloc1float(nz); if (fread(z,sizeof(float),nz,infp)!=nz) err("error reading input file!\n"); /* if necessary, determine clips from percentiles */ if (getparfloat("clip",&clip)) { bclip = clip; wclip = -clip; } if ((!getparfloat("bclip",&bclip) || !getparfloat("wclip",&wclip)) && !getparfloat("clip",&clip)) { perc = 100.0; getparfloat("perc",&perc); temp = ealloc1float(nz); for (iz=0; iz<nz; iz++) temp[iz] = z[iz]; if (!getparfloat("bclip",&bclip)) { bperc = perc; getparfloat("bperc",&bperc); iz = (nz*bperc/100.0); if (iz<0) iz = 0; if (iz>nz-1) iz = nz-1; qkfind(iz,nz,temp); bclip = temp[iz]; } if (!getparfloat("wclip",&wclip)) { wperc = 100.0-perc; getparfloat("wperc",&wperc); iz = (nz*wperc/100.0); if (iz<0) iz = 0; if (iz>nz-1) iz = nz-1; qkfind(iz,nz,temp); wclip = temp[iz]; } free1float(temp); } verbose = 1; getparint("verbose",&verbose); if (verbose) warn("bclip=%g wclip=%g",bclip,wclip); /* get scaled sampling intervals */ d1s = 1.0; getparfloat("d1s",&d1s); d2s = 1.0; getparfloat("d2s",&d2s); d1s = fabs(d1s); d1s *= d1; d2s = fabs(d2s); d2s *= d2; /* get axes parameters */ xbox = 1.5; getparfloat("xbox",&xbox); /* if psimage is called by ximage, it */ ybox = 1.5; getparfloat("ybox",&ybox); /* will xbox=1.166 and ybox=1.167 */ width = 6.0; getparfloat("wbox",&width); getparfloat("width",&width); height = 8.0;getparfloat("hbox",&height);getparfloat("height",&height); /* begin c liner */ lnice = 0; getparint("lnice",&lnice); if (lnice==1) { ybox = 2.2; /* lx=8 is set below, after getpar on lx ... c liner */ width = 5.4; height = 7.2; } /* end c liner */ x1beg = x1min; getparfloat("x1beg",&x1beg); x1end = x1max; getparfloat("x1end",&x1end); d1num = 0.0; getparfloat("d1num",&d1num); f1num = x1min; getparfloat("f1num",&f1num); n1tic = 1; getparint("n1tic",&n1tic); getparstring("grid1",&grid1s); if (STREQ("dot",grid1s)) grid1 = DOT; else if (STREQ("dash",grid1s)) grid1 = DASH; else if (STREQ("solid",grid1s)) grid1 = SOLID; else grid1 = NONE; getparstring("label1",&label1); x2beg = x2min; getparfloat("x2beg",&x2beg); x2end = x2max; getparfloat("x2end",&x2end); d2num = 0.0; getparfloat("d2num",&d2num); f2num = 0.0; getparfloat("f2num",&f2num); n2tic = 1; getparint("n2tic",&n2tic); getparstring("grid2",&grid2s); if (STREQ("dot",grid2s)) grid2 = DOT; else if (STREQ("dash",grid2s)) grid2 = DASH; else if (STREQ("solid",grid2s)) grid2 = SOLID; else grid2 = NONE; getparstring("label2",&label2); getparstring("labelfont",&labelfont); labelsize = 18.0; getparfloat("labelsize",&labelsize); getparstring("title",&title); getparstring("titlefont",&titlefont); titlesize = 24.0; getparfloat("titlesize",&titlesize); getparstring("titlecolor",&titlecolor); getparstring("axescolor",&axescolor); getparstring("gridcolor",&gridcolor); /* axes and tic width */ if(!getparfloat("axeswidth",&axeswidth)) axeswidth=1; if (!getparfloat("ticwidth",&ticwidth)) ticwidth=axeswidth; if(!getparfloat("gridwidth",&gridwidth)) gridwidth =axeswidth; if (is_curve) { if ((ncurvewidth=countparval("curvewidth"))<curve) { curvewidth=ealloc1float(curve); if (!getparfloat("curvewidth",curvewidth)) { curvewidth[0]=axeswidth; ncurvewidth=1; } for (i=ncurvewidth; i<curve; i++) curvewidth[i]=curvewidth[ncurvewidth-1]; } else { curvewidth=ealloc1float(ncurvewidth); getparfloat("curvewidth",curvewidth); } if ((ncurvedash=countparval("curvedash"))<curve) { curvedash=ealloc1int(curve); if (!getparint("curvedash",curvedash)) { curvedash[0]=0; ncurvedash=1; } for (i=ncurvedash; i<curve; i++) curvedash[i]=curvedash[ncurvedash-1]; } else { curvedash=ealloc1int(ncurvedash); getparint("curvedash",curvedash); } } getparstring("style",&styles); if (STREQ("normal",styles)) style = NORMAL; else style = SEISMIC; /* Get or calc legend parameters */ /* Legend min and max: Calc from data read in */ if (legend) { for (lz=0;lz<nz;lz++) { lmin=FMIN(lmin,z[lz]); lmax=FMAX(lmax,z[lz]); } if (verbose==2) warn("lmin=%g lmax=%g",lmin,lmax); } if (legend) { lbeg = lmin; if (getparfloat("lbeg",&lbeg)) lbegsup=1; lend = lmax; if (getparfloat("lend",&lend)) lendsup=1; /* Change wclip,bclip to be inside legend range */ wclip = FMAX(lbeg,wclip); /* [wclip,bclip] has to be in [lbeg,lend] */ bclip = FMIN(lend,bclip); if (lbegsup!=1) { /* Add white and black areas to show possible clipping */ float rangeperc=(bclip-wclip)/20.; lbeg=wclip-rangeperc; } if (lendsup!=1) { float rangeperc=(bclip-wclip)/20.; lend=bclip+rangeperc; } lfnum = lmin; getparfloat("lfnum",&lfnum); getparstring("lstyle",&lstyles); if (STREQ("vertright",lstyles)) lstyle = VERTRIGHT; else if (STREQ("horibottom",lstyles)) lstyle = HORIBOTTOM; /* legend dimensions (BEREND), Schoenfelder */ lwidth = 0.1 ;lheight = height/2; if (lstyle==HORIBOTTOM) { lwidth=width/1.2 ;lheight = 0.24; } getparfloat("lwidth",&lwidth); getparfloat("lheight",&lheight); lx=.8;ly = ybox+(height-lheight)/2; if (lstyle==VERTRIGHT) { lx=xbox+width+0.1; } else if (lstyle==HORIBOTTOM) { lx=xbox+(width-lwidth)/2.0;ly = 1.0; } getparfloat("lx",&lx); if (lnice==1) lx = 8; /* c liner */ getparfloat("ly",&ly); getparstring("lgrid",&lgrids); if (STREQ("dot",lgrids)) ugrid = DOT; else if (STREQ("dash",lgrids)) ugrid = DASH; else if (STREQ("solid",lgrids)) ugrid = SOLID; else ugrid = NONE; } /* adjust x1beg and x1end to fall on sampled values */ /* This will not allow to display an area greater than the data supplied */ i1beg = NINT((x1beg-f1)/d1); i1beg = MAX(0,MIN(n1-1,i1beg)); x1beg = f1+i1beg*d1; i1end = NINT((x1end-f1)/d1); i1end = MAX(0,MIN(n1-1,i1end)); x1end = f1+i1end*d1; /* adjust x2beg and x2end to fall on sampled values */ i2beg = NINT((x2beg-f2)/d2); i2beg = MAX(0,MIN(n2-1,i2beg)); x2beg = f2+i2beg*d2; i2end = NINT((x2end-f2)/d2); i2end = MAX(0,MIN(n2-1,i2end)); x2end = f2+i2end*d2; if (legend) { /* Make legend color values */ int lll=0,lcount,perc5=13,ilbeg,ilend; /* color scale */ if (lbegsup!=1) { ln+=perc5; /* white area */ } if (lendsup!=1) { ln+=perc5; /* black area */ } data_legend = ealloc1(ln,sizeof(char)); if (lbegsup!=1) { for (lll=0;lll<perc5;lll++) data_legend[lll]=(char) 255; /* white area */ } for (lcount=255;lcount>=0;lcount--,lll++) data_legend[lll]=(char) lcount; if (lendsup!=1) { for (;lll<ln;lll++) data_legend[lll]=(char) 0; /* black area */ } lf=lbeg;ld=(lend-lbeg)/(ln-1); if (!(getparfloat("ldnum",&ldnum))) ldnum=0.0; /* adjust lbeg and lend to fall on sampled values */ ilbeg = NINT((lbeg-lf)/ld); ilbeg = MAX(0,MIN(ln-1,ilbeg)); lbeg = lf+ilbeg*ld; ilend = NINT((lend-lf)/ld); ilend = MAX(0,MIN(ln-1,ilend)); lend = lf+ilend*ld; } /* allocate space for image bytes */ n1c = 1+abs(i1end-i1beg); n2c = 1+abs(i2end-i2beg); cz = ealloc1(n1c*n2c,sizeof(char)); /* convert data to be imaged into unsigned characters */ zscale = (wclip!=bclip)?255.0/(wclip-bclip):1.0e10; zoffset = -bclip*zscale; i1step = (i1end>i1beg)?1:-1; i2step = (i2end>i2beg)?1:-1; czp = cz; for (i1c=0,i1=i1beg; i1c<n1c; i1c++,i1+=i1step) { for (i2c=0,i2=i2beg; i2c<n2c; i2c++,i2+=i2step) { zi = zoffset+z[i1+i2*n1]*zscale; if (zi<0.0) zi = 0.0; if (zi>255.0) zi = 255.0; *czp++ = (unsigned char)zi; } } free1float(z); /* determine sampling after scaling */ n1s = MAX(1,NINT(1+(n1c-1)*d1/d1s)); d1s = (n1s>1)?d1*(n1c-1)/(n1s-1):d1; n2s = MAX(1,NINT(1+(n2c-1)*d2/d2s)); d2s = (n2s>1)?d2*(n2c-1)/(n2s-1):d2; /* if necessary, interpolate to scaled sampling intervals */ if (n1s!=n1c || n2s!=n2c) { sz = ealloc1(n1s*n2s,sizeof(char)); intl2b(n2c,d2,0.0,n1c,d1,0.0,cz,n2s,d2s,0.0,n1s,d1s,0.0,sz); /* Interpol array */ free1(cz); } else { sz = cz; } /* determine axes pads */ p1beg = (x1end>x1beg)?-fabs(d1s)/2:fabs(d1s)/2; p1end = (x1end>x1beg)?fabs(d1s)/2:-fabs(d1s)/2; p2beg = (x2end>x2beg)?-fabs(d2s)/2:fabs(d2s)/2; p2end = (x2end>x2beg)?fabs(d2s)/2:-fabs(d2s)/2; /* convert axes box parameters from inches to points */ xbox *= 72.0; ybox *= 72.0; width *= 72.0; height *= 72.0; if (legend) { lx *= 72.0; /* Schoenfelder */ ly *= 72.0; /* Schoenfelder */ lwidth *= 72.0; /* Schoenfelder */ lheight *= 72.0; /* Schoenfelder */ } /* set bounding box */ psAxesBBox( xbox,ybox,width,height, labelfont,labelsize, titlefont,titlesize, style,bbox); if (legend) { psLegendBBox( /* Space for legend Schoenfelder */ lx,ly,lwidth,lheight, labelfont,labelsize, lstyle,lbbox); /* Include space for legend Schoenfelder */ bbox[0]=MIN(bbox[0],lbbox[0]); bbox[1]=MIN(bbox[1],lbbox[1]); bbox[2]=MAX(bbox[2],lbbox[2]); bbox[3]=MAX(bbox[3],lbbox[3]); } boundingbox(bbox[0],bbox[1],bbox[2],bbox[3]); /* begin PostScript */ begineps(); /* save graphics state */ gsave(); /* translate coordinate system by box offset */ translate(xbox,ybox); /* determine image matrix */ if (style==NORMAL) { matrix[0] = 0; matrix[1] = n1s; matrix[2] = n2s; matrix[3] = 0; matrix[4] = 0; matrix[5] = 0; } else { matrix[0] = n2s; matrix[1] = 0; matrix[2] = 0; matrix[3] = -n1s; matrix[4] = 0; matrix[5] = n1s; } scale(width,height); /* draw the image (before axes so grid lines are visible) */ drawimage(hls,colors,n2s,n1s,bps,matrix,sz); /***************************/ /* main image has been drawn, restore graphics state */ grestore(); /* *********************************/ /* draw the colorbar (before axes so grid lines are visible) Schoenfelder*/ if (legend) { gsave(); translate(lx,ly); scale(lwidth,lheight); if ((lstyle==VERTLEFT) || (lstyle==VERTRIGHT)) { labmatrix[0] = 1; labmatrix[1] = 0; labmatrix[2] = 0; labmatrix[3] = ln; labmatrix[4] = 0; labmatrix[5] = 0; drawimage(hls,colors,1,ln,bps,labmatrix,data_legend); } else { labmatrix[0] = -1; labmatrix[1] = 0; labmatrix[2] = 0; labmatrix[3] = ln; labmatrix[4] = 0; labmatrix[5] = 0; rotate(-90); drawimage(hls,colors,1,ln,bps,labmatrix,data_legend); rotate(90); } grestore(); } /* draw curve */ for (i=0; i<curve; i++) { gsave(); psDrawCurve( xbox,ybox,width,height, x1beg,x1end,p1beg,p1end, x2beg,x2end,p2beg,p2end, x1curve[i],x2curve[i],npair[i], curvecolor[i],curvewidth[i],curvedash[i],style); grestore(); } gsave(); /* draw axes and title */ psAxesBox( xbox,ybox,width,height, x1beg,x1end,p1beg,p1end, d1num,f1num,n1tic,grid1,label1, x2beg,x2end,p2beg,p2end, d2num,f2num,n2tic,grid2,label2, labelfont,labelsize, title,titlefont,titlesize, titlecolor,axescolor,gridcolor, ticwidth,axeswidth,gridwidth, style); /* restore graphics state */ grestore(); /* draw axes and title for legend Schoenfelder*/ if (legend) { float lpbeg,lpend; int lntic=1; gsave(); lpbeg = 0.0; /*(lend>lbeg)?-fabs(d1s)/2:fabs(d1s)/2;*/ lpend = 0.0; /*(lend>lbeg)?fabs(d1s)/2:-fabs(d1s)/2;*/ psLegendBox( lx,ly,lwidth,lheight, lbeg,lend,lpbeg,lpend, ldnum,lf,lntic,ugrid,units, labelfont,labelsize, axescolor,gridcolor, lstyle); grestore(); } /* end PostScript */ showpage(); endeps(); if (curve) { free1int(npair); for (i=0; i<curve; i++) { free1float(x1curve[i]); free1float(x2curve[i]); } free1float(curvewidth); free1int(curvedash); free((void**)x1curve); free((void**)x2curve); free((void**)curvefile); free((void**)curvecolor); } return 0; }
void Camera::moveForward(float magnitude) { translate(calculateLookDirection() * magnitude); }
Eigen::Matrix4f translate(const Eigen::Vector3f& v) { return translate(v.x(),v.y(),v.z()); }
main(int argc, char *argv[]) { FILE *fp, *outFile; int i; int unix2Dos; prog = argv[0]; /* program name as called */ unix2Dos = 1; i = 1; if (argc > 1) { if (strcmp(argv[1], "--help") == 0) { usage(); } else if (strcmp(argv[1], "--dos2unix") == 0) { unix2Dos = 0; } else if (strcmp(argv[1], "--unix2dos") == 0) { unix2Dos = 1; } else { usage(); } } else usage(); i ++; if (i == argc) translate(stdin, stdout, unix2Dos); else { while (i < argc) { char tmpFile[512]; sprintf(tmpFile, "%s.tmp", argv[i]); fp = fopen(argv[i], "rb"); if (!fp) { fprintf(stderr, "Cannot open %s.\n", argv[i]); i ++; continue; } outFile = fopen(tmpFile, "wb"); if (!outFile) { fprintf(stderr, "Cannot open %s.\n", tmpFile); exit(1); } translate(fp, outFile, unix2Dos); if (warning) /* unix2dos acting on a possible DOS file */ { fprintf(stderr,"%s: %s may have already been in DOS format. Not converted.\n", prog, argv[i]); warning = 0; } fclose(fp); fclose(outFile); #ifdef _WINDOWS remove(argv[i]); #else unlink(argv[i]); #endif rename(tmpFile, argv[i]); i ++; } } }