Exemple #1
* G_OffsetSpawnPoint - use a grid of player boxes to offset the spawn point
bool G_OffsetSpawnPoint( vec3_t origin, vec3_t box_mins, vec3_t box_maxs, float radius, bool checkground )
	trace_t	trace;
	vec3_t virtualorigin;
	vec3_t absmins, absmaxs;
	float playerbox_rowwidth;
	float playerbox_columnwidth;
	int rows, columns;
	int i, j, row = 0, column = 0;
	int rowseed = rand() & 255;
	int columnseed = rand() & 255;
	int playersFound = 0, worldfound = 0, nofloorfound = 0, badclusterfound = 0;
	// check box clusters
	int cluster;
	int num_leafs;
	int leafs[8];

	if( radius <= box_maxs[0] - box_mins[0] )
		return true;

	if( checkground ) // drop the point to ground (scripts can accept any entity now)
		VectorCopy( origin, virtualorigin );
		virtualorigin[2] -= 1024;

		G_Trace( &trace, origin, box_mins, box_maxs, virtualorigin, NULL, MASK_PLAYERSOLID );
		if( trace.fraction == 1.0f )
			checkground = false;
		else if( trace.endpos[2] + 8.0f < origin[2] )
			VectorCopy( trace.endpos, origin );
			origin[2] += 8.0f;

	playerbox_rowwidth = 2 + box_maxs[0] - box_mins[0];
	playerbox_columnwidth = 2 + box_maxs[1] - box_mins[1];

	rows = radius / playerbox_rowwidth;
	columns = radius / playerbox_columnwidth;

	// no, we won't just do a while, let's go safe and just check as many times as
	// positions in the grid. If we didn't found a spawnpoint by then, we let it telefrag.
	for( i = 0; i < ( rows * columns ); i++ )
		row = Q_brandom( &rowseed, -rows, rows );
		column = Q_brandom( &columnseed, -columns, columns );

		VectorSet( virtualorigin, origin[0] + ( row * playerbox_rowwidth ),
			origin[1] + ( column * playerbox_columnwidth ),
			origin[2] );

		VectorAdd( virtualorigin, box_mins, absmins );
		VectorAdd( virtualorigin, box_maxs, absmaxs );
		for( j = 0; j < 2; j++ )
			absmaxs[j] += 1;
			absmins[j] -= 1;

		//check if position is inside world

		// check if valid cluster
		cluster = -1; // fix a warning
		num_leafs = trap_CM_BoxLeafnums( absmins, absmaxs, leafs, 8, NULL );
		for( j = 0; j < num_leafs; j++ )
			cluster = trap_CM_LeafCluster( leafs[j] );
			if( cluster == -1 )

		if( cluster == -1 )

		// one more trace is needed, only checking if some part of the world is on the
		// way from spawnpoint to the virtual position
		trap_CM_TransformedBoxTrace( &trace, origin, virtualorigin, box_mins, box_maxs, NULL, MASK_PLAYERSOLID, NULL, NULL );
		if( trace.fraction != 1.0f )

		// check if anything solid is on player's way

		G_Trace( &trace, vec3_origin, absmins, absmaxs, vec3_origin, world, mask_spawn );
		if( trace.startsolid || trace.allsolid || trace.ent != -1 )
			if( trace.ent == 0 )
			else if( trace.ent < gs.maxclients )

		// one more check before accepting this spawn: there's ground at our feet?
		if( checkground ) // if floating item flag is not set
			vec3_t origin_from, origin_to;
			VectorCopy( virtualorigin, origin_from );
			origin_from[2] += box_mins[2] + 1;
			VectorCopy( origin_from, origin_to );
			origin_to[2] -= 32;
			// use point trace instead of box trace to avoid small glitches that can't support the player but will stop the trace
			G_Trace( &trace, origin_from, vec3_origin, vec3_origin, origin_to, NULL, MASK_PLAYERSOLID );
			if( trace.startsolid || trace.allsolid || trace.fraction == 1.0f )
			{                                                        // full run means no ground

		VectorCopy( virtualorigin, origin );
		return true;

	//G_Printf( "Warning: couldn't find a safe spawnpoint (blocked by players:%i world:%i nofloor:%i badcluster:%i)\n", playersFound, worldfound, nofloorfound, badclusterfound );
	return false;
Exemple #2
void GClip_LinkEntity( edict_t *ent )
	areanode_t *node;
	int leafs[MAX_TOTAL_ENT_LEAFS];
	int clusters[MAX_TOTAL_ENT_LEAFS];
	int num_leafs;
	int i, j, k;
	int area;
	int topnode;

	if( ent->r.area.prev )
		GClip_UnlinkEntity( ent ); // unlink from old position

	if( ent == game.edicts )
		return; // don't add the world

	if( !ent->r.inuse )

	// set the size
	VectorSubtract( ent->r.maxs, ent->r.mins, ent->r.size );

	if( ent->r.solid == SOLID_NOT || ( ent->r.svflags & SVF_PROJECTILE ) )
		ent->s.solid = 0;
	else if( ISBRUSHMODEL( ent->s.modelindex ) )
		// the only predicted SOLID_TRIGGER entity is ET_PUSH_TRIGGER
		if( ent->r.solid != SOLID_TRIGGER || ent->s.type == ET_PUSH_TRIGGER )
			ent->s.solid = SOLID_BMODEL;
			ent->s.solid = 0;
	else // encode the size into the entity_state for client prediction
		if( ent->r.solid == SOLID_TRIGGER )
			ent->s.solid = 0;
			// assume that x/y are equal and symetric
			i = ent->r.maxs[0]/8;
			clamp( i, 1, 31 );

			// z is not symetric
			j = ( -ent->r.mins[2] )/8;
			clamp( j, 1, 31 );

			// and z maxs can be negative...
			k = ( ent->r.maxs[2]+32 )/8;
			clamp( k, 1, 63 );

			ent->s.solid = ( k<<10 ) | ( j<<5 ) | i;

	// set the abs box
	if( ISBRUSHMODEL( ent->s.modelindex ) &&
		( ent->s.angles[0] || ent->s.angles[1] || ent->s.angles[2] ) )
		// expand for rotation
		float radius;

		radius = RadiusFromBounds( ent->r.mins, ent->r.maxs );

		for( i = 0; i < 3; i++ )
			ent->r.absmin[i] = ent->s.origin[i] - radius;
			ent->r.absmax[i] = ent->s.origin[i] + radius;
	else // axis aligned
		VectorAdd( ent->s.origin, ent->r.mins, ent->r.absmin );
		VectorAdd( ent->s.origin, ent->r.maxs, ent->r.absmax );

	// because movement is clipped an epsilon away from an actual edge,
	// we must fully check even when bounding boxes don't quite touch
	ent->r.absmin[0] -= 1;
	ent->r.absmin[1] -= 1;
	ent->r.absmin[2] -= 1;
	ent->r.absmax[0] += 1;
	ent->r.absmax[1] += 1;
	ent->r.absmax[2] += 1;

	// link to PVS leafs
	ent->r.num_clusters = 0;
	ent->r.areanum = ent->r.areanum2 = -1;

	// get all leafs, including solids
	num_leafs = trap_CM_BoxLeafnums( ent->r.absmin, ent->r.absmax,
		leafs, MAX_TOTAL_ENT_LEAFS, &topnode );

	// set areas
	for( i = 0; i < num_leafs; i++ )
		clusters[i] = trap_CM_LeafCluster( leafs[i] );
		area = trap_CM_LeafArea( leafs[i] );
		if( area > -1 )
			// doors may legally straggle two areas,
			// but nothing should ever need more than that
			if( ent->r.areanum > -1 && ent->r.areanum != area )
				if( ent->r.areanum2 > -1 && ent->r.areanum2 != area )
					if( developer->integer )
						G_Printf( "Object %s touching 3 areas at %f %f %f\n",
						( ent->classname ? ent->classname : "" ),
						ent->r.absmin[0], ent->r.absmin[1], ent->r.absmin[2] );
				ent->r.areanum2 = area;
				ent->r.areanum = area;

	if( num_leafs >= MAX_TOTAL_ENT_LEAFS )
	{ // assume we missed some leafs, and mark by headnode
		ent->r.num_clusters = -1;
		ent->r.headnode = topnode;
		ent->r.num_clusters = 0;
		for( i = 0; i < num_leafs; i++ )
			if( clusters[i] == -1 )
				continue; // not a visible leaf
			for( j = 0; j < i; j++ )
				if( clusters[j] == clusters[i] )
			if( j == i )
				if( ent->r.num_clusters == MAX_ENT_CLUSTERS )
					// assume we missed some leafs, and mark by headnode
					ent->r.num_clusters = -1;
					ent->r.headnode = topnode;

				ent->r.clusternums[ent->r.num_clusters++] = clusters[i];

	// if first time, make sure old_origin is valid
	if( !ent->r.linkcount && !( ent->r.svflags & SVF_TRANSMITORIGIN2 ) )
		VectorCopy( ent->s.origin, ent->s.old_origin );
		ent->olds = ent->s;
	ent->linked = qtrue;

	if( ent->r.solid == SOLID_NOT )

	// find the first node that the ent's box crosses
	node = sv_areanodes;
	while( 1 )
		if( node->axis == -1 )
		if( ent->r.absmin[node->axis] > node->dist )
			node = node->children[0];
		else if( ent->r.absmax[node->axis] < node->dist )
			node = node->children[1];
			break; // crosses the node

	// link it in
	if( ent->r.solid == SOLID_TRIGGER )
		GClip_InsertLinkBefore( &ent->r.area, &node->trigger_edicts, NUM_FOR_EDICT( ent ) );
		GClip_InsertLinkBefore( &ent->r.area, &node->solid_edicts, NUM_FOR_EDICT( ent ) );
Exemple #3
void GClip_LinkEntity( tvm_relay_t *relay, edict_t *ent )
	int leafs[MAX_TOTAL_ENT_LEAFS];
	int clusters[MAX_TOTAL_ENT_LEAFS];
	int num_leafs;
	int i, j;
	int area;
	int topnode;

	if( ent->r.area.prev )
		GClip_UnlinkEntity( relay, ent ); // unlink from old position

	if( ent == ent->relay->edicts )
		return; // don't add the world

	if( !ent->r.inuse )

	// set the size
	VectorSubtract( ent->r.maxs, ent->r.mins, ent->r.size );

	// set the abs box
	if( ent->s.solid == SOLID_BMODEL &&
		( ent->s.angles[0] || ent->s.angles[1] || ent->s.angles[2] ) )
	{ // expand for rotation
		float radius;

		radius = RadiusFromBounds( ent->r.mins, ent->r.maxs );

		for( i = 0; i < 3; i++ )
			ent->r.absmin[i] = ent->s.origin[i] - radius;
			ent->r.absmax[i] = ent->s.origin[i] + radius;
	{ // normal
		VectorAdd( ent->s.origin, ent->r.mins, ent->r.absmin );
		VectorAdd( ent->s.origin, ent->r.maxs, ent->r.absmax );

	// because movement is clipped an epsilon away from an actual edge,
	// we must fully check even when bounding boxes don't quite touch
	ent->r.absmin[0] -= 1;
	ent->r.absmin[1] -= 1;
	ent->r.absmin[2] -= 1;
	ent->r.absmax[0] += 1;
	ent->r.absmax[1] += 1;
	ent->r.absmax[2] += 1;

	// link to PVS leafs
	ent->r.num_clusters = 0;
	ent->r.areanum = ent->r.areanum2 = -1;

	// get all leafs, including solids
	num_leafs = trap_CM_BoxLeafnums( relay, ent->r.absmin, ent->r.absmax, leafs, MAX_TOTAL_ENT_LEAFS, &topnode );

	// set areas
	for( i = 0; i < num_leafs; i++ )
		clusters[i] = trap_CM_LeafCluster( relay, leafs[i] );
		area = trap_CM_LeafArea( relay, leafs[i] );
		if( area > -1 )
		{ // doors may legally straggle two areas,
			// but nothing should ever need more than that
			if( ent->r.areanum > -1 && ent->r.areanum != area )
				if( ent->r.areanum2 > -1 && ent->r.areanum2 != area )
					TVM_Printf( "Object touching 3 areas at %f %f %f\n", ent->r.absmin[0], ent->r.absmin[1],
						ent->r.absmin[2] );
				ent->r.areanum2 = area;
				ent->r.areanum = area;

	if( num_leafs >= MAX_TOTAL_ENT_LEAFS )
	{ // assume we missed some leafs, and mark by headnode
		ent->r.num_clusters = -1;
		ent->r.headnode = topnode;
		ent->r.num_clusters = 0;
		for( i = 0; i < num_leafs; i++ )
			if( clusters[i] == -1 )
				continue; // not a visible leaf
			for( j = 0; j < i; j++ )
				if( clusters[j] == clusters[i] )
			if( j == i )
				if( ent->r.num_clusters == MAX_ENT_CLUSTERS )
				{ // assume we missed some leafs, and mark by headnode
					ent->r.num_clusters = -1;
					ent->r.headnode = topnode;

				ent->r.clusternums[ent->r.num_clusters++] = clusters[i];

	// if first time, make sure old_origin is valid
	if( !ent->r.linkcount && !( ent->r.svflags & SVF_TRANSMITORIGIN2 ) )
		VectorCopy( ent->s.origin, ent->s.old_origin );
		//ent->olds = ent->s;