 * Repeats first and last knot p+1 times. Removes no knots.
std::vector<double> BSplineBasis1D::knotVectorRegular(std::vector<double> &X) const
    // Copy X -> sort -> remove duplicates -> resize = a sorted vector of unique values
    std::vector<double> uniqueX(X);
    sort(uniqueX.begin(), uniqueX.end());
    std::vector<double>::iterator it = unique_copy(uniqueX.begin(), uniqueX.end(), uniqueX.begin());

    std::vector<double> knots;
    it = uniqueX.begin();

    // Repeat first knot p + 1 times (for interpolation of start point)
    for(unsigned int i = 0; i < degree + 1; i++)

    // Add unique knots
    for(it = uniqueX.begin()+1; it < uniqueX.end()-1; it++)

    // Repeat last knot p + 1 times (for interpolation of end point)
    it = uniqueX.end()-1; // Last element in uniqueX
    for(unsigned int i = 0; i < degree + 1; i++)

    // Number of knots in a (p+1)-regular knot vector
    assert(knots.size() == uniqueX.size() + 2*degree);

    return knots;
 * Creates a regular knot vector of n+p+1 equidistant knots,
 * where the first and last knot is repeated p+1 times,
 * and n is the number of unique values in x.
 * This knot vector can be used for all degrees > 0.
std::vector<double> BSplineBasis1D::knotVectorEquidistant(std::vector<double> &X) const
    // Copy X -> sort -> remove duplicates -> resize = a sorted vector of unique values
    std::vector<double> uniqueX(X);
    sort(uniqueX.begin(), uniqueX.end());
    std::vector<double>::iterator it = unique_copy(uniqueX.begin(), uniqueX.end(), uniqueX.begin());

    // Minimum number of interpolation points
    if(uniqueX.size() < degree+1)
        std::ostringstream e;
        e << "BSplineBasis1D::knotVectorFree: Only " << uniqueX.size()
          << " unique interpolation points are given. A minimum of degree+1 = " << degree+1
          << " unique points are required to build a B-spline basis of degree " << degree << ".";
        throw Exception(e.str());

    std::vector<double> knots;
    for(unsigned int i = 0; i < degree; i++)

    std::vector<double> equiKnots = linspace(uniqueX.front(), uniqueX.back(), uniqueX.size() - degree + 1);
    for(auto it = equiKnots.begin(); it != equiKnots.end(); ++it)

    for(unsigned int i = 0; i < degree; i++)

    return knots;
Exemple #3
void pure_numeric_algo(){
    cout<<endl<<"pure_numeric_algo :"<<endl;
    int ia[11] = {0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6,6,6, 7, 8 };
    vector<int> iv(ia,ia+11);	vector<int> iv2(ia+6,ia+8);	vector<int>::iterator itr;
    itr = adjacent_find(iv.begin(),iv.end(), equal_to<int>());	//找到相邻元素相等的第一个元素
    cout<<"adjacent_find: "<<*itr<<endl;
    cout<<"count: "<<count(iv.begin(),iv.end(), 6)<<endl;	//找到元素值等于6的个数
    cout<<"count_if: "<<count_if(iv.begin(),iv.end(), bind2nd(less<int>() , 7))<<endl;		//找到小于7的元素个数
    itr = find(iv.begin(),iv.end(), 4);				//找到元素等于4的第一个元素位置
    cout<<"find: "<<*itr<<endl;
    itr = find_if(iv.begin(),iv.end(), bind2nd(greater<int>() , 2));				//找到元素大于2的第一个元素位置
    cout<<"find_if: "<<*itr<<endl;
    itr = find_end(iv.begin(),iv.end(), iv2.begin(),iv2.end());				//找到iv序列中最后子序列匹配出现的位置
    cout<<"find_end: "<<*(itr+3)<<endl;
    itr = find_first_of(iv.begin(),iv.end(), iv2.begin(),iv2.end());			//找到iv序列中最先子序列匹配出现的位置
    cout<<"find_end: "<<*(itr+3)<<endl;
    remove(iv.begin(),iv.end(), 6);				//删除元素,向前移,但是容器size不变,后面会剩余数据
    cout<<"remove: "<<iv<<endl;
    vector<int> iv3(12,-1);
    remove_copy(iv.begin(),iv.end(), iv3.begin(), 6);	//删除元素,将数据拷贝到新容器,后面会剩余数据
    cout<<"remove_copy: "<<iv3<<endl;
    remove_if(iv.begin(),iv.end(), bind2nd(less<int>(), 6));	//删除小于6的元素,后面会剩余数据
    cout<<"remove_if: "<<iv<<endl;
    remove_copy_if(iv.begin(),iv.end(), iv3.begin(), bind2nd(less<int>(), 7));		//删除小于7的元素,并拷贝到新容器
    cout<<"remove_copy_if: "<<iv3<<endl;
    replace(iv.begin(),iv.end(), 6, 3);			//将所有元素值为6的改为3
    cout<<"replace: "<<iv<<endl;
    replace_copy(iv.begin(),iv.end(),iv3.begin(), 3, 5);			//将所有元素值为3的改为5,结果保存在新容器中
    cout<<"replace_copy: "<<iv3<<endl;
    replace_if(iv.begin(),iv.end(), bind2nd(less<int>(),5), 2);			//将所有元素值小于5的改为2
    cout<<"replace_if: "<<iv<<endl;
    replace_copy_if(iv.begin(),iv.end(),iv3.begin(), bind2nd(equal_to<int>(),8), 9);			//将所有元素值为8的改为9,结果保存在新容器中
    cout<<"replace_copy_if: "<<iv3<<endl;
    reverse(iv.begin(),iv.end());			cout<<"reverse: "<<iv<<endl;		//反转
    reverse_copy(iv.begin(),iv.end(),iv3.begin());		cout<<"reverse_copy: "<<iv3<<endl;	//反转,结果保存在新容器
    rotate(iv.begin(),iv.begin() + 4, iv.end());	cout<<"rotate: "<<iv<<endl;			//互换元素
    rotate_copy(iv.begin(),iv.begin() + 5,iv.end(),iv3.begin());		cout<<"rotate_copy: "<<iv3<<endl;	//互换元素,结果保存在新容器
    int ia2[] = {2, 8};		vector<int> iv4(ia2,ia2+2);
    cout<<"search:  "<<*search(iv.begin(),iv.end(),iv4.begin(),iv4.end())<<endl;		//查找子序列出现的第一次出现地点
    swap_ranges(iv4.begin(),iv4.end(),iv.begin());				//按区域交换
    cout<<"swap_ranges:  "<<iv<<endl<<iv4<<endl;
    transform(iv.begin(),iv.end(),iv.begin(),bind2nd(minus<int>(), 2));		//所有元素减2
    cout<<"transform:  "<<iv<<endl;
    transform(iv4.begin(),iv4.end(),iv.begin(),iv4.begin(),plus<int>());		//区间对应元素相加
    cout<<"transform:  "<<iv4<<endl;
    vector<int> iv5(ia,ia+11);	vector<int> iv6(ia+4,ia+8);	vector<int> iv7(15);
    cout<<"max_element:  "<<*max_element(iv5.begin(), iv5.end())<<endl;		//最大元素游标
    cout<<"min_element:  "<<*min_element(iv5.begin(), iv5.end())<<endl;
    cout<<"includes:  "<<includes(iv5.begin(),iv5.end(),iv6.begin(),iv6.end())<<endl;	//iv6中元素是不是都在iv5中,这两个必须排过序
    merge(iv5.begin(),iv5.end(),iv6.begin(),iv6.end(),iv7.begin());	//两个排序号的容器合并
    cout<<"merge:  "<<iv7<<endl;
    partition(iv7.begin(),iv7.end(),bind2nd(equal_to<int>(), 5));	//满足条件的放在左边,不满足条件的放在右边
    cout<<"partition:  "<<iv7<<endl;
    unique(iv5.begin(),iv5.end());				//去重,重复的元素放在后面
    cout<<"unique:  "<<iv5<<endl;
    unique_copy(iv5.begin(),iv5.end(),iv7.begin());				//去重,结果保存在新容器
    cout<<"unique_copy:  "<<iv7<<endl;
Exemple #4
void sortWithUniqueElement(ifstream& infile, ofstream& outfile)
	if (!infile)
		cerr << "Can not open the infile!" << endl;

	vector<string> coll;
	copy(istream_iterator<string>(infile), istream_iterator<string>(), back_inserter(coll));
	sort(coll.begin(), coll.end());
	unique_copy(coll.begin(), coll.end(), ostream_iterator<string>(outfile, "\n"));
void TestBackinserter()
    std::vector<int> vec = { 0, 1, 2, 2, 1, 3, 4, 3, 4, 5, 9, 9 };
    std::cout << "the org vector is: ";
    for (auto v : vec)
        std::cout << v << " ";
    std::cout << std::endl;

    std::list<int> li;
    unique_copy(vec.begin(), vec.end(), back_inserter(li));
    std::cout << "the unique_copy list is: ";
    for (auto v : li)
        std::cout << v << " ";
    std::cout << std::endl;

    sort(vec.begin(), vec.end());
    std::cout << "after sort, the vector is: ";
    for (auto v : vec)
        std::cout << v << " ";
    std::cout << std::endl;

    std::list<int> li2;
    unique_copy(vec.begin(), vec.end(), back_inserter(li2));
    std::cout << "after sort, the unique_copy list is: ";
    for (auto v : li2)
        std::cout << v << " ";
    std::cout << std::endl;
inline InputIterator unique(InputIterator first, 
                            InputIterator last,
                            command_queue &queue = system::default_queue())
    typedef typename std::iterator_traits<InputIterator>::value_type value_type;
    size_t count = detail::iterator_range_size(first, last);

    vector<value_type> temp(count, queue.get_context());

    buffer_iterator<value_type> iter = unique_copy(first, last, temp.begin(), queue);

    copy(temp.begin(), iter, first, queue);

    return first + detail::iterator_range_size(temp.begin(), iter);
int main()
    istream_iterator<int> cin_it(cin);   // reads ints from cin
    istream_iterator<int> end_of_stream; // end iterator value

    // initialize vec from the standard input:
    vector<int> vec(cin_it, end_of_stream);

    sort(vec.begin(), vec.end());

    // writes ints to cout using " " as the delimiter
    ostream_iterator<int> output(cout, " ");  

    // write only the unique elements in vec to the standard output
    unique_copy(vec.begin(), vec.end(), output);
    cout << endl;  // write a newline after the output
    return 0;
/*public static*/
CoordinateSequence::removeRepeatedPoints(const CoordinateSequence *cl)
	static Profile *prof= profiler->get("CoordinateSequence::removeRepeatedPoints()");
	const vector<Coordinate> *v=cl->toVector();

	vector<Coordinate> *nv=new vector<Coordinate>;
	unique_copy(v->begin(), v->end(), back_inserter(*nv));
	CoordinateSequence* ret=CoordinateArraySequenceFactory::instance()->create(nv);

	return ret;
 * Free knot vector for degrees 1, 2, and 3 only.
 * The free knot vector ensure that the first and last knot is repeated p + 1 times,
 * and that the total number of knots is n + p + 1.
 * Example for degree=3 and x={a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h}: knots={a,a,a,a,c,d,e,f,h,h,h,h}
std::vector<double> BSplineBasis1D::knotVectorFree(std::vector<double> &X) const
    // Copy X -> sort -> remove duplicates -> resize = a sorted vector of unique values
    std::vector<double> uniqueX(X);
    sort(uniqueX.begin(), uniqueX.end());
    std::vector<double>::iterator it = unique_copy(uniqueX.begin(), uniqueX.end(), uniqueX.begin());

    // The minimum number of samples from which a free knot vector can be created
    if(uniqueX.size() < degree+1)
        std::ostringstream e;
        e << "BSplineBasis1D::knotVectorFree: Only " << uniqueX.size()
          << " unique interpolation points are given. A minimum of degree+1 = " << degree+1
          << " unique points are required to build a B-spline basis of degree " << degree << ".";
        throw Exception(e.str());

    std::vector<double> knots;
    it = uniqueX.begin();

    // Repeat first x value p + 1 times (for interpolation of start point)
    for(unsigned int i = 0; i < degree + 1; i++)

    if(degree == 1)
        // No knots removed
        for (it = uniqueX.begin()+1; it < uniqueX.end()-1; it++)
    else if(degree == 2)
        // First knot removed
        for (it = uniqueX.begin()+2; it < uniqueX.end()-1; it++)
    else if(degree == 3)
        // First and last knot removed
        for (it = uniqueX.begin()+2; it < uniqueX.end()-2; it++)
        throw Exception("BSplineBasis1D::knotVectorFree: A free knot vector is only supported by degrees 1, 2, and 3!");

    // Repeat last x value p + 1 times (for interpolation of end point)
    it = uniqueX.end()-1; // Last element in uniqueX
    for(unsigned int i = 0; i < degree + 1; i++)

    // Number of knots in a (p+1)-regular knot vector
    // Ensures a square matrix when calculating the control points
    assert(knots.size() == uniqueX.size() + degree + 1);

    return knots;
Exemple #10
	double OutputInfo::getROC( vector< pair< int, float > > data ) {

		//uni_pred = unique(pred);
		//[uni_pred, idx] = sort(uni_pred, 'descend');
		sort( data.begin(), data.end(), nor_utils::comparePair<2, float, float, greater<float> >() );
		vector< double > uni_pred(data.size());
		vector< double >::iterator it;

		int posNum = 0;
		int negNum = 0;

		for( size_t i = 0; i < data.size(); i++ ) {
			uni_pred[i] = data[i].second;
			if ( data[i].first == 1 ) posNum++;
			else negNum++;

		//copy( pred.begin(), pred.end(), uni_pred.begin() );
		sort( uni_pred.begin(), uni_pred.end() );
		it=unique_copy (uni_pred.begin(),uni_pred.end(),uni_pred.begin()); 
		uni_pred.resize( it - uni_pred.begin() ); 

		reverse( uni_pred.begin(), uni_pred.end() );

		uni_pred.push_back( 0.0 );
		int l = uni_pred.size();

		//Y = zeros(size(testY));
		vector< int > Y( data.size() ); 
		vector< pair< double, double > > M( uni_pred.size() );
		double x,y;
		int TP = 0;	
		int FP = 0;

		int j = 0;
		for( int i = 0; i < uni_pred.size(); i++ ) {
			double th = uni_pred[i];
			while ( ( j < data.size() ) && ( data[j].second > th ) ) {
				if ( data[j].first == 1 ) TP++;
				if ( data[j].first == 0 ) FP++;

			if ( FP == 0 )x = 0;
			else x = ((double)FP)/((double)negNum);
			if ( TP == 0 )y = 0;
			else y = ((double)TP)/((double)posNum);

			M[i] = pair<double, double>(x,y);

		sort( M.begin(), M.end(), nor_utils::comparePair<1, float, float, less<float> >()  );
		sort( M.begin(), M.end(), nor_utils::comparePair<2, float, float, less<float> >() );

		double prevX = 0.0;
		double prevY = 0.0;
		double ROCscore = 0.0;
		for( int i = 0; i < M.size(); i++ ) {
			ROCscore += ((((M[i].first-prevX)*(M[i].second-prevY))/2)+(M[i].first-prevX)*prevY);
			prevX = M[i].first;
			prevY = M[i].second;

			//cout << ROCscore << endl;
		ROCscore += (1-prevX)*prevY;	
		return ROCscore;
Exemple #11
void NaiveBayes::train(const Matrix &X, const Matrix &y)
    // clear last data

    // y distinct
    vector<double> labels;
    for (Matrix::size_type i = 0; i < y.rowSize(); ++i) {
        labels.push_back(y(i, 0));
    sort(labels.begin(), labels.end());
    unique_copy(labels.begin(), labels.end(), back_inserter(labelDistinct));
#ifdef DEBUG
    cout << "all labels" << endl;
    for (auto label : labels)
        cout << label << '\t';
    cout << endl;

    cout << "distinct labels" << endl;
    for (auto label : labelDistinct)
        cout << label << '\t';
    cout << endl << endl;

    // calculate labelPro
    auto N = y.rowSize();
    double yDistinct = static_cast<double>(y.distinctColumn()[0].size());
    for (auto yEach : labelDistinct) {
        auto range = equal_range(labels.begin(), labels.end(), yEach);
        auto yCount = range.second - range.first;
        labelProbability[yEach] = (yCount + lambda) / (static_cast<double>(N) + yDistinct * lambda);
#ifdef DEBUG
        cout << "y = " << yEach << " ";
        cout << "labelPro = " << labelProbability[yEach] << endl;

    // calculate distinct number of attribute in each column
    vector<vector<double>> distinctAttribute = X.distinctColumn();
    transform(distinctAttribute.begin(), distinctAttribute.end(), attributeUniqueNumber.begin(),
              [](const vector<double> &distinctUnit) {return distinctUnit.size();});
#ifdef DEBUG
    for (auto &distinctNumber : attributeUniqueNumber)
        cout << distinctNumber << '\t';
    cout << endl;

    // attributeProbability
    vector<Matrix> trainVec = X.merge(y, 1).splictRow();
    for (auto yEach : labelDistinct) {
#ifdef DEBUG
        cout << "y = " << yEach << endl;
        auto partitionIter = partition(trainVec.begin(), trainVec.end(),
                  [=](const Matrix &m) {return m(0, m.columnSize() - 1) == yEach;});
        auto xWithSameY = partitionIter - trainVec.begin();
        vector<vector<double>> attributes(X.columnSize());
        for (vector<Matrix>::iterator it = trainVec.begin(); it != partitionIter; ++it) {
            for (Matrix::size_type col = 0; col < it->columnSize() - 1; ++col) {
                attributes[col].push_back(it->operator()(0, col));
        for (auto i = 0; i < attributes.size(); ++i) {
            vector<double> columnEach = attributes[i];
            sort(columnEach.begin(), columnEach.end());
            vector<double> columnDistinct;
            unique_copy(columnEach.begin(), columnEach.end(), back_inserter(columnDistinct));
            for (double &attributeEach : columnDistinct) {
                auto range = equal_range(columnEach.begin(), columnEach.end(), attributeEach);
                auto xCount = range.second - range.first;
                attributeProbability[yEach][i][attributeEach] =
                        (xCount + lambda) / (static_cast<double>(xWithSameY) + attributeUniqueNumber[i] * lambda);
#ifdef DEBUG
                cout << "y = " << yEach << " " << i << "th column ";
                cout << " attribute = " << attributeEach ;
                cout << " attributePro = " << xCount / static_cast<double>(xWithSameY) << endl;
