Exemple #1
// Turns LLL tree into tree of code fragments
programData opcodeify(Node node,
                      programAux aux=Aux(),
                      int height=0,
                      std::map<std::string, int> dupvars=
                          std::map<std::string, int>()) {
    std::string symb = "_"+mkUniqueToken();
    Metadata m = node.metadata;
    // Numbers
    if (node.type == TOKEN) {
        return pd(aux, nodeToNumeric(node), 1);
    else if (node.val == "ref" || node.val == "get" || node.val == "set") {
        std::string varname = node.args[0].val;
        if (!aux.vars.count(varname)) {
            aux.vars[varname] = unsignedToDecimal(aux.vars.size() * 32);
        std::cout << aux.vars[varname] << " " << varname << " " << node.val << "\n";
        if (varname == "'msg.data") aux.calldataUsed = true;
        // Set variable
        if (node.val == "set") {
            programData sub = opcodeify(node.args[1], aux, height, dupvars);
            if (!sub.outs)
                err("Value to set variable must have nonzero arity!", m);
            if (dupvars.count(node.args[0].val)) {
                int h = height - dupvars[node.args[0].val];
                if (h > 16) err("Too deep for stack variable (max 16)", m);
                Node nodelist[] = {
                    token("SWAP"+unsignedToDecimal(h), m),
                    token("POP", m)
                return pd(sub.aux, multiToken(nodelist, 3, m), 0);                   
            Node nodelist[] = {
                token(sub.aux.vars[varname], m),
                token("MSTORE", m),
            return pd(sub.aux, multiToken(nodelist, 3, m), 0);                   
        // Get variable
        else if (node.val == "get") {
             if (dupvars.count(node.args[0].val)) {
                 int h = height - dupvars[node.args[0].val];
                if (h > 16) err("Too deep for stack variable (max 16)", m);
                return pd(aux, token("DUP"+unsignedToDecimal(h)), 1);                   
            Node nodelist[] = 
                 { token(aux.vars[varname], m), token("MLOAD", m) };
            std::cout << "<--- " << aux.vars[varname] << " " << varname << "\n";
            return pd(aux, multiToken(nodelist, 2, m), 1);
        // Refer variable
        else {
            if (dupvars.count(node.args[0].val))
                err("Cannot ref stack variable!", m);
            return pd(aux, token(aux.vars[varname], m), 1);
    // Code blocks
    if (node.val == "lll" && node.args.size() == 2) {
        if (node.args[1].val != "0") aux.allocUsed = true;
        std::vector<Node> o;
        programData sub = opcodeify(node.args[1], aux, height, dupvars);
        Node code = astnode("____CODE", o, m);
        Node nodelist[] = {
            token("$begincode"+symb+".endcode"+symb, m), token("DUP1", m),
            token("$begincode"+symb, m), sub.code, token("CODECOPY", m),
            token("$endcode"+symb, m), token("JUMP", m),
            token("~begincode"+symb, m), code, token("~endcode"+symb, m)
        return pd(sub.aux, multiToken(nodelist, 10, m), 1);
    // Stack variables
    if (node.val == "with") {
        std::map<std::string, int> dupvars2 = dupvars;
        dupvars2[node.args[0].val] = height;
        programData initial = opcodeify(node.args[1], aux, height, dupvars);
        if (!initial.outs)
            err("Initial variable value must have nonzero arity!", m);
        programData sub = opcodeify(node.args[2], initial.aux, height + 1, dupvars2);
        Node nodelist[] = {
        programData o = pd(sub.aux, multiToken(nodelist, 2, m), sub.outs);
        if (sub.outs)
            o.code.args.push_back(token("SWAP1", m));
        o.code.args.push_back(token("POP", m));
        return o;
    // Seq of multiple statements
    if (node.val == "seq") {
        std::vector<Node> children;
        int lastOut = 0;
        for (unsigned i = 0; i < node.args.size(); i++) {
            programData sub = opcodeify(node.args[i], aux, height, dupvars);
            aux = sub.aux;
            if (sub.outs == 1) {
                if (i < node.args.size() - 1) sub.code = popwrap(sub.code);
                else lastOut = 1;
        return pd(aux, astnode("_", children, m), lastOut);
    // 2-part conditional (if gets rewritten to unless in rewrites)
    else if (node.val == "unless" && node.args.size() == 2) {
        programData cond = opcodeify(node.args[0], aux, height, dupvars);
        programData action = opcodeify(node.args[1], cond.aux, height, dupvars);
        aux = action.aux;
        if (!cond.outs) err("Condition of if/unless statement has arity 0", m);
        if (action.outs) action.code = popwrap(action.code);
        Node nodelist[] = {
            token("$endif"+symb, m), token("JUMPI", m),
            token("~endif"+symb, m)
        return pd(aux, multiToken(nodelist, 5, m), 0);
    // 3-part conditional
    else if (node.val == "if" && node.args.size() == 3) {
        programData ifd = opcodeify(node.args[0], aux, height, dupvars);
        programData thend = opcodeify(node.args[1], ifd.aux, height, dupvars);
        programData elsed = opcodeify(node.args[2], thend.aux, height, dupvars);
        aux = elsed.aux;
        if (!ifd.outs)
            err("Condition of if/unless statement has arity 0", m);
        // Handle cases where one conditional outputs something
        // and the other does not
        int outs = (thend.outs && elsed.outs) ? 1 : 0;
        if (thend.outs > outs) thend.code = popwrap(thend.code);
        if (elsed.outs > outs) elsed.code = popwrap(elsed.code);
        Node nodelist[] = {
            token("NOT", m), token("$else"+symb, m), token("JUMPI", m),
            token("$endif"+symb, m), token("JUMP", m), token("~else"+symb, m),
            token("~endif"+symb, m)
        return pd(aux, multiToken(nodelist, 10, m), outs);
    // While (rewritten to this in rewrites)
    else if (node.val == "until") {
        programData cond = opcodeify(node.args[0], aux, height, dupvars);
        programData action = opcodeify(node.args[1], cond.aux, height, dupvars);
        aux = action.aux;
        if (!cond.outs)
            err("Condition of while/until loop has arity 0", m);
        if (action.outs) action.code = popwrap(action.code);
        Node nodelist[] = {
            token("~beg"+symb, m),
            token("$end"+symb, m), token("JUMPI", m),
            token("$beg"+symb, m), token("JUMP", m), token("~end"+symb, m)
        return pd(aux, multiToken(nodelist, 8, m));
    // Memory allocations
    else if (node.val == "alloc") {
        programData bytez = opcodeify(node.args[0], aux, height, dupvars);
        aux = bytez.aux;
        if (!bytez.outs)
            err("Alloc input has arity 0", m);
        aux.allocUsed = true;
        Node nodelist[] = {
            token("MSIZE", m), token("SWAP1", m), token("MSIZE", m),
            token("ADD", m), 
            token("0", m), token("SWAP1", m), token("MSTORE", m)
        return pd(aux, multiToken(nodelist, 8, m), 1);
    // Array literals
    else if (node.val == "array_lit") {
        aux.allocUsed = true;
        std::vector<Node> nodes;
        if (!node.args.size()) {
            nodes.push_back(token("MSIZE", m));
            return pd(aux, astnode("_", nodes, m));
        nodes.push_back(token("MSIZE", m));
        nodes.push_back(token("0", m));
        nodes.push_back(token("MSIZE", m));
        nodes.push_back(token(unsignedToDecimal(node.args.size() * 32 - 1), m));
        nodes.push_back(token("ADD", m));
        nodes.push_back(token("MSTORE8", m));
        for (unsigned i = 0; i < node.args.size(); i++) {
            Metadata m2 = node.args[i].metadata;
            nodes.push_back(token("DUP1", m2));
            programData sub = opcodeify(node.args[i], aux, height + 2, dupvars);
            if (!sub.outs)
                err("Array_lit item " + unsignedToDecimal(i) + " has zero arity", m2);
            aux = sub.aux;
            nodes.push_back(token("SWAP1", m2));
            if (i > 0) {
                nodes.push_back(token(unsignedToDecimal(i * 32), m2));
                nodes.push_back(token("ADD", m2));
            nodes.push_back(token("MSTORE", m2));
        return pd(aux, astnode("_", nodes, m), 1);
    // All other functions/operators
    else {
        std::vector<Node>  subs2;
        int depth = opinputs(upperCase(node.val));
        if (node.val != "debug") {
            if (depth == -1)
                err("Not a function or opcode: "+node.val, m);
            if ((int)node.args.size() != depth)
                err("Invalid arity for "+node.val, m);
        for (int i = node.args.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
            programData sub = opcodeify(node.args[i],
                                        height - i - 1 + node.args.size(),
            aux = sub.aux;
            if (!sub.outs)
                err("Input "+unsignedToDecimal(i)+" has arity 0", sub.code.metadata);
        if (node.val == "debug") {
            subs2.push_back(token("DUP"+unsignedToDecimal(node.args.size()), m));
            for (int i = 0; i <= (int)node.args.size(); i++)
                subs2.push_back(token("POP", m));
        else subs2.push_back(token(upperCase(node.val), m));
        int outdepth = node.val == "debug" ? 0 : opoutputs(upperCase(node.val));
        return pd(aux, astnode("_", subs2, m), outdepth);
Exemple #2
void parseParameters(int argc,char *argv[],int *ptr,char sptr[MAX_PLIST][MAX_STRLEN],
		     int *np,char name[MAX_PSR][MAX_NAMELEN],int *iname,
		     int *haveName,char *filterStr,char *customStr,int *nohead,int *tbForm,int *noNumber,
		     char *dbFile,char *mergeCat,paramtype *defParam,int *ephem,char *boundary,
		     int *allmerge,int *webflag,char *plotx,char *ploty,int *plotx_log,int *ploty_log,
		     int *bib_info,int *listRef,int *listallRef,int *listparticularRef,char *listIndRef,
		     int *checkCat,int *fsize,int *nocand,int *nointerim)
  register unsigned int i,j;
  char *strptr;
  char bound1[1000];
  char bound2[1000];
  pcat_expert = 0;
  strcpy(bound1,""); strcpy(bound2,"");
  *iname = 0; /* Number of pulsar names given on the command line */
  /* Convert to upper case */
  for (i=1;i<argc;i++)
      if (strcasecmp(argv[i-1],"-db_file")!=0  && strcasecmp(argv[i-1],"-psr")!=0 && strcasecmp(argv[i-1],"-merge")!=0 &&
	  strcasecmp(argv[i-1],"-group")!=0 && strcasecmp(argv[i-1],"-web")!=0) /* Don't put filenames in upper case */
  for (i=1;i<argc;i++)
      if (strcmp(argv[i],"-S")==0)      /* Define sort parameter */
      else if (strcmp(argv[i],"-H")==0)  /* Help */
      else if (strcmp(argv[i],"-V")==0)  /* Version of catalogue */
      else if (strcmp(argv[i],"-LISTREF")==0)    /* List reference */
      else if (strcmp(argv[i],"-NOCAND")==0) /* No candidates */
      else if (strcmp(argv[i],"-NOINTERIM")==0) /* No interim */
      else if (strcmp(argv[i],"-BBL")==0)    /* List reference */
      else if (strcmp(argv[i],"-ALLBIBS")==0)    /* List reference */
      else if (strcmp(argv[i],"-ALLREF")==0)     /* List all references */
      else if (strcmp(argv[i],"-BIB")==0)        /* Provide bibliographic reference */
      else if (strcmp(argv[i],"-BOUNDARY")==0)   /* Boundary string */
      else if (strcmp(argv[i],"-BOUND_COORD")==0) /* Old boundary method */
      else if (strcmp(argv[i],"-BOUND_RADIUS")==0) /* Old boundary method */
      else if (strcmp(argv[i],"-CHECK")==0) /* Check catalogue */
      else if (strcmp(argv[i],"-ALL")==0)   /* Merge with PSRCAT_RUNDIR environment variable */
      else if (strcmp(argv[i],"-E")==0)   /* TEMPO ephemeris */
	*ephem = 1;
      else if (strcmp(argv[i],"-E2")==0)  /* Full ephemeris */
	*ephem = 2;
      else if (strcmp(argv[i],"-E3")==0)  /* Select ephemeris */
	*ephem = 3;
      else if (strcmp(argv[i],"-E4")==0)  /* Select ephemeris */
	*ephem = 4;
      else if (strcmp(argv[i],"-FSIZE")==0)  /* Select ephemeris */
      else if (strcmp(argv[i],"-EXPERT")==0)  /* expert mode */
	pcat_expert = 1;
      else if (strcmp(argv[i],"-DESCEND")==0)  /* Sort in descending order */      
      else if (strcmp(argv[i],"-DB_FILE")==0)  /* Catalogue file */
      else if (strcmp(argv[i],"-PLOTX")==0)    /* expression for plotting on x-axis */
      else if (strcmp(argv[i],"-PLOTY")==0)    /* ploty */
      else if (strcmp(argv[i],"-LOGX")==0)     /* Take log10 of x-axis */
	*plotx_log = 1;
      else if (strcmp(argv[i],"-LOGY")==0)     /* Take log10 of y-axis */
	*ploty_log = 1;
      else if (strcmp(argv[i],"-MERGE")==0)  /* Merge catalogues */
      else if (strcmp(argv[i],"-BIBLIOGRAPHY")==0)
      else if (strcmp(argv[i],"-NONUMBER")==0)  /* No numbering */
      else if (strcmp(argv[i],"-O")==0)  /* Tabular format */
	  if (strcmp(argv[i],"LONG")==0)           *tbForm=0;
	  if (strcmp(argv[i],"PUBLISH")==0)        *tbForm=1;
	  if (strcmp(argv[i],"SHORT")==0)          *tbForm=2;
	  if (strcmp(argv[i],"SHORT_NO_ERROR")==0) *tbForm=2;
	  if (strcmp(argv[i],"SHORT_ERROR")==0)    *tbForm=3;
	  if (strcmp(argv[i],"LONG_ERROR")==0)     *tbForm=4;
	  if (strcmp(argv[i],"NONE")==0)           *tbForm=5;
      else if (strcmp(argv[i],"-C1")==0) /* Custom parameter 1 */	
      else if (strcmp(argv[i],"-C2")==0) /* Custom parameter 2 */	
      else if (strcmp(argv[i],"-C3")==0) /* Custom parameter 3 */	
      else if (strcmp(argv[i],"-C4")==0) /* Custom parameter 4 */	
      else if (strcmp(argv[i],"-NULL")==0) /* Null value string */
      else if (strcmp(argv[i],"-WEB")==0) /* Web flag */
	  char web_address[MAX_STRLEN*3];
	  /* Add to counter */
	  strcpy(web_address,"echo \"");
	  strcat(web_address,argv[i+1]); i++;
	  strcat(web_address,"\" >>");
      else if (strcmp(argv[i],"-P")==0) /* Describe parameters */
	  if (i+1==argc)
	    display_parameters("*",defParam);                 /* List all parameters */
	    display_parameters(argv[i+1],defParam);           /* Get selected parameter list */
      else if (strcmp(argv[i],"-C")==0) /* Define parameters */
	  customStr = argv[i];
	  *np = 0;

	  for (j=0;j<MAX_PLIST;j++)
	      if (j==0)
		strptr = strtok(argv[i+1]," \t\n");
		strptr = strtok(NULL," \t\n");		

	      if (strptr==NULL)
	      if (strcmp(strptr,"JNAME")==0)
		{strcpy(sptr[*np],"PSRJ"); strcpy(strptr,"PSRJ");}
	      else if (strcmp(strptr,"BNAME")==0)
		{strcpy(sptr[*np],"PSRB"); strcpy(strptr,"PSRB");}
	      ptr[(*np)++] = getParam(strptr,NULL);
	      if (ptr[(*np)-1]==-1)
		  printf("Parameter >%s< not known.  Use psrcat -p to get a list of parameters\n",strptr);
      else if (strcmp(argv[i],"-L")==0) /* Logical expression for filtering pulsars */
      else if (strcmp(argv[i],"-NOHEAD")==0)
      else if (strcmp(argv[i],"-VERBOSE")==0)
      else if (strcmp(argv[i],"-X")==0) /* Simplify some settings */
      else if (strcmp(argv[i],"-PSR")==0) /* Read pulsar names from a file */
	  FILE *fin;
	  char temp[1000];
	  if (!(fin = fopen(argv[i],"r")))
	      printf("Unable to open pulsar file %s\n",argv[i]);
	  while (!feof(fin))
	      if (fscanf(fin,"%s",temp)==1) {
		if (temp[0] == '0' || temp[0]=='1' || temp[0] =='2')
      else if (argv[i][0] == '0' || argv[i][0] == '1' || argv[i][0] == '2') /* Pulsar name */
	{haveName[*iname] = 0; sprintf(name[(*iname)++],"?%s",argv[i]);}
      else if (argv[i][0] == 'B' || argv[i][0] == 'J') /* Pulsar name */
	{haveName[*iname] = 0; sprintf(name[(*iname)++],"%s",argv[i]);}
	  printf("Unknown parameter >%s<.  Use -h to get list of parameters.\n",argv[i]);
  if (strlen(bound1)>0 && strlen(bound2)>0)
      strcat(boundary," ");

Exemple #3
// Turns LLL tree into tree of code fragments
programData opcodeify(Node node,
                      programAux aux=Aux(),
                      programVerticalAux vaux=verticalAux()) {
    std::string symb = "_"+mkUniqueToken();
    Metadata m = node.metadata;
    // Numbers
    if (node.type == TOKEN) {
        return pd(aux, nodeToNumeric(node), 1);
    else if (node.val == "ref" || node.val == "get" || node.val == "set") {
        std::string varname = node.args[0].val;
        // Determine reference to variable
        if (!aux.vars.count(node.args[0].val)) {
            aux.vars[node.args[0].val] = utd(aux.nextVarMem);
            aux.nextVarMem += 32;
        Node varNode = tkn(aux.vars[varname], m);
        //std::cerr << varname << " " << printSimple(varNode) << "\n";
        // Set variable
        if (node.val == "set") {
            programData sub = opcodeify(node.args[1], aux, vaux);
            if (!sub.outs)
                err("Value to set variable must have nonzero arity!", m);
            // What if we are setting a stack variable?
            if (vaux.dupvars.count(node.args[0].val)) {
                int h = vaux.height - vaux.dupvars[node.args[0].val];
                if (h > 16) err("Too deep for stack variable (max 16)", m);
                Node nodelist[] = {
                    token("SWAP"+unsignedToDecimal(h), m),
                    token("POP", m)
                return pd(sub.aux, multiToken(nodelist, 3, m), 0);                   
            // Setting a memory variable
            else {
                Node nodelist[] = {
                    token("MSTORE", m),
                return pd(sub.aux, multiToken(nodelist, 3, m), 0);                   
        // Get variable
        else if (node.val == "get") {
            // Getting a stack variable
            if (vaux.dupvars.count(node.args[0].val)) {
                 int h = vaux.height - vaux.dupvars[node.args[0].val];
                if (h > 16) err("Too deep for stack variable (max 16)", m);
                return pd(aux, token("DUP"+unsignedToDecimal(h)), 1);                   
            // Getting a memory variable
            else {
                Node nodelist[] = 
                     { varNode, token("MLOAD", m) };
                return pd(aux, multiToken(nodelist, 2, m), 1);
        // Refer variable
        else if (node.val == "ref") {
            if (vaux.dupvars.count(node.args[0].val))
                err("Cannot ref stack variable!", m);
            return pd(aux, varNode, 1);
    // Comments do nothing
    else if (node.val == "comment") {
        return pd(aux, astnode("_", m), 0);
    // Custom operation sequence
    // eg. (ops bytez id msize swap1 msize add 0 swap1 mstore) == alloc
    if (node.val == "ops") {
        std::vector<Node>  subs2;
        int depth = 0;
        for (unsigned i = 0; i < node.args.size(); i++) {
            std::string op = upperCase(node.args[i].val);
            if (node.args[i].type == ASTNODE || opinputs(op) == -1) {
                programVerticalAux vaux2 = vaux;
                vaux2.height = vaux.height - i - 1 + node.args.size();
                programData sub = opcodeify(node.args[i], aux, vaux2);
                aux = sub.aux;
                depth += sub.outs;
            else {
                subs2.push_back(token(op, m));
                depth += opoutputs(op) - opinputs(op);
        if (depth < 0 || depth > 1) err("Stack depth mismatch", m);
        return pd(aux, astnode("_", subs2, m), 0);
    // Code blocks
    if (node.val == "lll" && node.args.size() == 2) {
        if (node.args[1].val != "0") aux.allocUsed = true;
        std::vector<Node> o;
        programData sub = opcodeify(node.args[1], aux, vaux);
        Node code = astnode("____CODE", o, m);
        Node nodelist[] = {
            token("$begincode"+symb+".endcode"+symb, m), token("DUP1", m),
            token("$begincode"+symb, m), sub.code, token("CODECOPY", m),
            token("$endcode"+symb, m), token("JUMP", m),
            token("~begincode"+symb, m), code, 
            token("~endcode"+symb, m), token("JUMPDEST", m)
        return pd(sub.aux, multiToken(nodelist, 11, m), 1);
    // Stack variables
    if (node.val == "with") {
        programData initial = opcodeify(node.args[1], aux, vaux);
        programVerticalAux vaux2 = vaux;
        vaux2.dupvars[node.args[0].val] = vaux.height;
        vaux2.height += 1;
        if (!initial.outs)
            err("Initial variable value must have nonzero arity!", m);
        programData sub = opcodeify(node.args[2], initial.aux, vaux2);
        Node nodelist[] = {
        programData o = pd(sub.aux, multiToken(nodelist, 2, m), sub.outs);
        if (sub.outs)
            o.code.args.push_back(token("SWAP1", m));
        o.code.args.push_back(token("POP", m));
        return o;
    // Seq of multiple statements
    if (node.val == "seq") {
        std::vector<Node> children;
        int lastOut = 0;
        for (unsigned i = 0; i < node.args.size(); i++) {
            programData sub = opcodeify(node.args[i], aux, vaux);
            aux = sub.aux;
            if (sub.outs == 1) {
                if (i < node.args.size() - 1) sub.code = popwrap(sub.code);
                else lastOut = 1;
        return pd(aux, astnode("_", children, m), lastOut);
    // 2-part conditional (if gets rewritten to unless in rewrites)
    else if (node.val == "unless" && node.args.size() == 2) {
        programData cond = opcodeify(node.args[0], aux, vaux);
        programData action = opcodeify(node.args[1], cond.aux, vaux);
        aux = action.aux;
        if (!cond.outs) err("Condition of if/unless statement has arity 0", m);
        if (action.outs) action.code = popwrap(action.code);
        Node nodelist[] = {
            token("$endif"+symb, m), token("JUMPI", m),
            token("~endif"+symb, m), token("JUMPDEST", m)
        return pd(aux, multiToken(nodelist, 6, m), 0);
    // 3-part conditional
    else if (node.val == "if" && node.args.size() == 3) {
        programData ifd = opcodeify(node.args[0], aux, vaux);
        programData thend = opcodeify(node.args[1], ifd.aux, vaux);
        programData elsed = opcodeify(node.args[2], thend.aux, vaux);
        aux = elsed.aux;
        if (!ifd.outs)
            err("Condition of if/unless statement has arity 0", m);
        // Handle cases where one conditional outputs something
        // and the other does not
        int outs = (thend.outs && elsed.outs) ? 1 : 0;
        if (thend.outs > outs) thend.code = popwrap(thend.code);
        if (elsed.outs > outs) elsed.code = popwrap(elsed.code);
        Node nodelist[] = {
            token("ISZERO", m),
            token("$else"+symb, m), token("JUMPI", m),
            token("$endif"+symb, m), token("JUMP", m),
            token("~else"+symb, m), token("JUMPDEST", m),
            token("~endif"+symb, m), token("JUMPDEST", m)
        return pd(aux, multiToken(nodelist, 12, m), outs);
    // While (rewritten to this in rewrites)
    else if (node.val == "until") {
        programData cond = opcodeify(node.args[0], aux, vaux);
        programData action = opcodeify(node.args[1], cond.aux, vaux);
        aux = action.aux;
        if (!cond.outs)
            err("Condition of while/until loop has arity 0", m);
        if (action.outs) action.code = popwrap(action.code);
        Node nodelist[] = {
            token("~beg"+symb, m), token("JUMPDEST", m),
            token("$end"+symb, m), token("JUMPI", m),
            token("$beg"+symb, m), token("JUMP", m),
            token("~end"+symb, m), token("JUMPDEST", m),
        return pd(aux, multiToken(nodelist, 10, m));
    // Memory allocations
    else if (node.val == "alloc") {
        programData bytez = opcodeify(node.args[0], aux, vaux);
        aux = bytez.aux;
        if (!bytez.outs)
            err("Alloc input has arity 0", m);
        aux.allocUsed = true;
        Node nodelist[] = {
            token("MSIZE", m), token("SWAP1", m), token("MSIZE", m),
            token("ADD", m), 
            token("0", m), token("SWAP1", m), token("MSTORE", m)
        return pd(aux, multiToken(nodelist, 8, m), 1);
    // All other functions/operators
    else {
        std::vector<Node>  subs2;
        int depth = opinputs(upperCase(node.val));
        if (depth == -1)
            err("Not a function or opcode: "+node.val, m);
        if ((int)node.args.size() != depth)
            err("Invalid arity for "+node.val, m);
        for (int i = node.args.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
            programVerticalAux vaux2 = vaux;
            vaux2.height = vaux.height - i - 1 + node.args.size();
            programData sub = opcodeify(node.args[i], aux, vaux2);
            aux = sub.aux;
            if (!sub.outs)
                err("Input "+unsignedToDecimal(i)+" has arity 0", sub.code.metadata);
        subs2.push_back(token(upperCase(node.val), m));
        int outdepth = opoutputs(upperCase(node.val));
        return pd(aux, astnode("_", subs2, m), outdepth);
Exemple #4
int main (int argc, char** argv)
  UnitTest t (264);

  // void wrapText (std::vector <std::string>& lines, const std::string& text, const int width, bool hyphenate)
  std::string text = "This is a test of the line wrapping code.";
  std::vector <std::string> lines;
  wrapText (lines, text, 10, true);
  t.is (lines.size (), (size_t) 5, "wrapText 'This is a test of the line wrapping code.' -> total 5 lines");
  t.is (lines[0], "This is a",     "wrapText line 0 -> 'This is a'");
  t.is (lines[1], "test of",       "wrapText line 1 -> 'test of'");
  t.is (lines[2], "the line",      "wrapText line 2 -> 'the line'");
  t.is (lines[3], "wrapping",      "wrapText line 3 -> 'wrapping'");
  t.is (lines[4], "code.",         "wrapText line 4 -> 'code.'");

  text = "This ☺ is a test of utf8 line extraction.";
  lines.clear ();
  wrapText (lines, text, 7, true);
  t.is (lines.size (), (size_t) 7, "wrapText 'This ☺ is a test of utf8 line extraction.' -> total 7 lines");
  t.is (lines[0], "This ☺",        "wrapText line 0 -> 'This ☺'");
  t.is (lines[1], "is a",          "wrapText line 1 -> 'is a'");
  t.is (lines[2], "test of",       "wrapText line 2 -> 'test of'");
  t.is (lines[3], "utf8",          "wrapText line 3 -> 'utf8'");
  t.is (lines[4], "line",          "wrapText line 4 -> 'line'");
  t.is (lines[5], "extrac-",       "wrapText line 5 -> 'extrac-'");
  t.is (lines[6], "tion.",         "wrapText line 6 -> 'tion.'");

  text = "one two three\n  four";
  lines.clear ();
  wrapText (lines, text, 13, true);
  t.is (lines.size (), (size_t) 2, "wrapText 'one two three\\n  four' -> 2 lines");
  t.is (lines[0], "one two three", "wrapText line 0 -> 'one two three'");
  t.is (lines[1], "  four",        "wrapText line 1 -> '  four'");

  // void extractLine (std::string& text, std::string& line, int length, bool hyphenate, unsigned int& offset)
  text = "This ☺ is a test of utf8 line extraction.";
  unsigned int offset = 0;
  std::string line;
  extractLine (line, text, 7, true, offset);
  t.is (line, "This ☺", "extractLine 7 'This ☺ is a test of utf8 line extraction.' -> 'This ☺'");

  // void extractLine (std::string& text, std::string& line, int length, bool hyphenate, unsigned int& offset)
  text = "line 1\nlengthy second line that exceeds width";
  offset = 0;
  extractLine (line, text, 10, true, offset);
  t.is (line, "line 1", "extractLine 10 'line 1\\nlengthy second line that exceeds width' -> 'line 1'");

  extractLine (line, text, 10, true, offset);
  t.is (line, "lengthy", "extractLine 10 'lengthy second line that exceeds width' -> 'lengthy'");

  extractLine (line, text, 10, true, offset);
  t.is (line, "second", "extractLine 10 'second line that exceeds width' -> 'second'");

  extractLine (line, text, 10, true, offset);
  t.is (line, "line that", "extractLine 10 'line that exceeds width' -> 'line that'");

  extractLine (line, text, 10, true, offset);
  t.is (line, "exceeds", "extractLine 10 'exceeds width' -> 'exceeds'");

  extractLine (line, text, 10, true, offset);
  t.is (line, "width", "extractLine 10 'width' -> 'width'");

  t.notok (extractLine (line, text, 10, true, offset), "extractLine 10 '' -> ''");

  // void split (std::vector<std::string>& results, const std::string& input, const char delimiter)
  std::vector <std::string> items;
  std::string unsplit = "";
  split (items, unsplit, '-');
  t.is (items.size (), (size_t) 0, "split '' '-' -> 0 items");

  unsplit = "a";
  split (items, unsplit, '-');
  t.is (items.size (), (size_t) 1, "split 'a' '-' -> 1 item");
  t.is (items[0], "a",             "split 'a' '-' -> 'a'");

  split (items, unsplit, '-');
  t.is (items.size (), (size_t) 1, "split 'a' '-' -> 1 item");
  t.is (items[0], "a",             "split 'a' '-' -> 'a'");

  unsplit = "-";
  split (items, unsplit, '-');
  t.is (items.size (), (size_t) 2, "split '-' '-' -> '' ''");
  t.is (items[0], "",              "split '-' '-' -> [0] ''");
  t.is (items[1], "",              "split '-' '-' -> [1] ''");

  split_minimal (items, unsplit, '-');
  t.is (items.size (), (size_t) 0, "split '-' '-' ->");

  unsplit = "-a-bc-def";
  split (items, unsplit, '-');
  t.is (items.size (), (size_t) 4, "split '-a-bc-def' '-' -> '' 'a' 'bc' 'def'");
  t.is (items[0], "",              "split '-a-bc-def' '-' -> [0] ''");
  t.is (items[1], "a",             "split '-a-bc-def' '-' -> [1] 'a'");
  t.is (items[2], "bc",            "split '-a-bc-def' '-' -> [2] 'bc'");
  t.is (items[3], "def",           "split '-a-bc-def' '-' -> [3] 'def'");

  split_minimal (items, unsplit, '-');
  t.is (items.size (), (size_t) 3, "split '-a-bc-def' '-' -> 'a' 'bc' 'def'");
  t.is (items[0], "a",             "split '-a-bc-def' '-' -> [1] 'a'");
  t.is (items[1], "bc",            "split '-a-bc-def' '-' -> [2] 'bc'");
  t.is (items[2], "def",           "split '-a-bc-def' '-' -> [3] 'def'");

  // void split (std::vector<std::string>& results, const std::string& input, const std::string& delimiter)
  unsplit = "";
  split (items, unsplit, "--");
  t.is (items.size (), (size_t) 0, "split '' '--' -> 0 items");

  unsplit = "a";
  split (items, unsplit, "--");
  t.is (items.size (), (size_t) 1, "split 'a' '--' -> 1 item");
  t.is (items[0], "a",             "split 'a' '-' -> 'a'");

  unsplit = "--";
  split (items, unsplit, "--");
  t.is (items.size (), (size_t) 2, "split '-' '--' -> '' ''");
  t.is (items[0], "",              "split '-' '-' -> [0] ''");
  t.is (items[1], "",              "split '-' '-' -> [1] ''");

  unsplit = "--a--bc--def";
  split (items, unsplit, "--");
  t.is (items.size (), (size_t) 4, "split '-a-bc-def' '--' -> '' 'a' 'bc' 'def'");
  t.is (items[0], "",              "split '-a-bc-def' '--' -> [0] ''");
  t.is (items[1], "a",             "split '-a-bc-def' '--' -> [1] 'a'");
  t.is (items[2], "bc",            "split '-a-bc-def' '--' -> [2] 'bc'");
  t.is (items[3], "def",           "split '-a-bc-def' '--' -> [3] 'def'");

  unsplit = "one\ntwo\nthree";
  split (items, unsplit, "\n");
  t.is (items.size (), (size_t) 3, "split 'one\\ntwo\\nthree' -> 'one', 'two', 'three'");
  t.is (items[0], "one",           "split 'one\\ntwo\\nthree' -> [0] 'one'");
  t.is (items[1], "two",           "split 'one\\ntwo\\nthree' -> [1] 'two'");
  t.is (items[2], "three",         "split 'one\\ntwo\\nthree' -> [2] 'three'");

  // void splitq (std::vector<std::string>&, const std::string&, const char);
  unsplit = "one 'two' '' 'three four' \"five six seven\" eight'nine ten'";
  splitq (items, unsplit, ' ');
  t.is (items.size () , (size_t) 6,  "splitq 'one \\'two\\' \\'\\' \\'three four\\' \"five six seven\" eight'nine ten'");
  t.is (items[0], "one",             "splitq 'one \\'two\\' \\'\\' \\'three four\\' \"five six seven\" eight'nine ten' -> [0] 'one'");
  t.is (items[1], "two",             "splitq 'one \\'two\\' \\'\\' \\'three four\\' \"five six seven\" eight'nine ten' -> [1] 'two'");
  t.is (items[2], "",                "splitq 'one \\'two\\' \\'\\' \\'three four\\' \"five six seven\" eight'nine ten' -> [2] ''");
  t.is (items[3], "three four",      "splitq 'one \\'two\\' \\'\\' \\'three four\\' \"five six seven\" eight'nine ten' -> [3] 'three four'");
  t.is (items[4], "five six seven",  "splitq 'one \\'two\\' \\'\\' \\'three four\\' \"five six seven\" eight'nine ten' -> [4] 'five six seven'");
  t.is (items[5], "eight'nine ten'", "splitq 'one \\'two\\' \\'\\' \\'three four\\' \"five six seven\" eight'nine ten' -> [4] 'eight\\'nine ten\\''");

  // void join (std::string& result, const std::string& separator, const std::vector<std::string>& items)
  std::vector <std::string> unjoined;
  std::string joined;

  join (joined, "", unjoined);
  t.is (joined.length (), (size_t) 0,  "join -> length 0");
  t.is (joined,           "",          "join -> ''");

  unjoined.push_back ("");
  unjoined.push_back ("a");
  unjoined.push_back ("bc");
  unjoined.push_back ("def");
  join (joined, "", unjoined);
  t.is (joined.length (), (size_t) 6, "join '' 'a' 'bc' 'def' -> length 6");
  t.is (joined,           "abcdef",   "join '' 'a' 'bc' 'def' -> 'abcdef'");

  join (joined, "-", unjoined);
  t.is (joined.length (), (size_t) 9,  "join '' - 'a' - 'bc' - 'def' -> length 9");
  t.is (joined,           "-a-bc-def", "join '' - 'a' - 'bc' - 'def' -> '-a-bc-def'");

  // void join (std::string& result, const std::string& separator, const std::vector<int>& items)
  std::vector <int> unjoined2;

  join (joined, "", unjoined2);
  t.is (joined.length (), (size_t) 0, "join -> length 0");
  t.is (joined,           "",         "join -> ''");

  unjoined2.push_back (0);
  unjoined2.push_back (1);
  unjoined2.push_back (2);
  join (joined, "", unjoined2);
  t.is (joined.length (), (size_t) 3, "join 0 1 2 -> length 3");
  t.is (joined,           "012",      "join 0 1 2 -> '012'");

  join (joined, "-", unjoined2);
  t.is (joined.length (), (size_t) 5, "join 0 1 2 -> length 5");
  t.is (joined,           "0-1-2",    "join 0 1 2 -> '0-1-2'");

  // std::string trimLeft (const std::string& in, const std::string& t /*= " "*/)
  t.is (trimLeft (""),                     "",            "trimLeft '' -> ''");
  t.is (trimLeft ("   "),                  "",            "trimLeft '   ' -> ''");
  t.is (trimLeft ("",              " \t"), "",            "trimLeft '' -> ''");
  t.is (trimLeft ("xxx"),                  "xxx",         "trimLeft 'xxx' -> 'xxx'");
  t.is (trimLeft ("xxx",           " \t"), "xxx",         "trimLeft 'xxx' -> 'xxx'");
  t.is (trimLeft ("  \t xxx \t  "),        "\t xxx \t  ", "trimLeft '  \\t xxx \\t  ' -> '\\t xxx \\t  '");
  t.is (trimLeft ("  \t xxx \t  ", " \t"), "xxx \t  ",    "trimLeft '  \\t xxx \\t  ' -> 'xxx \\t  '");

  // std::string trimRight (const std::string& in, const std::string& t /*= " "*/)
  t.is (trimRight (""),                     "",            "trimRight '' -> ''");
  t.is (trimRight ("   "),                  "",            "trimRight '   ' -> ''");
  t.is (trimRight ("",              " \t"), "",            "trimRight '' -> ''");
  t.is (trimRight ("xxx"),                  "xxx",         "trimRight 'xxx' -> 'xxx'");
  t.is (trimRight ("xxx",           " \t"), "xxx",         "trimRight 'xxx' -> 'xxx'");
  t.is (trimRight ("  \t xxx \t  "),        "  \t xxx \t", "trimRight '  \\t xxx \\t  ' -> '  \\t xxx \\t'");
  t.is (trimRight ("  \t xxx \t  ", " \t"), "  \t xxx",    "trimRight '  \\t xxx \\t  ' -> '  \\t xxx'");

  // std::string trim (const std::string& in, const std::string& t /*= " "*/)
  t.is (trim (""),                     "",          "trim '' -> ''");
  t.is (trim ("   "),                  "",          "trim '   ' -> ''");
  t.is (trim ("",              " \t"), "",          "trim '' -> ''");
  t.is (trim ("xxx"),                  "xxx",       "trim 'xxx' -> 'xxx'");
  t.is (trim ("xxx",           " \t"), "xxx",       "trim 'xxx' -> 'xxx'");
  t.is (trim ("  \t xxx \t  "),        "\t xxx \t", "trim '  \\t xxx \\t  ' -> '\\t xxx \\t'");
  t.is (trim ("  \t xxx \t  ", " \t"), "xxx",       "trim '  \\t xxx \\t  ' -> 'xxx'");

  // std::string unquoteText (const std::string& text)
  t.is (unquoteText (""),         "",     "unquoteText '' -> ''");
  t.is (unquoteText ("x"),        "x",    "unquoteText 'x' -> 'x'");
  t.is (unquoteText ("'x"),       "'x",   "unquoteText ''x' -> ''x'");
  t.is (unquoteText ("x'"),       "x'",   "unquoteText 'x'' -> 'x''");
  t.is (unquoteText ("\"x"),      "\"x",  "unquoteText '\"x' -> '\"x'");
  t.is (unquoteText ("x\""),      "x\"",  "unquoteText 'x\"' -> 'x\"'");
  t.is (unquoteText ("''"),       "",     "unquoteText '''' -> ''");
  t.is (unquoteText ("'''"),      "'",    "unquoteText ''''' -> '''");
  t.is (unquoteText ("\"\""),     "",     "unquoteText '\"\"' -> ''");
  t.is (unquoteText ("\"\"\""),    "\"",  "unquoteText '\"\"\"' -> '\"'");
  t.is (unquoteText ("''''"),     "''",   "unquoteText '''''' -> ''''");
  t.is (unquoteText ("\"\"\"\""), "\"\"", "unquoteText '\"\"\"\"' -> '\"\"'");
  t.is (unquoteText ("'\"\"'"),   "\"\"", "unquoteText '''\"\"' -> '\"\"'");
  t.is (unquoteText ("\"''\""),   "''",   "unquoteText '\"''\"' -> ''''");
  t.is (unquoteText ("'x'"),      "x",    "unquoteText ''x'' -> 'x'");
  t.is (unquoteText ("\"x\""),    "x",    "unquoteText '\"x\"' -> 'x'");

  // int longestWord (const std::string&)
  t.is (longestWord ("    "),                   0, "longestWord (    ) --> 0");
  t.is (longestWord ("this is a test"),         4, "longestWord (this is a test) --> 4");
  t.is (longestWord ("this is a better test"),  6, "longestWord (this is a better test) --> 6");
  t.is (longestWord ("house Çirçös clown"),     6, "longestWord (Çirçös) --> 6");

  // int longestLine (const std::string&)
  t.is (longestLine ("one two three four"),    18, "longestLine (one two three four) --> 18");
  t.is (longestLine ("one\ntwo three four"),   14, "longestLine (one\\ntwo three four) --> 14");
  t.is (longestLine ("one\ntwo\nthree\nfour"),  5, "longestLine (one\\ntwo\\nthree\\nfour) --> 5");

  // std::string commify (const std::string& data)
  t.is (commify (""),           "",              "commify '' -> ''");
  t.is (commify ("1"),          "1",             "commify '1' -> '1'");
  t.is (commify ("12"),         "12",            "commify '12' -> '12'");
  t.is (commify ("123"),        "123",           "commify '123' -> '123'");
  t.is (commify ("1234"),       "1,234",         "commify '1234' -> '1,234'");
  t.is (commify ("12345"),      "12,345",        "commify '12345' -> '12,345'");
  t.is (commify ("123456"),     "123,456",       "commify '123456' -> '123,456'");
  t.is (commify ("1234567"),    "1,234,567",     "commify '1234567' -> '1,234,567'");
  t.is (commify ("12345678"),   "12,345,678",    "commify '12345678' -> '12,345,678'");
  t.is (commify ("123456789"),  "123,456,789",   "commify '123456789' -> '123,456,789'");
  t.is (commify ("1234567890"), "1,234,567,890", "commify '1234567890' -> '1,234,567,890'");

  t.is (commify ("pre"),         "pre",          "commify 'pre' -> 'pre'");
  t.is (commify ("pre1234"),     "pre1,234",     "commify 'pre1234' -> 'pre1,234'");
  t.is (commify ("1234post"),    "1,234post",    "commify '1234post' -> '1,234post'");
  t.is (commify ("pre1234post"), "pre1,234post", "commify 'pre1234post' -> 'pre1,234post'");

  // std::string lowerCase (const std::string& input)
  t.is (lowerCase (""),            "",            "lowerCase '' -> ''");
  t.is (lowerCase ("pre01_:POST"), "pre01_:post", "lowerCase 'pre01_:POST' -> 'pre01_:post'");

  // std::string upperCase (const std::string& input)
  t.is (upperCase (""),            "",            "upperCase '' -> ''");
  t.is (upperCase ("pre01_:POST"), "PRE01_:POST", "upperCase 'pre01_:POST' -> 'PRE01_:POST'");

  // bool nontrivial (const std::string&);
  t.notok (nontrivial (""),                       "nontrivial '' -> false");
  t.notok (nontrivial ("   "),                    "nontrivial '   ' -> false");
  t.notok (nontrivial ("\t\t"),                   "nontrivial '\\t\\t' -> false");
  t.notok (nontrivial (" \t \t"),                 "nontrivial ' \\t \\t' -> false");
  t.ok    (nontrivial ("a"),                      "nontrivial 'a' -> true");
  t.ok    (nontrivial ("   a"),                   "nontrivial '   a' -> true");
  t.ok    (nontrivial ("a   "),                   "nontrivial 'a   ' -> true");
  t.ok    (nontrivial ("  \t\ta"),                "nontrivial '  \\t\\ta' -> true");
  t.ok    (nontrivial ("a\t\t  "),                "nontrivial 'a\\t\\t  ' -> true");

  // bool digitsOnly (const std::string&);
  t.ok    (digitsOnly (""),                       "digitsOnly '' -> true");
  t.ok    (digitsOnly ("0"),                      "digitsOnly '0' -> true");
  t.ok    (digitsOnly ("123"),                    "digitsOnly '123' -> true");
  t.notok (digitsOnly ("12fa"),                   "digitsOnly '12fa' -> false");

  // bool noSpaces (const std::string&);
  t.ok    (noSpaces (""),                         "noSpaces '' -> true");
  t.ok    (noSpaces ("a"),                        "noSpaces 'a' -> true");
  t.ok    (noSpaces ("abc"),                      "noSpaces 'abc' -> true");
  t.notok (noSpaces (" "),                        "noSpaces ' ' -> false");
  t.notok (noSpaces ("ab cd"),                    "noSpaces 'ab cd' -> false");

  // bool noVerticalSpace (const std::string&);
  t.ok    (noVerticalSpace (""),                  "noVerticalSpace '' -> true");
  t.ok    (noVerticalSpace ("a"),                 "noVerticalSpace 'a' -> true");
  t.ok    (noVerticalSpace ("abc"),               "noVerticalSpace 'abc' -> true");
  t.notok (noVerticalSpace ("a\nb"),              "noVerticalSpace 'a\\nb' -> false");
  t.notok (noVerticalSpace ("a\rb"),              "noVerticalSpace 'a\\rb' -> false");
  t.notok (noVerticalSpace ("a\fb"),              "noVerticalSpace 'a\\fb' -> false");

  text = "Hello, world.";
  //      0123456789012
  //      s   e  s   e

  // bool isWordStart (const std::string&, std::string::size_type);
  t.notok (isWordStart ("", 0),                   "isWordStart (\"\", 0) -> false");
  t.ok    (isWordStart ("foo", 0),                "isWordStart (\"foo\", 0) -> true");
  t.ok    (isWordStart (text, 0),                 "isWordStart (\"Hello, world.\", 0) -> true");
  t.notok (isWordStart (text, 1),                 "isWordStart (\"Hello, world.\", 1) -> false");
  t.notok (isWordStart (text, 2),                 "isWordStart (\"Hello, world.\", 2) -> false");
  t.notok (isWordStart (text, 3),                 "isWordStart (\"Hello, world.\", 3) -> false");
  t.notok (isWordStart (text, 4),                 "isWordStart (\"Hello, world.\", 4) -> false");
  t.notok (isWordStart (text, 5),                 "isWordStart (\"Hello, world.\", 5) -> false");
  t.notok (isWordStart (text, 6),                 "isWordStart (\"Hello, world.\", 6) -> false");
  t.ok    (isWordStart (text, 7),                 "isWordStart (\"Hello, world.\", 7) -> true");
  t.notok (isWordStart (text, 8),                 "isWordStart (\"Hello, world.\", 8) -> false");
  t.notok (isWordStart (text, 9),                 "isWordStart (\"Hello, world.\", 9) -> false");
  t.notok (isWordStart (text, 10),                "isWordStart (\"Hello, world.\", 10) -> false");
  t.notok (isWordStart (text, 11),                "isWordStart (\"Hello, world.\", 11) -> false");
  t.notok (isWordStart (text, 12),                "isWordStart (\"Hello, world.\", 12) -> false");

  // bool isWordEnd (const std::string&, std::string::size_type);
  t.notok (isWordEnd ("", 0),                     "isWordEnd (\"\", 0) -> false");
  t.ok    (isWordEnd ("foo", 2),                  "isWordEnd (\"foo\", 2) -> true");
  t.notok (isWordEnd (text, 0),                   "isWordEnd (\"Hello, world.\", 0) -> false");
  t.notok (isWordEnd (text, 1),                   "isWordEnd (\"Hello, world.\", 1) -> false");
  t.notok (isWordEnd (text, 2),                   "isWordEnd (\"Hello, world.\", 2) -> false");
  t.notok (isWordEnd (text, 3),                   "isWordEnd (\"Hello, world.\", 3) -> false");
  t.ok    (isWordEnd (text, 4),                   "isWordEnd (\"Hello, world.\", 4) -> true");
  t.notok (isWordEnd (text, 5),                   "isWordEnd (\"Hello, world.\", 5) -> false");
  t.notok (isWordEnd (text, 6),                   "isWordEnd (\"Hello, world.\", 6) -> false");
  t.notok (isWordEnd (text, 7),                   "isWordEnd (\"Hello, world.\", 7) -> false");
  t.notok (isWordEnd (text, 8),                   "isWordEnd (\"Hello, world.\", 8) -> false");
  t.notok (isWordEnd (text, 9),                   "isWordEnd (\"Hello, world.\", 9) -> false");
  t.notok (isWordEnd (text, 10),                  "isWordEnd (\"Hello, world.\", 10) -> false");
  t.ok    (isWordEnd (text, 11),                  "isWordEnd (\"Hello, world.\", 11) -> true");
  t.notok (isWordEnd (text, 12),                  "isWordEnd (\"Hello, world.\", 12) -> false");

  // bool compare (const std::string&, const std::string&, bool caseless = false);
  // Make sure degenerate cases are handled.
  t.ok    (compare ("", ""),    "'' == ''");
  t.notok (compare ("foo", ""), "foo != ''");
  t.notok (compare ("", "foo"), "'' != foo");

  // Make sure the default is case-sensitive.
  t.ok    (compare ("foo", "foo"), "foo == foo");
  t.notok (compare ("foo", "FOO"), "foo != foo");

  // Test case-sensitive.
  t.notok (compare ("foo", "xx", true),  "foo != xx");

  t.ok    (compare ("foo", "foo", true), "foo == foo");
  t.notok (compare ("foo", "FOO", true), "foo != FOO");
  t.notok (compare ("FOO", "foo", true), "FOO != foo");
  t.ok    (compare ("FOO", "FOO", true), "FOO == FOO");

  // Test case-insensitive.
  t.notok (compare ("foo", "xx", false),   "foo != foo (caseless)");

  t.ok    (compare ("foo", "foo", false),  "foo == foo (caseless)");
  t.ok    (compare ("foo", "FOO", false),  "foo == FOO (caseless)");
  t.ok    (compare ("FOO", "foo", false),  "FOO == foo (caseless)");
  t.ok    (compare ("FOO", "FOO", false),  "FOO == FOO (caseless)");

  // std::string::size_type find (const std::string&, const std::string&, bool caseless = false);
  // Make sure degenerate cases are handled.
  t.is ((int) find ("foo", ""), (int) 0,                 "foo !contains ''");
  t.is ((int) find ("", "foo"), (int) std::string::npos, "'' !contains foo");

  // Make sure the default is case-sensitive.
  t.is ((int) find ("foo", "fo"), 0,                       "foo contains fo");
  t.is ((int) find ("foo", "FO"), (int) std::string::npos, "foo !contains fo");

  // Test case-sensitive.
  t.is ((int) find ("foo", "xx", true), (int) std::string::npos, "foo !contains xx");
  t.is ((int) find ("foo", "oo", true), 1,                       "foo contains oo");

  t.is ((int) find ("foo", "fo", true), 0,                       "foo contains fo");
  t.is ((int) find ("foo", "FO", true), (int) std::string::npos, "foo !contains fo");
  t.is ((int) find ("FOO", "fo", true), (int) std::string::npos, "foo !contains fo");
  t.is ((int) find ("FOO", "FO", true), 0,                       "foo contains fo");

  // Test case-insensitive.
  t.is ((int) find ("foo", "xx", false),  (int) std::string::npos, "foo !contains xx (caseless)");
  t.is ((int) find ("foo", "oo", false),  1,                       "foo contains oo (caseless)");

  t.is ((int) find ("foo", "fo", false),  0, "foo contains fo (caseless)");
  t.is ((int) find ("foo", "FO", false),  0, "foo contains FO (caseless)");
  t.is ((int) find ("FOO", "fo", false),  0, "FOO contains fo (caseless)");
  t.is ((int) find ("FOO", "FO", false),  0, "FOO contains FO (caseless)");

  // Test start offset.
  t.is ((int) find ("one two three", "e",  3, true), (int) 11, "offset obeyed");
  t.is ((int) find ("one two three", "e", 11, true), (int) 11, "offset obeyed");

  // int strippedLength (const std::string&);
  t.is (strippedLength (std::string ("")),                                  0, "strippedLength                              -> 0");
  t.is (strippedLength (std::string ("abc")),                               3, "strippedLength abc                          -> 3");
  t.is (strippedLength (std::string ("one\033[5;38;255mtwo\033[0mthree")), 11, "strippedLength one^[[5;38;255mtwo^[[0mthree -> 11");
  t.is (strippedLength (std::string ("\033[0m")),                           0, "strippedLength ^[[0m                        -> 0");
  t.is (strippedLength (std::string ("\033[1m\033[0m")),                    0, "strippedLength ^[[1m^[[0m                   -> 0");

  // std::string format (char);
  t.is (format ('A'), "A", "format ('A') -> A");

  // std::string format (int);
  t.is (format (0),  "0",  "format (0) -> 0");
  t.is (format (-1), "-1", "format (-1) -> -1");

  // std::string formatHex (int);
  t.is (formatHex (0),   "0",  "formatHex (0) -> 0");
  t.is (formatHex (10),  "a",  "formatHex (10) -> a");
  t.is (formatHex (123), "7b", "formatHex (123) -> 7b");

  // std::string format (float, int, int);
  t.is (format (1.23456789, 8, 1),      "       1",     "format (1.23456789,    8,   1) -> _______1");
  t.is (format (1.23456789, 8, 2),      "     1.2",     "format (1.23456789,    8,   2) -> _____1.2");
  t.is (format (1.23456789, 8, 3),      "    1.23",     "format (1.23456789,    8,   3) -> ____1.23");
  t.is (format (1.23456789, 8, 4),      "   1.235",     "format (1.23456789,    8,   4) -> ___1.235");
  t.is (format (1.23456789, 8, 5),      "  1.2346",     "format (1.23456789,    8,   5) -> __1.2346");
  t.is (format (1.23456789, 8, 6),      " 1.23457",     "format (1.23456789,    8,   6) ->  1.23457");
  t.is (format (1.23456789, 8, 7),      "1.234568",     "format (1.23456789,    8,   7) -> 1.234568");
  t.is (format (1.23456789, 8, 8),      "1.2345679",    "format (1.23456789,    8,   8) -> 1.2345679");
  t.is (format (2444238.56789, 12, 11), "2444238.5679", "format (2444238.56789, 12, 11) -> 2444238.5679");

  // std::string format (double, int, int);

  // std::string leftJustify (const std::string&, const int);
  t.is (leftJustify (123, 3), "123",   "leftJustify 123,3 -> '123'");
  t.is (leftJustify (123, 4), "123 ",  "leftJustify 123,4 -> '123 '");
  t.is (leftJustify (123, 5), "123  ", "leftJustify 123,5 -> '123  '");

  // std::string leftJustify (const std::string&, const int);
  t.is (leftJustify ("foo", 3), "foo",   "leftJustify foo,3 -> 'foo'");
  t.is (leftJustify ("foo", 4), "foo ",  "leftJustify foo,4 -> 'foo '");
  t.is (leftJustify ("foo", 5), "foo  ", "leftJustify foo,5 -> 'foo  '");
  t.is (leftJustify ("föo", 5), "föo  ", "leftJustify föo,5 -> 'föo  '");

  // std::string rightJustify (const std::string&, const int);
  t.is (rightJustify (123, 3), "123",   "rightJustify 123,3 -> '123'");
  t.is (rightJustify (123, 4), " 123",  "rightJustify 123,4 -> ' 123'");
  t.is (rightJustify (123, 5), "  123", "rightJustify 123,5 -> '  123'");

  // std::string rightJustify (const std::string&, const int);
  t.is (rightJustify ("foo", 3), "foo",   "rightJustify foo,3 -> 'foo'");
  t.is (rightJustify ("foo", 4), " foo",  "rightJustify foo,4 -> ' foo'");
  t.is (rightJustify ("foo", 5), "  foo", "rightJustify foo,5 -> '  foo'");
  t.is (rightJustify ("föo", 5), "  föo", "rightJustify föo,5 -> '  föo'");

  // int utf8_length (const std::string&);
  t.is ((int) utf8_length ("Çirçös"),            6, "utf8_length (Çirçös) == 6");
  t.is ((int) utf8_length ("ツネナラム"),        5, "utf8_length (ツネナラム) == 5");
  t.is ((int) utf8_length ("Zwölf Boxkämpfer"), 16, "utf8_length (Zwölf Boxkämpfer) == 16");

  return 0;
    virtual void customSetup(void)
        QMenu *edit = toMainWidget()->getEditMenu();


        IncMenu = edit->addMenu(
                      qApp->translate("toEditExtensionTool", "Incremental Search"));

        IncrementalSearch = IncMenu->addAction(qApp->translate("toEditExtensionTool",
        IncrementalSearch->setShortcut(Qt::CTRL + Qt::SHIFT + Qt::Key_S);

        ReverseSearch = IncMenu->addAction(qApp->translate("toEditExtensionTool",
        ReverseSearch->setShortcut(Qt::CTRL + Qt::SHIFT + Qt::Key_R);

        // ------------------------------ indentation menu

        IndentMenu = edit->addMenu(
                         qApp->translate("toEditExtensionTool", "Auto Indent"));

        IndentBlock = IndentMenu->addAction(qApp->translate(
        IndentBlock->setShortcut(Qt::CTRL + + Qt::ALT + Qt::Key_I);

        IndentBuffer = IndentMenu->addAction(qApp->translate(
        IndentBuffer->setShortcut(Qt::CTRL + Qt::ALT + Qt::SHIFT + Qt::Key_I);


        ObsBlock = IndentMenu->addAction(qApp->translate(
                                             "Obfuscate Selection"),

        ObsBuffer = IndentMenu->addAction(qApp->translate("toEditExtensionTool",
                                          "Obfuscate Editor"),

        // ------------------------------ case menu

        CaseMenu = edit->addMenu(
                       qApp->translate("toEditExtensionTool", "Modify Case"));

        UpperCase = CaseMenu->addAction(qApp->translate("toEditExtensionTool",
        UpperCase->setShortcut(Qt::CTRL + Qt::Key_U);

        LowerCase = CaseMenu->addAction(qApp->translate("toEditExtensionTool",
        LowerCase->setShortcut(Qt::CTRL + Qt::Key_L);

        // bookmark menu
        BookmarkMenu = edit->addMenu(qApp->translate("toEditExtensionTool", "Bookmarks"));
        BookmarkSwitchAct = BookmarkMenu->addAction("Add/Remove Bookmark",
        BookmarkSwitchAct->setShortcut(Qt::CTRL + Qt::Key_B);
        BookmarkPrevAct = BookmarkMenu->addAction("Go to previous Bookmark",
        BookmarkPrevAct->setShortcut(Qt::ALT + Qt::Key_PageUp);
        BookmarkNextAct = BookmarkMenu->addAction("Go to next Bookmark",
        BookmarkNextAct->setShortcut(Qt::ALT + Qt::Key_PageDown);

        // EOL menu
        EolMenu = edit->addMenu(qApp->translate("toEditExtensionTool", "Convert End of Lines to"));
        EolUnixAct = EolMenu->addAction("UNIX", &toEditExtensionsSingle::Instance(), SLOT(convertEol()));
        EolMacAct = EolMenu->addAction("Mac OS X", &toEditExtensionsSingle::Instance(), SLOT(convertEol()));
        EolWindowsAct = EolMenu->addAction("MS Windows", &toEditExtensionsSingle::Instance(), SLOT(convertEol()));

        // ------------------------------ etc

        Indent = edit->addAction(
                     QIcon(QPixmap(const_cast<const char**>(indent_xpm))),
                     qApp->translate("toEditExtensionTool", "Indent Block"),
#ifndef Q_WS_MAC
        Indent->setShortcut(Qt::ALT + Qt::Key_Right);

        Deindent = edit->addAction(
                       QIcon(QPixmap(const_cast<const char**>(deindent_xpm))),
                       qApp->translate("toEditExtensionTool", "De-indent Block"),
#ifndef Q_WS_MAC
        Deindent->setShortcut(Qt::ALT + Qt::Key_Left);

        Quote = edit->addAction(qApp->translate("toEditExtensionTool",
                                                "Quote Selection"),

        UnQuote = edit->addAction(qApp->translate("toEditExtensionTool",
                                  "UnQuote Selection"),

        Comment = edit->addAction(qApp->translate("toEditExtensionTool",
                                  "Comment or Uncomment"),
                                  Qt::CTRL + Qt::Key_D);

        GotoLine = edit->addAction(qApp->translate("toEditExtensionTool",
                                   "Goto Line"),
        GotoLine->setShortcut(Qt::CTRL + Qt::Key_G);

        AutoComplete = edit->addAction(
        AutoComplete->setShortcut(Qt::CTRL + Qt::Key_Space);

        // add buttons to main window
        // disabled due the problems in the state of toolbars
//         toMainWidget()->addButtonApplication(Deindent);
//         toMainWidget()->addButtonApplication(Indent);


// Turns LLL tree into tree of code fragments
programData opcodeify(Node node, programAux aux=Aux()) {
    std::string symb = "_"+mkUniqueToken();
    Metadata m = node.metadata;
    // Numbers
    if (node.type == TOKEN) {
        return pd(aux, nodeToNumeric(node));
    else if (node.val == "ref" || node.val == "get" || node.val == "set") {
        std::string varname = node.args[0].val;
        if (!aux.vars.count(varname)) {
            aux.vars[varname] = intToDecimal(aux.vars.size() * 32);
        if (varname == "msg.data") aux.calldataUsed = true;
        // Set variable
        if (node.val == "set") {
             programData sub = opcodeify(node.args[1], aux);
             Node nodelist[] = {
                 token(aux.vars[varname], m),
                 token("MSTORE", m),
             return pd(sub.aux, multiToken(nodelist, 3, m));                   
        // Get variable
        else if (node.val == "get") {
             Node nodelist[] = 
                  { token(aux.vars[varname], m), token("MLOAD", m) };
             return pd(aux, multiToken(nodelist, 2, m));
        // Refer variable
        else return pd(aux, token(aux.vars[varname], m));
    // Code blocks
    if (node.val == "lll" && node.args.size() == 2) {
        if (node.args[1].val != "0") aux.allocUsed = true;
        std::vector<Node> o;
        programData sub = opcodeify(node.args[1], aux);
        Node code = astnode("____CODE", o, m);
        Node nodelist[] = {
            token("$begincode"+symb+".endcode"+symb, m), token("DUP", m),
            token("$begincode"+symb, m), sub.code, token("CODECOPY", m),
            token("$endcode"+symb, m), token("JUMP", m),
            token("~begincode"+symb, m), code, token("~endcode"+symb, m)
        return pd(sub.aux, multiToken(nodelist, 10, m));
    std::vector<Node> subs;
	for (unsigned i = 0; i < node.args.size(); i++) {
        programData sub = opcodeify(node.args[i], aux);
        aux = sub.aux;
    // Debug
    if (node.val == "debug") {
        Node nodelist[] = {
            token("DUP", m), token("POP", m), token("POP", m)
        return pd(aux, multiToken(nodelist, 4, m));
    // Seq of multiple statements
    if (node.val == "seq") {
        return pd(aux, astnode("_", subs, m));
    // 2-part conditional (if gets rewritten to unless in rewrites)
    else if (node.val == "unless" && node.args.size() == 2) {
        Node nodelist[] = {
            token("$endif"+symb, m), token("JUMPI", m),
            token("~endif"+symb, m)
        return pd(aux, multiToken(nodelist, 5, m));
    // 3-part conditional
    else if (node.val == "if" && node.args.size() == 3) {
        Node nodelist[] = {
            token("NOT", m), token("$else"+symb, m), token("JUMPI", m),
            token("$endif"+symb, m), token("JUMP", m), token("~else"+symb, m),
            token("~endif"+symb, m)
        return pd(aux, multiToken(nodelist, 10, m));
    // While (rewritten to this in rewrites)
    else if (node.val == "until") {
        Node nodelist[] = {
            token("~beg"+symb, m),
            token("$end"+symb, m), token("JUMPI", m),
            token("$beg"+symb, m), token("JUMP", m), token("~end"+symb, m)
        return pd(aux, multiToken(nodelist, 8, m));
    // Memory allocations
    else if (node.val == "alloc") {
        aux.allocUsed = true;
        Node nodelist[] = {
            token("MSIZE", m), token("SWAP", m), token("MSIZE", m),
            token("ADD", m), 
            token("0", m), token("SWAP", m), token("MSTORE", m)
        return pd(aux, multiToken(nodelist, 8, m));
    // Array literals
    else if (node.val == "array_lit") {
        aux.allocUsed = true;
        std::vector<Node> nodes;
        if (!subs.size()) {
            nodes.push_back(token("MSIZE", m));
            return pd(aux, astnode("_", nodes, m));
        nodes.push_back(token("MSIZE", m));
        nodes.push_back(token("0", m));
        nodes.push_back(token("MSIZE", m));
        nodes.push_back(token(intToDecimal(subs.size() * 32 - 1), m));
        nodes.push_back(token("ADD", m));
        nodes.push_back(token("MSTORE8", m));
		for (unsigned i = 0; i < subs.size(); i++) {
            nodes.push_back(token("DUP", m));
            nodes.push_back(token("SWAP", m));
            if (i > 0) {
                nodes.push_back(token(intToDecimal(i * 32), m));
                nodes.push_back(token("ADD", m));
            nodes.push_back(token("MSTORE", m));
        return pd(aux, astnode("_", nodes, m));
    // All other functions/operators
    else {
        std::vector<Node> subs2;
        while (subs.size()) {
        subs2.push_back(token(upperCase(node.val), m));
        return pd(aux, astnode("_", subs2, m));
Exemple #7
bool FastaReader::readFile(QString fileName)
    string file = fileName.toStdString();

    //Make sure that we were requested to open a file
        return false;


    //Parse the name of the chromosome from the file name and send it to glwidget to be stored

    //Clear out anything that may be left in the sequence string and set initial pad character
    sequence = "";
    sequence = string(">");

    //Clear out anything that may be in the ifstream then open the new file
    wordfile.open(file.c_str(), ifstream::in | ifstream::binary);
    //See if we opened the file successfully
        ErrorBox msg("Could not read the file. Either Skittle doesn't have file permissions or the file does not exist.");
        return false;

    //Get how many characters are in the file
    wordfile.seekg(0, ios::beg);
    int begin = wordfile.tellg();
    wordfile.seekg(0, ios::end);
    int end = wordfile.tellg();
    bytesInFile = end - begin;

    //Discovered Reserve is different than malloc by creating a memory iterator
    //The iterator takes old size, then virtually allocates a new vector to new size while at the same time copying start/end memory to this new location
    //Then it destroys the old vector and walks through physical storage looking for a contiguous slot open, then dumps into the start and end location of new slot

    //Start progress bar at 0
    int progress = bytesInFile / 20;


    //Return to the beginning of the file
    wordfile.seekg(0, ios::beg);
    //Skip the first line of the file as this is the chromosome name/info
    wordfile.ignore(500, '\n');

    //Read in the rest of the file
    char current;
    int i = 0;
    cancelled = false;
        //If the cancel button was pushed, go ahead and exit fasta reader
            return false;

        //Read the next character
        wordfile >> current;

        //If it is a letter, uppercase it
        current = upperCase(current);

        //if(current == 65 || current == 67 || current == 71 || current == 84 || current == 78) //A C G T N
        if(current != '\n' && current != '\r')

        if(i != 0 && i % progress == 0)
            progressBar->setValue(progressBar->value() + 5);

    while(!wordfile.eof() && !wordfile.fail() && !cancelled);

    //Close up everything
        delete progressBar;
        progressBar = NULL;

    ui->print("Done loading file!");
    emit newFileRead(seq());

    return true;
Exemple #8
DwUseQuery::DwUseQuery(DwUseOptions* options) {
	this->options = options;
	// create a database connection
	try {
		this->conn = new DbConnect( options->Username(),
									options->Database() );
	} catch( SQLException ex ) {
		throw DwUseException( "Error connecting to the database with " 
								+ options->Username() +"/" + options->Password() + "@" + options->Database() +": \n"
								+ ex.getMessage() ); 
	// create variable translator for column
	this->variableTranslator = new VariableTranslator(this->conn, this->options->Table());
	// collect final list of variables
	// if there are none in the options, read all from the database
	// else read only the ones in the list
	string probeSql = "select ";
	// create a DwColumn for each column that we need (maybe leave out the technical cols)
	vector<string> cols = this->options->Variables();
	if( cols.size() == 0 ) {
		probeSql += "* "; // we'll check what kind of columns we see. I don't know the schema, or whether table is a view or synonym
	} else {
		for(size_t i = 0; i < cols.size(); i++) {
			if( i > 0 ) 
				probeSql += ", ";
			probeSql += cols[i];
	probeSql += " from " + this->options->Table() + " where 1=2 ";
	// run the probe query and collect columns
	vector<DbColumnMetaData> colMeta;
	vector<string> colNames;
	try {
		colMeta = this->conn->Describe(probeSql);
	} catch( SQLException ex ) {
		string msg = ex.getMessage();
		throw DwUseException( "Error reading column definitions with \n" 
								+ probeSql +": \n" + msg ); 
	// we'll need to know what to translate
	set<string> transVars = this->options->LabelVariables();
	set<string> transVals = this->options->LabelValues();
	bool isTransAllVars   = this->options->IsLabelVariables() && transVars.size() == 0;
	bool isTransAllVals   = this->options->IsLabelValues()    && transVals.size() == 0;
	// create meta data holders
	for(size_t i=0; i<colMeta.size(); i++) {
		// get the column name so we can decide if it needs tranlation or not
		string colName = colMeta[i].name; // not qouted
		// translate or not?
		DwColumn* dwCol = new DwColumn(
			i+1, // position in ResultSet
			(isTransAllVars || transVars.find(upperCase(colName)) != transVars.end()) ?
				this->variableTranslator : NULL, 
			(isTransAllVals || transVals.find(upperCase(colName)) != transVals.end()) ?
				new ValueTranslator(this->conn, 
									colName) : NULL 
		this->columns.push_back( dwCol );
		colNames.push_back( upperCase(colName) ); // to test translations
	// check that all the variables selected for labeling are valid column names
	CheckLabels( transVars, colNames, "label_variable" );
	CheckLabels( transVals, colNames, "label_values" );