Exemple #1
	void v3math_object::test<11>()
		F32 x =20.0f, y = 30.0f, z = 15.f ;
		F32 angle = 100.f;
		LLVector3 vec3(x,y,z),vec3a(1.f,2.f,3.f);
		vec3a = vec3a.rotVec(angle, vec3);
		LLVector3 vec3b(1.f,2.f,3.f);
		vec3b = vec3b.rotVec(angle, vec3);
		ensure_equals("rotVec():Fail" ,vec3b,vec3a);
Exemple #2
	void v3math_object::test<2>()
		F32 x = 2.32f, y = 1.212f, z = -.12f;
		LLVector3 vec3(x,y,z);
		LLVector3d vector3d(vec3);
		LLVector3 vec3a(vector3d);
		ensure("1:LLVector3:Fail to initialize ", vec3 == vec3a);
		LLVector4 vector4(vec3);
		LLVector3 vec3b(vector4);
		ensure("2:LLVector3:Fail to initialize ", vec3 == vec3b);
Exemple #3
	void v3math_object::test<1>()
		LLVector3 vec3;
		ensure("1:LLVector3:Fail to initialize ", ((0.f == vec3.mV[VX]) && (0.f == vec3.mV[VY]) && (0.f == vec3.mV[VZ])));
		F32 x = 2.32f, y = 1.212f, z = -.12f;
		LLVector3 vec3a(x,y,z);
		ensure("2:LLVector3:Fail to initialize ", ((2.32f == vec3a.mV[VX]) && (1.212f == vec3a.mV[VY]) && (-.12f == vec3a.mV[VZ])));
		const F32 vec[3] = {1.2f ,3.2f, -4.2f};
		LLVector3 vec3b(vec);
		ensure("3:LLVector3:Fail to initialize ", ((1.2f == vec3b.mV[VX]) && (3.2f == vec3b.mV[VY]) && (-4.2f == vec3b.mV[VZ])));
Exemple #4
static uint32_t block_get_neighboors(const block_data_t *data,
                                    int x, int y, int z,
                                    uint8_t neighboors[27])
    int xx, yy, zz, i = 0;
    vec3b_t npos;
    uint32_t ret = 0;
#define ITER_NEIGHBORS(x, y, z)         \
     for (z = -1; z <= 1; z++)           \
         for (y = -1; y <= 1; y++)       \
             for (x = -1; x <= 1; x++)
    ITER_NEIGHBORS(xx, yy, zz) {
        npos = vec3b(x + xx, y + yy, z + zz);
        neighboors[i] = DATA_AT(data, npos.x, npos.y, npos.z).a;
        if (neighboors[i] >= 127) ret |= 1 << i;
Exemple #5
void reduction_entropy::
update_color(shared_surfel target_surfel, 
              shared_entropy_surfel_vector const& neighbour_ptrs) const{

    vec3r accumulated_color(0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
    double accumulated_weight = 0.0;

    accumulated_color = target_surfel->color();
    accumulated_weight = 1.0;

    for(auto const curr_neighbour_ptr : neighbour_ptrs){
        accumulated_weight += 1.0;
        accumulated_color += curr_neighbour_ptr->contained_surfel->color();

    vec3b normalized_color = vec3b(accumulated_color[0] / accumulated_weight,
                                   accumulated_color[1] / accumulated_weight,
                                   accumulated_color[2] / accumulated_weight );
    target_surfel->color() = normalized_color;