Exemple #1
// NOTE: when loading a file, you have to allocate one extra byte and set it to \0
int vfsLoadFile( const char *filename, void **bufferptr, int index ){
	int i, count = 0;
	char tmp[NAME_MAX], fixed[NAME_MAX];
	GSList *lst;

	*bufferptr = NULL;
	strcpy( fixed, filename );
	vfsFixDOSName( fixed );
	strlwr( fixed );

	for ( i = 0; i < g_numDirs; i++ )
		strcpy( tmp, g_strDirs[i] );
		strcat( tmp, filename );
		if ( access( tmp, R_OK ) == 0 ) {
			if ( count == index ) {
				return vfsLoadFullPathFile( tmp,bufferptr );


	for ( lst = g_pakFiles; lst != NULL; lst = g_slist_next( lst ) )
		VFS_PAKFILE* file = (VFS_PAKFILE*)lst->data;

		if ( strcmp( file->name, fixed ) != 0 ) {

		if ( count == index ) {
			memcpy( file->zipfile, &file->zipinfo, sizeof( unz_s ) );

			if ( unzOpenCurrentFile( file->zipfile ) != UNZ_OK ) {
				return -1;

			*bufferptr = g_malloc( file->size + 1 );
			// we need to end the buffer with a 0
			( (char*) ( *bufferptr ) )[file->size] = 0;

			i = unzReadCurrentFile( file->zipfile, *bufferptr, file->size );
			unzCloseCurrentFile( file->zipfile );
			if ( i > 0 ) {
				return file->size;
				return -1;


	return -1;
Exemple #2
void Eclass_ScanFile( char *filename ){
	int size;
	char    *data;
	char temp[1024];
	GSList *l_classes = NULL;
	char token_debug[1024];  //++Hydra FIXME: cleanup this.
	bool done = false;
	int len,classtype;

	char *token = Token();

	QE_ConvertDOSToUnixName( temp, filename );

	size = vfsLoadFullPathFile( filename, (void**)&data );
	if ( size <= 0 ) {
		Sys_FPrintf( SYS_ERR, "Eclass_ScanFile: %s not found\n", filename );
	Sys_Printf( "ScanFile: %s\n", temp );

	// start parsing the file
	StartTokenParsing( data );

	// build a list of base classes first

	while ( !done )
		// find an @ sign.
			if ( !GetToken( true ) ) {
				done = true;
		} while ( token[0] != '@' );

		strcpy( temp,token + 1 ); // skip the @

		classtype = CLASS_NOCLASS;
		if ( !stricmp( temp,"BaseClass" ) ) {
			classtype = CLASS_BASECLASS;
		if ( !stricmp( temp,"PointClass" ) ) {
			classtype = CLASS_POINTCLASS;
		if ( !stricmp( temp,"SolidClass" ) ) {
			classtype = CLASS_SOLIDCLASS;

		if ( classtype ) {
			class_t *newclass = (class_t *) malloc( sizeof( class_s ) );
			memset( newclass, 0, sizeof( class_s ) );
			newclass->classtype = classtype;

			while ( 1 )
				GetTokenExtra( false,"(",false ); // option or =
				strcpy( token_debug,token );

				if ( !strcmp( token,"=" ) ) {
					strlower( token );
					if ( !strcmp( token,"base" ) ) {
						GetTokenExtra( false,"(",true ); // (

						if ( !strcmp( token,"(" ) ) {
							while ( GetTokenExtra( false,",)",false ) ) // option) or option,
								newclass->l_baselist = g_slist_append( newclass->l_baselist, strdup( token ) );

								GetTokenExtra( false,",)",true ); // , or )
								if ( !strcmp( token,")" ) ) {

					else if ( !strcmp( token,"size" ) ) {
						// parse (w h d) or (x y z, x y z)

						GetTokenExtra( false,"(",true ); // (
						if ( !strcmp( token,"(" ) ) {
							int sizedone = false;
							float w,h,d;
							GetToken( false );
							w = atof( token );
							GetToken( false );
							h = atof( token );
							GetToken( false ); // number) or number ,
							strcpy( temp,token );
							len = strlen( temp );
							if ( temp[len - 1] == ')' ) {
								sizedone = true;
							temp[len - 1] = 0;
							d = atof( temp );
							if ( sizedone ) {
								// only one set of cordinates supplied, change the W,H,D to mins/maxs
								newclass->boundingbox[0][0] = 0 - ( w / 2 );
								newclass->boundingbox[1][0] = w / 2;
								newclass->boundingbox[0][1] = 0 - ( h / 2 );
								newclass->boundingbox[1][1] = h / 2;
								newclass->boundingbox[0][2] = 0 - ( d / 2 );
								newclass->boundingbox[1][2] = d / 2;
								newclass->gotsize = true;
								newclass->boundingbox[0][0] = w;
								newclass->boundingbox[0][1] = h;
								newclass->boundingbox[0][2] = d;
								GetToken( false );
								newclass->boundingbox[1][0] = atof( token );
								GetToken( false );
								newclass->boundingbox[1][1] = atof( token );
                GetToken(false); // "number)" or "number )"
                len = strlen(temp);
                if (temp[len-1] == ')')
                  temp[len-1] = 0;
                  GetToken(false); // )
                newclass->boundingbox[1][2] = atof(temp);
								GetTokenExtra( false,")",false ); // number
								newclass->boundingbox[1][2] = atof( token );
								newclass->gotsize = true;
								GetTokenExtra( false,")",true ); // )
					else if ( !strcmp( token,"color" ) ) {
						GetTokenExtra( false,"(",true ); // (
						if ( !strcmp( token,"(" ) ) {
							// get the color values (0-255) and normalize them if required.
							GetToken( false );
							newclass->color[0] = atof( token );
							if ( newclass->color[0] > 1 ) {
								newclass->color[0] /= 255;
							GetToken( false );
							newclass->color[1] = atof( token );
							if ( newclass->color[1] > 1 ) {
								newclass->color[1] /= 255;
							GetToken( false );
							strcpy( temp,token );
							len = strlen( temp );
							if ( temp[len - 1] == ')' ) {
								temp[len - 1] = 0;
							newclass->color[2] = atof( temp );
							if ( newclass->color[2] > 1 ) {
								newclass->color[2] /= 255;
							newclass->gotcolor = true;
					else if ( !strcmp( token,"iconsprite" ) ) {
						GetTokenExtra( false,"(",true ); // (
						if ( !strcmp( token,"(" ) ) {
							GetTokenExtra( false,")",false ); // filename)
							// the model plugins will handle sprites too.
							// newclass->sprite = strdup(token);
							newclass->model = strdup( token );
							GetTokenExtra( false,")",true ); // )
					else if ( !strcmp( token,"model" ) ) {
						GetTokenExtra( false,"(",true ); // (
						if ( !strcmp( token,"(" ) ) {
							GetTokenExtra( false,")",false ); // filename)
							newclass->model = strdup( token );
							GetTokenExtra( false,")",true ); // )
						// Unsupported
						GetToken( false ); // skip it.


			GetToken( false ); // =
			strcpy( token_debug,token );
			if ( !strcmp( token,"=" ) ) {
				GetToken( false );
				newclass->classname = strdup( token );

			// Get the description
			if ( newclass->classtype != CLASS_BASECLASS ) {
				GetToken( false );
				if ( !strcmp( token,":" ) ) {
					GetToken( false );
					newclass->description = strdup( token );
				else{ UnGetToken(); // no description

			// now build the option list.
			GetToken( true ); // [ or []

			if ( strcmp( token,"[]" ) ) { // got some options ?
				if ( !strcmp( token,"[" ) ) {
					// yup
					bool optioncomplete = false;
					option_t *newoption;

					while ( 1 )
						GetToken( true );
						if ( !strcmp( token,"]" ) ) {
							break; // no more options

						// parse the data and build the option_t

						strcpy( temp,token );
						len = strlen( temp );
						char *ptr = strchr( temp,'(' );

						if ( !ptr ) {

						newoption = (option_t *) malloc( sizeof( option_s ) );
						memset( newoption, 0, sizeof( option_s ) );

						*ptr++ = 0;
						newoption->epairname = strdup( temp );

						len = strlen( ptr );
						if ( ptr[len - 1] != ')' ) {

						ptr[len - 1] = 0;
						strlower( ptr );
						if ( !strcmp( ptr,"integer" ) ) {
							newoption->optiontype = OPTION_INTEGER;
						else if ( !strcmp( ptr,"choices" ) ) {
							newoption->optiontype = OPTION_CHOICES;
						else if ( !strcmp( ptr,"flags" ) ) {
							newoption->optiontype = OPTION_FLAGS;
						else // string
							newoption->optiontype = OPTION_STRING;

						switch ( newoption->optiontype )
						case OPTION_STRING:
						case OPTION_INTEGER:
							if ( !TokenAvailable() ) {
								optioncomplete = true;
							GetToken( false ); // :
							strcpy( token_debug,token );
							if ( ( token[0] == ':' ) && ( strlen( token ) > 1 ) ) {
								newoption->optioninfo = strdup( token + 1 );
								GetToken( false );
								newoption->optioninfo = strdup( token );
							if ( TokenAvailable() ) { // default value ?
								GetToken( false );
								if ( !strcmp( token,":" ) ) {
									if ( GetToken( false ) ) {
										newoption->optiondefault = strdup( token );
										optioncomplete = true;
								optioncomplete = true;

						case OPTION_CHOICES:
							GetTokenExtra( false,":",true ); // : or :"something like this" (bah!)
							strcpy( token_debug,token );
							if ( ( token[0] == ':' ) && ( strlen( token ) > 1 ) ) {
								if ( token[1] == '\"' ) {
									strcpy( temp,token + 2 );
									while ( 1 )
										if ( !GetToken( false ) ) {
										strcat( temp," " );
										strcat( temp,token );
										len = strlen( temp );
										if ( temp[len - 1] == '\"' ) {
											temp[len - 1] = 0;
								newoption->optioninfo = strdup( temp );
								GetToken( false );
								newoption->optioninfo = strdup( token );
							GetToken( false ); // : or =
							strcpy( token_debug,token );
							if ( !strcmp( token,":" ) ) {
								GetToken( false );
								newoption->optiondefault = strdup( token );
						// And Follow on...
						case OPTION_FLAGS:
							GetToken( false ); // : or =
							strcpy( token_debug,token );
							if ( strcmp( token,"=" ) ) { // missing ?

							GetToken( true ); // [
							strcpy( token_debug,token );
							if ( strcmp( token,"[" ) ) { // missing ?

							choice_t *newchoice;
							while ( 1 )
								GetTokenExtra( true,":",true ); // "]" or "number", or "number:"
								strcpy( token_debug,token );
								if ( !strcmp( token,"]" ) ) { // no more ?
									optioncomplete = true;
								strcpy( temp,token );
								len = strlen( temp );
								if ( temp[len - 1] == ':' ) {
									temp[len - 1] = 0;
									GetToken( false ); // :
									if ( strcmp( token,":" ) ) { // missing ?
								if ( !TokenAvailable() ) {
								GetToken( false ); // the name

								newchoice = (choice_t *) malloc( sizeof( choice_s ) );
								memset( newchoice, 0, sizeof( choice_s ) );

								newchoice->value = atoi( temp );
								newchoice->name = strdup( token );

								newoption->choices = g_slist_append( newoption->choices, newchoice );

								// ignore any remaining tokens on the line
								while ( TokenAvailable() ) GetToken( false );

								// and it we found a "]" on the end of the line, put it back in the queue.
								if ( !strcmp( token,"]" ) ) {


						// add option to the newclass

						if ( optioncomplete ) {
							if ( newoption ) {
								// add it to the list.
								newclass->l_optionlist = g_slist_append( newclass->l_optionlist, newoption );
							Sys_Printf( "%WARNING: Parse error occured in '%s - %s'\n",classnames[newclass->classtype],newclass->classname );
							Free_Option( newoption );

					UnGetToken(); // shouldn't get here.

			// add it to our list.
			l_classes = g_slist_append( l_classes, newclass );


	// finished with the file now.
	g_free( data );

	Sys_Printf( "FGD scan complete, building entities...\n" );

	// Once we get here we should have a few (!) lists in memory that we
	// can extract all the information required to build a the eclass_t structures.

	Create_EClasses( l_classes );

	// Free everything

	GSList *p = l_classes;
	while ( p )
		class_t *tmpclass = (class_t *)p->data;

		// DEBUG: dump the info...
		Sys_Printf( "%s: %s (", classnames[tmpclass->classtype],tmpclass->classname );
		for ( GSList *tmp = tmpclass->l_baselist; tmp != NULL; tmp = tmp->next )
			if ( tmp != tmpclass->l_baselist ) {
				Sys_Printf( ", " );
			Sys_Printf( "%s", (char *)tmp->data );
		if ( tmpclass->gotsize ) {
			sprintf( temp,"(%.0f %.0f %.0f) - (%.0f %.0f %.0f)",tmpclass->boundingbox[0][0],
					 tmpclass->boundingbox[1][2] );
		else{ strcpy( temp,"No Size" ); }
		Sys_Printf( ") '%s' Size: %s",tmpclass->description ? tmpclass->description : "No description",temp );
		if ( tmpclass->gotcolor ) {
			sprintf( temp,"(%d %d %d)",tmpclass->color[0],
					 tmpclass->color[2] );
		else{ strcpy( temp,"No Color" ); }
		Sys_Printf( " Color: %s Options:\n",temp );
		if ( !tmpclass->l_optionlist ) {
			Sys_Printf( "  No Options\n" );
			option_t *tmpoption;
			int count;
			GSList *olst;
			for ( olst = tmpclass->l_optionlist, count = 1; olst != NULL; olst = olst->next, count++ )
				tmpoption = (option_t *)olst->data;
				Sys_Printf( "  %d, Type: %s, EPair: %s\n", count,optionnames[tmpoption->optiontype], tmpoption->epairname );

				choice_t *tmpchoice;
				GSList *clst;
				int ccount;
				for ( clst = tmpoption->choices, ccount = 1; clst != NULL; clst = clst->next, ccount++ )
					tmpchoice = (choice_t *)clst->data;
					Sys_Printf( "    %d, Value: %d, Name: %s\n", ccount, tmpchoice->value, tmpchoice->name );


		// free the baselist.
		ClearGSList( tmpclass->l_baselist );
		Free_Class( tmpclass );
		p = g_slist_remove( p, p->data );

Exemple #3
void WINAPI Pointfile_Check( void ) {
    char name[1024];
    int size;
    char    *data;
    char  *text;
    int line = 1;
    vec3_t v;

    strcpy( name, currentmap );
    StripExtension( name );
    strcat( name, ".lin" );

    size = vfsLoadFullPathFile( name, (void**)&data );
    if ( size <= 0 ) {
        Sys_FPrintf( SYS_ERR, "Pointfile %s not found\n", name );

    // store a pointer
    text = data;

    Sys_Printf( "Reading pointfile %s\n", name );


    while ( *data )
        if ( sscanf( data,"%f %f %f", &v[0], &v[1], &v[2] ) != 3 ) {
            Sys_Printf( "Corrupt point file, line %d\n",line );

        while ( *data && *data != '\n' )
            if ( *( data - 1 ) == ' ' && *( data ) == '-' && *( data + 1 ) == ' ' ) {
        // deal with zhlt style point files.
        if ( *data == '-' ) {
            if ( sscanf( data,"- %f %f %f", &v[0], &v[1], &v[2] ) != 3 ) {
                Sys_Printf( "Corrupt point file, line %d\n",line );

            while ( *data && *data != '\n' )

        while ( *data == '\n' )
            data++; // skip the \n
        g_pointfile.PushPoint( v );

    g_free( text );


    Sys_UpdateWindows( W_ALL );
Exemple #4
// NOTE: when loading a file, you have to allocate one extra byte and set it to \0
int vfsLoadFile( const char *filename, void **bufferptr, int index ){
	int i, count = 0;
	char tmp[NAME_MAX], fixed[NAME_MAX];
	GSList *lst;

	*bufferptr = NULL;
	strcpy( fixed, filename );
	vfsFixDOSName( fixed );
	strlwr( fixed );

	for ( i = 0; i < g_numDirs; i++ )
		strcpy( tmp, g_strDirs[i] );
		strcat( tmp, filename );
		if ( access( tmp, R_OK ) == 0 ) {
			if ( count == index ) {
				return vfsLoadFullPathFile( tmp,bufferptr );
				   long len;
				   FILE *f;

				   f = fopen (tmp, "rb");
				   if (f == NULL)
				   return -1;

				   fseek (f, 0, SEEK_END);
				   len = ftell (f);
				   rewind (f);

				   *bufferptr = g_malloc (len+1);
				   if (*bufferptr == NULL)
				   return -1;

				   fread (*bufferptr, 1, len, f);
				   fclose (f);

				   // we need to end the buffer with a 0
				   ((char*) (*bufferptr))[len] = 0;

				   return len;


	// Textures in HalfLife wads don't have paths, but in the list of files
	// we store the actual full paths of the files and what WAD they're in.
	// so what we have to do is strip the paths and just compare filenames.

	// Hydra: well, we did do this, but now we don't, as the map loader now
	// fills in the correct paths for each texture.

	   char *searchname;
	   char *fixedptr;

	   fixedptr = fixed;

	   for (i = strlen(fixed)-1 ; i >= 0 && fixed[i] != '\\' && fixed[i] != '/' ; i --)
	   fixedptr = (char *)fixed + i;
	for ( lst = g_pakFiles; lst != NULL; lst = g_slist_next( lst ) )
		VFS_PAKFILE* file = (VFS_PAKFILE*)lst->data;

		   searchname = file->name;
		   for (i = strlen(file->name)-1 ; i >= 0 && file->name[i] != '\\' && file->name[i] != '/' ; i --)
		   searchname = (char *)file->name + i;
		   if (strcmp (searchname, fixedptr) != 0)

		if ( strcmp( file->name, fixed ) != 0 ) {

		if ( count == index ) {
			// Useful for debugging
			//Sys_Printf("VFSWAD: reading from %s\n",file->wadfile->wadfilename);

			if ( wadOpenCurrentFileByNum( file->wadfile, file->filenumber ) != 1 ) {
				return -1;

			*bufferptr = g_malloc( file->size + 1 );
			// we need to end the buffer with a 0
			( (char*) ( *bufferptr ) )[file->size] = 0;

			i = wadReadCurrentFile( file->wadfile, (char *)*bufferptr, file->size );
			wadCloseCurrentFile( file->wadfile );
			if ( i > 0 ) {
				return file->size;
				return -1;


	return -1;