Exemple #1
OsVendorInit (void)
  /* Re-initialize global variables on server reset */
  winInitializeGlobals ();


  if (!OsVendorVErrorFProc)
    OsVendorVErrorFProc = OsVendorVErrorF;

  if (!g_fLogInited) {
    /* keep this order. If LogInit fails it calls Abort which then calls
     * ddxGiveUp where LogInit is called again and creates an infinite 
     * recursion. If we set g_fLogInited to TRUE before the init we 
     * avoid the second call 
    g_fLogInited = TRUE;
    g_pszLogFile = LogInit (g_pszLogFile, NULL);
  LogSetParameter (XLOG_FLUSH, 1);
  LogSetParameter (XLOG_VERBOSITY, g_iLogVerbose);
  LogSetParameter (XLOG_FILE_VERBOSITY, g_iLogVerbose);

  /* Log the version information */
  if (serverGeneration == 1)
    winLogVersionInfo ();


  /* Add a default screen if no screens were specified */
  if (g_iNumScreens == 0)
      winDebug ("OsVendorInit - Creating default screen 0\n");

       * We need to initialize the default screen 0 if no -screen
       * arguments were processed.
       * Add a screen 0 using the defaults set by winInitializeDefaultScreens()
       * and any additional default screen parameters given

      /* We have to flag this as an explicit screen, even though it isn't */
      g_ScreenInfo[0].fExplicitScreen = TRUE;
Exemple #2
ddxProcessArgument (int argc, char *argv[], int i)
  static Bool		s_fBeenHere = FALSE;
  winScreenInfo	*screenInfoPtr = NULL;

  /* Initialize once */
  if (!s_fBeenHere)
       * This initialises our hook into VErrorF () for catching log messages
       * that are generated before OsInit () is called.
      OsVendorVErrorFProc = OsVendorVErrorF;

      s_fBeenHere = TRUE;

      /* Initialize only if option is not -help */
      if (!IS_OPTION("-help") && !IS_OPTION("-h") && !IS_OPTION("--help") &&
          !IS_OPTION("-version") && !IS_OPTION("--version"))

          /* Log the version information */
          winLogVersionInfo ();

          /* Log the command line */
          winLogCommandLine (argc, argv);

	   * Initialize default screen settings.  We have to do this before
	   * OsVendorInit () gets called, otherwise we will overwrite
	   * settings changed by parameters such as -fullscreen, etc.
	  winErrorFVerb (2, "ddxProcessArgument - Initializing default "

  winDebug ("ddxProcessArgument - arg: %s\n", argv[i]);

   * Look for the '-help' and similar options
  if (IS_OPTION ("-help") || IS_OPTION("-h") || IS_OPTION("--help"))
      /* Reset logfile. We don't need that helpmessage in the logfile */  
      g_pszLogFile = NULL;
      g_fNoHelpMessageBox = TRUE;
      exit (0);
      return 1;

  if (IS_OPTION ("-version") || IS_OPTION("--version"))
      /* Reset logfile. We don't need that versioninfo in the logfile */  
      g_pszLogFile = NULL;
      winLogVersionInfo ();
      exit (0);
      return 1;

   * Look for the '-screen scr_num [width height]' argument
  if (IS_OPTION ("-screen"))
      int		iArgsProcessed = 1;
      int		nScreenNum;
      int		iWidth, iHeight, iX, iY;
      int		iMonitor;

      winDebug ("ddxProcessArgument - screen - argc: %d i: %d\n",
	      argc, i);

      /* Display the usage message if the argument is malformed */
      if (i + 1 >= argc)
	  return 0;
      /* Grab screen number */
      nScreenNum = atoi (argv[i + 1]);

      /* Validate the specified screen number */
      if (nScreenNum < 0)
          ErrorF ("ddxProcessArgument - screen - Invalid screen number %d\n",
          UseMsg ();
	  return 0;

        Initialize default values for any new screens

        Note that default values can't change after a -screen option is
        seen, so it's safe to do this for each screen as it is introduced

	  /* look for @m where m is monitor number */
	  if (i + 2 < argc
		  && 1 == sscanf(argv[i + 2], "@%d", (int *) &iMonitor)) 
        struct GetMonitorInfoData data;
        if (!QueryMonitor(iMonitor, &data))
            ErrorF ("ddxProcessArgument - screen - "
                    "Querying monitors is not supported on NT4 and Win95\n");
        } else if (data.bMonitorSpecifiedExists == TRUE) 
		  winErrorFVerb(2, "ddxProcessArgument - screen - Found Valid ``@Monitor'' = %d arg\n", iMonitor);
		  iArgsProcessed = 3;
		  g_ScreenInfo[nScreenNum].fUserGaveHeightAndWidth = FALSE;
		  g_ScreenInfo[nScreenNum].fUserGavePosition = TRUE;
		  g_ScreenInfo[nScreenNum].dwWidth = data.monitorWidth;
		  g_ScreenInfo[nScreenNum].dwHeight = data.monitorHeight;
		  g_ScreenInfo[nScreenNum].dwUserWidth = data.monitorWidth;
		  g_ScreenInfo[nScreenNum].dwUserHeight = data.monitorHeight;
		  g_ScreenInfo[nScreenNum].dwInitialX = data.monitorOffsetX;
		  g_ScreenInfo[nScreenNum].dwInitialY = data.monitorOffsetY;
		  /* monitor does not exist, error out */
		  ErrorF ("ddxProcessArgument - screen - Invalid monitor number %d\n",
		  UseMsg ();
		  exit (0);
		  return 0;

      /* Look for 'WxD' or 'W D' */
      else if (i + 2 < argc
	  && 2 == sscanf (argv[i + 2], "%dx%d",
			  (int *) &iWidth,
			  (int *) &iHeight))
	  winErrorFVerb (2, "ddxProcessArgument - screen - Found ``WxD'' arg\n");
	  iArgsProcessed = 3;
	  g_ScreenInfo[nScreenNum].fUserGaveHeightAndWidth = TRUE;
	  g_ScreenInfo[nScreenNum].dwWidth = iWidth;
	  g_ScreenInfo[nScreenNum].dwHeight = iHeight;
	  g_ScreenInfo[nScreenNum].dwUserWidth = iWidth;
	  g_ScreenInfo[nScreenNum].dwUserHeight = iHeight;
	  /* Look for WxD+X+Y */
	  if (2 == sscanf (argv[i + 2], "%*dx%*d+%d+%d",
			   (int *) &iX,
			   (int *) &iY))
	    winErrorFVerb (2, "ddxProcessArgument - screen - Found ``X+Y'' arg\n");
	    g_ScreenInfo[nScreenNum].fUserGavePosition = TRUE;
	    g_ScreenInfo[nScreenNum].dwInitialX = iX;
	    g_ScreenInfo[nScreenNum].dwInitialY = iY;

		/* look for WxD+X+Y@m where m is monitor number. take X,Y to be offsets from monitor's root position */
		if (1 == sscanf (argv[i + 2], "%*dx%*d+%*d+%*d@%d",
						 (int *) &iMonitor)) 
          struct GetMonitorInfoData data;
          if (!QueryMonitor(iMonitor, &data))
              ErrorF ("ddxProcessArgument - screen - "
                      "Querying monitors is not supported on NT4 and Win95\n");
          } else if (data.bMonitorSpecifiedExists == TRUE) 
			g_ScreenInfo[nScreenNum].dwInitialX += data.monitorOffsetX;
			g_ScreenInfo[nScreenNum].dwInitialY += data.monitorOffsetY;
			/* monitor does not exist, error out */
			ErrorF ("ddxProcessArgument - screen - Invalid monitor number %d\n",
			UseMsg ();
			exit (0);
			return 0;


	  /* look for WxD@m where m is monitor number */
	  else if (1 == sscanf(argv[i + 2], "%*dx%*d@%d",
						   (int *) &iMonitor)) 
        struct GetMonitorInfoData data;
        if (!QueryMonitor(iMonitor, &data))
		  ErrorF ("ddxProcessArgument - screen - "
                  "Querying monitors is not supported on NT4 and Win95\n");
        } else if (data.bMonitorSpecifiedExists == TRUE) 
		  winErrorFVerb (2, "ddxProcessArgument - screen - Found Valid ``@Monitor'' = %d arg\n", iMonitor);
		  g_ScreenInfo[nScreenNum].fUserGavePosition = TRUE;
		  g_ScreenInfo[nScreenNum].dwInitialX = data.monitorOffsetX;
		  g_ScreenInfo[nScreenNum].dwInitialY = data.monitorOffsetY;
		  /* monitor does not exist, error out */
		  ErrorF ("ddxProcessArgument - screen - Invalid monitor number %d\n",
		  UseMsg ();
		  exit (0);
		  return 0;

      else if (i + 3 < argc
	       && 1 == sscanf (argv[i + 2], "%d",
			       (int *) &iWidth)
	       && 1 == sscanf (argv[i + 3], "%d",
			       (int *) &iHeight))
	  winErrorFVerb (2, "ddxProcessArgument - screen - Found ``W D'' arg\n");
	  iArgsProcessed = 4;
	  g_ScreenInfo[nScreenNum].fUserGaveHeightAndWidth = TRUE;
	  g_ScreenInfo[nScreenNum].dwWidth = iWidth;
	  g_ScreenInfo[nScreenNum].dwHeight = iHeight;
	  g_ScreenInfo[nScreenNum].dwUserWidth = iWidth;
	  g_ScreenInfo[nScreenNum].dwUserHeight = iHeight;
	  if (i + 5 < argc
	      && 1 == sscanf (argv[i + 4], "%d",
			      (int *) &iX)
	      && 1 == sscanf (argv[i + 5], "%d",
			      (int *) &iY))
	    winErrorFVerb (2, "ddxProcessArgument - screen - Found ``X Y'' arg\n");
	    iArgsProcessed = 6;
	    g_ScreenInfo[nScreenNum].fUserGavePosition = TRUE;
	    g_ScreenInfo[nScreenNum].dwInitialX = iX;
	    g_ScreenInfo[nScreenNum].dwInitialY = iY;
	  winErrorFVerb (2, "ddxProcessArgument - screen - Did not find size arg. "
		  "dwWidth: %d dwHeight: %d\n",
		  (int) g_ScreenInfo[nScreenNum].dwWidth,
		  (int) g_ScreenInfo[nScreenNum].dwHeight);
	  iArgsProcessed = 2;
	  g_ScreenInfo[nScreenNum].fUserGaveHeightAndWidth = FALSE;

      /* Calculate the screen width and height in millimeters */
      if (g_ScreenInfo[nScreenNum].fUserGaveHeightAndWidth)
	    = (g_ScreenInfo[nScreenNum].dwWidth
	       / monitorResolution) * 25.4;
	    = (g_ScreenInfo[nScreenNum].dwHeight
	       / monitorResolution) * 25.4;

      /* Flag that this screen was explicity specified by the user */
      g_ScreenInfo[nScreenNum].fExplicitScreen = TRUE;

       * Keep track of the last screen number seen, as parameters seen
       * before a screen number apply to all screens, whereas parameters
       * seen after a screen number apply to that screen number only.
      iLastScreen = nScreenNum;

      return iArgsProcessed;

   * Is this parameter attached to a screen or global?
   * If the parameter is for all screens (appears before
   * any -screen option), store it in the default screen
   * info
   * If the parameter is for a single screen (appears
   * after a -screen option), store it in the screen info
   * for that screen
  if (iLastScreen == -1)
      screenInfoPtr = &defaultScreenInfo;
      screenInfoPtr = &(g_ScreenInfo[iLastScreen]);

   * Look for the '-engine n' argument
  if (IS_OPTION ("-engine"))
      DWORD		dwEngine = 0;
      CARD8		c8OnBits = 0;
      /* Display the usage message if the argument is malformed */
      if (++i >= argc)
	  UseMsg ();
	  return 0;

      /* Grab the argument */
      dwEngine = atoi (argv[i]);

      /* Count the one bits in the engine argument */
      c8OnBits = winCountBits (dwEngine);

      /* Argument should only have a single bit on */
      if (c8OnBits != 1)
	  UseMsg ();
	  return 0;

      screenInfoPtr->dwEnginePreferred = dwEngine;
      /* Indicate that we have processed the argument */
      return 2;

   * Look for the '-fullscreen' argument
  if (IS_OPTION ("-fullscreen"))
          if (!screenInfoPtr->fMultiMonitorOverride)
            screenInfoPtr->fMultipleMonitors = FALSE;
	  screenInfoPtr->fFullScreen = TRUE;

      /* Indicate that we have processed this argument */
      return 1;

   * Look for the '-lesspointer' argument
  if (IS_OPTION ("-lesspointer"))
      screenInfoPtr->fLessPointer = TRUE;

      /* Indicate that we have processed this argument */
      return 1;

   * Look for the '-nodecoration' argument
  if (IS_OPTION ("-nodecoration"))
      if (!screenInfoPtr->fMultiMonitorOverride)
        screenInfoPtr->fMultipleMonitors = FALSE;
      screenInfoPtr->fDecoration = FALSE;

      /* Indicate that we have processed this argument */
      return 1;

   * Look for the '-mwextwm' argument
  if (IS_OPTION ("-mwextwm"))
      if (!screenInfoPtr->fMultiMonitorOverride)
        screenInfoPtr->fMultipleMonitors = TRUE;
      screenInfoPtr->fMWExtWM = TRUE;

      /* Indicate that we have processed this argument */
      return 1;
   * Look for the '-internalwm' argument
  if (IS_OPTION ("-internalwm"))
      if (!screenInfoPtr->fMultiMonitorOverride)
        screenInfoPtr->fMultipleMonitors = TRUE;
      screenInfoPtr->fMWExtWM = TRUE;
      screenInfoPtr->fInternalWM = TRUE;

      /* Indicate that we have processed this argument */
      return 1;

   * Look for the '-rootless' argument
  if (IS_OPTION ("-rootless"))
      if (!screenInfoPtr->fMultiMonitorOverride)
        screenInfoPtr->fMultipleMonitors = FALSE;
      screenInfoPtr->fRootless = TRUE;

      /* Indicate that we have processed this argument */
      return 1;

   * Look for the '-multiwindow' argument
  if (IS_OPTION ("-multiwindow"))
      if (!screenInfoPtr->fMultiMonitorOverride)
        screenInfoPtr->fMultipleMonitors = TRUE;
      screenInfoPtr->fMultiWindow = TRUE;

      /* Indicate that we have processed this argument */
      return 1;

   * Look for the '-multiplemonitors' argument
  if (IS_OPTION ("-multiplemonitors")
      || IS_OPTION ("-multimonitors"))
      screenInfoPtr->fMultiMonitorOverride = TRUE;
      screenInfoPtr->fMultipleMonitors = TRUE;

      /* Indicate that we have processed this argument */
      return 1;

   * Look for the '-nomultiplemonitors' argument
  if (IS_OPTION ("-nomultiplemonitors")
      || IS_OPTION ("-nomultimonitors"))
      screenInfoPtr->fMultiMonitorOverride = TRUE;
      screenInfoPtr->fMultipleMonitors = FALSE;

      /* Indicate that we have processed this argument */
      return 1;

   * Look for the '-scrollbars' argument
  if (IS_OPTION ("-scrollbars"))
      screenInfoPtr->fScrollbars = TRUE;

      /* Indicate that we have processed this argument */
      return 1;

   * Look for the '-clipboard' argument
  if (IS_OPTION ("-clipboard"))
      /* Now the default, we still accept the arg for backwards compatibility */
      g_fClipboard = TRUE;

      /* Indicate that we have processed this argument */
      return 1;

   * Look for the '-noclipboard' argument
  if (IS_OPTION ("-noclipboard"))
      g_fClipboard = FALSE;

      /* Indicate that we have processed this argument */
      return 1;

   * Look for the '-ignoreinput' argument
  if (IS_OPTION ("-ignoreinput"))
      screenInfoPtr->fIgnoreInput = TRUE;

      /* Indicate that we have processed this argument */
      return 1;

   * Look for the '-emulate3buttons' argument
  if (IS_OPTION ("-emulate3buttons"))
      int	iArgsProcessed = 1;
      int	iE3BTimeout = WIN_DEFAULT_E3B_TIME;

      /* Grab the optional timeout value */
      if (i + 1 < argc
	  && 1 == sscanf (argv[i + 1], "%d",
	  /* Indicate that we have processed the next argument */
	   * sscanf () won't modify iE3BTimeout if it doesn't find
	   * the specified format; however, I want to be explicit
	   * about setting the default timeout in such cases to
	   * prevent some programs (me) from getting confused.
	  iE3BTimeout = WIN_DEFAULT_E3B_TIME;

      screenInfoPtr->iE3BTimeout = iE3BTimeout;

      /* Indicate that we have processed this argument */
      return iArgsProcessed;

   * Look for the '-depth n' argument
  if (IS_OPTION ("-depth"))
      DWORD		dwBPP = 0;
      /* Display the usage message if the argument is malformed */
      if (++i >= argc)
	  UseMsg ();
	  return 0;

      /* Grab the argument */
      dwBPP = atoi (argv[i]);

      screenInfoPtr->dwBPP = dwBPP;

      /* Indicate that we have processed the argument */
      return 2;

   * Look for the '-refresh n' argument
  if (IS_OPTION ("-refresh"))
      DWORD		dwRefreshRate = 0;
      /* Display the usage message if the argument is malformed */
      if (++i >= argc)
	  UseMsg ();
	  return 0;

      /* Grab the argument */
      dwRefreshRate = atoi (argv[i]);

      screenInfoPtr->dwRefreshRate = dwRefreshRate;

      /* Indicate that we have processed the argument */
      return 2;

   * Look for the '-clipupdates num_boxes' argument
  if (IS_OPTION ("-clipupdates"))
      DWORD		dwNumBoxes = 0;
      /* Display the usage message if the argument is malformed */
      if (++i >= argc)
	  UseMsg ();
	  return 0;

      /* Grab the argument */
      dwNumBoxes = atoi (argv[i]);

      screenInfoPtr->dwClipUpdatesNBoxes = dwNumBoxes;

      /* Indicate that we have processed the argument */
      return 2;

   * Look for the '-emulatepseudo' argument
  if (IS_OPTION ("-emulatepseudo"))
      screenInfoPtr->fEmulatePseudo = TRUE;

      /* Indicate that we have processed this argument */
      return 1;

   * Look for the '-nowinkill' argument
  if (IS_OPTION ("-nowinkill"))
      screenInfoPtr->fUseWinKillKey = FALSE;

      /* Indicate that we have processed this argument */
      return 1;

   * Look for the '-winkill' argument
  if (IS_OPTION ("-winkill"))
      screenInfoPtr->fUseWinKillKey = TRUE;

      /* Indicate that we have processed this argument */
      return 1;

   * Look for the '-nounixkill' argument
  if (IS_OPTION ("-nounixkill"))
      screenInfoPtr->fUseUnixKillKey = FALSE;

      /* Indicate that we have processed this argument */
      return 1;

   * Look for the '-unixkill' argument
  if (IS_OPTION ("-unixkill"))
      screenInfoPtr->fUseUnixKillKey = TRUE;

      /* Indicate that we have processed this argument */
      return 1;

   * Look for the '-notrayicon' argument
  if (IS_OPTION ("-notrayicon"))
      screenInfoPtr->fNoTrayIcon = TRUE;

      /* Indicate that we have processed this argument */
      return 1;

   * Look for the '-trayicon' argument
  if (IS_OPTION ("-trayicon"))
      screenInfoPtr->fNoTrayIcon = FALSE;

      /* Indicate that we have processed this argument */
      return 1;

   * Look for the '-fp' argument
  if (IS_OPTION ("-fp"))
      CHECK_ARGS (1);
      g_cmdline.fontPath = argv[++i];
      return 0; /* Let DIX parse this again */

   * Look for the '-query' argument
  if (IS_OPTION ("-query"))
      CHECK_ARGS (1);
      g_fXdmcpEnabled = TRUE;
      g_pszQueryHost = argv[++i];
      return 0; /* Let DIX parse this again */

   * Look for the '-auth' argument
  if (IS_OPTION ("-auth"))
      g_fAuthEnabled = TRUE;
      return 0; /* Let DIX parse this again */

   * Look for the '-indirect' or '-broadcast' arguments
  if (IS_OPTION ("-indirect")
      || IS_OPTION ("-broadcast"))
      g_fXdmcpEnabled = TRUE;
      return 0; /* Let DIX parse this again */

   * Look for the '-config' argument
  if (IS_OPTION ("-config")
      || IS_OPTION ("-xf86config"))
      CHECK_ARGS (1);
      g_cmdline.configFile = argv[++i];
      winMessageBoxF ("The %s option is not supported in this "
		      "Ignoring this option and continuing.\n",
      return 2;

   * Look for the '-configdir' argument
  if (IS_OPTION ("-configdir"))
      CHECK_ARGS (1);
      g_cmdline.configDir = argv[++i];
      winMessageBoxF ("The %s option is not supported in this "
		      "Ignoring this option and continuing.\n",
      return 2;

   * Look for the '-keyboard' argument
  if (IS_OPTION ("-keyboard"))
      CHECK_ARGS (1);
      g_cmdline.keyboard = argv[++i];
      winMessageBoxF ("The -keyboard option is not supported in this "
		      "Ignoring this option and continuing.\n",
      return 2;

   * Look for the '-logfile' argument
  if (IS_OPTION ("-logfile"))
      CHECK_ARGS (1);
      g_pszLogFile = argv[++i];
      g_fLogFileChanged = TRUE;
      return 2;

   * Look for the '-logverbose' argument
  if (IS_OPTION ("-logverbose"))
      CHECK_ARGS (1);
      g_iLogVerbose = atoi(argv[++i]);
      return 2;

   * Look for the '-nounicodeclipboard' argument
  if (IS_OPTION ("-nounicodeclipboard"))
      g_fUnicodeClipboard = FALSE;
      /* Indicate that we have processed the argument */
      return 1;

  if (IS_OPTION ("-xkbrules"))
      CHECK_ARGS (1);
      g_cmdline.xkbRules = argv[++i];
      return 2;
  if (IS_OPTION ("-xkbmodel"))
      CHECK_ARGS (1);
      g_cmdline.xkbModel = argv[++i];
      return 2;
  if (IS_OPTION ("-xkblayout"))
      CHECK_ARGS (1);
      g_cmdline.xkbLayout = argv[++i];
      return 2;
  if (IS_OPTION ("-xkbvariant"))
      CHECK_ARGS (1);
      g_cmdline.xkbVariant = argv[++i];
      return 2;
  if (IS_OPTION ("-xkboptions"))
      CHECK_ARGS (1);
      g_cmdline.xkbOptions = argv[++i];
      return 2;

  if (IS_OPTION ("-keyhook"))
      g_fKeyboardHookLL = TRUE;
      return 1;
  if (IS_OPTION ("-nokeyhook"))
      g_fKeyboardHookLL = FALSE;
      return 1;
  if (IS_OPTION ("-swcursor"))
      g_fSoftwareCursor = TRUE;
      return 1;
  if (IS_OPTION ("-silent-dup-error"))
      g_fSilentDupError = TRUE;
      return 1;

  if (IS_OPTION("-wgl"))
      g_fNativeGl = TRUE;
      return 1;

  if (IS_OPTION("-nowgl"))
      g_fNativeGl = FALSE;
      return 1;

  return 0;
Exemple #3
    /* Re-initialize global variables on server reset */


    if (!OsVendorVErrorFProc)
        OsVendorVErrorFProc = OsVendorVErrorF;

    if (!g_fLogInited) {
        /* keep this order. If LogInit fails it calls Abort which then calls
         * ddxGiveUp where LogInit is called again and creates an infinite 
         * recursion. If we set g_fLogInited to TRUE before the init we 
         * avoid the second call 
        g_fLogInited = TRUE;
        g_pszLogFile = LogInit(g_pszLogFile, NULL);
    LogSetParameter(XLOG_FLUSH, 1);
    LogSetParameter(XLOG_VERBOSITY, g_iLogVerbose);
    LogSetParameter(XLOG_FILE_VERBOSITY, g_iLogVerbose);

    /* Log the version information */
    if (serverGeneration == 1)


    /* Add a default screen if no screens were specified */
    if (g_iNumScreens == 0) {
        winDebug("OsVendorInit - Creating default screen 0\n");

         * We need to initialize the default screen 0 if no -screen
         * arguments were processed.
         * Add a screen 0 using the defaults set by winInitializeDefaultScreens()
         * and any additional default screen parameters given

        /* We have to flag this as an explicit screen, even though it isn't */
        g_ScreenInfo[0].fExplicitScreen = TRUE;

    /* Work out what the default emulate3buttons setting should be, and apply
       it if nothing was explicitly specified */
        int mouseButtons = GetSystemMetrics(SM_CMOUSEBUTTONS);
        int j;

        for (j = 0; j < g_iNumScreens; j++) {
            if (g_ScreenInfo[j].iE3BTimeout == WIN_E3B_DEFAULT) {
                if (mouseButtons < 3) {
                    static Bool reportOnce = TRUE;

                    g_ScreenInfo[j].iE3BTimeout = WIN_DEFAULT_E3B_TIME;
                    if (reportOnce) {
                        reportOnce = FALSE;
                               "Windows reports only %d mouse buttons, defaulting to -emulate3buttons\n",
                else {
                    g_ScreenInfo[j].iE3BTimeout = WIN_E3B_OFF;