Exemple #1
static inline void write_string(int fd, const char *string)
    write_fully(fd, string, strlen(string));
// Given a socket that is connected to a peer we read the request and
// create an AttachOperation. As the socket is blocking there is potential
// for a denial-of-service if the peer does not response. However this happens
// after the peer credentials have been checked and in the worst case it just
// means that the attach listener thread is blocked.
BsdAttachOperation* BsdAttachListener::read_request(int s) {
  char ver_str[8];
  sprintf(ver_str, "%d", ATTACH_PROTOCOL_VER);

  // The request is a sequence of strings so we first figure out the
  // expected count and the maximum possible length of the request.
  // The request is:
  //   <ver>0<cmd>0<arg>0<arg>0<arg>0
  // where <ver> is the protocol version (1), <cmd> is the command
  // name ("load", "datadump", ...), and <arg> is an argument
  int expected_str_count = 2 + AttachOperation::arg_count_max;
  const int max_len = (sizeof(ver_str) + 1) + (AttachOperation::name_length_max + 1) +
    AttachOperation::arg_count_max*(AttachOperation::arg_length_max + 1);

  char buf[max_len];
  int str_count = 0;

  // Read until all (expected) strings have been read, the buffer is
  // full, or EOF.

  int off = 0;
  int left = max_len;

  do {
    int n;
    RESTARTABLE(read(s, buf+off, left), n);
    if (n == -1) {
      return NULL;      // reset by peer or other error
    if (n == 0) {
    for (int i=0; i<n; i++) {
      if (buf[off+i] == 0) {
        // EOS found

        // The first string is <ver> so check it now to
        // check for protocol mis-match
        if (str_count == 1) {
          if ((strlen(buf) != strlen(ver_str)) ||
              (atoi(buf) != ATTACH_PROTOCOL_VER)) {
            char msg[32];
            sprintf(msg, "%d\n", ATTACH_ERROR_BADVERSION);
            write_fully(s, msg, strlen(msg));
            return NULL;
    off += n;
    left -= n;
  } while (left > 0 && str_count < expected_str_count);

  if (str_count != expected_str_count) {
    return NULL;        // incomplete request

  // parse request

  ArgumentIterator args(buf, (max_len)-left);

  // version already checked
  char* v = args.next();

  char* name = args.next();
  if (name == NULL || strlen(name) > AttachOperation::name_length_max) {
    return NULL;

  BsdAttachOperation* op = new BsdAttachOperation(name);

  for (int i=0; i<AttachOperation::arg_count_max; i++) {
    char* arg = args.next();
    if (arg == NULL) {
      op->set_arg(i, NULL);
    } else {
      if (strlen(arg) > AttachOperation::arg_length_max) {
        delete op;
        return NULL;
      op->set_arg(i, arg);

  return op;
Exemple #3
static void write_colored(int fd, const char *buffer, size_t length)
    if (length < 16) {
        write_fully(fd, buffer, length);

    size_t space_offsets[3];
    int o = find_space_offsets(buffer, length, space_offsets);
    if (o == 3) {
        // Log date and device name
        write_const(fd, COLOR_DARK_WHITE);
        write_fully(fd, buffer, space_offsets[0]);
        // Log process name
        int pos = 0;
        for (int i = space_offsets[0]; i < space_offsets[0]; i++) {
            if (buffer[i] == '[') {
                pos = i;
        write_const(fd, COLOR_CYAN);
        if (pos && buffer[space_offsets[1]-1] == ']') {
            write_fully(fd, buffer + space_offsets[0], pos - space_offsets[0]);
            write_const(fd, COLOR_DARK_CYAN);
            write_fully(fd, buffer + pos, space_offsets[1] - pos);
        } else {
            write_fully(fd, buffer + space_offsets[0], space_offsets[1] - space_offsets[0]);
        // Log level
        size_t levelLength = space_offsets[2] - space_offsets[1];
        if (levelLength > 4) {
            const char *normalColor;
            const char *darkColor;
            if (levelLength == 9 && memcmp(buffer + space_offsets[1], " <Debug>:", 9) == 0){
                normalColor = COLOR_MAGENTA;
                darkColor = COLOR_DARK_MAGENTA;
            } else if (levelLength == 11 && memcmp(buffer + space_offsets[1], " <Warning>:", 11) == 0){
                normalColor = COLOR_YELLOW;
                darkColor = COLOR_DARK_YELLOW;
            } else if (levelLength == 9 && memcmp(buffer + space_offsets[1], " <Error>:", 9) == 0){
                normalColor = COLOR_RED;
                darkColor = COLOR_DARK_RED;
            } else if (levelLength == 10 && memcmp(buffer + space_offsets[1], " <Notice>:", 10) == 0) {
                normalColor = COLOR_GREEN;
                darkColor = COLOR_DARK_GREEN;
            } else {
                goto level_unformatted;
            write_string(fd, darkColor);
            write_fully(fd, buffer + space_offsets[1], 2);
            write_string(fd, normalColor);
            write_fully(fd, buffer + space_offsets[1] + 2, levelLength - 4);
            write_string(fd, darkColor);
            write_fully(fd, buffer + space_offsets[1] + levelLength - 2, 1);
            write_const(fd, COLOR_DARK_WHITE);
            write_fully(fd, buffer + space_offsets[1] + levelLength - 1, 1);
        } else {
            write_const(fd, COLOR_RESET);
            write_fully(fd, buffer + space_offsets[1], levelLength);
        write_const(fd, COLOR_RESET);
        write_fully(fd, buffer + space_offsets[2], length - space_offsets[2]);
    } else {
        write_fully(fd, buffer, length);