int check_lvl_up(t_desc *serv, t_play *player) { int id; t_map *tmp; tmp = serv->map; id = 0; while (tmp && id == 0) { if ((tmp->x == player->x) && (tmp->y == player->y)) id = 1; else tmp = tmp->next; } id = player->lvl - 1; if (tmp && (cmp_ressources(levels[id], tmp->res) == 0) && get_players_on_map(serv->players, player->x, player->y) == levels[id][6]) { add_sto_buffer(serv, "elevation en cours\n"); write_to_client(serv, player->cs); return (0); } else { add_sto_buffer(serv, "ko\n"); write_to_client(serv, player->cs); return (-1); } }
void ft_msg(char *buff, t_client *client, t_server *server) { int i; char **tmp; char *message; tmp = ft_strsplit(buff, ' '); i = 0; if (tmp[3]) { write_to_client(client->sock, "Usage : /msg <name> <message>"); return ; } while (i < MAX_CLIENTS) { if (server->clients[i].name != NULL && ft_strcmp(tmp[1], server->clients[i].name) == 0) { message = ft_strdup(tmp[2]); message = ft_strjoin(client->name, " : "); message = ft_strjoin(message, tmp[2]); write_to_client(server->clients[i].sock, message); free(message); } i++; } }
int handle_client(t_selfd *fd, t_server *serv) { char *cmd; int r; ssize_t swr; if (ISREADABLE(fd)) { if (((r = read_from_client(fd)) < 0 && errno != EINTR) || (r == 0)) { log_connection(((t_client *)fd->data)->sock, "Client disconnected from:"); return (destroy_connection(serv, fd)); } } if (ISWRITEABLE(fd) && (r = write_to_client(fd)) < 0 && errno != EINTR) return (destroy_connection(serv, fd)); while ((cmd = get_command(fd))) handle_add_cmd(serv, fd, cmd); swr = ring_buffer_left_read(fd->wbuff); if (!swr && fd->to_close) return (destroy_connection(serv, fd)); if (swr) CHECKWRITE(fd); CHECKREAD(fd); push_instruction(serv, fd); return (0); }
int new_clients(t_server *server, int *actual_client, char *buff) { int cs; unsigned int cslen; struct sockaddr_in csin; cs = accept(server->sock, (struct sockaddr *)&csin, &cslen); if (cs == -1) { ft_putstr("Error: accept, new_clients\n"); exit(-1); } if (read_to_client(cs, buff) == -1) return (-1); while (check_name(server, buff) == -1) { write_to_client(cs, "Name is already used !"); if (read_to_client(cs, buff) == -1) return (-1); } FD_SET(cs, &(server->groupfd)); server->max = cs > server->max ? cs : server->max; define_client(server, actual_client, buff, cs); (*actual_client)++; return (cs); }
void lvl_up(t_desc *serv, t_play *player, t_env *e, char **cmd) { int id; t_map *tmp; tmp = serv->map; id = 0; if (e->team && cmd[0]) while (tmp && id == 0) { if ((tmp->x == player->x) && (tmp->y == player->y)) id = 1; else tmp = tmp->next; } id = player->lvl - 1; if (tmp && (cmp_ressources(levels[id], tmp->res) == 0) && get_players_on_map(serv->players, player->x, player->y) == levels[id][6]) { player->lvl++; add_sto_buffer(serv, "niveau actuel : "); add_nto_buffer(serv, player->lvl); add_cto_buffer(serv, '\n'); } else add_sto_buffer(serv, "ko\n"); write_to_client(serv, player->cs); }
apr_status_t serf__process_client(serf_incoming_t *client, apr_int16_t events) { apr_status_t rv; if ((events & APR_POLLIN) != 0) { rv = read_from_client(client); if (rv) { return rv; } } if ((events & APR_POLLHUP) != 0) { return APR_ECONNRESET; } if ((events & APR_POLLERR) != 0) { return APR_EGENERAL; } if ((events & APR_POLLOUT) != 0) { rv = write_to_client(client); if (rv) { return rv; } } return APR_SUCCESS; }
void add_channel(char *name, t_client *client) { int i; i = 0; while (client->channel[i]) i++; if (client->n_channel + 1 == MAX_CHANNEL) { write_to_client(client->sock, "/join => limit of channel !"); return ; } client->channel[i] = ft_strdup(name); client->n_channel++; write_to_client(client->sock, "channel join !"); }
void session::on_http2_connect_server(const boost::system::error_code& error, tcp::resolver::iterator endpoint_iterator) { if (error) { BOOST_LOG_TRIVIAL(debug) << "[" << session_id << "] " << error.message(); BOOST_LOG_TRIVIAL(error) << "[" << session_id << "] open " << endpoint_iterator->host_name() << " fail"; stop(); return; } BOOST_LOG_TRIVIAL(debug) << "[" << session_id << "] open " << endpoint_iterator->host_name(); std::string ack = "HTTP/1.1 200 Connection Established\r\n\r\n"; write_to_client(ack.c_str(), ack.size(), true); boost::asio::streambuf::mutable_buffers_type buf = read_client_buf.prepare(SOCKET_RECV_BUF_LEN); client_socket.async_read_some(buf, strand_.wrap( boost::bind(&session::on_read_client_data, shared_from_this(), boost::asio::placeholders::error, boost::asio::placeholders::bytes_transferred ) ) ); server_socket.async_read_some(boost::asio::buffer(server_buf, SOCKET_RECV_BUF_LEN), strand_.wrap(boost::bind(&session::on_read_server_data, shared_from_this(), boost::asio::placeholders::error, boost::asio::placeholders::bytes_transferred) ) ); }
void print_header(int sock, int number_of_threads, long file_size){ char n_threads_string[255], file_size_string[255]; sprintf(n_threads_string, "%d\n", number_of_threads); sprintf(file_size_string, "%lu\n", file_size); int size = strlen(n_threads_string) + strlen(file_size_string); char *header = malloc(size*sizeof(char)); strcat(header, n_threads_string); strcat(header, file_size_string); write_to_client(sock, header, size); fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", header); free(header); }
void ft_nick(char *buff, t_client *client, t_server *server) { char **tmp; tmp = ft_strsplit(buff, ' '); if (check_name(server, tmp[1]) == -1) { write_to_client(client->sock, "/nick => name is already used !\n"); return ; } free(client->name); client->name = ft_strdup(tmp[1]); }
void send_to_all(t_server *server, t_client client, int *actual_client, char *buff) { int i; i = 0; while (i < *actual_client) { if (client.sock != server->clients[i].sock) write_to_client(server->clients[i].sock, buff); i++; } }
void ft_who(char *buff, t_client *client, t_server *server) { int i; (void)buff; i = 0; while (i < MAX_CLIENTS) { if (server->clients[i].name != NULL && server->clients[i].n_channel == client->n_channel && ft_strcmp(client->name, server->clients[i].name) != 0) { write_to_client(client->sock, server->clients[i].name); } i++; } }
void ft_leave(char *buff, t_client *client, t_server *server) { int i; (void)server; i = 0; if (ft_strlen(buff) > 6) { delete_channel(buff, client); } else { while (i < MAX_CHANNEL) client->channel[i++] = NULL; client->n_channel = 0; write_to_client(client->sock, "leave with success !"); } }
void define_client(t_server *server, int *actual_client, char *buff, int cs) { int i; char *welcome; i = 0; server->clients[(*actual_client)].sock = cs; server->clients[(*actual_client)].name = ft_strdup(buff); server->clients[(*actual_client)].n_channel = 0; while (i < MAX_CHANNEL) { server->clients[(*actual_client)].channel[i] = NULL; i++; } welcome = ft_strjoin("Welcome #", server->clients[(*actual_client)].name); write_to_client(server->clients[(*actual_client)].sock, welcome); ft_putstr("Welcome #"); ft_putendl(server->clients[(*actual_client)].name); }
void send_to_by_channel(t_server *server, t_client client, int *actual_client, char *buff) { int i; char *message; i = 0; message = ft_strdup(buff); message = ft_strjoin(, " : "); message = ft_strjoin(message, buff); while (i < *actual_client) { if (client.sock != server->clients[i].sock && client.n_channel == server->clients[i].n_channel) { write_to_client(server->clients[i].sock, message); } i++; } }
void check_fdset(fd_set *rfds, fd_set *wfds, t_mgs_context *context) { t_mgs_client *tmp; if (FD_ISSET(context->fd, rfds)) accept_mgs_new_client(context); tmp = context->clients; while (tmp) { if (tmp->fd >= 0) { if (FD_ISSET(tmp->fd, rfds)) if (read_from_client(tmp)) return ; if (tmp->buffout != NULL && FD_ISSET(tmp->fd, wfds)) write_to_client(tmp); } tmp = tmp->next; } return ; }
void connect_nbr(t_desc *serv, t_play *player, t_env *e, char **cmd) { t_team *tmp; int flag; flag = 0; tmp = e->team; if (cmd[0] && serv->map) { while (tmp && (flag == 0)) { if (my_strcmp(player->team, tmp->name) == 0) { add_nto_buffer(serv, tmp->place); add_cto_buffer(serv, '\n'); flag = 1; } tmp = tmp->next; } write_to_client(serv, player->cs); } }
void delete_channel(char *buff, t_client *client) { int i; char **tmp; tmp = ft_strsplit(buff, ' '); i = 0; while (i < MAX_CHANNEL) { if (client->channel[i] && tmp[1]) { if (ft_strcmp(client->channel[i], tmp[1]) == 0) { client->channel[i] = NULL; client->n_channel--; write_to_client(client->sock, "leave with success !"); return ; } } i++; } }
void free_node(char *nodename) { int sock; char *buf; struct sockaddr_in name; struct hostent *hostinfo; /* create socket */ sock = socket(PF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0); if (sock < 0) bailout(); name.sin_family = AF_INET; name.sin_port = htons(iportnum); hostinfo = gethostbyname(jsd_host); if (hostinfo == NULL) { (void)fprintf(stderr, "Unknown host %s.\n", jsd_host); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } name.sin_addr = *(struct in_addr *)hostinfo->h_addr; if (connect(sock, (struct sockaddr *)&name, sizeof(name)) < 0) bailout(); if (debug) printf("Freeing node %s\n", nodename); read_from_client(sock, &buf); /* we just ignore the contents, so free it */ free(buf); if (write_to_client(sock, nodename) != 0) bailout(); if (debug) printf("freed node %s\n", nodename); (void)close(sock); }
void ft_join(char *buff, t_client *client, t_server *server) { int i; char **tmp; (void)server; tmp = ft_strsplit(buff, ' '); i = 0; while (i < MAX_CHANNEL) { if (client->channel[i] && tmp[1]) { if (ft_strcmp(client->channel[i], tmp[1]) == 0) { write_to_client(client->sock, "/join => channel already joined !"); return ; } } i++; } add_channel(tmp[1], client); }
/* send error msg to client in case the input msg could not be parsed */ int notify_parse_error(command_t *cmd, char *input) { /* lookup client */ client_data_t *client = registration_lookup(cmd->key); if(client == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "Error -- no client found\n"); return -1; } if(cmd->answer_exp) { char buffer[BABBLE_BUFFER_SIZE]; snprintf(buffer, BABBLE_BUFFER_SIZE,"%s[%ld]: ERROR -> %s\n", client->client_name, time(NULL)-server_start, input); if(write_to_client(cmd->key, strlen(buffer)+1, buffer)) { fprintf(stderr,"Error -- could not send error msg: %s\n", buffer); return -1; } } return 0; }
void parseMessage (struct team *teams, int nbTeams, int sendingTeam, const unsigned char *buf, int nbbytes) { debug (KNRM, "["); debug (COL(sendingTeam),"%" STR(MAXNAMESIZE) "s", teams[sendingTeam].name); debug (KNRM, "] "); if (nbbytes < 5) { debug (KRED, "*** header is too short (%d bytes) ***\n", nbbytes); return; } if (buf[2] != sendingTeam) { debug (KRED, "*** mediocre spoofing attempt detected ***\n"); return; } if (buf[3] >= nbTeams || !teams[buf[3]].active) { debug (KRED, "*** unkown or inactive receiver (%d) ***\n", buf[3]); return; } if (!teams[buf[3]].connected) { debug (KRED, "*** Team "); debug (COL(buf[3]), "%s", teams[buf[3]].name); debug (KRED, " is not connected. Message discarded ***\n"); return; } uint16_t id = *((uint16_t *) buf); switch (buf[4]) { case MSG_ACTION: // ACTION if (nbbytes < 10) { debug (KRED, "*** ACTION message is too short (%d bytes) ***\n", nbbytes); return; } if (teams[buf[3]].rank != teams[sendingTeam].rank+1) { debug (KRED, "*** Can't send ACTION message to team "); debug (COL(buf[3]), "%s", teams[buf[3]].name); debug (KRED, " ***\n"); return; } uint16_t angle = *((uint16_t *) &buf[5]); uint16_t speed = *((uint16_t *) &buf[8]); debug (KNRM, "id=%d dest=", id); debug (COL(buf[3]), "%s\n", teams[buf[3]].name); debug (KNRM, " ACTION angle=%d dist=%d speed=%d\n", angle, buf[7], speed); write_to_client (&teams[buf[3]], (char *) buf, 10); break; case MSG_ACK: // ACK if (nbbytes < 8) { debug (KRED, "*** ACK message is too short (%d bytes) ***\n", nbbytes); return; } if (teams[buf[3]].rank != teams[sendingTeam].rank+1 && teams[buf[3]].rank != teams[sendingTeam].rank-1) { debug (KRED, "*** Can't send ACK message to team "); debug (COL(buf[3]), "%s", teams[buf[3]].name); debug (KRED, " ***\n"); return; } uint16_t idAck = *((uint16_t *) &buf[5]); debug (KNRM, "id=%d dest=", id); debug (COL(buf[3]), "%s\n", teams[buf[3]].name); debug (KNRM, " ACK idAck=%d status=%d\n", idAck, buf[7]); write_to_client (&teams[buf[3]], (char *) buf, 8); break; case MSG_LEAD: // LEAD if (teams[buf[3]].rank != teams[sendingTeam].rank+1) { debug (KRED, "*** Can't send LEAD message to team "); debug (COL(buf[3]), "%s", teams[buf[3]].name); debug (KRED, " ***\n"); return; } debug (KNRM, "id=%d dest=", id); debug (COL(buf[3]), "%s\n", teams[buf[3]].name); debug (KNRM, " LEAD\n"); write_to_client (&teams[buf[3]], (char *) buf, 5); break; case MSG_START: // START debug (KRED, "*** Tried to START the game ***\n"); return; case MSG_STOP: // STOP debug (KRED, "*** Tried to STOP the game ***\n"); return; case MSG_WAIT: // WAIT if (nbbytes < 6) { debug (KRED, "*** WAIT message is too short (%d bytes) ***\n", nbbytes); return; } if (teams[buf[3]].rank != teams[sendingTeam].rank-1) { debug (KRED, "*** Can't send WAIT message to team "); debug (COL(buf[3]), "%s", teams[buf[3]].name); debug (KRED, " ***\n"); return; } debug (KNRM, "id=%d dest=", id); debug (COL(buf[3]), "%s\n", teams[buf[3]].name); debug (KNRM, " WAIT seconds=%d\n", buf[5]); write_to_client (&teams[buf[3]], (char *) buf, 6); break; case MSG_CUSTOM: // CUSTOM if (teams[buf[3]].rank != teams[sendingTeam].rank+1 && teams[buf[3]].rank != teams[sendingTeam].rank-1) { debug (KRED, "*** Can't send CUSTOM message to team "); debug (COL(buf[3]), "%s", teams[buf[3]].name); debug (KRED, " ***\n"); return; } debug (KNRM, "id=%d dest=", id); debug (COL(buf[3]), "%s\n", teams[buf[3]].name); debug (KNRM, " CUSTOM content="); int i; for (i=5; i<nbbytes; i++) { debug (KNRM, "%02X", (unsigned char) buf[i]); if ((i-5) % 4 == 3) debug (KNRM, " "); } debug (KNRM, "\n"); write_to_client (&teams[buf[3]], (char *) buf, nbbytes); break; default: debug (KRED, "*** unkown message type 0x%02X ***\n", (unsigned char) buf[4]); return; } }
void print_init_transmission(int sock){ char init[] = "init"; write_to_client(sock, init, strlen(init)); }
int main (int argc, char **argv) { struct sockaddr_rc loc_addr = { 0 }, rem_addr = { 0 }; int serverSock, fdmax, i; socklen_t opt = sizeof(rem_addr); fd_set read_fd_set; char buf[MAXMSG+1] = { 0 }; struct team teams [MAXTEAM]; memset(teams, 0, MAXTEAM * sizeof(struct team)); if (argc < 2 || argc > 3) { fprintf (stderr, "Usage: %s teamFile [ouputFile]\n", argv[0]); exit (EXIT_FAILURE); } if (argc == 3) { out = fopen (argv[2], "w"); if (out == NULL) { fprintf (stderr, "Could not open file %s.\n", argv[2]); exit (EXIT_FAILURE); } } srand(time(NULL)); printf ("\n\n"); printf (KRED " ) ( ( \n"); printf ( " ( /( )\\ ) )\\ ) \n"); printf ( " ( ( ( ( ) )\\())(()/( (()/( ( ( ) ( ( \n"); printf ( " )\\ ))\\ )( ))\\ ( ( ( ((_)\\ /(_)) /(_)) ))\\ )( /(( ))\\ )( \n"); printf ( " ((_) /((_|()\\ /((_))\\ )\\ )\\ ' ((_)(_)) (_)) /((_|()\\(_))\\ /((_|()\\ \n"); printf (RESET " | __" KRED "(_))( ((_|_)) ((_|(_)_((_)) " RESET "/ _ \\/ __| / __|" KRED "(_)) ((_))((_|_)) ((_) \n"); printf (RESET " | _|| || | '_/ -_) _/ _ \\ ' \\" KRED "() " RESET "| (_) \\__ \\ \\__ \\/ -_)| '_\\ V // -_)| '_| \n"); printf ( " |___|\\_,_|_| \\___\\__\\___/_|_|_| \\___/|___/ |___/\\___||_| \\_/ \\___||_| \n"); printf ("\n\n"); // create server socket printf ("Creating server socket... "); fflush (stdout); serverSock = socket(AF_BLUETOOTH, SOCK_STREAM, BTPROTO_RFCOMM); // bind socket to port 1 of the first available local bluetooth adapter loc_addr.rc_family = AF_BLUETOOTH; loc_addr.rc_bdaddr = *BDADDR_ANY; loc_addr.rc_channel = (uint8_t) 1; bind(serverSock, (struct sockaddr *) &loc_addr, sizeof (loc_addr)); // put socket into listening mode listen(serverSock, MAXTEAM); printf ("[" KGRN "OK" RESET "]\n"); // load teams from file int nbTeams = load_teams_file (argv[1], teams, MAXTEAM); debug (KNRM, " ... %d teams have been loaded...\n", nbTeams); // connect to server connect(teams[0].sock, (struct sockaddr *)&rem_addr, sizeof(rem_addr)); // catch SIGINT to stop game if (signal (SIGINT, intHandler) == SIG_ERR) { fprintf (stderr, "Couldn't catch SIGINT.\n"); exit (EXIT_FAILURE); } // start the contest while (running) { // print all teams printf (" +--------------------------------------------+\n"); printf (" |" KRED " TEAMS " RESET " |\n"); printf (" +--------------------------------------------+\n"); for (i=0; i<nbTeams; i++) if (teams[i].robotType != RBT_MISS) printf (" | %2d: %s%-" STR(MAXNAMESIZE) "s " RESET " (%3s) |\n", i, COL(i), teams[i].name, teams[i].robotType == RBT_EV3 ? "EV3" : "NXT"); printf (" +--------------------------------------------+\n"); // prompt for game composition printf ("Which teams are going to participate? (^D to end the contest)\n"); char invalidInput; int rankCmp; do { for (i=0; i<nbTeams; i++) { teams[i].active = 0; teams[i].rank = 0; if (teams[i].robotType == RBT_NXT) { teams[i].mailbox->messagesReady = 0; teams[i].mailbox->nextMessage = 0; } } invalidInput = 0; printf ("> "); fflush (stdout); char *p = fgets (buf, MAXTEAM * 3 + 2, stdin); if (p == NULL) running = 0; else { rankCmp = 0; // get participating teams for (i=-1; *p && *p != '\n'; p++) { if (*p == ' ') { if (i != -1) { if (i < nbTeams && teams[i].robotType != RBT_MISS && !teams[i].active) { teams[i].active = 1; teams[i].rank = rankCmp++; } else { invalidInput = 1; printf ("Invalid team number: %d\n", i); } i = -1; } } else { if (*p < '0' || *p > '9') { invalidInput = 1; printf ("Invalid input number: '%c'\n", *p); break; } if (i == -1) i = *p - '0'; else i = i*10 + *p - '0'; } } if (i != -1) { if (i < nbTeams && teams[i].robotType != RBT_MISS && !teams[i].active) { teams[i].active = 1; teams[i].rank = rankCmp++; } else { invalidInput = 1; printf ("Invalid team number: %d\n", i); } } if (rankCmp == 0) invalidInput = 1; } } while (invalidInput); if (running) { int rep = 0; while (rep != '0') { printf ("Rank is:\n"); int j; for (i=0; i<rankCmp; i++) for (j=0; j<nbTeams; j++) if (teams[j].active && teams[j].rank == i) { printf ("%d: %s%s" RESET "\n", i, COL(j), teams[j].name); break; } printf ("What do you want to do? (default: 0)\n"); printf (" 0: keep that\n"); printf (" 1: randomize all\n"); printf (" 2: randomize all but leader\n"); printf ("> "); fflush (stdout); char *p = fgets (buf, 2, stdin); if (p == NULL || buf[0] == '\n') break; if (p[0] < '0' || p[0] > '2') continue; rep = p[0]; if (rep == '1') { for (i=0; i<nbTeams; i++) if (teams[i].active) { char found; unsigned char rnd; do { rnd = (unsigned char) (rand () % rankCmp); found = 0; for (j=0; j<i; j++) if (teams[j].active && teams[j].rank == rnd) { found = 1; break; } } while (found); teams[i].rank = rnd; } } else if (rep == '2') { for (i=0; i<nbTeams; i++) if (teams[i].active && teams[i].rank != 0) { char found; unsigned char rnd; do { rnd = (unsigned char) (rand () % (rankCmp-1)) + 1; found = 0; for (j=0; j<i; j++) if (teams[j].active && teams[j].rank == rnd) { found = 1; break; } } while (found); teams[i].rank = rnd; } } } debug (KRED, "Starting game with teams "); int j; for (i=0; i<rankCmp; i++) for (j=0; j<nbTeams; j++) if (teams[j].active && teams[j].rank == i) { if (i != 0) debug (KRED, ", "); debug (COL(j), "%s", teams[j].name); break; } debug (KRED, ".\n"); } else break; time_t startTime = time (NULL) + CONNECT_DELAY; char state = GAM_CONNECTING; while (running) { fdmax = serverSock; FD_ZERO (&read_fd_set); FD_SET (serverSock, &read_fd_set); for (i=0; i<nbTeams; i++) if (teams[i].connected) { FD_SET (teams[i].sock, &read_fd_set); if (teams[i].sock > fdmax) fdmax = teams[i].sock; } int selectRet; time_t now = time (NULL); if (now >= startTime && state == GAM_CONNECTING) { printf (KRED "Game starts NOW !\n" RESET); buf[0] = 0x00; // ID of start message buf[1] = 0x00; // is 0000 buf[2] = 0xFF; // server ID is 0xFF buf[4] = MSG_START; // This is a START message buf[6] = (char) (0xFF & rankCmp); // length of the snake char first = 1; for (i=0; i<nbTeams; i++) { if (teams[i].active) { if (teams[i].connected) { buf[3] = (char) (0xFF & i); // receiver buf[5] = teams[i].rank; // rank buf[7] = 0xFF; buf[8] = 0xFF; int j; for (j=0; j<nbTeams; j++) if (teams[j].active) { if (teams[j].rank == teams[i].rank - 1) buf[7] = (char) (0xFF & j); // previous if (teams[j].rank == teams[i].rank + 1) buf[8] = (char) (0xFF & j); // next } write_to_client (&teams[i], buf, 9); } else { if (first) first = 0; else printf (KRED ", " RESET); printf ("%s%s" RESET, COL(i), teams[i].name); } } } if (!first) printf (KRED " failed to connect.\n" RESET); state = GAM_RUNNING; } if (now < startTime) { struct timeval tv; tv.tv_sec = startTime - now; tv.tv_usec = 0; selectRet = select (fdmax+1, &read_fd_set, NULL, NULL, &tv); } else selectRet = select (fdmax+1, &read_fd_set, NULL, NULL, NULL); if (selectRet < 0) { if (running) { fprintf (stderr, "Error when select.\n"); exit (EXIT_FAILURE); } } else { if (FD_ISSET (serverSock, &read_fd_set)) { // accept one connection int client = accept(serverSock, (struct sockaddr *)&rem_addr, &opt); for (i=0; i<nbTeams; i++) if (memcmp (&teams[i].address, &rem_addr.rc_bdaddr, sizeof (bdaddr_t)) == 0) { if (teams[i].active) { teams[i].sock = client; teams[i].connected = 1; debug (KRED, "Team "); debug (COL(i), "%s", teams[i].name); debug (KRED, " is now connected.\n"); if (state == GAM_RUNNING) { buf[0] = 0x00; // ID of start message buf[1] = 0x00; // is 0000 buf[2] = 0xFF; // server ID is 0xFF buf[3] = (char) (0xFF & i); // receiver buf[4] = MSG_START; // This is a START message buf[5] = teams[i].rank; // rank buf[6] = (char) (0xFF & rankCmp); // length of the snake buf[7] = 0xFF; buf[8] = 0xFF; int j; for (j=0; j<nbTeams; j++) if (teams[j].active) { if (teams[j].rank == teams[i].rank - 1) buf[7] = (char) (0xFF & j); // previous if (teams[j].rank == teams[i].rank + 1) buf[8] = (char) (0xFF & j); // next } write_to_client (&teams[i], buf, 9); } } else { debug (KRED, "Team "); debug (COL(i), "%s", teams[i].name); debug (KRED, " tried to connect while not taking part in this game!\n"); close (client); } break; } if (i == nbTeams) { ba2str(&rem_addr.rc_bdaddr, buf ); debug (KRED, "Unknown connection from address %s.\n", buf); close (client); } } for (i = 0; i <= nbTeams; ++i) if (teams[i].connected && FD_ISSET (teams[i].sock, &read_fd_set)) { memset(buf, 0, sizeof(buf)); int nbbytes; if ((nbbytes = read_from_client (&teams[i], buf, MAXMSG)) < 0) { close (teams[i].sock); teams[i].connected = 0; debug (KRED, "Team "); debug (COL(i), "%s", teams[i].name); debug (KRED, " has disconnected.\n"); } else if (nbbytes != 0 && state == GAM_RUNNING) parseMessage (teams, nbTeams, i, (unsigned char *) buf, nbbytes); } } } printf ("\n"); debug (KRED, "End of this game.\n\n"); running = 1; buf[0] = 0x01; // ID of stop message buf[1] = 0x00; // is 0001 buf[2] = 0xFF; // server ID is 0xFF buf[4] = MSG_STOP; // This is a STOP message for (i = 0; i < nbTeams; i++) { if (teams[i].connected) { buf[3] = (char) (0xFF & i); // receiver write_to_client (&teams[i], buf, 5); close (teams[i].sock); teams[i].connected = 0; } if (teams[i].active) teams[i].active = 0; } } printf ("\n"); debug (KRED, "End of the contest.\n"); for (i=0; i<nbTeams; i++) if (teams[i].robotType == RBT_NXT) free (teams[i].mailbox); if (out) fclose (out); close(serverSock); return 0; }
int main(int argc , char *argv[]) { Maintainer* maintainer = mymalloc(sizeof(Maintainer)); init_maintainer(maintainer); logger("<Server><main>maintainer initialized\n"); int opt = TRUE; if((maintainer->master_socket=socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0))==0) { logger("<Server><main>failed at master socket creation\n"); myfree(maintainer); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } fcntl(maintainer->master_socket, F_SETFL, O_NONBLOCK); if(setsockopt(maintainer->master_socket, SOL_SOCKET, SO_REUSEADDR, (char *)&opt, sizeof(opt)) < 0) { logger("<Server><main>failed at master socket reuse\n"); myfree(maintainer); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } if(bind(maintainer->master_socket, (struct sockaddr *)&(maintainer->address), sizeof(maintainer->address)) < 0) { logger("<Server><main>failed at master socket binding\n"); myfree(maintainer); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } if (listen(maintainer->master_socket, 10) < 0) { logger("<Server><main>failed at master socket listen"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } FD_SET(maintainer->master_socket, &(maintainer->fd_read_set)); FD_SET(maintainer->master_socket, &(maintainer->fd_exception_set)); maintainer->max_sd = maintainer->master_socket; while(TRUE) { maintainer->fd_read_set_select = maintainer->fd_read_set; maintainer->fd_write_set_select = maintainer->fd_write_set; maintainer->fd_exception_set_select = maintainer->fd_exception_set; if ((select(maintainer->max_sd+1, &(maintainer->fd_read_set_select), &(maintainer->fd_write_set_select), &(maintainer->fd_exception_set_select), NULL) < 0)) logger("<Server><main>error at select\n"); if (FD_ISSET(maintainer->master_socket, &(maintainer->fd_read_set_select))) handle_new_client(maintainer); if (FD_ISSET(maintainer->master_socket, &(maintainer->fd_exception_set_select))) handle_server_exception(maintainer); struct Nodes_ll* prev = maintainer->clients; struct Nodes_ll* iterator = maintainer->clients; while(iterator != NULL) { int current_socket = iterator->node->socket_fd; if(FD_ISSET(current_socket, &(maintainer->fd_exception_set_select))) close_client_connection(maintainer, current_socket, iterator->node, TRUE); else if(FD_ISSET(current_socket, &(maintainer->fd_read_set_select))) if(!read_from_client(maintainer, current_socket, iterator->node)) if(FD_ISSET(current_socket, &(maintainer->fd_write_set_select))) write_to_client(maintainer, current_socket, iterator->node); else if(FD_ISSET(current_socket, &(maintainer->fd_write_set_select))) write_to_client(maintainer, current_socket, iterator->node); if(iterator != maintainer->clients) { if(iterator->node->socket_fd == -1) { prev->next = iterator->next; myfree(iterator->node); struct Nodes_ll* tmp = iterator; iterator = iterator->next; myfree(tmp); } else { prev = prev->next; iterator = iterator->next; } } else if(iterator->node->socket_fd == -1) { /*marked for deletation*/ maintainer->clients = iterator->next; myfree(iterator->node); struct Nodes_ll* tmp = iterator; iterator = iterator->next; myfree(tmp); } else iterator = iterator->next; } } myfree(maintainer); return 0; }
void baby_server_read(int client_pid){ FILE* read_from; char reader[BUFFER], writer[BUFFER]; char* buffer = NULL; CREATE_CLIENT_READER_NAME(reader, client_pid); CREATE_CLIENT_WRITER_NAME(writer, client_pid); if((read_from = fopen(writer, "r+")) == NULL) fprintf(stderr,"%s\n", strerror(errno)); size_t len; ssize_t read; while((read=getline(&buffer, &len, read_from)) != -1){ if(strstr(buffer, "cd")){ if(strlen(buffer) >=4){ char cwd[BUFFER]; buffer[strlen(buffer)-1] = '\0'; fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", &buffer[3]); if(chdir(&buffer[3]) != 0) fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", strerror(errno)); sprintf(cwd, "Changed directory to %s\nexit\n", &buffer[3]); write_to_client(cwd, reader); } else{ char cwd[BUFFER]; chdir(getenv("HOME")); sprintf(cwd, "Changed directory to %s\nexit\n", getenv("HOME")); write_to_client(cwd, reader); } } if(strstr(buffer, "dir")){ char* little; FILE* dir = popen(CMD_LS_POPEN, "r"); size_t l_len = 0; ssize_t l_read; while((l_read=getline(&little, &l_len, dir)) != -1 && !feof(dir)){ write_to_client(little, reader); } write_to_client("exit\n", reader); fclose(dir); } if(strstr(buffer, "pwd")){ char cwd[BUFFER]; if(getcwd(cwd, sizeof(cwd)) != NULL){ write_to_client(cwd, reader); write_to_client("\n", reader); write_to_client("exit\n", reader); } } if(strstr(buffer, "help")){ write_to_client("Server-client:" "You are currently on a server spawned especially to help you!\n" "To restart the server, ctrl+c in the server's terminal\n" "To kill the client, ctrl+c in the client's terminal\n", reader); } if(strstr(buffer, "put")){ } if(strstr(buffer, "get")){ } if(strstr(buffer, "Terminate")){ fclose(read_from); exit(0); } } }