Exemple #1
/* Function to return xyz coords of a JPL ephemeris body in
 * standard coordinate system.
body3d(double t,	/* time is in years here */
       int body,
       double *x, double *y, double *z,
       double *vxyz)
  double xxx[3];
  double xec, yec, zec; 

  /* get observatory posn wrt barycenter */
  bodycenter_ssbary(t/DAY+jd0, xxx, body, vxyz);
  /*fprintf(stderr,"bodycenter for %d: %f %f %f\n",body,xxx[0],xxx[1],xxx[2]);*/
  /* convert to tangent-point coord system */
  /* via ecliptic */
  xyz_eq_to_ec(xxx[0], xxx[1], xxx[2], &xec, &yec, &zec,NULL);
  xyz_ec_to_proj(xec, yec, zec, x, y, z, lat0, lon0, NULL);

  /* Translate to our origin */
  *x += xBary;
  *y += yBary;
  *z += zBary;

  /* Rotate velocity if it has bee requested: */
  if (vxyz != NULL) {
    xyz_eq_to_ec(vxyz[0], vxyz[1], vxyz[2], &xec, &yec, &zec,NULL);
    xyz_ec_to_proj(xec, yec, zec, vxyz, vxyz+1, vxyz+2, lat0, lon0, NULL);
Exemple #2
/* Transform from an orbital element representation to a PBASIS
 * description.  Sets up projected coordinate system to the proper
 * situation for the desired epoch as well, so the global lat0, lon0,
 * etc. will be changed.
elements_to_pbasis(ORBIT *o,
		   double jd,
		   int obscode,
		   PBASIS *p) {
  double xec, yec, zec;

  elements_to_xv(o, jd, &xv);

  /* Set up a new coordinate system that centers on current-epoch
   * positions */
  earth_ssbary(jd, obscode, &xBary, &yBary, &zBary);
  /* Get target vector in ecliptic coords, set lat0/lon0 */
  xBary *= -1.;  yBary *= -1.;  zBary *= -1.;
  xyz_eq_to_ec(xBary, yBary, zBary, &xec, &yec, &zec,NULL);
  xv.x += xec; xv.y+=yec; xv.z+=zec;
  lon0 = atan2(xv.y, xv.x);
  lat0 = asin( xv.z / sqrt(xv.x*xv.x + xv.y*xv.y + xv.z*xv.z));
  jd0 = jd;
  /* Rotate target and bary into the projected system */
  xyz_ec_to_proj(xec, yec, zec, &xBary, &yBary, &zBary, lat0, lon0, NULL);
  xyz_ec_to_proj(xv.x, xv.y, xv.z, &xv.x, &xv.y, &xv.z, lat0, lon0, NULL);
  xyz_ec_to_proj(xv.xdot, xv.ydot, xv.zdot, 
		 &xv.xdot, &xv.ydot, &xv.zdot, lat0, lon0, NULL);
  p->g = 1./xv.z;
  p->a = xv.x * p->g;
  p->b = xv.y * p->g;
  p->adot = xv.xdot * p->g;  
  p->bdot = xv.ydot * p->g;  
  p->gdot = xv.zdot * p->g;

Exemple #3
/* Input file is stdin if fname==NULL */
read_radec(OBSERVATION obsarray[], char *fname, int *nobs)
  FILE *fptr;
  int  i;
  char	inbuff[256];
  double jd,ra,dec,elat,elon;

  if (fname==NULL)
    fptr = stdin;
  else if ( (fptr=fopen(fname,"r"))==NULL) {
    fprintf(stderr,"Error opening observations file %s\n",fname);

  while ( fgets_nocomment(inbuff,255,fptr,NULL)!=NULL) {
    if ( scan_observation(inbuff, &(obsarray[*nobs]))) {
      fprintf(stderr,"Quitting on format error\n");

    obs = &(obsarray[*nobs]);


    if (*nobs==1) {
      double xec, yec, zec;
      /* Use first observation to set the reference frame */
      jd0 = obs->obstime;
      lat0 = elat;
      lon0 = elon;
      /* Find location of SSBARY wrt observatory at zero time */
      earth_ssbary(jd0, obs->obscode, &xBary, &yBary, &zBary);

      /* Negate the vector to make it earth->SSBARY*/
      /* And rotate equatorial into the tangent-point coords */
      xBary *= -1.;  yBary *= -1.;  zBary *= -1.;
      xyz_eq_to_ec(xBary, yBary, zBary, &xec, &yec, &zec,NULL);
      xyz_ec_to_proj(xec, yec, zec, &xBary, &yBary, &zBary, lat0, lon0, NULL);

    /* Set time to years after jd0, rotate to tangent plane coords */
    obs->obstime = (obs->obstime-jd0)*DAY;
    /* Calculate the position of Earth at this time to avoid doing
     * it many times later: */
    earth3d(obs->obstime, obs->obscode,
  if (fname!=NULL) fclose(fptr);
Exemple #4
/* Function to return xyz coords of observatory in the current
 * standard coordinate system.
earth3d(double t,	/* time is in years here */
	int obscode,
	double *x, double *y, double *z)
  double x1,y1,z1,xTelEq,yTelEq,zTelEq;
  double xec, yec, zec; 

  /* get observatory posn wrt barycenter */
  earth_ssbary(t/DAY+jd0, obscode, &x1, &y1, &z1);
  /* convert to tangent-point coord system */
  /* via ecliptic */
  xyz_eq_to_ec(x1, y1, z1, &xec, &yec, &zec,NULL);
  xyz_ec_to_proj(xec, yec, zec, x, y, z, lat0, lon0, NULL);

  /* Translate to our origin */
  *x += xBary;
  *y += yBary;
  *z += zBary;

Exemple #5
/* Function to return xyz coords of observatory in the current
 * standard coordinate system based on 2line MPC supplied values
mpc3d(double t,       /* time is in years here */
        double *x, double *y, double *z)
  double xTelEq,yTelEq,zTelEq;
  double xec, yec, zec;
  double xgeo[3];

  geo_to_ssbary(t/DAY+jd0, x, y, z);

  /* convert to tangent-point coord system */
  /* via ecliptic */
  xyz_eq_to_ec(*x, *y, *z, &xec, &yec, &zec,NULL);
  xyz_ec_to_proj(xec, yec, zec, x, y, z, lat0, lon0, NULL);

  /* Translate to our origin */
  *x += xBary;
  *y += yBary;
  *z += zBary;

Exemple #6
/* Return the angle btwn zenith (anti-earth) direction and target*/
zenith_angle(OBSERVATION *obs)
  double xobs, yobs, zobs, r;
  double xec, yec, zec, cosb;

  /* Get the anti-Earth vector (in ICRS) for this observation */
  observatory_geocenter(obs->obstime/DAY+jd0, obs->obscode, 
			&xobs, &yobs, &zobs);
  r = sqrt(xobs*xobs+yobs*yobs+zobs*zobs);
  if (r<=0.) {
    fprintf(stderr,"Non-positive geocentric radius in zenith_angle()\n");
  xobs /=r; yobs/=r; zobs/=r;
  /* Rotate this ICRS vector into ecliptic, then projected coords */
  xyz_eq_to_ec(xobs, yobs, zobs, &xec, &yec, &zec,NULL);
  xyz_ec_to_proj(xec, yec, zec, &xobs, &yobs, &zobs, lat0, lon0, NULL);

  /* dot the observation direction into the (Earth->bary) vector*/
  cosb = obs->thetax*xobs + obs->thetay*yobs + zobs;
  cosb /= sqrt(1+obs->thetax*obs->thetax+obs->thetay*obs->thetay);
  return acos(cosb);
Exemple #7
/* Input file is stdin if fname==NULL */
read_radec(OBSERVATION obsarray[], char *fname, int *nobs)
  FILE *fptr;
  int  scan_status_flag;
  int  i;
  char	inbuff[256];
  double jd,ra,dec,elat,elon;

  if (fname==NULL)
    fptr = stdin;
  else if ( (fptr=fopen(fname,"r"))==NULL) {
    fprintf(stderr,"Error opening observations file %s\n",fname);

  while ( fgets_nocomment(inbuff,255,fptr,NULL)!=NULL) {

    // obs refers to the previous observation, after the first loop.
    scan_status_flag = scan_observation(inbuff, &(obsarray[*nobs]), obs);

    // scanned line was 2nd line of two line format so don't advance nobs as all we did was reset the observer x/y
    if (scan_status_flag == -1) {
      mpc3d(obs->obstime, &(obs->xe), &(obs->ye), &(obs->ze));

    // all other non-zero status values indicate an error.
    if ( scan_status_flag == 1) {
      fprintf(stderr,"Quitting on format error\n");

    obs = &(obsarray[*nobs]);


    if (*nobs==1) {
      double xec, yec, zec;
      /* Use first observation to set the reference frame */
      jd0 = obs->obstime;
      lat0 = elat;
      lon0 = elon;

      /* fprintf(stderr, "%f %f %f %d\n", elat, elon, obs->obstime, obs->obscode); */

      /* Find location of SSBARY wrt observatory at zero time */
      earth_ssbary(jd0, obs->obscode, &xBary, &yBary, &zBary);

      /* fprintf(stderr, "%f %f %f %d\n", elat, elon, obs->obstime, obs->obscode); */

      /* Negate the vector to make it earth->SSBARY*/
      /* And rotate equatorial into the tangent-point coords */
      xBary *= -1.;  yBary *= -1.;  zBary *= -1.;
      xyz_eq_to_ec(xBary, yBary, zBary, &xec, &yec, &zec,NULL);
      xyz_ec_to_proj(xec, yec, zec, &xBary, &yBary, &zBary, lat0, lon0, NULL);
    /* fprintf(stderr,"%f %f", lat0, lon0); */
    /* Set time to years after jd0, rotate to tangent plane coords */
    obs->obstime = (obs->obstime-jd0)*DAY;
    /* Calculate the position of Earth at this time to avoid doing
     * it many times later: */
    if (scan_status_flag == -2) {
      mpc3d(obs->obstime, &(obs->xe), &(obs->ye), &(obs->ze));
    } else {
      earth3d(obs->obstime, obs->obscode,
              &(obs->xe), &(obs->ye), &(obs->ze));
  if (fname!=NULL) fclose(fptr);