Exemple #1
zcert_test (bool verbose)
    printf (" * zcert: ");
    //  @selftest
    //  Create temporary directory for test files
#   define TESTDIR ".test_zcert"
    zsys_dir_create (TESTDIR);
    //  Create a simple certificate with metadata
    zcert_t *cert = zcert_new ();
#   if defined (HAVE_LIBSODIUM)
    zcert_set_meta (cert, "email", "*****@*****.**");
    zcert_set_meta (cert, "name", "Pieter Hintjens");
    zcert_set_meta (cert, "organization", "iMatix Corporation");
    zcert_set_meta (cert, "version", "%d", 1);
    assert (streq (zcert_meta (cert, "email"), "*****@*****.**"));
    zlist_t *keys = zcert_meta_keys (cert);
    assert (zlist_size (keys) == 4);
    zlist_destroy (&keys);

    //  Check the dup and eq methods
    zcert_t *shadow = zcert_dup (cert);
    assert (zcert_eq (cert, shadow));
    zcert_destroy (&shadow);

    //  Check we can save and load certificate
    zcert_save (cert, TESTDIR "/mycert.txt");
    assert (zsys_file_exists (TESTDIR "/mycert.txt"));
    assert (zsys_file_exists (TESTDIR "/mycert.txt_secret"));

    //  Load certificate, will in fact load secret one
    shadow = zcert_load (TESTDIR "/mycert.txt");
    assert (shadow);
    assert (zcert_eq (cert, shadow));
    zcert_destroy (&shadow);

    //  Delete secret certificate, load public one
    int rc = zsys_file_delete (TESTDIR "/mycert.txt_secret");
    assert (rc == 0);
    shadow = zcert_load (TESTDIR "/mycert.txt");
    //  32-byte null key encodes as 40 '0' characters
    assert (streq (zcert_secret_txt (shadow),
    zcert_destroy (&shadow);
    zcert_destroy (&cert);
#   else
    //  Libsodium isn't installed; should have returned NULL
    assert (cert == NULL);
#   endif
    //  Delete all test files
    zdir_t *dir = zdir_new (TESTDIR, NULL);
    zdir_remove (dir, true);
    zdir_destroy (&dir);
    //  @end
    printf ("OK\n");
Exemple #2
static void 
s_load_certs_from_disk (zcertstore_t *self)
    s_empty_store (self);
    zdir_t *dir = zdir_new (self->location, NULL);
    if (dir) {
        //  Load all certificates including those in subdirectories
        zfile_t **filelist = zdir_flatten (dir);
        uint index;
        for (index = 0;; index++) {
            zfile_t *file = filelist [index];
            if (!file)
                break;      //  End of list
            if (zfile_is_regular (file)) {
                zcert_t *cert = zcert_load (zfile_filename (file, NULL));
                if (cert)
                    zcertstore_insert (self, &cert);
        zdir_flatten_free (&filelist);
        self->modified = zdir_modified (dir);
        self->count = zdir_count (dir);
        self->cursize = zdir_cursize (dir);

        zdir_destroy (&dir);
Exemple #3
static void
s_check_directory (s_agent_t *self)
    //  Get latest snapshot and build a patches list for any changes
    //  All patches are built using a virtual path starting at "/"
    zdir_t *dir = zdir_new (self->path, NULL);
    zlist_t *patches = zdir_diff (self->dir, dir, "/");

    //  Drop old directory and replace with latest version
    zdir_destroy (&self->dir);
    self->dir = dir;

    while (zlist_size (patches)) {
        zdir_patch_t *patch = (zdir_patch_t *) zlist_pop (patches);
        if (zdir_patch_op (patch) == patch_create) {
            //  Shout new files to DROPS group
            //  Stupidest possible approach: send whole file as one frame
            //  Truncate file at arbitrary limit of 10MB
            zfile_t *file = zdir_patch_file (patch);
            if (zfile_input (file) == 0) {
                zchunk_t *chunk = zfile_read (file, 10 * 1024 * 1024, 0);
                assert (chunk);
                zmsg_t *msg = zmsg_new ();
                zmsg_addstr (msg, "CREATE");
                zmsg_addstr (msg, zdir_patch_vpath (patch));
                zmsg_add (msg, zframe_new (zchunk_data (chunk), zchunk_size (chunk)));
                zchunk_destroy (&chunk);
                zyre_shout (self->zyre, "DROPS", &msg);
        zdir_patch_destroy (&patch);
    zlist_destroy (&patches);
Exemple #4
zdir_remove (zdir_t *self, bool force)
    //  If forced, remove all subdirectories and files
    if (force) {
        zfile_t *file = (zfile_t *) zlist_pop (self->files);
        while (file) {
            zfile_remove (file);
            zfile_destroy (&file);
            file = (zfile_t *) zlist_pop (self->files);
        zdir_t *subdir = (zdir_t *) zlist_pop (self->subdirs);
        while (subdir) {
            zdir_remove (subdir, force);
            zdir_destroy (&subdir);
            subdir = (zdir_t *) zlist_pop (self->subdirs);
        self->cursize = 0;
        self->count = 0;
    //  Remove if empty
    if (zlist_size (self->files) == 0
    &&  zlist_size (self->subdirs) == 0)
        zsys_dir_delete (self->path);
Exemple #5
static bool
mount_refresh (mount_t *self, server_t *server)
    bool activity = false;

    //  Get latest snapshot and build a patches list for any changes
    zdir_t *latest = zdir_new (self->location, NULL);
    zlist_t *patches = zdir_diff (self->dir, latest, self->alias);

    //  Drop old directory and replace with latest version
    zdir_destroy (&self->dir);
    self->dir = latest;

    //  Copy new patches to clients' patches list
    sub_t *sub = (sub_t *) zlist_first (self->subs);
    while (sub) {
        zdir_patch_t *patch = (zdir_patch_t *) zlist_first (patches);
        while (patch) {
            sub_patch_add (sub, patch);
            patch = (zdir_patch_t *) zlist_next (patches);
            activity = true;
        sub = (sub_t *) zlist_next (self->subs);
    //  Destroy patches, they've all been copied
    while (zlist_size (patches)) {
        zdir_patch_t *patch = (zdir_patch_t *) zlist_pop (patches);
        zdir_patch_destroy (&patch);
    zlist_destroy (&patches);
    return activity;
Exemple #6
zcertstore_test (bool verbose)
    printf (" * zcertstore: ");
    if (verbose)
        printf ("\n");

    //  @selftest
    //  Create temporary directory for test files
#   define TESTDIR ".test_zcertstore"
    zsys_dir_create (TESTDIR);

    //  Load certificate store from disk; it will be empty
    zcertstore_t *certstore = zcertstore_new (TESTDIR);
    assert (certstore);

    //  Create a single new certificate and save to disk
    zcert_t *cert = zcert_new ();
    assert (cert);
    char *client_key = strdup (zcert_public_txt (cert));
    assert (client_key);
    zcert_set_meta (cert, "name", "John Doe");
    zcert_save (cert, TESTDIR "/mycert.txt");
    zcert_destroy (&cert);

    //  Check that certificate store refreshes as expected
    cert = zcertstore_lookup (certstore, client_key);
    assert (cert);
    assert (streq (zcert_meta (cert, "name"), "John Doe"));

    //  Test custom loader
    test_loader_state *state = (test_loader_state *) zmalloc (sizeof (test_loader_state));
    state->index = 0;
    zcertstore_set_loader (certstore, s_test_loader, s_test_destructor, (void *)state);
    cert = zcertstore_lookup (certstore, client_key);
    assert (cert == NULL);
    cert = zcertstore_lookup (certstore, "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmn");
    assert (cert);

    free (client_key);

    if (verbose)
        zcertstore_print (certstore);
    zcertstore_destroy (&certstore);

    //  Delete all test files
    zdir_t *dir = zdir_new (TESTDIR, NULL);
    assert (dir);
    zdir_remove (dir, true);
    zdir_destroy (&dir);

#if defined (__WINDOWS__)
    //  @end
    printf ("OK\n");
Exemple #7
static void
s_sub_free (void *data)
    zdir_watch_sub_t *sub = (zdir_watch_sub_t *) data;
    zdir_destroy (&sub->dir);

    freen (sub);
Exemple #8
static int
s_on_read_timer (zloop_t *loop, int timer_id, void *arg)
    zdir_watch_t *watch = (zdir_watch_t *) arg;

    void *data;
    for (data = zhash_first (watch->subs); data != NULL; data = zhash_next (watch->subs))
        zdir_watch_sub_t *sub = (zdir_watch_sub_t *) data;

        zdir_t *new_dir = zdir_new (zdir_path (sub->dir), NULL);
        if (!new_dir) {
            if (watch->verbose)
                zsys_error ("zdir_watch: Unable to create new zdir for path %s", zdir_path (sub->dir));

        // Determine if anything has changed.
        zlist_t *diff = zdir_diff (sub->dir, new_dir, "");

        // Do memory management before error handling...
        zdir_destroy (&sub->dir);
        sub->dir = new_dir;

        if (!diff) {
            if (watch->verbose)
                zsys_error ("zdir_watch: Unable to create diff for path %s", zdir_path (sub->dir));

        if (zlist_size (diff) > 0) {
            if (watch->verbose) {
                zdir_patch_t *patch = (zdir_patch_t *) zlist_first (diff);

                zsys_info ("zdir_watch: Found %d changes in %s:", zlist_size (diff), zdir_path (sub->dir));
                while (patch)
                    zsys_info ("zdir_watch:   %s %s", zfile_filename (zdir_patch_file (patch), NULL), zdir_patch_op (patch) == ZDIR_PATCH_CREATE? "created": "deleted");
                    patch = (zdir_patch_t *) zlist_next (diff);

            if (zsock_send (watch->pipe, "sp", zdir_path (sub->dir), diff) != 0) {
                if (watch->verbose)
                    zsys_error ("zdir_watch: Unable to send patch list for path %s", zdir_path (sub->dir));
                zlist_destroy (&diff);

            // Successfully sent `diff` list - now owned by receiver
        else {
            zlist_destroy (&diff);

    return 0;
Exemple #9
hydra_post_test (bool verbose)
    printf (" * hydra_post: ");
    if (verbose)
        printf ("\n");

    //  @selftest
    //  Simple create/destroy test
    zsys_dir_create (".hydra_test");
    zsys_dir_change (".hydra_test");
    hydra_post_t *post = hydra_post_new ("Test post");
    assert (post);
    hydra_post_set_content (post, "Hello, World");
    assert (streq (hydra_post_mime_type (post), "text/plain"));
    char *content = hydra_post_content (post);
    assert (content);
    assert (streq (content, "Hello, World"));
    zstr_free (&content);
    int rc = hydra_post_save (post, "testpost");
    assert (rc == 0);
    hydra_post_destroy (&post);

    post = hydra_post_load ("testpost");
    assert (post);
    assert (hydra_post_content_size (post) == 12);
    if (verbose)
        hydra_post_print (post);
    content = hydra_post_content (post);
    assert (content);
    assert (streq (content, "Hello, World"));
    zstr_free (&content);
    zchunk_t *chunk = hydra_post_fetch (
        post, hydra_post_content_size (post), 0);
    assert (chunk);
    assert (zchunk_size (chunk) == 12);
    zchunk_destroy (&chunk);

    hydra_post_t *copy = hydra_post_dup (post);
    assert (streq (hydra_post_ident (copy), hydra_post_ident (post)));
    hydra_post_destroy (&post);
    hydra_post_destroy (&copy);

    //  Delete the test directory
    zsys_dir_change ("..");
    zdir_t *dir = zdir_new (".hydra_test", NULL);
    assert (dir);
    zdir_remove (dir, true);
    zdir_destroy (&dir);
    //  @end

    printf ("OK\n");
Exemple #10
zfile_test (bool verbose)
    printf (" * zfile: ");

    //  @selftest
    zfile_t *file = zfile_new (".", "bilbo");
    assert (streq (zfile_filename (file, "."), "bilbo"));
    assert (zfile_is_readable (file) == false);
    zfile_destroy (&file);

    //  Create a test file in some random subdirectory
    file = zfile_new ("./this/is/a/test", "bilbo");
    int rc = zfile_output (file);
    assert (rc == 0);
    zchunk_t *chunk = zchunk_new (NULL, 100);
    zchunk_fill (chunk, 0, 100);
    //  Write 100 bytes at position 1,000,000 in the file
    rc = zfile_write (file, chunk, 1000000);
    assert (rc == 0);
    zfile_close (file);
    assert (zfile_is_readable (file));
    assert (zfile_cursize (file) == 1000100);
    assert (!zfile_is_stable (file));
    zchunk_destroy (&chunk);
    zclock_sleep (1001);
    assert (zfile_is_stable (file));

    //  Check we can read from file
    rc = zfile_input (file);
    assert (rc == 0);
    chunk = zfile_read (file, 1000100, 0);
    assert (chunk);
    assert (zchunk_size (chunk) == 1000100);
    zchunk_destroy (&chunk);

    //  Remove file and directory
    zdir_t *dir = zdir_new ("./this", NULL);
    assert (zdir_cursize (dir) == 1000100);
    zdir_remove (dir, true);
    assert (zdir_cursize (dir) == 0);
    zdir_destroy (&dir);

    //  Check we can no longer read from file
    assert (!zfile_is_readable (file));
    rc = zfile_input (file);
    assert (rc == -1);
    zfile_destroy (&file);
    //  @end

    printf ("OK\n");
    return 0;
Exemple #11
static void
s_agent_destroy (s_agent_t **self_p)
    assert (self_p);
    if (*self_p) {
        s_agent_t *self = *self_p;
        zdir_destroy (&self->dir);
        zyre_destroy (&self->zyre);
        free (self->path);
        free (self);
        *self_p = NULL;
Exemple #12
zcert_t *
zcertstore_lookup (zcertstore_t *self, char *public_key)
    //  If directory has changed, reload all certificates
    if (self->location) {
        zdir_t *dir = zdir_new (self->location, NULL);
        if (dir
        && (self->modified != zdir_modified (dir)
        ||  self->count    != zdir_count (dir)
        ||  self->cursize  != zdir_cursize (dir))) {
            s_load_certs_from_disk (self);
        zdir_destroy (&dir);
    return (zcert_t *) zhash_lookup (self->cert_hash, public_key);
Exemple #13
drops_test (bool verbose)
    printf (" * drops: ");

    //  @selftest
    //  Create temporary directory for test files
#   define TESTDIR ".test_drops"

    //  Create two drops instances and test some to and fro
    zsys_dir_create (TESTDIR "/box1");
    drops_t *drops1 = drops_new (TESTDIR "/box1");
    zsys_dir_create (TESTDIR "/box2");
    drops_t *drops2 = drops_new (TESTDIR "/box2");

    //  Give time for nodes to discover each other and interconnect
    zclock_sleep (100);

    FILE *output = fopen (TESTDIR "/box1/bilbo", "w");
    fprintf (output, "Hello, world");
    fclose (output);

    //  Directory monitoring is once per second at present, so this gives
    //  time for box1 to see its new file, and send it to box2
    zclock_sleep (1200);

    char buffer [256];
    FILE *input = fopen (TESTDIR "/box2/bilbo", "r");
    assert (input);
    char *result = fgets (buffer, 256, input);
    assert (result == buffer);
    assert (streq (buffer, "Hello, world"));
    fclose (input);

    drops_destroy (&drops2);
    drops_destroy (&drops1);

    //  Delete all test files
    zdir_t *dir = zdir_new (TESTDIR, NULL);
    zdir_remove (dir, true);
    zdir_destroy (&dir);

    //  @end
    zclock_sleep (100);
    printf ("OK\n");
Exemple #14
zconfig_test (bool verbose)
    printf (" * zconfig: ");
    //  @selftest
    //  Create temporary directory for test files
#   define TESTDIR ".test_zconfig"
    zsys_dir_create (TESTDIR);
    zconfig_t *root = zconfig_new ("root", NULL);
    zconfig_t *section, *item;
    section = zconfig_new ("headers", root);
    item = zconfig_new ("email", section);
    zconfig_set_value (item, "*****@*****.**");
    item = zconfig_new ("name", section);
    zconfig_set_value (item, "Justin Kayce");
    zconfig_put (root, "/curve/secret-key", "Top Secret");
    zconfig_set_comment (root, "   CURVE certificate");
    zconfig_set_comment (root, "   -----------------");
    assert (zconfig_comments (root));
    zconfig_save (root, TESTDIR "/test.cfg");
    zconfig_destroy (&root);
    root = zconfig_load (TESTDIR "/test.cfg");
    if (verbose)
        zconfig_save (root, "-");
    char *email = zconfig_resolve (root, "/headers/email", NULL);
    assert (email);
    assert (streq (email, "*****@*****.**"));
    char *passwd = zconfig_resolve (root, "/curve/secret-key", NULL);
    assert (passwd);
    assert (streq (passwd, "Top Secret"));

    zconfig_save (root, TESTDIR "/test.cfg");
    zconfig_destroy (&root);
    //  Delete all test files
    zdir_t *dir = zdir_new (TESTDIR, NULL);
    zdir_remove (dir, true);
    zdir_destroy (&dir);
    //  @end

    printf ("OK\n");
Exemple #15
zcertstore_test (bool verbose)
    printf (" * zcertstore: ");
    if (verbose)
        printf ("\n");

    //  @selftest
    //  Create temporary directory for test files
#   define TESTDIR ".test_zcertstore"
    zsys_dir_create (TESTDIR);

    //  Load certificate store from disk; it will be empty
    zcertstore_t *certstore = zcertstore_new (TESTDIR);
    assert (certstore);

    //  Create a single new certificate and save to disk
    zcert_t *cert = zcert_new ();
    assert (cert);
    char *client_key = strdup (zcert_public_txt (cert));
    assert (client_key);
    zcert_set_meta (cert, "name", "John Doe");
    zcert_save (cert, TESTDIR "/mycert.txt");
    zcert_destroy (&cert);

    //  Check that certificate store refreshes as expected
    cert = zcertstore_lookup (certstore, client_key);
    assert (cert);
    assert (streq (zcert_meta (cert, "name"), "John Doe"));
    free (client_key);

    if (verbose)
        zcertstore_print (certstore);
    zcertstore_destroy (&certstore);

    //  Delete all test files
    zdir_t *dir = zdir_new (TESTDIR, NULL);
    assert (dir);
    zdir_remove (dir, true);
    zdir_destroy (&dir);
    //  @end
    printf ("OK\n");
Exemple #16
static void
mount_destroy (mount_t **self_p)
    assert (self_p);
    if (*self_p) {
        mount_t *self = *self_p;
        free (self->location);
        free (self->alias);
        //  Destroy subscriptions
        while (zlist_size (self->subs)) {
            sub_t *sub = (sub_t *) zlist_pop (self->subs);
            sub_destroy (&sub);
        zlist_destroy (&self->subs);
        zdir_destroy (&self->dir);
        free (self);
        *self_p = NULL;
Exemple #17
static void
s_disk_loader (zcertstore_t *certstore)
    disk_loader_state *state = (disk_loader_state *)certstore->state;
    zdir_t *dir = zdir_new (state->location, NULL);
    if (dir
    && (state->modified != zdir_modified (dir)
    ||  state->count != zdir_count (dir)
    ||  state->cursize != (size_t) zdir_cursize (dir)))
        zhashx_purge (certstore->certs);

        //  Load all certificates including those in subdirectories
        zfile_t **filelist = zdir_flatten (dir);
        assert (filelist);
        zrex_t *rex = zrex_new ("_secret$");
        assert (rex);

        uint index;
        for (index = 0;; index++) {
            zfile_t *file = filelist [index];
            if (!file)
                break;      //  End of list
            if (zfile_is_regular (file)
            && !zrex_matches (rex, zfile_filename (file, NULL))) {
                zcert_t *cert = zcert_load (zfile_filename (file, NULL));
                if (cert)
                    zcertstore_insert (certstore, &cert);
        zdir_flatten_free (&filelist);
        state->modified = zdir_modified (dir);
        state->count = zdir_count (dir);
        state->cursize = zdir_cursize (dir);

        zrex_destroy (&rex);
    zdir_destroy (&dir);
Exemple #18
zdir_destroy (zdir_t **self_p)
    assert (self_p);
    if (*self_p) {
        zdir_t *self = *self_p;
        if (self->subdirs)
            while (zlist_size (self->subdirs)) {
                zdir_t *subdir = (zdir_t *) zlist_pop (self->subdirs);
                zdir_destroy (&subdir);
        if (self->files)
            while (zlist_size (self->files)) {
                zfile_t *file = (zfile_t *) zlist_pop (self->files);
                zfile_destroy (&file);
        zlist_destroy (&self->subdirs);
        zlist_destroy (&self->files);
        freen (self->path);
        freen (self);
        *self_p = NULL;
Exemple #19
zauth_test (bool verbose)
    printf (" * zauth: ");

    //  @selftest
    //  Create temporary directory for test files
#   define TESTDIR ".test_zauth"
    zsys_dir_create (TESTDIR);
    //  Install the authenticator
    zctx_t *ctx = zctx_new ();
    zauth_t *auth = zauth_new (ctx);
    assert (auth);
    zauth_set_verbose (auth, verbose);
    //  A default NULL connection should always success, and not 
    //  go through our authentication infrastructure at all.
    void *server = zsocket_new (ctx, ZMQ_PUSH);
    void *client = zsocket_new (ctx, ZMQ_PULL);
    bool success = s_can_connect (ctx, &server, &client);
    assert (success);
    //  When we set a domain on the server, we switch on authentication
    //  for NULL sockets, but with no policies, the client connection 
    //  will be allowed.
    zsocket_set_zap_domain (server, "global");
    success = s_can_connect (ctx, &server, &client);
    assert (success);
    //  Blacklist, connection should fail
    zsocket_set_zap_domain (server, "global");
    zauth_deny (auth, "");
    success = s_can_connect (ctx, &server, &client);
    assert (!success);

    //  Whitelist our address, which overrides the blacklist
    zsocket_set_zap_domain (server, "global");
    zauth_allow (auth, "");
    success = s_can_connect (ctx, &server, &client);
    assert (success);

    //  Try PLAIN authentication
    zsocket_set_plain_server (server, 1);
    zsocket_set_plain_username (client, "admin");
    zsocket_set_plain_password (client, "Password");
    success = s_can_connect (ctx, &server, &client);
    assert (!success);
    FILE *password = fopen (TESTDIR "/password-file", "w");
    assert (password);
    fprintf (password, "admin=Password\n");
    fclose (password);
    zsocket_set_plain_server (server, 1);
    zsocket_set_plain_username (client, "admin");
    zsocket_set_plain_password (client, "Password");
    zauth_configure_plain (auth, "*", TESTDIR "/password-file");
    success = s_can_connect (ctx, &server, &client);
    assert (success);

    zsocket_set_plain_server (server, 1);
    zsocket_set_plain_username (client, "admin");
    zsocket_set_plain_password (client, "Bogus");
    success = s_can_connect (ctx, &server, &client);
    assert (!success);

#   if defined (HAVE_LIBSODIUM)
    //  Try CURVE authentication
    //  We'll create two new certificates and save the client public
    //  certificate on disk; in a real case we'd transfer this securely
    //  from the client machine to the server machine.
    zcert_t *server_cert = zcert_new ();
    zcert_t *client_cert = zcert_new ();
    char *server_key = zcert_public_txt (server_cert);
    //  Test without setting-up any authentication
    zcert_apply (server_cert, server);
    zcert_apply (client_cert, client);
    zsocket_set_curve_server (server, 1);
    zsocket_set_curve_serverkey (client, server_key);
    success = s_can_connect (ctx, &server, &client);
    assert (!success);

    //  Test CURVE_ALLOW_ANY
    zcert_apply (server_cert, server);
    zcert_apply (client_cert, client);
    zsocket_set_curve_server (server, 1);
    zsocket_set_curve_serverkey (client, server_key);
    zauth_configure_curve (auth, "*", CURVE_ALLOW_ANY);
    success = s_can_connect (ctx, &server, &client);
    assert (success);

    //  Test full client authentication using certificates
    zcert_apply (server_cert, server);
    zcert_apply (client_cert, client);
    zsocket_set_curve_server (server, 1);
    zsocket_set_curve_serverkey (client, server_key);
    zcert_save_public (client_cert, TESTDIR "/mycert.txt");
    zauth_configure_curve (auth, "*", TESTDIR);
    success = s_can_connect (ctx, &server, &client);
    assert (success);
    zcert_destroy (&server_cert);
    zcert_destroy (&client_cert);
#   endif

    //  Remove the authenticator and check a normal connection works
    zauth_destroy (&auth);
    success = s_can_connect (ctx, &server, &client);
    assert (success);

    zctx_destroy (&ctx);
    //  Delete all test files
    zdir_t *dir = zdir_new (TESTDIR, NULL);
    zdir_remove (dir, true);
    zdir_destroy (&dir);
    //  @end

    printf ("OK\n");
    return 0;
Exemple #20
zconfig_test (bool verbose)
    printf (" * zconfig: ");

    //  @selftest

    const char *SELFTEST_DIR_RW = "src/selftest-rw";

    const char *testbasedir  = ".test_zconfig";
    const char *testfile = "test.cfg";
    char *basedirpath = NULL;   // subdir in a test, under SELFTEST_DIR_RW
    char *filepath = NULL;      // pathname to testfile in a test, in dirpath

    basedirpath = zsys_sprintf ("%s/%s", SELFTEST_DIR_RW, testbasedir);
    assert (basedirpath);
    filepath = zsys_sprintf ("%s/%s", basedirpath, testfile);
    assert (filepath);

    // Make sure old aborted tests do not hinder us
    zdir_t *dir = zdir_new (basedirpath, NULL);
    if (dir) {
        zdir_remove (dir, true);
        zdir_destroy (&dir);
    zsys_file_delete (filepath);
    zsys_dir_delete  (basedirpath);

    //  Create temporary directory for test files
    zsys_dir_create (basedirpath);

    zconfig_t *root = zconfig_new ("root", NULL);
    assert (root);
    zconfig_t *section, *item;

    section = zconfig_new ("headers", root);
    assert (section);
    item = zconfig_new ("email", section);
    assert (item);
    zconfig_set_value (item, "*****@*****.**");
    item = zconfig_new ("name", section);
    assert (item);
    zconfig_set_value (item, "Justin Kayce");
    zconfig_putf (root, "/curve/secret-key", "%s", "Top Secret");
    zconfig_set_comment (root, "   CURVE certificate");
    zconfig_set_comment (root, "   -----------------");
    assert (zconfig_comments (root));
    zconfig_save (root, filepath);
    zconfig_destroy (&root);
    root = zconfig_load (filepath);
    if (verbose)
        zconfig_save (root, "-");
    assert (streq (zconfig_filename (root), filepath));

    char *email = zconfig_get (root, "/headers/email", NULL);
    assert (email);
    assert (streq (email, "*****@*****.**"));
    char *passwd = zconfig_get (root, "/curve/secret-key", NULL);
    assert (passwd);
    assert (streq (passwd, "Top Secret"));

    zconfig_savef (root, "%s/%s", basedirpath, testfile);
    assert (!zconfig_has_changed (root));
    int rc = zconfig_reload (&root);
    assert (rc == 0);
    assert (!zconfig_has_changed (root));
    zconfig_destroy (&root);

    //  Test chunk load/save
    root = zconfig_new ("root", NULL);
    assert (root);
    section = zconfig_new ("section", root);
    assert (section);
    item = zconfig_new ("value", section);
    assert (item);
    zconfig_set_value (item, "somevalue");
    zconfig_t *search = zconfig_locate (root, "section/value");
    assert (search == item);
    zchunk_t *chunk = zconfig_chunk_save (root);
    assert (strlen ((char *) zchunk_data (chunk)) == 32);
    char *string = zconfig_str_save (root);
    assert (string);
    assert (streq (string, (char *) zchunk_data (chunk)));
    freen (string);
    assert (chunk);
    zconfig_destroy (&root);

    root = zconfig_chunk_load (chunk);
    assert (root);
    char *value = zconfig_get (root, "/section/value", NULL);
    assert (value);
    assert (streq (value, "somevalue"));

    //  Test config can't be saved to a file in a path that doesn't
    //  exist or isn't writable
    rc = zconfig_savef (root, "%s/path/that/doesnt/exist/%s", basedirpath, testfile);
    assert (rc == -1);

    zconfig_destroy (&root);
    zchunk_destroy (&chunk);

    //  Test subtree removal
		zconfig_t *root = zconfig_str_load (
			"    iothreads = 1\n"
			"    verbose = 1      #   Ask for a trace\n"
			"    type = zqueue    #  ZMQ_DEVICE type\n"
			"    frontend\n"
			"        option\n"
			"            hwm = 1000\n"
			"            swap = 25000000     #  25MB\n"
			"        bind = 'inproc://addr1'\n"
			"        bind = 'ipc://addr2'\n"
			"    backend\n"
			"        bind = inproc://addr3\n"

        zconfig_t *to_delete = zconfig_locate (root, "main/frontend");
        assert (to_delete);

        zconfig_remove (to_delete);

        char *value = zconfig_get (root, "/main/type", NULL);
        assert (value);
        assert (streq (value, "zqueue"));

        value = zconfig_get (root, "/main/backend/bind", NULL);
        assert (value);
        assert (streq (value, "inproc://addr3"));

        value = zconfig_get (root, "/main/frontend", NULL);
        assert (value);

        value = zconfig_get (root, "/main/frontend/option", NULL);
        assert (value == NULL);

        value = zconfig_get (root, "/main/frontend/option/swap", NULL);
        assert (value == NULL);

        zconfig_destroy (&root);

    // Test str_load
    zconfig_t *config = zconfig_str_load (
        "    endpoint = ipc://@/malamute\n"
        "    producer = STREAM\n"
        "    consumer\n"
        "        STREAM2 = .*\n"
        "        STREAM3 = HAM\n"
        "    verbose = true\n"
    assert (config);
    assert (streq (zconfig_get (config, "malamute/endpoint", NULL), "ipc://@/malamute"));
    assert (streq (zconfig_get (config, "malamute/producer", NULL), "STREAM"));
    assert (zconfig_locate (config, "malamute/consumer"));

    zconfig_t *c = zconfig_child (zconfig_locate (config, "malamute/consumer"));
    assert (c);
    assert (streq (zconfig_name (c), "STREAM2"));
    assert (streq (zconfig_value (c), ".*"));

    c = zconfig_next (c);
    assert (c);
    assert (streq (zconfig_name (c), "STREAM3"));
    assert (streq (zconfig_value (c), "HAM"));

    c = zconfig_next (c);
    assert (!c);

    assert (streq (zconfig_get (config, "server/verbose", NULL), "true"));

    zconfig_destroy (&config);

    //  Delete all test files
    dir = zdir_new (basedirpath, NULL);
    assert (dir);
    zdir_remove (dir, true);
    zdir_destroy (&dir);

    zstr_free (&basedirpath);
    zstr_free (&filepath);

#if defined (__WINDOWS__)
    //  @end

    printf ("OK\n");
Exemple #21
zfile_test (bool verbose)
    printf (" * zfile: ");

    //  @selftest

    const char *SELFTEST_DIR_RW = "src/selftest-rw";

    const char *testbasedir  = "this";
    const char *testsubdir  = "is/a/test";
    const char *testfile = "bilbo";
    const char *testlink = "bilbo.ln";
    char *basedirpath = NULL;   // subdir in a test, under SELFTEST_DIR_RW
    char *dirpath = NULL;       // subdir in a test, under basedirpath
    char *filepath = NULL;      // pathname to testfile in a test, in dirpath
    char *linkpath = NULL;      // pathname to testlink in a test, in dirpath

    basedirpath = zsys_sprintf ("%s/%s", SELFTEST_DIR_RW, testbasedir);
    assert (basedirpath);
    dirpath = zsys_sprintf ("%s/%s", basedirpath, testsubdir);
    assert (dirpath);
    filepath = zsys_sprintf ("%s/%s", dirpath, testfile);
    assert (filepath);
    linkpath = zsys_sprintf ("%s/%s", dirpath, testlink);
    assert (linkpath);

    // This subtest is specifically for NULL as current directory, so
    // no SELFTEST_DIR_RW here; testfile should have no slashes inside.
    // Normally tests clean up in zfile_destroy(), but if a selftest run
    // dies e.g. on assert(), workspace remains dirty. Better clean it up.
    if (zfile_exists (testfile) ) {
        if (verbose)
            zsys_debug ("zfile_test() has to remove ./%s that should not have been here", testfile);
        zfile_delete (testfile);
    zfile_t *file = zfile_new (NULL, testfile);
    assert (file);
    assert (streq (zfile_filename (file, "."), testfile));
    assert (zfile_is_readable (file) == false);
    zfile_destroy (&file);

    //  Create a test file in some random subdirectory
    if (verbose)
        zsys_debug ("zfile_test() at timestamp %" PRIi64 ": "
            "Creating new zfile %s",
            zclock_time(), filepath );

    if (zfile_exists (filepath) ) {
        if (verbose)
            zsys_debug ("zfile_test() has to remove %s that should not have been here", filepath);
        zfile_delete (filepath);

    file = zfile_new (dirpath, testfile);
    assert (file);
    int rc = zfile_output (file);
    assert (rc == 0);
    zchunk_t *chunk = zchunk_new (NULL, 100);
    assert (chunk);
    zchunk_fill (chunk, 0, 100);

    //  Write 100 bytes at position 1,000,000 in the file
    if (verbose)
        zsys_debug ("zfile_test() at timestamp %" PRIi64 ": "
            "Writing 100 bytes at position 1,000,000 in the file",
            zclock_time() );
    rc = zfile_write (file, chunk, 1000000);
    if (verbose)
        zsys_debug ("zfile_test() at timestamp %" PRIi64 ": "
            "Wrote 100 bytes at position 1,000,000 in the file, result code %d",
            zclock_time(), rc );
    assert (rc == 0);
    zchunk_destroy (&chunk);
    zfile_close (file);
    assert (zfile_is_readable (file));
    assert (zfile_cursize (file) == 1000100);
    if (verbose)
        zsys_debug ("zfile_test() at timestamp %" PRIi64 ": "
            "Testing if file is NOT stable (is younger than 1 sec)",
            zclock_time() );
    assert (!zfile_is_stable (file));
    if (verbose)
        zsys_debug ("zfile_test() at timestamp %" PRIi64 ": "
            "Passed the lag-dependent tests",
            zclock_time() );
    assert (zfile_digest (file));

    //  Now truncate file from outside
    int handle = open (filepath, O_WRONLY | O_TRUNC | O_BINARY, 0);
    assert (handle >= 0);
    rc = write (handle, "Hello, World\n", 13);
    assert (rc == 13);
    close (handle);
    assert (zfile_has_changed (file));
    zclock_sleep ((int)zsys_file_stable_age_msec() + 50);
    zclock_sleep (5050);
    assert (zfile_has_changed (file));

    assert (!zfile_is_stable (file));
    zfile_restat (file);
    assert (zfile_is_stable (file));
    assert (streq (zfile_digest (file), "4AB299C8AD6ED14F31923DD94F8B5F5CB89DFB54"));

    //  Check we can read from file
    rc = zfile_input (file);
    assert (rc == 0);
    chunk = zfile_read (file, 1000100, 0);
    assert (chunk);
    assert (zchunk_size (chunk) == 13);
    zchunk_destroy (&chunk);
    zfile_close (file);

    //  Check we can read lines from file
    rc = zfile_input (file);
    assert (rc == 0);
    const char *line = zfile_readln (file);
    assert (streq (line, "Hello, World"));
    line = zfile_readln (file);
    assert (line == NULL);
    zfile_close (file);

    //  Try some fun with symbolic links
    zfile_t *link = zfile_new (dirpath, testlink);
    assert (link);
    rc = zfile_output (link);
    assert (rc == 0);
    fprintf (zfile_handle (link), "%s\n", filepath);
    zfile_destroy (&link);

    link = zfile_new (dirpath, testlink);
    assert (link);
    rc = zfile_input (link);
    assert (rc == 0);
    chunk = zfile_read (link, 1000100, 0);
    assert (chunk);
    assert (zchunk_size (chunk) == 13);
    zchunk_destroy (&chunk);
    zfile_destroy (&link);

    //  Remove file and directory
    zdir_t *dir = zdir_new (basedirpath, NULL);
    assert (dir);
    assert (zdir_cursize (dir) == 26);
    zdir_remove (dir, true);
    assert (zdir_cursize (dir) == 0);
    zdir_destroy (&dir);

    //  Check we can no longer read from file
    assert (zfile_is_readable (file));
    zfile_restat (file);
    assert (!zfile_is_readable (file));
    rc = zfile_input (file);
    assert (rc == -1);
    zfile_destroy (&file);

    // This set of tests is done, free the strings for reuse
    zstr_free (&basedirpath);
    zstr_free (&dirpath);
    zstr_free (&filepath);
    zstr_free (&linkpath);

    const char *eof_checkfile = "eof_checkfile";
    filepath = zsys_sprintf ("%s/%s", SELFTEST_DIR_RW, eof_checkfile);
    assert (filepath);

    if (zfile_exists (filepath) ) {
        if (verbose)
            zsys_debug ("zfile_test() has to remove %s that should not have been here", filepath);
        zfile_delete (filepath);
    zstr_free (&filepath);

    file = zfile_new (SELFTEST_DIR_RW, eof_checkfile);
    assert (file);

    //  1. Write something first
    rc = zfile_output (file);
    assert (rc == 0);
    chunk = zchunk_new ("123456789", 9);
    assert (chunk);

    rc = zfile_write (file, chunk, 0);
    assert (rc == 0);
    zchunk_destroy (&chunk);
    zfile_close (file);
    assert (zfile_cursize (file) == 9);

    // 2. Read the written something
    rc = zfile_input (file);
    assert (rc != -1);
    // try to read more bytes than there is in the file
    chunk = zfile_read (file, 1000, 0);
    assert (zfile_eof(file));
    assert (zchunk_streq (chunk, "123456789"));
    zchunk_destroy (&chunk);

    // reading is ok
    chunk = zfile_read (file, 5, 0);
    assert (!zfile_eof(file));
    assert (zchunk_streq (chunk, "12345"));
    zchunk_destroy (&chunk);

    // read from non zero offset until the end
    chunk = zfile_read (file, 5, 5);
    assert (zfile_eof(file));
    assert (zchunk_streq (chunk, "6789"));
    zchunk_destroy (&chunk);
    zfile_remove (file);
    zfile_close (file);
    zfile_destroy (&file);

    zfile_t *tempfile = zfile_tmp ();
    assert (tempfile);
    assert (zfile_filename (tempfile, NULL));
    assert (zsys_file_exists (zfile_filename (tempfile, NULL)));
    zchunk_t *tchunk = zchunk_new ("HELLO", 6);
    assert (zfile_write (tempfile, tchunk, 0) == 0);
    zchunk_destroy (&tchunk);

    char *filename = strdup (zfile_filename (tempfile, NULL));
    zfile_destroy (&tempfile);
    assert (!zsys_file_exists (filename));
    zstr_free (&filename);

#if defined (__WINDOWS__)

    //  @end

    printf ("OK\n");
Exemple #22
zauth_test (bool verbose)
    printf (" * zauth: ");

    //  @selftest
    //  Create temporary directory for test files
#   define TESTDIR ".test_zauth"
    zsys_dir_create (TESTDIR);
    //  Install the authenticator
    zctx_t *ctx = zctx_new ();
    zauth_t *auth = zauth_new (ctx);
    assert (auth);
    zauth_set_verbose (auth, verbose);
    //  A default NULL connection should always success, and not go through
    //  our authentication infrastructure at all.
    void *server = zsocket_new (ctx, ZMQ_PUSH);
    void *client = zsocket_new (ctx, ZMQ_PULL);
    bool success = s_can_connect (server, client);
    assert (success);
    //  When we set a domain on the server, we switch on authentication 
    //  for NULL sockets, but with no policies, the client connection will 
    //  be allowed.
    //  TODO: libzmq should accept new security options after unbind/bind
    //  but for now we have to create a new server socket each time.
    server = zsocket_new (ctx, ZMQ_PUSH);
    zsocket_set_zap_domain (server, "global");
    success = s_can_connect (server, client);
    assert (success);
    //  Blacklist, connection should fail
    zauth_deny (auth, "");
    success = s_can_connect (server, client);
    assert (!success);
    //  Whitelist our address, which overrides the blacklist
    zauth_allow (auth, "");
    success = s_can_connect (server, client);
    assert (success);

    //  Try PLAIN authentication
    FILE *password = fopen (TESTDIR "/password-file", "w");
    assert (password);
    fprintf (password, "admin=Password\n");
    fclose (password);
    zsocket_set_plain_server (server, 1);
    zsocket_set_plain_username (client, "admin");
    zsocket_set_plain_password (client, "Password");
    success = s_can_connect (server, client);
    assert (!success);

    zauth_configure_plain (auth, "*", TESTDIR "/password-file");
    success = s_can_connect (server, client);
    assert (success);

    zsocket_set_plain_password (client, "Bogus");
    success = s_can_connect (server, client);
    assert (!success);

#   if defined (HAVE_LIBSODIUM)
    //  Try CURVE authentication
    //  We'll create two new certificates and save the client public 
    //  certificate on disk; in a real case we'd transfer this securely
    //  from the client machine to the server machine.
    zcert_t *server_cert = zcert_new ();
    zcert_apply (server_cert, server);
    zsocket_set_curve_server (server, 1);

    zcert_t *client_cert = zcert_new ();
    zcert_apply (client_cert, client);
    char *server_key = zcert_public_txt (server_cert);
    zsocket_set_curve_serverkey (client, server_key);

    //  We've not set-up any authentication, connection will fail
    success = s_can_connect (server, client);
    assert (!success);

    //  PH: 2013/09/18
    //  There's an issue with libzmq where it sometimes fails to 
    //  connect even if the ZAP handler allows it. It's timing
    //  dependent, so this is a voodoo hack. To be removed, I've
    //  no idea this even applies to all boxes.
    sleep (1);

    //  Test CURVE_ALLOW_ANY
    zauth_configure_curve (auth, "*", CURVE_ALLOW_ANY);
    success = s_can_connect (server, client);
    assert (success);
    //  Test full client authentication using certificates
    zcert_save_public (client_cert, TESTDIR "/mycert.txt");
    zauth_configure_curve (auth, "*", TESTDIR);
    success = s_can_connect (server, client);
    assert (success);
    zcert_destroy (&server_cert);
    zcert_destroy (&client_cert);
#   endif

    //  Remove the authenticator and check a normal connection works
    zauth_destroy (&auth);
    success = s_can_connect (server, client);
    assert (success);

    zctx_destroy (&ctx);
    //  Delete all test files
    zdir_t *dir = zdir_new (TESTDIR, NULL);
    zdir_remove (dir, true);
    zdir_destroy (&dir);
    //  @end

    printf ("OK\n");
    return 0;
Java_org_zeromq_czmq_Zdir__1_1destroy (JNIEnv *env, jclass c, jlong self)
    zdir_destroy ((zdir_t **) &self);
Exemple #24
zconfig_test (bool verbose)
    printf (" * zconfig: ");

    //  @selftest
    //  Create temporary directory for test files
#   define TESTDIR ".test_zconfig"
    zsys_dir_create (TESTDIR);

    zconfig_t *root = zconfig_new ("root", NULL);
    assert (root);
    zconfig_t *section, *item;

    section = zconfig_new ("headers", root);
    assert (section);
    item = zconfig_new ("email", section);
    assert (item);
    zconfig_set_value (item, "*****@*****.**");
    item = zconfig_new ("name", section);
    assert (item);
    zconfig_set_value (item, "Justin Kayce");
    zconfig_putf (root, "/curve/secret-key", "%s", "Top Secret");
    zconfig_set_comment (root, "   CURVE certificate");
    zconfig_set_comment (root, "   -----------------");
    assert (zconfig_comments (root));
    zconfig_save (root, TESTDIR "/test.cfg");
    zconfig_destroy (&root);
    root = zconfig_load (TESTDIR "/test.cfg");
    if (verbose)
        zconfig_save (root, "-");
    assert (streq (zconfig_filename (root), TESTDIR "/test.cfg"));

    char *email = zconfig_get (root, "/headers/email", NULL);
    assert (email);
    assert (streq (email, "*****@*****.**"));
    char *passwd = zconfig_get (root, "/curve/secret-key", NULL);
    assert (passwd);
    assert (streq (passwd, "Top Secret"));

    zconfig_savef (root, "%s/%s", TESTDIR, "test.cfg");
    assert (!zconfig_has_changed (root));
    int rc = zconfig_reload (&root);
    assert (rc == 0);
    assert (!zconfig_has_changed (root));
    zconfig_destroy (&root);

    //  Test chunk load/save
    root = zconfig_new ("root", NULL);
    assert (root);
    section = zconfig_new ("section", root);
    assert (section);
    item = zconfig_new ("value", section);
    assert (item);
    zconfig_set_value (item, "somevalue");
    zconfig_t *search = zconfig_locate (root, "section/value");
    assert (search == item);
    zchunk_t *chunk = zconfig_chunk_save (root);
    assert (strlen ((char *) zchunk_data (chunk)) == 32);
    char *string = zconfig_str_save (root);
    assert (string);
    assert (streq (string, (char *) zchunk_data (chunk)));
    free (string);
    assert (chunk);
    zconfig_destroy (&root);

    root = zconfig_chunk_load (chunk);
    assert (root);
    char *value = zconfig_get (root, "/section/value", NULL);
    assert (value);
    assert (streq (value, "somevalue"));

    //  Test config can't be saved to a file in a path that doesn't
    //  exist or isn't writable
    rc = zconfig_savef (root, "%s/path/that/doesnt/exist/%s", TESTDIR, "test.cfg");
    assert (rc == -1);

    zconfig_destroy (&root);
    zchunk_destroy (&chunk);

    //  Delete all test files
    zdir_t *dir = zdir_new (TESTDIR, NULL);
    assert (dir);
    zdir_remove (dir, true);
    zdir_destroy (&dir);
    //  @end

    printf ("OK\n");
Exemple #25
zfile_test (bool verbose)
    printf (" * zfile: ");

    //  @selftest
    zfile_t *file = zfile_new (NULL, "bilbo");
    assert (streq (zfile_filename (file, "."), "bilbo"));
    assert (zfile_is_readable (file) == false);
    zfile_destroy (&file);

    //  Create a test file in some random subdirectory
    file = zfile_new ("./this/is/a/test", "bilbo");
    int rc = zfile_output (file);
    assert (rc == 0);
    zchunk_t *chunk = zchunk_new (NULL, 100);
    zchunk_fill (chunk, 0, 100);
    //  Write 100 bytes at position 1,000,000 in the file
    rc = zfile_write (file, chunk, 1000000);
    assert (rc == 0);
    zchunk_destroy (&chunk);
    zfile_close (file);
    assert (zfile_is_readable (file));
    assert (zfile_cursize (file) == 1000100);
    assert (!zfile_is_stable (file));
    //  Now append one byte to file from outside
    int handle = open ("./this/is/a/test/bilbo", O_WRONLY | O_TRUNC | O_BINARY, 0);
    assert (handle >= 0);
    rc = write (handle, "Hello, World\n", 13);
    assert (rc == 13);
    close (handle);
    assert (zfile_has_changed (file));
    zclock_sleep (1001);
    assert (zfile_has_changed (file));
    assert (!zfile_is_stable (file));
    zfile_restat (file);
    assert (zfile_is_stable (file));
    assert (streq (zfile_digest (file), "4AB299C8AD6ED14F31923DD94F8B5F5CB89DFB54"));
    //  Check we can read from file
    rc = zfile_input (file);
    assert (rc == 0);
    chunk = zfile_read (file, 1000100, 0);
    assert (chunk);
    assert (zchunk_size (chunk) == 13);
    zchunk_destroy (&chunk);
    zfile_close (file);

    //  Try some fun with symbolic links
    zfile_t *link = zfile_new ("./this/is/a/test", "bilbo.ln");
    rc = zfile_output (link);
    assert (rc == 0);
    fprintf (zfile_handle (link), "./this/is/a/test/bilbo\n");
    zfile_destroy (&link);

    link = zfile_new ("./this/is/a/test", "bilbo.ln");
    rc = zfile_input (link);
    assert (rc == 0);
    chunk = zfile_read (link, 1000100, 0);
    assert (chunk);
    assert (zchunk_size (chunk) == 13);
    zchunk_destroy (&chunk);
    zfile_destroy (&link);

    //  Remove file and directory
    zdir_t *dir = zdir_new ("./this", NULL);
    assert (zdir_cursize (dir) == 26);
    zdir_remove (dir, true);
    assert (zdir_cursize (dir) == 0);
    zdir_destroy (&dir);

    //  Check we can no longer read from file
    assert (zfile_is_readable (file));
    zfile_restat (file);
    assert (!zfile_is_readable (file));
    rc = zfile_input (file);
    assert (rc == -1);
    zfile_destroy (&file);
    //  @end

    printf ("OK\n");
Exemple #26
zdir_t *
zdir_new (const char *path, const char *parent)
    zdir_t *self = (zdir_t *) zmalloc (sizeof (zdir_t));
    if (!self)
        return NULL;

    if (parent) {
        if (streq (parent, "-")) {
            self->trimmed = true;
            self->path = strdup (path);
            if (!self->path) {
                zdir_destroy (&self);
                return NULL;
        else {
            self->path = (char *) zmalloc (strlen (path) + strlen (parent) + 2);
            if (self->path)
                sprintf (self->path, "%s/%s", parent, path);

            else {
                zdir_destroy (&self);
                return NULL;
    else {
        self->path = strdup (path);
        if (!self->path) {
            zdir_destroy (&self);
            return NULL;

    if (self->path)
        self->files = zlist_new ();
    if (self->files)
        self->subdirs = zlist_new ();
    if (!self->subdirs) {
        zdir_destroy (&self);
        return NULL;

#if (defined (WIN32))
    //  On Windows, replace backslashes by normal slashes
    char *path_clean_ptr = self->path;
    while (*path_clean_ptr) {
        if (*path_clean_ptr == '\\')
            *path_clean_ptr = '/';
    //  Remove any trailing slash
    if (self->path [strlen (self->path) - 1] == '/')
        self->path [strlen (self->path) - 1] = 0;

    //  Win32 wants a wildcard at the end of the path
    char *wildcard = (char *) zmalloc (strlen (self->path) + 3);
    if (!wildcard) {
        zdir_destroy (&self);
        return NULL;
    sprintf (wildcard, "%s/*", self->path);
    WIN32_FIND_DATAA entry;
    HANDLE handle = FindFirstFileA (wildcard, &entry);
    free (wildcard);

    if (handle != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) {
        //  We have read an entry, so return those values
        s_win32_populate_entry (self, &entry);
        while (FindNextFileA (handle, &entry))
            s_win32_populate_entry (self, &entry);
        FindClose (handle);
    //  Remove any trailing slash
    if (self->path [strlen (self->path) - 1] == '/')
        self->path [strlen (self->path) - 1] = 0;

    DIR *handle = opendir (self->path);
    if (handle) {
        //  Calculate system-specific size of dirent block
        int dirent_size = offsetof (struct dirent, d_name)
                          + pathconf (self->path, _PC_NAME_MAX) + 1;
        struct dirent *entry = (struct dirent *) zmalloc (dirent_size);
        if (!entry) {
            zdir_destroy (&self);
            return NULL;
        struct dirent *result;

        int rc = readdir_r (handle, entry, &result);
        while (rc == 0 && result != NULL) {
            s_posix_populate_entry (self, entry);
            rc = readdir_r (handle, entry, &result);
        free (entry);
        closedir (handle);
    else {
Exemple #27
zcertstore_test (bool verbose)
    printf (" * zcertstore: ");
    if (verbose)
        printf ("\n");

    //  @selftest

    const char *SELFTEST_DIR_RW = "src/selftest-rw";

    const char *testbasedir  = ".test_zcertstore";
    const char *testfile = "mycert.txt";
    char *basedirpath = NULL;   // subdir in a test, under SELFTEST_DIR_RW
    char *filepath = NULL;      // pathname to testfile in a test, in dirpath

    basedirpath = zsys_sprintf ("%s/%s", SELFTEST_DIR_RW, testbasedir);
    assert (basedirpath);
    filepath = zsys_sprintf ("%s/%s", basedirpath, testfile);
    assert (filepath);

    // Make sure old aborted tests do not hinder us
    zdir_t *dir = zdir_new (basedirpath, NULL);
    if (dir) {
        zdir_remove (dir, true);
        zdir_destroy (&dir);
    zsys_file_delete (filepath);
    zsys_dir_delete  (basedirpath);

    //  Create temporary directory for test files
    zsys_dir_create (basedirpath);

    //  Load certificate store from disk; it will be empty
    zcertstore_t *certstore = zcertstore_new (basedirpath);
    assert (certstore);

    //  Create a single new certificate and save to disk
    zcert_t *cert = zcert_new ();
    assert (cert);
    char *client_key = strdup (zcert_public_txt (cert));
    assert (client_key);
    zcert_set_meta (cert, "name", "John Doe");
    zcert_save (cert, filepath);
    zcert_destroy (&cert);

    //  Check that certificate store refreshes as expected
    cert = zcertstore_lookup (certstore, client_key);
    assert (cert);
    assert (streq (zcert_meta (cert, "name"), "John Doe"));

    //  DRAFT-API: Security
    // Iterate through certs
    zlistx_t *certs = zcertstore_certs(certstore);
    cert = (zcert_t *) zlistx_first(certs);
    int cert_count = 0;
    while (cert) {
        assert (streq (zcert_meta (cert, "name"), "John Doe"));
        cert = (zcert_t *) zlistx_next(certs);

    //  Test custom loader
    test_loader_state *state = (test_loader_state *) zmalloc (sizeof (test_loader_state));
    state->index = 0;
    zcertstore_set_loader (certstore, s_test_loader, s_test_destructor, (void *)state);
    cert = zcertstore_lookup (certstore, client_key);
    assert (cert == NULL);
    cert = zcertstore_lookup (certstore, "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmn");
    assert (cert);

    freen (client_key);

    if (verbose)
        zcertstore_print (certstore);
    zcertstore_destroy (&certstore);

    //  Delete all test files
    dir = zdir_new (basedirpath, NULL);
    assert (dir);
    zdir_remove (dir, true);
    zdir_destroy (&dir);

    zstr_free (&basedirpath);
    zstr_free (&filepath);

#if defined (__WINDOWS__)
    //  @end
    printf ("OK\n");
Exemple #28
curve_client_test (bool verbose)
    printf (" * curve_client: ");
    //  @selftest
    //  Create temporary directory for test files
    zsys_dir_create (TESTDIR);
    //  We'll create two new certificates and save the client public 
    //  certificate on disk; in a real case we'd transfer this securely
    //  from the client machine to the server machine.
    zcert_t *server_cert = zcert_new ();
    zcert_save (server_cert, TESTDIR "/server.cert");

    //  We'll run the server as a background task, and the
    //  client in this foreground thread.
    zthread_new (server_task, &verbose);

    zcert_t *client_cert = zcert_new ();
    zcert_save_public (client_cert, TESTDIR "/client.cert");

    curve_client_t *client = curve_client_new (&client_cert);
    curve_client_set_metadata (client, "Client", "CURVEZMQ/curve_client");
    curve_client_set_metadata (client, "Identity", "E475DA11");
    curve_client_set_verbose (client, verbose);
    curve_client_connect (client, "tcp://", (byte *)zcert_public_key (server_cert));

    curve_client_sendstr (client, "Hello, World");
    char *reply = curve_client_recvstr (client);
    assert (streq (reply, "Hello, World"));
    free (reply);

    //  Try a multipart message
    zmsg_t *msg = zmsg_new ();
    zmsg_addstr (msg, "Hello, World");
    zmsg_addstr (msg, "Second frame");
    curve_client_send (client, &msg);
    msg = curve_client_recv (client);
    assert (zmsg_size (msg) == 2);
    zmsg_destroy (&msg);

    //  Now send messages of increasing size, check they work
    int count;
    int size = 0;
    for (count = 0; count < 18; count++) {
        if (verbose)
            printf ("Testing message of size=%d...\n", size);

        zframe_t *data = zframe_new (NULL, size);
        int byte_nbr;
        //  Set data to sequence 0...255 repeated
        for (byte_nbr = 0; byte_nbr < size; byte_nbr++)
            zframe_data (data)[byte_nbr] = (byte) byte_nbr;
        msg = zmsg_new ();
        zmsg_prepend (msg, &data);
        curve_client_send (client, &msg);

        msg = curve_client_recv (client);
        data = zmsg_pop (msg);
        assert (data);
        assert (zframe_size (data) == size);
        for (byte_nbr = 0; byte_nbr < size; byte_nbr++) {
            assert (zframe_data (data)[byte_nbr] == (byte) byte_nbr);
        zframe_destroy (&data);
        zmsg_destroy (&msg);
        size = size * 2 + 1;
    //  Signal end of test
    curve_client_sendstr (client, "END");
    reply = curve_client_recvstr (client);
    free (reply);

    zcert_destroy (&server_cert);
    zcert_destroy (&client_cert);
    curve_client_destroy (&client);
    //  Delete all test files
    zdir_t *dir = zdir_new (TESTDIR, NULL);
    zdir_remove (dir, true);
    zdir_destroy (&dir);
    //  @end

    //  Ensure server thread has exited before we do
    zclock_sleep (100);
    printf ("OK\n");
Exemple #29
zauth_test (bool verbose)
    printf (" * zauth: ");
    if (verbose)
        printf ("\n");

    //  @selftest
    //  Create temporary directory for test files
#   define TESTDIR ".test_zauth"
    zsys_dir_create (TESTDIR);

    //  Check there's no authentication
    zsock_t *server = zsock_new (ZMQ_PUSH);
    assert (server);
    zsock_t *client = zsock_new (ZMQ_PULL);
    assert (client);
    bool success = s_can_connect (&server, &client);
    assert (success);

    //  Install the authenticator
    zactor_t *auth = zactor_new (zauth, NULL);
    assert (auth);
    if (verbose) {
        zstr_sendx (auth, "VERBOSE", NULL);
        zsock_wait (auth);
    //  Check there's no authentication on a default NULL server
    success = s_can_connect (&server, &client);
    assert (success);

    //  When we set a domain on the server, we switch on authentication
    //  for NULL sockets, but with no policies, the client connection
    //  will be allowed.
    zsock_set_zap_domain (server, "global");
    success = s_can_connect (&server, &client);
    assert (success);

    //  Blacklist, connection should fail
    zsock_set_zap_domain (server, "global");
    zstr_sendx (auth, "DENY", "", NULL);
    zsock_wait (auth);
    success = s_can_connect (&server, &client);
    assert (!success);

    //  Whitelist our address, which overrides the blacklist
    zsock_set_zap_domain (server, "global");
    zstr_sendx (auth, "ALLOW", "", NULL);
    zsock_wait (auth);
    success = s_can_connect (&server, &client);
    assert (success);

    //  Try PLAIN authentication
    zsock_set_plain_server (server, 1);
    zsock_set_plain_username (client, "admin");
    zsock_set_plain_password (client, "Password");
    success = s_can_connect (&server, &client);
    assert (!success);

    FILE *password = fopen (TESTDIR "/password-file", "w");
    assert (password);
    fprintf (password, "admin=Password\n");
    fclose (password);
    zsock_set_plain_server (server, 1);
    zsock_set_plain_username (client, "admin");
    zsock_set_plain_password (client, "Password");
    zstr_sendx (auth, "PLAIN", TESTDIR "/password-file", NULL);
    zsock_wait (auth);
    success = s_can_connect (&server, &client);
    assert (success);

    zsock_set_plain_server (server, 1);
    zsock_set_plain_username (client, "admin");
    zsock_set_plain_password (client, "Bogus");
    success = s_can_connect (&server, &client);
    assert (!success);

    if (zsys_has_curve ()) {
        //  Try CURVE authentication
        //  We'll create two new certificates and save the client public
        //  certificate on disk; in a real case we'd transfer this securely
        //  from the client machine to the server machine.
        zcert_t *server_cert = zcert_new ();
        assert (server_cert);
        zcert_t *client_cert = zcert_new ();
        assert (client_cert);
        char *server_key = zcert_public_txt (server_cert);

        //  Test without setting-up any authentication
        zcert_apply (server_cert, server);
        zcert_apply (client_cert, client);
        zsock_set_curve_server (server, 1);
        zsock_set_curve_serverkey (client, server_key);
        success = s_can_connect (&server, &client);
        assert (!success);

        //  Test CURVE_ALLOW_ANY
        zcert_apply (server_cert, server);
        zcert_apply (client_cert, client);
        zsock_set_curve_server (server, 1);
        zsock_set_curve_serverkey (client, server_key);
        zstr_sendx (auth, "CURVE", CURVE_ALLOW_ANY, NULL);
        zsock_wait (auth);
        success = s_can_connect (&server, &client);
        assert (success);

        //  Test full client authentication using certificates
        zcert_apply (server_cert, server);
        zcert_apply (client_cert, client);
        zsock_set_curve_server (server, 1);
        zsock_set_curve_serverkey (client, server_key);
        zcert_save_public (client_cert, TESTDIR "/mycert.txt");
        zstr_sendx (auth, "CURVE", TESTDIR, NULL);
        zsock_wait (auth);
        success = s_can_connect (&server, &client);
        assert (success);

        zcert_destroy (&server_cert);
        zcert_destroy (&client_cert);
    //  Remove the authenticator and check a normal connection works
    zactor_destroy (&auth);
    success = s_can_connect (&server, &client);
    assert (success);

    zsock_destroy (&client);
    zsock_destroy (&server);

    //  Delete all test files
    zdir_t *dir = zdir_new (TESTDIR, NULL);
    assert (dir);
    zdir_remove (dir, true);
    zdir_destroy (&dir);
    //  @end
    printf ("OK\n");
Exemple #30
curve_server_test (bool verbose)
    printf (" * curve_server: ");

    //  @selftest
    //  Create temporary directory for test files
    srand (time (NULL));
    zsys_dir_create (TESTDIR);
    zcert_t *server_cert = zcert_new ();
    zcert_save (server_cert, TESTDIR "/server.cert");

    //  Install the authenticator
    zctx_t *ctx = zctx_new ();
    zauth_t *auth = zauth_new (ctx);
    assert (auth);
    zauth_set_verbose (auth, verbose);
    zauth_configure_curve (auth, "*", TESTDIR);

    //  We'll run a set of clients as background tasks, and the
    //  server in this foreground thread. Don't pass verbose to
    //  the clients as the results are unreadable.
    int live_clients;
    for (live_clients = 0; live_clients < 5; live_clients++)
        zthread_new (client_task, &verbose);

    curve_server_t *server = curve_server_new (ctx, &server_cert);
    curve_server_set_verbose (server, verbose);
    curve_server_bind (server, "tcp://");
    while (live_clients > 0) {
        zmsg_t *msg = curve_server_recv (server);
        if (memcmp (zframe_data (zmsg_last (msg)), "END", 3) == 0)
        curve_server_send (server, &msg);

    //  Try an invalid client/server combination
    byte bad_server_key [32] = { 0 };
    zcert_t *unknown = zcert_new ();
    curve_client_t *client = curve_client_new (&unknown);
    curve_client_set_verbose (client, true);
    curve_client_connect (client, "tcp://", bad_server_key);
    curve_client_sendstr (client, "Hello, World");

    //  Expect no reply after 250msec
    zmq_pollitem_t pollitems [] = {
        { curve_client_handle (client), 0, ZMQ_POLLIN, 0 }
    assert (zmq_poll (pollitems, 1, 250) == 0);
    curve_client_destroy (&client);

    //  Delete all test files
    zdir_t *dir = zdir_new (TESTDIR, NULL);
    zdir_remove (dir, true);
    zdir_destroy (&dir);

    curve_server_destroy (&server);
    zauth_destroy (&auth);
    zctx_destroy (&ctx);
    //  @end
    //  Ensure client threads have exited before we do
    zclock_sleep (100);
    printf ("OK\n");