double DistanceFromContour::compute( const unsigned& tindex, AtomValuePack& myatoms ) const {
  Vector distance = getSeparation( getPosition(getNumberOfAtoms()-1), myatoms.getPosition(0) );
  std::vector<double> pp(3), der(3,0); for(unsigned j=0;j<3;++j) pp[j] = distance[j]; 

  // Now create the kernel and evaluate
  KernelFunctions kernel( pp, bw, kerneltype, false, 1.0, true );
  double newval = kernel.evaluate( pval, der, true );

  if( mybasemulticolvars[0]->isDensity() ){ 
      if( !doNotCalculateDerivatives() && derivTime ){
          MultiValue& myvals=myatoms.getUnderlyingMultiValue();
          Vector vder; unsigned basen=myvals.getNumberOfDerivatives() - 12;
          for(unsigned i=0;i<3;++i){ 
              vder[i]=der[i]; myvals.addDerivative( 1, basen+i, vder[i] ); 
          myatoms.setValue( 2, der[dir] );
          addAtomDerivatives( 1, 0, -vder, myatoms );
          myatoms.addBoxDerivatives( 1, Tensor(vder,distance) );
      myatoms.setValue( 0, 1.0 ); return newval; 

  // This does the stuff for averaging
  myatoms.setValue( 0, newval );

  // This gets the average if we are using a phase field
  std::vector<double> cvals( mybasemulticolvars[0]->getNumberOfQuantities() );
  mybasedata[0]->retrieveValueWithIndex( tindex, false, cvals );
  return newval*cvals[0]*cvals[1]; 
void MultiColvarBase::calculateWeight( AtomValuePack& myatoms ) const {
  myatoms.setValue( 0, 1.0 );