std::vector<std::string> SubscriberManager::subscriptions_to_remove(const Bindings& orig_bindings,
                                                                    const Subscriptions& orig_subscriptions,
                                                                    const Bindings& bindings_to_update,
                                                                    const std::vector<std::string> binding_ids_to_remove)
  std::vector<std::string> subscription_ids_to_remove;
  std::set<std::string> missing_uris;

  // Store off the contact URIs of bindings to be removed. Any subscriptions
  // sharing any of these contact URIs will be removed.
  for (std::string binding_id : binding_ids_to_remove)
    Bindings::const_iterator b = orig_bindings.find(binding_id);
    if (b != orig_bindings.end())

  // Store off the original contact URI of bindings where the contact is about
  // to be changed. Any subscriptions that share any of the original contact
  // URIs will be removed.
  for (BindingPair bp : bindings_to_update)
    Bindings::const_iterator b = orig_bindings.find(bp.first);
    if ((b != orig_bindings.end()) &&
        (b->second->_uri != bp.second->_uri))

  // Loop over the subscriptions. If any have the same contact as one of the
  // missing URIs, the subscription should be removed.
  for (SubscriptionPair sp : orig_subscriptions)
    if (missing_uris.find(sp.second->_req_uri) != missing_uris.end())
      TRC_DEBUG("Subscription %s is being removed because the binding that shares"
                " its contact URI %s is being removed or changing contact URI",

  return subscription_ids_to_remove;