Exemple #1
QModelIndex BtTreeModel::createFolderTree( QStringList dirs, BtTreeItem* parent, QString pPath)
   BtTreeItem* pItem = parent;

   // Start the loop. We are going to return ndx at the end, 
   // so we need to declare and initialize outside of the loop
   QModelIndex ndx = createIndex(pItem->childCount(),0,pItem);

   // Need to call this because we are adding different things with different
   // column counts. Just using the rowsAboutToBeAdded throws ugly errors and
   // then a sigsegv
   emit layoutAboutToBeChanged();
   foreach ( QString cur, dirs )
      QString fPath;
      BtFolder* temp = new BtFolder();
      int i;

      // If the parent item is a folder, use its full path
      if ( pItem->type() == BtTreeItem::FOLDER )
         fPath = pItem->folder()->fullPath() % "/" % cur;
         fPath = pPath % "/" % cur; // If it isn't we need the parent path

      fPath.replace(QRegExp("//"), "/");

      // Set the full path, which will set the name and the path
      i = pItem->childCount();

      pItem->insertChildren(i, 1, BtTreeItem::FOLDER);
      pItem->child(i)->setData(BtTreeItem::FOLDER, temp);

      // Insert the item into the tree. If it fails, bug out
      //if ( ! insertRow(i, ndx, temp, BtTreeItem::FOLDER) )
      //   emit layoutChanged();
      //   return QModelIndex();

      // Set the parent item to point to the newly created tree
      pItem = pItem->child(i);

      // And this for the return
      ndx = createIndex(pItem->childCount(), 0, pItem);
Exemple #2
bool BtTreeModel::insertRow(int row, const QModelIndex &parent, QObject* victim, int victimType )
   if ( ! parent.isValid() )
      return false;

   BtTreeItem *pItem = item(parent);
   int type = pItem->type();

   bool success = true;

   success = pItem->insertChildren(row,1,type);
   if ( victim && success ) 
      type = victimType == -1 ? type : victimType;
      BtTreeItem* added = pItem->child(row);
      added->setData(type, victim);

   return success;