Exemple #1
void CSeqBasicCommand::Execute( CCgiContext& ctx )
    const CNcbiRegistry& reg = ctx.GetConfig();
    /* load in the html template file */
    string baseFile = reg.Get( "filesystem", "HtmlBaseFile" );
    auto_ptr<CHTMLPage> page( new CHTMLPage( NcbiEmptyString, baseFile ) );
    /* set up to replace <@VIEW@> in template file with html returned
       from CreateView */
    page->AddTagMap( "QUICKSEARCH", CreateQuickSearch(ctx) );
    page->AddTagMap( "VIEW", CreateView( ctx ) );
    /* actual page output */
    page->Print(ctx.GetResponse().out(), CNCBINode::eHTML );
Exemple #2
void CHelloCommand::Execute( CCgiContext& ctx )
    const CNcbiRegistry& reg = ctx.GetConfig();
    // load in the html template file
    string baseFile = reg.Get( "filesystem", "HtmlBaseFile" );
	auto_ptr<CHTMLPage> page( new CHTMLPage( NcbiEmptyString, baseFile ) );
    // set up to replace <@VIEW@> in template file with html returned
    // from CreateView
	page->AddTagMap( "VIEW", CreateView( ctx ) );

	// actual page output
    page->Print(ctx.GetResponse().out(), CNCBINode::eHTML );
Exemple #3
/* carries out the construction of the webpage when the 
 * cmd=advanced is set in the query string. */
void CSeqAdvancedGOCommand::Execute( CCgiContext& ctx )
    const CNcbiRegistry& reg = ctx.GetConfig();
    /* load in the html template file */
    string baseFile = reg.Get( "filesystem", "HtmlBaseFile" );
    auto_ptr<CHTMLPage> page( new CHTMLPage( NcbiEmptyString, baseFile ) );

    page->AddTagMap("QUICKSEARCH", CreateSpacer( ctx ));

    /* calls parent (CSeqBasicCommand) CreateViewi,
     * to add the "Advanced Search" table: allows
     * user to enter parameters for search. */
    page->AddTagMap( "VIEW", CreateView( ctx ) );

    /* actual page output */
    page->Print(ctx.GetResponse().out(), CNCBINode::eHTML );
void CBlastHitMatrixCGIApplication::x_GetSeqAnnot(CCgiContext& ctx)
        const CNcbiRegistry & reg = ctx.GetConfig();
        string blastURL = reg.Get("NetParams", "BlastURL");
        string url = (string)blastURL + "?CMD=Get&RID=" + m_RID + "&FORMAT_TYPE=ASN.1&FORMAT_OBJECT=Alignment";
        SConnNetInfo* net_info = ConnNetInfo_Create(NULL);
        // create HTTP connection
        CConn_HttpStream inHttp(url,net_info);   

        try {
            m_Annot.Reset(new CSeq_annot);
            auto_ptr<CObjectIStream> is
                    (CObjectIStream::Open(eSerial_AsnText, inHttp));
            *is >> *m_Annot;                                    
         catch (CException& e) {
              NCBI_THROW(CBlastHitMatrixCGIException, eInvalidSeqAnnot, "Exception reading SeqAnnot via url " + url + ", exception message: " + e.GetMsg());              