// Loads the map into the memory
bool CMapLoader::load( Uint8 episode, Uint8 level, const std::string& path, bool loadNewMusic, bool stategame )
    std::string levelname = "level";
    if(level < 10) levelname += "0";
    levelname += itoa(level) + ".ck" + itoa(episode);

    mp_map->m_gamepath = path;
    mp_map->m_worldmap = (level == 80);

    // HQ Music. Load Music for a level if you have HQP

        // If no music from the songlist could be loaded try the normal table which
        // has another format. It is part of HQP
        if(!g_pMusicPlayer->LoadfromSonglist(path, level))
            g_pMusicPlayer->LoadfromMusicTable(path, levelname);

    // decompress map RLEW data
    std::ifstream MapFile;
    bool fileopen = OpenGameFileR(MapFile, getResourceFilename(levelname,path,true,false), std::ios::binary);

    if (!fileopen)
        // only record this error message on build platforms that log errors
        // to a file and not to the screen.
        g_pLogFile->ftextOut("MapLoader: unable to open file %s<br>", levelname.c_str());
        return 0;
    g_pLogFile->ftextOut("MapLoader: file %s opened. Loading...<br>", levelname.c_str());

    MapFile.seekg (0, std::ios::beg);

    // load the compressed data into the memory
    std::vector<Uint8>	compdata;
    while( !MapFile.eof() )


    std::vector<Uint16> planeitems;
    RLE.expandSwapped(planeitems,compdata, 0xFEFE);

    // Here goes the memory allocation function
    mp_map->createEmptyDataPlane(1, planeitems.at(1), planeitems.at(2));

    int t;
    unsigned int planesize = 0;
    unsigned int curmapx=0, curmapy=0;
    planesize = planeitems.at(8);
    planesize /= 2; // Size of two planes, but we only need one

    const char &fixlevel_error = g_pBehaviorEngine->m_option[OPT_FIXLEVELERRORS].value;

    Uint32 c;
    for( c=17 ; c<planesize+17 ; c++ ) // Check against Tilesize
        t = planeitems.at(c);

        if( fixlevel_error )
            fixLevelTiles(t, curmapx, curmapy, episode, level);

        addTile(t, curmapx, curmapy);

        if (curmapx >= mp_map->m_width)
            curmapx = 0;
            if (curmapy >= mp_map->m_height) break;

        if(t > 255)
            t=0; // If there are some invalid values in the file

    // now do the sprites
    // get sprite data
    int resetcnt, resetpt;
    curmapx = curmapy = 0;
    resetcnt = resetpt = 0;

    if(mp_objvect && stategame == false)
        std::vector<CObject*>::iterator obj = mp_objvect->begin();
        for( ; obj != mp_objvect->end() ; obj++ )
            delete *obj;


        for( c=planesize+17 ; c<2*planesize+16 ; c++ )
            // in case the planesizes are bigger than the actual file content itself
            if(planeitems.size() <= c) break;

            t = planeitems.at(c);

            if (mp_map->m_worldmap) addWorldMapObject(t, curmapx, curmapy,  episode );
            else addEnemyObject(t, curmapx, curmapy, episode, level);

            if (curmapx >= mp_map->m_width)
                curmapx = 0;
                if (curmapy >= mp_map->m_height) break;

            if (++resetcnt==resetpt) curmapx = curmapy = 0;

    // Do some post calculations
    // Limit the scroll screens so the blocking (blue in EP1) tiles are3 never seen
    SDL_Rect gamerect = g_pVideoDriver->getGameResolution();
    mp_map->m_maxscrollx = (mp_map->m_width<<4) - gamerect.w - 32;
    mp_map->m_maxscrolly = (mp_map->m_height<<4) - gamerect.h - 32;

    // Set Scrollbuffer
    g_pVideoDriver->setScrollBuffer(&mp_map->m_scrollx_buf, &mp_map->m_scrolly_buf);

    return true;
Exemple #2
bool CVorticonMapLoaderBase::loadBase(  Uint8 episode, 
					Uint8 level, 
					const std::string& path, 
					bool loadNewMusic )
	std::vector<Uint16> planeitems;
    std::string levelname = "level";
	if(level < 10) levelname += "0";
	levelname += itoa(level) + ".ck" + itoa(episode);

	mpMap->m_gamepath = path;
	mpMap->m_worldmap = (level == 80);

	// HQ Music. Load Music for a level if you have HQP

		// If no music from the songlist could be loaded try the normal table which
		// has another format. It is part of HQP
		if(!gMusicPlayer.LoadfromSonglist(path, level))
			gMusicPlayer.LoadfromMusicTable(path, levelname);

	// decompress map RLEW data
	std::ifstream MapFile;
	bool fileopen = OpenGameFileR(MapFile, getResourceFilename(levelname,path,true,false), std::ios::binary);

	if (!fileopen)
		// only record this error message on build platforms that log errors
		// to a file and not to the screen.
		gLogging.ftextOut("MapLoader: unable to open file %s<br>", levelname.c_str());
		return false;
	gLogging.ftextOut("MapLoader: file %s opened. Loading...<br>", levelname.c_str());

	MapFile.seekg (0, std::ios::beg);

	// load the compressed data into the memory
	std::vector<Uint8>	compdata;
	while( !MapFile.eof() )


    RLE.expandSwapped(planeitems, compdata, 0xFEFE);

	// Here goes the memory allocation function
	const Uint16 w =  planeitems.at(1);
	const Uint16 h =  planeitems.at(2);
    mpMap->setupEmptyDataPlanes(3, w, h);

	unsigned int planesize = 0;
	planesize = planeitems.at(8);
	planesize /= 2; // We have two planes

	blitPlaneToMap( planeitems, planesize, 0, 0);
	blitPlaneToMap( planeitems, planesize, 0, 1);
	blitPlaneToMap( planeitems, planesize, 1, 2);
	return true;