Exemple #1
void CList::UpdateAutoScroll()
	int selected;
	bool scrollbar;
	float scroll;
	GUI<int>::GetSetting(this, "selected", selected);
	GUI<bool>::GetSetting(this, "scrollbar", scrollbar);

	CRect rect = GetListRect();

	// No scrollbar, no scrolling (at least it's not made to work properly).
	if (!scrollbar)

	scroll = GetScrollBar(0).GetPos();

	// Check upper boundary
	if (m_ItemsYPositions[selected] < scroll)
		return; // this means, if it wants to align both up and down at the same time
				//  this will have precedence.

	// Check lower boundary
	if (m_ItemsYPositions[selected+1]-rect.GetHeight() > scroll)
CFracControlModel::CFracControlModel( const CRect& rect, std::weak_ptr<IBaseExprModel> parent ) :
	IBaseExprModel(rect, parent)
	this->rect.Set( 0, 0, 0, rect.GetHeight() ); // нас интересует только высота, остальное исправится сразу же после инвалидации дерева
	this->params.polygon.push_back( CLine( rect.Left( ), rect.GetHeight( ) / 2, rect.Right( ), rect.GetHeight( ) / 2 ) );

	depth = parent.lock()->GetDepth() + 1;
Exemple #3
RECT CEditWnd::CalPos()
    CRect rcPos = m_pOwner->GetPos();
    RECT rcInset = m_pOwner->GetTextPadding();
    rcPos.left += rcInset.left;
    rcPos.top += rcInset.top;
    rcPos.right -= rcInset.right;
    rcPos.bottom -= rcInset.bottom;
    LONG lEditHeight = m_pOwner->GetManager()->GetFontInfo(m_pOwner->GetFont())->tm.tmHeight;
    if (lEditHeight < rcPos.GetHeight()) 
        rcPos.top += (rcPos.GetHeight() - lEditHeight) / 2;
        rcPos.bottom = rcPos.top + lEditHeight;
    return rcPos;
void CEquationEditorWindow::ZoomDFS( float coef, std::shared_ptr<IBaseExprModel> node )
    for( auto child : node->GetChildren() ) {
        ZoomDFS( coef, child );

    CRect rect = node->GetRect();
    int heightNew = ( int ) rect.GetHeight() * coef;
    int widthNew = ( int ) rect.GetWidth() * coef;
        rect.Left() + widthNew,
        rect.Top() + heightNew
    node->SetRect( rect );

    std::wstring text = node->GetText();
    if( text.length() > 0 ) {
        std::shared_ptr<CEditControlModel> eNode = std::dynamic_pointer_cast<CEditControlModel>(node);

        std::vector<int> symbolsWidthsNew;
        for( int i = 0; i < text.length(); i++ ) {
            int symbolWidth = GetSymbolWidth( text[i], heightNew );
            symbolsWidthsNew.push_back( symbolWidth );
        eNode->UpdateSymbolsWidths( symbolsWidthsNew );
void CSystemControlModel::PlaceChildren()
	CRect newRect;
  int currentTop = rect.Top() + 5;

  for (int i = 0; i < children.size(); ++i) {
    CRect oldRect = children[i]->GetRect();
    newRect.Top() = currentTop;
    currentTop += oldRect.GetHeight() + 5;
    newRect.Bottom() = newRect.Top() + oldRect.GetHeight();
    newRect.Left() = rect.Left() + 15;
    newRect.Right() = newRect.Left() + oldRect.GetWidth();

Exemple #6
void CHwndUI::SetPos(RECT rc)
	CRect rcUI = m_rcItem;
	if (m_UIHwnd&&::IsWindow(m_UIHwnd))
void CFracControlModel::PlaceChildren()
	CRect newRect;
	int middle = (rect.Right() + rect.Left()) / 2;
	CRect oldRect = firstChild->GetRect( );
	newRect.Top() = rect.Top();
	newRect.Bottom() = rect.Top() + oldRect.GetHeight();
	newRect.Left() = middle - oldRect.GetWidth() / 2;
	newRect.Right() = middle + oldRect.GetWidth() / 2;
	firstChild->SetRect( newRect );
	oldRect = secondChild->GetRect( );
	newRect.Bottom() = rect.Bottom();
	newRect.Top() = rect.Bottom() - oldRect.GetHeight();
	newRect.Left() = middle - oldRect.GetWidth() / 2;
	newRect.Right() = middle + oldRect.GetWidth() / 2;
	secondChild->SetRect( newRect );

void CMultiLineEditUI::SetPos(RECT rc)
    if( m_pCanvas != NULL ) {
        CRect rcEdit = rc;
        ::SetWindowPos(*m_pCanvas, HWND_TOP, rcEdit.left, rcEdit.top, rcEdit.GetWidth(), rcEdit.GetHeight(), SWP_NOOWNERZORDER);

    if( m_pWindow != NULL ) {
        CRect rcEdit = rc;
        rcEdit.right += 20;
        ::SetWindowPos(*m_pWindow, HWND_TOP, 0, 0, rcEdit.GetWidth(), rcEdit.GetHeight(), SWP_NOACTIVATE);
Exemple #9
void CGUI::DrawText(SGUIText &Text, const CColor &DefaultColor, 
					const CPos &pos, const float &z, const CRect &clipping)
	CShaderTechniquePtr tech = g_Renderer.GetShaderManager().LoadEffect(str_gui_text);


	bool isClipped = (clipping != CRect());
	if (isClipped)
		glScissor(clipping.left, g_yres - clipping.bottom, clipping.GetWidth(), clipping.GetHeight());

	CTextRenderer textRenderer(tech->GetShader());
	textRenderer.Translate(0.0f, 0.0f, z);

	for (std::vector<SGUIText::STextCall>::const_iterator it = Text.m_TextCalls.begin(); 
		 it != Text.m_TextCalls.end(); 
		// If this is just a placeholder for a sprite call, continue
		if (it->m_pSpriteCall)

		CColor color = it->m_UseCustomColor ? it->m_Color : DefaultColor;

		textRenderer.Put((float)(int)(pos.x+it->m_Pos.x), (float)(int)(pos.y+it->m_Pos.y), &it->m_String);


	for (std::list<SGUIText::SSpriteCall>::iterator it=Text.m_SpriteCalls.begin(); 
		DrawSprite(it->m_Sprite, it->m_CellID, z, it->m_Area + pos);

	if (isClipped)

Exemple #10
void CBalloonTip::UpdateWindow()
	CRect rc;

	int nBorder = GetSystemMetrics(SM_CXFRAME);
	int nWidth = GetSystemMetrics(SM_CXMAXIMIZED)- 2*nBorder;
	int nHeight= GetSystemMetrics(SM_CYMAXIMIZED)- 2*nBorder;

	int nClientWidth = rc.GetWidth();// m_BKImageBig->GetWidth() ;
	int nClientHeight = rc.GetHeight();//m_BKImageBig->GetHeight() ;

	int bTopPos = (30*(255-m_nFade))/255;

	SetLayeredWindowAttributes(GetHWND(), NULL, m_nFade, LWA_ALPHA);

Exemple #11
void CGUI::DrawText(SGUIText& Text, const CColor& DefaultColor, const CPos& pos, const float& z, const CRect& clipping)
	CShaderTechniquePtr tech = g_Renderer.GetShaderManager().LoadEffect(str_gui_text);


	bool isClipped = (clipping != CRect());
	if (isClipped)
			clipping.left / g_GuiScale,
			g_yres - clipping.bottom / g_GuiScale,
			clipping.GetWidth() / g_GuiScale,
			clipping.GetHeight() / g_GuiScale);

	CTextRenderer textRenderer(tech->GetShader());
	textRenderer.Translate(0.0f, 0.0f, z);

	for (const SGUIText::STextCall& tc : Text.m_TextCalls)
		// If this is just a placeholder for a sprite call, continue
		if (tc.m_pSpriteCall)

		CColor color = tc.m_UseCustomColor ? tc.m_Color : DefaultColor;

		textRenderer.Put((float)(int)(pos.x + tc.m_Pos.x), (float)(int)(pos.y + tc.m_Pos.y), &tc.m_String);


	for (const SGUIText::SSpriteCall& sc : Text.m_SpriteCalls)
		DrawSprite(sc.m_Sprite, sc.m_CellID, z, sc.m_Area + pos);

	if (isClipped)

void CEquationEditorWindow::DrawString( const std::wstring& text, const CRect& textRect, bool isSelected )
	RECT rect;
	rect.bottom = textRect.Bottom();
	rect.top = textRect.Top();
	rect.left = textRect.Left();
	rect.right = textRect.Right();
	HFONT font = getFont( textRect.GetHeight() );
	HGDIOBJ oldObject = ::SelectObject( hdc, font );

	if( isSelected ) {
		::SetTextColor( hdc, symbolSelectedColorref );
		::SetBkColor( hdc, bkSelectedColorref );
	} else {
		::SetTextColor( hdc, symbolUnselectedColorref );
		::SetBkColor( hdc, bkUnselectedColorref );
	::DrawText( hdc, text.c_str(), text.size(), &rect, DT_LEFT );
	::SelectObject( hdc, oldObject );
Exemple #13
void CList::DrawList(const int& selected, const CStr& _sprite, const CStr& _sprite_selected, const CStr& _textcolor)
	float bz = GetBufferedZ();

	// First call draw on ScrollBarOwner
	bool scrollbar;
	GUI<bool>::GetSetting(this, "scrollbar", scrollbar);

	if (scrollbar)

	if (GetGUI())
		CRect rect = GetListRect();

		CGUISpriteInstance* sprite = NULL;
		CGUISpriteInstance* sprite_selectarea = NULL;
		int cell_id;
		GUI<CGUISpriteInstance>::GetSettingPointer(this, _sprite, sprite);
		GUI<CGUISpriteInstance>::GetSettingPointer(this, _sprite_selected, sprite_selectarea);
		GUI<int>::GetSetting(this, "cell_id", cell_id);

		CGUIList* pList;
		GUI<CGUIList>::GetSettingPointer(this, "list", pList);

		GetGUI()->DrawSprite(*sprite, cell_id, bz, rect);

		float scroll = 0.f;
		if (scrollbar)
			scroll = GetScrollBar(0).GetPos();

		if (selected != -1)
			ENSURE(selected >= 0 && selected+1 < (int)m_ItemsYPositions.size());

			// Get rectangle of selection:
			CRect rect_sel(rect.left, rect.top + m_ItemsYPositions[selected] - scroll,
					       rect.right, rect.top + m_ItemsYPositions[selected+1] - scroll);

			if (rect_sel.top <= rect.bottom &&
				rect_sel.bottom >= rect.top)
				if (rect_sel.bottom > rect.bottom)
					rect_sel.bottom = rect.bottom;
				if (rect_sel.top < rect.top)
					rect_sel.top = rect.top;

				if (scrollbar)
					// Remove any overlapping area of the scrollbar.
					if (rect_sel.right > GetScrollBar(0).GetOuterRect().left &&
						rect_sel.right <= GetScrollBar(0).GetOuterRect().right)
						rect_sel.right = GetScrollBar(0).GetOuterRect().left;

					if (rect_sel.left >= GetScrollBar(0).GetOuterRect().left &&
						rect_sel.left < GetScrollBar(0).GetOuterRect().right)
						rect_sel.left = GetScrollBar(0).GetOuterRect().right;

				GetGUI()->DrawSprite(*sprite_selectarea, cell_id, bz+0.05f, rect_sel);

		CColor color;
		GUI<CColor>::GetSetting(this, _textcolor, color);

		for (size_t i = 0; i < pList->m_Items.size(); ++i)
			if (m_ItemsYPositions[i+1] - scroll < 0 ||
				m_ItemsYPositions[i] - scroll > rect.GetHeight())

			// Clipping area (we'll have to substract the scrollbar)
			CRect cliparea = GetListRect();

			if (scrollbar)
				if (cliparea.right > GetScrollBar(0).GetOuterRect().left &&
					cliparea.right <= GetScrollBar(0).GetOuterRect().right)
					cliparea.right = GetScrollBar(0).GetOuterRect().left;

				if (cliparea.left >= GetScrollBar(0).GetOuterRect().left &&
					cliparea.left < GetScrollBar(0).GetOuterRect().right)
					cliparea.left = GetScrollBar(0).GetOuterRect().right;

			DrawText(i, color, rect.TopLeft() - CPos(0.f, scroll - m_ItemsYPositions[i]), bz+0.1f, cliparea);
Exemple #14
void PopupMenu::Popup(CPoint point)
	CListUI* menu_list = static_cast<CListUI*>(paint_manager_.FindControl(kMenuList));
	if (menu_list != NULL)
		CRect rc;
		rc.left = point.x;
		rc.top = point.y;
		rc.right = rc.left + kContextMenuWidth;
		rc.bottom = rc.top + menu_list->GetCount() * kContextMenuItemHeight + 2 * 8;

		int nWidth = rc.GetWidth();
		int nHeight = rc.GetHeight();

//#if defined(WIN32) && !defined(UNDER_CE)
//		MONITORINFO oMonitor = {};
//		oMonitor.cbSize = sizeof(oMonitor);
//		::GetMonitorInfo(::MonitorFromWindow(*this, MONITOR_DEFAULTTOPRIMARY), &oMonitor);
//		CRect rcWork = oMonitor.rcWork;
		CRect rcWork;
		GetWindowRect(hosted_window_, &rcWork);
		if( rc.bottom > rcWork.bottom )
			if( nHeight >= rcWork.GetHeight() )
				rc.top = 0;
				rc.bottom = nHeight;
			else {
				rc.bottom = point.y;
				rc.top = rc.bottom - nHeight;
		if (rc.right > rcWork.right)
			if (nWidth >= rcWork.GetWidth())
				rc.left = 0;
				rc.right = nWidth;
				rc.right = rcWork.right;
				rc.left = rc.right - nWidth;


		MoveWindow(*this, rc.left, rc.top, rc.GetWidth(), rc.GetHeight(), TRUE);
		SetWindowPos(*this, NULL, rc.left, rc.top, rc.GetWidth(), rc.GetHeight(), SWP_FRAMECHANGED);

		HWND hWndParent = m_hWnd;
		while( ::GetParent(hWndParent) != NULL ) hWndParent = ::GetParent(hWndParent);
		::ShowWindow(m_hWnd, SW_SHOW);
#if defined(WIN32) && !defined(UNDER_CE)
		::SendMessage(hWndParent, WM_NCACTIVATE, TRUE, 0L);
Exemple #15
CSize::CSize(const CRect &rect) : cx(rect.GetWidth()), cy(rect.GetHeight()) 
CSystemControlModel::CSystemControlModel( const CRect& rect, std::weak_ptr<IBaseExprModel> parent ) :
	IBaseExprModel(rect, parent)
	this->rect.Set( 0, 0, 0, rect.GetHeight() ); // нас интересует только высота, остальное исправится сразу же после инвалидации дерева
	depth = parent.lock()->GetDepth() + 1;
Exemple #17
void GUIRenderer::UpdateDrawCallCache(DrawCalls& Calls, const CStr& SpriteName, const CRect& Size, int CellID, std::map<CStr, CGUISprite*>& Sprites)
	// This is called only when something has changed (like the size of the
	// sprite), so it doesn't need to be particularly efficient.

	// Clean up the old data

	// If this object has zero size, there's nothing to render. (This happens
	// with e.g. tooltips that have zero size before they're first drawn, so
	// it isn't necessarily an error.)
	if (Size.left == Size.right && Size.top == Size.bottom)

	std::map<CStr, CGUISprite*>::iterator it(Sprites.find(SpriteName));
	if (it == Sprites.end())
		 * Sprite not found. Check whether this a special sprite,
		 * and if so create a new sprite:
		 * "stretched:filename.ext" - stretched image
		 * "stretched:grayscale:filename.ext" - stretched grayscale image.
		 * "cropped:0.5, 0.25"    - stretch this ratio (x,y) of the top left of the image
		 * "color:r g b a"        - solid color
		 *     > "textureAsMask"  - when using color, use the (optional) texture alpha channel as mask.
		 * These can be combined, but they must be separated by a ":"
		 * so you can have a white overlay over an stretched grayscale image with:
		 * "grayscale:color:255 255 255 100:stretched:filename.ext"
		// Check that this can be a special sprite.
		if (SpriteName.ReverseFind(":") == -1 && SpriteName.Find("color(") == -1)
			LOGERROR("Trying to use a sprite that doesn't exist (\"%s\").", SpriteName.c_str());
		CGUISprite* Sprite = new CGUISprite;
		VfsPath TextureName = VfsPath("art/textures/ui") / wstring_from_utf8(SpriteName.AfterLast(":"));
		if (SpriteName.Find("stretched:") != -1)
			// TODO: Should check (nicely) that this is a valid file?
			SGUIImage* Image = new SGUIImage;

			Image->m_TextureName = TextureName;
			// Allow grayscale images for disabled portraits
			if (SpriteName.Find("grayscale:") != -1)
				Image->m_Effects = new SGUIImageEffects;
				Image->m_Effects->m_Greyscale = true;

			CClientArea ca(CRect(0, 0, 0, 0), CRect(0, 0, 100, 100));
			Image->m_Size = ca;
			Image->m_TextureSize = ca;


			Sprites[SpriteName] = Sprite;
		else if (SpriteName.Find("cropped:") != -1)
			// TODO: Should check (nicely) that this is a valid file?
			SGUIImage* Image = new SGUIImage;

			CStr info = SpriteName.AfterLast("cropped:").BeforeFirst(":");
			double xRatio = info.BeforeFirst(",").ToDouble();
			double yRatio = info.AfterLast(",").ToDouble();

			Image->m_TextureName = TextureName;

			CClientArea ca(CRect(0, 0, 0, 0), CRect(0, 0, 100, 100));
			CClientArea cb(CRect(0, 0, 0, 0), CRect(0, 0, 100/xRatio, 100/yRatio));
			Image->m_Size = ca;
			Image->m_TextureSize = cb;


			Sprites[SpriteName] = Sprite;
		if (SpriteName.Find("color:") != -1)
			CStrW value = wstring_from_utf8(SpriteName.AfterLast("color:").BeforeFirst(":"));
			CColor color;

			// Check color is valid
			if (!GUI<CColor>::ParseString(value, color))
				LOGERROR("GUI: Error parsing sprite 'color' (\"%s\")", utf8_from_wstring(value));

			SGUIImage* Image = new SGUIImage;

			// If we are using a mask, this is an effect.
			// Otherwise we can fallback to the "back color" attribute
			// TODO: we are assuming there is a filename here.
			if (SpriteName.Find("textureAsMask:") != -1)
				Image->m_TextureName = TextureName;
				Image->m_Effects = new SGUIImageEffects;
				Image->m_Effects->m_SolidColor = color;
				Image->m_BackColor = color;

			CClientArea ca(CRect(0, 0, 0, 0), CRect(0, 0, 100, 100));
			Image->m_Size = ca;
			Image->m_TextureSize = ca;


			Sprites[SpriteName] = Sprite;
		it = Sprites.find(SpriteName);

		// Otherwise, just complain and give up:
		if (it == Sprites.end())
			LOGERROR("Trying to use a sprite that doesn't exist (\"%s\").", SpriteName.c_str());


	// Iterate through all the sprite's images, loading the texture and
	// calculating the texture coordinates
	std::vector<SGUIImage*>::const_iterator cit;
	for (cit = it->second->m_Images.begin(); cit != it->second->m_Images.end(); ++cit)
		SDrawCall Call(*cit); // pointers are safe since we never modify sprites/images after startup

		CRect ObjectSize = (*cit)->m_Size.GetClientArea(Size);

		if (ObjectSize.GetWidth() == 0.0 || ObjectSize.GetHeight() == 0.0)
			// Zero sized object. Don't report as an error, since it's common for e.g. hitpoint bars.
			continue; // i.e. don't continue with this image

		Call.m_Vertices = ObjectSize;
		if ((*cit)->m_RoundCoordinates)
			// Round the vertex coordinates to integers, to avoid ugly filtering artifacts
			Call.m_Vertices.left = (int)(Call.m_Vertices.left + 0.5f);
			Call.m_Vertices.right = (int)(Call.m_Vertices.right + 0.5f);
			Call.m_Vertices.top = (int)(Call.m_Vertices.top + 0.5f);
			Call.m_Vertices.bottom = (int)(Call.m_Vertices.bottom + 0.5f);

		if (!(*cit)->m_TextureName.empty())
			CTextureProperties textureProps(g_L10n.LocalizePath((*cit)->m_TextureName));
			CTexturePtr texture = g_Renderer.GetTextureManager().CreateTexture(textureProps);
			Call.m_HasTexture = true;
			Call.m_Texture = texture;

			Call.m_EnableBlending = false; // will be overridden if the texture has an alpha channel

			Call.m_ObjectSize = ObjectSize;
			Call.m_CellID = CellID;
			Call.m_HasTexture = false;
			// Enable blending if it's transparent (allowing a little error in the calculations)
			Call.m_EnableBlending = !(fabs((*cit)->m_BackColor.a - 1.0f) < 0.0000001f);

		Call.m_BackColor = (*cit)->m_BackColor;
		Call.m_BorderColor = (*cit)->m_Border ? (*cit)->m_BorderColor : CColor();
		Call.m_DeltaZ = (*cit)->m_DeltaZ;

		if (!Call.m_HasTexture)
			Call.m_Shader = g_Renderer.GetShaderManager().LoadEffect(str_gui_solid);
		else if ((*cit)->m_Effects)
			if ((*cit)->m_Effects->m_AddColor != CColor())
				Call.m_Shader = g_Renderer.GetShaderManager().LoadEffect(str_gui_add);
				Call.m_ShaderColorParameter = (*cit)->m_Effects->m_AddColor;
				// Always enable blending if something's being subtracted from
				// the alpha channel
				if ((*cit)->m_Effects->m_AddColor.a < 0.f)
					Call.m_EnableBlending = true;
			else if ((*cit)->m_Effects->m_Greyscale)
				Call.m_Shader = g_Renderer.GetShaderManager().LoadEffect(str_gui_grayscale);
			else if ((*cit)->m_Effects->m_SolidColor != CColor())
				Call.m_Shader = g_Renderer.GetShaderManager().LoadEffect(str_gui_solid_mask);
				Call.m_ShaderColorParameter = (*cit)->m_Effects->m_SolidColor;
				Call.m_EnableBlending = !(fabs((*cit)->m_Effects->m_SolidColor.a - 1.0f) < 0.0000001f);
			else /* Slight confusion - why no effects? */
				Call.m_Shader = g_Renderer.GetShaderManager().LoadEffect(str_gui_basic);
			Call.m_Shader = g_Renderer.GetShaderManager().LoadEffect(str_gui_basic);

Exemple #18
CRect SDrawCall::ComputeTexCoords() const
	float TexWidth = m_Texture->GetWidth();
	float TexHeight = m_Texture->GetHeight();

	if (!TexWidth || !TexHeight)
		return CRect(0, 0, 1, 1);

	// Textures are positioned by defining a rectangular block of the
	// texture (usually the whole texture), and a rectangular block on
	// the screen. The texture is positioned to make those blocks line up.

	// Get the screen's position/size for the block
	CRect BlockScreen = m_Image->m_TextureSize.GetClientArea(m_ObjectSize);

	if (m_Image->m_FixedHAspectRatio)
		BlockScreen.right = BlockScreen.left + BlockScreen.GetHeight() * m_Image->m_FixedHAspectRatio;

	// Get the texture's position/size for the block:
	CRect BlockTex;

	// "real_texture_placement" overrides everything
	if (m_Image->m_TexturePlacementInFile != CRect())
		BlockTex = m_Image->m_TexturePlacementInFile;
	// Check whether this sprite has "cell_size" set (and non-zero)
	else if ((int)m_Image->m_CellSize.cx)
		int cols = (int)TexWidth / (int)m_Image->m_CellSize.cx;
		if (cols == 0)
			cols = 1; // avoid divide-by-zero
		int col = m_CellID % cols;
		int row = m_CellID / cols;
		BlockTex = CRect(m_Image->m_CellSize.cx*col, m_Image->m_CellSize.cy*row,
		                 m_Image->m_CellSize.cx*(col+1), m_Image->m_CellSize.cy*(row+1));
	// Use the whole texture
		BlockTex = CRect(0, 0, TexWidth, TexHeight);

	// When rendering, BlockTex will be transformed onto BlockScreen.
	// Also, TexCoords will be transformed onto ObjectSize (giving the
	// UV coords at each vertex of the object). We know everything
	// except for TexCoords, so calculate it:

	CPos translation (BlockTex.TopLeft()-BlockScreen.TopLeft());
	float ScaleW = BlockTex.GetWidth()/BlockScreen.GetWidth();
	float ScaleH = BlockTex.GetHeight()/BlockScreen.GetHeight();

	CRect TexCoords (
				// Resize (translating to/from the origin, so the
				// topleft corner stays in the same place)
				.Scale(ScaleW, ScaleH)
				+ m_ObjectSize.TopLeft()
				// Translate from BlockTex to BlockScreen
				+ translation

	// The tex coords need to be scaled so that (texwidth,texheight) is
	// mapped onto (1,1)
	TexCoords.left   /= TexWidth;
	TexCoords.right  /= TexWidth;
	TexCoords.top    /= TexHeight;
	TexCoords.bottom /= TexHeight;

	return TexCoords;
Exemple #19
void CBalloonTip::InitControls()
	CLabelUI * pLab = NULL;
	CButtonUI* pBtn = NULL;
	CTextUI	 * pText= NULL; 

	SIZE sz;GetDrawTextSize(m_strInfo,sz);
	if (sz.cx<9999&&sz.cy<300)

	CRect rc;
	int nWidth = rc.GetWidth();
	int nHeight = rc.GetHeight();

	int s = m_pPM->GetFontIndex(MSYH,16,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE);
	pLab = RegiserLabel(ID_LAB_TITLE,CRect(15,8,200,25),m_strTitle);
	if (pLab)

	int nInfoStart = (nWidth - sz.cx)/2;
	pText = (CTextUI*)RegiserControl(CONTROL(CTextUI),ID_LAB_INFO,CRect(nInfoStart ,35,nWidth,40 + sz.cy));
	if (pText)

	pBtn = RegiserButton(ID_BTN_COSE,CRect(nWidth-31,2,nWidth-2,27));
	if (pBtn)
	if (m_dwMsgStyle != 0)
		if ((m_dwMsgStyle & 0X0000000F) == MB_YESNO)
			CButtonUI* pBtn = RegiserButton(ID_BTN_YES, CRect(30,sz.cy+50,120,sz.cy+80), _T("yes"));
			if (pBtn)
				pBtn->SetImage( CUIMessageBox::m_nLeftBtnImage);
			pBtn = RegiserButton(ID_BTN_NO, CRect(nWidth - 120,sz.cy+50,nWidth - 30,sz.cy+80), _T("no"));
			if (pBtn)
				pBtn->SetImage( CUIMessageBox::m_nLeftBtnImage);

Exemple #20
LRESULT CMenuWnd::OnCreate( UINT uMag, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam,BOOL& bHandled )
	if( m_pOwner != NULL) {
		LONG styleValue = ::GetWindowLong(*this, GWL_STYLE);
		styleValue &= ~WS_CAPTION;
		::SetWindowLong(*this, GWL_STYLE, styleValue | WS_CLIPSIBLINGS | WS_CLIPCHILDREN);
		RECT rcClient;
		::GetClientRect(*this, &rcClient);
		::SetWindowPos(*this, NULL, rcClient.left, rcClient.top, rcClient.right - rcClient.left, \
			rcClient.bottom - rcClient.top, SWP_FRAMECHANGED);

		// The trick is to add the items to the new container. Their owner gets
		// reassigned by this operation - which is why it is important to reassign
		// the items back to the righfull owner/manager when the window closes.
		m_pLayout = new CMenuUI();
		m_pLayout->SetManager(&m_pm, NULL, true);
		LPCTSTR pDefaultAttributes = m_pOwner->GetManager()->GetDefaultAttributeList(kMenuUIInterfaceName);
		if( pDefaultAttributes ) {
		for( int i = 0; i < m_pOwner->GetCount(); i++ ) {
			if(m_pOwner->GetItemAt(i)->GetInterface(kMenuElementUIInterfaceName) != NULL ){

		// Position the popup window in absolute space
		RECT rcOwner = m_pOwner->GetPos();
		RECT rc = rcOwner;

		int cxFixed = 0;
		int cyFixed = 0;

#if defined(WIN32) && !defined(UNDER_CE)
		MONITORINFO oMonitor = {}; 
		oMonitor.cbSize = sizeof(oMonitor);
		::GetMonitorInfo(::MonitorFromWindow(*this, MONITOR_DEFAULTTOPRIMARY), &oMonitor);
		CRect rcWork = oMonitor.rcWork;
		CRect rcWork;
		GetWindowRect(m_pOwner->GetManager()->GetPaintWindow(), &rcWork);
		SIZE szAvailable = { rcWork.right - rcWork.left, rcWork.bottom - rcWork.top };

		for( int it = 0; it < m_pOwner->GetCount(); it++ ) {
			if(m_pOwner->GetItemAt(it)->GetInterface(kMenuElementUIInterfaceName) != NULL ){
				CControlUI* pControl = static_cast<CControlUI*>(m_pOwner->GetItemAt(it));
				SIZE sz = pControl->EstimateSize(szAvailable);
				cyFixed += sz.cy;

				if( cxFixed < sz.cx )
					cxFixed = sz.cx;
		cyFixed += 4;
		cxFixed += 4;

		RECT rcWindow;
		GetWindowRect(m_pOwner->GetManager()->GetPaintWindow(), &rcWindow);

		rc.top = rcOwner.top;
		rc.bottom = rc.top + cyFixed;
		::MapWindowRect(m_pOwner->GetManager()->GetPaintWindow(), HWND_DESKTOP, &rc);
		rc.left = rcWindow.right;
		rc.right = rc.left + cxFixed;
		rc.right += 2;

		bool bReachBottom = false;
		bool bReachRight = false;
		LONG chRightAlgin = 0;
		LONG chBottomAlgin = 0;

		RECT rcPreWindow = {0};
		ContextMenuObserver::Iterator<BOOL, ContextMenuParam> iterator(s_context_menu_observer);
		ReceiverImplBase<BOOL, ContextMenuParam>* pReceiver = iterator.next();
		while( pReceiver != NULL ) {
			CMenuWnd* pContextMenu = dynamic_cast<CMenuWnd*>(pReceiver);
			if( pContextMenu != NULL ) {
				GetWindowRect(pContextMenu->GetHWND(), &rcPreWindow);

				bReachRight = rcPreWindow.left >= rcWindow.right;
				bReachBottom = rcPreWindow.top >= rcWindow.bottom;
				if( pContextMenu->GetHWND() == m_pOwner->GetManager()->GetPaintWindow() 
					||  bReachBottom || bReachRight )
			pReceiver = iterator.next();

		if (bReachBottom)
			rc.bottom = rcWindow.top;
			rc.top = rc.bottom - cyFixed;

		if (bReachRight)
			rc.right = rcWindow.left;
			rc.left = rc.right - cxFixed;

		if( rc.bottom > rcWork.bottom )
			rc.bottom = rc.top;
			rc.top = rc.bottom - cyFixed;

		if (rc.right > rcWork.right)
			rc.right = rcWindow.left;
			rc.left = rc.right - cxFixed;

			rc.top = rcWindow.bottom;
			rc.bottom = rc.top + cyFixed;

		if( rc.top < rcWork.top )
			rc.top = rcOwner.top;
			rc.bottom = rc.top + cyFixed;

		if (rc.left < rcWork.left)
			rc.left = rcWindow.right;
			rc.right = rc.left + cxFixed;

		MoveWindow(m_hWnd, rc.left, rc.top, rc.right - rc.left, rc.bottom - rc.top, FALSE);
	else {

		CDialogBuilder builder;
		CMenuBuilderCallback menuCallback;

		CControlUI* pRoot = builder.Create(m_xml, &menuCallback, &m_pm , NULL , m_sType.GetData());

#if defined(WIN32) && !defined(UNDER_CE)
		MONITORINFO oMonitor = {}; 
		oMonitor.cbSize = sizeof(oMonitor);
		::GetMonitorInfo(::MonitorFromWindow(*this, MONITOR_DEFAULTTOPRIMARY), &oMonitor);
		CRect rcWork = oMonitor.rcWork;
		CRect rcWork;
		/** 原来有bug m_pOwner为NULL,不能用m_pOwner->GetManager(),应为m_pm */
		//GetWindowRect(m_pOwner->GetManager()->GetPaintWindow(), &rcWork);
		GetWindowRect(m_pm.GetPaintWindow(), &rcWork);
		SIZE szAvailable = { rcWork.right - rcWork.left, rcWork.bottom - rcWork.top };
		szAvailable = pRoot->EstimateSize(szAvailable);
		m_pm.SetInitSize(szAvailable.cx, szAvailable.cy);

		DWORD dwAlignment = eMenuAlignment_Left | eMenuAlignment_Top;

		SIZE szInit = m_pm.GetInitSize();
		CRect rc;
		CPoint point = m_BasedPoint;
		rc.left = point.x;
		rc.top = point.y;
		rc.right = rc.left + szInit.cx;
		rc.bottom = rc.top + szInit.cy;

		int nWidth = rc.GetWidth();
		int nHeight = rc.GetHeight();

		if (dwAlignment & eMenuAlignment_Right)
			rc.right = point.x;
			rc.left = rc.right - nWidth;

		if (dwAlignment & eMenuAlignment_Bottom)
			rc.bottom = point.y;
			rc.top = rc.bottom - nHeight;

		MoveWindow(m_hWnd, rc.left, rc.top, rc.GetWidth(), rc.GetHeight(), FALSE);
		SetWindowPos(m_hWnd, HWND_TOPMOST, rc.left, rc.top, rc.GetWidth(), rc.GetHeight(), SWP_SHOWWINDOW);

	return 0;
Exemple #21
void CMultiLineEditUI::SetPos(RECT rc)
   if( m_pWindow != NULL ) {
      CRect rcEdit = rc;
      rcEdit.Deflate(3, 3);
      ::SetWindowPos(*m_pWindow, HWND_TOP, rcEdit.left, rcEdit.top, rcEdit.GetWidth(), rcEdit.GetHeight(), SWP_NOACTIVATE);
Exemple #22
void CChart::Draw()
	PROFILE3("render chart");

	if (!GetGUI())

	if (m_Series.empty())

	const float bz = GetBufferedZ();
	CRect rect = GetChartRect();
	const float width = rect.GetWidth();
	const float height = rect.GetHeight();

	// Disable depth updates to prevent apparent z-fighting-related issues
	//  with some drivers causing units to get drawn behind the texture.

	// Setup the render state
	CMatrix3D transform = GetDefaultGuiMatrix();
	CShaderDefines lineDefines;
	CShaderTechniquePtr tech = g_Renderer.GetShaderManager().LoadEffect(str_gui_solid, g_Renderer.GetSystemShaderDefines(), lineDefines);
	CShaderProgramPtr shader = tech->GetShader();
	shader->Uniform(str_transform, transform);

	CVector2D leftBottom, rightTop;
	leftBottom = rightTop = m_Series[0].m_Points[0];
	for (const CChartData& data : m_Series)
		for (const CVector2D& point : data.m_Points)
			if (point.X < leftBottom.X)
				leftBottom.X = point.X;
			if (point.Y < leftBottom.Y)
				leftBottom.Y = point.Y;

			if (point.X > rightTop.X)
				rightTop.X = point.X;
			if (point.Y > rightTop.Y)
				rightTop.Y = point.Y;

	CVector2D scale(width / (rightTop.X - leftBottom.X), height / (rightTop.Y - leftBottom.Y));

	for (const CChartData& data : m_Series)
		if (data.m_Points.empty())

		std::vector<float> vertices;
		vertices.reserve(data.m_Points.size() * 3);
		for (const CVector2D& point : data.m_Points)
			vertices.push_back(rect.left + (point.X - leftBottom.X) * scale.X);
			vertices.push_back(rect.bottom - (point.Y - leftBottom.Y) * scale.Y);
			vertices.push_back(bz + 0.5f);
		shader->Uniform(str_color, data.m_Color);
		shader->VertexPointer(3, GL_FLOAT, 0, &vertices[0]);

		if (!g_Renderer.m_SkipSubmit)
			glDrawArrays(GL_LINE_STRIP, 0, vertices.size() / 3);


	// Reset depth mask