bool CPolygon_Shared_Edges::Get_Shared_Edges(CSG_Shape_Part *pA, CSG_Shape_Part *pB, double Epsilon)
	int	Edge_1st	= m_pEdges->Get_Count();

	CSG_Shape	*pEdge	= NULL;

	for(int iPoint=0, jPoint; iPoint<pA->Get_Count(); iPoint++)
		CSG_Point	Point	= pA->Get_Point(iPoint);

		if( !pEdge )
			for(jPoint=0; jPoint<pB->Get_Count(); jPoint++)
				if( Point.is_Equal(pB->Get_Point(jPoint), Epsilon) )
					pEdge	= m_pEdges->Add_Shape();
					pEdge	->Add_Point(Point);

					if( m_Field < 0 )
						pEdge->Set_Value(0, pA->Get_Owner()->Get_Index());
						pEdge->Set_Value(1, pB->Get_Owner()->Get_Index());
						pEdge->Set_Value(0, pA->Get_Owner()->asString(m_Field));
						pEdge->Set_Value(1, pB->Get_Owner()->asString(m_Field));
			int	j	= jPoint;

			if( Point.is_Equal(pB->Get_Point(jPoint = Get_Next_Vertex(pB, j, false)), Epsilon)
			||  Point.is_Equal(pB->Get_Point(jPoint = Get_Next_Vertex(pB, j, true )), Epsilon) )
				pEdge	= NULL;

	if( pEdge )
		CSG_Shape	*pEdge_1st	= m_pEdges->Get_Shape(Edge_1st);

		if( pEdge != pEdge_1st && SG_Is_Equal(pA->Get_Point(0), pEdge_1st->Get_Point(0)) )
			for(int i=0; i<pEdge_1st->Get_Point_Count(0); i++)


	for(int iEdge=m_pEdges->Get_Count()-1; iEdge>=Edge_1st; iEdge--)
		if( m_pEdges->Get_Shape(iEdge)->Get_Point_Count() <= 1 )	// touches at point

	return( true );
bool Cconnectivity_analysis::On_Execute(void)
	CSG_Grid *pinpgrid, *bingrid, *symb_grid, *hgrid;
	CSG_Shapes *pOutlines;

	bool filter, corners_centers, remove_marginal_regions;
	unsigned short numrows;
	unsigned short numcols;
	unsigned char center;
	double xmin;
	double ymin;
	short interm_grid_created;
    simple_REGIONC_list *reg_first;
    simple_REGIONC_list *reg_last;
	simple_REGIONC_list *reg_curr;

	pinpgrid = Parameters ("INPUT_GRID")->asGrid();
	bingrid = Parameters ("FILTERED_MASK")->asGrid();
	filter = Parameters ("FILTER")->asBool();
	corners_centers = Parameters ("BORDER_PIXEL_CENTERS")->asBool();
	remove_marginal_regions = Parameters ("REMOVE_MARGINAL_REGIONS")->asBool();
	pOutlines = Parameters("OUTLINES")->asShapes();
	symb_grid = Parameters ("SYMBOLIC_IMAGE")->asGrid();
	CSG_String	sName = pOutlines->Get_Name();
	pOutlines->Add_Field(SG_T("ID"), SG_DATATYPE_Int);

//	xmin=pinpgrid->Get_XMin()-2*pinpgrid->Get_Cellsize();
//	ymin=pinpgrid->Get_YMin()-2*pinpgrid->Get_Cellsize();


	unsigned char **bin_image;
	long **symb_image;

	if (corners_centers)
		center = 1;
		center = 0;

	bin_image = (unsigned char **) matrix_all_alloc (numrows, numcols, 'U', 0);
	symb_image = (long **) matrix_all_alloc (numrows, numcols, 'L', 0);

	interm_grid_created = 0;

	//CSG_Grid *pTmp = new CSG_Grid();
	//delete pTmp;

	if (filter)
		if (bingrid == NULL)
			SG_UI_Msg_Add(_TL("Filtered mask will be created automatically ..."), true);

			bingrid = SG_Create_Grid(SG_DATATYPE_Char,

			if (bingrid == NULL)
				SG_UI_Msg_Add_Error(_TL("Unable to create filtered mask grid!"));
	            matrix_all_free ((void **) bin_image);
	            matrix_all_free ((void **) symb_image);

				return (false);

			interm_grid_created = 1;

		RUN_MODULE("grid_filter"			, 13,
				SET_PARAMETER("INPUT_GRID"  , pinpgrid)
			&&	SET_PARAMETER("OUTPUT_GRID"	, bingrid)
			&&	SET_PARAMETER("RADIUS"		, Parameters ("SIZE")->asInt())

		hgrid = bingrid;
	    hgrid = pinpgrid;

    for (int y = 0; y < hgrid->Get_NY () && Set_Progress(y, hgrid->Get_NY()); y++)
	    for (int x = 0; x < hgrid->Get_NX(); x++)
            if (hgrid->is_NoData(x,y))
		        bin_image[y+1][x+1] = 0;
		        bin_image[y+1][x+1] = hgrid->asChar(x,y);

	// Here the regions are removed which have contact with the image margins;
	// this is achieved by a region growing

	if (remove_marginal_regions)
		for (int y = 1; y < numrows - 1; y++)
			if (bin_image [y][1] != 0)
				background_region_growing (bin_image, numrows, numcols, y, 1);

			if (bin_image [y][numcols - 2] != 0)
				background_region_growing (bin_image, numrows, numcols, y, numcols-2);

		for (int x = 1; x < numcols - 1; x++)
			if (bin_image [1][x] != 0)
				background_region_growing (bin_image, numrows, numcols, 1, x);

			if (bin_image [numrows-2][x] != 0)
				background_region_growing (bin_image, numrows, numcols, numrows-2, x);

		if (filter)
		    for (int y = 0; y < bingrid->Get_NY (); y++)
     		    #pragma omp parallel for
		        for (int x = 0; x < bingrid->Get_NX(); x++)
			        bingrid->Set_Value(x, y, bin_image[y+1][x+1]);

	if (interm_grid_created)

	// The function which does the proper work: 
	// computation of the symbolic image, construction of the border chains (shapes)
	comb_contour_region_marking (numrows,

	for (int y = 0; y < symb_grid->Get_NY () && Set_Progress(y, symb_grid->Get_NY()); y++)
		#pragma omp parallel for
		for (int x = 0; x < symb_grid->Get_NX(); x++)
			symb_grid->Set_Value(x, y, symb_image[y+1][x+1]);

	// Here the shapes are generated

	int iPolygon;

	for (iPolygon = 0, reg_curr = reg_first; reg_curr != NULL; reg_curr = reg_curr -> next, iPolygon++)
		CSG_Shape	*pShape = pOutlines->Add_Shape();

		pShape->Set_Value(0, iPolygon);		// set ID field (= first field in table) to polygon ID

		for (simple_PIXELC_list *pix_curr = reg_curr->first_pix; pix_curr != NULL; pix_curr = pix_curr->next)
			TSG_Point point = symb_grid->Get_System().Get_Grid_to_World(pix_curr->col - 1, pix_curr->row - 1);
			pShape->Add_Point(point, 0);

		int iHoles;
		simple_INNER_REGION_list *inner_curr;

		for (iHoles=0, inner_curr = reg_curr->inner_first;
			 iHoles < reg_curr->num_holes;
			 iHoles++, inner_curr = inner_curr->next)
			for (simple_PIXELC_list *pix_curr = inner_curr->first_pix; pix_curr != NULL; pix_curr = pix_curr->next)
				TSG_Point point = symb_grid->Get_System().Get_Grid_to_World(pix_curr->col - 1, pix_curr->row - 1);
				pShape->Add_Point(point, iHoles+1);

        if (!corners_centers)
            shift_shape (pShape, -Get_Cellsize()/2.0, -Get_Cellsize()/2.0);

	matrix_all_free ((void **) bin_image);
	matrix_all_free ((void **) symb_image);
	free_regions (&reg_first, &reg_last);

	return( true );
bool CPolygon_Shared_Edges::On_Execute(void)
	CSG_Shapes	*pPolygons	= Parameters("POLYGONS")->asShapes();

	m_Field		= Parameters("ATTRIBUTE")->asInt();

	m_pEdges	= Parameters("EDGES")->asShapes();
	m_pEdges->Create(SHAPE_TYPE_Line, CSG_String::Format(SG_T("%s [%s]"), pPolygons->Get_Name(), _TL("Edges")));
	m_pEdges->Add_Field("ID_A", m_Field < 0 ? SG_DATATYPE_Int : pPolygons->Get_Field_Type(m_Field));
	m_pEdges->Add_Field("ID_B", m_Field < 0 ? SG_DATATYPE_Int : pPolygons->Get_Field_Type(m_Field));

//	m_pNodes	= Parameters("NODES")->asShapes();
//	m_pNodes->Create(SHAPE_TYPE_Point, CSG_String::Format(SG_T("%s [%s]"), pPolygons->Get_Name(), _TL("Nodes")));
//	m_pNodes->Add_Field("ID", SG_DATATYPE_Int);

	bool	bVertices	= Parameters("VERTICES")->asBool  ();
	double	Epsilon		= Parameters("EPSILON" )->asDouble();

	int	iPolygon, nAdded	= 0, nRemoved	= 0;

	if( bVertices )
		for(iPolygon=0; iPolygon<pPolygons->Get_Count() && Set_Progress(iPolygon, pPolygons->Get_Count()); iPolygon++)
			CSG_Shape_Polygon	*pPolygon	= (CSG_Shape_Polygon *)pPolygons->Get_Shape(iPolygon);

			for(int iPart=0; iPart<pPolygon->Get_Part_Count() && Process_Get_Okay(); iPart++)
				CSG_Shape_Part	*pPart	= pPolygon->Get_Part(iPart);

				CSG_Point	A	= pPart->Get_Point(pPart->Get_Count() - 1);

				if( A != pPart->Get_Point(0) )

				for(int iPoint=pPart->Get_Count()-2; iPoint>=0; iPoint--)
					CSG_Point	B	= A;	A	= pPart->Get_Point(iPoint);

					if( A == B )
						pPart->Del_Point(iPoint + 1);


	for(iPolygon=0; iPolygon<pPolygons->Get_Count()-1 && Set_Progress(iPolygon, pPolygons->Get_Count()-1); iPolygon++)
		CSG_Shape_Polygon	*pA	= (CSG_Shape_Polygon *)pPolygons->Get_Shape(iPolygon);

		for(int jPolygon=iPolygon+1; jPolygon<pPolygons->Get_Count() && Process_Get_Okay(); jPolygon++)
			CSG_Shape_Polygon	*pB	= (CSG_Shape_Polygon *)pPolygons->Get_Shape(jPolygon);

			for(int iPart=0; iPart<pA->Get_Part_Count() && Process_Get_Okay(); iPart++)
				for(int jPart=0; jPart<pB->Get_Part_Count() && Process_Get_Okay(); jPart++)
					if( pA->Get_Part(iPart)->Get_Extent().Intersects(pB->Get_Part(jPart)->Get_Extent()) )
						if( bVertices )
							nAdded	+= Check_Vertices(pA->Get_Part(iPart), pB->Get_Part(jPart), Epsilon);
							nAdded	+= Check_Vertices(pB->Get_Part(jPart), pA->Get_Part(iPart), Epsilon);

						Get_Shared_Edges(pA->Get_Part(iPart), pB->Get_Part(jPart), Epsilon);

	if( Parameters("DOUBLE")->asBool() )
		for(int iEdge=0, nEdges=m_pEdges->Get_Count(); iEdge<nEdges && Set_Progress(iEdge, nEdges); iEdge++)
			CSG_Shape	*pA	= m_pEdges->Get_Shape(iEdge);
			CSG_Shape	*pB	= m_pEdges->Add_Shape(pA);

			*(pB->Get_Value(0))	= *(pA->Get_Value(1));
			*(pB->Get_Value(1))	= *(pA->Get_Value(0));

	if( nAdded > 0 || nRemoved > 0 )
		Message_Add(CSG_String::Format(SG_T("\n%s: %d %s, %d %s\n"), _TL("Vertices"),
			nAdded  , _TL("added"  ),
			nRemoved, _TL("removed")
		), false);


	return( true );
bool CDirect_Georeferencing::On_Execute(void)
	if( !m_Georeferencer.Set_Transformation(Parameters, Get_NX(), Get_NY()) )
		return( false );

	CSG_Grid	*pDEM	= Parameters("DEM"      )->asGrid();
	double		zRef	= Parameters("ZREF"     )->asDouble();
	bool		bFlip	= Parameters("ROW_ORDER")->asInt() == 1;

	TSG_Grid_Resampling	Resampling;

	switch( Parameters("RESAMPLING")->asInt() )
	default:	Resampling	= GRID_RESAMPLING_NearestNeighbour;	break;
	case  1:	Resampling	= GRID_RESAMPLING_Bilinear;			break;
	case  2:	Resampling	= GRID_RESAMPLING_BicubicSpline;	break;
	case  3:	Resampling	= GRID_RESAMPLING_BSpline;			break;

	TSG_Point	p[4];

	p[0]	= m_Georeferencer.Image_to_World(       0,        0, zRef);
	p[1]	= m_Georeferencer.Image_to_World(Get_NX(),        0, zRef);
	p[2]	= m_Georeferencer.Image_to_World(Get_NX(), Get_NY(), zRef);
	p[3]	= m_Georeferencer.Image_to_World(       0, Get_NY(), zRef);

	CSG_Rect	r(p[0], p[1]);	r.Union(p[2]);	r.Union(p[3]);

	CSG_Shapes	*pShapes	= Parameters("EXTENT")->asShapes();

	if( pShapes )
		pShapes->Create(SHAPE_TYPE_Polygon, _TL("Extent"));
		pShapes->Add_Field(_TL("OID"), SG_DATATYPE_Int);

		CSG_Shape	*pExtent	= pShapes->Add_Shape();


	double	Cellsize	= SG_Get_Distance(p[0], p[1]) / Get_NX();

	CSG_Grid_System	System(Cellsize, r);

	m_Grid_Target.Set_User_Defined(Get_Parameters("TARGET"), System);

	if( !Dlg_Parameters("TARGET") )
		return( false );

	System	= m_Grid_Target.Get_System();

	if( !System.is_Valid() )
		return( false );

	CSG_Parameter_Grid_List	*pInput		= Parameters("INPUT" )->asGridList();
	CSG_Parameter_Grid_List	*pOutput	= Parameters("OUTPUT")->asGridList();


	if( pInput->Get_Grid_Count() <= 0 )
		return( false );
		TSG_Data_Type	Type;

		switch( Parameters("DATA_TYPE")->asInt() )
		case 0:		Type	= SG_DATATYPE_Byte;			break;
		case 1:		Type	= SG_DATATYPE_Char;			break;
		case 2:		Type	= SG_DATATYPE_Word;			break;
		case 3:		Type	= SG_DATATYPE_Short;		break;
		case 4:		Type	= SG_DATATYPE_DWord;		break;
		case 5:		Type	= SG_DATATYPE_Int;			break;
		case 6: 	Type	= SG_DATATYPE_Float;		break;
		case 7:		Type	= SG_DATATYPE_Double;		break;
		default:	Type	= SG_DATATYPE_Undefined;	break;

		for(int i=0; i<pInput->Get_Grid_Count(); i++)
			CSG_Grid	*pGrid	= SG_Create_Grid(System, Type != SG_DATATYPE_Undefined ? Type : pInput->Get_Grid(i)->Get_Type());

			if( !pGrid || !pGrid->is_Valid() )
				if( pGrid )

				return( false );



	for(int y=0; y<System.Get_NY() && Set_Progress(y, System.Get_NY()); y++)
		double	py	= System.Get_YMin() + y * System.Get_Cellsize();

		#pragma omp parallel for
		for(int x=0; x<System.Get_NX(); x++)
			double	pz, px	= System.Get_XMin() + x * System.Get_Cellsize();

			if( !pDEM || !pDEM->Get_Value(px, py, pz) )
				pz	= zRef;

			TSG_Point	p	= m_Georeferencer.World_to_Image(px, py, pz);

			if( bFlip )
				p.y	= (Get_NY() - 1) - p.y;

			for(int i=0; i<pInput->Get_Grid_Count(); i++)
				if( pInput->Get_Grid(i)->Get_Value(p.x, p.y, pz, Resampling) )
					pOutput->Get_Grid(i)->Set_Value(x, y, pz);
					pOutput->Get_Grid(i)->Set_NoData(x, y);

	return( true );
bool CWatersheds_ext::Get_Basin(CSG_Grid *pBasins, CSG_Shapes *pPolygons, int xMouth, int yMouth, int Main_ID)
	int						x, y, Basin_ID	= 1 + pPolygons->Get_Count();
	CSG_Shape				*pPolygon;
	CSG_Grid_Stack			Stack;
	CSG_Simple_Statistics	s_Height, s_Distance;

	Stack.Push(x = xMouth, y = yMouth);

	pBasins		->Set_Value(x, y, Basin_ID);
	m_Distance	 .Set_Value(x, y, 0.0);

	s_Height	+= m_pDEM->asDouble(x, y);
	s_Distance	+= 0.0;

	while( Stack.Get_Size() > 0 && Process_Get_Okay() )
		Stack.Pop(x, y);

		double	d	= m_Distance.asDouble(x, y);

		for(int i=0; i<8; i++)
			int	ix	= Get_xFrom(i, x);
			int	iy	= Get_yFrom(i, y);

			if( is_InGrid(ix, iy) && pBasins->is_NoData(ix, iy) && i == m_Direction.asInt(ix, iy) )
				Stack.Push(ix, iy);

				pBasins		->Set_Value(ix, iy, Basin_ID);
				m_Distance	 .Set_Value(ix, iy, d + Get_Length(i));

				s_Height	+= m_pDEM->asDouble(ix, iy);
				s_Distance	+= d + Get_Length(i);

	if( s_Height.Get_Count() > 1 && (pPolygon = Get_Basin(pBasins, pPolygons)) != NULL )
		double		d, Area, Perimeter, Side_A, Side_B;
		CSG_String	Gravelius;

	//	Area		= s_Height.Get_Count() * Get_System()->Get_Cellarea();
		Area		= ((CSG_Shape_Polygon*)pPolygon)->Get_Area();
		Perimeter	= ((CSG_Shape_Polygon*)pPolygon)->Get_Perimeter();

		d			= 0.28 * Perimeter / sqrt(Area);
		Gravelius	= d > 1.75 ? _TL("rectangular")
					: d > 1.5  ? _TL("ovalooblonga-rectangularoblonga")
					: d > 1.25 ? _TL("ovaloredonda-ovalooblonga")
					:            _TL("redonda-ovaloredonda");

		d			= pow(Perimeter, 2.0) - 8.0 * Area;
		Side_A		= d > 0.0 ? (Perimeter + sqrt(d))      / 4.0 : -1.0;
		Side_B		= d > 0.0 ? (Perimeter - 2.0 * Side_A) / 2.0 : -1.0;

		pPolygon->Set_Value(FIELD_ID			, Basin_ID);
		pPolygon->Set_Value(FIELD_ID_MAIN		, Main_ID);

		pPolygon->Set_Value(FIELD_MOUTH_X		, Get_System()->Get_xGrid_to_World(xMouth));
		pPolygon->Set_Value(FIELD_MOUTH_Y		, Get_System()->Get_yGrid_to_World(yMouth));

		pPolygon->Set_Value(FIELD_PERIMETER		, Perimeter);
		pPolygon->Set_Value(FIELD_AREA			, Area);

		pPolygon->Set_Value(FIELD_CENTROID_X	, ((CSG_Shape_Polygon*)pPolygon)->Get_Centroid().x);
		pPolygon->Set_Value(FIELD_CENTROID_Y	, ((CSG_Shape_Polygon*)pPolygon)->Get_Centroid().y);

		pPolygon->Set_Value(FIELD_Z_MEAN		, s_Height  .Get_Mean());
		pPolygon->Set_Value(FIELD_Z_RANGE		, s_Height  .Get_Range());

		pPolygon->Set_Value(FIELD_DIST_MEAN		, s_Distance.Get_Mean());
		pPolygon->Set_Value(FIELD_DIST_MAX		, s_Distance.Get_Maximum());

		pPolygon->Set_Value(FIELD_CONCTIME		, s_Height.Get_Range() <= 0.0 ? -1.0 :
			pow(0.87 * pow(s_Distance.Get_Maximum() / 1000.0, 3.0) / s_Height.Get_Range(),  0.385)

		pPolygon->Set_Value(FIELD_BASIN_TYPE	, Gravelius);

		pPolygon->Set_Value(FIELD_EQVRECT_A		, Side_A);
		pPolygon->Set_Value(FIELD_EQVRECT_B		, Side_B);

		pPolygon->Set_Value(FIELD_OROG_IDX		, SG_Get_Square(s_Height.Get_Mean()) / (0.0001 * Area));	// Orographic index, defined as the mean catchment altitude times the ratio of the mean catchment altitude to the orthogonal projection of drainage area (Alcázar, Palau (2010): Establishing environmental flow regimes in a Mediterranean watershed based on a regional classification. Journal of Hydrology, V. 388
		pPolygon->Set_Value(FIELD_MASS_IDX		, Perimeter / (0.0001 * Area));								// Perimeter / (0.0001 * Area) ??!!

		pPolygon->Set_Value(FIELD_BASINS_UP		, 0.0);	// Upslope Basins
		pPolygon->Set_Value(FIELD_BASINS_DOWN	, 0.0);	// Downslope Basins

		return( true );

	return( false );
Exemple #6
bool CXYZ_Export::On_Execute(void)
	bool		bHeader;
	int			Field, off_Field, Separate;
	CSG_File	Stream;
	CSG_Shapes	*pPoints;

	pPoints		= Parameters("POINTS"  )->asShapes();
	bHeader		= Parameters("HEADER"  )->asBool();
	Field		= Parameters("FIELD"   )->asInt();
	Separate	= pPoints->Get_Type() == SHAPE_TYPE_Point ? 0
				: Parameters("SEPARATE")->asInt();
	off_Field	= pPoints->Get_ObjectType() == DATAOBJECT_TYPE_PointCloud ? 2 : 0;

	if( pPoints->Get_Field_Count() == 0 )
		Error_Set(_TL("data set has no attributes"));

		return( false );

	if( !Stream.Open(Parameters("FILENAME")->asString(), SG_FILE_W, false) )
		Error_Set(_TL("could not open file"));

		return( false );

	if( bHeader )

		if( Field < 0 )
			for(int iField=off_Field; iField<pPoints->Get_Field_Count(); iField++)
				Stream.Printf(SG_T("\t%s"), pPoints->Get_Field_Name(iField));


	for(int iShape=0; iShape<pPoints->Get_Count() && Set_Progress(iShape, pPoints->Get_Count()); iShape++)
		CSG_Shape	*pShape	= pPoints->Get_Shape(iShape);

		for(int iPart=0; iPart<pShape->Get_Part_Count(); iPart++)
			switch( Separate )
			case 1:	// *

			case 2:	// number of points
				Stream.Printf(SG_T("%d\n"), pShape->Get_Point_Count(iPart));

			for(int iPoint=0; iPoint<pShape->Get_Point_Count(iPart); iPoint++)
				TSG_Point	Point	= pShape->Get_Point(iPoint, iPart);

				Stream.Printf(SG_T("%f\t%f"), Point.x, Point.y);

				if( Field < 0 )
					for(int iField=off_Field; iField<pPoints->Get_Field_Count(); iField++)
						switch( pPoints->Get_Field_Type(iField) )
						case SG_DATATYPE_String:
						case SG_DATATYPE_Date:
							Stream.Printf(SG_T("\t\"%s\""), pShape->asString(iField));

							Stream.Printf(SG_T("\t%f")    , pShape->asDouble(iField));
				else switch( pPoints->Get_Field_Type(Field) )
				case SG_DATATYPE_String:
				case SG_DATATYPE_Date:
					Stream.Printf(SG_T("\t\"%s\""), pShape->asString(Field));

					Stream.Printf(SG_T("\t%f")    , pShape->asDouble(Field));


	return( true );
void CD8_Flow_Analysis::Get_Segment(int x, int y)
	int		i	= m_pDir->asInt(x, y);

	if( i >= 0 )
		CSG_Shape	*pSegment	= m_pSegments->Add_Shape();

		pSegment->Set_Value(0, m_pSegments->Get_Count());					// SEGMENT_ID
		pSegment->Set_Value(1, m_Nodes.asInt(x, y));						// NODE_A
		pSegment->Set_Value(3, m_pBasins->asInt(x, y));						// BASIN
		pSegment->Set_Value(4, m_pOrder->asInt(x, y) + 1 - m_Threshold);	// ORDER
		pSegment->Set_Value(5, m_pOrder->asInt(x, y));						// ORDER_CELL

		pSegment->Add_Point(Get_System()->Get_Grid_to_World(x, y));
		pSegment->Set_Z(m_pDEM->asDouble(x, y), pSegment->Get_Point_Count() - 1);

			x	+= Get_xTo(i);
			y	+= Get_yTo(i);

			pSegment->Add_Point(Get_System()->Get_Grid_to_World(x, y));
			pSegment->Set_Z(m_pDEM->asDouble(x, y), pSegment->Get_Point_Count() - 1);

			if( m_Nodes.asInt(x, y) )
				pSegment->Set_Value(2, m_Nodes.asInt(x, y));						// NODE_B
				pSegment->Set_Value(6, ((CSG_Shape_Line *)pSegment)->Get_Length());	// LENGTH

		while( (i = m_pDir->asInt(x, y)) >= 0 );
bool CPoint_Trend_Surface::Get_Regression(CSG_Shapes *pPoints, int iAttribute)
	int		i, j, Field;


	m_Names	+= pPoints->Get_Name();

	for(i=1; i<=m_xOrder; i++)
		m_Names	+= Get_Power(SG_T("x"), i);

	for(i=1; i<=m_yOrder; i++)
		m_Names	+= Get_Power(SG_T("y"), i);

		for(j=1; j<=m_xOrder && i<m_tOrder && j<m_tOrder; j++)
			m_Names	+= Get_Power(SG_T("x"), j) + Get_Power(SG_T("y"), i);

	CSG_Vector	Y, xPow, yPow;
	CSG_Matrix	X;

	X.Create(m_Names.Get_Count(), pPoints->Get_Count());
	xPow.Create(m_xOrder + 1);
	yPow.Create(m_yOrder + 1);

	xPow[0]	= 1.0;
	yPow[0]	= 1.0;

	for(int iShape=0; iShape<pPoints->Get_Count() && Set_Progress(iShape, pPoints->Get_Count()); iShape++)
		CSG_Shape	*pShape	= pPoints->Get_Shape(iShape);

		if( !pShape->is_NoData(iAttribute) )
			double		zShape	= pShape->asDouble(iAttribute);
			TSG_Point	Point	= pShape->Get_Point(0);

			Y[iShape]		= zShape;
			X[iShape][0]	= 1.0;

			for(i=1, Field=1; i<=m_xOrder; i++)
				X[iShape][Field++]	= xPow[i]	= xPow[i - 1] * Point.x;

			for(i=1; i<=m_yOrder; i++)
				X[iShape][Field++]	= yPow[i]	= yPow[i - 1] * Point.y;

				for(j=1; j<=m_xOrder && i<m_tOrder && j<m_tOrder; j++)
					X[iShape][Field++]	= xPow[j] * yPow[i];

	CSG_Matrix	Xt, XtXinv;

	Xt		= X;
	Xt		.Set_Transpose();

	XtXinv	= Xt * X;
	XtXinv	.Set_Inverse();

	m_Coefficients	= XtXinv * Xt * Y;

	return( true );
bool CWaterRetentionCapacity::On_Execute(void){

	int i,j;
	int x,y;
	int iField;
	int iShape;
	int iRows;
	float fValue = 0;
	float **pData;
	int iX, iY;
	float fC;
	double dSlope,dAspect;	
	CSG_Shape* pShape;
	CSG_Shapes* pShapes = Parameters("SHAPES")->asShapes();
	CSG_Grid* pDEM = Parameters("DEM")->asGrid();
	m_pRetention = Parameters("RETENTION")->asGrid();
	m_pSlope = SG_Create_Grid(pDEM);
	m_pOutput = Parameters("OUTPUT")->asShapes();

	m_pOutput->Add_Field("CCC", SG_DATATYPE_Double);
	m_pOutput->Add_Field("CIL", SG_DATATYPE_Double);
	m_pOutput->Add_Field(_TL("Permeability"), SG_DATATYPE_Double);
	m_pOutput->Add_Field(_TL("Equivalent Moisture"), SG_DATATYPE_Double);
	m_pOutput->Add_Field(_TL("Water Retention Capacity"), SG_DATATYPE_Double);

	for(y=0; y<Get_NY() && Set_Progress(y); y++){		
		for(x=0; x<Get_NX(); x++){
			if( pDEM->Get_Gradient(x, y, dSlope, dAspect) ){
				m_pSlope->Set_Value(x, y, dSlope);				
				m_pSlope->Set_NoData(x, y);				

	iRows = pShapes->Get_Field_Count() / 5;
	pData = new float*[iRows];

	for (iShape = 0; iShape < pShapes->Get_Count(); iShape++){
		pShape = pShapes->Get_Shape(iShape);
		for (i = 0; i< iRows; i++){
			pData[i] = new float[5];
			for (j = 0; j < 5; j++){
				pData[i][j] = 0;
					pData[i][j] = pShape->asFloat(j+i*5);
		iX = (int)((pShape->Get_Point(0).x - pDEM->Get_XMin())/pDEM->Get_Cellsize());
		iY = (int)((pShape->Get_Point(0).y - pDEM->Get_YMin())/pDEM->Get_Cellsize());
		fC = (float)(1. - tan(m_pSlope->asFloat(iX,iY,false)));
		pShape = m_pOutput->Get_Shape(iShape);
		CalculateWaterRetention(pData, iRows, fC, pShape);

	iField = m_pOutput->Get_Field_Count()-1;


	IDW.setParameters(m_pRetention, m_pOutput, iField);


	return true;

void CDXF_Import::addText(const DL_TextData &data)
	if( !Check_Layer(attributes.getLayer().c_str()) )

	CSG_Shape	*pText	= m_pText->Add_Shape();

	pText->Add_Point(m_Offset.x + data.ipx, m_Offset.y + data.ipy);

	pText->Set_Value(TBL_TEXT_LAYER	, CSG_String(attributes.getLayer().c_str()));
	pText->Set_Value(TBL_TEXT_Z		, m_Offset.z + data.ipz);
	pText->Set_Value(TBL_TEXT_TEXT	, CSG_String(data.text.c_str()));
	pText->Set_Value(TBL_TEXT_HEIGHT, data.height);
	pText->Set_Value(TBL_TEXT_ANGLE	, data.angle * M_RAD_TO_DEG);
	pText->Set_Value(TBL_TEXT_APX	, m_Offset.z + data.apx);
	pText->Set_Value(TBL_TEXT_APY	, m_Offset.z + data.apy);
	pText->Set_Value(TBL_TEXT_APZ	, m_Offset.z + data.apz);
	pText->Set_Value(TBL_TEXT_SCALE	, data.xScaleFactor);
	pText->Set_Value(TBL_TEXT_HJUST	, data.hJustification);
	pText->Set_Value(TBL_TEXT_VJUST	, data.vJustification);
	pText->Set_Value(TBL_TEXT_STYLE	, CSG_String(data.style.c_str()));
	pText->Set_Value(TBL_TEXT_SCALE	, data.textGenerationFlags);
bool CSurfer_BLN_Import::On_Execute(void)
	bool				bOk;
	int					ID, Flag, iPoint, nPoints;
	double				x, y;
	FILE				*Stream;
	TSG_Shape_Type		Type;
	CSG_String			FileName, sLine, sName, sDesc, sTemp;
	CSG_Table_Record	*pRecord;
	CSG_Table			*pTable;
	CSG_Shape			*pShape;
	CSG_Shapes			*pShapes;

	pShapes		= Parameters("SHAPES")	->asShapes();
	pTable		= Parameters("TABLE")	->asTable();
	FileName	= Parameters("FILE")	->asString();

	switch( Parameters("TYPE")->asInt() )
	case 0:				Type	= SHAPE_TYPE_Point;		break;
	case 1:	default:	Type	= SHAPE_TYPE_Line;		break;
	case 2:				Type	= SHAPE_TYPE_Polygon;	break;

	if( (Stream = fopen(FileName.b_str(), "r")) != NULL )
		bOk		= true;
		ID		= 0;

		if(	pShapes->Get_Type() != SHAPE_TYPE_Undefined
		&&	pShapes->Get_Type() != Type )
			pShapes	= SG_Create_Shapes(Type, SG_File_Get_Name(FileName, false));
			pShapes->Create(Type, SG_File_Get_Name(FileName, false));

		if( Type == SHAPE_TYPE_Point )
			if( pTable == NULL )
				pTable	= SG_Create_Table();

			pTable ->Add_Field("ID"		, SG_DATATYPE_Int);
			pTable ->Add_Field("FLAG"	, SG_DATATYPE_Int);
			pTable ->Add_Field("NAME"	, SG_DATATYPE_String);
			pTable ->Add_Field("DESC"	, SG_DATATYPE_String);

			pShapes->Add_Field("ID"		, SG_DATATYPE_Int);
			pShapes->Add_Field("ID_LUT"	, SG_DATATYPE_Int);
			pShapes->Add_Field("Z"		, SG_DATATYPE_Double);
			pShapes->Add_Field("ID"		, SG_DATATYPE_Int);
			pShapes->Add_Field("FLAG"	, SG_DATATYPE_Int);
			pShapes->Add_Field("NAME"	, SG_DATATYPE_String);
			pShapes->Add_Field("DESC"	, SG_DATATYPE_String);

		while( bOk && SG_Read_Line(Stream, sLine) && sLine.BeforeFirst(',').asInt(nPoints) && nPoints > 0 && Process_Get_Okay(true) )
			Process_Set_Text(CSG_String::Format(SG_T("%d. %s"), ++ID, _TL("shape in process")));

			sTemp	= sLine.AfterFirst (',');	sLine	= sTemp;
			Flag	= sLine.BeforeFirst(',').asInt();

			sTemp	= sLine.AfterFirst (',');	sLine	= sTemp;
			sTemp	= sLine.BeforeFirst(',');
			sName	= sTemp.AfterFirst('\"').BeforeLast('\"');

			sTemp	= sLine.AfterFirst (',');	sLine	= sTemp;
			sTemp	= sLine.BeforeFirst(',');
			sDesc	= sTemp.AfterFirst('\"').BeforeLast('\"');

			if( Type == SHAPE_TYPE_Point )
				pRecord	= pTable->Add_Record();
				pRecord->Set_Value(0, ID);
				pRecord->Set_Value(1, Flag);
				pRecord->Set_Value(2, sName);
				pRecord->Set_Value(3, sDesc);

				for(iPoint=0; iPoint<nPoints && bOk; iPoint++)
					if( (bOk = SG_Read_Line(Stream, sLine)) == true )
						pShape	= pShapes->Add_Shape();
						pShape->Set_Value(0, iPoint + 1);
						pShape->Set_Value(1, ID);
						pShape->Set_Value(2, sLine.AfterLast (',').asDouble());

						x	= sLine.BeforeFirst(',').asDouble();
						y	= sLine.AfterFirst (',').asDouble();
						pShape->Add_Point(x, y);
				pShape	= pShapes->Add_Shape();
				pShape->Set_Value(0, ID);
				pShape->Set_Value(1, Flag);
				pShape->Set_Value(2, sName);
				pShape->Set_Value(3, sDesc);

				for(iPoint=0; iPoint<nPoints && bOk; iPoint++)
					if( (bOk = SG_Read_Line(Stream, sLine)) == true )
						x	= sLine.BeforeFirst(',').asDouble();
						y	= sLine.AfterFirst (',').asDouble();
						pShape->Add_Point(x, y);


	if( pShapes->is_Valid() && pShapes->Get_Count() > 0 )
		return( true );

	return( false );
bool CShapes_Extents::On_Execute(void)
	CSG_Shapes	*pShapes	= Parameters("SHAPES" )->asShapes();
	CSG_Shapes	*pExtents	= Parameters("EXTENTS")->asShapes();

	if( !pShapes->is_Valid() )
		Message_Add(_TL("invalid input"));

		return( false );

	int	iOutput	= Parameters("OUTPUT")->asInt();

	if( iOutput == 0 )	// all shapes
		pExtents->Create(SHAPE_TYPE_Polygon, CSG_String::Format(SG_T("%s [%s]"), pShapes->Get_Name(), _TL("Extent")));
		pExtents->Add_Field(SG_T("OID"), SG_DATATYPE_Int);

		TSG_Rect	r			= pShapes->Get_Extent();
		CSG_Shape	*pExtent	= pExtents->Add_Shape();

		pExtent->Set_Value(0, 1);

		pExtent->Add_Point(r.xMin, r.yMin);
		pExtent->Add_Point(r.xMin, r.yMax);
		pExtent->Add_Point(r.xMax, r.yMax);
		pExtent->Add_Point(r.xMax, r.yMin);

		return( true );

	if( pShapes->Get_Type() == SHAPE_TYPE_Point )
		Message_Add(_TL("no 'get extents' support for single point layers"));

		return( false );

	pExtents->Create(SHAPE_TYPE_Polygon, pShapes->Get_Name(), pShapes);

	for(int iShape=0; iShape<pShapes->Get_Count() && Set_Progress(iShape, pShapes->Get_Count()); iShape++)
		CSG_Shape	*pShape	= pShapes->Get_Shape(iShape);

		if( iOutput == 1 )	// each shape
			TSG_Rect	r			= pShape->Get_Extent();
			CSG_Shape	*pExtent	= pExtents->Add_Shape(pShape, SHAPE_COPY_ATTR);

			pExtent->Add_Point(r.xMin, r.yMin);
			pExtent->Add_Point(r.xMin, r.yMax);
			pExtent->Add_Point(r.xMax, r.yMax);
			pExtent->Add_Point(r.xMax, r.yMin);
		else // if( iOutput == 2 )	// each shape's part
			for(int iPart=0; iPart<pShape->Get_Part_Count(); iPart++)
				TSG_Rect	r			= pShape->Get_Extent(iPart);
				CSG_Shape	*pExtent	= pExtents->Add_Shape(pShape, SHAPE_COPY_ATTR);

				pExtent->Add_Point(r.xMin, r.yMin);
				pExtent->Add_Point(r.xMin, r.yMax);
				pExtent->Add_Point(r.xMax, r.yMax);
				pExtent->Add_Point(r.xMax, r.yMin);

	return( pExtents->is_Valid() );
Exemple #13
bool CPolygon_Split_Parts::On_Execute(void)
	bool		bIgnoreLakes;
	CSG_Shapes	*pPolygons, *pParts;

	pPolygons		= Parameters("POLYGONS")	->asShapes();
	pParts			= Parameters("PARTS")		->asShapes();
	bIgnoreLakes	= Parameters("LAKES")		->asBool();

	pParts->Create(SHAPE_TYPE_Polygon, CSG_String::Format(SG_T("%s [%s]"), pPolygons->Get_Name(), _TL("Parts")), pPolygons);

	for(int iShape=0; iShape<pPolygons->Get_Count() && Set_Progress(iShape, pPolygons->Get_Count()); iShape++)
		CSG_Shape	*pPolygon	= pPolygons->Get_Shape(iShape);

		for(int iPart=0; iPart<pPolygon->Get_Part_Count() && Process_Get_Okay(); iPart++)
			if( bIgnoreLakes || !((CSG_Shape_Polygon *)pPolygon)->is_Lake(iPart) )
				CSG_Shape	*pPart	= pParts->Add_Shape(pPolygon, SHAPE_COPY_ATTR);

				for(int iPoint=0; iPoint<pPolygon->Get_Point_Count(iPart); iPoint++)
					pPart->Add_Point(pPolygon->Get_Point(iPoint, iPart));

				if( !bIgnoreLakes )
					for(int jPart=0; jPart<pPolygon->Get_Part_Count(); jPart++)
						if(	((CSG_Shape_Polygon *)pPolygon)->is_Lake(jPart)
						&&	((CSG_Shape_Polygon *)pPart)->Contains(pPolygon->Get_Point(0, jPart)) )
							for(int jPoint=0, nPart=pPart->Get_Part_Count(); jPoint<pPolygon->Get_Point_Count(jPart); jPoint++)
								pPart->Add_Point(pPolygon->Get_Point(jPoint, jPart), nPart);

	return( true );
CSG_Shape * CWatersheds_ext::Get_Basin(CSG_Grid *pBasins, CSG_Shapes *pPolygons)
	int			x, y, nEdges, Basin_ID;
	CSG_Grid	Edge;
	CSG_Shape	*pPolygon	= NULL;

	Basin_ID	= 1 + pPolygons->Get_Count();

	Edge.Create(SG_DATATYPE_Char, 2 * Get_NX() + 1, 2 * Get_NY() + 1, 0.5 * Get_Cellsize(), Get_XMin() - 0.5 * Get_Cellsize(), Get_YMin() - 0.5 * Get_Cellsize());

	for(y=0, nEdges=0; y<Get_NY() && Process_Get_Okay(); y++)
		for(x=0; x<Get_NX(); x++)
			if( pBasins->asInt(x, y) == Basin_ID )
				for(int i=0; i<8; i+=2)
					int	ix	= Get_xTo(i, x);
					int	iy	= Get_yTo(i, y);

					if( !is_InGrid(ix, iy) || pBasins->asInt(ix, iy) != Basin_ID )
						ix	= 1 + 2 * x;
						iy	= 1 + 2 * y;

						Edge.Set_Value(               ix,                 iy ,  1);
						Edge.Set_Value(Get_xTo(i    , ix), Get_yTo(i    , iy), -1);
						Edge.Set_Value(Get_xTo(i - 1, ix), Get_yTo(i - 1, iy), -1);


	if( nEdges > 0 )
		for(int yEdge=0; yEdge<Edge.Get_NY(); yEdge++)	for(int xEdge=0; xEdge<Edge.Get_NX(); xEdge++)
			int	i	= 4;

			if( Edge.asInt(xEdge, yEdge) == 1 && Edge.asInt(Get_xTo(i, xEdge), Get_yTo(i, yEdge)) == -1 )
				if( pPolygon == NULL )
					pPolygon	= pPolygons->Add_Shape();

				int	iPart	= pPolygon->Get_Part_Count();
				int	xFirst	= x	= Get_xTo(i, xEdge);
				int	yFirst	= y	= Get_yTo(i, yEdge);
				i	= i + 2;

				pPolygon	->Add_Point(Edge.Get_System().Get_Grid_to_World(x, y), iPart);

					int	ix	= Get_xTo(i + 2, x);
					int	iy	= Get_yTo(i + 2, y);

					if( Edge.is_InGrid(ix, iy) && Edge.asInt(ix, iy) == -1 )			// go right ?
						pPolygon->Add_Point(Edge.Get_System().Get_Grid_to_World(x, y), iPart);

						i	= (i + 2) % 8;
						if( Edge.asInt(ix, iy) == 1 )
							Edge.Set_NoData(ix, iy);	// erase class id in right cells

						ix	= Get_xTo(i, x);
						iy	= Get_yTo(i, y);

						if( Edge.is_InGrid(ix, iy) && Edge.asInt(ix, iy) == -1 )		// go ahead ?
							// nop
							ix	= Get_xTo(i + 6, x);
							iy	= Get_yTo(i + 6, y);

							if( Edge.is_InGrid(ix, iy) && Edge.asInt(ix, iy) == -1 )	// go left ?
								pPolygon->Add_Point(Edge.Get_System().Get_Grid_to_World(x, y), iPart);

								i	= (i + 6) % 8;
								return( false );

					x	= ix;
					y	= iy;
				while( x != xFirst || y != yFirst );

				pPolygon->Add_Point(Edge.Get_System().Get_Grid_to_World(x, y), iPart);

	return( pPolygon );
Exemple #15
bool CWatershed_Segmentation::Get_Seeds(void)

    bool	bEdge, bEdge_Seeds;
    int		x, y, i, ix, iy, iMax;
    double	z, dz, dzMax;

    bEdge_Seeds	= Parameters("EDGE")	->asBool();

    for(y=0; y<Get_NY() && Set_Progress(y); y++)
        for(x=0; x<Get_NX(); x++)
            if( !m_pGrid->is_InGrid(x, y) )
                m_Dir.Set_Value(x, y, -1);
                m_pSegments->Set_NoData(x, y);
                for(i=0, iMax=-1, dzMax=0.0, z=m_pGrid->asDouble(x, y), bEdge=false; i<8; i++)
                    if( !m_pGrid->is_InGrid(ix = Get_xTo(i, x), iy = Get_yTo(i, y)) )
                        bEdge	= true;
                    else if( dzMax < (dz = (m_bDown ? m_pGrid->asDouble(ix, iy) - z : z - m_pGrid->asDouble(ix, iy)) / Get_Length(i)) )
                        dzMax	= dz;
                        iMax	= i;

                m_Dir.Set_Value(x, y, iMax);

                if( iMax < 0 && (bEdge_Seeds || !bEdge) )
                    int			ID	= m_pSeeds->Get_Count();

                    CSG_Shape	*pSeed	= m_pSeeds->Add_Shape();

                    pSeed->Set_Point(Get_System()->Get_Grid_to_World(x, y), 0);

                    pSeed->Set_Value(SEED_X		, x);
                    pSeed->Set_Value(SEED_Y		, y);
                    pSeed->Set_Value(SEED_Z		, z);
                    pSeed->Set_Value(SEED_ID	, ID);
                    pSeed->Set_Value(SEED_JOIN	, -1);

                    m_pSegments->Set_Value(x, y, ID);
                    m_pSegments->Set_Value(x, y, -1);

    return( m_pSeeds->Get_Count() > 1 );
Exemple #16
bool CAtlas_BNA_Export::On_Execute(void)
	int			iShape, iPart, iPoint, iName1, iName2;
	FILE		*Stream;
	TSG_Point	p;
	CSG_Points	Pts;
	CSG_Shape	*pShape;
	CSG_Shapes	*pShapes;
	CSG_String	fName;

	pShapes	= Parameters("SHAPES")	->asShapes();
	fName	= Parameters("FILE")	->asString();

	iName1	= Parameters("PNAME")	->asInt();
	iName2	= Parameters("SNAME")	->asInt();

	if( (Stream = fopen(fName.b_str(), "w")) != NULL )
		for(iShape=0; iShape<pShapes->Get_Count() && Set_Progress(iShape, pShapes->Get_Count()); iShape++)
			pShape	= pShapes->Get_Shape(iShape);

			switch( pShapes->Get_Type() )

			case SHAPE_TYPE_Point:
				fprintf(Stream, "\"%s\",\"%s\",%d\n",

				p	= pShape->Get_Point(0);
				fprintf(Stream, "%f,%f\n", p.x, p.y);

			case SHAPE_TYPE_Line:
				for(iPart=0; iPart<pShape->Get_Part_Count(); iPart++)
					fprintf(Stream, "\"%s\",\"%s\",%d\n",

					for(iPoint=0; iPoint<pShape->Get_Point_Count(iPart); iPoint++)
						p	= pShape->Get_Point(iPoint, iPart);
						fprintf(Stream, "%f,%f\n", p.x, p.y);

			case SHAPE_TYPE_Polygon:
				if( pShape->Get_Part_Count() > 0 && pShape->Get_Point_Count(0) > 2 )

					for(iPart=0; iPart<pShape->Get_Part_Count(); iPart++)
						for(iPoint=0; iPoint<pShape->Get_Point_Count(iPart); iPoint++)
							Pts.Add(pShape->Get_Point(iPoint, iPart));

						if( iPart > 0 )
							Pts.Add(pShape->Get_Point(0, 0));

					if( Pts.Get_Count() > 2 )
						fprintf(Stream, "\"%s\",\"%s\",%d\n",

						for(iPoint=0; iPoint<Pts.Get_Count(); iPoint++)
							fprintf(Stream, "%f,%f\n", Pts[iPoint].x, Pts[iPoint].y);


		return( true );

	return( false );
bool CSG_Shapes::On_Update(void)
	if( Get_Count() > 0 )
		CSG_Shape	*pShape	= Get_Shape(0);

		m_Extent	= pShape->Get_Extent();
		m_ZMin		= pShape->Get_ZMin();
		m_ZMax		= pShape->Get_ZMax();
		m_MMin		= pShape->Get_MMin();
		m_MMax		= pShape->Get_MMax();

		for(int i=1; i<Get_Count(); i++)
			pShape	= Get_Shape(i);


			switch( m_Vertex_Type )
				if( m_MMin > pShape->Get_MMin() )	m_MMin	= pShape->Get_MMin();
				if( m_MMax < pShape->Get_MMax() )	m_MMax	= pShape->Get_MMax();

				if( m_ZMin > pShape->Get_ZMin() )	m_ZMin	= pShape->Get_ZMin();
				if( m_ZMax < pShape->Get_ZMax() )	m_ZMax	= pShape->Get_ZMax();
		m_Extent.Assign(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0);

	return( CSG_Table::On_Update() );
Exemple #18
bool CAtlas_BNA_Import::On_Execute(void)
	bool		bOk;
	int			iPoint, nPoints;
	double		x, y;
	FILE		*Stream;
	CSG_String	FileName, sLine, sName1, sName2;
	CSG_Shape	*pShape;
	CSG_Shapes	*pPoints, *pLines, *pPolygons;

	FileName	= Parameters("FILE")	->asString();

	if( (Stream = fopen(FileName.b_str(), "r")) != NULL )
		pPoints		= SG_Create_Shapes(SHAPE_TYPE_Point  , SG_File_Get_Name(FileName, false));
		pPoints		->Add_Field("NAME1"	, SG_DATATYPE_String);
		pPoints		->Add_Field("NAME2"	, SG_DATATYPE_String);

		pLines		= SG_Create_Shapes(SHAPE_TYPE_Line   , SG_File_Get_Name(FileName, false));
		pLines		->Add_Field("NAME1"	, SG_DATATYPE_String);
		pLines		->Add_Field("NAME2"	, SG_DATATYPE_String);

		pPolygons	= SG_Create_Shapes(SHAPE_TYPE_Polygon, SG_File_Get_Name(FileName, false));
		pPolygons	->Add_Field("NAME1"	, SG_DATATYPE_String);
		pPolygons	->Add_Field("NAME2"	, SG_DATATYPE_String);

		bOk		= true;

		while( bOk && SG_Read_Line(Stream, sLine) && Process_Get_Okay(true) )
			sName1	= sLine.AfterFirst('\"').BeforeFirst('\"');
			sName2	= sLine.BeforeLast('\"').AfterLast('\"');
			sLine	= sLine.AfterLast('\"');	if( sLine.Find(',', true) >= 0 )	sLine	= sLine.AfterLast(',');

			nPoints	= sLine.asInt();

			if( nPoints == 1 )
				pShape	= pPoints	->Add_Shape();
			else if( nPoints < 0 )
				pShape	= pLines	->Add_Shape();
				nPoints	= -nPoints;
			else if( nPoints > 2 )
				pShape	= pPolygons	->Add_Shape();
				bOk		= false;

			if( bOk )
				pShape->Set_Value(0, sName1);
				pShape->Set_Value(1, sName2);

				for(iPoint=0; iPoint<nPoints && bOk; iPoint++)
					if( (bOk = SG_Read_Line(Stream, sLine)) == true )
						SG_SSCANF(sLine, SG_T("%lf %lf"), &x, &y);
						pShape->Add_Point(x, y);


		bOk		= false;

		if( pPoints->is_Valid() && pPoints->Get_Count() > 0 )
			bOk		= true;

		if( pLines->is_Valid() && pLines->Get_Count() > 0 )
			bOk		= true;

		if( pPolygons->is_Valid() && pPolygons->Get_Count() > 0 )
			bOk		= true;

		return( bOk );

	return( false );
Exemple #19
bool CAdd_Polygon_Attributes::On_Execute(void)
	CSG_Shapes	*pInput		= Parameters("INPUT")->asShapes();

	if( !pInput->is_Valid() )
		Error_Set(_TL("Invalid points layer."));

		return( false );

	CSG_Shapes	*pPolygons	= Parameters("POLYGONS")->asShapes();

	if( !pPolygons->is_Valid() )
		Error_Set(_TL("Invalid polygon layer."));

		return( false );

	CSG_Parameter_Table_Fields	*pFields	= Parameters("FIELDS")->asTableFields();

	if( pFields->Get_Count() == 0 )
		CSG_String	sFields;

		for(int iField=0; iField<pPolygons->Get_Field_Count(); iField++)
			sFields += CSG_String::Format(SG_T("%d,"), iField);


	CSG_Shapes	*pOutput	= Parameters("OUTPUT")->asShapes();

	if( pOutput && pOutput != pInput )
		Parameters("OUTPUT")->Set_Value(pOutput	= pInput);

	pOutput->Set_Name(CSG_String::Format(SG_T("%s [%s]"), pInput->Get_Name(), pPolygons->Get_Name()));

	int	outField	= pOutput->Get_Field_Count();

		for(int iField=0; iField<pFields->Get_Count(); iField++)
			int	jField	= pFields->Get_Index(iField);

			pOutput->Add_Field(pPolygons->Get_Field_Name(jField), pPolygons->Get_Field_Type(jField));

	for(int iPoint=0; iPoint<pOutput->Get_Count() && Set_Progress(iPoint, pOutput->Get_Count()); iPoint++)
		CSG_Shape	*pPoint		= pOutput	->Get_Shape(iPoint);
		CSG_Shape	*pPolygon	= pPolygons	->Get_Shape(pPoint->Get_Point(0));

		if( pPolygon )
			for(int iField=0; iField<pFields->Get_Count(); iField++)
				int	jField	= pFields->Get_Index(iField);

				switch( pPolygons->Get_Field_Type(jField) )
				case SG_DATATYPE_String:
				case SG_DATATYPE_Date:
					pPoint->Set_Value(outField + iField, pPolygon->asString(jField));

					pPoint->Set_Value(outField + iField, pPolygon->asDouble(jField));

	return( true );
Exemple #20
CSG_Shape * CSG_PointCloud::_Set_Shape(int iPoint)

	CSG_Shape	*pShape	= m_Shapes.Get_Shape(0);

	if( pShape->is_Modified() && m_Shapes_Index >= 0 && m_Shapes_Index < Get_Count() )
		m_Cursor	= m_Points[m_Shapes_Index];

		for(int i=0; i<Get_Field_Count(); i++)
			switch( Get_Field_Type(i) )
				Set_Value(i, pShape->asDouble(i));

			case SG_DATATYPE_Date:
			case SG_DATATYPE_String:
				Set_Value(i, pShape->asString(i));

		Set_Value(0, pShape->Get_Point(0).x);
		Set_Value(1, pShape->Get_Point(0).y);
		Set_Value(2, pShape->Get_Z    (0)  );

	if( iPoint >= 0 && iPoint < Get_Count() )
		if( iPoint != m_Shapes_Index )
			m_Cursor	= m_Points[iPoint];

			pShape->Set_Point(Get_X(), Get_Y(), 0, 0);
			pShape->Set_Z    (Get_Z()         , 0, 0);

			for(int i=0; i<Get_Field_Count(); i++)
				switch( Get_Field_Type(i) )
					pShape->Set_Value(i, Get_Value(i));

				case SG_DATATYPE_Date:
				case SG_DATATYPE_String:
						CSG_String	s;

						Get_Value(i, s);

						pShape->Set_Value(i, s);

			m_Shapes_Index	= iPoint;



		return( pShape );

	m_Shapes_Index	= -1;


	return( NULL );
bool CShapes_Save::On_Execute(void)
	if( !Get_Connection()->has_PostGIS() )
		Error_Set(_TL("not a valid PostGIS database!"));

		return( false );

	CSG_Shapes	*pShapes;
	CSG_String	SQL, Name, Type, Field, SavePoint;

	pShapes		= Parameters("SHAPES")->asShapes();
	Name		= Parameters("NAME"  )->asString();	if( Name.Length() == 0 )	Name	= pShapes->Get_Name();

	Field		= "geometry";

	int	SRID	= Get_SRID();

	if( !CSG_Shapes_OGIS_Converter::from_ShapeType(Type, pShapes->Get_Type(), pShapes->Get_Vertex_Type()) )
		Error_Set(_TL("invalid or unsupported shape or vertex type"));

		return( false );

	Get_Connection()->Begin(SavePoint = Get_Connection()->is_Transaction() ? "SHAPES_SAVE" : "");

	if( Get_Connection()->Table_Exists(Name) )
		Message_Add(_TL("table already exists") + CSG_String(": ") + Name);

		switch( Parameters("EXISTS")->asInt() )
		case 0:	// abort export
			return( false );

		case 1:	// replace existing table
			Message_Add(_TL("trying to drop table") + CSG_String(": ") + Name);

			if( !Get_Connection()->Table_Drop(Name, false) )
				Message_Add(CSG_String(" ...") + _TL("failed") + "!");

				return( false );


		case 2:	// append records, if table structure allows

	if( !Get_Connection()->Table_Exists(Name) )
		if( !Get_Connection()->Table_Create(Name, *pShapes, Get_Constraints(&Parameters, "SHAPES"), false) )
			Error_Set(_TL("could not create table"));


			return( false );

		// SELECT AddGeometryColumn(<table_name>, <column_name>, <srid>, <type>, <dimension>)

		SQL.Printf(SG_T("SELECT AddGeometryColumn('%s', '%s', %d, '%s', %d)"),
			Name.c_str(), Field.c_str(), SRID, Type.c_str(),
			pShapes->Get_Vertex_Type() == SG_VERTEX_TYPE_XY  ? 2 :
			pShapes->Get_Vertex_Type() == SG_VERTEX_TYPE_XYZ ? 3 : 4

		if( !Get_Connection()->Execute(SQL) )
			Error_Set(_TL("could not create geometry field"));


			return( false );

	bool	bBinary	= Get_Connection()->has_Version(9);

	int		iShape, iField, nAdded;

	CSG_String	Insert	= "INSERT INTO \"" + Name + "\" (" + Field;

	for(iField=0; iField<pShapes->Get_Field_Count(); iField++)
		Insert	+= CSG_String(", ") + pShapes->Get_Field_Name(iField);

	Insert	+= ") VALUES (";

	for(iShape=0, nAdded=0; iShape==nAdded && iShape<pShapes->Get_Count() && Set_Progress(iShape, pShapes->Get_Count()); iShape++)
		CSG_Shape	*pShape	= pShapes->Get_Shape(iShape);

		if( pShape->is_Valid() )
			SQL	= Insert;

			if( bBinary )
				CSG_Bytes	WKB;

				CSG_Shapes_OGIS_Converter::to_WKBinary(pShape, WKB);

				SQL	+= "ST_GeomFromWKB(E'\\\\x" + WKB.toHexString() + CSG_String::Format("', %d)", SRID);
				CSG_String	WKT;

				CSG_Shapes_OGIS_Converter::to_WKText(pShape, WKT);

				SQL	+= "ST_GeomFromText('" + WKT + CSG_String::Format("', %d)", SRID);

			for(iField=0; iField<pShapes->Get_Field_Count(); iField++)
				CSG_String	s = pShape->asString(iField);

				if( pShapes->Get_Field_Type(iField) == SG_DATATYPE_String )
					if( 1 )
						char	*_s	= NULL; if( s.to_ASCII(&_s) ) s = _s; SG_FREE_SAFE(_s);

					s.Replace("'", "\"");

					s	= "'" + s + "'";

				SQL	+= ", "  + s;

			SQL	+= ")";

			if( Get_Connection()->Execute(SQL) )
				Message_Add(CSG_String::Format("%s [%d/%d]", _TL("could not save shape"), 1 + iShape, pShapes->Get_Count()));

	if( nAdded < pShapes->Get_Count() )


		return( false );



	Get_Connection()->Add_MetaData(*pShapes, Name);


	return( true );
Exemple #22
bool CSearchInTable::On_Execute(void)
	bool		*WasSelected;
	int			i, iMethod;
	CSG_String	sExpression;
	CSG_Shapes	*pShapes;

	pShapes		= Parameters("SHAPES")		->asShapes();
	sExpression	= Parameters("EXPRESSION")	->asString();
	iMethod		= Parameters("METHOD")		->asInt();

	if( iMethod == METHOD_SELECT_FROM_SEL )
		WasSelected	= new bool[pShapes->Get_Count()];

		for(i=0; i<pShapes->Get_Count() && Set_Progress(i, pShapes->Get_Count()); i++)
			WasSelected[i]	= pShapes->Get_Record(i)->is_Selected();

	if( iMethod != METHOD_ADD_TO_SEL )

	std::vector <int> m_Selection;

	for(i=0; i<pShapes->Get_Count() && Set_Progress(i, pShapes->Get_Count()); i++)
		CSG_Shape	*pShape	= pShapes->Get_Shape(i);

		for(int j=0; j<pShapes->Get_Field_Count(); j++)
			CSG_String	sValue	= pShape->asString(j);

			if( sValue.Find(sExpression) != -1 )

	for(i=0; i<m_Selection.size() && Set_Progress(i, m_Selection.size()); i++)
		int	iSelection = m_Selection[i];

		if( !pShapes->Get_Record(iSelection)->is_Selected() )
			if( iMethod != METHOD_SELECT_FROM_SEL || WasSelected[iSelection] )
				((CSG_Table *)pShapes)->Select(iSelection, true);

	if( iMethod == METHOD_SELECT_FROM_SEL )

	Message_Add(CSG_String::Format(SG_T("%s: %d"), _TL("selected shapes"), m_Selection.size()));


	return( true );
bool CDirect_Georeferencing_WorldFile::On_Execute(void)
	int	nx	= Parameters("NX")->asInt();
	int	ny	= Parameters("NY")->asInt();

	if( !m_Georeferencer.Set_Transformation(Parameters, nx, ny) )
		return( false );

	CSG_String	File	= Parameters("FILE")->asString();

	if( File.is_Empty() )
		return( false );

	CSG_File	Stream;

	if( !Stream.Open(File, SG_FILE_W, false) )
		return( false );

	CSG_Matrix	R(m_Georeferencer.Get_Transformation());

	R	*= 0.001 * Parameters("Z")->asDouble() / Parameters("CFL")->asDouble() * Parameters("PXSIZE")->asDouble();

	TSG_Point	p	= m_Georeferencer.Image_to_World(0, ny);

		 R[0][0],	// A: pixel size in the x-direction in map units/pixel
		 R[1][0],	// D: rotation about y-axis
		-R[0][1],	// B: rotation about x-axis
		-R[1][1],	// E: pixel size in the y-direction in map units, almost always negative
		     p.x,	// X: top left pixel center
		     p.y	// Y: top left pixel center

	CSG_Shapes	*pExtents	= Parameters("EXTENT")->asShapes();

	if( pExtents )
		pExtents->Create(SHAPE_TYPE_Polygon, SG_File_Get_Name(File, false));
		pExtents->Add_Field(_TL("NAME"), SG_DATATYPE_String);

		CSG_Shape	*pExtent	= pExtents->Add_Shape();

		p	= m_Georeferencer.Image_to_World( 0,  0);	pExtent->Add_Point(p.x, p.y);
		p	= m_Georeferencer.Image_to_World( 0, ny);	pExtent->Add_Point(p.x, p.y);
		p	= m_Georeferencer.Image_to_World(nx, ny);	pExtent->Add_Point(p.x, p.y);
		p	= m_Georeferencer.Image_to_World(nx,  0);	pExtent->Add_Point(p.x, p.y);

		pExtent->Set_Value(0, SG_File_Get_Name(File, false));

	return( true );
bool CWatersheds_ext::On_Execute(void)
	int			x, y;
	CSG_Grid	*pBasins, *pSubBasins, Inflows;
	CSG_Shapes	*pHeads, *pMouths, *pVBasins, *pVSubBasins;

	m_pDEM		= Parameters("DEM")			->asGrid(); 
	m_pChannels	= Parameters("CHANNELS")	->asGrid();
	pBasins		= Parameters("BASINS")		->asGrid();
	pSubBasins	= Parameters("SUBBASINS")	->asGrid();
	pVBasins	= Parameters("V_BASINS")	->asShapes();
	pVSubBasins	= Parameters("V_SUBBASINS")	->asShapes();
	pHeads		= Parameters("HEADS")		->asShapes();
	pMouths		= Parameters("MOUTHS")		->asShapes();

	Inflows		.Create(*Get_System(), SG_DATATYPE_Char);

	m_Direction	.Create(*Get_System(), SG_DATATYPE_Char);
	m_Direction	.Set_NoData_Value(-1);

	m_Distance	.Create(*Get_System(), SG_DATATYPE_Float);
	m_Distance	.Set_NoData_Value(-1);
	m_Distance	.Assign_NoData();

	pBasins		->Assign(0.0);
	pBasins		->Set_NoData_Value(0.0);

	pSubBasins	->Assign(0.0);
	pSubBasins	->Set_NoData_Value(0.0);

	pHeads		->Create(SHAPE_TYPE_Point	, _TL("Heads"));
	pHeads		->Add_Field("ID"			, SG_DATATYPE_Int);
	pHeads		->Add_Field("MAIN_ID"		, SG_DATATYPE_Int);
	pHeads		->Add_Field("ELEVATION"		, SG_DATATYPE_Double);
	pHeads		->Add_Field("DISTANCE"		, SG_DATATYPE_Double);

	pMouths		->Create(SHAPE_TYPE_Point	, _TL("Mouths"));
	pMouths		->Add_Field("ID"			, SG_DATATYPE_Int);
	pMouths		->Add_Field("MAIN_ID"		, SG_DATATYPE_Int);
	pMouths		->Add_Field("ELEVATION"		, SG_DATATYPE_Double);

	pVBasins	->Create(SHAPE_TYPE_Polygon	, _TL("Basins"));

	pVSubBasins	->Create(SHAPE_TYPE_Polygon	, _TL("Subbasins"));

	Process_Set_Text(_TL("flow directions..."));

	for(y=0; y<Get_NY() && Set_Progress(y); y++)
		for(x=0; x<Get_NX(); x++)
			int	Direction	= -1;

			if( m_pDEM->is_InGrid(x, y) )
				double	dMax		= 0.0;

				for(int i=0; i<8; i++)
					int	ix	= Get_xTo(i, x);
					int	iy	= Get_yTo(i, y);

					if( m_pDEM->is_InGrid(ix, iy) && !m_pChannels->is_NoData(ix, iy) )
						double	dz	= (m_pDEM->asDouble(x, y) - m_pDEM->asDouble(ix, iy)) / Get_Length(i);

						if( dMax < dz )
							dMax		= dz;
							Direction	= i;

				if( !m_pChannels->is_NoData(x, y) )
					if( Direction >= 0 )
						int	ix	= Get_xTo(Direction, x);
						int	iy	= Get_yTo(Direction, y);

						if( m_pDEM->is_InGrid(ix, iy) )
							Inflows.Add_Value(ix, iy, 1);
				else if( Direction < 0 )
					Direction	= m_pDEM->Get_Gradient_NeighborDir(x, y);

			m_Direction.Set_Value(x, y, Direction);

	Process_Set_Text(_TL("main basins..."));

	for(y=0; y<Get_NY() && Set_Progress(y); y++)
		for(x=0; x<Get_NX(); x++)
			if( m_pChannels->is_InGrid(x, y) && is_Outlet(x, y) )
				Get_Basin(pBasins, pVBasins, x, y, -1);

				CSG_Shape	*pMouth	= pMouths->Add_Shape();

				pMouth->Add_Point(Get_System()->Get_Grid_to_World(x, y));

				pMouth->Set_Value(0, pVBasins->Get_Count());	// ID
				pMouth->Set_Value(1, pVBasins->Get_Count());	// MAIN_ID
				pMouth->Set_Value(2, m_pDEM->asDouble(x, y));	// ELEVATION

	if( Parameters("DISTANCE")->asBool() )
		m_Distance.Set_Name(_TL("Flow Distance"));


	Process_Set_Text(_TL("heads and mouths..."));

	for(y=0; y<Get_NY() && Set_Progress(y); y++)
		for(x=0; x<Get_NX(); x++)
			if( m_pChannels->is_InGrid(x, y) )
				if( Inflows.asInt(x, y) > 1 )		// mouth, linking channels of subcatchments
					CSG_Shape	*pMouth	= pMouths->Add_Shape();

					pMouth->Add_Point(Get_System()->Get_Grid_to_World(x, y));

					pMouth->Set_Value(0, pMouths->Get_Count());		// ID
					pMouth->Set_Value(1, pBasins->asDouble(x, y));	// MAIN_ID
					pMouth->Set_Value(2, m_pDEM->asDouble(x, y));	// ELEVATION

				else if( Inflows.asInt(x, y) == 0 )	// head
					CSG_Shape	*pHead	= pHeads->Add_Shape();

					pHead->Add_Point(Get_System()->Get_Grid_to_World(x, y));

					pHead->Set_Value(0, pHeads->Get_Count() + 1);
					pHead->Set_Value(1, m_Distance.asDouble(x, y));


	pMouths->Set_Index(1, TABLE_INDEX_Ascending, 2, TABLE_INDEX_Descending);

	for(int iMouth=0; iMouth<pMouths->Get_Count() && Set_Progress(iMouth, pMouths->Get_Count()); iMouth++)
		CSG_Shape	*pMouth	= pMouths->Get_Shape_byIndex(iMouth);

		if( Get_System()->Get_World_to_Grid(x, y, pMouth->Get_Point(0)) )
			if( pMouth->asInt(0) == pMouth->asInt(1) )
				Get_Basin(pSubBasins, pVSubBasins, x, y, pMouth->asInt(1));
				for(int i=0; i<8; i++)
					int	ix	= Get_xFrom(i, x);
					int	iy	= Get_yFrom(i, y);

					if( m_pChannels->is_InGrid(ix, iy) && m_Direction.asInt(ix, iy) == i )
						Get_Basin(pSubBasins, pVSubBasins, ix, iy, pMouth->asInt(1));

	if( Parameters("DISTANCE")->asBool() )
		m_Distance.Set_Name(_TL("Subbasin Flow Distance"));


	m_Distance	.Destroy();
	m_Direction	.Destroy();

	return( true );