Exemple #1
CIniFile::Split( const CStr &source, LPCTSTR sep, CStrArray &dest, BOOL trim /* = TRUE */ )
	int pos = source.Find( sep );
	int startPos = 0;
	CStr elem;
	int sepLen = wcslen( sep );

	while( pos != -1 )
		elem = source.Mid( startPos, pos-startPos );
        if ( trim ) { elem.TrimLeft(); elem.TrimRight(); }
		dest.Add( elem );

		startPos = pos+sepLen;
		pos      = source.Find( sep, startPos );
	elem = source.Mid( startPos );
    if ( trim ) { elem.TrimLeft(); elem.TrimRight(); }
	dest.Add( elem );

	return dest.GetSize();
Exemple #2
void CDlgInput::OnSize(UINT nType, int cx, int cy) 
	CDialog::OnSize(nType, cx, cy);

	if ( GetDlgItem(IDC_LABEL) == NULL || ! ::IsWindow( GetDlgItem(IDC_LABEL)->m_hWnd ) ) return;

	CRect pos;
    int   infoBottom;

	GetDlgItem( IDC_LABEL )->GetWindowRect( &pos );
	ScreenToClient( pos );
	if ( m_Label.IsEmpty() )
		GetDlgItem( IDC_LABEL )->ShowWindow( SW_HIDE );
		infoBottom = 0;
		HDC dc = ::GetWindowDC( GetDlgItem(IDC_LABEL)->m_hWnd );
		CStrArray lines;
		if ( m_Label.IsEmpty() )
			lines.Add( L"" );
			GetDlgItem( IDC_LABEL )->SetWindowText(L"");
			SplitLines( dc, (LPCTSTR)m_Label, lines, pos.Width() );
			CString infoWrapped;
			for ( int i=0; i<lines.GetSize(); i++ )
				infoWrapped += lines[i];
				if ( i<lines.GetSize()-1 ) infoWrapped += "\n";
			GetDlgItem( IDC_LABEL )->SetWindowText(infoWrapped);
		SIZE size;
		GetTextExtentPoint( dc, L"W", 1, &size );
		pos.top   = 4;
		pos.left  = 4;
		pos.right = cx - 8;
		infoBottom = pos.bottom = pos.top + size.cy * lines.GetSize();
		::ReleaseDC( GetDlgItem(IDC_LABEL)->m_hWnd, dc );
		GetDlgItem( IDC_LABEL )->MoveWindow( pos );
		GetDlgItem( IDC_LABEL )->Invalidate();

	//GetDlgItem(IDC_LABEL)->GetWindowRect( &pos );
	//ScreenToClient( &pos );
	//GetDlgItem(IDC_LABEL)->MoveWindow( &pos );

	if ( Multiline )
		int height;

		GetDlgItem(IDOK)->GetWindowRect( &pos );
		ScreenToClient( &pos );
		height = pos.bottom-pos.top;
		pos.top = cy - height - 4;
		pos.bottom = cy - 4;
		pos.left  = 4;
		pos.right = cx/2 - 4;
		GetDlgItem(IDOK)->MoveWindow( &pos );

		GetDlgItem(IDCANCEL)->GetWindowRect( &pos );
		ScreenToClient( &pos );
		pos.top = cy - height - 4;
		pos.bottom = cy - 4;
		pos.left = cx/2 + 4;
		pos.right = cx - 8;
		GetDlgItem(IDCANCEL)->MoveWindow( &pos );

		GetDlgItem(IDC_EDIT)->GetWindowRect( &pos );
		ScreenToClient( &pos );
		pos.top   = infoBottom + 4;
		pos.bottom = cy - height - 8;
		pos.left  = 4;
		pos.right = cx - 8;
		GetDlgItem(IDC_EDIT)->MoveWindow( &pos );
		int height;

		GetDlgItem(IDC_EDIT)->GetWindowRect( &pos );
		ScreenToClient( &pos );
		height = pos.Height();
		pos.top   = infoBottom + 4;
		pos.bottom = pos.top + height;
		pos.left  = 4;
		pos.right = cx - 8;
		GetDlgItem(IDC_EDIT)->MoveWindow( &pos );
		infoBottom = pos.bottom;

#ifndef DESKTOP
		GetVersionEx( &ver );
		if ( ver.dwMajorVersion < 5 )
		GetDlgItem(IDOK)->GetWindowRect( &pos );
		ScreenToClient( &pos );
		height = pos.bottom-pos.top;
		pos.top   = infoBottom + 4;
		pos.bottom = pos.top + height;
		pos.left  = 4;
		pos.right = cx/2 - 4;
		GetDlgItem(IDOK)->MoveWindow( &pos );

		GetDlgItem(IDCANCEL)->GetWindowRect( &pos );
		ScreenToClient( &pos );
		pos.top   = infoBottom + 4;
		pos.bottom = pos.top + height;
		pos.left = cx/2 + 4;
		pos.right = cx - 8;
		GetDlgItem(IDCANCEL)->MoveWindow( &pos );
#ifndef DESKTOP
			GetDlgItem( IDOK )->ShowWindow( SW_HIDE );
			GetDlgItem( IDCANCEL )->ShowWindow( SW_HIDE );

		//((CEdit*)GetDlgItem(IDC_EDIT))->ModifyStyleEx( 0, ES_MULTILINE|ES_WANTRETURN|WS_VSCROLL );

#ifdef DESKTOP
		CRect client;
		GetWindowRect( &pos );
		GetClientRect( &client );
		if ( infoBottom + height + 8 != client.Height() )
			pos.bottom = pos.top + pos.Height() - client.Height() + infoBottom + height + 8;
			MoveWindow( &pos );
Exemple #3
BOOL CMortScriptApp::InitInstance()
    SetRegistryKey( L"Mort" );

	CParseCmdLine myCmdLine;
	myCmdLine.ParseCmdLine( m_lpCmdLine );


	ExecuteFileName = exe;

    CStr file = myCmdLine.Filename; // m_lpCmdLine;
    // file.TrimLeft( '\"' ); file.TrimRight( '\"' );

    if ( myCmdLine.RegOnly || file.IsEmpty() )
        RegisterFileType( L".jscr", L"JScripts" );
        RegisterFileType( L".mscr", L"JScripts" );
		if ( !myCmdLine.RegOnly )
			MessageBox( NULL
					  , L".jscr and .mscr extensions registered.\nPlease run any .jscr/.mscr file or read the manual.\n\n"
						L"(c) Mirko Schenk 2005-2007"
					  , L"JScripts V" + CStr( VERSION_INFO )
		if (   file.GetLength() >= 4
			/* file.GetLength() >= 8 && file.Right(8).CompareNoCase( L".mortrun" ) == 0
			|| file.GetLength() >= 5 && file.Right(5).CompareNoCase( L".mscr" ) == 0 */
            CStr mutexName = file;
#ifdef DESKTOP
			// Windows XP doesn't like some path characters in the mutex' name
			mutexName.Replace( ':', '_' );
			mutexName.Replace( '\\', '/' );
          MutexName = (LPCTSTR)mutexName;

	        HANDLE mutex = ::CreateMutex(NULL, FALSE, MutexName);

            if ( mutex!=NULL )
				int exists = ::GetLastError();
		        if ( exists == ERROR_ALREADY_EXISTS) 
					DWORD procId = GetRunningScriptProcId( file );

					if ( procId != NULL )
						 CString msg;
						 msg.Format( L"Process ID: %08x", procId );
						 MessageBox( NULL, msg, L"Debug", MB_SETFOREGROUND );

						FindAppT findApp;
						findApp.procId = procId;
						findApp.hWnd   = NULL;
						::EnumWindows( FindApplicationWindowProc, (LPARAM)&findApp );
						if ( findApp.hWnd != NULL )
							// msg.Format( L"Set foreground window: %08x", findApp.hWnd );
							// MessageBox( NULL, msg, L"Debug", MB_SETFOREGROUND );
							::SetForegroundWindow( findApp.hWnd );
						exists = 0;

					//MessageBox( NULL, L"Process opened", L"Debug", MB_SETFOREGROUND );
						TCHAR procName[256];
						//MessageBox( NULL, procName, L"Debug", MB_SETFOREGROUND );
						if ( CString(procName).Right(14).CompareNoCase( L"MortScript.exe" ) == 0 )
							int aw = MessageBox( NULL
											   , L"Script seems to be running. Cancel old script?"
											   , L"Script already running"
							if ( aw == IDYES )
								RegWriteDW( HKEY_CURRENT_USER, L"Software\\JScripts\\Abort", MutexName, 1 );
								DWORD exitCode = 0;
								for ( int i=0; i<=10; i++ )
									if ( GetExitCodeProcess( hProc, &exitCode ) == FALSE )
										//MessageBox( NULL, L"GetExitCode failed", L"Debug", MB_SETFOREGROUND );
										exitCode = 0;
										if ( exitCode != STILL_ACTIVE )
											//MessageBox( NULL, L"No longer active", L"Debug", MB_SETFOREGROUND );
								if ( exitCode == STILL_ACTIVE )
									int aw = MessageBox( NULL
													   , L"Script seems to be hanging or busy. Terminate old script?"
													   , L"Script still running"
									if ( aw == IDYES )
										TerminateProcess( hProc, 0 );
							exists = 0;

						CloseHandle( hProc );
						exists = 0;

                if ( exists != ERROR_ALREADY_EXISTS )
	                HKEY    key;
	                if ( RegOpenKeyEx( HKEY_CURRENT_USER, L"Software\\JScripts\\Processes", 0, 0, &key ) == ERROR_SUCCESS )
                        RegDeleteValue( key, MutexName );
		                RegCloseKey( key );

					DWORD currProcId = GetCurrentProcessId();
					//CString dbg;
					//dbg.Format(L"ProcId: %d", GetCurrentProcessId());
					//MessageBox( NULL, dbg, L"Debug", MB_SETFOREGROUND );

					// Remove old script entries with same process id
	                if ( RegOpenKeyEx( HKEY_CURRENT_USER, L"Software\\JScripts\\Processes", 0, 0, &key ) == ERROR_SUCCESS )
						int   idx;
						TCHAR valName[MAX_PATH];
						DWORD valSize = MAX_PATH, type;
						DWORD value, valueSize = sizeof(DWORD);

						CStrArray oldProcesses;
						for ( idx = 0; RegEnumValue( key, idx, valName, &valSize, NULL, &type, (BYTE*)&value, &valueSize ) == ERROR_SUCCESS; idx++ )
							if ( type == REG_DWORD && value == currProcId )
								oldProcesses.Add( valName );
							valSize = MAX_PATH;
							valueSize = sizeof(DWORD);

						for ( idx = 0; idx < oldProcesses.GetSize(); idx++ )
							RegDeleteValue( key, oldProcesses.GetAt(idx) );

		                RegCloseKey( key );

					RegWriteDW( HKEY_CURRENT_USER, L"Software\\JScripts\\Processes", MutexName, currProcId );

					if ( myCmdLine.WaitForFile > 0 && (long)FileOrDirExists( file, 0 ) == 0 )
						CDlgWait wait(NULL);
						wait.AllowOK = TRUE;
						wait.Countdown = myCmdLine.WaitForFile;
						wait.Expression = L"FileExists(\"" + file + L"\")";
						wait.Title = L"JScripts";
						wait.m_Label = L"Script " + file + " not found, waiting for existance (storage card not initialized?)";

					if ( myCmdLine.WaitForFile <= 0 || (long)FileOrDirExists( file, 0 ) == 1 )
						g_hInst = theApp.m_hInstance;

						SYSTEMTIME now;
						GetLocalTime( &now );
						long seed = SystemTimeToUnixTime( now );
						srand( seed );

						AppPath = m_pszHelpFilePath;
						AppPath = AppPath.Left( AppPath.ReverseFind('\\') );

						ScriptAborted = CreateEvent( 0, TRUE, FALSE, CStr(MutexName)+L"ScriptAborted" );
					    StatusDialog = new CDlgStatus( file );

						CInterpreter interpreter;

						interpreter.RunFile( file );
						//jwz:modi end

						if ( StatusWindow != NULL )
							StatusDialog->ScriptFinished = TRUE;
							SendMessage( StatusWindow, WM_EXIT_STATUS, 0, 0 );
							WaitForSingleObject( StatusDialogFinished, INFINITE );
							CloseHandle( StatusDialogFinished );

						delete StatusDialog;


						CloseHandle( ScriptAborted );
						ReleaseMutex( mutex );

						for ( int i = 0; i<LocalVariablesStack.GetSize(); i++ )
							delete (CMapStrToValue*)LocalVariablesStack.GetAt(i);

						POSITION pos = FileHandles.GetStartPosition();
						CStr key; void *value;
						while ( pos != 0 )
							FileHandles.GetNextAssoc( pos, key, value );
							if ( value != NULL )
								delete (CFileInfo*)value;

						if ( ChoiceFont != NULL ) DeleteObject( ChoiceFont );
						if ( StatusListFont != NULL ) DeleteObject( StatusListFont );

					if ( RegOpenKeyEx( HKEY_CURRENT_USER, L"Software\\JScripts\\Processes", 0, KEY_WRITE, &key ) == ERROR_SUCCESS )
                        RegDeleteValue( key, MutexName );
		                RegCloseKey( key );
                CloseHandle( mutex );
				int error = ::GetLastError();
				MessageBox( NULL
						  , L"Error creating mutex"
						  , L"JScripts"
			MessageBox( NULL
					  , L"Invalid file type for MortScript"
					  , L"JScripts"

	// Since the dialog has been closed, return FALSE so that we exit the
	//  application, rather than start the application's message pump.
	return FALSE;