// Fixes up all elements
void CImportSFMV6::BuildList( CDmElement *pElement, CUtlRBTree< CDmElement *, int >& list )
	if ( !pElement )

	if ( list.Find( pElement ) != list.InvalidIndex() )

	list.Insert( pElement );

	// Descend to bottom of tree, then do fixup coming back up the tree
	for ( CDmAttribute *pAttribute = pElement->FirstAttribute(); pAttribute; pAttribute = pAttribute->NextAttribute() )
		if ( pAttribute->GetType() == AT_ELEMENT )
			CDmElement *pElement = pAttribute->GetValueElement<CDmElement>( );
			BuildList( pElement, list );

		if ( pAttribute->GetType() == AT_ELEMENT_ARRAY )
			CDmrElementArray<> array( pAttribute );
			int nCount = array.Count();
			for ( int i = 0; i < nCount; ++i )
				CDmElement *pChild = array[ i ];
				BuildList( pChild, list );
void CClientTools::DetachFromEntity( EntitySearchResult entityToDetach )
	C_BaseEntity *ent = reinterpret_cast< C_BaseEntity * >( entityToDetach );
	Assert( ent );
	if ( !ent )

	HTOOLHANDLE handle = ent->GetToolHandle();
	ent->SetToolHandle( (HTOOLHANDLE)0 );

	if ( handle == (HTOOLHANDLE)0 ) 
		Assert( 0 );

	int idx = m_Handles.Find( HToolEntry_t( handle ) );
	if ( idx == m_Handles.InvalidIndex() )
		Assert( 0 );

	m_Handles.RemoveAt( idx );
	m_ActiveHandles.FindAndRemove( handle );
// Purpose: returns the next index, or INVALID_STRING_INDEX if no more strings available
StringIndex_t CLocalizedStringTable::GetNextStringIndex(StringIndex_t index)
	StringIndex_t idx = m_Lookup.NextInorder(index);
	if (idx == m_Lookup.InvalidIndex())
	return idx;
void CPhysicsListenerCollision::event_friction_pair_created( IVP_Friction_Core_Pair *pair )
	corepair_t test(pair);
	unsigned short index = m_pairList.Find( test );
	if ( m_pairList.IsValidIndex( index ) )
		corepair_t &save = m_pairList.Element(index);
		// found this one already, update the time
		if ( save.lastImpactTime.get_seconds() > pair->last_impact_time_pair.get_seconds() )
			pair->last_impact_time_pair = save.lastImpactTime;
			save.lastImpactTime = pair->last_impact_time_pair;
		if ( m_pairList.Count() < 16 )
			m_pairList.Insert( test );
void CClientTools::OnRemoveEntity( C_BaseEntity *ent )
	if ( !ent )
		Assert( 0 );

	HTOOLHANDLE handle = ent->GetToolHandle();
	ent->SetToolHandle( (HTOOLHANDLE)0 );

	if ( handle == (HTOOLHANDLE)0 ) 
		Assert( 0 );

	int idx = m_Handles.Find( HToolEntry_t( handle ) );
	if ( idx == m_Handles.InvalidIndex() )
		Assert( 0 );

	// Send deletion message to tool interface
	if ( m_bInRecordingMode )
		KeyValues *kv = new KeyValues( "deleted" );
		ToolFramework_PostToolMessage( handle, kv );

	m_Handles.RemoveAt( idx );
	m_ActiveHandles.FindAndRemove( handle );
bool CChoreoChannel::GetSortedCombinedEventList( char const *cctoken, CUtlRBTree< CChoreoEvent * >& events )

	int i;
	// Sort items
	int c = GetNumEvents();
	for ( i = 0; i < c; i++ )
		CChoreoEvent *e = GetEvent( i );
		Assert( e );
		if ( e->GetType() != CChoreoEvent::SPEAK )

		if ( e->GetCloseCaptionType() == CChoreoEvent::CC_DISABLED )

		// A master with no slaves is not a combined event
		if ( e->GetCloseCaptionType() == CChoreoEvent::CC_MASTER &&
			 e->GetNumSlaves() == 0 )

		char const *token = e->GetCloseCaptionToken();
		if ( Q_stricmp( token, cctoken ) )

		events.Insert( e );

	return ( events.Count() > 0 ) ? true : false;
int CCombatCharVisCache::LookupVisibility( const CBaseCombatCharacter *pChar1, CBaseCombatCharacter *pChar2 )
	VisCacheEntry_t cacheEntry;
	if ( pChar1 < pChar2 )
		cacheEntry.m_hEntity1 = pChar1;
		cacheEntry.m_hEntity2 = pChar2;
		cacheEntry.m_hEntity1 = pChar2;
		cacheEntry.m_hEntity2 = pChar1;

	int iCache = m_VisCache.Find( cacheEntry );
	if ( iCache == m_VisCache.InvalidIndex() )
		if ( m_VisCache.Count() == m_VisCache.InvalidIndex() )

		iCache = m_VisCache.Insert( cacheEntry );
		m_VisCache[iCache].m_flTime = gpGlobals->curtime - 2.0f * VIS_CACHE_ENTRY_LIFE;

	return ( pChar1 < pChar2 ) ? iCache : - iCache - 1;
// Purpose: 
// Input  : handle - 
// Output : C_BaseEntity
C_BaseEntity *CClientTools::LookupEntity( HTOOLHANDLE handle )
	int idx = m_Handles.Find( HToolEntry_t( handle ) );
	if ( idx == m_Handles.InvalidIndex() )
		return NULL;

	return m_Handles[ idx ].m_hEntity;
bool CClientTools::ShouldRecord( HTOOLHANDLE handle )
	int idx = m_Handles.Find( HToolEntry_t( handle ) );
	if ( idx == m_Handles.InvalidIndex() )
		return false;

	HToolEntry_t &entry = m_Handles[ idx ];
	return entry.m_hEntity && entry.m_hEntity->ShouldRecordInTools();
Exemple #10
AISquadEnemyInfo_t *CAI_Squad::FindEnemyInfo( CBaseEntity *pEnemy )
	int i;
	if ( gpGlobals->curtime > m_flEnemyInfoCleanupTime )
		if ( m_EnemyInfos.Count() )
			m_pLastFoundEnemyInfo = NULL;
			CUtlRBTree<CBaseEntity *> activeEnemies;
			SetDefLessFunc( activeEnemies );

			// Gather up the set of active enemies
			for ( i = 0; i < m_SquadMembers.Count(); i++ )
				CBaseEntity *pMemberEnemy = m_SquadMembers[i]->GetEnemy();
				if ( pMemberEnemy && activeEnemies.Find( pMemberEnemy ) == activeEnemies.InvalidIndex() )
					activeEnemies.Insert( pMemberEnemy );
			// Remove the records for deleted or unused enemies
			for ( i = m_EnemyInfos.Count() - 1; i >= 0; --i )
				if ( m_EnemyInfos[i].hEnemy == NULL || activeEnemies.Find( m_EnemyInfos[i].hEnemy ) == activeEnemies.InvalidIndex() )
					m_EnemyInfos.FastRemove( i );
		m_flEnemyInfoCleanupTime = gpGlobals->curtime + 30;

	if ( m_pLastFoundEnemyInfo && m_pLastFoundEnemyInfo->hEnemy == pEnemy )
		return m_pLastFoundEnemyInfo;

	for ( i = 0; i < m_EnemyInfos.Count(); i++ )
		if ( m_EnemyInfos[i].hEnemy == pEnemy )
			m_pLastFoundEnemyInfo = &m_EnemyInfos[i];
			return &m_EnemyInfos[i];

	m_pLastFoundEnemyInfo = NULL;
	i = m_EnemyInfos.AddToTail();
	m_EnemyInfos[i].hEnemy = pEnemy;

	m_pLastFoundEnemyInfo = &m_EnemyInfos[i];
	return &m_EnemyInfos[i];
// Purpose: 
void CClientTools::SetRecording( HTOOLHANDLE handle, bool recording )
	int idx = m_Handles.Find( HToolEntry_t( handle ) );
	if ( idx == m_Handles.InvalidIndex() )

	HToolEntry_t &entry = m_Handles[ idx ];
	if ( entry.m_hEntity )
		entry.m_hEntity->SetToolRecording( recording );
Vector CClientTools::GetAbsOrigin( HTOOLHANDLE handle )
	int idx = m_Handles.Find( HToolEntry_t( handle ) );
	if ( idx == m_Handles.InvalidIndex() )
		return vec3_origin;

	HToolEntry_t &entry = m_Handles[ idx ];
	if ( entry.m_hEntity )
		return entry.m_hEntity->GetAbsOrigin();
	Assert( 0 );
	return vec3_origin;
QAngle CClientTools::GetAbsAngles( HTOOLHANDLE handle )
	int idx = m_Handles.Find( HToolEntry_t( handle ) );
	if ( idx == m_Handles.InvalidIndex() )
		return vec3_angle;

	HToolEntry_t &entry = m_Handles[ idx ];
	if ( entry.m_hEntity )
		return entry.m_hEntity->GetAbsAngles();
	Assert( 0 );
	return vec3_angle;
// Purpose: 
const char* CClientTools::GetClassname( HTOOLHANDLE handle )
	int idx = m_Handles.Find( HToolEntry_t( handle ) );
	if ( idx == m_Handles.InvalidIndex() )
		return NULL;

	HToolEntry_t &entry = m_Handles[ idx ];
	if ( entry.m_hEntity )
		return STRING( entry.m_hEntity->GetClassname() );
	Assert( 0 );
	return NULL;
EntitySearchResult CClientTools::GetEntity( HTOOLHANDLE handle )
	int idx = m_Handles.Find( HToolEntry_t( handle ) );
	if ( idx == m_Handles.InvalidIndex() )
		return reinterpret_cast< EntitySearchResult >( NULL );

	HToolEntry_t *slot = &m_Handles[ idx ];
	Assert( slot );
	if ( slot == NULL )
		return reinterpret_cast< EntitySearchResult >( NULL );

	C_BaseEntity *ent = slot->m_hEntity.Get();
	return reinterpret_cast< EntitySearchResult >( ent );
// Purpose: 
int CClientTools::GetModelIndex( HTOOLHANDLE handle )
	int idx = m_Handles.Find( HToolEntry_t( handle ) );
	if ( idx == m_Handles.InvalidIndex() )
		return NULL;

	HToolEntry_t &entry = m_Handles[ idx ];
	if ( entry.m_hEntity )
		return entry.m_hEntity->GetModelIndex();
	Assert( 0 );
	return 0;
Exemple #17
// Purpose: Takes the texinfo_t referenced by the .vmt and the computed depth for the
//  surface and looks up or creates a texdata/texinfo for the mangled one-off water .vmt file
// Input  : *pBaseInfo - 
//			depth - 
// Output : int
int FindOrCreateWaterTexInfo( texinfo_t *pBaseInfo, float depth )
	char fullname[ 512 ];
	char materialname[ 512 ];

	// Get the base texture/material name
	char const *name = TexDataStringTable_GetString( GetTexData( pBaseInfo->texdata )->nameStringTableID );

	GetWaterTextureName( mapbase, name, (int)depth, fullname );

	// See if we already have an entry for this depth
	WaterTexInfo lookup;
	lookup.m_FullName = fullname;
	int idx = g_WaterTexInfos.Find( lookup );

	// If so, return the existing entry texinfo index
	if ( idx != g_WaterTexInfos.InvalidIndex() )
		return g_WaterTexInfos[ idx ].m_nTexInfo;

	// Otherwise, fill in the rest of the data
	lookup.m_nWaterDepth = (int)depth;
	// Remember the current material name
	sprintf( materialname, "%s", name );
	strlwr( materialname );
	lookup.m_MaterialName = materialname;

	texinfo_t ti;
	// Make a copy
	ti = *pBaseInfo;
	// Create a texdata that is based on the underlying existing entry
	ti.texdata = FindAliasedTexData( fullname, GetTexData( pBaseInfo->texdata ) );

	// Find or create a new index
	lookup.m_nTexInfo = FindOrCreateTexInfo( ti );

	// Add the new texinfo to the RB tree
	idx = g_WaterTexInfos.Insert( lookup );

	// Msg( "created texinfo for %s\n", lookup.m_FullName.String() );

	// Go ahead and create the new vmt file.
	EmitWaterMaterialFile( &g_WaterTexInfos[idx] );

	// Return the new texinfo
	return g_WaterTexInfos[ idx ].m_nTexInfo;
// Finds and/or creates a symbol based on the string
void CLocalizedStringTable::AddString(char const *pString, wchar_t *pValue, const char *fileName)
	if (!pString) 

	wchar_t *str = Find(pString);
	// it's already in the table
	if (str)

	// didn't find, insert the string into the vector.
	int len = strlen(pString) + 1;
	int stridx = m_Names.AddMultipleToTail( len );
	memcpy( &m_Names[stridx], pString, len * sizeof(char) );

	len = wcslen(pValue) + 1;
	int valueidx = m_Values.AddMultipleToTail( len );
	memcpy( &m_Values[valueidx], pValue, len * sizeof(wchar_t) );

	localizedstring_t stringMapItem;
	stringMapItem.nameIndex = stridx;
	stringMapItem.valueIndex = valueidx;
	if (fileName)
		stringMapItem.filename = fileName;
		stringMapItem.filename = m_CurrentFile;
	m_Lookup.Insert( stringMapItem );
// Remove all symbols in the table.
void CLocalizedStringTable::RemoveAll()
// Delete a managed image
void CSchemeManager::DeleteImage( const char *pImageName )
	if ( !pImageName )

	// set up to search for the bitmap
	CachedBitmapHandle_t searchBitmap;
	searchBitmap.bitmap = NULL;

	s_pszSearchString = pImageName;
	int i = m_Bitmaps.Find( searchBitmap );
	if ( m_Bitmaps.IsValidIndex( i ) )
		delete m_Bitmaps[i].bitmap;	
		m_Bitmaps.RemoveAt( i );
// Use this to turn on/off the presence of an underlying game entity
void CClientTools::SetEnabled( HTOOLHANDLE handle, bool enabled )
	int idx = m_Handles.Find( HToolEntry_t( handle ) );
	if ( idx == m_Handles.InvalidIndex() )

	HToolEntry_t *slot = &m_Handles[ idx ];
	Assert( slot );
	if ( slot == NULL )

	C_BaseEntity *ent = slot->m_hEntity.Get();
	if ( ent == NULL ||	ent->entindex() == 0 )
		return; // Don't disable/enable the "world"

	ent->EnableInToolView( enabled );
char const* CUtlSymbolTable::String( CUtlSymbol id ) const
	if (!id.IsValid()) 
		return "";
	Assert( m_Lookup.IsValidIndex((UtlSymId_t)id) );
	return StringFromIndex( m_Lookup[id] );
void CAI_GoalEntity::InputUpdateActors( inputdata_t &inputdata )
	int i;
	CUtlRBTree<CAI_BaseNPC *> prevActors;
	CUtlRBTree<CAI_BaseNPC *>::IndexType_t index;

	SetDefLessFunc( prevActors );
	for ( i = 0; i < m_actors.Count(); i++ )
		prevActors.Insert( m_actors[i] );
	for ( i = 0; i < m_actors.Count(); i++ )
		index = prevActors.Find( m_actors[i] );
		if ( index == prevActors.InvalidIndex() )
			if ( m_flags & ACTIVE )
				EnableGoal( m_actors[i] );
			prevActors.Remove( m_actors[i] );
	for ( index = prevActors.FirstInorder(); index != prevActors.InvalidIndex(); index = prevActors.NextInorder( index ) )
		if ( m_flags & ACTIVE )
			DisableGoal( prevActors[ index ] );
void CUtlSymbolTable::RemoveAll()
	for ( int i=0; i < m_StringPools.Count(); i++ )
		free( m_StringPools[i] );

void AddNewTranslation( const char *pOriginalMaterialName, const char *pNewMaterialName )
	NameTranslationLookup_t newEntry;
	newEntry.m_OriginalFileName = s_SymbolTable.AddString( pOriginalMaterialName );
	newEntry.m_PatchFileName = s_SymbolTable.AddString( pNewMaterialName );

	s_MapPatchedMatToOriginalMat.Insert( newEntry );
// Purpose: Recursively determine directory tree
static void RecurseFileTree_r( const char *pBasePath, const char *pDirPath, int depth, CUtlVector< CUtlString > &dirList, bool bIsModPath )
	if ( depth >= 2 )
		// too much unecessary detail

	// ignore path roots, only interested in subdirs
	const char *pSubName = pDirPath + strlen( pBasePath );
	if ( pSubName[0] )
		GamePath_t gamePath;
		gamePath.pathName = pSubName;
		gamePath.bIsModPath = bIsModPath;
		int iIndex = g_PathTable.Find( gamePath );
		if ( iIndex == g_PathTable.InvalidIndex() )
			g_PathTable.Insert( gamePath );

	// recurse from source directory, get directories only
	CUtlVector< CUtlString > fileList;
	int dirCount = GetFileList( pDirPath, "\\", fileList );
	if ( !dirCount )
		// add directory name to search tree
		int j = dirList.AddToTail();
		dirList[j].Set( pDirPath );

	for ( int i=0; i<dirCount; i++ )
		// form new path name, recurse into
		RecurseFileTree_r( pBasePath, fileList[i].String(), depth+1, dirList, bIsModPath );

	int j = dirList.AddToTail();
	dirList[j].Set( pDirPath );
// Make sure the details are compiled with static prop
static bool IsModelValid( const char* pModelName )
	StaticPropLookup_t lookup;
	lookup.m_ModelName = pModelName;

	int i = s_StaticPropLookup.Find( lookup );
	if (i != s_StaticPropLookup.InvalidIndex() )
		return s_StaticPropLookup[i].m_IsValid;

	CUtlBuffer buf;
	lookup.m_IsValid = LoadStudioModel( pModelName, "detail_prop", buf );
	if (!lookup.m_IsValid)
		Warning("Error loading studio model \"%s\"!\n", pModelName );

	s_StaticPropLookup.Insert( lookup );
	return lookup.m_IsValid;
void RemoveFromWhiteList( char const *path )
	vprint( 2, "-\t'%s'\n", path );

	char dir[ 512 ];
	Q_strncpy( dir, path, sizeof( dir ) );

	// Get the base filename from the path
	_strlwr( dir );
	Q_FixSlashes( dir );

	CUtlVector< FileEntry > files;

	char *lastslash = strrchr( dir, '\\' );
	if ( lastslash == 0 )
		BuildFileListWildcard( 1, files, "", dir, 0 );
		char *wild = lastslash + 1;
		*lastslash = 0;

		BuildFileListWildcard( 1, files, dir, wild, 0 );

	int c = files.Count();
	for ( int i = 0; i < c; ++i )
		UnusedContent::CUtlSymbol sym = files[ i ].sym;
		int idx = g_WhiteList.Find( sym );
		if ( idx != g_WhiteList.InvalidIndex() )
			g_WhiteList.RemoveAt( idx );
// Purpose: returns a pointer to an image
IImage *CSchemeManager::GetImage(const char *imageName, bool hardwareFiltered)
	if ( !imageName || strlen(imageName) <= 0 ) // frame icons and the like are in the scheme file and may not be defined, so if this is null then fail silently
		return NULL; 

	// set up to search for the bitmap
	CachedBitmapHandle_t searchBitmap;
	searchBitmap.bitmap = NULL;

	// Prepend 'vgui/'. Resource files try to load images assuming they live in the vgui directory.
	// Used to do this in Bitmap::Bitmap, moved so that the s_pszSearchString is searching for the
	// filename with 'vgui/' already added.
	char szFileName[256];

	if ( Q_stristr( imageName, ".pic" ) )
		Q_snprintf( szFileName, sizeof(szFileName), "%s", imageName );
		Q_snprintf( szFileName, sizeof(szFileName), "vgui/%s", imageName );

	s_pszSearchString = szFileName;

	int i = m_Bitmaps.Find(searchBitmap);
	if (m_Bitmaps.IsValidIndex(i))
		return m_Bitmaps[i].bitmap;

	// couldn't find the image, try and load it
	CachedBitmapHandle_t bitmap = { new Bitmap(szFileName, hardwareFiltered) };
	return bitmap.bitmap;
CUtlSymbol CUtlSymbolTable::Find( char const* pString )
	if (!pString)
		return CUtlSymbol();
	// Store a special context used to help with insertion
	g_LessCtx.m_pUserString = pString;
	g_LessCtx.m_pTable = this;
	// Passing this special invalid symbol makes the comparison function
	// use the string passed in the context
	UtlSymId_t idx = m_Lookup.Find( INVALID_STRING_INDEX );
	return CUtlSymbol( idx );