CObjectSA::~CObjectSA( )
	DEBUG_TRACE("CObjectSA::~CObjectSA( )");
    //OutputDebugString("Attempting to destroy Object\n");
	if(!this->BeingDeleted && DoNotRemoveFromGame == false)
		DWORD dwInterface = (DWORD)this->GetInterface();
        if ( dwInterface )
		    CWorldSA * world = (CWorldSA *)pGame->GetWorld();
            DWORD dwThis = (DWORD)this->GetInterface();
            DWORD dwFunc = this->GetInterface()->vtbl->Remove;
                mov		ecx, dwThis
                call    dwFunc

		    dwFunc = this->GetInterface()->vtbl->SCALAR_DELETING_DESTRUCTOR; // we use the vtbl so we can be type independent
			    mov		ecx, dwThis
			    push	1			//delete too
			    call	dwFunc
            DWORD dwModelID = this->internalInterface->m_nModelIndex;
            // REMOVE ref to colstore thingy
            dwFunc = 0x4107D0;
                mov     eax, dwModelID
                mov     eax, 0xA9B0C8[eax*4]
                mov     eax, [eax+20]
                movzx   eax, byte ptr [eax+40]
                push    eax
                call    dwFunc
                add     esp, 4

		this->BeingDeleted = true;
		((CPoolsSA *)pGame->GetPools())->RemoveObject((CObject *)(CObjectSA *)this);

        //OutputDebugString("Destroying Object\n");
Exemple #2
    // Unlink disabled-collisions
    while ( !m_disabledColl.empty() )
        SetCollidableWith( pGame->GetPools()->GetEntity( m_disabledColl.begin()->first ), true );

    if ( m_doNotRemoveFromGame )

    CWorldSA *world = pGame->GetWorld();
    world->Remove( m_pInterface );
    world->RemoveReferencesToDeletedObject( m_pInterface );

    // Clever little trick, eh
    delete m_pInterface;
Exemple #3
CCivilianPedSA::~CCivilianPedSA( )
    DEBUG_TRACE("CCivilianPedSA::~CCivilianPedSA( )");
    if(!this->BeingDeleted && DoNotRemoveFromGame == false)
        DWORD dwInterface = (DWORD)this->GetInterface();
        if ( (DWORD)this->GetInterface()->vtbl != VTBL_CPlaceable )
            CWorldSA * world = (CWorldSA *)pGame->GetWorld();
            world->Remove(this->GetInterface(), CCivPed_Destructor);
            DWORD dwThis = (DWORD)this->GetInterface();
            DWORD dwFunc = this->GetInterface()->vtbl->SCALAR_DELETING_DESTRUCTOR; // we use the vtbl so we can be type independent
                mov     ecx, dwThis
                push    1           //delete too
                call    dwFunc
CBuildingSA::~CBuildingSA( )
	DEBUG_TRACE("CBuildingSA::~CBuildingSA( )");
	if(!this->BeingDeleted && DoNotRemoveFromGame == false)
		DWORD dwInterface = (DWORD)this->GetInterface();
		CWorldSA * world = (CWorldSA *)pGame->GetWorld();
		DWORD dwThis = (DWORD)this->GetInterface();
		DWORD dwFunc = this->GetInterface()->vtbl->SCALAR_DELETING_DESTRUCTOR; // we use the vtbl so we can be type independent
			mov		ecx, dwThis
			push	1			//delete too
			call	dwFunc

		this->BeingDeleted = true;
		//((CPoolsSA *)pGame->GetPools())->RemoveBuilding((CBuilding *)(CBuildingSA *)this);