Exemple #1
            bool run(const string& , BSONObj& cmdObj, string& errmsg, BSONObjBuilder& result, bool){

                string ns = cmdObj.firstElement().valuestrsafe();
                if ( ns.size() == 0 ){
                    errmsg = "no ns";
                    return false;

                DBConfigPtr config = grid.getDBConfig( ns );
                if ( ! config->isSharded( ns ) ){
                    errmsg = "ns not sharded.  have to shard before can split";
                    return false;

                BSONObj find = cmdObj.getObjectField( "find" );
                if ( find.isEmpty() ){
                    find = cmdObj.getObjectField( "middle" );

                    if ( find.isEmpty() ){
                        errmsg = "need to specify find or middle";
                        return false;
                ChunkManagerPtr info = config->getChunkManager( ns );
                ChunkPtr old = info->findChunk( find );

                return _split( result , errmsg , ns , info , old , cmdObj.getObjectField( "middle" ) );
Exemple #2
    ChunkManagerPtr DBConfig::shardCollection( const string& ns , ShardKeyPattern fieldsAndOrder , bool unique ) {
        uassert( 8042 , "db doesn't have sharding enabled" , _shardingEnabled );

        scoped_lock lk( _lock );

        CollectionInfo& ci = _collections[ns];
        uassert( 8043 , "collection already sharded" , ! ci.isSharded() );

        log() << "enable sharding on: " << ns << " with shard key: " << fieldsAndOrder << endl;

        // From this point on, 'ns' is going to be treated as a sharded collection. We assume this is the first
        // time it is seen by the sharded system and thus create the first chunk for the collection. All the remaining
        // chunks will be created as a by-product of splitting.
        ci.shard( ns , fieldsAndOrder , unique );
        ChunkManagerPtr cm = ci.getCM();
        uassert( 13449 , "collections already sharded" , (cm->numChunks() == 0) );
        cm->createFirstChunk( getPrimary() );

        try {
        catch ( UserException& e ) {
            // failure to chunk is not critical enough to abort the command (and undo the _save()'d configDB state)
            log() << "couldn't chunk recently created collection: " << ns << " " << e << endl;

        return cm;
        void _insert( Request& r , DbMessage& d, ChunkManagerPtr manager ){
            while ( d.moreJSObjs() ){
                BSONObj o = d.nextJsObj();
                if ( ! manager->hasShardKey( o ) ){

                    bool bad = true;

                    if ( manager->getShardKey().partOfShardKey( "_id" ) ){
                        BSONObjBuilder b;
                        b.appendOID( "_id" , 0 , true );
                        b.appendElements( o );
                        o = b.obj();
                        bad = ! manager->hasShardKey( o );
                    if ( bad ){
                        log() << "tried to insert object without shard key: " << r.getns() << "  " << o << endl;
                        throw UserException( 8011 , "tried to insert object without shard key" );
                ChunkPtr c = manager->findChunk( o );
                log(4) << "  server:" << c->getShard().toString() << " " << o << endl;
                insert( c->getShard() , r.getns() , o );

                c->splitIfShould( o.objsize() );
Exemple #4
    void _update( Request& r , DbMessage& d, ChunkManagerPtr manager ) {
        int flags = d.pullInt();

        BSONObj query = d.nextJsObj();
        uassert( 13506 ,  "$atomic not supported sharded" , query["$atomic"].eoo() );
        uassert( 10201 ,  "invalid update" , d.moreJSObjs() );
        BSONObj toupdate = d.nextJsObj();

        BSONObj chunkFinder = query;

        bool upsert = flags & UpdateOption_Upsert;
        bool multi = flags & UpdateOption_Multi;

        uassert( 10202 ,  "can't mix multi and upsert and sharding" , ! ( upsert && multi ) );

        if (upsert) {
            uassert(8012, "can't upsert something without shard key",
                    (manager->hasShardKey(toupdate) ||
                     (toupdate.firstElement().fieldName()[0] == '$' && manager->hasShardKey(query))));

            BSONObj key = manager->getShardKey().extractKey(query);
            BSONForEach(e, key) {
                uassert(13465, "shard key in upsert query must be an exact match", getGtLtOp(e) == BSONObj::Equality);
Exemple #5
 * Returns true if request is a query for sharded indexes.
static bool doShardedIndexQuery(OperationContext* txn, Request& r, const QuerySpec& qSpec) {
    // Extract the ns field from the query, which may be embedded within the "query" or
    // "$query" field.
    auto nsField = qSpec.filter()["ns"];
    if (nsField.eoo()) {
        return false;
    const NamespaceString indexNSSQuery(nsField.str());

    auto status = grid.catalogCache()->getDatabase(txn, indexNSSQuery.db().toString());
    if (!status.isOK()) {
        return false;

    shared_ptr<DBConfig> config = status.getValue();
    if (!config->isSharded(indexNSSQuery.ns())) {
        return false;

    // if you are querying on system.indexes, we need to make sure we go to a shard
    // that actually has chunks. This is not a perfect solution (what if you just
    // look at all indexes), but better than doing nothing.

    ShardPtr shard;
    ChunkManagerPtr cm;
    config->getChunkManagerOrPrimary(indexNSSQuery.ns(), cm, shard);
    if (cm) {
        set<ShardId> shardIds;
        verify(shardIds.size() > 0);
        shard = grid.shardRegistry()->getShard(*shardIds.begin());

    ShardConnection dbcon(shard->getConnString(), r.getns());
    DBClientBase& c = dbcon.conn();

    string actualServer;

    Message response;
    bool ok = c.call(r.m(), response, true, &actualServer);
    uassert(10200, "mongos: error calling db", ok);

        QueryResult::View qr = response.singleData().view2ptr();
        if (qr.getResultFlags() & ResultFlag_ShardConfigStale) {
            // Version is zero b/c this is deprecated codepath
            throw RecvStaleConfigException(r.getns(),
                                           ChunkVersion(0, 0, OID()),
                                           ChunkVersion(0, 0, OID()));

    r.reply(response, actualServer.size() ? actualServer : c.getServerAddress());

    return true;
Exemple #6
    int Balancer::_moveChunks( const vector<CandidateChunkPtr>* candidateChunks , bool secondaryThrottle ) {
        int movedCount = 0;

        for ( vector<CandidateChunkPtr>::const_iterator it = candidateChunks->begin(); it != candidateChunks->end(); ++it ) {
            const CandidateChunk& chunkInfo = *it->get();

            DBConfigPtr cfg = grid.getDBConfig( chunkInfo.ns );
            verify( cfg );

            ChunkManagerPtr cm = cfg->getChunkManager( chunkInfo.ns );
            verify( cm );

            ChunkPtr c = cm->findChunk( chunkInfo.chunk.min );
            if ( c->getMin().woCompare( chunkInfo.chunk.min ) || c->getMax().woCompare( chunkInfo.chunk.max ) ) {
                // likely a split happened somewhere
                cm = cfg->getChunkManager( chunkInfo.ns , true /* reload */);
                verify( cm );

                c = cm->findChunk( chunkInfo.chunk.min );
                if ( c->getMin().woCompare( chunkInfo.chunk.min ) || c->getMax().woCompare( chunkInfo.chunk.max ) ) {
                    log() << "chunk mismatch after reload, ignoring will retry issue " << chunkInfo.chunk.toString() << endl;

            BSONObj res;
            if ( c->moveAndCommit( Shard::make( chunkInfo.to ) , Chunk::MaxChunkSize , secondaryThrottle , res ) ) {

            // the move requires acquiring the collection metadata's lock, which can fail
            log() << "balancer move failed: " << res << " from: " << chunkInfo.from << " to: " << chunkInfo.to
                  << " chunk: " << chunkInfo.chunk << endl;

            if ( res["chunkTooBig"].trueValue() ) {
                // reload just to be safe
                cm = cfg->getChunkManager( chunkInfo.ns );
                verify( cm );
                c = cm->findChunk( chunkInfo.chunk.min );
                log() << "forcing a split because migrate failed for size reasons" << endl;
                res = BSONObj();
                c->singleSplit( true , res );
                log() << "forced split results: " << res << endl;
                if ( ! res["ok"].trueValue() ) {
                    log() << "marking chunk as jumbo: " << c->toString() << endl;
                    // we increment moveCount so we do another round right away


        return movedCount;
Exemple #7
            bool run(const string& , BSONObj& cmdObj, string& errmsg, BSONObjBuilder& result, bool) {

                string ns = cmdObj.firstElement().valuestrsafe();
                if ( ns.size() == 0 ) {
                    errmsg = "no ns";
                    return false;

                DBConfigPtr config = grid.getDBConfig( ns );
                if ( ! config->isSharded( ns ) ) {
                    errmsg = "ns not sharded.  have to shard before can split";
                    return false;

                BSONObj find = cmdObj.getObjectField( "find" );
                if ( find.isEmpty() ) {
                    find = cmdObj.getObjectField( "middle" );

                    if ( find.isEmpty() ) {
                        errmsg = "need to specify find or middle";
                        return false;

                ChunkManagerPtr info = config->getChunkManager( ns );
                ChunkPtr chunk = info->findChunk( find );
                BSONObj middle = cmdObj.getObjectField( "middle" );

                assert( chunk.get() );
                log() << "splitting: " << ns << "  shard: " << chunk << endl;

                BSONObj res;
                ChunkPtr p;
                if ( middle.isEmpty() ) {
                    p = chunk->singleSplit( true /* force a split even if not enough data */ , res );

                else {
                    // sanity check if the key provided is a valid split point
                    if ( ( middle == chunk->getMin() ) || ( middle == chunk->getMax() ) ) {
                        errmsg = "cannot split on initial or final chunk's key";
                        return false;

                    vector<BSONObj> splitPoints;
                    splitPoints.push_back( middle );
                    p = chunk->multiSplit( splitPoints , res );

                if ( p.get() == NULL ) {
                    errmsg = "split failed";
                    result.append( "cause" , res );
                    return false;

                return true;
Exemple #8
            bool run(const string& , BSONObj& cmdObj, string& errmsg, BSONObjBuilder& result, bool){

                Timer t;
                string ns = cmdObj.firstElement().valuestrsafe();
                if ( ns.size() == 0 ){
                    errmsg = "no ns";
                    return false;

                DBConfigPtr config = grid.getDBConfig( ns );
                if ( ! config->isSharded( ns ) ){
                    errmsg = "ns not sharded.  have to shard before can move a chunk";
                    return false;

                BSONObj find = cmdObj.getObjectField( "find" );
                if ( find.isEmpty() ){
                    errmsg = "need to specify find.  see help";
                    return false;

                string toString = cmdObj["to"].valuestrsafe();
                if ( ! toString.size()  ){
                    errmsg = "you have to specify where you want to move the chunk";
                    return false;
                Shard to = Shard::make( toString );

                // so far, chunk size serves test purposes; it may or may not become a supported parameter
                long long maxChunkSizeBytes = cmdObj["maxChunkSizeBytes"].numberLong();
                if ( maxChunkSizeBytes == 0 ) {
                    maxChunkSizeBytes = Chunk::MaxChunkSize;

                tlog() << "CMD: movechunk: " << cmdObj << endl;

                ChunkManagerPtr info = config->getChunkManager( ns );
                ChunkPtr c = info->findChunk( find );
                const Shard& from = c->getShard();

                if ( from == to ){
                    errmsg = "that chunk is already on that shard";
                    return false;
                BSONObj res;
                if ( ! c->moveAndCommit( to , maxChunkSizeBytes , res ) ){
                    errmsg = "move failed";
                    result.append( "cause" , res );
                    return false;

                result.append( "millis" , t.millis() );
                return true;
Exemple #9
    int Balancer::_moveChunks( const vector<CandidateChunkPtr>* candidateChunks ) {
        int movedCount = 0;

        for ( vector<CandidateChunkPtr>::const_iterator it = candidateChunks->begin(); it != candidateChunks->end(); ++it ) {
            const CandidateChunk& chunkInfo = *it->get();

            DBConfigPtr cfg = grid.getDBConfig( chunkInfo.ns );
            assert( cfg );

            ChunkManagerPtr cm = cfg->getChunkManager( chunkInfo.ns );
            assert( cm );

            const BSONObj& chunkToMove = chunkInfo.chunk;
            ChunkPtr c = cm->findChunk( chunkToMove["min"].Obj() );
            if ( c->getMin().woCompare( chunkToMove["min"].Obj() ) || c->getMax().woCompare( chunkToMove["max"].Obj() ) ) {
                // likely a split happened somewhere
                cm = cfg->getChunkManager( chunkInfo.ns , true /* reload */);
                assert( cm );

                c = cm->findChunk( chunkToMove["min"].Obj() );
                if ( c->getMin().woCompare( chunkToMove["min"].Obj() ) || c->getMax().woCompare( chunkToMove["max"].Obj() ) ) {
                    log() << "chunk mismatch after reload, ignoring will retry issue cm: "
                          << c->getMin() << " min: " << chunkToMove["min"].Obj() << endl;

            BSONObj res;
            if ( c->moveAndCommit( Shard::make( chunkInfo.to ) , Chunk::MaxChunkSize , res ) ) {

            // the move requires acquiring the collection metadata's lock, which can fail
            log() << "balacer move failed: " << res << " from: " << chunkInfo.from << " to: " << chunkInfo.to
                  << " chunk: " << chunkToMove << endl;

            if ( res["chunkTooBig"].trueValue() ) {
                // reload just to be safe
                cm = cfg->getChunkManager( chunkInfo.ns );
                assert( cm );
                c = cm->findChunk( chunkToMove["min"].Obj() );
                log() << "forcing a split because migrate failed for size reasons" << endl;
                res = BSONObj();
                c->singleSplit( true , res );
                log() << "forced split results: " << res << endl;

                // TODO: if the split fails, mark as jumbo SERVER-2571

        return movedCount;
Exemple #10
    void checkShardVersion( DBClientBase& conn , const string& ns , bool authoritative ){
        // TODO: cache, optimize, etc...
        WriteBackListener::init( conn );

        DBConfigPtr conf = grid.getDBConfig( ns );
        if ( ! conf )
        ShardChunkVersion version = 0;
        unsigned long long officialSequenceNumber = 0;

        ChunkManagerPtr manager;
        const bool isSharded = conf->isSharded( ns );
        if ( isSharded ){
            manager = conf->getChunkManager( ns , authoritative );
            officialSequenceNumber = manager->getSequenceNumber();

        unsigned long long & sequenceNumber = checkShardVersionLastSequence[ make_pair(&conn,ns) ];        
        if ( sequenceNumber == officialSequenceNumber )

        if ( isSharded ){
            version = manager->getVersion( Shard::make( conn.getServerAddress() ) );
        log(2) << " have to set shard version for conn: " << &conn << " ns:" << ns 
               << " my last seq: " << sequenceNumber << "  current: " << officialSequenceNumber 
               << " version: " << version << " manager: " << manager.get()
               << endl;
        BSONObj result;
        if ( setShardVersion( conn , ns , version , authoritative , result ) ){
            // success!
            log(1) << "      setShardVersion success!" << endl;
            sequenceNumber = officialSequenceNumber;
            dassert( sequenceNumber == checkShardVersionLastSequence[ make_pair(&conn,ns) ] );

        log(1) << "       setShardVersion failed!\n" << result << endl;

        if ( result.getBoolField( "need_authoritative" ) )
            massert( 10428 ,  "need_authoritative set but in authoritative mode already" , ! authoritative );
        if ( ! authoritative ){
            checkShardVersion( conn , ns , 1 );
        log() << "     setShardVersion failed: " << result << endl;
        massert( 10429 , (string)"setShardVersion failed! " + result.jsonString() , 0 );
Exemple #11
        void _insert( Request& r , DbMessage& d, ChunkManagerPtr manager ) {

            while ( d.moreJSObjs() ) {
                BSONObj o = d.nextJsObj();
                if ( ! manager->hasShardKey( o ) ) {

                    bool bad = true;

                    if ( manager->getShardKey().partOfShardKey( "_id" ) ) {
                        BSONObjBuilder b;
                        b.appendOID( "_id" , 0 , true );
                        b.appendElements( o );
                        o = b.obj();
                        bad = ! manager->hasShardKey( o );

                    if ( bad ) {
                        log() << "tried to insert object without shard key: " << r.getns() << "  " << o << endl;
                        throw UserException( 8011 , "tried to insert object without shard key" );


                // Many operations benefit from having the shard key early in the object
                o = manager->getShardKey().moveToFront(o);

                const int maxTries = 10;

                bool gotThrough = false;
                for ( int i=0; i<maxTries; i++ ) {
                    try {
                        ChunkPtr c = manager->findChunk( o );
                        log(4) << "  server:" << c->getShard().toString() << " " << o << endl;
                        insert( c->getShard() , r.getns() , o );

                        if ( r.getClientInfo()->autoSplitOk() )
                            c->splitIfShould( o.objsize() );
                        gotThrough = true;
                    catch ( StaleConfigException& e ) {
                        log( i < ( maxTries / 2 ) ) << "retrying insert because of StaleConfigException: " << e << " object: " << o << endl;
                        manager = r.getChunkManager();
                        uassert(14804, "collection no longer sharded", manager);
                    sleepmillis( i * 200 );
                assert( inShutdown() || gotThrough );
Exemple #12
     * Returns true if request is a query for sharded indexes.
    static bool doShardedIndexQuery( Request& r, const QuerySpec& qSpec ) {

        // Extract the ns field from the query, which may be embedded within the "query" or
        // "$query" field.
        string indexNSQuery(qSpec.filter()["ns"].str());
        DBConfigPtr config = grid.getDBConfig( r.getns() );

        if ( !config->isSharded( indexNSQuery )) {
            return false;

        // if you are querying on system.indexes, we need to make sure we go to a shard
        // that actually has chunks. This is not a perfect solution (what if you just
        // look at all indexes), but better than doing nothing.

        ShardPtr shard;
        ChunkManagerPtr cm;
        config->getChunkManagerOrPrimary( indexNSQuery, cm, shard );
        if ( cm ) {
            set<Shard> shards;
            cm->getAllShards( shards );
            verify( shards.size() > 0 );
            shard.reset( new Shard( *shards.begin() ) );

        ShardConnection dbcon( *shard , r.getns() );
        DBClientBase &c = dbcon.conn();

        string actualServer;

        Message response;
        bool ok = c.call( r.m(), response, true , &actualServer );
        uassert( 10200 , "mongos: error calling db", ok );

            QueryResult *qr = (QueryResult *) response.singleData();
            if ( qr->resultFlags() & ResultFlag_ShardConfigStale ) {
                // Version is zero b/c this is deprecated codepath
                throw RecvStaleConfigException( r.getns(),
                                                ChunkVersion( 0, 0, OID() ),
                                                ChunkVersion( 0, 0, OID() ));

        r.reply( response , actualServer.size() ? actualServer : c.getServerAddress() );

        return true;
Exemple #13
    ChunkManagerPtr DBConfig::getChunkManager( const string& ns , bool reload ){
        scoped_lock lk( _lock );

        ChunkManagerPtr m = _shards[ns];
        if ( m && ! reload )
            return m;

        uassert( 10181 ,  (string)"not sharded:" + ns , _isSharded( ns ) );
        if ( m && reload )
            log() << "reloading shard info for: " << ns << endl;
        m.reset( new ChunkManager( this , ns , _sharded[ ns ].key , _sharded[ns].unique ) );
        _shards[ns] = m;
        return m;
Exemple #14
        // TODO:  Same limitations as other mongos metadata commands, sometimes we'll be stale here
        // and fail.  Need to better integrate targeting with commands.
        ShardPtr guessMergeShard( const NamespaceString& nss, const BSONObj& minKey ) {

            DBConfigPtr config = grid.getDBConfig( nss.ns() );
            if ( !config->isSharded( nss ) ) {
                if ( !config->isSharded( nss ) ) {
                    return ShardPtr();

            ChunkManagerPtr manager = config->getChunkManager( nss );
            if ( !manager ) return ShardPtr();
            ChunkPtr chunk = manager->findChunkForDoc( minKey );
            if ( !chunk ) return ShardPtr();
            return ShardPtr( new Shard( chunk->getShard() ) );
Exemple #15
        void _delete( Request& r , DbMessage& d, ChunkManagerPtr manager ){

            int flags = d.pullInt();
            bool justOne = flags & 1;
            uassert( 10203 ,  "bad delete message" , d.moreJSObjs() );
            BSONObj pattern = d.nextJsObj();

            vector<shared_ptr<ChunkRange> > chunks;
            manager->getChunksForQuery( chunks , pattern );
            log(2) << "delete : " << pattern << " \t " << chunks.size() << " justOne: " << justOne << endl;
            if ( chunks.size() == 1 ){
                doWrite( dbDelete , r , chunks[0]->getShard() );
            if ( justOne && ! pattern.hasField( "_id" ) )
                throw UserException( 8015 , "can only delete with a non-shard key pattern if can delete as many as we find" );
            set<Shard> seen;
            for ( vector<shared_ptr<ChunkRange> >::iterator i=chunks.begin(); i!=chunks.end(); i++){
                shared_ptr<ChunkRange> c = *i;
                if ( seen.count( c->getShard() ) )
                seen.insert( c->getShard() );
                doWrite( dbDelete , r , c->getShard() );
        void _insert( Request& r , DbMessage& d, ChunkManagerPtr manager ){
            while ( d.moreJSObjs() ){
                BSONObj o = d.nextJsObj();
                if ( ! manager->hasShardKey( o ) ){

                    bool bad = true;

                    if ( manager->getShardKey().partOfShardKey( "_id" ) ){
                        BSONObjBuilder b;
                        b.appendOID( "_id" , 0 , true );
                        b.appendElements( o );
                        o = b.obj();
                        bad = ! manager->hasShardKey( o );
                    if ( bad ){
                        log() << "tried to insert object without shard key: " << r.getns() << "  " << o << endl;
                        throw UserException( 8011 , "tried to insert object without shard key" );
                bool gotThrough = false;
                for ( int i=0; i<10; i++ ){
                    try {
                        ChunkPtr c = manager->findChunk( o );
                        log(4) << "  server:" << c->getShard().toString() << " " << o << endl;
                        insert( c->getShard() , r.getns() , o );
                        c->splitIfShould( o.objsize() );
                        gotThrough = true;
                    catch ( StaleConfigException& ){
                        log(1) << "retrying insert because of StaleConfigException: " << o << endl;
                        manager = r.getChunkManager();
                    sleepmillis( i * 200 );

                assert( gotThrough );

Exemple #17
        void handleIndexWrite( int op , Request& r ) {

            DbMessage& d = r.d();

            if ( op == dbInsert ) {
                while( d.moreJSObjs() ) {
                    BSONObj o = d.nextJsObj();
                    const char * ns = o["ns"].valuestr();
                    if ( r.getConfig()->isSharded( ns ) ) {
                        BSONObj newIndexKey = o["key"].embeddedObjectUserCheck();

                        uassert( 10205 ,  (string)"can't use unique indexes with sharding  ns:" + ns +
                                 " key: " + o["key"].embeddedObjectUserCheck().toString() ,
                                 IndexDetails::isIdIndexPattern( newIndexKey ) ||
                                 ! o["unique"].trueValue() ||
                                 r.getConfig()->getChunkManager( ns )->getShardKey().isPrefixOf( newIndexKey ) );

                        ChunkManagerPtr cm = r.getConfig()->getChunkManager( ns );
                        assert( cm );

                        set<Shard> shards;
                        for (set<Shard>::const_iterator it=shards.begin(), end=shards.end(); it != end; ++it)
                            doWrite( op , r , *it );
                    else {
                        doWrite( op , r , r.primaryShard() );
            else if ( op == dbUpdate ) {
                throw UserException( 8050 , "can't update system.indexes" );
            else if ( op == dbDelete ) {
                // TODO
                throw UserException( 8051 , "can't delete indexes on sharded collection yet" );
            else {
                log() << "handleIndexWrite invalid write op: " << op << endl;
                throw UserException( 8052 , "handleIndexWrite invalid write op" );

Exemple #18
    ChunkManagerPtr DBConfig::shardCollection( const string& ns , ShardKeyPattern fieldsAndOrder , bool unique ){
        if ( ! _shardingEnabled )
            throw UserException( 8042 , "db doesn't have sharding enabled" );
        scoped_lock lk( _lock );

        ChunkManagerPtr info = _shards[ns];
        if ( info )
            return info;
        if ( _isSharded( ns ) )
            throw UserException( 8043 , "already sharded" );

        log() << "enable sharding on: " << ns << " with shard key: " << fieldsAndOrder << endl;
        _sharded[ns] = CollectionInfo( fieldsAndOrder , unique );

        info.reset( new ChunkManager( this , ns , fieldsAndOrder , unique ) );
        _shards[ns] = info;
        return info;

Exemple #19
     * Splits the chunks touched based from the targeter stats if needed.
    static void splitIfNeeded( const string& ns, const TargeterStats& stats ) {
        if ( !Chunk::ShouldAutoSplit ) {

        DBConfigPtr config;

        try {
            config = grid.getDBConfig( ns );
        catch ( const DBException& ex ) {
            warning() << "failed to get database config for " << ns
                      << " while checking for auto-split: " << causedBy( ex ) << endl;

        ChunkManagerPtr chunkManager;
        ShardPtr dummyShard;
        config->getChunkManagerOrPrimary( ns, chunkManager, dummyShard );

        if ( !chunkManager ) {

        for ( map<BSONObj, int>::const_iterator it = stats.chunkSizeDelta.begin();
            it != stats.chunkSizeDelta.end(); ++it ) {

            ChunkPtr chunk;
            try {
                chunk = chunkManager->findIntersectingChunk( it->first );
            catch ( const AssertionException& ex ) {
                warning() << "could not find chunk while checking for auto-split: "
                          << causedBy( ex ) << endl;

            chunk->splitIfShould( it->second );
Exemple #20
    int Balancer::_moveChunks( const vector<CandidateChunkPtr>* candidateChunks ) {
        int movedCount = 0;

        for ( vector<CandidateChunkPtr>::const_iterator it = candidateChunks->begin(); it != candidateChunks->end(); ++it ){
            const CandidateChunk& chunkInfo = *it->get();

            DBConfigPtr cfg = grid.getDBConfig( chunkInfo.ns );
            assert( cfg );
            ChunkManagerPtr cm = cfg->getChunkManager( chunkInfo.ns );
            assert( cm );
            const BSONObj& chunkToMove = chunkInfo.chunk;
            ChunkPtr c = cm->findChunk( chunkToMove["min"].Obj() );
            if ( c->getMin().woCompare( chunkToMove["min"].Obj() ) ){
                // likely a split happened somewhere
                cm = cfg->getChunkManager( chunkInfo.ns , true );
                assert( cm );

                c = cm->findChunk( chunkToMove["min"].Obj() );
                if ( c->getMin().woCompare( chunkToMove["min"].Obj() ) ){
                    log() << "balancer: chunk mismatch after reload, ignoring will retry issue cm: " 
                          << c->getMin() << " min: " << chunkToMove["min"].Obj() << endl;
            string errmsg;
            if ( c->moveAndCommit( Shard::make( chunkInfo.to ) , errmsg ) ){

            log() << "balancer: MOVE FAILED **** " << errmsg << "\n"
                  << "  from: " << chunkInfo.from << " to: " << " chunk: " << chunkToMove << endl;

        return movedCount;
Exemple #21
        void insertSharded( DBConfigPtr conf, const char* ns, BSONObj& o, int flags ) {
            ChunkManagerPtr manager = conf->getChunkManager(ns);
            if ( ! manager->hasShardKey( o ) ) {

                bool bad = true;

                if ( manager->getShardKey().partOfShardKey( "_id" ) ) {
                    BSONObjBuilder b;
                    b.appendOID( "_id" , 0 , true );
                    b.appendElements( o );
                    o = b.obj();
                    bad = ! manager->hasShardKey( o );

                if ( bad ) {
                    log() << "tried to insert object without shard key: " << ns << "  " << o << endl;
                    uasserted( 14842 , "tried to insert object without shard key" );


            // Many operations benefit from having the shard key early in the object
            o = manager->getShardKey().moveToFront(o);

            const int maxTries = 30;

            for ( int i=0; i<maxTries; i++ ) {
                try {
                    ChunkPtr c = manager->findChunk( o );
                    log(4) << "  server:" << c->getShard().toString() << " " << o << endl;
                    insert( c->getShard() , ns , o , flags);

//                    r.gotInsert();
//                    if ( r.getClientInfo()->autoSplitOk() )
                        c->splitIfShould( o.objsize() );
                catch ( StaleConfigException& e ) {
                    int logLevel = i < ( maxTries / 2 );
                    LOG( logLevel ) << "retrying insert because of StaleConfigException: " << e << " object: " << o << endl;
//                    r.reset();

                    unsigned long long old = manager->getSequenceNumber();
                    manager = conf->getChunkManager(ns);

                    LOG( logLevel ) << "  sequenece number - old: " << old << " new: " << manager->getSequenceNumber() << endl;

                    if (!manager) {
                        uasserted(14843, "collection no longer sharded");
                sleepmillis( i * 20 );
Exemple #22
            bool run(const string& , BSONObj& cmdObj, int, string& errmsg, BSONObjBuilder& result, bool) {
                string ns = cmdObj.firstElement().valuestrsafe();
                if ( ns.size() == 0 ) {
                    errmsg = "need to specify fully namespace";
                    return false;

                DBConfigPtr config = grid.getDBConfig( ns );
                if ( ! config->isSharded( ns ) ) {
                    errmsg = "ns not sharded.";
                    return false;

                ChunkManagerPtr cm = config->getChunkManagerIfExists( ns );
                if ( ! cm ) {
                    errmsg = "no chunk manager?";
                    return false;
                result.appendTimestamp( "version" , cm->getVersion().toLong() );

                return 1;
        void _delete( Request& r , DbMessage& d, ChunkManagerPtr manager ){

            int flags = d.pullInt();
            bool justOne = flags & 1;
            uassert( 10203 ,  "bad delete message" , d.moreJSObjs() );
            BSONObj pattern = d.nextJsObj();

            set<Shard> shards;
            int left = 5;
            while ( true ){
                try {
                    manager->getShardsForQuery( shards , pattern );
                    log(2) << "delete : " << pattern << " \t " << shards.size() << " justOne: " << justOne << endl;
                    if ( shards.size() == 1 ){
                        doWrite( dbDelete , r , *shards.begin() );
                catch ( StaleConfigException& e ){
                    if ( left <= 0 )
                        throw e;
                    log() << "delete failed b/c of StaleConfigException, retrying " 
                          << " left:" << left << " ns: " << r.getns() << " patt: " << pattern << endl;
                    r.reset( false );
                    manager = r.getChunkManager();
            if ( justOne && ! pattern.hasField( "_id" ) )
                throw UserException( 8015 , "can only delete with a non-shard key pattern if can delete as many as we find" );
            for ( set<Shard>::iterator i=shards.begin(); i!=shards.end(); i++){
                int * x = (int*)(r.d().afterNS());
                x[0] |= RemoveOption_Broadcast;
                doWrite( dbDelete , r , *i , false );
Exemple #24
        void _groupInserts( ChunkManagerPtr manager, vector<BSONObj>& inserts, map<ChunkPtr,vector<BSONObj> >& insertsForChunks ){

            // Redo all inserts for chunks which have changed
            map<ChunkPtr,vector<BSONObj> >::iterator i = insertsForChunks.begin();
            while( ! insertsForChunks.empty() && i != insertsForChunks.end() ){
                if( ! manager->compatibleWith( i->first ) ){
                    inserts.insert( inserts.end(), i->second.begin(), i->second.end() );
                    insertsForChunks.erase( i++ );
                else ++i;

            // Figure out inserts we haven't chunked yet
            for( vector<BSONObj>::iterator i = inserts.begin(); i != inserts.end(); ++i ){

                BSONObj o = *i;

                if ( ! manager->hasShardKey( o ) ) {

                    bool bad = true;

                    // Add autogenerated _id to item and see if we now have a shard key
                    if ( manager->getShardKey().partOfShardKey( "_id" ) ) {
                        BSONObjBuilder b;
                        b.appendOID( "_id" , 0 , true );
                        b.appendElements( o );
                        o = b.obj();
                        bad = ! manager->hasShardKey( o );

                    if ( bad ) {
                        // TODO:
                        log() << "tried to insert object with no valid shard key for " << manager->getShardKey() << " : " << o << endl;
                        uassert( 8011, str::stream() << "tried to insert object with no valid shard key for " << manager->getShardKey().toString() << " : " << o.toString(), false );

                // Many operations benefit from having the shard key early in the object
                o = manager->getShardKey().moveToFront(o);

Exemple #25
     * @return true if had to do something
    bool checkShardVersion( DBClientBase& conn , const string& ns , bool authoritative , int tryNumber ) {
        // TODO: cache, optimize, etc...

        WriteBackListener::init( conn );

        DBConfigPtr conf = grid.getDBConfig( ns );
        if ( ! conf )
            return false;

        unsigned long long officialSequenceNumber = 0;

        ChunkManagerPtr manager;
        const bool isSharded = conf->isSharded( ns );
        if ( isSharded ) {
            manager = conf->getChunkManager( ns , authoritative );
            officialSequenceNumber = manager->getSequenceNumber();

        // has the ChunkManager been reloaded since the last time we updated the connection-level version?
        // (ie, last time we issued the setShardVersions below)
        unsigned long long sequenceNumber = connectionShardStatus.getSequence(&conn,ns);
        if ( sequenceNumber == officialSequenceNumber ) {
            return false;

        ShardChunkVersion version = 0;
        if ( isSharded ) {
            version = manager->getVersion( Shard::make( conn.getServerAddress() ) );

        log(2) << " have to set shard version for conn: " << &conn << " ns:" << ns
               << " my last seq: " << sequenceNumber << "  current: " << officialSequenceNumber
               << " version: " << version << " manager: " << manager.get()
               << endl;

        BSONObj result;
        if ( setShardVersion( conn , ns , version , authoritative , result ) ) {
            // success!
            LOG(1) << "      setShardVersion success: " << result << endl;
            connectionShardStatus.setSequence( &conn , ns , officialSequenceNumber );
            return true;

        log(1) << "       setShardVersion failed!\n" << result << endl;

        if ( result.getBoolField( "need_authoritative" ) )
            massert( 10428 ,  "need_authoritative set but in authoritative mode already" , ! authoritative );

        if ( ! authoritative ) {
            checkShardVersion( conn , ns , 1 , tryNumber + 1 );
            return true;

        if ( tryNumber < 4 ) {
            log(1) << "going to retry checkShardVersion" << endl;
            sleepmillis( 10 );
            checkShardVersion( conn , ns , 1 , tryNumber + 1 );
            return true;

        log() << "     setShardVersion failed: " << result << endl;
        massert( 10429 , (string)"setShardVersion failed! " + result.jsonString() , 0 );
        return true;
        void _insert( Request& r , DbMessage& d, ChunkManagerPtr manager ) {
            const int flags = d.reservedField() | InsertOption_ContinueOnError; // ContinueOnError is always on when using sharding.
            map<ChunkPtr, vector<BSONObj> > insertsForChunk; // Group bulk insert for appropriate shards
            try {
                while ( d.moreJSObjs() ) {
                    BSONObj o = d.nextJsObj();
                    if ( ! manager->hasShardKey( o ) ) {

                        bool bad = true;

                        if ( manager->getShardKey().partOfShardKey( "_id" ) ) {
                            BSONObjBuilder b;
                            b.appendOID( "_id" , 0 , true );
                            b.appendElements( o );
                            o = b.obj();
                            bad = ! manager->hasShardKey( o );

                        if ( bad ) {
                            log() << "tried to insert object with no valid shard key: " << r.getns() << "  " << o << endl;
                            uasserted( 8011 , "tried to insert object with no valid shard key" );


                    // Many operations benefit from having the shard key early in the object
                    o = manager->getShardKey().moveToFront(o);
                for (map<ChunkPtr, vector<BSONObj> >::iterator it = insertsForChunk.begin(); it != insertsForChunk.end(); ++it) {
                    ChunkPtr c = it->first;
                    vector<BSONObj> objs = it->second;
                    const int maxTries = 30;

                    bool gotThrough = false;
                    for ( int i=0; i<maxTries; i++ ) {
                        try {
                            LOG(4) << "  server:" << c->getShard().toString() << " bulk insert " << objs.size() << " documents" << endl;
                            insert( c->getShard() , r.getns() , objs , flags);

                            int bytesWritten = 0;
                            for (vector<BSONObj>::iterator vecIt = objs.begin(); vecIt != objs.end(); ++vecIt) {
                                r.gotInsert(); // Record the correct number of individual inserts
                                bytesWritten += (*vecIt).objsize();
                            if ( r.getClientInfo()->autoSplitOk() )
                                c->splitIfShould( bytesWritten );
                            gotThrough = true;
                        catch ( StaleConfigException& e ) {
                            int logLevel = i < ( maxTries / 2 );
                            LOG( logLevel ) << "retrying bulk insert of " << objs.size() << " documents because of StaleConfigException: " << e << endl;

                            manager = r.getChunkManager();
                            if( ! manager ) {
                                uasserted(14804, "collection no longer sharded");

                            unsigned long long old = manager->getSequenceNumber();
                            LOG( logLevel ) << "  sequence number - old: " << old << " new: " << manager->getSequenceNumber() << endl;
                        sleepmillis( i * 20 );

                    assert( inShutdown() || gotThrough ); // not caught below
            } catch (const UserException&){
                if (!d.moreJSObjs()){
                // Ignore and keep going. ContinueOnError is implied with sharding.
Exemple #27
     * @return true if had to do something
    bool checkShardVersion( DBClientBase * conn_in , const string& ns , ChunkManagerPtr refManager, bool authoritative , int tryNumber ) {
        // TODO: cache, optimize, etc...

        WriteBackListener::init( *conn_in );

        DBConfigPtr conf = grid.getDBConfig( ns );
        if ( ! conf )
            return false;

        DBClientBase* conn = getVersionable( conn_in );
        verify(conn); // errors thrown above

        unsigned long long officialSequenceNumber = 0;

        ChunkManagerPtr manager;
        const bool isSharded = conf->isSharded( ns );
        if ( isSharded ) {
            manager = conf->getChunkManagerIfExists( ns , authoritative );
            // It's possible the chunk manager was reset since we checked whether sharded was true,
            // so must check this here.
            if( manager ) officialSequenceNumber = manager->getSequenceNumber();

        // Check this manager against the reference manager
        if( isSharded && manager ){

            Shard shard = Shard::make( conn->getServerAddress() );
            if( refManager && ! refManager->compatibleWith( manager, shard ) ){
                throw SendStaleConfigException( ns, str::stream() << "manager (" << manager->getVersion( shard ).toString()  << " : " << manager->getSequenceNumber() << ") "
                                                                      << "not compatible with reference manager (" << refManager->getVersion( shard ).toString()  << " : " << refManager->getSequenceNumber() << ") "
                                                                      << "on shard " << shard.getName() << " (" << shard.getAddress().toString() << ")",
                                                refManager->getVersion( shard ), manager->getVersion( shard ) );
        else if( refManager ){
            Shard shard = Shard::make( conn->getServerAddress() );
            string msg( str::stream() << "not sharded ("
                        << ( (manager.get() == 0) ? string( "<none>" ) :
                                str::stream() << manager->getSequenceNumber() )
                        << ") but has reference manager ("
                        << refManager->getSequenceNumber() << ") "
                        << "on conn " << conn->getServerAddress() << " ("
                        << conn_in->getServerAddress() << ")" );

            throw SendStaleConfigException( ns, msg,
                    refManager->getVersion( shard ), ShardChunkVersion( 0, OID() ));

        // has the ChunkManager been reloaded since the last time we updated the connection-level version?
        // (ie., last time we issued the setShardVersions below)
        unsigned long long sequenceNumber = connectionShardStatus.getSequence(conn,ns);
        if ( sequenceNumber == officialSequenceNumber ) {
            return false;

        ShardChunkVersion version = ShardChunkVersion( 0, OID() );
        if ( isSharded && manager ) {
            version = manager->getVersion( Shard::make( conn->getServerAddress() ) );

        if( ! version.isSet() ){
            LOG(0) << "resetting shard version of " << ns << " on " << conn->getServerAddress() << ", " <<
                      ( ! isSharded ? "no longer sharded" :
                      ( ! manager ? "no chunk manager found" :
                                    "version is zero" ) ) << endl;

        LOG(2) << " have to set shard version for conn: " << conn->getServerAddress() << " ns:" << ns
               << " my last seq: " << sequenceNumber << "  current: " << officialSequenceNumber
               << " version: " << version << " manager: " << manager.get()
               << endl;

        const string versionableServerAddress(conn->getServerAddress());

        BSONObj result;
        if ( setShardVersion( *conn , ns , version , authoritative , result ) ) {
            // success!
            LOG(1) << "      setShardVersion success: " << result << endl;
            connectionShardStatus.setSequence( conn , ns , officialSequenceNumber );
            return true;

        LOG(1) << "       setShardVersion failed!\n" << result << endl;

        if ( result["need_authoritative"].trueValue() )
            massert( 10428 ,  "need_authoritative set but in authoritative mode already" , ! authoritative );

        if ( ! authoritative ) {
            // use the original connection and get a fresh versionable connection
            // since conn can be invalidated (or worse, freed) after the failure
            checkShardVersion(conn_in, ns, refManager, 1, tryNumber + 1);
            return true;
        if ( result["reloadConfig"].trueValue() ) {
            if( result["version"].timestampTime() == 0 ){

                warning() << "reloading full configuration for " << conf->getName()
                          << ", connection state indicates significant version changes" << endl;

                // reload db
            else {
                // reload config
                conf->getChunkManager( ns , true );

        const int maxNumTries = 7;
        if ( tryNumber < maxNumTries ) {
            LOG( tryNumber < ( maxNumTries / 2 ) ? 1 : 0 ) 
                << "going to retry checkShardVersion host: " << versionableServerAddress << " " << result << endl;
            sleepmillis( 10 * tryNumber );
            // use the original connection and get a fresh versionable connection
            // since conn can be invalidated (or worse, freed) after the failure
            checkShardVersion(conn_in, ns, refManager, true, tryNumber + 1);
            return true;
        string errmsg = str::stream() << "setShardVersion failed host: " << versionableServerAddress << " " << result;
        log() << "     " << errmsg << endl;
        massert( 10429 , errmsg , 0 );
        return true;
        virtual void queryOp( Request& r ){
            QueryMessage q( r.d() );

            log(3) << "shard query: " << q.ns << "  " << q.query << endl;
            if ( q.ntoreturn == 1 && strstr(q.ns, ".$cmd") )
                throw UserException( 8010 , "something is wrong, shouldn't see a command here" );

            ChunkManagerPtr info = r.getChunkManager();
            assert( info );
            Query query( q.query );

            set<Shard> shards;
            info->getShardsForQuery( shards , query.getFilter()  );
            set<ServerAndQuery> servers;
            for ( set<Shard>::iterator i = shards.begin(); i != shards.end(); i++ ){
                servers.insert( ServerAndQuery( i->getConnString() , BSONObj() ) ); 
            if ( logLevel > 4 ){
                StringBuilder ss;
                ss << " shard query servers: " << servers.size() << '\n';
                for ( set<ServerAndQuery>::iterator i = servers.begin(); i!=servers.end(); i++ ){
                    const ServerAndQuery& s = *i;
                    ss << "       " << s.toString() << '\n';
                log() << ss.str();

            ClusteredCursor * cursor = 0;
            BSONObj sort = query.getSort();
            if ( sort.isEmpty() ){
                cursor = new SerialServerClusteredCursor( servers , q );
            else {
                cursor = new ParallelSortClusteredCursor( servers , q , sort );

            assert( cursor );

            try {

                log(5) << "   cursor type: " << cursor->type() << endl;
                shardedCursorTypes.hit( cursor->type() );
                if ( query.isExplain() ){
                    BSONObj explain = cursor->explain();
                    replyToQuery( 0 , r.p() , r.m() , explain );
                    delete( cursor );
            } catch(...) {
                delete cursor;

            ShardedClientCursorPtr cc (new ShardedClientCursor( q , cursor ));
            if ( ! cc->sendNextBatch( r ) ){
            log(6) << "storing cursor : " << cc->getId() << endl;
            cursorCache.store( cc );
        void _update( Request& r , DbMessage& d, ChunkManagerPtr manager ){
            int flags = d.pullInt();
            BSONObj query = d.nextJsObj();
            uassert( 10201 ,  "invalid update" , d.moreJSObjs() );
            BSONObj toupdate = d.nextJsObj();

            BSONObj chunkFinder = query;
            bool upsert = flags & UpdateOption_Upsert;
            bool multi = flags & UpdateOption_Multi;

            uassert( 10202 ,  "can't mix multi and upsert and sharding" , ! ( upsert && multi ) );

            if ( upsert && !(manager->hasShardKey(toupdate) ||
                             (toupdate.firstElement().fieldName()[0] == '$' && manager->hasShardKey(query))))
                throw UserException( 8012 , "can't upsert something without shard key" );

            bool save = false;
            if ( ! manager->hasShardKey( query ) ){
                if ( multi ){
                else if ( strcmp( query.firstElement().fieldName() , "_id" ) || query.nFields() != 1 ){
                    throw UserException( 8013 , "can't do non-multi update with query that doesn't have the shard key" );
                else {
                    save = true;
                    chunkFinder = toupdate;

            if ( ! save ){
                if ( toupdate.firstElement().fieldName()[0] == '$' ){
                    BSONObjIterator ops(toupdate);
                        BSONElement op(ops.next());
                        if (op.type() != Object)
                        BSONObjIterator fields(op.embeddedObject());
                            const string field = fields.next().fieldName();
                            uassert(13123, "Can't modify shard key's value", ! manager->getShardKey().partOfShardKey(field));
                } else if ( manager->hasShardKey( toupdate ) ){
                    uassert( 8014, "change would move shards!", manager->getShardKey().compare( query , toupdate ) == 0 );
                } else {
                    uasserted(12376, "shard key must be in update object");
            if ( multi ){
                set<Shard> shards;
                manager->getShardsForQuery( shards , chunkFinder );
                int * x = (int*)(r.d().afterNS());
                x[0] |= UpdateOption_Broadcast;
                for ( set<Shard>::iterator i=shards.begin(); i!=shards.end(); i++){
                    doWrite( dbUpdate , r , *i , false );
            else {
                int left = 5;
                while ( true ){
                    try {
                        ChunkPtr c = manager->findChunk( chunkFinder );
                        doWrite( dbUpdate , r , c->getShard() );
                        c->splitIfShould( d.msg().header()->dataLen() );
                    catch ( StaleConfigException& e ){
                        if ( left <= 0 )
                            throw e;
                        log() << "update failed b/c of StaleConfigException, retrying " 
                              << " left:" << left << " ns: " << r.getns() << " query: " << query << endl;
                        r.reset( false );
                        manager = r.getChunkManager();

     * @return true if had to do something
    bool checkShardVersion( DBClientBase& conn_in , const string& ns , bool authoritative , int tryNumber ) {
        // TODO: cache, optimize, etc...

        WriteBackListener::init( conn_in );

        DBConfigPtr conf = grid.getDBConfig( ns );
        if ( ! conf )
            return false;

        DBClientBase* conn = 0;

        switch ( conn_in.type() ) {
        case ConnectionString::INVALID:
        case ConnectionString::MASTER:
            // great
            conn = &conn_in;
        case ConnectionString::PAIR:
            assert( ! "pair not support for sharding" );
        case ConnectionString::SYNC:
            // TODO: we should check later that we aren't actually sharded on this
            conn = &conn_in;
        case ConnectionString::SET:
            DBClientReplicaSet* set = (DBClientReplicaSet*)&conn_in;
            conn = &(set->masterConn());


        unsigned long long officialSequenceNumber = 0;

        ChunkManagerPtr manager;
        const bool isSharded = conf->isSharded( ns );
        if ( isSharded ) {
            manager = conf->getChunkManagerIfExists( ns , authoritative );
            // It's possible the chunk manager was reset since we checked whether sharded was true,
            // so must check this here.
            if( manager ) officialSequenceNumber = manager->getSequenceNumber();

        // has the ChunkManager been reloaded since the last time we updated the connection-level version?
        // (ie., last time we issued the setShardVersions below)
        unsigned long long sequenceNumber = connectionShardStatus.getSequence(conn,ns);
        if ( sequenceNumber == officialSequenceNumber ) {
            return false;

        ShardChunkVersion version = 0;
        if ( isSharded && manager ) {
            version = manager->getVersion( Shard::make( conn->getServerAddress() ) );

        LOG(2) << " have to set shard version for conn: " << conn << " ns:" << ns
               << " my last seq: " << sequenceNumber << "  current: " << officialSequenceNumber
               << " version: " << version << " manager: " << manager.get()
               << endl;

        BSONObj result;
        if ( setShardVersion( *conn , ns , version , authoritative , result ) ) {
            // success!
            LOG(1) << "      setShardVersion success: " << result << endl;
            connectionShardStatus.setSequence( conn , ns , officialSequenceNumber );
            return true;

        LOG(1) << "       setShardVersion failed!\n" << result << endl;

        if ( result["need_authoritative"].trueValue() )
            massert( 10428 ,  "need_authoritative set but in authoritative mode already" , ! authoritative );

        if ( ! authoritative ) {
            checkShardVersion( *conn , ns , 1 , tryNumber + 1 );
            return true;
        if ( result["reloadConfig"].trueValue() ) {
            if( result["version"].timestampTime() == 0 ){
                // reload db
            else {
                // reload config
                conf->getChunkManager( ns , true );

        const int maxNumTries = 7;
        if ( tryNumber < maxNumTries ) {
            LOG( tryNumber < ( maxNumTries / 2 ) ? 1 : 0 ) 
                << "going to retry checkShardVersion host: " << conn->getServerAddress() << " " << result << endl;
            sleepmillis( 10 * tryNumber );
            checkShardVersion( *conn , ns , true , tryNumber + 1 );
            return true;
        string errmsg = str::stream() << "setShardVersion failed host: " << conn->getServerAddress() << " " << result;
        log() << "     " << errmsg << endl;
        massert( 10429 , errmsg , 0 );
        return true;