TEST(CollectionOptions, SimpleRoundTrip) {
    CollectionOptions options;

    options.capped = true;
    options.cappedSize = 10240;
    options.cappedMaxDocs = 1111;

Exemple #2
        void run() {
            CollectionOptions options;
            check( options );

            options.capped = true;
            options.cappedSize = 10240;
            options.cappedMaxDocs = 1111;
            check( options );

            options.flags = 5;
            check( options );

        virtual bool run(const string& dbname, BSONObj& cmdObj, int, string& errmsg, BSONObjBuilder& result, bool fromRepl) {
            string source = cmdObj.getStringField( name.c_str() );
            string target = cmdObj.getStringField( "to" );

            if ( !NamespaceString::validCollectionComponent(target.c_str()) ) {
                errmsg = "invalid collection name: " + target;
                return false;
            if ( source.empty() || target.empty() ) {
                errmsg = "invalid command syntax";
                return false;

            if (!fromRepl) { // If it got through on the master, need to allow it here too
                Status sourceStatus = userAllowedWriteNS(source);
                if (!sourceStatus.isOK()) {
                    errmsg = "error with source namespace: " + sourceStatus.reason();
                    return false;

                Status targetStatus = userAllowedWriteNS(target);
                if (!targetStatus.isOK()) {
                    errmsg = "error with target namespace: " + targetStatus.reason();
                    return false;

            string sourceDB = nsToDatabase(source);
            string targetDB = nsToDatabase(target);

            bool capped = false;
            long long size = 0;
            std::vector<BSONObj> indexesInProg;

                Client::Context srcCtx( source );
                Collection* sourceColl = srcCtx.db()->getCollection( source );

                if ( !sourceColl ) {
                    errmsg = "source namespace does not exist";
                    return false;

                // Ensure that collection name does not exceed maximum length.
                // Ensure that index names do not push the length over the max.
                // Iterator includes unfinished indexes.
                IndexCatalog::IndexIterator sourceIndIt =
                    sourceColl->getIndexCatalog()->getIndexIterator( true );
                int longestIndexNameLength = 0;
                while ( sourceIndIt.more() ) {
                    int thisLength = sourceIndIt.next()->indexName().length();
                    if ( thisLength > longestIndexNameLength )
                        longestIndexNameLength = thisLength;

                unsigned int longestAllowed =
                        int(Namespace::MaxNsLen) - 2/*strlen(".$")*/ - longestIndexNameLength);
                if (target.size() > longestAllowed) {
                    StringBuilder sb;
                    sb << "collection name length of " << target.size()
                       << " exceeds maximum length of " << longestAllowed
                       << ", allowing for index names";
                    errmsg = sb.str();
                    return false;


                    indexesInProg = stopIndexBuilds( srcCtx.db(), cmdObj );
                    capped = sourceColl->isCapped();
                    if ( capped ) {
                        size = sourceColl->storageSize();

                Client::Context ctx( target );

                // Check if the target namespace exists and if dropTarget is true.
                // If target exists and dropTarget is not true, return false.
                if ( ctx.db()->getCollection( target ) ) {
                    if ( !cmdObj["dropTarget"].trueValue() ) {
                        errmsg = "target namespace exists";
                        return false;

                    Status s = cc().database()->dropCollection( target );
                    if ( !s.isOK() ) {
                        errmsg = s.toString();
                        restoreIndexBuildsOnSource( indexesInProg, source );
                        return false;

                // If we are renaming in the same database, just
                // rename the namespace and we're done.
                if ( sourceDB == targetDB ) {
                    Status s = ctx.db()->renameCollection( source, target,
                                                           cmdObj["stayTemp"].trueValue() );
                    if ( !s.isOK() ) {
                        errmsg = s.toString();
                        restoreIndexBuildsOnSource( indexesInProg, source );
                        return false;
                    return true;

                // Otherwise, we are enaming across databases, so we must copy all
                // the data and then remove the source collection.

                // Create the target collection.
                Collection* targetColl = NULL;
                if ( capped ) {
                    CollectionOptions options;
                    options.capped = true;
                    options.cappedSize = size;

                    targetColl = ctx.db()->createCollection( target, options );
                else {
                    CollectionOptions options;
                    // No logOp necessary because the entire renameCollection command is one logOp.
                    targetColl = ctx.db()->createCollection( target, options );
                if ( !targetColl ) {
                    errmsg = "Failed to create target collection.";
                    restoreIndexBuildsOnSource( indexesInProg, source );
                    return false;

            // Copy over all the data from source collection to target collection.
            bool insertSuccessful = true;
            boost::scoped_ptr<CollectionIterator> sourceIt;

                Client::Context srcCtx( source );
                Collection* sourceColl = srcCtx.db()->getCollection( source );
                sourceIt.reset( sourceColl->getIterator( DiskLoc(), false, CollectionScanParams::FORWARD ) );

            Collection* targetColl = NULL;
            while ( !sourceIt->isEOF() ) {
                BSONObj o;
                    Client::Context srcCtx( source );
                    o = sourceIt->getNext().obj();
                // Insert and check return status of insert.
                    Client::Context ctx( target );
                    if ( !targetColl )
                        targetColl = ctx.db()->getCollection( target );
                    // No logOp necessary because the entire renameCollection command is one logOp.
                    Status s = targetColl->insertDocument( o, true ).getStatus();
                    if ( !s.isOK() ) {
                        insertSuccessful = false;
                        errmsg = s.toString();

            // If inserts were unsuccessful, drop the target collection and return false.
            if ( !insertSuccessful ) {
                Client::Context ctx( target );
                Status s = ctx.db()->dropCollection( target );
                if ( !s.isOK() )
                    errmsg = s.toString();
                restoreIndexBuildsOnSource( indexesInProg, source );
                return false;

            // Copy over the indexes to temp storage and then to the target..
            vector<BSONObj> copiedIndexes;
            bool indexSuccessful = true;
                Client::Context srcCtx( source );
                Collection* sourceColl = srcCtx.db()->getCollection( source );
                IndexCatalog::IndexIterator sourceIndIt =
                    sourceColl->getIndexCatalog()->getIndexIterator( true );

                while ( sourceIndIt.more() ) {
                    BSONObj currIndex = sourceIndIt.next()->infoObj();

                    // Process the source index.
                    BSONObjBuilder b;
                    BSONObjIterator i( currIndex );
                    while( i.moreWithEOO() ) {
                        BSONElement e = i.next();
                        if ( e.eoo() )
                        else if ( strcmp( e.fieldName(), "ns" ) == 0 )
                            b.append( "ns", target );
                            b.append( e );

                    BSONObj newIndex = b.obj();
                    copiedIndexes.push_back( newIndex );

                Client::Context ctx( target );
                if ( !targetColl )
                    targetColl = ctx.db()->getCollection( target );

                for ( vector<BSONObj>::iterator it = copiedIndexes.begin();
                                                it != copiedIndexes.end(); ++it ) {
                    Status s = targetColl->getIndexCatalog()->createIndex( *it, true );
                    if ( !s.isOK() ) {
                        indexSuccessful = false;
                        errmsg = s.toString();

                // If indexes were unsuccessful, drop the target collection and return false.
                if ( !indexSuccessful ) {
                    Status s = ctx.db()->dropCollection( target );
                    if ( !s.isOK() )
                        errmsg = s.toString();
                    restoreIndexBuildsOnSource( indexesInProg, source );
                    return false;

            // Drop the source collection.
                Client::Context srcCtx( source );
                Status s = srcCtx.db()->dropCollection( source );
                if ( !s.isOK() ) {
                    errmsg = s.toString();
                    restoreIndexBuildsOnSource( indexesInProg, source );
                    return false;

            return true;
        virtual bool run(OperationContext* txn,
                         const string& dbname,
                         BSONObj& cmdObj,
                         string& errmsg,
                         BSONObjBuilder& result,
                         bool fromRepl) {
            Lock::GlobalWrite globalWriteLock(txn->lockState());
            string source = cmdObj.getStringField( name.c_str() );
            string target = cmdObj.getStringField( "to" );

            // We stay in source context the whole time. This is mostly to set the CurOp namespace.
            Client::Context ctx(txn, source);

            if ( !NamespaceString::validCollectionComponent(target.c_str()) ) {
                errmsg = "invalid collection name: " + target;
                return false;
            if ( source.empty() || target.empty() ) {
                errmsg = "invalid command syntax";
                return false;

            if (!fromRepl) { // If it got through on the master, need to allow it here too
                Status sourceStatus = userAllowedWriteNS(source);
                if (!sourceStatus.isOK()) {
                    errmsg = "error with source namespace: " + sourceStatus.reason();
                    return false;

                Status targetStatus = userAllowedWriteNS(target);
                if (!targetStatus.isOK()) {
                    errmsg = "error with target namespace: " + targetStatus.reason();
                    return false;

            if (NamespaceString(source).coll() == "system.indexes"
                || NamespaceString(target).coll() == "system.indexes") {
                errmsg = "renaming system.indexes is not allowed";
                return false;

            Database* const sourceDB = dbHolder().get(txn, nsToDatabase(source));
            Collection* const sourceColl = sourceDB ? sourceDB->getCollection(txn, source)
                                                    : NULL;
            if (!sourceColl) {
                errmsg = "source namespace does not exist";
                return false;

                // Ensure that collection name does not exceed maximum length.
                // Ensure that index names do not push the length over the max.
                // Iterator includes unfinished indexes.
                IndexCatalog::IndexIterator sourceIndIt =
                    sourceColl->getIndexCatalog()->getIndexIterator( txn, true );
                int longestIndexNameLength = 0;
                while ( sourceIndIt.more() ) {
                    int thisLength = sourceIndIt.next()->indexName().length();
                    if ( thisLength > longestIndexNameLength )
                        longestIndexNameLength = thisLength;

                unsigned int longestAllowed =
                        int(NamespaceString::MaxNsLen) - 2/*strlen(".$")*/ - longestIndexNameLength);
                if (target.size() > longestAllowed) {
                    StringBuilder sb;
                    sb << "collection name length of " << target.size()
                       << " exceeds maximum length of " << longestAllowed
                       << ", allowing for index names";
                    errmsg = sb.str();
                    return false;

            const std::vector<BSONObj> indexesInProg = stopIndexBuilds(txn, sourceDB, cmdObj);
            // Dismissed on success
            ScopeGuard indexBuildRestorer = MakeGuard(IndexBuilder::restoreIndexes, indexesInProg);

            Database* const targetDB = dbHolder().openDb(txn, nsToDatabase(target));

                WriteUnitOfWork wunit(txn);

                // Check if the target namespace exists and if dropTarget is true.
                // If target exists and dropTarget is not true, return false.
                if (targetDB->getCollection(txn, target)) {
                    if (!cmdObj["dropTarget"].trueValue()) {
                        errmsg = "target namespace exists";
                        return false;

                    Status s = targetDB->dropCollection(txn, target);
                    if ( !s.isOK() ) {
                        errmsg = s.toString();
                        return false;

                // If we are renaming in the same database, just
                // rename the namespace and we're done.
                if (sourceDB == targetDB) {
                    Status s = targetDB->renameCollection(txn,
                                                          cmdObj["stayTemp"].trueValue() );
                    if (!s.isOK()) {
                        return appendCommandStatus(result, s);

                    if (!fromRepl) {
                        repl::logOp(txn, "c", (dbname + ".$cmd").c_str(), cmdObj);

                    return true;


            // If we get here, we are renaming across databases, so we must copy all the data and
            // indexes, then remove the source collection.

            // Create the target collection. It will be removed if we fail to copy the collection.
            // TODO use a temp collection and unset the temp flag on success.
            Collection* targetColl = NULL;
                CollectionOptions options;

                if (sourceColl->isCapped()) {
                    const CollectionOptions sourceOpts =

                    options.capped = true;
                    options.cappedSize = sourceOpts.cappedSize;
                    options.cappedMaxDocs = sourceOpts.cappedMaxDocs;

                WriteUnitOfWork wunit(txn);

                // No logOp necessary because the entire renameCollection command is one logOp.
                targetColl = targetDB->createCollection(txn, target, options);
                if (!targetColl) {
                    errmsg = "Failed to create target collection.";
                    return false;


            // Dismissed on success
            ScopeGuard targetCollectionDropper = MakeGuard(dropCollection, txn, targetDB, target);

            MultiIndexBlock indexer(txn, targetColl);

            // Copy the index descriptions from the source collection, adjusting the ns field.
                std::vector<BSONObj> indexesToCopy;
                IndexCatalog::IndexIterator sourceIndIt =
                    sourceColl->getIndexCatalog()->getIndexIterator( txn, true );
                while (sourceIndIt.more()) {
                    const BSONObj currIndex = sourceIndIt.next()->infoObj();

                    // Process the source index.
                    BSONObjBuilder newIndex;
                    newIndex.append("ns", target);

                // Copy over all the data from source collection to target collection.
                boost::scoped_ptr<RecordIterator> sourceIt(sourceColl->getIterator(txn));
                while (!sourceIt->isEOF()) {

                    const BSONObj obj = sourceColl->docFor(txn, sourceIt->getNext());

                    WriteUnitOfWork wunit(txn);
                    // No logOp necessary because the entire renameCollection command is one logOp.
                    Status status = targetColl->insertDocument(txn, obj, &indexer, true).getStatus();
                    if (!status.isOK())
                        return appendCommandStatus(result, status);

            Status status = indexer.doneInserting();
            if (!status.isOK())
                return appendCommandStatus(result, status);

                // Getting here means we successfully built the target copy. We now remove the
                // source collection and finalize the rename.
                WriteUnitOfWork wunit(txn);

                Status status = sourceDB->dropCollection(txn, source);
                if (!status.isOK())
                    return appendCommandStatus(result, status);


                if (!fromRepl) {
                    repl::logOp(txn, "c", (dbname + ".$cmd").c_str(), cmdObj);


            return true;