Exemple #1
Tile::applyImmediateTileUpdate( TileUpdate::Action action, int value )
    CustomTerrainTechnique* tech = dynamic_cast<CustomTerrainTechnique*>( _tech.get() );
    if ( tech )
        tech->compile( TileUpdate(action, value), 0L );
        queueTileUpdate( action, value );
Exemple #2
// called from the UPDATE TRAVERSAL, because this method can potentially alter
// the scene graph.
StreamingTile::serviceCompletedRequests( const MapFrame& mapf, bool tileTableLocked )
    //Don't do anything until we have been added to the scene graph
    if (!_hasBeenTraversed) return false;

    bool tileModified = false;

    if ( !_requestsInstalled )
        return false;

    // First service the tile generator:
    if ( _tileGenRequest.valid() && _tileGenRequest->isCompleted() )
        CustomTerrainTechnique* tech = dynamic_cast<CustomTerrainTechnique*>( getTerrainTechnique() );
        if ( tech )
            //TODO: consider waiting to apply if there are still more tile updates in the queue.
            if ( _tileUpdates.size() == 0 )
                tileModified = tech->applyTileUpdates();
        _tileGenRequest = 0L;

    // now deal with imagery.
    const LoadingPolicy& lp = getStreamingTerrain()->getLoadingPolicy();

    StreamingTerrainNode* terrain = getStreamingTerrain();

    //Check each layer independently.
    for( ImageLayerVector::const_iterator i = mapf.imageLayers().begin(); i != mapf.imageLayers().end(); ++i )
        ImageLayer* imageLayer = i->get();

        bool checkForFinalImagery = false;

        CustomColorLayer colorLayer;
        if ( getCustomColorLayer( imageLayer->getUID(), colorLayer ) )
            if ( lp.mode() == LoadingPolicy::MODE_PREEMPTIVE )
                // in preemptive mode, always check for the final imagery - there are no intermediate
                // placeholders.
                checkForFinalImagery = true;
            else if (lp.mode() == LoadingPolicy::MODE_SEQUENTIAL && 
                     readyForNewImagery(imageLayer, colorLayer.getLevelOfDetail()) )
                // in sequential mode, we have to incrementally increase imagery resolution by
                // creating placeholders based of parent tiles, one LOD at a time.
                if ( colorLayer.getLevelOfDetail() + 1 < (int)_key.getLevelOfDetail() )
                    // if the parent's image LOD is higher than ours, replace ours with the parent's
                    // since it is a higher-resolution placeholder:
                    if ( _family[Relative::PARENT].getImageLOD(colorLayer.getUID()) > colorLayer.getLevelOfDetail() )
                        osg::ref_ptr<Tile> parentTile;
                        getStreamingTerrain()->getTile( _family[Relative::PARENT].tileID, parentTile, !tileTableLocked );

                        // Set the color layer to the parent color layer as a placeholder.
                        CustomColorLayer parentColorLayer;
                        if ( parentTile->getCustomColorLayer( colorLayer.getUID(), parentColorLayer ) )
                            this->setCustomColorLayer( parentColorLayer );

                        // ... and queue up an update request.
                        queueTileUpdate( TileUpdate::UPDATE_IMAGE_LAYER, colorLayer.getUID() );
                    // we've gone as far as we can with placeholders; time to check for the
                    // final imagery tile.
                    checkForFinalImagery = true;

        if ( checkForFinalImagery )
            // Then the image requests:
            for( TaskRequestList::iterator itr = _requests.begin(); itr != _requests.end(); )
                bool increment = true;
                TileColorLayerRequest* r = static_cast<TileColorLayerRequest*>( itr->get() );
                //We only care about the current layer we are checking
                if ( r->_layerUID == imageLayer->getUID() )
                    if ( itr->get()->isCompleted() )
                        if ( r->wasCanceled() )
                            //Reset the cancelled task to IDLE and give it a new progress callback.
                            r->setState( TaskRequest::STATE_IDLE );
                            r->setProgressCallback( new StampedProgressCallback(
                                r, terrain->getImageryTaskService( r->_layerUID )));
                        else // success..
                            //See if we even care about the request
                            if ( !mapf.getImageLayerByUID( r->_layerUID ) )
                                //The maplayer was probably deleted
                                OE_DEBUG << "Layer uid=" << r->_layerUID << " no longer exists, ignoring TileColorLayerRequest " << std::endl;
                                itr = _requests.erase(itr);
                                increment = false;
                                CustomColorLayerRef* result = static_cast<CustomColorLayerRef*>( r->getResult() );
                                if ( result )
                                    this->setCustomColorLayer( result->_layer );

                                    queueTileUpdate( TileUpdate::UPDATE_IMAGE_LAYER, r->_layerUID );

                                    //OE_NOTICE << "Complete IR (" << _key.str() << ") layer=" << r->_layerId << std::endl;

                                    // remove from the list (don't reference "r" after this!)
                                    itr = _requests.erase( itr );
                                    increment = false;
                                    if (r->_numTries > r->_maxTries)
                                        CustomColorLayer oldLayer;
                                        if ( this->getCustomColorLayer( r->_layerUID, oldLayer ) )
                                            // apply the old color layer but with a new LOD.
                                            this->setCustomColorLayer( CustomColorLayer(
                                                _key ));

                                            itr = _requests.erase( itr );
                                            increment = false;
                                            OE_DEBUG << "Tried (" << _key.str() << ") (layer uid=" << r->_layerUID << "), too many times, moving on...." << std::endl;
                                        OE_DEBUG << "IReq error (" << _key.str() << ") (layer uid=" << r->_layerUID << "), retrying" << std::endl;

                                        //The color layer request failed, probably due to a server error. Reset it.
                                        r->setState( TaskRequest::STATE_IDLE );

                if ( increment )

    // Finally, the elevation requests:
    if ( _hasElevation && !_elevationLayerUpToDate && _elevRequest.valid() && _elevPlaceholderRequest.valid() )
        // First, check is the Main elevation request is done. If so, we will now have the final HF data
        // and can shut down the elevation requests for this tile.
        if ( _elevRequest->isCompleted() )
            if ( _elevRequest->wasCanceled() )
                // If the request was canceled, reset it to IDLE and reset the callback. On the next
                _elevRequest->setState( TaskRequest::STATE_IDLE );
                _elevRequest->setProgressCallback( new ProgressCallback() );            
            else // success:
                // if the elevation request succeeded, install the new elevation layer!
                TileElevationLayerRequest* r = static_cast<TileElevationLayerRequest*>( _elevRequest.get() );
                osg::ref_ptr<osgTerrain::HeightFieldLayer> newHFLayer = static_cast<osgTerrain::HeightFieldLayer*>( r->getResult() );
                if ( newHFLayer.valid() && newHFLayer->getHeightField() != NULL )
                        terrain->getTileFactory()->getTerrainOptions().heightFieldSkirtRatio().get() *
                        this->getBound().radius() );

                    // need to write-lock the layer data since we'll be changing it:
                        Threading::ScopedWriteLock lock( _tileLayersMutex );
                        this->setElevationLayer( newHFLayer.get() );

                    // the tile needs rebuilding. This will kick off a TileGenRequest.
                    queueTileUpdate( TileUpdate::UPDATE_ELEVATION );

                    // finalize the LOD marker for this tile, so other tiles can see where we are.
                    _elevationLOD = _key.getLevelOfDetail();

                    OE_NOTICE << "Tile (" << _key.str() << ") final HF, LOD (" << _elevationLOD << ")" << std::endl;
                    // this was the final elev request, so mark elevation as DONE.
                    _elevationLayerUpToDate = true;

                    // GW- just reset these and leave them alone and let cancelRequests() take care of cleanup later.
                    // done with our Elevation requests!
                    //_elevRequest = 0L;
                    //_elevPlaceholderRequest = 0L;
                    //We've tried to get the tile's elevation but couldn't.  Just mark the elevation layer as up to date and move on.
                    _elevationLOD = _key.getLevelOfDetail();
                    _elevationLayerUpToDate = true;

                    //This code will retry indefinitely.  We need to have a way to limit the number of retries since
                    //it will block neighbor tiles from loading.
                    //_elevRequest->setState( TaskRequest::STATE_IDLE );

        else if ( _elevPlaceholderRequest->isCompleted() )
            TileElevationPlaceholderLayerRequest* r = 

            if ( r->wasCanceled() )
                r->setState( TaskRequest::STATE_IDLE );
                r->setProgressCallback( new ProgressCallback() );
            else // success:
                osg::ref_ptr<osgTerrain::HeightFieldLayer> newPhLayer = static_cast<osgTerrain::HeightFieldLayer*>( r->getResult() );
                if ( newPhLayer.valid() && newPhLayer->getHeightField() != NULL )
                    // install the new elevation layer.
                        Threading::ScopedWriteLock lock( _tileLayersMutex );
                        this->setElevationLayer( newPhLayer.get() );

                    // tile needs to be recompiled.
                    queueTileUpdate( TileUpdate::UPDATE_ELEVATION );

                    // update the elevation LOD for this tile, now that the new HF data is installed. This will
                    // allow other tiles to see where this tile's HF data is.
                    _elevationLOD = r->_nextLOD;

                    OE_NOTICE << "..tile (" << _key.str() << ") is now at (" << _elevationLOD << ")" << std::endl;
                _elevPlaceholderRequest->setState( TaskRequest::STATE_IDLE );

    // if we have a new TileGenRequest, queue it up now.
    if ( _tileUpdates.size() > 0 && !_tileGenRequest.valid() ) // _tileGenNeeded && !_tileGenRequest.valid())
        _tileGenRequest = new TileGenRequest( this, _tileUpdates.front() );
        //OE_NOTICE << "tile (" << _key.str() << ") queuing new tile gen" << std::endl;
        getStreamingTerrain()->getTileGenerationTaskService()->add( _tileGenRequest.get() );

    return tileModified;