DFsVariable *DFsScript::FindVariable(const char *name)
	DFsVariable *var;
	DFsScript *current = this;
		// check this script
		if ((var = current->VariableForName(name)))
			return var;
		current = current->parent;    // try the parent of this one
	return NULL;    // no variable
Exemple #2
DFsVariable *DFsScript::FindVariable(const char *name, DFsScript *GlobalScript)
	DFsVariable *var;
	DFsScript *current = this;
		// check this script
		if ((var = current->VariableForName(name)))
			return var;

		// Since the global script cannot be serialized, we cannot store a pointer to it, because this cannot be safely restored during deserialization.
		// To compensate we need to check the relationship explicitly here.
		if (current->parent == nullptr && current != GlobalScript)
			current = GlobalScript;
			current = current->parent;    // try the parent of this one
	return NULL;    // no variable
Exemple #3
void FParser::spec_script()
	int scriptnum;
	int datasize;
	DFsScript *newscript;
	scriptnum = 0;
		script_error("need seperators for newscript\n");
	// presume that the first token is "newscript"
	if(NumTokens < 2)
		script_error("need newscript number\n");
	svalue_t result;
	EvaluateExpression(result, 1, NumTokens-1);
	scriptnum = intvalue(result);
	if(scriptnum < 0)
		script_error("invalid newscript number\n");
	newscript = Create<DFsScript>();
	// add to scripts list of parent
	Script->children[scriptnum] = newscript;
	GC::WriteBarrier(Script, newscript);
	// copy newscript data
	// workout newscript size: -2 to ignore { and }
	datasize = (Section->end_index - Section->start_index - 2);
	// alloc extra 10 for safety
	newscript->data = (char *)malloc(datasize+10);
	// copy from parent newscript (levelscript) 
	// ignore first char which is {
	memcpy(newscript->data, Script->SectionStart(Section) + 1, datasize);
	// tack on a 0 to end the string
	newscript->data[datasize] = '\0';
	newscript->scriptnum = scriptnum;
	newscript->parent = Script; // remember parent
	// preprocess the newscript now
	// we dont want to run the newscript, only add it
	// jump past the newscript in parsing
	Rover = Script->SectionEnd(Section) + 1;