Exemple #1
PackageWriter::_AddData(DataReader& dataReader, off_t size)
	// add short data inline
		uint8 buffer[B_HPKG_MAX_INLINE_DATA_SIZE];
		status_t error = dataReader.ReadData(0, buffer, size);
		if (error != B_OK) {
			fprintf(stderr, "Error: Failed to read data: %s\n",
			return error;

		_AddDataAttribute(B_HPKG_ATTRIBUTE_NAME_DATA, size, buffer);
		return B_OK;

	// longer data -- try to compress
	uint64 dataOffset = fHeapEnd;

	uint64 compression = B_HPKG_COMPRESSION_NONE;
	uint64 compressedSize;

	status_t error = _WriteZlibCompressedData(dataReader, size, dataOffset,
	if (error == B_OK) {
		compression = B_HPKG_COMPRESSION_ZLIB;
	} else {
		error = _WriteUncompressedData(dataReader, size, dataOffset);
		compressedSize = size;
	if (error != B_OK)
		return error;

	fHeapEnd = dataOffset + compressedSize;

	// add data attribute
	Attribute* dataAttribute = _AddDataAttribute(B_HPKG_ATTRIBUTE_NAME_DATA,
		compressedSize, dataOffset - fHeapOffset);
	Stacker<Attribute> attributeAttributeStacker(fTopAttribute, dataAttribute);

	// if compressed, add compression attributes
	if (compression != B_HPKG_COMPRESSION_NONE) {
		_AddAttribute(B_HPKG_ATTRIBUTE_NAME_DATA_SIZE, (uint64)size);
			// uncompressed size

	return B_OK;
Exemple #2
PackageWriter::_WriteUncompressedData(DataReader& dataReader, off_t size,
	uint64 writeOffset)
	// copy the data to the heap
	off_t readOffset = 0;
	off_t remainingSize = size;
	while (remainingSize > 0) {
		// read data
		size_t toCopy = std::min(remainingSize, (off_t)fDataBufferSize);
		status_t error = dataReader.ReadData(readOffset, fDataBuffer, toCopy);
		if (error != B_OK) {
			fprintf(stderr, "Error: Failed to read data: %s\n",
			return error;

		// write to heap
		ssize_t bytesWritten = pwrite(fFD, fDataBuffer, toCopy, writeOffset);
		if (bytesWritten < 0) {
			fprintf(stderr, "Error: Failed to write data: %s\n",
			return errno;
		if ((size_t)bytesWritten != toCopy) {
			fprintf(stderr, "Error: Failed to write all data\n");
			return B_ERROR;

		remainingSize -= toCopy;
		readOffset += toCopy;
		writeOffset += toCopy;

	return B_OK;
Exemple #3
PackageWriter::_WriteZlibCompressedData(DataReader& dataReader, off_t size,
	uint64 writeOffset, uint64& _compressedSize)
	// Use zlib compression only for data large enough.
	if (size < kZlibCompressionSizeThreshold)
		return B_BAD_VALUE;

	// fDataBuffer is 2 * B_HPKG_DEFAULT_DATA_CHUNK_SIZE_ZLIB, so split it into
	// two halves we can use for reading and compressing
	const size_t chunkSize = B_HPKG_DEFAULT_DATA_CHUNK_SIZE_ZLIB;
	uint8* inputBuffer = (uint8*)fDataBuffer;
	uint8* outputBuffer = (uint8*)fDataBuffer + chunkSize;

	// account for the offset table
	uint64 chunkCount = (size + (chunkSize - 1)) / chunkSize;
	off_t offsetTableOffset = writeOffset;
	uint64* offsetTable = NULL;
	if (chunkCount > 1) {
		offsetTable = new uint64[chunkCount - 1];
		writeOffset = offsetTableOffset + (chunkCount - 1) * sizeof(uint64);
	ArrayDeleter<uint64> offsetTableDeleter(offsetTable);

	const uint64 dataOffset = writeOffset;
	const uint64 dataEndLimit = offsetTableOffset + size;

	// read the data, compress them and write them to the heap
	off_t readOffset = 0;
	off_t remainingSize = size;
	uint64 chunkIndex = 0;
	while (remainingSize > 0) {
		// read data
		size_t toCopy = std::min(remainingSize, (off_t)chunkSize);
		status_t error = dataReader.ReadData(readOffset, inputBuffer, toCopy);
		if (error != B_OK) {
			fprintf(stderr, "Error: Failed to read data: %s\n",
			return error;

		// compress
		size_t compressedSize;
		error = ZlibCompressor::CompressSingleBuffer(inputBuffer, toCopy,
			outputBuffer, toCopy, compressedSize);

		const void* writeBuffer;
		size_t bytesToWrite;
		if (error == B_OK) {
			writeBuffer = outputBuffer;
			bytesToWrite = compressedSize;
		} else {
			if (error != B_BUFFER_OVERFLOW)
				return error;
			writeBuffer = inputBuffer;
			bytesToWrite = toCopy;

		// check the total compressed data size
		if (writeOffset + bytesToWrite >= dataEndLimit)

		if (chunkIndex > 0)
			offsetTable[chunkIndex - 1] = writeOffset - dataOffset;

		// write to heap
		ssize_t bytesWritten = pwrite(fFD, writeBuffer, bytesToWrite,
		if (bytesWritten < 0) {
			fprintf(stderr, "Error: Failed to write data: %s\n",
			return errno;
		if ((size_t)bytesWritten != bytesToWrite) {
			fprintf(stderr, "Error: Failed to write all data\n");
			return B_ERROR;

		remainingSize -= toCopy;
		readOffset += toCopy;
		writeOffset += bytesToWrite;

	// write the offset table
	if (chunkCount > 1) {
		size_t bytesToWrite = (chunkCount - 1) * sizeof(uint64);
		ssize_t bytesWritten = pwrite(fFD, offsetTable, bytesToWrite,
		if (bytesWritten < 0) {
			fprintf(stderr, "Error: Failed to write data: %s\n",
			return errno;
		if ((size_t)bytesWritten != bytesToWrite) {
			fprintf(stderr, "Error: Failed to write all data\n");
			return B_ERROR;

	_compressedSize = writeOffset - offsetTableOffset;
	return B_OK;