Exemple #1
/* Initialize the database. */
void BulkExample::initDb(int dups, int sflag, int pagesize) {

	DbTxn *txnp;
	int ret;

	txnp = NULL;
	ret = 0;

	dbp = new Db(dbenv, 0);


		if ((ret = dbp->set_bt_compare(compare_int)) != 0)
			throwException(dbenv, NULL, ret, "DB->set_bt_compare");

		if ((ret = dbp->set_pagesize(pagesize)) != 0)
			throwException(dbenv, NULL, ret, "DB->set_pagesize");

		if (dups && (ret = dbp->set_flags(DB_DUP)) != 0)
			throwException(dbenv, NULL, ret, "DB->set_flags");

		if ((ret = dbenv->txn_begin(NULL, &txnp, 0)) != 0)
			throwException(dbenv, NULL, ret, "DB_ENV->txn_begin");

		if ((ret = dbp->open(txnp, DATABASE, "primary", DB_BTREE,
		    DB_CREATE, 0664)) != 0)
			throwException(dbenv, txnp, ret, "DB->open");

		if (sflag) {
			sdbp = new Db(dbenv, 0);

			if ((ret = sdbp->set_flags(DB_DUPSORT)) != 0)
				throwException(dbenv, txnp,
				    ret, "DB->set_flags");

			if ((ret = sdbp->open(txnp, DATABASE, "secondary",
			    DB_BTREE, DB_CREATE, 0664)) != 0)
				throwException(dbenv, txnp, ret, "DB->open");

			if ((ret =  dbp->associate(
			    txnp, sdbp, get_first_str, 0)) != 0)
				throwException(dbenv, txnp,
				    ret, "DB->associate");

		ret = txnp->commit(0);
		txnp = NULL;
		if (ret != 0)
			throwException(dbenv, NULL, ret, "DB_TXN->commit");
	} catch(DbException &dbe) {
		cerr << "initDb " << dbe.what() << endl;
		if (txnp != NULL)
		throw dbe;
void StlAdvancedFeaturesExample::secondary_containers()
	int i;

	if (explicit_txn)
		begin_txn(0, penv);
	// test secondary db
	cout<<"\ndb container backed by secondary database.";
	dbp3->associate(dbstl::current_txn(penv), dbp3sec, 
	    get_dest_secdb_callback, DB_CREATE);
	typedef db_multimap<int, BaseMsg>  sec_mmap_t;
	sec_mmap_t secmmap(dbp3sec, penv);// index "to" field
	db_map<int, BaseMsg> basemsgs(dbp3, penv);
	BaseMsg tmpmsg;
	multiset<BaseMsg> bsmsgs, bsmsgs2;
	multiset<BaseMsg>::iterator bsitr1, bsitr2;
	// populate primary and sec db
	for (i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
		tmpmsg.when = time(NULL);
		tmpmsg.to = 100 - i % 3;// sec index multiple
		tmpmsg.from = i + 20;
		bsmsgs.insert( tmpmsg);
		basemsgs.insert(make_pair(i, tmpmsg));

	check_expr(basemsgs.size() == 10);
	// check retrieved data is identical to those fed in
	sec_mmap_t::iterator itrsec;
	for (itrsec = secmmap.begin(
	    ReadModifyWriteOption::no_read_modify_write(), true);
	    itrsec != secmmap.end(); itrsec++) {
	for (bsitr1 = bsmsgs.begin(), bsitr2 = bsmsgs2.begin(); 
	    bsitr1 != bsmsgs.end() && bsitr2 != bsmsgs2.end(); 
	    bsitr1++, bsitr2++) {
		check_expr(*bsitr1 == *bsitr2);
	check_expr(bsitr1 == bsmsgs.end() && bsitr2 == bsmsgs2.end());

	// search using sec index, check the retrieved data is expected
	// and exists in bsmsgs
	check_expr(secmmap.size() == 10);
	pair<sec_mmap_t::iterator, sec_mmap_t::iterator> secrg = 

	for (itrsec = secrg.first; itrsec != secrg.second; itrsec++) {
		check_expr(itrsec->second.to == 98 && 
		    bsmsgs.count(itrsec->second) > 0);
	// delete via sec db
	size_t nersd = secmmap.erase(98);
	check_expr(10 - nersd == basemsgs.size());
	secrg = secmmap.equal_range(98);
	check_expr(secrg.first == secrg.second);

	if (explicit_txn)
} // secondary_containers