Exemple #1
CallbackObject::CallSetup::CallSetup(CallbackObject* aCallback,
                                     ErrorResult& aRv,
                                     const char* aExecutionReason,
                                     ExceptionHandling aExceptionHandling,
                                     JSCompartment* aCompartment,
                                     bool aIsJSImplementedWebIDL)
  : mCx(nullptr)
  , mCompartment(aCompartment)
  , mErrorResult(aRv)
  , mExceptionHandling(aExceptionHandling)
  , mIsMainThread(NS_IsMainThread())
  if (mIsMainThread) {

  // Compute the caller's subject principal (if necessary) early, before we
  // do anything that might perturb the relevant state.
  nsIPrincipal* webIDLCallerPrincipal = nullptr;
  if (aIsJSImplementedWebIDL) {
    webIDLCallerPrincipal = nsContentUtils::SubjectPrincipalOrSystemIfNativeCaller();

  JSObject* wrappedCallback = aCallback->CallbackPreserveColor();
  if (!wrappedCallback) {
      NS_LITERAL_CSTRING("Cannot execute callback from a nuked compartment."));

  // First, find the real underlying callback.
  JSObject* realCallback = js::UncheckedUnwrap(wrappedCallback);
  nsIGlobalObject* globalObject = nullptr;

  JSContext* cx;
    // Bug 955660: we cannot do "proper" rooting here because we need the
    // global to get a context. Everything here is simple getters that cannot
    // GC, so just paper over the necessary dataflow inversion.
    JS::AutoSuppressGCAnalysis nogc;

    // Now get the global for this callback. Note that for the case of
    // JS-implemented WebIDL we never have a window here.
    nsGlobalWindow* win = mIsMainThread && !aIsJSImplementedWebIDL
                        ? xpc::WindowGlobalOrNull(realCallback)
                        : nullptr;
    if (win) {
      // We don't want to run script in windows that have been navigated away
      // from.
      if (!win->AsInner()->HasActiveDocument()) {
          NS_LITERAL_CSTRING("Refusing to execute function from window "
                             "whose document is no longer active."));
      globalObject = win;
    } else {
      // No DOM Window. Store the global.
      JSObject* global = js::GetGlobalForObjectCrossCompartment(realCallback);
      globalObject = xpc::NativeGlobal(global);

    // Bail out if there's no useful global. This seems to happen intermittently
    // on gaia-ui tests, probably because nsInProcessTabChildGlobal is returning
    // null in some kind of teardown state.
    if (!globalObject->GetGlobalJSObject()) {
        NS_LITERAL_CSTRING("Refusing to execute function from global which is "
                           "being torn down."));

    mAutoEntryScript.emplace(globalObject, aExecutionReason, mIsMainThread);
    nsIGlobalObject* incumbent = aCallback->IncumbentGlobalOrNull();
    if (incumbent) {
      // The callback object traces its incumbent JS global, so in general it
      // should be alive here. However, it's possible that we could run afoul
      // of the same IPC global weirdness described above, wherein the
      // nsIGlobalObject has severed its reference to the JS global. Let's just
      // be safe here, so that nobody has to waste a day debugging gaia-ui tests.
      if (!incumbent->GetGlobalJSObject()) {
        NS_LITERAL_CSTRING("Refusing to execute function because our "
                           "incumbent global is being torn down."));

    cx = mAutoEntryScript->cx();

    // Unmark the callable (by invoking CallbackOrNull() and not the
    // CallbackPreserveColor() variant), and stick it in a Rooted before it can
    // go gray again.
    // Nothing before us in this function can trigger a CC, so it's safe to wait
    // until here it do the unmark. This allows us to construct mRootedCallable
    // with the cx from mAutoEntryScript, avoiding the cost of finding another
    // JSContext. (Rooted<> does not care about requests or compartments.)
    mRootedCallable.emplace(cx, aCallback->CallbackOrNull());

  // JS-implemented WebIDL is always OK to run, since it runs with Chrome
  // privileges anyway.
  if (mIsMainThread && !aIsJSImplementedWebIDL) {
    // Check that it's ok to run this callback at all.
    // Make sure to use realCallback to get the global of the callback object,
    // not the wrapper.
    bool allowed = xpc::Scriptability::Get(realCallback).Allowed();

    if (!allowed) {
        NS_LITERAL_CSTRING("Refusing to execute function from global in which "
                           "script is disabled."));

  mAsyncStack.emplace(cx, aCallback->GetCreationStack());
  if (*mAsyncStack) {
    mAsyncStackSetter.emplace(cx, *mAsyncStack, aExecutionReason);

  // Enter the compartment of our callback, so we can actually work with it.
  // Note that if the callback is a wrapper, this will not be the same
  // compartment that we ended up in with mAutoEntryScript above, because the
  // entry point is based off of the unwrapped callback (realCallback).
  mAc.emplace(cx, *mRootedCallable);

  // And now we're ready to go.
  mCx = cx;