Exemple #1
void StructuralMaterialStatus :: printOutputAt(FILE *File, TimeStep *tNow)
// Prints the strains and stresses on the data file.
    FloatArray helpVec;
    int i, n;

    MaterialStatus :: printOutputAt(File, tNow);

    fprintf(File, "  strains ");
    ( ( StructuralCrossSection * )
     gp->giveCrossSection() )->giveFullCharacteristicVector(helpVec, gp, strainVector);
    n = helpVec.giveSize();
    for ( i = 1; i <= n; i++ ) {
        fprintf( File, " % .4e", helpVec.at(i) );

    fprintf(File, "\n              stresses");
    ( ( StructuralCrossSection * )
     gp->giveCrossSection() )->giveFullCharacteristicVector(helpVec, gp, stressVector);

    n = helpVec.giveSize();
    for ( i = 1; i <= n; i++ ) {
        fprintf( File, " % .4e", helpVec.at(i) );
    fprintf(File, "\n");
LIBeam2dNL :: computeInitialStressMatrix(FloatMatrix &answer, TimeStep *tStep)
    double dV;
    GaussPoint *gp;
    IntegrationRule *iRule;
    FloatArray stress;
    FloatMatrix A;
    Material *mat = this->giveMaterial();

    answer.resize(6, 6);

    iRule = integrationRulesArray [ giveDefaultIntegrationRule() ];
    // assemble initial stress matrix
    for ( int i = 0; i < iRule->giveNumberOfIntegrationPoints(); i++ ) {
        gp = iRule->getIntegrationPoint(i);
        dV = this->computeVolumeAround(gp);
        stress = static_cast< StructuralMaterialStatus * >( mat->giveStatus(gp) )->giveStressVector();
        if ( stress.giveSize() ) {
            for ( int j = 1; j <= stress.giveSize(); j++ ) {
                // loop over each component of strain vector
                this->computeNLBMatrixAt(A, gp, j);
                if ( A.isNotEmpty() ) {
                    A.times(stress.at(j) * dV);
AnisotropicLinearElasticMaterial :: initializeFrom(InputRecord *ir)
    IRResultType result;                // Required by IR_GIVE_FIELD macro

    // read the stiffness coefficients arranged by rows from the diagonal to the right (21 values)
    FloatArray stiffness;
    IR_GIVE_FIELD(ir, stiffness, _IFT_AnisotropicLinearElasticMaterial_stiff);
    if ( stiffness.giveSize() != 21 ) {
        OOFEM_ERROR( "Incorrect size of stiff - should be 21, is %d\n", stiffness.giveSize() );

    // put the stiffness coefficients into a 6x6 matrix
    int k = 1;
    for ( int i = 1; i <= 6; i++ ) {
        stiffmat.at(i, i) = stiffness.at(k++);
        for ( int j = i + 1; j <= 6; j++ ) {
            stiffmat.at(i, j) = stiffmat.at(j, i) = stiffness.at(k++);

    // read the thermal expansion coefficients (3 values)
    IR_GIVE_FIELD(ir, alpha, _IFT_AnisotropicLinearElasticMaterial_talpha);
    if ( alpha.giveSize() == 0 ) {
    } else if ( alpha.giveSize() != 6 )     {
        OOFEM_ERROR( "Incorrect size of talpha - should be 0 or 6, is %d\n", alpha.giveSize() );

    return LinearElasticMaterial :: initializeFrom(ir);
StructuralFE2Material :: giveRealStressVector_3d(FloatArray &answer, GaussPoint *gp,
                                 const FloatArray &totalStrain, TimeStep *tStep)
    FloatArray stress;
    StructuralFE2MaterialStatus *ms = static_cast< StructuralFE2MaterialStatus * >( this->giveStatus(gp) );

#if 0
    XfemStructureManager *xMan = dynamic_cast<XfemStructureManager*>( ms->giveRVE()->giveDomain(1)->giveXfemManager() );
    if(xMan) {
        printf("Total crack length in RVE: %e\n", xMan->computeTotalCrackLength() );

    // Set input
    // Solve subscale problem
    // Post-process the stress
    ms->giveBC()->computeField(stress, tStep);

    if ( stress.giveSize() == 6 ) {
        answer = stress;
    } if ( stress.giveSize() == 9 ) {
        answer = {stress[0], stress[1], stress[2], 0.5*(stress[3]+stress[6]), 0.5*(stress[4]+stress[7]), 0.5*(stress[5]+stress[8])};
    } else {
        StructuralMaterial::giveFullSymVectorForm(answer, stress, gp->giveMaterialMode() );

    // Update the material status variables
    ms->markOldTangent(); // Mark this so that tangent is reevaluated if they are needed.
NonlinearFluidMaterial :: computeDeviatoricStressVector(FloatArray &answer, GaussPoint *gp, const FloatArray &eps, TimeStep *tStep)
    NonlinearFluidMaterialStatus *status = static_cast< NonlinearFluidMaterialStatus * >( this->giveStatus(gp) );

    double normeps2;

    answer = eps;
    if ( eps.giveSize() == 3 ) {
        normeps2 = eps.at(1) * eps.at(1) + eps.at(2) * eps.at(2) + 0.5 * ( eps.at(3) * eps.at(3) );
        answer.at(3) *= 0.5;
    } else if ( eps.giveSize() == 4 ) {
        normeps2 = eps.at(1) * eps.at(1) + eps.at(2) * eps.at(2) + eps.at(3) * eps.at(3) + 0.5 * ( eps.at(4) * eps.at(4) );
        answer.at(4) *= 0.5;
    } else {
        normeps2 = eps.at(1) * eps.at(1) + eps.at(2) * eps.at(2) + eps.at(3) * eps.at(3) + 0.5 * ( eps.at(4) * eps.at(4) + eps.at(5) * eps.at(5) +  eps.at(6) * eps.at(6) );
        answer.at(4) *= 0.5;
        answer.at(5) *= 0.5;
        answer.at(6) *= 0.5;

    answer.times( 2.0 * viscosity * ( 1.0 + c * pow(normeps2, alpha * 0.5) ) );

PetscSparseMtrx :: times(const FloatArray &x, FloatArray &answer) const
    if ( this->giveNumberOfColumns() != x.giveSize() ) {
        OOFEM_ERROR("Dimension mismatch");

    if ( emodel->isParallel() ) {
        OOFEM_ERROR("PetscSparseMtrx :: times - Not implemented");
    Vec globX, globY;
    VecCreateSeqWithArray(PETSC_COMM_SELF, 1, x.giveSize(), x.givePointer(), & globX);
    VecCreate(PETSC_COMM_SELF, & globY);
    VecSetType(globY, VECSEQ);
    VecSetSizes(globY, PETSC_DECIDE, this->nRows);

    MatMult(this->mtrx, globX, globY);
    double *ptr;
    VecGetArray(globY, & ptr);
    for ( int i = 0; i < this->nRows; i++ ) {
        answer(i) = ptr [ i ];

    VecRestoreArray(globY, & ptr);
MatlabExportModule :: doOutputHomogenizeDofIDs(TimeStep *tStep,    FILE *FID)

    std :: vector <FloatArray*> HomQuantities;
    double Vol = 0.0;

    // Initialize vector of arrays constaining homogenized quantities

    for (int j=0; j<internalVarsToExport.giveSize(); j++) {
        HomQuantities.at(j) = new FloatArray;

    int nelem = this->elList.giveSize();
    for (int i = 1; i<=nelem; i++) {
        Element *e = this->emodel->giveDomain(1)->giveElement(elList.at(i));
        FEInterpolation *Interpolation = e->giveInterpolation();

        Vol = Vol + e->computeVolumeAreaOrLength();

        for ( GaussPoint *gp: *e->giveDefaultIntegrationRulePtr() ) {

            for (int j=0; j<internalVarsToExport.giveSize(); j++) {
                FloatArray elementValues;
                e->giveIPValue(elementValues, gp, (InternalStateType) internalVarsToExport(j), tStep);
                double detJ=fabs(Interpolation->giveTransformationJacobian( gp->giveNaturalCoordinates(), FEIElementGeometryWrapper(e)));

                if (HomQuantities.at(j)->giveSize() == 0) {

    if (noscaling) Vol=1.0;

    for ( std :: size_t i = 0; i < HomQuantities.size(); i ++) {
        FloatArray *thisIS;
        thisIS = HomQuantities.at(i);
        fprintf(FID, "\tspecials.%s = [", __InternalStateTypeToString ( InternalStateType (internalVarsToExport(i)) ) );

        for (int j = 0; j<thisIS->giveSize(); j++) {
            fprintf(FID, "%e", thisIS->at(j+1));
            if (j!=(thisIS->giveSize()-1) ) {
                fprintf(FID, ", ");
        fprintf(FID, "];\n");
        delete HomQuantities.at(i);

FEI3dWedgeLin :: global2local(FloatArray &answer, const FloatArray &gcoords, const FEICellGeometry &cellgeo)
    FloatArray res, delta, guess;
    FloatMatrix jac;
    double convergence_limit, error = 0.0;

    // find a suitable convergence limit
    convergence_limit = 1e-6 * this->giveCharacteristicLength(cellgeo);

    // setup initial guess
    answer.resize( gcoords.giveSize() );

    // apply Newton-Raphson to solve the problem
    for ( int nite = 0; nite < 10; nite++ ) {
        // compute the residual
        this->local2global(guess, answer, cellgeo);
        res.beDifferenceOf(gcoords, guess);

        // check for convergence
        error = res.computeNorm();
        if ( error < convergence_limit ) {

        // compute the corrections
        this->giveJacobianMatrixAt(jac, answer, cellgeo);
        jac.solveForRhs(res, delta, true);

        // update guess
    if ( error > convergence_limit ) { // Imperfect, could give false negatives.
        //OOFEM_ERROR("no convergence after 10 iterations");
        answer = {1. / 3., 1. / 3., 1. / 3.};
        return false;

    // check limits for each local coordinate [-1,1] for quadrilaterals. (different for other elements, typically [0,1]).
    bool inside = true;
    for ( int i = 1; i <= answer.giveSize(); i++ ) {
        if ( answer.at(i) < ( 0. - POINT_TOL ) ) {
            answer.at(i) = 0.;
            inside = false;
        } else if ( answer.at(i) > ( 1. + POINT_TOL ) ) {
            answer.at(i) = 1.;
            inside = false;

    return inside;
Exemple #9
IMLSolver :: solve(SparseMtrx &A, FloatArray &b, FloatArray &x)
    int result;

    if ( x.giveSize() != b.giveSize() ) {
        OOFEM_ERROR("size mismatch");

    // check preconditioner
    if ( M ) {
        if ( ( precondInit ) || ( Lhs != &A ) || ( this->lhsVersion != A.giveVersion() ) ) {
    } else {
        OOFEM_ERROR("preconditioner creation error");

    Lhs = &A;
    this->lhsVersion = A.giveVersion();

    Timer timer;

    if ( solverType == IML_ST_CG ) {
        int mi = this->maxite;
        double t = this->tol;
        result = CG(* Lhs, x, b, * M, mi, t);
        OOFEM_LOG_INFO("CG(%s): flag=%d, nite %d, achieved tol. %g\n", M->giveClassName(), result, mi, t);
    } else if ( solverType == IML_ST_GMRES ) {
        int mi = this->maxite, restart = 100;
        double t = this->tol;
        FloatMatrix H(restart + 1, restart); // storage for upper Hesenberg
        result = GMRES(* Lhs, x, b, * M, H, restart, mi, t);
        OOFEM_LOG_INFO("GMRES(%s): flag=%d, nite %d, achieved tol. %g\n", M->giveClassName(), result, mi, t);
    } else {
        OOFEM_ERROR("unknown lsover type");

    OOFEM_LOG_INFO( "IMLSolver info: user time consumed by solution: %.2fs\n", timer.getUtime() );

    //solved = 1;
    return NM_Success;
PolylineNonlocalBarrier :: isActivated(const FloatArray &c1, const FloatArray &c2)
    int size = vertexNodes.giveSize();
    int indx;
    double xc1, xc2, xa, xb, yc1, yc2, ya, yb;
    double a11, a12, a21, a22, b1, b2, det, t, s;
    Node *A, *B;

    int mci = max(localXCoordIndx, localYCoordIndx);
    if ( ( c1.giveSize() > mci ) || ( c2.giveSize() > mci ) ) {
        _error("PolylineNonlocalBarrier::isActivated: local coordinate index size violation");

    xc1 = c1.at(localXCoordIndx);
    yc1 = c1.at(localYCoordIndx);
    xc2 = c2.at(localXCoordIndx);
    yc2 = c2.at(localYCoordIndx);

    for ( indx = 1; indx < size; indx++ ) {
        A = domain->giveNode( vertexNodes.at(indx) );
        B = domain->giveNode( vertexNodes.at(indx + 1) );

        xa = A->giveCoordinate(localXCoordIndx);
        ya = A->giveCoordinate(localYCoordIndx);
        xb = B->giveCoordinate(localXCoordIndx);
        yb = B->giveCoordinate(localYCoordIndx);

        a11 = xc2 - xc1;
        a12 = xa - xb;
        a21 = yc2 - yc1;
        a22 = ya - yb;
        b1  = xa - xc1;
        b2  = ya - yc1;
        det = a11 * a22 - a21 * a12;
        if ( det == 0 ) {

        t = ( b1 * a22 - b2 * a12 ) / det;
        if ( t < 0. || t > 1. ) {

        s = ( -b1 * a21 + b2 * a11 ) / det;
        if ( s >= 0. && s <= 1. ) {
            return true;

    return false;
Exemple #11
void FloatArray :: beVectorProductOf(const FloatArray &v1, const FloatArray &v2)
    // check proper bounds
    if ( ( v1.giveSize() != 3 ) || ( v2.giveSize() != 3 ) ) {
        OOFEM_ERROR(" FloatArray::VectorProduct : size mismatch, size is not equal to 3");


    this->at(1) = v1.at(2) * v2.at(3) - v1.at(3) * v2.at(2);
    this->at(2) = v1.at(3) * v2.at(1) - v1.at(1) * v2.at(3);
    this->at(3) = v1.at(1) * v2.at(2) - v1.at(2) * v2.at(1);
Exemple #12
double dot(const FloatArray &x, const FloatArray &y)
    //  Check for compatible dimensions:
    if ( x.giveSize() != y.giveSize() ) {
        OOFEM_ERROR("dot : incompatible dimensions");

    double temp =  0;
    for ( int i = 0; i < x.giveSize(); i++ ) {
        temp += x(i) * y(i);

    return temp;
Exemple #13
FloatArray operator - ( const FloatArray & x, const FloatArray & y )
    int N = x.giveSize();
    if ( N != y.giveSize() ) {
        OOFEM_ERROR("FloatArray operator- : incompatible vector lengths");

    FloatArray result(N);
    for ( int i = 0; i < N; i++ ) {
        result(i) = x(i) - y(i);

    return result;
StructuralInterfaceMaterial::giveReducedJump(FloatArray &answer, FloatArray &jump, const int size )
    if(size == jump.giveSize() ) {
        answer = jump;
    } else if( (size == 2) && (jump.giveSize() == 3) ) {
        answer = { jump.at(1), jump.at(3) };
    else if(size == 1 && ( jump.giveSize( ) == 3 )) {
        answer = FloatArray{ jump.at(3) };
        OOFEM_ERROR( "size must be 1, 2 or 3" );

Exemple #15
J2Mat :: computeReducedHardeningVarsLamGradient(FloatMatrix &answer, GaussPoint *gp, int actSurf,
                                                const IntArray &activeConditionMap,
                                                const FloatArray &fullStressVector,
                                                const FloatArray &strainSpaceHardeningVars,
                                                const FloatArray &gamma)
    int size = this->giveSizeOfReducedHardeningVarsVector(gp);
    answer.resize(size, 1);

    if ( this->kinematicHardeningFlag ) {
        int i, rsize;
        FloatArray loadGradSigVec;
        this->computeReducedStressGradientVector(loadGradSigVec, loadFunction, 1, gp, fullStressVector,
        rsize = loadGradSigVec.giveSize();
        for ( i = 1; i <= rsize; i++ ) {
            answer.at(i, 1) = loadGradSigVec.at(i);

        answer.times( sqrt(2.) * ( 2. / 3. ) );

    if ( isotropicHardeningFlag ) {
        answer.at(size, 1) = sqrt(1. / 3.);
Exemple #16
J2Mat :: computeKGradientVector(FloatArray &answer, functType ftype, int isurf, GaussPoint *gp, FloatArray &fullStressVector,
                                const FloatArray &strainSpaceHardeningVariables)
    int i, kcount = 0, size = this->giveSizeOfReducedHardeningVarsVector(gp);
    FloatArray reducedKinematicGrad;

    if ( !hasHardening() ) {


    /* kinematic hardening variables first */
    if ( this->kinematicHardeningFlag ) {
        this->computeReducedStressGradientVector(reducedKinematicGrad, ftype, isurf, gp, fullStressVector, strainSpaceHardeningVariables);
        kcount = reducedKinematicGrad.giveSize();
        for ( i = 1; i <= kcount; i++ ) {
            answer.at(i) = ( -1.0 ) * this->kinematicModuli * reducedKinematicGrad.at(i);

    if ( this->isotropicHardeningFlag ) {
        answer.at(size) = ( -1.0 ) * this->isotropicModuli;
void TransportGradientPeriodic :: computeDofTransformation(ActiveDof *dof, FloatArray &masterContribs)
    DofManager *master = this->domain->giveDofManager(this->slavemap[dof->giveDofManager()->giveNumber()]);
    FloatArray *coords = dof->giveDofManager()->giveCoordinates();
    FloatArray *masterCoords = master->giveCoordinates();

    FloatArray dx;
    dx.beDifferenceOf(* coords, * masterCoords );

    masterContribs.resize(dx.giveSize() + 1);

    masterContribs.at(1) = 1.; // Master dof is always weight 1.0
    for ( int i = 1; i <= dx.giveSize(); ++i ) {
        masterContribs.at(i+1) = dx.at(i);
QTrPlaneStrain :: SpatialLocalizerI_giveDistanceFromParametricCenter(const FloatArray &coords)
    FloatArray lcoords(3), gcoords;
    double dist;
    int size, gsize;

    lcoords.at(1) = lcoords.at(2) = lcoords.at(3) = 1. / 3.;
    this->computeGlobalCoordinates(gcoords, lcoords);

    if ( ( size = coords.giveSize() ) < ( gsize = gcoords.giveSize() ) ) {
        _error("SpatialLocalizerI_giveDistanceFromParametricCenter: coordinates size mismatch");

    if ( size == gsize ) {
        dist = coords.distance(gcoords);
    } else {
        FloatArray helpCoords = coords;

        dist = helpCoords.distance(gcoords);

    return dist;
Exemple #19
void SymCompCol :: times(const FloatArray &x, FloatArray &answer) const
    int M = dim_ [ 0 ];
    int N = dim_ [ 1 ];

    //      Check for compatible dimensions:
    if ( x.giveSize() != N ) {
        OOFEM_ERROR("SymCompCol::times: Error in CompCol -- incompatible dimensions");


    int j, t;
    double rhs, sum;

    for ( j = 0; j < N; j++ ) {
        rhs = x(j);
        sum = 0.0;
        for ( t = colptr_(j) + 1; t < colptr_(j + 1); t++ ) {
            answer( rowind_(t) ) += val_(t) * rhs; // column loop
            sum += val_(t) * x( rowind_(t) ); // row loop

        answer(j) += sum;
        answer(j) += val_( colptr_(j) ) * rhs; // diagonal
Exemple #20
POIExportModule :: exportIntVarAs(InternalStateType valID, FILE *stream, TimeStep *tStep)
    int i, region;
    IntArray toMap(1);
    Domain *d = emodel->giveDomain(1);
    FloatArray poiCoords(3);
    FloatArray val;

    toMap.at(1) = ( int ) valID;

    // loop over POIs
    for ( auto &poi: POIList ) {
        poiCoords.at(1) = poi.x;
        poiCoords.at(2) = poi.y;
        poiCoords.at(3) = poi.z;
        region = poi.region;

        this->giveMapper()->__init(d, toMap, poiCoords, * d->giveSet(region), tStep);
        if ( !this->giveMapper()->__mapVariable(val, poiCoords, valID, tStep) ) {
            OOFEM_WARNING("Failed to map variable");
        fprintf(stream, "%10d ", poi.id);
        for ( i = 1; i <= val.giveSize(); i++ ) {
            fprintf( stream, " %15e", val.at(i) );

        fprintf(stream, "\n");
void GnuplotExportModule::outputBoundaryCondition(PrescribedGradientBCNeumann &iBC, TimeStep *tStep)
    FloatArray stress;
    iBC.computeField(stress, tStep);

    printf("Mean stress computed in Gnuplot export module: "); stress.printYourself();

    double time = 0.0;

    TimeStep *ts = emodel->giveCurrentStep();
    if ( ts != NULL ) {
        time = ts->giveTargetTime();

    int bcIndex = iBC.giveNumber();

    std :: stringstream strMeanStress;
    strMeanStress << "PrescribedGradientGnuplotMeanStress" << bcIndex << "Time" << time << ".dat";
    std :: string nameMeanStress = strMeanStress.str();
    std::vector<double> componentArray, stressArray;

    for(int i = 1; i <= stress.giveSize(); i++) {

    XFEMDebugTools::WriteArrayToGnuplot(nameMeanStress, componentArray, stressArray);

    // Homogenized strain
    FloatArray grad;
    outputGradient(iBC.giveNumber(), *iBC.giveDomain(), grad, tStep);
Exemple #22
void DynCompCol :: times(const FloatArray &x, FloatArray &answer) const
    //      Check for compatible dimensions:
    if ( x.giveSize() != nColumns ) {
        OOFEM_ERROR("incompatible dimensions");


#ifndef DynCompCol_USE_STL_SETS
    int j, t;
    double rhs;

    for ( j = 0; j < nColumns; j++ ) {
        rhs = x(j);
        for ( t = 1; t <= columns_ [ j ]->giveSize(); t++ ) {
            answer( rowind_ [ j ]->at(t) ) += columns_ [ j ]->at(t) * rhs;

    double rhs;

    for ( int j = 0; j < nColumns; j++ ) {
        rhs = x(j);
        for ( auto &val: columns [ j ] ) {
            answer(val.first) += val.second * rhs;

Exemple #23
LIBeam3dNL ::  computeRotMtrx(FloatMatrix &answer, FloatArray &psi)
    FloatMatrix S(3, 3), SS(3, 3);
    double psiSize;

    if ( psi.giveSize() != 3 ) {
        _error("computeSMtrx: psi param size mismatch");

    answer.resize(3, 3);

    psiSize = psi.computeNorm();
    answer.at(1, 1) = answer.at(2, 2) = answer.at(3, 3) = 1.;

    if ( psiSize <= 1.e-40 ) {

    this->computeSMtrx(S, psi);
    SS.beProductOf(S, S);
    S.times(sin(psiSize) / psiSize);
    SS.times( ( 1. - cos(psiSize) ) / ( psiSize * psiSize ) );

Exemple #24
IntElLine1PhF :: computeAreaAround(IntegrationPoint *ip)
    FloatArray G;
    this->computeCovarBaseVectorAt(ip, G);

    double weight  = ip->giveWeight();
    double ds = sqrt( G.dotProduct(G) ) * weight;
    if ( this->axisymmode ) {
        int numNodes = this->giveNumberOfNodes();
        FloatArray N;
        this->interp.evalN( N, ip->giveNaturalCoordinates(), FEIElementGeometryWrapper(this) );
        // interpolate radius
        double r = 0.0;
        for ( int i = 1; i <= N.giveSize(); i++ ) {
            double X_i = 0.5 * ( this->giveNode(i)->giveCoordinate(1) + this->giveNode(i + numNodes / 2)->giveCoordinate(1) ); // X-coord of the fictious mid surface
            r += N.at(i) * X_i;
        return ds * r;
    } else { // regular 2d
        double thickness  = this->giveCrossSection()->give(CS_Thickness, ip);
        return ds * thickness;
Exemple #25
HydratingIsoHeatMaterial :: giveCharacteristicValue(MatResponseMode rmode, GaussPoint *gp, TimeStep *tStep)
    double answer = 0;
    FloatArray vec;

    if ( rmode == Capacity ) {
        if ( castAt && ( tStep->giveTargetTime() < castAt ) ) {
            answer = this->give('c', gp, tStep) * this->give('d', gp, tStep) / 1000;                            // Zero capacity before cast
        } else {
            answer = this->give('c', gp, tStep) * this->give('d', gp, tStep);
    } else if ( !hydrationLHS ) {
        answer = 0;
    } else if ( hydrationModel ) { //!!! better via HydrationModelInterface
        vec = static_cast< TransportMaterialStatus * >( giveStatus(gp) )->giveTempField();
        if ( vec.giveSize() < 2 ) {
            vec.at(2) = 1.; // saturated if undefined

        answer = hydrationModel->giveCharacteristicValue(vec, rmode, gp, tStep)
        / tStep->giveTimeIncrement();
    } else {
        OOFEM_ERROR("unknown MatResponseMode (%s)", __MatResponseModeToString(rmode) );

    return answer;
POIExportModule :: exportIntVarAs(InternalStateType valID, FILE *stream, TimeStep *tStep)
    int i, region;
    IntArray toMap(1);
    Domain *d = emodel->giveDomain(1);
    FloatArray poiCoords(3);
    FloatArray val;

    toMap.at(1) = ( int ) valID;

    // loop over POIs
    std::list< POI_dataType > :: iterator PoiIter;
    for ( PoiIter = POIList.begin(); PoiIter != POIList.end(); ++PoiIter ) {
        poiCoords.at(1) = ( * PoiIter ).x;
        poiCoords.at(2) = ( * PoiIter ).y;
        poiCoords.at(3) = ( * PoiIter ).z;
        region = ( * PoiIter ).region;

        this->giveMapper()->__init(d, toMap, poiCoords, region, tStep);
        if ( !this->giveMapper()->__mapVariable(val, poiCoords, valID, tStep) ) {
            OOFEM_WARNING("POIExportModule :: exportIntVarAs - Failed to map variable");
        fprintf(stream, "%10d ", ( * PoiIter ).id);
        for ( i = 1; i <= val.giveSize(); i++ ) {
            fprintf( stream, " %15e", val.at(i) );

        fprintf(stream, "\n");
Exemple #27
ContactDefinition :: computeContactForces(FloatArray &answer, TimeStep *tStep, CharType type, ValueModeType mode,
                                const UnknownNumberingScheme &s, Domain *domain, FloatArray *eNorms)
    //Loop through all the contact elements and let them return their internal forces vector
    FloatArray Fc;
    IntArray locArray;
    // TODO ask masters that are potentially in contact and not everyone
    for ( ContactElement *master : this->masterElementList ) {
        // These acts as external forces so move them to the lhs
        master->computeContactForces(Fc, tStep, type, mode, s, domain, eNorms);
        if ( Fc.giveSize() ) {
            master->giveLocationArray(locArray, s);
            answer.assemble(Fc, locArray);
          if ( eNorms ) {
              eNorms->assembleSquared( Fc, locArray );
Exemple #28
Node2NodeContactL :: computeContactTangent(FloatMatrix &answer, CharType type, TimeStep *tStep)
    FloatArray gap;
    this->computeGap(gap, tStep);
    if( gap.at(1) < 0.0 ) {
        GaussPoint *gp = this->integrationRule->getIntegrationPoint(0);
        FloatArray C;
        this->computeCmatrixAt(gp, C, tStep);
        int sz = C.giveSize();
        answer.addSubVectorCol(C, 1, sz + 1);
        answer.addSubVectorRow(C, sz + 1, 1);
    //TODO need to add a small number for the solver
    for ( int i = 1; i <= 7; i++ ) {
        answer.at(i,i) += 1.0e-8;

Exemple #29
void DynCompCol :: timesT(const FloatArray &x, FloatArray &answer) const
    // Check for compatible dimensions:
    if ( x.giveSize() != nRows ) {
        OOFEM_ERROR("Error in CompCol -- incompatible dimensions");

#ifndef DynCompCol_USE_STL_SETS
    int i, t;
    double r;

    for ( i = 0; i < nColumns; i++ ) {
        r = 0.0;
        for ( t = 1; t <= columns_ [ i ]->giveSize(); t++ ) {
            r += columns_ [ i ]->at(t) * x( rowind_ [ i ]->at(t) );

        answer(i) = r;

    double r;
    for ( int i = 0; i < nColumns; i++ ) {
        double r = 0.0;
        for ( auto &val: columns [ i ] ) {
            r += val.second * x(val.first);

        answer(i) = r;

Exemple #30
RheoChainMaterialStatus :: printOutputAt(FILE *file, TimeStep *tStep)
    // printing of hidden variables
    // useful only for debugging
    FloatArray helpVec;

    StructuralMaterialStatus :: printOutputAt(file, tStep);

    fprintf(file, "{hidden variables: ");
    for ( int i = 0; i < nUnits; i++ ) {
        StructuralMaterial :: giveFullSymVectorForm( helpVec, hiddenVars [ i ], gp->giveMaterialMode() ); // JB
        fprintf(file, "{ ");
        for ( int j = 1; j <= helpVec.giveSize(); j++ ) {
            fprintf( file, "%f ", helpVec.at(j) );

        fprintf(file, "} ");

    if ( shrinkageStrain.isNotEmpty() ) {
        fprintf(file, "shrinkageStrain: {");
        for ( int j = 1; j <= shrinkageStrain.giveSize(); j++ ) {
            fprintf( file, "%f ", shrinkageStrain.at(j) );

        fprintf(file, "} ");

    fprintf(file, "}\n");