Exemple #1
int main(int argc, char **argv) {
    // The camera pipe is specialized on the 2592x1968 images that
    // come in, so we'll just use an image instead of a uniform image.
    ImageParam input(UInt(16), 2);
    ImageParam matrix_3200(Float(32), 2, "m3200"), matrix_7000(Float(32), 2, "m7000");
    Param<float> color_temp("color_temp"); //, 3200.0f);
    Param<float> gamma("gamma"); //, 1.8f);
    Param<float> contrast("contrast"); //, 10.0f);

    // shift things inwards to give us enough padding on the
    // boundaries so that we don't need to check bounds. We're going
    // to make a 2560x1920 output image, just like the FCam pipe, so
    // shift by 16, 12
    Func shifted;
    shifted(x, y) = input(x+16, y+12);

    // Parameterized output type, because LLVM PTX (GPU) backend does not
    // currently allow 8-bit computations
    int bit_width = atoi(argv[1]);
    Type result_type = UInt(bit_width);

    // Pick a schedule
    schedule = atoi(argv[2]);

    // Build the pipeline
    Func processed = process(shifted, result_type, matrix_3200, matrix_7000, color_temp, gamma, contrast);

    // We can generate slightly better code if we know the output is a whole number of tiles.
    Expr out_width = processed.output_buffer().width();
    Expr out_height = processed.output_buffer().height();
        .bound(tx, 0, (out_width/32)*32)
        .bound(ty, 0, (out_height/32)*32);

    //string s = processed.serialize();
    //printf("%s\n", s.c_str());

    std::vector<Argument> args = {color_temp, gamma, contrast, input, matrix_3200, matrix_7000};
    processed.compile_to_file("curved", args);
    processed.compile_to_assembly("curved.s", args);

    return 0;
int main(int argc, char **argv) {

    Func f;
    Var x, y;
    f(x, y) = x + y;

    // Having more threads than tasks shouldn't hurt performance too much.
    double correct_time = 0;

    for (int t = 2; t <= 64; t *= 2) {
        std::ostringstream ss;
        ss << "HL_NUM_THREADS=" << t;
        std::string str = ss.str();
        char buf[32] = {0};
        memcpy(buf, str.c_str(), str.size());
        // Start the thread pool without giving any hints as to the
        // number of tasks we'll be using.
        f.realize(t, 1);
        double min_time = 1e20;
        for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
            double t1 = current_time();
            f.realize(2, 1000000);
            double t2 = current_time() - t1;
            if (t2 < min_time) min_time = t2;

        printf("%d: %f ms\n", t, min_time);
        if (t == 2) {
            correct_time = min_time;
        } else if (min_time > correct_time * 5) {
            printf("Unacceptable overhead when using %d threads for 2 tasks: %f ms vs %f ms\n",
                   t, min_time, correct_time);
            return -1;

    return 0;
Exemple #3
int main(int argc, char **argv) {
    Func f;
    Var x;
    f(x) = sin(x);

    const int N = 9;

    std::vector<Expr> exprs;
    for (int i = 0; i < N; i++) {
    exprs = bitonic_sort(exprs);

    std::cout << exprs.size() << "\n";

    // Use update definitions to write them to another Func in sorted
    // order for inspection. Note that doing this doesn't explicitly
    // share work between each element - it'll generate the huge
    // min/max expression to extract each sorted element. llvm should
    // lift out common subexpressions though.
    Func g;
    g(x) = undef<float>();
    for (int i = 0; i < N; i++) {
        g(i) = exprs[i];

    Buffer<float> result = g.realize(N);

    for (int i = 0; i < N; i++) {
        printf("%f ", result(i));

    for (int i = 0; i < N-1; i++) {
        if (result(i) >= result(i+1)) {
            printf("Results were not in order\n");
            return -1;

    return 0;
int main(int argc, char **argv) {
    Var x, y;

    const int size = 32;

    Image<double> noise(size, size);
    for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
        for (int j = 0; j < size; j++) {
            noise(j,i) = (double)rand() / RAND_MAX;

    // Define a seam carving-esque energy
    // The meaning of this depends on the interleaving of the x and y 
    // dimensions during the reduction update
    Func clamped;
    clamped(x, y) = noise(clamp(x, 0, size-1), clamp(y, 0, size-1));
    Func energy;
    RDom ry(1, noise.height()-1);
    energy(x, y)  = clamped(x, y);
    Expr xm = clamp(x-1, 0, size-1);
    Expr xp = clamp(x+1, 0, size-1);
    energy(x, ry) = clamped(x, ry) + min(min(energy(xm, ry-1), energy(x, ry-1)), energy(xp, ry-1));

    Image<double> im_energy = energy.realize(size,size);
    Image<double> ref_energy(noise);
    for (int y = 1; y < size; y++) {
        for (int x = 0; x < size; x++) {
            int xm = std::max(x-1, 0);
            int xp = std::min(x+1, size-1);
            double incr = std::min(ref_energy(xm, y-1), std::min(ref_energy(x, y-1), ref_energy(xp, y-1)));
            ref_energy(x, y) += incr;
            if (ref_energy(x,y) != im_energy(x,y)) {
                printf("energy(%d,%d) was %f instead of %f\n", x, y, im_energy(x,y), ref_energy(x,y));
                return -1;

    return 0;
Exemple #5
int rdom_wrapper_test() {
    Func source("source"), g("g"), result("result");
    Var x("x"), y("y");

    source(x, y) = x + y;
    ImageParam img(Int(32), 2, "img");
    Buffer<int> buf = source.realize(200, 200);

    g(x, y) = 10;
    g(x, y) += 2 * img(x, x);
    g(x, y) += 3 * img(y, y);

    // Make a global wrapper on 'g', so that we can schedule initialization
    // and the update on the same compute level at the global wrapper
    Func wrapper = g.in().compute_root();
    g.compute_at(wrapper, x);
    Func img_f = img;

    // Check the call graphs.
    // Expect 'wrapper' to call 'g', initialization of 'g' to call nothing
    // and its update to call 'img_f' and 'g', 'img_f' to call 'img'
    Module m = wrapper.compile_to_module({wrapper.infer_arguments()});
    CheckCalls c;

    CallGraphs expected = {
        {g.name(), {img_f.name(), g.name()}},
        {wrapper.name(), {g.name()}},
        {img_f.name(), {img.name()}},
    if (check_call_graphs(c.calls, expected) != 0) {
        return -1;

    Buffer<int> im = wrapper.realize(200, 200);
    auto func = [](int x, int y) { return 4*x + 6* y + 10; };
    if (check_image(im, func)) {
        return -1;
    return 0;
Exemple #6
int main(int argc, char **argv) {
    ImageParam input(UInt(8), 1);
    input.dim(0).set_bounds(0, size);

        Func f;
        Var x;
        f(x) = input(x);
        // Output must have the same size as the input.
        f.output_buffer().dim(0).set_bounds(input.dim(0).min(), input.dim(0).extent());
        f.add_custom_lowering_pass(new Validator);

        Buffer<uint8_t> dummy(size);
        Buffer<uint8_t> out = f.realize(size);
        if (!out.all_equal(42)) {
            std::cerr << "wrong output" << std::endl;

        Func f;
        Var x;
        f(x) = undef(UInt(8));
        RDom r(input);
        f(r.x) = cast<uint8_t>(42);

        f.add_custom_lowering_pass(new Validator);

        Buffer<uint8_t> dummy(size);
        Buffer<uint8_t> out = f.realize(size);
        if (!out.all_equal(42)) {
            std::cerr << "wrong output" << std::endl;

    std::cout << "Success!" << std::endl;

    return 0;

Exemple #7
    bool ShiftBilinearDataTest(bool create, int width, int height, View::Format format, const Func & f)
        bool result = true;

        Data data(f.description);

        std::cout << (create ? "Create" : "Verify") << " test " << f.description << " [" << width << ", " << height << "]." << std::endl;

        View s(width, height, format, NULL, TEST_ALIGN(width));
        View b(width, height, format, NULL, TEST_ALIGN(width));
        View d1(width, height, format, NULL, TEST_ALIGN(width));
        View d2(width, height, format, NULL, TEST_ALIGN(width));

        const double dx = -5.3, dy = 3.7;
        const int crop = 3;


            f.Call(s, b, dx, dy, crop, crop, width - crop, height - crop, d1);


            f.Call(s, b, dx, dy, crop, crop, width - crop, height - crop, d2);


            result = result && Compare(d1, d2, 0, true, 64);

        return result;
int main(int argc, char **argv) {

    Param<float> reservoirConcentration;
    Param<float> stepTime;
    Param<float> layerMixConst;
    Param<float> layerTimeDivisor;

    Func sumDx;
    Func layerMixed;
    Func initialDeveloperMirrored;
    ImageParam devConc(type_of<float>(),2);
    Func dDevelConc;
    Func developerConcentration = lambda(x,y,devConc(x,y));
    dDevelConc = calcLayerMix(developerConcentration, layerMixConst, stepTime,
                              layerTimeDivisor, reservoirConcentration);
    std::vector<Argument> ddcArgs = dDevelConc.infer_arguments();

    return 0;
Exemple #9
Func blur(Func input, Expr sigma, Expr width, Expr height) {

    // Compute IIR coefficients using the method of Young and Van Vliet.
    Func coeff;
    Expr q = select(sigma < 2.5f,
                    3.97156f - 4.14554f*sqrt(1 - 0.26891f*sigma),
                    0.98711f*sigma - 0.96330f);
    Expr denom = 1.57825f + 2.44413f*q + 1.4281f*q*q + 0.422205f*q*q*q;
    coeff(x) = undef<float>();
    coeff(1) = (2.44413f*q + 2.85619f*q*q + 1.26661f*q*q*q)/denom;
    coeff(2) = -(1.4281f*q*q + 1.26661f*q*q*q)/denom;
    coeff(3) = (0.422205f*q*q*q)/denom;
    coeff(0) = 1 - (coeff(1) + coeff(2) + coeff(3));

    Func blurY, blurX;
    blurY = blur_then_transpose(input, coeff, height, sigma);
    blurX = blur_then_transpose(blurY, coeff, width, sigma);
    return blurX;
Exemple #10
Func* Func::clone(Class* cls, const StringData* name) const {
  auto numParams = this->numParams();
  Func* f = new (allocFuncMem(
                   cls || !preClass())) Func(*this);

  f->m_funcId = InvalidFuncId;
  if (name) {
    f->m_name = name;
  if (cls != f->m_cls) {
    f->m_cls = cls;
  f->m_profCounter = 0;
  return f;
Exemple #11
    std::vector<int> Expr::footprint(const Func& f) const {
        MLVal fp = footprintOfFuncInExpr(f.name(), contents->node);

        std::vector<int> footprint;
        for (; !listEmpty(fp); fp = listTail(fp)) {          

        return footprint;
Exemple #12
    bool AnyToAnyAutoTest(int width, int height, View::Format srcType, View::Format dstType, const Func & f1, const Func & f2)
        bool result = true;

        TEST_LOG_SS(Info, "Test " << f1.description << " & " << f2.description << " for size [" << width << "," << height << "].");

        View src(width, height, srcType, NULL, TEST_ALIGN(width));

        View dst1(width, height, dstType, NULL, TEST_ALIGN(width));
        View dst2(width, height, dstType, NULL, TEST_ALIGN(width));

        TEST_EXECUTE_AT_LEAST_MIN_TIME(f1.Call(src, dst1));

        TEST_EXECUTE_AT_LEAST_MIN_TIME(f2.Call(src, dst2));

        result = result && Compare(dst1, dst2, 0, true, 64);

        return result;
int main(int argc, char **argv) {
    ImageParam input(Float(32), 2);

    Var x, y, z;
    RDom dom(0, input.width()*8);
    Func f;
    Expr hard_to_reason_about = cast<int>(hypot(input.width(), input.height()));
    f(x, y, z) = 1;
    f(x, y, dom / hard_to_reason_about) += 1;

    Image<float> im(32, 32);

    f.realize(100, 100, 16);

    return 0;
Exemple #14
Func ifft2_c2r(Func input, int W, int H) {

    Target target = get_target_from_environment();

    Fft2dDesc fwd_desc;
    Fft2dDesc inv_desc;
    inv_desc.gain = 1.0f/(W*H);

    //Make complex
    ComplexFunc input_complex;
    input_complex(x, y, c) = {input(x, y, c, 0), input(x, y, c, 1)};

    // Compute the inverse DFT
    Func res = fft2d_c2r(input_complex, W, H, target, inv_desc);


    return res;
Exemple #15
    bool StretchGrayDataTest(bool create, int width, int height, const Func & f, int stretch)
        bool result = true;

        Data data(f.description);

        std::cout << (create ? "Create" : "Verify") << " test " << f.description << " [" << width << ", " << height << "]." << std::endl;

        const int stretchedWidth = width*stretch;
        const int stretchedHeight = height*stretch;

        View s(width, height, View::Gray8, NULL, TEST_ALIGN(width));

        View d1(stretchedWidth, stretchedHeight, View::Gray8, NULL, TEST_ALIGN(stretchedWidth));
        View d2(stretchedWidth, stretchedHeight, View::Gray8, NULL, TEST_ALIGN(stretchedWidth));



            f.Call(s, d1);



            f.Call(s, d2);


            result = result && Compare(d1, d2, 0, true, 64);

        return result;
bisection(const Func& func, const value_type& a, const value_type& b, 
	  magnitude_type tol, int max_num_its)
  value_type low, hi;
  value_type fa = func.eval(a);
  value_type fb = func.eval(b);
  TEUCHOS_TEST_FOR_EXCEPTION(fa*fb > value_type(0.0), std::logic_error,
    "Bounds [" << a << "," << b << "] must bracket the root!" << std::endl <<
    "f(a) = " << fa << ", f(b) = " << fb << std::endl)

  if (fa <= 0.0) {
    low = a;
    hi = b;
  else {
    low = b;
    hi = a;

  int nit = 0;
  value_type u = low + (hi - low)/2.0;
  value_type f = func.eval(u);
  while ((Teuchos::ScalarTraits<value_type>::magnitude(hi - low) > 2.0*tol || 
	  Teuchos::ScalarTraits<value_type>::magnitude(f) > tol) && 
	  nit < max_num_its) {
    //std::cout << "u = " << u << " f = " << f << std::endl;
    if (f <= 0.0)
      low = u;
      hi = u;
    u = low + (hi - low)/2.0;
    f = func.eval(u);
  TEUCHOS_TEST_FOR_EXCEPTION(nit >= max_num_its, std::logic_error,
		     "Nonlinear solver did not converge!" << std::endl);

  return u;
Exemple #17
int global_wrap_test() {
    Func f("f"), g("g"), h("h"), i("i");
    Var x("x"), y("y");

    f(x, y) = x + y;
    g(x, y) = f(x, y);
    h(x, y) = g(x, y) + f(x, y);

    Var xi("xi"), yi("yi"), t("t");
    Func wrapper = f.in();
    h.compute_root().tile(x, y, xi, yi, 16, 16).fuse(x, y, t).parallel(t);
    g.compute_at(h, yi);
    wrapper.compute_at(h, yi).tile(x, y, xi, yi, 8, 8).fuse(xi, yi, t).vectorize(t, 4);

    // Check the call graphs.
    // Expect 'g' to call 'wrapper', 'wrapper' to call 'f', 'f' to call nothing,
    // 'h' to call 'wrapper' and 'g'
    Module m = h.compile_to_module({});
    CheckCalls c;

    CallGraphs expected = {
        {h.name(), {g.name(), wrapper.name()}},
        {g.name(), {wrapper.name()}},
        {wrapper.name(), {f.name()}},
        {f.name(), {}},
    if (check_call_graphs(c.calls, expected) != 0) {
        return -1;

    Image<int> im = h.realize(200, 200);
    auto func = [](int x, int y) {
        return 2*(x + y);
    if (check_image(im, func)) {
        return -1;
    return 0;
Exemple #18
int main(int argc, char **argv) {
    Image<float> in = Tools::load_image("input.png");

    Func brighter;
    Var x, y, c;
    brighter(x, y, c) = pow(in(x, y, c), 0.8f);

    brighter.vectorize(x, 8).parallel(y);

    Image<float> output(in.width(), in.height(), in.channels());
    for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
        double t1 = current_time();
        double t2 = current_time();
        std::cout << "Time: " << (t2 - t1) << "\n";

    Tools::save_image(output, "output.png");

    return 0;
Exemple #19
int main(int argc, char **argv) {
    Func f;
    Var x, y;
    f(x, y) = select(x == y, 1, 0);
    Image<int> im = f.realize(10, 10);

    for (int y = 0; y < 10; y++) {
        for (int x = 0; x < 10; x++) {
            int correct = (x == y) ? 1 : 0;
            if (im(x, y) != correct) {
                printf("im(%d, %d) = %d instead of %d\n",
                       x, y, im(x, y), correct);
                return -1;

    return 0;
newton(const Func& func, const value_type& a, const value_type& b, 
       magnitude_type tol, int max_num_its)
  value_type u = (a+b)/2.0;
  value_type f = func.eval(u);
  int nit = 0;
  while (Teuchos::ScalarTraits<value_type>::magnitude(f) > tol && 
	 nit < max_num_its) {
    std::cout << "u = " << u << " f = " << f << std::endl;
    value_type dfdu = func.deriv(u);
    u -= f / dfdu;
    f = func.eval(u);
  TEUCHOS_TEST_FOR_EXCEPTION(nit >= max_num_its, std::logic_error,
		     "Nonlinear solver did not converge!" << std::endl);

  return u;
Exemple #21
int rdom_wrapper_test() {
    Func f("f"), g("g"), result("result");
    Var x("x"), y("y");

    f(x, y) = x + y;
    g(x, y) = 10;
    g(x, y) += 2 * f(x, x);
    g(x, y) += 3 * f(y, y);

    // Make a global wrapper on 'g', so that we can schedule initialization
    // and the update on the same compute level at the global wrapper
    Func wrapper = g.in().compute_root();
    g.compute_at(wrapper, x);

    // Check the call graphs.
    // Expect 'wrapper' to call 'g', initialization of 'g' to call nothing
    // and its update to call 'f' and 'g', 'f' to call nothing
    Module m = wrapper.compile_to_module({});
    CheckCalls c;

    CallGraphs expected = {
        {g.name(), {f.name(), g.name()}},
        {wrapper.name(), {g.name()}},
        {f.name(), {}},
    if (check_call_graphs(c.calls, expected) != 0) {
        return -1;

    Image<int> im = wrapper.realize(200, 200);
    auto func = [](int x, int y) {
        return 4*x + 6* y + 10;
    if (check_image(im, func)) {
        return -1;
    return 0;
Exemple #22
int not_dependent_on_vectorized_var_test() {
    Var x("x"), y("y"), z("z");
    Func f ("f"), g("g"), ref("ref");

    g(x, y, z) = x + y + z;

    RDom r(0, 80, 0, 80, 0, 80);
    r.where(r.z*r.z < 47);

    ref(x, y, z) = 10;
    ref(r.x, r.y, 1) = max(g(0, 1, 2), g(r.x + 1, r.y, 2));
    Image<int> im_ref = ref.realize(160, 160, 160);

    f(x, y, z) = 10;
    f(r.x, r.y, 1) = max(g(0, 1, 2), g(r.x + 1, r.y, 2));


    Target target = get_jit_target_from_environment();
    if (target.features_any_of({Target::HVX_64, Target::HVX_128})) {
        f.update(0).hexagon().vectorize(r.z, 32);
    } else if (target.arch == Target::X86) {
        f.update(0).vectorize(r.z, 32);
        f.add_custom_lowering_pass(new CheckPredicatedStoreLoad(false, false));

    Image<int> im = f.realize(160, 160, 160);
    auto func = [im_ref](int x, int y, int z) { return im_ref(x, y, z); };
    if (check_image(im, func)) {
        return -1;
    return 0;
Exemple #23
int scalar_store_test() {
    Var x("x"), y("y");
    Func f ("f"), g("g"), ref("ref");

    g(x, y) = x + y;

    RDom r(0, 80, 0, 80);
    r.where(r.x + r.y < 48);

    ref(x, y) = 10;
    ref(13, 13) = max(g(0, 1), g(2*r.x + 1, r.y));
    Image<int> im_ref = ref.realize(160, 160);

    f(x, y) = 10;
    f(13, 13) = max(g(0, 1), g(2*r.x + 1, r.y));


    Target target = get_jit_target_from_environment();
    if (target.features_any_of({Target::HVX_64, Target::HVX_128})) {
        f.update(0).hexagon().vectorize(r.x, 32);
    } else if (target.arch == Target::X86) {
        f.update(0).vectorize(r.x, 32);
        f.add_custom_lowering_pass(new CheckPredicatedStoreLoad(true, true));

    Image<int> im = f.realize(160, 160);
    auto func = [im_ref](int x, int y, int z) { return im_ref(x, y, z); };
    if (check_image(im, func)) {
        return -1;
    return 0;
Exemple #24
void rename_function(const String& old_name, const String& new_name) {
  auto const old = old_name.get();
  auto const n3w = new_name.get();
  auto const oldNe = const_cast<NamedEntity*>(Unit::GetNamedEntity(old));
  auto const newNe = const_cast<NamedEntity*>(Unit::GetNamedEntity(n3w));

  Func* func = Unit::lookupFunc(oldNe);
  if (!func) {
    // It's the caller's responsibility to ensure that the old function
    // exists.

  if (!(func->attrs() & AttrDynamicInvoke)) {
    // When EvalJitEnableRenameFunction is false, the translator may wire
    // non-DynamicInvoke Func*'s into the TC. Don't rename functions.
    if (RuntimeOption::EvalJit && !RuntimeOption::EvalJitEnableRenameFunction) {
      raise_error("You must explicitly enable fb_rename_function in the JIT "
                  "(-v Eval.JitEnableRenameFunction=true)");

  Func *fnew = Unit::lookupFunc(newNe);
  if (fnew && fnew != func) {
    // To match hphpc, we silently ignore functions defined in user code that
    // have the same name as a function defined in a separable extension
    if (!fnew->isAllowOverride()) {
      raise_error("Function already defined: %s", n3w->data());


  if (RuntimeOption::EvalJit) {
int main(int argc, char **argv) {
    Func mandelbrot;
    Var x, y;

    Param<float> x_min, x_max, y_min, y_max, c_real, c_imag;
    Param<int> w, h, iters;
    Complex initial(lerp(x_min, x_max, cast<float>(x)/w),
                    lerp(y_min, y_max, cast<float>(y)/h));
    Complex c(c_real, c_imag);

    Var z;
    mandelbrot(x, y, z) = initial;
    RDom t(1, iters);
    Complex current = mandelbrot(x, y, t-1);
    mandelbrot(x, y, t) = current*current + c;

    // How many iterations until something escapes a circle of radius 2?
    Func count;
    Tuple escape = argmin(magnitude(mandelbrot(x, y, t)) < 4);

    // If it never escapes, use the value 0
    count(x, y) = select(escape[1], 0, escape[0]);

    Var xi, yi, xo, yo;
    count.tile(x, y, xo, yo, xi, yi, 8, 8);
    count.parallel(yo).vectorize(xi, 4).unroll(xi).unroll(yi, 2);
    mandelbrot.compute_at(count, xo);

    Argument args[] = {x_min, x_max, y_min, y_max, c_real, c_imag, iters, w, h};

    count.compile_to_file("mandelbrot", std::vector<Argument>(args, args + 9));

    return 0;
Exemple #26
int main(int argc, char **argv) {

    // Move this test to correctness once we can support >4d buffer_ts on the gpu

    if (!get_jit_target_from_environment().has_gpu_feature()) {
        printf("No gpu target enabled. Skipping test.\n");
        // This test is currently expected to error out.
        printf("Error: pretending that there was an error\n");
        return -1;

    Func f;
    Var v0, v1, v2, v3, v4;

    f(v0, v1, v2, v3, v4) = v0 + 2*v1 + 4*v2 + 8*v3 + 16*v4;

    f.compute_root().gpu_blocks(v3, v4).gpu_threads(v1, v2);

    // Linearize into an output buffer
    Func g;
    g(v0) = f(v0 % 2, (v0 / 2) % 2, (v0 / 4) % 2, (v0 / 8) % 2, (v0 / 16) % 2);

    Image<int> result = g.realize(32);

    // Delete this code once this test works.
    printf("Error: I should not have successfully compiled.\n");
    return -1;

    for (int i = 0; i < result.width(); i++) {
        if (i != result(i)) {
            printf("result(%d) = %d instead of %d\n",
                   i, result(i), i);
            return -1;

    return 0;
double test(Func f, bool test_correctness = true) {
    f.compile_to_assembly(f.name() + ".s", Internal::vec<Argument>(input), f.name());

    if (test_correctness) {
        for (int y = 0; y < output.height(); y++) {
            for (int x = 0; x < output.width(); x++) {
                int ix1 = std::max(std::min(x, MAX), MIN);
                int ix2 = std::max(std::min(x+1, MAX), MIN);
                uint16_t correct = input(ix1, y) * 3 + input(ix2, y);
                if (output(x, y) != correct) {
                    printf("output(%d, %d) = %d instead of %d\n",
                           x, y, output(x, y), correct);

    double t1 = currentTime();
    for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
    return currentTime() - t1;
Exemple #28
int main(int argc, char **argv) {
    Func source;
                         Float(32), 2);
    Func sink;
    Var x, y;
    sink(x, y) = source(x, y) - sin(x + y);

    Var xi, yi;
    sink.tile(x, y, xi, yi, 32, 32);

    // Compute the source per tile of sink
    source.compute_at(sink, x);

    Image<float> output = sink.realize(100, 100);

    // Should be all zeroes.
    RDom r(output);
    float error = evaluate<float>(sum(abs(output(r.x, r.y))));
    if (error != 0) {
        printf("Something went wrong\n");
        return -1;

    return 0;

Exemple #29
Func repeat_image(const Func &source,
                  const std::vector<std::pair<Expr, Expr>> &bounds) {
    std::vector<Var> args(source.args());
    user_assert(args.size() >= bounds.size()) <<
        "repeat_image called with more bounds (" << bounds.size() <<
        ") than dimensions (" << args.size() << ") Func " <<
        source.name() << "has.\n";

    std::vector<Expr> actuals;
    for (size_t i = 0; i < bounds.size(); i++) {
        Var arg_var = args[i];
        Expr min = bounds[i].first;
        Expr extent = bounds[i].second;

        if (min.defined() && extent.defined()) {
            Expr coord = arg_var - min;  // Enforce zero origin.
            coord = coord % extent;      // Range is 0 to w-1
            coord = coord + min;         // Restore correct min

            coord = select(arg_var < min || arg_var >= min + extent, coord,
                           clamp(likely(arg_var), min, min + extent - 1));

        } else if (!min.defined() && !extent.defined()) {
        } else {
            user_error << "Partially undefined bounds for dimension " << arg_var
                       << " of Func " << source.name() << "\n";

    // If there were fewer bounds than dimensions, regard the ones at the end as unbounded.
    actuals.insert(actuals.end(), args.begin() + actuals.size(), args.end());

    Func bounded("repeat_image");
    bounded(args) = source(actuals);

    return bounded;
Exemple #30
/* Do n unrolled iterations of game of life on a torus */
Func gameOfLife(ImageParam input, int n) {
    Var x, y;
    Func in;
    if (n == 1) {
        in(x, y) = input(x, y);
    } else {
        in = gameOfLife(input, n-1);

    Expr w = input.width(), h = input.height();
    Expr W = (x+w-1) % w, E = (x+1) % w, N = (y+h-1) % h, S = (y+1) % h;
    Expr livingNeighbors = (in(W, N) + in(x, N) +
                            in(E, N) + in(W, y) + 
                            in(E, y) + in(W, S) +
                            in(x, S) + in(E, S));    
    Expr alive = in(x, y) != 0;
    Func output;
    output(x, y) = select(livingNeighbors == 3 || (alive && livingNeighbors == 2), u8(1), u8(0));    

    return output;