 * Function: horizontallyDisplacedPoint
 * Usage: points.insert(2*i+1, horizontallyDisplacedPoint(points[2*i], points[2*i+1], order));
 * --------------------------
 * Like randomClosePoint, but only displaced the point in the x direction.
GPoint horizontallyDisplacedPoint(GPoint a, GPoint b, int order, double deformation){
    double xAve = (a.getX()+b.getX())/2;
    double yAve = (a.getY()+b.getY())/2;
    double deform = deformation/exp(LIGHTNING_ORDER-order);
    double x = randomReal((1-deform)*xAve, (1+deform)*xAve);
    return GPoint(x,yAve);
 * Function: verticallyDisplacedPoint
 * Usage: points.insert(2*i+1, verticallyDisplacedPoint(points[2*i], points[2*i+1], order));
 * --------------------------
 * Like randomClosePoint, but only displaced the point in the y direction.
GPoint verticallyDisplacedPoint(GPoint a, GPoint b, int order){
    double xAve = (a.getX()+b.getX())/2;
    double yAve = (a.getY()+b.getY())/2;
    double y = randomReal((1-deform)*yAve, (1+deform)*yAve);
    return GPoint(xAve,y);
GLine::GLine(const GPoint& p0, const GPoint& p1) {
                this, p0.getX(), p0.getY(), p1.getX(), p1.getY());
    x = p0.getX();
    y = p0.getY();
    dx = p1.getX() - p0.getX();
    dy = p1.getY() - p1.getY();
Exemple #4
GPoint adjacentGPoint(GPoint start, Direction dir) {
    switch (dir) {
        case NORTH: return GPoint(start.getX(), start.getY() - 1);
        case EAST:  return GPoint(start.getX() + 1, start.getY());
        case SOUTH: return GPoint(start.getX(), start.getY() + 1);
        case WEST: return GPoint(start.getX() - 1, start.getY());
    return start;
void drawPathfinderNode(GPoint center, string color, string label) {
   fillCircle(center.getX(), center.getY(), NODE_RADIUS);
   if (!label.empty()) {
      drawString(label, center.getX() + NODE_RADIUS + 2,
                        center.getY() + 5);
 * Function: drawBranch
 * Usage: drawBranch(gw, branchStart, GPoint(width*(xMult-.15), height*(yMult-.15)), BRANCH_THICKNESS);
 * --------------------------
 * Draws branches that continue and branch of probabilistically.
void drawBranch(GWindow gw, GPoint start, GPoint finish, double width){
    GPolygon *branch = branchPolygon(start, finish, width);
    Vector<GPoint> points = branch->getVertices();
    start = points[points.size()/4];
    double endX = randomReal(start.getX()*(1-TREE_DEFORMATION), start.getX()*(1+TREE_DEFORMATION));
    double endY = randomReal(1+TREE_DEFORMATION, 1+2*TREE_DEFORMATION)*(finish.getY()-start.getY())+start.getY();
        drawBranch(gw, start,GPoint(endX, endY),width/2);
 * Function: drawTrunk
 * Usage: drawTrunk(gw, branchStart);;
 * --------------------------
 * Draws a curvy looking trunk structure on the GWindow.
void drawTrunk(GWindow gw, GPoint start){
    GPoint finish = GPoint(start.getX(), height);
    GPolygon * trunk = trunkPolygon(start, finish, BRANCH_THICKNESS);
// JL added code to handle transformed case
bool GPolygon::contains(double x, double y) const {
   int crossings = 0;
   int n = vertices.size();
   if (n < 2) return false;
   if (vertices[0] == vertices[n - 1]) n--;
   x = x - getX(); // BUGFIX (JL) - must translate by anchor point
   y = y - getY();
   double x0 = vertices[0].getX();
   double y0 = vertices[0].getY();
   for (int i = 1; i <= n; i++) {
      double x1 = vertices[i % n].getX();
      double y1 = vertices[i % n].getY();
      if (transformed) {
          GPoint pt = matrix.image(x1, y1);
          x1 = pt.getX();
          y1 = pt.getY();
      if ((y0 > y) != (y1 > y) && x - x0 < (x1 - x0) * (y - y0) / (y1 - y0)) {
      x0 = x1;
      y0 = y1;
   return (crossings % 2 == 1);
// added by JL
bool GImage::contains(double x, double y) const {
    GPoint p = matrix.preimage(x - this->x, y - this->y);
    double xx = p.getX();
    double yy = p.getY();
    return 0 < xx && xx <= width
        &&  0 < yy && yy <= height;
Exemple #10
 * Function: randomClosePoint
 * Usage:  GPoint A = randomClosePoint(triangle[0], triangle[1], order);
 * --------------------------
 * Given two points, this algorithm finds a point near their midpoint, but displaced by a random amount.
GPoint randomClosePoint(GPoint a, GPoint b, int order){
   /* With the folded triangle algorithm, you want to return the same randomClosePoint every time.
    * This is basically a checksum so that the algorithm does so, but can maintain a high degree of randomness,
    * which setting the same random seed over and over again won't do.
    double key = a.getX()+a.getY()+b.getX()+b.getY();
        return closePoints[key];
    double xAve = (a.getX()+b.getX())/2;
    double yAve = (a.getY()+b.getY())/2;
    double deform = TERRAIN_DEFORMATION/exp(TERRAIN_ORDER-order);
    double x = randomReal((1-deform)*xAve, (1+deform)*xAve);
    double y = randomReal((1-deform)*yAve, (1+deform)*yAve);
    closePoints.put(key, GPoint(x,y));
    return GPoint(x, y);
void drawTriangle_by_center(const GPoint& center, const double& len) {
	double center_x = center.getX();
	double center_y = center.getY();
	GPoint a(center_x-len/2, center_y-SQRT3/6*len);
	GPoint b(center_x+len/2, center_y-SQRT3/6*len);
	GPoint c(center_x, center_y+SQRT3/3*len);
	drawTriangle(a, b, c);
Exemple #12
/* Construct a new IComboBox from the passed in values.
 * constructor does not do any parameter checking at this time.
 *   location - the top left corner of the box
 *   size - the size in the X, Y and Z directions
 *   paneColor - the color of the pane
IComboBox::IComboBox(GPoint location, GPoint size, GColor paneColor, int itemNumber)
    this->location = location;
    this->size = size;
    this->paneColor = paneColor;
    line_max = itemNumber;
    if (line_max < 5)
	line_max = 5;
    //this->size.setY(line_max * 4);
    if (CHAR_CNT(size.getX()) < 5) {
	this->size.setX(5 * CHAR_WIDTH + OVERHEAD);
    char_max = CHAR_CNT(this->size.getX());
    item_cnt = 0;
    head = NULL;
    top = head;
    next_idx = 0;

    Text = (char*)malloc(sizeof (char) * 2 + 1);
    Text = "";

    TextLongName = (char*)malloc(sizeof(char) * 2 + 1);
    TextLongName = "";

    //Set ListBox drawing variables
    ListBoxLocation = GPoint(location.getX(), location.getY() - size.getY() - 0.5, location.getZ());
    ListBoxSize = GPoint(size.getX() - 0.5, itemNumber * 4, size.getZ());

    //Set external flags to default
    CloseList = false;
    OpenList = false;
    TitleChange = false;
    FocusLock = false;

    //Set animation flags
    Animate = true;
    aa = 0.0;
    dohighlight = false;
    highlight = 0;

    //Set reading flags
    ReRead = false;

    Items = NULL;
// JL added
bool GLabel::contains(double x, double y) const {
   x -= this->x;
   y -= this->y;
   if (transformed) {
       GPoint pt = matrix.preimage(x, y);
       x = pt.getX();
       y = pt.getY();
   return 0 <= x && x <= width && -ascent <= y && y <= -ascent + height;
bool GOval::contains(double x, double y) const {
   GPoint p = matrix.preimage(x - this->x, y - this->y);
   double xx = p.getX();
   double yy = p.getY();
   double rx = width / 2;
   double ry = height / 2;
   if (rx == 0 || ry == 0) return false;
   double dx = xx - rx;
   double dy = yy - ry;
   return (dx * dx) / (rx * rx) + (dy * dy) / (ry * ry) <= 1.0;
Exemple #15
 * Function: drawLightning
 * Usage: if(lightning->isSelected()) drawLightning(gw, GPoint(width*randomReal(.2, .8), 0), GPoint(width*randomReal(.2, .8), height));
 * --------------------------
 * Adds a lightning shaped polygon to the screen that branches off probabilistically.
void drawLightning(GWindow gw, GPoint start, GPoint end){
    GPolygon *lightning = lightningPolygon(start, end);
        Vector<GPoint> points = lightning->getVertices();
        start = points[points.size()/4];
        drawLightning(gw, start,GPoint(start.getX(), height));
// JL rewrote to include transformed case in front end
GRectangle GLine::getBounds() const {
   double tdx = dx;
   double tdy = dy;
   if (transformed) {
       GPoint pt = matrix.image(dx, dy);
       tdx = pt.getX();
       tdy = pt.getY();
   double x0 = (tdx < 0) ? x + tdx : x;
   double y0 = (tdy < 0) ? y + tdy : y;
   return GRectangle(x0, y0, abs(tdx), abs(tdy));
// JL rewrote to handle transformed case
bool GCompound::contains(double x, double y) const {
   x -= this->x;
   y -= this->y;
   if (transformed) {
       GPoint pt = matrix.preimage(x, y);
       x = pt.getX();
       y = pt.getY();
   for (int i = 0; i < contents.size(); i++) {
       if (contents.get(i)->contains(x, y)) return true;
   return false;
Exemple #18
void drawTree(double x, double y, double r, double theta, int depth) {
	if (depth < MAX_DEPTH) {
		double growth = randomReal(0.1, 0.4);
		GPoint branchPt = drawPolarLine(x, y, r * growth, theta);
		int numChildren = randomInteger(2, 8);
		for (int i = 0; i < numChildren; i++) {
			double thetaPrime = theta + randomReal(-45, +45);
			drawTree(branchPt.getX(), branchPt.getY(), (1.0 - growth) * r, thetaPrime, depth + 1);
void drawSierpinski(const GPoint& center, const double& len, const int& order) {
	drawTriangle_by_center(center, len);
	int new_order = order-1;
	if (new_order > 0) {
		double center_x = center.getX();
		double center_y = center.getY();
		GPoint center_a(center_x-len/2, center_y+SQRT3/6*len);
		GPoint center_b(center_x+len/2, center_y+SQRT3/6*len);
		GPoint center_c(center_x, center_y-SQRT3/3*len);
		drawSierpinski(center_a, len/2, new_order);
		drawSierpinski(center_b, len/2, new_order);
		drawSierpinski(center_c, len/2, new_order);
Exemple #20
void drawSierpinkiTriangle(GPoint & top,int edge,int order,GWindow & gw) {
    int triangleHeight = (int)sqrt(pow((double)edge,2) - pow((double)edge/2,2));

    GPoint ptA = top;
    GPoint ptB((top.getX() - (triangleHeight/2)),(top.getY()+triangleHeight));
    GPoint ptC((top.getX() + (triangleHeight/2)),(top.getY()+triangleHeight));

    if(order != 0) {
        order -= 1;
        edge = edge / 2;
        if(edge != 0) {
            triangleHeight = triangleHeight / 2;
            GPoint ptAb = top;
            GPoint ptBb((top.getX()-(triangleHeight/2)),(top.getY()+triangleHeight));
            GPoint ptCb((top.getX() + (triangleHeight / 2)), (top.getY() + triangleHeight));
            drawSierpinkiTriangle(ptAb, edge, order, gw);
            drawSierpinkiTriangle(ptBb, edge, order, gw);
            drawSierpinkiTriangle(ptCb, edge, order, gw);
// Rewritten by JL to handle transformed case and take corners into account
bool GRoundRect::contains(double x, double y) const {
   GPoint p = matrix.preimage(x - this->x, y - this->y);
   double xx = p.getX();
   double yy = p.getY();
   if (xx < 0 || xx > width || yy < 0 || yy > height)
       return false;

   // If corner diameter is too big, the largest sensible value is used by Java back end.
   double a = std::min(corner, width) / 2;
   double b = std::min(corner, height) / 2;

   // Get distances from nearest edges of bounding rectangle
   double dx = std::min(xx, width - xx);
   double dy = std::min(yy, height - yy);

   if (dx > a || dy > b)
       return true; // in "central cross" of rounded rect

   return (dx - a)*(dx - a)/(a*a) + (dy - b)*(dy - b)/(b*b) <= 1;
// JL rewrote to include transformed case in front end
bool GLine::contains(double x, double y) const {
   double x0 = getX();
   double y0 = getY();
   double x1 = x0 + dx;
   double y1 = y0 + dy;
   if (transformed) {
       GPoint pt = matrix.image(dx, dy);
       x1 = x0 + pt.getX();
       y1 = y0 + pt.getY();
   if (dsq(x, y, x0, y0) < tSquared) return true;
   if (dsq(x, y, x1, y1) < tSquared) return true;
   if (x < min(x0, x1) - LINE_TOLERANCE) return false;
   if (x > max(x0, x1) + LINE_TOLERANCE) return false;
   if (y < min(y0, y1) - LINE_TOLERANCE) return false;
   if (y > max(y0, y1) + LINE_TOLERANCE) return false;
   if ((float) (x0 - x1) == 0 && (float) (y0 - y1) == 0) return false;
   double u = ((x - x0) * (x1 - x0) + (y - y0) * (y1 - y0))
            / dsq(x0, y0, x1, y1);
   return dsq(x, y, x0 + u * (x1 - x0), y0 + u * (y1 - y0)) < tSquared;
// JL added code to handle transformed case
GRectangle GPolygon::getBounds() const {
   double xMin = 0;
   double yMin = 0;
   double xMax = 0;
   double yMax = 0;
   double x0 = getX();
   double y0 = getY();
   for (int i = 0; i < vertices.size(); i++) {
      double x = vertices[i].getX();
      double y = vertices[i].getY();
      if (transformed) {
          GPoint pt = matrix.image(x, y);
          x = pt.getX();
          y = pt.getY();
      if (i == 0 || x < xMin) xMin = x;
      if (i == 0 || y < yMin) yMin = y;
      if (i == 0 || x > xMax) xMax = x;
      if (i == 0 || y > yMax) yMax = y;
   return GRectangle(xMin + x0, yMin + y0, xMax - xMin, yMax - yMin); // BUGFIX (JL): Must translate by x0, y0.
Exemple #24
// This is the core function to solve queen problem
// queen_to_find is the number of queens to be find.
bool solve(Grid<bool> &ChessBoard, GPoint start,  int queen_to_find)
    if(queen_to_find == 0)
        return true;

    int i,j;
    int board_size = ChessBoard.numRows();
    int start_x = start.getX();
    int start_y = start.getY();

    ChessBoard.set(start_x, start_y, true);
    Direction dirs[4] = {NORTH, EAST,SOUTH, WEST};
    for(int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
        GPoint  adjPoint = adjacentGPoint(start, dirs[i]);
        if(!can_be_placed(ChessBoard, adjPoint))
        if(solve(ChessBoard, adjPoint, queen_to_find - 1 ))
            return true;
    ChessBoard.set(start_x, start_y, false);
    return false;
// JL moved computation for transformed case into front end here
bool GArc::contains(double x, double y) const {
   if (transformed) {
       GPoint pt = matrix.preimage(x - this->x, y - this->y);
       x = this->x + pt.getX();
       y = this->y + pt.getY();
   double rx = frameWidth / 2;
   double ry = frameHeight / 2;
   if (rx == 0 || ry == 0) return false;
   double dx = x - (this->x + rx);
   double dy = y - (this->y + ry);
   double r = (dx * dx) / (rx * rx) + (dy * dy) / (ry * ry);
   if (fillFlag) {
      if (r > 1.0) return false;
   } else {
      double t = ARC_TOLERANCE / ((rx + ry) / 2);
      if (abs(1.0 - r) > t) return false;

   // BUGFIX (JL): must scale by ry, rx. In the case where frameWidth != frameHeight,
   // the "angles" used in the Java back end are not true angles, but instead are scaled
   // so that the 45-degree ray passes through the corner of the bounding box.
   return containsAngle(atan2(-dy/ry, dx/rx) * 180 / PI);
bool GObject::contains(const GPoint& pt) const {
    return contains(pt.getX(), pt.getY());
void GObject::setLocation(const GPoint& pt) {
    setLocation(pt.getX(), pt.getY());
bool GRectangle::contains(GPoint pt) const {
    return contains(pt.getX(), pt.getY());
Exemple #29
double vectorAngle(const GPoint & pt) {
    return vectorAngle(pt.getX(), pt.getY());
Exemple #30
double vectorDistance(const GPoint & pt) {
    return vectorDistance(pt.getX(), pt.getY());