void  manifold_checking_report(std::ostream& out, std::string const& grid_name, bool is_mf,
			       GRID const& G,
			       GF_F const& singular_facets, 
			       GF_V const& isolated_vertices,
			       GF_V const& singular_interior_vertices,
			       GF_V const& singular_boundary_vertices)
  using namespace GrAL;
  typedef grid_types<GF_V> vgt;
  typedef grid_types<GF_F> fgt;

  out << "Grid \"" << grid_name << "\" is" << (is_mf ? " " : " NOT " ) << "a manifold grid.\n";
  out << "|V|=" << G.NumOfVertices() << " |E|=" << G.NumOfEdges() << " |C|=" << G.NumOfCells() 
      << std::endl;

  if(! is_mf) {
    if(singular_facets.size() > 0) {
      out << singular_facets.size() << " singular edges: ";
      for(typename fgt::EdgeIterator e = GrAL::begin_x(singular_facets); !e.IsDone(); ++e)
	out << "[" << (*e).v1() << "," << (*e).v2() << "] ";
      out << "\n";
    if(isolated_vertices.size() > 0) {
      out << isolated_vertices.size() << " isolated vertices: ";
      for(typename vgt::VertexIterator v = GrAL::begin_x(isolated_vertices); !v.IsDone(); ++v)
	out << v.handle() << ",";
      out << "\n";
    if(singular_interior_vertices.size() > 0) {
      out << singular_interior_vertices.size() << " singular interior vertices: ";
      for(typename vgt::VertexIterator v = GrAL::begin_x(singular_interior_vertices); !v.IsDone(); ++v)
	out << v.handle() << ",";
      out << "\n";
    if(singular_boundary_vertices.size() > 0) {
      out << singular_boundary_vertices.size() << " singular boundary vertices: ";
      for(typename vgt::VertexIterator v = GrAL::begin_x(singular_boundary_vertices); !v.IsDone(); ++v)
	out << v.handle() << ",";
      out << "\n";
void write_complex2d(GRID const& G,   ::std::ostream& out, int offset, 
                     VCORR & G2Out_v, CCORR & G2Out_c)
  typedef grid_types<GRID>                  gt;
  typedef typename gt::Vertex               Vertex;
  typedef typename gt::Cell                 Cell;
  typedef typename gt::VertexIterator       VertexIterator;
  typedef typename gt::CellIterator         CellIterator;
  typedef typename gt::VertexOnCellIterator VertexOnCellIterator;

  out << G.NumOfVertices() << " " << G.NumOfCells() << "\n\n";

  // if GRID is a subrange type, we cannot initialized grid-functions
  // directly with G, but must get hold of the underlying grid.
  // This solution is not optimal. There could be a c-t branch
  // with an additional grid-type parameter for grid-functions.
  typedef element_traits<Vertex> et;
  typedef typename et::grid_type base_grid_type; // possibly != GRID
  Vertex dummy(*(G.FirstVertex()));
  base_grid_type const& baseG(dummy.TheGrid());

  grid_function<Vertex,int> VNum(baseG);
  int vnum = offset;
  for(VertexIterator v= G.FirstVertex(); ! v.IsDone(); ++v){
    //    out << Geo.coord(*v) << "\n"; 
    VNum[*v] = vnum;
    G2Out_v[v.handle()] = vnum;
  out << "\n";

  int cnum = offset;
  for(CellIterator c = GrAL::begin_x(G); !c.IsDone(); ++c){
    out	<< (*c).NumOfVertices() << "   ";
    G2Out_c[c.handle()] = cnum; ++cnum;
    for(VertexOnCellIterator vc = GrAL::begin_x(*c); ! vc.IsDone(); ++vc)
      out << VNum[*vc] << " ";
    out << "\n";
void write_complex2d(GRID const& G, GEOM const& Geo,  ::std::ostream& out, int offset)
  typedef grid_types<GRID>                  gt;
  typedef typename gt::Vertex               Vertex;
  typedef typename gt::Cell                 Cell;
  typedef typename gt::VertexIterator       VertexIterator;
  typedef typename gt::CellIterator         CellIterator;
  typedef typename gt::VertexOnCellIterator VertexOnCellIterator;

  out << G.NumOfVertices() << " " << G.NumOfCells() << "\n\n";

  // if GRID is a subrange type, we cannot initialized grid-functions
  // directly with G, but must get hold of the underlying grid.
  // This solution is not optimal. There could be a c-t branch
  // with an additional grid-type parameter for grid-functions.
  typedef element_traits<Vertex> et;
  typedef typename et::grid_type base_grid_type; // possibly != GRID
  Vertex dummy(*(G.FirstVertex()));
  ref_ptr<base_grid_type const> baseG(dummy.TheGrid());

  grid_function<Vertex,int> VNum(* baseG);
  int vnum = offset;
  for(VertexIterator v= G.FirstVertex(); ! v.IsDone(); ++v){
    out << std::setprecision(std::numeric_limits<double>::digits10) << Geo.coord(*v) << "\n"; 
    VNum[*v] = vnum;
  out << "\n";

  for(CellIterator c = G.FirstCell(); !c.IsDone(); ++c){
    out	<< GrAL::size<Vertex>(*c) << "  ";
    for(VertexOnCellIterator vc = GrAL::begin<Vertex>(*c); ! vc.IsDone(); ++vc)
      out << VNum[*vc] << " ";
    out << "\n";
void ConstructGrid(OstreamGMV3DFmt& Out, 
		   GRID const& G,
		   GEOM const& GEO,
		   heterogeneous_list::List<GF,MOREGFS> GFS)
  typedef OstreamGMV3DFmt GMV3D;
  std::ostream& out = Out.Out();
  typedef grid_types<GRID> gt;
  typedef grid_types<GMV3D::archetype_type> gmv_agt;

  out << "gmvinput ascii\n";
  out << "nodev " << G.NumOfVertices() << '\n';

  for(typename gt::VertexIterator v(G); ! v.IsDone(); ++v)
    out << GEO.coord(*v) << '\n';

  // map G's vertices to GMV numbers, starting from 1.
  element_numbering<typename gt::Vertex> G2GMV(G,1);

  // map archetypes of G to those of GMV
  typedef partial_grid_morphism<typename gt::archetype_type,
  bijective_mapping<typename gt::archetype_type const*,
                    std::pair<morphism_type, int> > 

  for(typename gt::archetype_iterator a = G.BeginArchetype();
      a != G.EndArchetype(); ++a) {
    bool found = false;
    int cnt_a = 0; // could be GMV::archetype_handle
    for(GMV3D::archetype_iterator a_gmv = Out.BeginArchetype();
	a_gmv != Out.EndArchetype(); ++a_gmv, ++cnt_a) {
      morphism_type phi_a(*a,*a_gmv);
      found = construct_isomorphism(*a,*a_gmv, phi_a);
      if(found) {
	phi[&(*a)] = std::make_pair(phi_a,cnt_a);
    ENSURE(found, "sorry, no mapping to GMV cell type found!\n",1);
    // should use the general cell feature of GMV.

  // map cells
  out << "cells " << G.NumOfCells() << "\n";
  for(typename gt::CellIterator c(G); ! c.IsDone(); ++c) {
    //            phi_a.inv        c.V()        G2GMV   
    // gmv-archetype -> G::archetype -> G::global -> GMV::global
    morphism_type const& phi_a = phi(&G.ArchetypeOf(*c)).first;
    int                  cnt_a = phi(&G.ArchetypeOf(*c)).second;
    GMV3D::archetype_type const& archetype_gmv(phi_a.ImgGrid());
    out << Out.name(cnt_a) << " "
	<< archetype_gmv.NumOfVertices() << " ";
    for(gmv_agt::VertexIterator vc(archetype_gmv); !vc.IsDone(); ++vc)
      out << G2GMV( (*c).V(phi_a.inverse()(*vc)))  << " ";
    out << '\n';

  out << "endgmv\n";