Exemple #1
void move_object(int objj,int tox,int toy,int spee,int ignwal) {

    if (!is_valid_object(objj))
        quit("!MoveObject: invalid object number");

    debug_script_log("Object %d start move to %d,%d", objj, tox, toy);

    int objX = objs[objj].x;
    int objY = objs[objj].y;

    set_route_move_speed(spee, spee);
    int mslot=find_route(objX, objY, tox, toy, prepare_walkable_areas(-1), objj+1, 1, ignwal);
    if (mslot>0) {
        objs[objj].moving = mslot;
        mls[mslot].direct = ignwal;
Exemple #2
void draw_text_window_and_bar(Bitmap **text_window_ds, bool should_free_ds,
                              int*xins,int*yins,int*xx,int*yy,int*wii,color_t *set_text_color,int ovrheight, int ifnum) {

    draw_text_window(text_window_ds, should_free_ds, xins, yins, xx, yy, wii, set_text_color, ovrheight, ifnum);

    if ((topBar.wantIt) && (text_window_ds && *text_window_ds)) {
        // top bar on the dialog window with character's name
        // create an enlarged window, then free the old one
        Bitmap *ds = *text_window_ds;
        Bitmap *newScreenop = BitmapHelper::CreateBitmap(ds->GetWidth(), ds->GetHeight() + topBar.height, game.GetColorDepth());
        newScreenop->Blit(ds, 0, 0, 0, topBar.height, ds->GetWidth(), ds->GetHeight());
        delete *text_window_ds;
        *text_window_ds = newScreenop;
        ds = *text_window_ds;

        // draw the top bar
        color_t draw_color = ds->GetCompatibleColor(play.top_bar_backcolor);
        ds->FillRect(Rect(0, 0, ds->GetWidth() - 1, topBar.height - 1), draw_color);
        if (play.top_bar_backcolor != play.top_bar_bordercolor) {
            // draw the border
            draw_color = ds->GetCompatibleColor(play.top_bar_bordercolor);
            for (int j = 0; j < play.top_bar_borderwidth; j++)
                ds->DrawRect(Rect(j, j, ds->GetWidth() - (j + 1), topBar.height - (j + 1)), draw_color);

        // draw the text
        int textx = (ds->GetWidth() / 2) - wgettextwidth_compensate(topBar.text, topBar.font) / 2;
        color_t text_color = ds->GetCompatibleColor(play.top_bar_textcolor);
        wouttext_outline(ds, textx, play.top_bar_borderwidth + 1, topBar.font, text_color, topBar.text);

        // don't draw it next time
        topBar.wantIt = 0;
        // adjust the text Y position
        yins[0] += topBar.height;
    else if (topBar.wantIt)
        topBar.wantIt = 0;
Exemple #3
// Pass yy = -1 to find Y co-ord automatically
// allowShrink = 0 for none, 1 for leftwards, 2 for rightwards
// pass blocking=2 to create permanent overlay
int _display_main(int xx,int yy,int wii,const char*text,int blocking,int usingfont,int asspch, int isThought, int allowShrink, bool overlayPositionFixed) 
    const bool use_speech_textwindow = (asspch < 0) && (game.options[OPT_SPEECHTYPE] >= 2);
    const bool use_thought_gui = (isThought) && (game.options[OPT_THOUGHTGUI] > 0);

    bool alphaChannel = false;
    char todis[STD_BUFFER_SIZE];
    snprintf(todis, STD_BUFFER_SIZE - 1, "%s", text);
    int usingGui = -1;
    if (use_speech_textwindow)
	    usingGui = play.speech_textwindow_gui;
    else if (use_thought_gui)
	    usingGui = game.options[OPT_THOUGHTGUI];

    int padding = get_textwindow_padding(usingGui);
    int paddingScaled = padding;
    int paddingDoubledScaled = padding * 2; // Just in case screen size does is not neatly divisible by 320x200

    ensure_text_valid_for_font(todis, usingfont);
    disp.lineheight = getfontheight_outlined(usingfont);
    disp.linespacing= getfontspacing_outlined(usingfont);
    disp.fulltxtheight = getheightoflines(usingfont, numlines);

    // if it's a normal message box and the game was being skipped,
    // ensure that the screen is up to date before the message box
    // is drawn on top of it
    if ((play.skip_until_char_stops >= 0) && (blocking == 1))


    if (topBar.wantIt) {
        // ensure that the window is wide enough to display
        // any top bar text
        int topBarWid = wgettextwidth_compensate(topBar.text, topBar.font);
        topBarWid += (play.top_bar_borderwidth + 2) * 2;
        if (longestline < topBarWid)
            longestline = topBarWid;
        // the top bar should behave like DisplaySpeech wrt blocking
        blocking = 0;

    if (asspch > 0) {
        // update the all_buttons_disabled variable in advance
        // of the adjust_x/y_for_guis calls

    const Rect &ui_view = play.GetUIViewport();
    if (xx == OVR_AUTOPLACE) ;
    // centre text in middle of screen
    else if (yy<0) yy= ui_view.GetHeight()/2-disp.fulltxtheight/2-padding;
    // speech, so it wants to be above the character's head
    else if (asspch > 0) {
        if (yy < 5) yy=5;
        yy = adjust_y_for_guis (yy);

    if (longestline < wii - paddingDoubledScaled) {
        // shrink the width of the dialog box to fit the text
        int oldWid = wii;
        //if ((asspch >= 0) || (allowShrink > 0))
        // If it's not speech, or a shrink is allowed, then shrink it
        if ((asspch == 0) || (allowShrink > 0))
            wii = longestline + paddingDoubledScaled;

        // shift the dialog box right to align it, if necessary
        if ((allowShrink == 2) && (xx >= 0))
            xx += (oldWid - wii);

    if (xx<-1) { 
        if (xx < 0)
            xx = 0;

        xx = adjust_x_for_guis (xx, yy);

        if (xx + wii >= ui_view.GetWidth())
            xx = (ui_view.GetWidth() - wii) - 5;
    else if (xx<0) xx= ui_view.GetWidth()/2-wii/2;

    int ee, extraHeight = paddingDoubledScaled;
    color_t text_color = MakeColor(15);
    if (blocking < 2)

    Bitmap *text_window_ds = BitmapHelper::CreateTransparentBitmap((wii > 0) ? wii : 2, disp.fulltxtheight + extraHeight, game.GetColorDepth());

    // inform draw_text_window to free the old bitmap
    const bool wantFreeScreenop = true;

    if ((strlen (todis) < 1) || (strcmp (todis, "  ") == 0) || (wii == 0)) ;
    // if it's an empty speech line, don't draw anything
    else if (asspch) { //text_color = ds->GetCompatibleColor(12);
        int ttxleft = 0, ttxtop = paddingScaled, oriwid = wii - padding * 2;
        int drawBackground = 0;

        if (use_speech_textwindow) {
            drawBackground = 1;
        else if (use_thought_gui) {
            // make it treat it as drawing inside a window now
            if (asspch > 0)
                asspch = -asspch;
            drawBackground = 1;

        if (drawBackground)
            draw_text_window_and_bar(&text_window_ds, wantFreeScreenop, &ttxleft, &ttxtop, &xx, &yy, &wii, &text_color, 0, usingGui);
            if (usingGui > 0)
                alphaChannel = guis[usingGui].HasAlphaChannel();
        else if ((ShouldAntiAliasText()) && (game.GetColorDepth() >= 24))
            alphaChannel = true;

        for (ee=0;ee<numlines;ee++) {
            //int ttxp=wii/2 - wgettextwidth_compensate(lines[ee], usingfont)/2;
            int ttyp=ttxtop+ee*disp.linespacing;
            // asspch < 0 means that it's inside a text box so don't
            // centre the text
            if (asspch < 0) {
                if ((usingGui >= 0) && 
                    ((game.options[OPT_SPEECHTYPE] >= 2) || (isThought)))
                    text_color = text_window_ds->GetCompatibleColor(guis[usingGui].FgColor);
                    text_color = text_window_ds->GetCompatibleColor(-asspch);

                wouttext_aligned(text_window_ds, ttxleft, ttyp, oriwid, usingfont, text_color, lines[ee], play.text_align);
            else {
                text_color = text_window_ds->GetCompatibleColor(asspch);
                wouttext_aligned(text_window_ds, ttxleft, ttyp, wii, usingfont, text_color, lines[ee], play.speech_text_align);
    else {
        int xoffs,yoffs, oriwid = wii - padding * 2;
        draw_text_window_and_bar(&text_window_ds, wantFreeScreenop, &xoffs,&yoffs,&xx,&yy,&wii,&text_color);

        if (game.options[OPT_TWCUSTOM] > 0)
            alphaChannel = guis[game.options[OPT_TWCUSTOM]].HasAlphaChannel();

        adjust_y_coordinate_for_text(&yoffs, usingfont);

        for (ee=0;ee<numlines;ee++)
            wouttext_aligned (text_window_ds, xoffs, yoffs + ee * disp.linespacing, oriwid, usingfont, text_color, lines[ee], play.text_align);

    int ovrtype = OVER_TEXTMSG;
    if (blocking == 2) ovrtype=OVER_CUSTOM;
    else if (blocking >= OVER_CUSTOM) ovrtype=blocking;

    int nse = add_screen_overlay(xx, yy, ovrtype, text_window_ds, alphaChannel);
    // we should not delete text_window_ds here, because it is now owned by Overlay

    if (blocking>=2) {
        return screenover[nse].type;

    if (blocking) {
        if (play.fast_forward) {
            return 0;

        /*    wputblock(xx,yy,screenop,1);

        if (!play.mouse_cursor_hidden)
        // play.skip_display has same values as SetSkipSpeech:
        // 0 = click mouse or key to skip
        // 1 = key only
        // 2 = can't skip at all
        // 3 = only on keypress, no auto timer
        // 4 = mouse only
        int countdown = GetTextDisplayTime (todis);
        int skip_setting = user_to_internal_skip_speech((SkipSpeechStyle)play.skip_display);
        while (1) {
            /*      if (!play.mouse_cursor_hidden)


            if (ags_mgetbutton()>NONE) {
                // If we're allowed, skip with mouse
                if (skip_setting & SKIP_MOUSECLICK)
            int kp;
            if (run_service_key_controls(kp)) {
                // let them press ESC to skip the cutscene
                check_skip_cutscene_keypress (kp);
                if (play.fast_forward)

                if (skip_setting & SKIP_KEYPRESS)

            if (play.speech_has_voice) {
                // extend life of text if the voice hasn't finished yet
                if (channel_is_playing(SCHAN_SPEECH) && (play.fast_forward == 0)) {
                    if (countdown <= 1)
                        countdown = 1;
                else  // if the voice has finished, remove the speech
                    countdown = 0;

            if ((countdown < 1) && (skip_setting & SKIP_AUTOTIMER))
                play.ignore_user_input_until_time = AGS_Clock::now() + std::chrono::milliseconds(play.ignore_user_input_after_text_timeout_ms);
            // if skipping cutscene, don't get stuck on No Auto Remove
            // text boxes
            if ((countdown < 1) && (play.fast_forward))
        if (!play.mouse_cursor_hidden)

    else {
        // if the speech does not time out, but we are skipping a cutscene,
        // allow it to time out
        if ((play.messagetime < 0) && (play.fast_forward))
            play.messagetime = 2;

        if (!overlayPositionFixed)
            screenover[nse].positionRelativeToScreen = false;
            VpPoint vpt = play.ScreenToRoom(screenover[nse].x, screenover[nse].y, false);
            screenover[nse].x = vpt.first.X;
            screenover[nse].y = vpt.first.Y;


    return 0;
Exemple #4
void draw_text_window(Bitmap **text_window_ds, bool should_free_ds,
                      int*xins,int*yins,int*xx,int*yy,int*wii, color_t *set_text_color, int ovrheight, int ifnum) {

    Bitmap *ds = *text_window_ds;
    if (ifnum < 0)
        ifnum = game.options[OPT_TWCUSTOM];

    if (ifnum <= 0) {
        if (ovrheight)
            quit("!Cannot use QFG4 style options without custom text window");
        draw_button_background(ds, 0,0,ds->GetWidth() - 1,ds->GetHeight() - 1,nullptr);
        if (set_text_color)
            *set_text_color = ds->GetCompatibleColor(16);
    else {
        if (ifnum >= game.numgui)
            quitprintf("!Invalid GUI %d specified as text window (total GUIs: %d)", ifnum, game.numgui);
        if (!guis[ifnum].IsTextWindow())
            quit("!GUI set as text window but is not actually a text window GUI");

        int tbnum = get_but_pic(&guis[ifnum], 0);

        wii[0] += get_textwindow_border_width (ifnum);
        if (ovrheight == 0)
            ovrheight = disp.fulltxtheight;

        if (should_free_ds)
            delete *text_window_ds;
        int padding = get_textwindow_padding(ifnum);
        *text_window_ds = BitmapHelper::CreateTransparentBitmap(wii[0],ovrheight+(padding*2)+ game.SpriteInfos[tbnum].Height*2,game.GetColorDepth());
        ds = *text_window_ds;
        int xoffs=game.SpriteInfos[tbnum].Width,yoffs= game.SpriteInfos[tbnum].Height;
        draw_button_background(ds, xoffs,yoffs,(ds->GetWidth() - xoffs) - 1,(ds->GetHeight() - yoffs) - 1,&guis[ifnum]);
        if (set_text_color)
            *set_text_color = ds->GetCompatibleColor(guis[ifnum].FgColor);