void CPdpManager::SortGroups()
	//here is a little hack to sort the groups into the correct order so that they
	//will save out properly.

	GroupList gListSort = m_GroupList;
	sort(gListSort.begin(), gListSort.end());
	for (int newIdx = 0; newIdx < (int)gListSort.size(); newIdx++)
		if (gListSort[newIdx] != m_GroupList[newIdx])
			int oldIdx = 0;
			for (oldIdx = 0; oldIdx < (int)m_GroupList.size(); oldIdx++)
				if (m_GroupList[oldIdx] == gListSort[newIdx])
					dprintf("%s - old: %d, new: %d\n", m_GroupList[oldIdx].c_str(), oldIdx, newIdx);
			assert(oldIdx != gListSort.size());

			for (FileListItr itr = m_FileList.begin(); itr != m_FileList.end(); itr++)
				if (itr->nGroupInx == oldIdx)
					//set the new index to the negative value so it doesn't get re-remapped
					itr->nGroupInx = -newIdx;
	m_GroupList = gListSort;

	//fix the negative indexes.
	for (FileListItr itr = m_FileList.begin(); itr != m_FileList.end(); itr++)
		if (itr->nGroupInx < 0)
			itr->nGroupInx = -itr->nGroupInx;

	sort(m_FileList.begin(), m_FileList.end(), CPdpManager::SFileCompare);

	for (FileListItr itr = m_FileList.begin(); itr != m_FileList.end(); itr++)
Exemple #2
  Insert Parameters in AST of given scad file
  form of annotations
void CommentParser::collectParameters(const char *fulltext, FileModule *root_module)
	// Get all groups of parameters
	GroupList groupList = collectGroups(std::string(fulltext));
	int parseTill=getLineToStop(fulltext);
	// Extract parameters for all literal assignments
	for (auto &assignment : root_module->scope.assignments) {
		if (!assignment.expr.get()->isLiteral()) continue; // Only consider literals

		// get location of assignment node
		int firstLine = assignment.location().firstLine();
		if(firstLine>=parseTill ) continue;

		// making list to add annotations
		AnnotationList *annotationList = new AnnotationList();
		// Extracting the parameter comment
		std::string comment = getComment(std::string(fulltext), firstLine);
		// getting the node for parameter annnotataion
		shared_ptr<Expression> params = CommentParser::parser(comment.c_str());
		if (!params) {
			params = shared_ptr<Expression>(new Literal(ValuePtr(std::string(""))));

		// adding parameter to the list
		annotationList->push_back(Annotation("Parameter", params));

		//extracting the description
		std::string descr = getDescription(std::string(fulltext), firstLine - 1);
		if (descr != "") {
			//creating node for description
			shared_ptr<Expression> expr(new Literal(ValuePtr(std::string(descr.c_str()))));
			annotationList->push_back(Annotation("Description", expr));

		// Look for the group to which the given assignment belong
		int i=0;
		for (;i<groupList.size() && groupList[i].lineNo<firstLine;i++);

		if (i >= 0) {
			//creating node for description
			shared_ptr<Expression> expr(new Literal(ValuePtr(groupList[i].commentString)));
			annotationList->push_back(Annotation("Group", expr));