Exemple #1
void JackOutput::jack_timebase_callback(jack_transport_state_t state,
										jack_nframes_t nframes,
										jack_position_t *pos,
										int new_pos,
										void *arg)
	JackOutput *me = static_cast<JackOutput*>(arg);
	if (! me) return;

	Hydrogen * H = Hydrogen::get_instance();
	Song* S = H->getSong();
	if ( ! S ) return;

	unsigned long PlayTick = ( pos->frame - me->bbt_frame_offset ) / me->m_transport.m_nTickSize;
	pos->bar = H->getPosForTick ( PlayTick );

	double TPB = H->getTickForHumanPosition( pos->bar );
	if ( TPB < 1 ) return;

	/* We'll cheat there is ticks_per_beat * 4 in bar
	   so every Hydrogen tick will be multipled by 4 ticks */
	pos->ticks_per_beat = TPB;
	pos->valid = JackPositionBBT;
	pos->beats_per_bar = TPB / 48;
	pos->beat_type = 4.0;
	pos->beats_per_minute = H->getTimelineBpm ( pos->bar );

	// Probably there will never be an offset, cause we are the master ;-)
	pos->valid = static_cast<jack_position_bits_t> ( pos->valid | JackBBTFrameOffset );
	pos->bbt_offset = 0;

	if (H->getHumantimeFrames() < 1) {
		pos->beat = 1;
		pos->tick = 0;
		pos->bar_start_tick = 0;
	} else {
		/* how many ticks elpased from last bar ( where bar == pattern ) */
		int32_t TicksFromBar = ( PlayTick % (int32_t) pos->ticks_per_beat ) * 4;

		pos->bar_start_tick = PlayTick - TicksFromBar;

		pos->beat = TicksFromBar / pos->ticks_per_beat;

		pos->tick = TicksFromBar % (int32_t) pos->ticks_per_beat;
#if 0
//		printf ( "\e[0K\rBar %d, Beat %d, Tick %d, BPB %g, BarStartTick %g",
		printf ( "Bar %d, Beat %d, Tick %d, BPB %g, BarStartTick %g\n",
			pos->bar, pos->beat,pos->tick, pos->beats_per_bar, pos->bar_start_tick );