Exemple #1
LLoydsEntryPtr  OurNeighbors::DeriveLLoydsBins (const ImageFeaturesList&  examples,
                                                kkint32                   lloydsBinSize
  double  lloydsIndex = 0.0;

  kkint32  numLLoydsBins = kkint32 (lastScanLine + lloydsBinSize - 1)  / kkint32 (lloydsBinSize);

  VectorIntPtr  lloydsBins = new VectorInt (numLLoydsBins, 0);

  ImageFeaturesList::const_iterator  idx;
  for  (idx = examples.begin ();  idx != examples.end ();  idx++)
    const ImageFeaturesPtr i = *idx;
    kkint32 lloydsBin =  kkint32 (i->SfCentroidRow () / double (lloydsBinSize));
    if  (lloydsBin >= numLLoydsBins)
      // This can not happen; but if it does; then I must of screwed up the programming.
      log.Level (-1) << endl << endl << endl
                     << "OurNeighbors::DeriveLLoydsBins       **** ERROR ****" << endl
                     << endl
                     << "              An invalid lloydsBin[" << lloydsBin << "] was derived." << endl
                     << "              must be in range of  [0 - " << (numLLoydsBins - 1) << "]" << endl
                     << endl;

      lloydsBin = numLLoydsBins - 1;


  lloydsIndex = LLoydsIndexOfPatchiness (*lloydsBins);

  return  new LLoydsEntry (lloydsBinSize, lloydsBins, lloydsIndex);
}  /* DeriveLLoydsBins */
Exemple #2
kkint32  OurNeighbors::LastScanLine (const ImageFeaturesList&  images)  const
  kkint32  lastScanLine = 0;
  ImageFeaturesList::const_iterator  idx;
  for  (idx = images.begin ();  idx != images.end ();  idx++)
    const ImageFeaturesPtr image = *idx;
    if  (image->SfCentroidRow () > lastScanLine)
      lastScanLine = (kkint32)(image->SfCentroidRow () + 0.5f);

  return  lastScanLine;
}  /* LastScanLine */
SipperFileListPtr  GetListOfSipperFiles (DataBasePtr           dbConn,
                                         ImageFeaturesListPtr  examples,
                                         RunLog&               log
  map<KKStr,KKStr>  sipperFiles;
  map<KKStr,KKStr>::iterator  sipperFilesIdx;
  SipperFileListPtr files = new SipperFileList (true);

  ImageFeaturesList::iterator  idx;
  for  (idx = examples->begin ();  idx != examples->end ();  idx++)
    ImageFeaturesPtr  i = *idx;
    KKStr  imageFileName =  i->ExampleFileName ();
    KKStr   sipperFileName;
    kkuint32  scanLineNum = 0;
    kkuint32  scanCol     = 0;

    PicesVariables::ParseImageFileName (imageFileName, sipperFileName, scanLineNum, scanCol);
    sipperFilesIdx = sipperFiles.find (sipperFileName);
    if  (sipperFilesIdx == sipperFiles.end ())
      sipperFiles.insert (pair<KKStr, KKStr>(sipperFileName, sipperFileName));
      SipperFilePtr sf = dbConn->SipperFileRecLoad (sipperFileName);
      if  (!sf)
        sf = new SipperFile (sipperFileName);
        sf->CtdExt0 ("TRN");
        sf->CtdExt1 ("OXG");
        sf->CtdExt2 ("FLO");
        sf->CtdExt3 ("TUR");

        sf->Sp0 (Instrument::LookUpByShortName ("CTD"));
        sf->Sp1 (Instrument::LookUpByShortName ("P-R"));
        sf->Sp2 (Instrument::LookUpByShortName ("BAY"));

        dbConn->SipperFileInsert (*sf);

      files->PushOnBack (sf);

  return  files;
}  /* GetListOfSipperFiles */
Exemple #4
void	OurNeighbors::RemoveExcludedClasses (ImageFeaturesListPtr&  examples)
   bool  keepClass = true;
   MLClassPtr  oldClass = NULL;

   examples->SortByClass ();

   ImageFeaturesListPtr  examplesToKeep = new ImageFeaturesList (examples->FileDesc (), 
                                                                 true // true = We will own images,
   examples->Owner (false);

   ImageFeaturesList::iterator  idx;

   for  (idx = examples->begin ();  idx != examples->end ();  idx++)
     ImageFeaturesPtr  i = *idx;
     if  (oldClass != i->MLClass ())
       oldClass = i->MLClass ();
       keepClass = (excludedClasses->LookUpByName (oldClass->Name ()) == NULL);

     if  (keepClass)
       examplesToKeep->PushOnBack (i);
       delete  i;  

   delete  examples;  
   examples = examplesToKeep;
}  /* RemoveExcludedClasses */
void  ParameterSearchBinaryCombo::ProcessTwoClassCombo (ParameterProcessPtr  curProcess)
  log.Level (10)  << "ParameterSearchBinaryCombo::ProcessClassCombo - Started" << endl;

  ImageFeaturesListPtr  twoClassImages = new ImageFeaturesList (false, log, 5000);

    ImageFeaturesPtr  image = NULL;

    ImageFeaturesListIterator  idx (images);

    for  (idx.Reset ();  image = idx.CurPtr ();  ++idx)
      if  ((image->ImageClass () == curProcess->Class0 ())  ||
           (image->ImageClass () == curProcess->Class1 ())
        twoClassImages->PushOnBack (image);


  ImageClassListPtr  twoClasses = new ImageClassList (false, log);
  twoClasses->PushOnBack (curProcess->Class0 ());
  twoClasses->PushOnBack (curProcess->Class1 ());

  bool  weAreAllDone = false;

  while  (!weAreAllDone)
    #ifndef  WIN32
    double  la;

    if  (LoadAverage () > 7.2)
      while  ((la = LoadAverage ()) > 6.6)
        // The system is pretty Busy so to be Fair to everyone else lets go to sleep 
        // for a while.
        log.Level (20) << "ParameterSearchBinaryCombo::LetsDoIt - Load Average[" << la << "] is greater than 4.8." << endl;
        log.Level (20) << "                          Will go to sleep for one minute and try again."  << endl;
        weWereSleeping = true;

        int  randSleepTime = rand () % 20;

        sleep (20 + randSleepTime);

    weWereSleeping = false;

    ParameterJobPtr  curJob = new ParameterJob (log, 
                                                curProcess->JobId     (),
                                                curProcess->CParm     (),
                                                curProcess->GammaParm (), 
                                                curProcess->AParm     ()

    ProcessNextJob (curProcess, curJob, twoClassImages, twoClasses);

    delete  curJob;
    curJob = NULL;

    if  (curProcess->CParm () > 17000)
      weAreAllDone = true;

  delete  twoClasses;
  delete  twoClassImages;
} /* ProcessTwoClassCombo */
void  GradeClassification::GradeExamplesAgainstGroundTruth (FeatureVectorListPtr  examplesToGrade,
                                                            FeatureVectorListPtr  groundTruth
  log.Level (10) << "GradeClassification::GradeExamplesAgainstGroundTruth" << endl;

  groundTruth->SortByRootName ();

  MLClassConstPtr  unknownClass = mlClasses->GetUnKnownClass ();

  MLClassConstListPtr classes = NULL;
    MLClassConstListPtr examplesToGradeClasses = examplesToGrade->ExtractMLClassConstList ();
    MLClassConstListPtr groundTruthClasses     = groundTruth->ExtractMLClassConstList ();
    classes = MLClassConstList::MergeClassList (*examplesToGradeClasses, *groundTruthClasses);
    delete  examplesToGradeClasses;
    delete  groundTruthClasses;

  uint16  maxHierarchialLevel = 0;
    MLClassConstList::iterator  idx;
    for  (idx = classes->begin ();  idx != classes->end ();  idx++)
      MLClassConstPtr  c = *idx;
      maxHierarchialLevel = Max (maxHierarchialLevel, c->NumHierarchialLevels ());

  // Create ConfusionMatrix objects for each posible level of Hierarchy.  The 'resultsSummary' vector will 
  // end up owning the instances of 'ConfusionMatrix2' and th edestructr will be responable for deleting them.
  uint  curLevel = 0;
  vector<ConfusionMatrix2Ptr>  cmByLevel;
  for  (curLevel = 0;  curLevel < maxHierarchialLevel;  curLevel++)
    MLClassConstListPtr  classesThisLevel = classes->ExtractListOfClassesForAGivenHierarchialLevel (curLevel);
    ConfusionMatrix2Ptr  cm = new ConfusionMatrix2 (*classesThisLevel);
    cmByLevel.push_back (cm);

  ConfusionMatrix2  cm (*classes);

  ImageFeaturesList::iterator  idx;

  for  (idx = examplesToGrade->begin ();  idx !=  examplesToGrade->end ();  idx++)
    ImageFeaturesPtr  exampleToGrade = *idx;
    MLClassConstPtr  predictedClass = exampleToGrade->MLClass ();
    float          origSize       = exampleToGrade->OrigSize ();
    float          probability    = exampleToGrade->Probability ();

    KKStr  rootName = osGetRootName (exampleToGrade->ImageFileName ());
    FeatureVectorPtr  groundTruthExample = groundTruth->LookUpByRootName (rootName);
    MLClassConstPtr  groundTruthClass = unknownClass;
    if  (groundTruthExample)
      groundTruthClass = groundTruthExample->MLClass ();

    cm.Increment (groundTruthClass, predictedClass, (int)origSize, probability, log);

    for  (curLevel = 0;  curLevel < maxHierarchialLevel;  curLevel++)
      MLClassConstPtr  groundTruthClasssThisLevel = groundTruthClass->MLClassForGivenHierarchialLevel (curLevel);
      MLClassConstPtr  predictedClassThisLevel    = predictedClass->MLClassForGivenHierarchialLevel   (curLevel);

      cmByLevel[curLevel]->Increment (groundTruthClasssThisLevel, predictedClassThisLevel, (int)origSize, probability, log);

  //cm.PrintTrueFalsePositivesTabDelimited (*report);

    // report Hierarchial results
    for  (curLevel = 0;  curLevel < maxHierarchialLevel;  curLevel++)
      log.Level (10) << "GradeClassification::GradeExamplesAgainstGroundTruth   Printing Level[" << curLevel << "]" << endl;
      *report << endl << endl << endl
              << "Confusion Matrix   Training Level[" << maxHierarchialLevel << "]       Preduction Level[" << (curLevel + 1) << "]" << endl
              << endl;
      cmByLevel[curLevel]->PrintConfusionMatrixTabDelimited (*report);
      resultsSummary.push_back (SummaryRec (maxHierarchialLevel, curLevel + 1, cmByLevel[curLevel]));

    *report << endl << endl << endl;

  log.Level (10) << "GradeClassification::GradeExamplesAgainstGroundTruth     Exiting"  << endl;
}  /* GradeExamplesAgainstGroundTruth */
Exemple #7
void	OurNeighbors::LookForNeighbors ()
	ImageFeaturesListPtr  currentImageFeatures = NULL;
	KKStr                relativeDir;

	log.Level (10) << "OurNeighbors::LookForNeighbors" << endl;

	 * create an image feature list from the source directory that corresponds to the
	 * current locations of the actual image files. Where possible, the feature data 
	 * file will be used. However, if an image has been moved it's features will have
	 * to be recalculated (which is handled by the function call) and we'll have to
	 * look in the origImageFeatures list for the original predicted class. We must do 
	 * this since the predicted class for an image file should NEVER change between
	 * classification runs.
  FeatureFileIOPices::Driver ()->LoadInSubDirectoryTree
                                 (PicesFVProducerFactory::Factory (&log),
                                  false,           // useDirectoryNameForClassName,
                                  DB (),
                                  false,           // rewiteRootFeatureFile

  currentImageFeatures->FixSipperFileScanLineAndColFields ();
  lastScanLine = LastScanLine (*currentImageFeatures);
    // Make sure Class name matches subdirectory that Example was found in.
    ImageFeaturesList::iterator  idx;
    for  (idx = currentImageFeatures->begin ();  idx != currentImageFeatures->end ();  idx++)
      ImageFeaturesPtr image = *idx;
      MLClassPtr  mlClass = DetermineClassFromFileName (image->ExampleFileName ());
      if  (mlClass)
        image->MLClass (mlClass);

  if  (excludedClasses)  
    if  (excludedClasses->QueueSize () > 0)
      RemoveExcludedClasses (currentImageFeatures);

  //if  (randomizeLocations)
  //  RandomizeLocations (*currentImageFeatures);

  if  (!fromPlanktonName.Empty ())
    fromPlankton = mlClasses->LookUpByName (fromPlanktonName);
    if  (!fromPlankton)
      log.Level (-1) << endl
                     << endl
                     << endl
                     << "LookForNeighbors     ****** ERROR *******" << endl
                     << endl
                     << "No images that are of PlanktonName[" << fromPlanktonName << "]" << endl
                     << endl;
      osWaitForEnter ();
      exit (-1);

  // We will now build Neighbor List
  NeighborList  neighbors (*currentImageFeatures, log);
  neighbors.FindNearestNeighbors (neighborType, fromPlankton);

  double  allClassesMeanNND    = 0.0f;
  double  allClassesMeanStdDev = 0.0f;
  double  allClassesMinDist    = 0.0f;
  double  allClassesMaxDist    = 0.0f;

  neighbors.CalcStatistics (allClassesMeanNND,

  if  (fromPlankton)
    neighbors.ReportClassRowRestricted (mlClasses, *report, fromPlankton);
    neighbors.ReportClassRow (mlClasses, *report);

  neighbors.ReportClassNeighbor (mlClasses, *report);

  if  (randomizeLocations)
    RandomReport (*currentImageFeatures);

	log.Level (10) << "OurNeighbors::LookForNeighbors   Exiting"  << endl;
}  /* LookForNeighbors */
void  DeleteDuplicateImages::DeleteImages ()
  PrintStandardHeaderInfo (*r);

  *r << "Root Directory :" << rootDir               << "]" << endl;
  *r << "Report File    :" << reportFileName        << "]" << endl;
  *r << endl;

  ImageFeaturesListPtr  images = FeatureFileIOPices::Driver ()->LoadInSubDirectoryTree 
                                     (PicesFVProducerFactory::Factory (&log),
                                      false,       // false = DONT _useDirectoryNameForClassName
                                      DB (),
                                      false,       // false = DONT _rewiteRootFeatureFile

  KKStr  rootFeatureFileName = osAddSlash (rootDir) + osGetRootName (rootDir) + ".data";
  //images->WriteImageFeaturesToFile (rootFeatureFileName, RawFormat, FeatureNumList::AllFeatures ());

  bool  successful = false;
  uint  numExamplesWritten = 0;
  FeatureFileIOPices::Driver ()->SaveFeatureFile (rootFeatureFileName, images->AllFeatures (), *images, numExamplesWritten, cancelFlag, successful, log);

  *r << "Class Statistics" << endl;
  *r << images->ClassStatisticsStr ();
  *r << endl;

  // We can now look for duplicates in list.
  DuplicateImagesPtr  dupLocator = new DuplicateImages (images, log);

  DuplicateImageListPtr  setsOfDupImages = dupLocator->DupExamples ();

  *r << "Number of Duplicate Sets [" << setsOfDupImages->QueueSize () << "]" << endl;
  *r << endl;

  int  dupsDeleted        = 0;
  int  dupsFailedToDelete = 0;

  DuplicateImageList::iterator  dsIDX;
  for  (dsIDX = setsOfDupImages->begin ();  dsIDX != setsOfDupImages->end ();  ++dsIDX)
    DuplicateImagePtr  dupSet = *dsIDX;

    ImageFeaturesListPtr  dups = new ImageFeaturesList (*(dupSet->DuplicatedImages ()), false);

    ImageFeaturesPtr      imageToKeep = (ImageFeaturesPtr)dupSet->ExampleWithSmallestScanLine ();
    ImageFeaturesPtr      firstImage  = NULL;
    bool                  allTheSameClass = dupSet->AllTheSameClass ();
    if  (!allTheSameClass)
      imageToKeep = NULL;
      *r << endl
         << "Images in this set of duplicates are of different classes, will delete all of them." << endl;
      *r << endl
         << "Duplicate Class[" << imageToKeep->MLClassName () << "]  FileName[" << imageToKeep->ExampleFileName () << "]  Keeping." << endl;

    for  (ImageFeaturesList::iterator iIDX = dups->begin ();  iIDX != dups->end ();  iIDX++)
      ImageFeaturesPtr i = *iIDX;

      if  (!firstImage)
        firstImage = i;

      if  (i != imageToKeep)
        KKStr  fullFileName = osAddSlash (rootDir) + i->ExampleFileName ();

        *r << "          Class[" << i->MLClassName () << "]  FileName[" << i->ExampleFileName () << "]  ";

        if  (!duplicateImagesDir.Empty ())
          // We will move image to duplicates directory
          int  dupCount = 0;
          KKStr newFileName;
          do {
            if  (imageToKeep)
              newFileName = osAddSlash (duplicateImagesDir) + 
                            osGetRootName (imageToKeep->ExampleFileName ()) 
                            + "-" +
                            osGetRootName (i->ExampleFileName ());
              newFileName = osAddSlash (duplicateImagesDir) + 
                            osGetRootName (firstImage->ExampleFileName ()) 
                            + "-" +
                            osGetRootName (i->ExampleFileName ());
            if  (dupCount > 0)
              newFileName << "-" << dupCount;
            newFileName << ".bmp";
          }  while  (osFileExists (newFileName));

          osCopyFile (fullFileName, newFileName);
          *r << "moved to[" << newFileName << "]  ";
          cout << "Coping [" << fullFileName << "] to Duplicates List" << endl;

        bool  deleted = osDeleteFile (fullFileName);

        if  (deleted)
          *r << "* DELETED *" << endl;
          images->DeleteEntry (i);
          *r << "--- Failed To Delete ---" << endl;

  *r << endl;
  *r << "Duplicates Successfully Deleted[" << dupsDeleted        << "]" << endl;
  *r << "Duplicates Failed to Delete    [" << dupsFailedToDelete << "]" << endl;
  *r << endl;

  // We will write out the feature file again with the dup images removed.
  //images->WriteImageFeaturesToFile (rootFeatureFileName, RawFormat, FeatureNumList::AllFeatures ());
  numExamplesWritten= 0;
  FeatureFileIOPices::Driver ()->SaveFeatureFile (rootFeatureFileName, images->AllFeatures (), *images, numExamplesWritten, cancelFlag, successful, log);

  delete  dupLocator;  dupLocator = NULL;
  delete  images;      images     = NULL;
}  /* DeleteDuplicateImages */