Handle<Value> ImageView::height(const Arguments& args)
    HandleScope scope;

    ImageView* im = ObjectWrap::Unwrap<ImageView>(args.This());
    return scope.Close(Integer::New(im->get()->height()));
Handle<Value> ImageView::getPixel(const Arguments& args)
    HandleScope scope;

    unsigned x(0);
    unsigned y(0);

    if (args.Length() >= 2) {
        if (!args[0]->IsNumber())
          return ThrowException(Exception::TypeError(
            String::New("first arg, 'x' must be an integer")));
        if (!args[1]->IsNumber())
          return ThrowException(Exception::TypeError(
            String::New("second arg, 'y' must be an integer")));
        x = args[0]->IntegerValue();
        y = args[1]->IntegerValue();
    } else {
          return ThrowException(Exception::TypeError(
            String::New("must supply x,y to query pixel color")));

    ImageView* im = ObjectWrap::Unwrap<ImageView>(args.This());
    image_view_ptr view = im->get();
    if (x < view->width() && y < view->height())
        mapnik::image_view<mapnik::image_data_32>::pixel_type const * row = view->getRow(y);
        mapnik::image_view<mapnik::image_data_32>::pixel_type const pixel = row[x];
        unsigned r = pixel & 0xff;
        unsigned g = (pixel >> 8) & 0xff;
        unsigned b = (pixel >> 16) & 0xff;
        unsigned a = (pixel >> 24) & 0xff;
        return Color::New(mapnik::color(r,g,b,a));
Handle<Value> ImageView::save(const Arguments& args)
    HandleScope scope;

    if (!args.Length() >= 1 || !args[0]->IsString()){
        return ThrowException(Exception::TypeError(
          String::New("filename required")));
    std::string filename = TOSTR(args[0]);
    std::string format("");
    if (args.Length() >= 2) {
        if (!args[1]->IsString())
          return ThrowException(Exception::TypeError(
            String::New("both 'filename' and 'format' arguments must be strings")));

        format = mapnik::guess_type(TOSTR(args[1]));
        if (format == "<unknown>") {
            std::ostringstream s("");
            s << "unknown output extension for: " << filename << "\n";
            return ThrowException(Exception::Error(

    ImageView* im = ObjectWrap::Unwrap<ImageView>(args.This());
    catch (const std::exception & ex)
        return ThrowException(Exception::Error(
    catch (...)
        return ThrowException(Exception::TypeError(
          String::New("unknown exception happened while saving an image, please submit a bug report")));
    return Undefined();
Handle<Value> ImageView::isSolid(const Arguments& args)
    HandleScope scope;
    ImageView* im = ObjectWrap::Unwrap<ImageView>(args.This());
    image_view_ptr view = im->get();
    if (view->width() > 0 && view->height() > 0)
        mapnik::image_view<mapnik::image_data_32>::pixel_type const* first_row = view->getRow(0);
        mapnik::image_view<mapnik::image_data_32>::pixel_type const first_pixel = first_row[0];
        for (unsigned y = 0; y < view->height(); ++y)
            mapnik::image_view<mapnik::image_data_32>::pixel_type const * row = view->getRow(y);
            for (unsigned x = 0; x < view->width(); ++x)
                if (first_pixel != row[x])
                    return scope.Close(Boolean::New(false));
    return scope.Close(Boolean::New(true));