/* module functions */
static PyObject * 
open(PyObject *self, PyObject *args) 
    char* Name;
    const char* DocName=0;
    if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args, "et|s","utf-8",&Name,&DocName))
        return NULL;
    std::string EncodedName = std::string(Name);

    PY_TRY {
        QString fileName = QString::fromUtf8(EncodedName.c_str());
        QFileInfo file(fileName);

        // Load image from file into a QImage object
        QImage imageq(fileName);

        // Extract image into a general RGB format recognised by the ImageView class
        int format = IB_CF_RGB24;
        unsigned char *pPixelData = NULL;
        if (imageq.isNull() == false) {
            pPixelData = new unsigned char[3 * (unsigned long)imageq.width() * (unsigned long)imageq.height()];
            unsigned char *pPix = pPixelData;
            for (int r = 0; r < imageq.height(); r++) {
                for (int c = 0; c < imageq.width(); c++) {
                    QRgb rgb = imageq.pixel(c,r);
                    *pPix = (unsigned char)qRed(rgb);
                    *(pPix + 1) = (unsigned char)qGreen(rgb);
                    *(pPix + 2) = (unsigned char)qBlue(rgb);
                    pPix += 3;
            Py_Error(Base::BaseExceptionFreeCADError,"Could not load image");

        // Displaying the image in a view.
        // This ImageView object takes ownership of the pixel data (in 'pointImageTo') so we don't need to delete it here
        ImageView* iView = new ImageView(Gui::getMainWindow());
        iView->setWindowIcon( Gui::BitmapFactory().pixmap("colors") );
        iView->resize( 400, 300 );
        Gui::getMainWindow()->addWindow( iView );
        iView->pointImageTo((void *)pPixelData, (unsigned long)imageq.width(), (unsigned long)imageq.height(), format, 0, true);

    } PY_CATCH;
