Exemple #1
InputParameters validParams<Compute2DFiniteStrain>()
  InputParameters params = validParams<ComputeFiniteStrain>();
  params.addClassDescription("Compute a strain increment and rotation increment for finite strains in 2D geometries.");
  return params;
InputParameters validParams<ComputeRSphericalIncrementalStrain>()
    InputParameters params = validParams<ComputeIncrementalSmallStrain>();
    params.addClassDescription("Compute a strain increment for incremental strains in 1D spherical symmetry problems.");
    return params;
InputParameters validParams<NodalMaxVarChange>()
  InputParameters params = validParams<NodalVariablePostprocessor>();
  params.addClassDescription("This postprocessor returns the value max(abs(variable - variable_old)) for the specified variable.");
  return params;
InputParameters validParams<ComputeRSphericalFiniteStrain>()
    InputParameters params = validParams<ComputeFiniteStrain>();
    params.addClassDescription("Compute a strain increment and rotation increment for finite strains in 1D spherical symmetry problems.");
    return params;
Exemple #5
InputParameters validParams<PorousFlowMethane>()
  InputParameters params = validParams<PorousFlowFluidPropertiesBase>();
  params.addClassDescription("This Material calculates fluid properties for methane");
  return params;
InputParameters validParams<ComputeSmallStrain>()
  InputParameters params = validParams<ComputeStrainBase>();
  params.addClassDescription("Compute a small strain.");
  return params;
InputParameters validParams<ComputeAxisymmetricRZFiniteStrain>()
  InputParameters params = validParams<Compute2DFiniteStrain>();
  params.addClassDescription("Compute a strain increment and rotation increment for finite strains under axisymmetric assumptions.");
  return params;
  InputParameters params = validParams<ComputeMultipleInelasticStress>();
  params.addClassDescription("Compute stress using a fixed smeared cracking model");
  MooseEnum cracking_release("abrupt exponential power", "abrupt");
      "The cracking release type.  'abrupt' (default) gives an abrupt "
      "stress release, 'exponential' uses an exponential softening model, "
      "and 'power' uses a power law",
      "This is replaced by the use of 'softening_models' together with a separate block defining "
      "a softening model");
      "The material objects used to compute softening behavior for loading a crack."
      "Either 1 or 3 models must be specified. If a single model is specified, it is"
      "used for all directions. If 3 models are specified, they will be used for the"
      "3 crack directions in sequence");
      "The fraction of the cracking stress allowed to be maintained following a crack.",
      "This is replaced by the use of 'softening_models' together with a separate block defining "
      "a softening model");
      "The stress threshold beyond which cracking occurs. Negative values prevent cracking.");
  MultiMooseEnum direction("x y z");
      "prescribed_crack_directions", direction, "Prescribed directions of first cracks");
  params.addParam<unsigned int>(
      "max_cracks", 3, "The maximum number of cracks allowed at a material point.");
                                    "cracking_neg_fraction <= 1 & cracking_neg_fraction >= 0",
                                    "The fraction of the cracking strain at which "
                                    "a transitition begins during decreasing "
                                    "strain to the original stiffness.");
      "Coefficient used to control the softening in the exponential model.  "
      "When set to 1, the initial softening slope is equal to the negative "
      "of the Young's modulus.  Smaller numbers scale down that slope.",
      "This is replaced by the use of 'softening_models' together with a separate block defining "
      "a softening model");
      "Maximum permitted correction to the predicted stress as a ratio of the "
      "stress change to the predicted stress from the previous step's damage level. "
      "Values less than 1 will improve robustness, but not be as accurate.");

      "shear_retention_factor>=0 & shear_retention_factor<=1.0",
      "Fraction of original shear stiffness to be retained after cracking");
  params.set<std::vector<MaterialName>>("inelastic_models") = {};

  return params;
InputParameters validParams<PorousFlowRelativePermeabilityBase>()
  InputParameters params = validParams<PorousFlowMaterialBase>();
  params.addClassDescription("Base class for PorousFlow relative permeability materials");
  return params;
InputParameters validParams<GBDependentAnisotropicTensor>()
  InputParameters params = validParams<GBDependentTensorBase>();
  params.addClassDescription("Compute anisotropic rank two tensor based on GB phase variable");
  return params;
InputParameters validParams<ComputeCosseratLinearElasticStress>()
  InputParameters params = validParams<ComputeCosseratStressBase>();
  params.addClassDescription("Compute Cosserat stress and couple-stress elasticity for small strains");
  return params;
InputParameters validParams<ComputeVariableElasticConstantStress>()
  InputParameters params = validParams<ComputeFiniteStrainElasticStress>();
  params.addClassDescription("Compute elastic stress for finite strains when the elasticity tensor components change, e.g. the elastic constants are a function of temperature");
  return params;
Exemple #13
InputParameters validParams<SplitCHMath>()
  InputParameters params = validParams<SplitCHCRes>();
  params.addClassDescription("Simple demonstration split formulation Cahn-Hilliard Kernel using an algebraic double-well potential");
  return params;
Exemple #14
InputParameters validParams<GBDependentDiffusivity>()
  InputParameters params = validParams<GBDependentTensorBase>();
  params.addClassDescription("Compute diffusivity rank two tensor based on GB phase variable");
  return params;
InputParameters validParams<ComputeFiniteStrainElasticStress>()
  InputParameters params = validParams<ComputeStressBase>();
  params.addClassDescription("Compute stress using elasticity for finite strains");
  return params;
InputParameters validParams<Compute2DIncrementalStrain>()
  InputParameters params = validParams<ComputeIncrementalSmallStrain>();
  params.addClassDescription("Compute strain increment for incremental strains in 2D geometries.");
  return params;
InputParameters validParams<ComputeAxisymmetricRZSmallStrain>()
  InputParameters params = validParams<Compute2DSmallStrain>();
  params.addClassDescription("Compute a small strain in an Axisymmetric geometry");
  return params;
InputParameters validParams<BimodalInverseSuperellipsoidsIC>()
  InputParameters params = validParams<BimodalSuperellipsoidsIC>();
  params.addClassDescription("Bimodal size distribution of large particles (specified in input file, value invalue) and small particles (placed randomly inside the larger particles, value outvalue)");
  return params;
InputParameters validParams<TensorMechanicsHardeningModel>()
  InputParameters params = validParams<GeneralUserObject>();
  params.addClassDescription("Hardening Model base class.  Override the virtual functions in your class");
  return params;
InputParameters validParams<ComputeIncrementalSmallStrain>()
    InputParameters params = validParams<ComputeIncrementalStrainBase>();
    params.addClassDescription("Compute a strain increment and rotation increment for small strains.");
    return params;
InputParameters validParams<MaterialStdVectorAux>()
    InputParameters params = validParams<MaterialStdVectorAuxBase<> >();
    params.addClassDescription("Extracts a component of a material type std::vector<Real> to an aux variable.  If the std::vector is not of sufficient size then zero is returned");
    return params;
InputParameters validParams<SlopeReconstructionBase>()
  InputParameters params = validParams<ElementLoopUserObject>();
  params.addClassDescription("Base class for piecewise linear slope reconstruction to get the slopes of element average variables.");
  return params;
InputParameters validParams<PorousFlowVariableBase>()
  InputParameters params = validParams<PorousFlowMaterial>();
  params.addClassDescription("Base class for thermophysical variable materials. Provides pressure and saturation material properties for all phases as required");
  return params;
Exemple #24
InputParameters validParams<NaClFluidProperties>()
  InputParameters params = validParams<SinglePhaseFluidPropertiesPT>();
  params.addClassDescription("Fluid properties for NaCl");
  return params;
InputParameters validParams<RichardsDensityMethane20degC>()
  InputParameters params = validParams<RichardsDensity>();
  params.addClassDescription("Methane density (kg/m^3) at 20degC.  Pressure is assumed to be measured in Pascals.  NOTE: this expression is only valid to about P=20MPa.  Use van der Waals (RichardsDensityVDW) for higher pressures.");
  return params;
Exemple #26
InputParameters validParams<Compute2DSmallStrain>()
  InputParameters params = validParams<ComputeSmallStrain>();
  params.addClassDescription("Compute a small strain in a plane strain configuration.");
  return params;
InputParameters validParams<AEFVSlopeReconstructionOneD>()
  InputParameters params = validParams<SlopeReconstructionOneD>();
  params.addClassDescription("One-dimensional piecewise linear slope reconstruction to get the slope of cell average variable for the advection equation using a cell-centered finite volume method.");
  return params;
InputParameters validParams<PorousFlowEffectiveFluidPressure>()
  InputParameters params = validParams<PorousFlowMaterialVectorBase>();
  params.addClassDescription("This Material calculates an effective fluid pressure: effective_stress = total_stress + biot_coeff*effective_fluid_pressure.  The effective_fluid_pressure = sum_{phases}(S_phase * P_phase)");
  return params;
Exemple #29
InputParameters validParams<RichardsDensity>()
  InputParameters params = validParams<GeneralUserObject>();
  params.addClassDescription("Fluid density base class.  Override density, ddensity and d2density in your class");
  return params;
Exemple #30
InputParameters validParams<CahnHilliardAniso>()
  InputParameters params = CahnHilliardBase<RealTensorValue>::validParams();
  params.addClassDescription("Cahn-Hilliard Kernel that uses a DerivativeMaterial Free Energy and a tensor (anisotropic) mobility");
  return params;