Exemple #1
IntPoint ScrollableArea::constrainScrollPositionForOverhang(const IntRect& visibleContentRect, const IntSize& totalContentsSize, const IntPoint& scrollPosition, const IntPoint& scrollOrigin, int headerHeight, int footerHeight)
    // The viewport rect that we're scrolling shouldn't be larger than our document.
    IntSize idealScrollRectSize(std::min(visibleContentRect.width(), totalContentsSize.width()), std::min(visibleContentRect.height(), totalContentsSize.height()));
    IntRect scrollRect(scrollPosition + scrollOrigin - IntSize(0, headerHeight), idealScrollRectSize);
    IntRect documentRect(IntPoint(), IntSize(totalContentsSize.width(), totalContentsSize.height() - headerHeight - footerHeight));

    // Use intersection to constrain our ideal scroll rect by the document rect.

    if (scrollRect.size() != idealScrollRectSize) {
        // If the rect was clipped, restore its size, effectively pushing it "down" from the top left.

        // If we still clip, push our rect "up" from the bottom right.
        if (scrollRect.width() < idealScrollRectSize.width())
            scrollRect.move(-(idealScrollRectSize.width() - scrollRect.width()), 0);
        if (scrollRect.height() < idealScrollRectSize.height())
            scrollRect.move(0, -(idealScrollRectSize.height() - scrollRect.height()));

    return scrollRect.location() - toIntSize(scrollOrigin);
// Returns true if |a| and |b| share an entire edge (i.e., same width or same
// height), and the rectangles do not overlap.
static bool sharesEdge(const IntRect& a, const IntRect& b)
    return (a.y() == b.y() && a.height() == b.height() && (a.x() == b.maxX() || a.maxX() == b.x()))
        || (a.x() == b.x() && a.width() == b.width() && (a.y() == b.maxY() || a.maxY() == b.y()));
Exemple #3
void GraphicsContext::releaseWindowsContext(HDC hdc, const IntRect& dstRect, bool supportAlphaBlend, bool mayCreateBitmap)
    bool createdBitmap = mayCreateBitmap && (!m_data->m_hdc || isInTransparencyLayer());
    if (!hdc || !createdBitmap) {

    if (dstRect.isEmpty())

    OwnPtr<HBITMAP> bitmap = adoptPtr(static_cast<HBITMAP>(GetCurrentObject(hdc, OBJ_BITMAP)));

    DIBPixelData pixelData(bitmap.get());
    ASSERT(pixelData.bitsPerPixel() == 32);

    // If this context does not support alpha blending, then it may have
    // been drawn with GDI functions which always set the alpha channel
    // to zero. We need to manually set the bitmap to be fully opaque.
    unsigned char* bytes = reinterpret_cast<unsigned char*>(pixelData.buffer());
    if (!supportAlphaBlend)
        setRGBABitmapAlpha(bytes, pixelData.size().height() * pixelData.bytesPerRow(), 255);

    drawBitmapToContext(m_data, platformContext()->cr(), pixelData, IntSize(dstRect.x(), dstRect.height() + dstRect.y()));

Exemple #4
int ScrollbarTheme::thumbThickness(const ScrollbarThemeClient& scrollbar) {
  IntRect track = trackRect(scrollbar);
  return scrollbar.orientation() == HorizontalScrollbar ? track.height()
                                                        : track.width();
Exemple #5
void PrintContext::computePageRectsWithPageSizeInternal(const FloatSize& pageSizeInPixels, bool allowInlineDirectionTiling)
    if (!m_frame->document() || !m_frame->view() || !m_frame->document()->renderView())

    RenderView* view = m_frame->document()->renderView();

    IntRect docRect = view->documentRect();

    int pageWidth = pageSizeInPixels.width();
    int pageHeight = pageSizeInPixels.height();

    bool isHorizontal = view->style().isHorizontalWritingMode();

    int docLogicalHeight = isHorizontal ? docRect.height() : docRect.width();
    int pageLogicalHeight = isHorizontal ? pageHeight : pageWidth;
    int pageLogicalWidth = isHorizontal ? pageWidth : pageHeight;

    int inlineDirectionStart;
    int inlineDirectionEnd;
    int blockDirectionStart;
    int blockDirectionEnd;
    if (isHorizontal) {
        if (view->style().isFlippedBlocksWritingMode()) {
            blockDirectionStart = docRect.maxY();
            blockDirectionEnd = docRect.y();
        } else {
            blockDirectionStart = docRect.y();
            blockDirectionEnd = docRect.maxY();
        inlineDirectionStart = view->style().isLeftToRightDirection() ? docRect.x() : docRect.maxX();
        inlineDirectionEnd = view->style().isLeftToRightDirection() ? docRect.maxX() : docRect.x();
    } else {
        if (view->style().isFlippedBlocksWritingMode()) {
            blockDirectionStart = docRect.maxX();
            blockDirectionEnd = docRect.x();
        } else {
            blockDirectionStart = docRect.x();
            blockDirectionEnd = docRect.maxX();
        inlineDirectionStart = view->style().isLeftToRightDirection() ? docRect.y() : docRect.maxY();
        inlineDirectionEnd = view->style().isLeftToRightDirection() ? docRect.maxY() : docRect.y();

    unsigned pageCount = ceilf((float)docLogicalHeight / pageLogicalHeight);
    for (unsigned i = 0; i < pageCount; ++i) {
        int pageLogicalTop = blockDirectionEnd > blockDirectionStart ?
                                blockDirectionStart + i * pageLogicalHeight : 
                                blockDirectionStart - (i + 1) * pageLogicalHeight;
        if (allowInlineDirectionTiling) {
            for (int currentInlinePosition = inlineDirectionStart;
                 inlineDirectionEnd > inlineDirectionStart ? currentInlinePosition < inlineDirectionEnd : currentInlinePosition > inlineDirectionEnd;
                 currentInlinePosition += (inlineDirectionEnd > inlineDirectionStart ? pageLogicalWidth : -pageLogicalWidth)) {
                int pageLogicalLeft = inlineDirectionEnd > inlineDirectionStart ? currentInlinePosition : currentInlinePosition - pageLogicalWidth;
                IntRect pageRect(pageLogicalLeft, pageLogicalTop, pageLogicalWidth, pageLogicalHeight);
                if (!isHorizontal)
                    pageRect = pageRect.transposedRect();
        } else {
            int pageLogicalLeft = inlineDirectionEnd > inlineDirectionStart ? inlineDirectionStart : inlineDirectionStart - pageLogicalWidth;
            IntRect pageRect(pageLogicalLeft, pageLogicalTop, pageLogicalWidth, pageLogicalHeight);
            if (!isHorizontal)
                pageRect = pageRect.transposedRect();
bool GLWebViewState::drawGL(IntRect& rect, SkRect& viewport, IntRect* invalRect,
                            IntRect& webViewRect, int titleBarHeight,
                            IntRect& clip, float scale,
                            bool* treesSwappedPtr, bool* newTreeHasAnimPtr)
        m_start_time = currentTime();
        m_current_time = currentTime();
        m_total_time = 0;
        m_iterations = 0;
        m_avg_fps = 0;
        m_counter_test = 0;
        m_start = false;
        m_current_time = currentTime();
        m_total_time = m_current_time - m_start_time;
        if(m_total_time > 15)
            m_avg_fps = m_iterations/m_total_time;

    m_scale = scale;

#ifdef DEBUG

    float viewWidth = (viewport.fRight - viewport.fLeft) * TILE_PREFETCH_RATIO;
    float viewHeight = (viewport.fBottom - viewport.fTop) * TILE_PREFETCH_RATIO;
    bool useMinimalMemory = TilesManager::instance()->useMinimalMemory();
    bool useHorzPrefetch = useMinimalMemory ? 0 : viewWidth < baseContentWidth();
    bool useVertPrefetch = useMinimalMemory ? 0 : viewHeight < baseContentHeight();
    m_expandedTileBoundsX = (useHorzPrefetch) ? TILE_PREFETCH_DISTANCE : 0;
    m_expandedTileBoundsY = (useVertPrefetch) ? TILE_PREFETCH_DISTANCE : 0;

    XLOG("drawGL, rect(%d, %d, %d, %d), viewport(%.2f, %.2f, %.2f, %.2f)",
         rect.x(), rect.y(), rect.width(), rect.height(),
         viewport.fLeft, viewport.fTop, viewport.fRight, viewport.fBottom);


    // when adding or removing layers, use the the paintingBaseLayer's tree so
    // that content that moves to the base layer from a layer is synchronized

    if (scale < MIN_SCALE_WARNING || scale > MAX_SCALE_WARNING)
        XLOGC("WARNING, scale seems corrupted before update: %e", scale);

    // Here before we draw, update the BaseTile which has updated content.
    // Inside this function, just do GPU blits from the transfer queue into
    // the BaseTiles' texture.

    // Upload any pending ImageTexture
    // Return true if we still have some images to upload.
    // TODO: upload as many textures as possible within a certain time limit
    bool ret = ImagesManager::instance()->prepareTextures(this);

    if (scale < MIN_SCALE_WARNING || scale > MAX_SCALE_WARNING)
        XLOGC("WARNING, scale seems corrupted after update: %e", scale);

    // gather the textures we can use

    double currentTime = setupDrawing(rect, viewport, webViewRect, titleBarHeight, clip, scale);

    TexturesResult nbTexturesNeeded;
    bool fastSwap = isScrolling() || m_layersRenderingMode == kSingleSurfaceRendering;
    ret |= m_treeManager.drawGL(currentTime, rect, viewport,
                                scale, fastSwap,
                                treesSwappedPtr, newTreeHasAnimPtr,
    if (!ret)

    int nbTexturesForImages = ImagesManager::instance()->nbTextures();
    XLOG("*** We have %d textures for images, %d full, %d clipped, total %d / %d",
          nbTexturesForImages, nbTexturesNeeded.full, nbTexturesNeeded.clipped,
          nbTexturesNeeded.full + nbTexturesForImages,
          nbTexturesNeeded.clipped + nbTexturesForImages);
    nbTexturesNeeded.full += nbTexturesForImages;
    nbTexturesNeeded.clipped += nbTexturesForImages;
    ret |= setLayersRenderingMode(nbTexturesNeeded);

    FloatRect extrasclip(0, 0, rect.width(), rect.height());

    m_glExtras.drawGL(webViewRect, viewport, titleBarHeight);

    glBindBuffer(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, 0);

    // Clean up GL textures for video layer.
    ret |= TilesManager::instance()->invertedScreenSwitch();

    if (ret) {
        // ret==true && empty inval region means we've inval'd everything,
        // but don't have new content. Keep redrawing full view (0,0,0,0)
        // until tile generation catches up and we swap pages.
        bool fullScreenInval = m_frameworkInval.isEmpty();

        if (TilesManager::instance()->invertedScreenSwitch()) {
            fullScreenInval = true;

        if (!fullScreenInval) {
            FloatRect frameworkInval = TilesManager::instance()->shader()->rectInInvScreenCoord(
            // Inflate the invalidate rect to avoid precision lost.
            IntRect inval(frameworkInval.x(), frameworkInval.y(),
                    frameworkInval.width(), frameworkInval.height());



            XLOG("invalRect(%d, %d, %d, %d)", inval.x(),
                    inval.y(), inval.width(), inval.height());

            if (!invalRect->intersects(rect)) {
                // invalidate is occurring offscreen, do full inval to guarantee redraw
                fullScreenInval = true;

        if (fullScreenInval) {
    } else {

    if (m_measurePerfs) {
        m_delayTimes[m_timeCounter++] = delta;
        if (m_timeCounter >= MAX_MEASURES_PERF)

#ifdef DEBUG


    return ret;
HDC GraphicsContext::getWindowsContext(const IntRect& dstRect, bool supportAlphaBlend, bool mayCreateBitmap)
    if (dstRect.isEmpty())
        return 0;

        m_data->hdc_surface = cairo_win32_surface_create_with_dib(CAIRO_FORMAT_RGB24, dstRect.width(), dstRect.height());

        // see http://cairographics.org/FAQ/#paint_from_a_surface
        cairo_surface_t* source = cairo_get_target( m_data->cr );
        cairo_t *cr = cairo_create ( m_data->hdc_surface );
        cairo_set_source_surface (cr, source, -dstRect.x(), -dstRect.y() );

        m_data->m_hdc = cairo_win32_surface_get_dc(m_data->hdc_surface);


    HDC hdc = m_data->m_hdc;
    return hdc;
Exemple #8
// Updates the contents of the root layer texture that fall inside the updateRect
// and re-composits all sublayers.
void LayerRendererChromium::drawLayers(const IntRect& updateRect, const IntRect& visibleRect,
                                       const IntRect& contentRect, const IntPoint& scrollPosition)

    if (!m_rootLayer)


    GLC(glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, m_rootLayerTextureId));

    // If the size of the visible area has changed then allocate a new texture
    // to store the contents of the root layer and adjust the projection matrix
    // and viewport.
    int visibleRectWidth = visibleRect.width();
    int visibleRectHeight = visibleRect.height();
    if (visibleRectWidth != m_rootLayerTextureWidth || visibleRectHeight != m_rootLayerTextureHeight) {
        m_rootLayerTextureWidth = visibleRect.width();
        m_rootLayerTextureHeight = visibleRect.height();

        m_projectionMatrix = orthoMatrix(0, visibleRectWidth, visibleRectHeight, 0, -1000, 1000);
        GLC(glTexImage2D(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, GL_RGBA, m_rootLayerTextureWidth, m_rootLayerTextureHeight, 0, GL_RGBA, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, 0));

    // The GL viewport covers the entire visible area, including the scrollbars.
    GLC(glViewport(0, 0, visibleRectWidth, visibleRectHeight));

    // Bind the common vertex attributes used for drawing all the layers.

    // FIXME: These calls can be made once, when the compositor context is initialized.

    if (m_scrollPosition == IntPoint(-1, -1))
        m_scrollPosition = scrollPosition;

    IntPoint scrollDelta = toPoint(scrollPosition - m_scrollPosition);
    // Scroll only when the updateRect contains pixels for the newly uncovered region to avoid flashing.
    if ((scrollDelta.x() && updateRect.width() >= abs(scrollDelta.x()) && updateRect.height() >= contentRect.height())
        || (scrollDelta.y() && updateRect.height() >= abs(scrollDelta.y()) && updateRect.width() >= contentRect.width())) {
        // Scrolling works as follows: We render a quad with the current root layer contents
        // translated by the amount the page has scrolled since the last update and then read the
        // pixels of the content area (visible area excluding the scroll bars) back into the
        // root layer texture. The newly exposed area is subesquently filled as usual with
        // the contents of the updateRect.
        TransformationMatrix scrolledLayerMatrix;
        float scaleFactor = 1.0f;
        // Because the contents of the OpenGL texture are inverted
        // vertically compared to the Skia backend, we need to move
        // the backing store in the opposite direction.
        float scaleFactor = -1.0f;
#error "Need to implement for your platform."

        scrolledLayerMatrix.translate3d(0.5 * visibleRect.width() - scrollDelta.x(),
            0.5 * visibleRect.height() + scaleFactor * scrollDelta.y(), 0);
        scrolledLayerMatrix.scale3d(1, -1, 1);

        GLC(glUniform1i(m_scrollShaderSamplerLocation, 0));
        LayerChromium::drawTexturedQuad(m_projectionMatrix, scrolledLayerMatrix,
                                        visibleRect.width(), visibleRect.height(), 1,
                                        m_scrollShaderMatrixLocation, -1);

        GLC(glCopyTexSubImage2D(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, contentRect.width(), contentRect.height()));
        m_scrollPosition = scrollPosition;
    } else if (abs(scrollDelta.y()) > contentRect.height() || abs(scrollDelta.x()) > contentRect.width()) {
        // Scrolling larger than the contentRect size does not preserve any of the pixels, so there is
        // no need to copy framebuffer pixels back into the texture.
        m_scrollPosition = scrollPosition;

    // FIXME: The following check should go away when the compositor renders independently from its own thread.
    // Ignore a 1x1 update rect at (0, 0) as that's used a way to kick off a redraw for the compositor.
    if (!(!updateRect.x() && !updateRect.y() && updateRect.width() == 1 && updateRect.height() == 1)) {
        // Update the root layer texture.
        ASSERT((updateRect.x() + updateRect.width() <= m_rootLayerTextureWidth)
               && (updateRect.y() + updateRect.height() <= m_rootLayerTextureHeight));

        // Get the contents of the updated rect.
        const SkBitmap bitmap = m_rootLayerCanvas->getDevice()->accessBitmap(false);
        int rootLayerWidth = bitmap.width();
        int rootLayerHeight = bitmap.height();
        ASSERT(rootLayerWidth == updateRect.width() && rootLayerHeight == updateRect.height());
        void* pixels = bitmap.getPixels();

        // Copy the contents of the updated rect to the root layer texture.
        GLC(glTexSubImage2D(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, updateRect.x(), updateRect.y(), updateRect.width(), updateRect.height(), GL_RGBA, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, pixels));
        // Get the contents of the updated rect.
        ASSERT(static_cast<int>(CGBitmapContextGetWidth(m_rootLayerCGContext.get())) == updateRect.width() && static_cast<int>(CGBitmapContextGetHeight(m_rootLayerCGContext.get())) == updateRect.height());
        void* pixels = m_rootLayerBackingStore.data();

        // Copy the contents of the updated rect to the root layer texture.
        // The origin is at the lower left in Core Graphics' coordinate system. We need to correct for this here.
        GLC(glTexSubImage2D(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0,
                            updateRect.x(), m_rootLayerTextureHeight - updateRect.y() - updateRect.height(),
                            updateRect.width(), updateRect.height(),
                            GL_RGBA, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, pixels));
#error "Need to implement for your platform."

    glClearColor(0, 0, 1, 1);

    // Render the root layer using a quad that takes up the entire visible area of the window.
    // We reuse the shader program used by ContentLayerChromium.
    const ContentLayerChromium::SharedValues* contentLayerValues = contentLayerSharedValues();
    GLC(glUniform1i(contentLayerValues->shaderSamplerLocation(), 0));
    TransformationMatrix layerMatrix;
    layerMatrix.translate3d(visibleRect.width() * 0.5f, visibleRect.height() * 0.5f, 0);
    LayerChromium::drawTexturedQuad(m_projectionMatrix, layerMatrix,
                                    visibleRect.width(), visibleRect.height(), 1,
                                    contentLayerValues->shaderMatrixLocation(), contentLayerValues->shaderAlphaLocation());

    // If culling is enabled then we will cull the backface.
    // The orthographic projection is setup such that Y starts at zero and
    // increases going down the page so we need to adjust the winding order of
    // front facing triangles.

    // The shader used to render layers returns pre-multiplied alpha colors
    // so we need to send the blending mode appropriately.

    // Translate all the composited layers by the scroll position.
    TransformationMatrix matrix;
    matrix.translate3d(-m_scrollPosition.x(), -m_scrollPosition.y(), 0);

    // Traverse the layer tree and update the layer transforms.
    float opacity = 1;
    const Vector<RefPtr<LayerChromium> >& sublayers = m_rootLayer->getSublayers();
    size_t i;
    for (i = 0; i < sublayers.size(); i++)
        updateLayersRecursive(sublayers[i].get(), matrix, opacity);

    m_rootVisibleRect = visibleRect;

    // Enable scissoring to avoid rendering composited layers over the scrollbars.
    FloatRect scissorRect(contentRect);
    // The scissorRect should not include the scroll offset.
    scissorRect.move(-m_scrollPosition.x(), -m_scrollPosition.y());

    // Clear the stencil buffer to 0.
    // Disable writes to the stencil buffer.

    // Traverse the layer tree one more time to draw the layers.
    for (i = 0; i < sublayers.size(); i++)
        drawLayersRecursive(sublayers[i].get(), scissorRect);



    m_needsDisplay = false;
Exemple #9
bool Surface::blitFromContents(Tile* tile)
    if (!singleLayer() || !tile || !getFirstLayer() || !getFirstLayer()->content())
        return false;

    if (tile->frontTexture() != tile->lastDrawnTexture()) {
        // CAPPFIX_FLICKERING: fix flickering issue at floating browser mode
        return false;

        // the below works around an issue where glTexSubImage2d can't update a
        // texture that hasn't drawn yet by drawing it off screen.
        // glFlush() and glFinish() work also, but are likely more wasteful.
        SkRect rect = SkRect::MakeXYWH(-100, -100, 0, 0);
        FloatRect fillPortion(0, 0, 0, 0);
        tile->frontTexture()->drawGL(false, rect, 1.0f, 0, false, true, fillPortion);
    LayerContent* content = getFirstLayer()->content();
    // Extract the dirty rect from the region. Note that this is *NOT* constrained
    // to this tile
    IntRect dirtyRect = tile->dirtyArea().getBounds();
    IntRect tileRect = IntRect(tile->x() * TilesManager::tileWidth(),
                               tile->y() * TilesManager::tileHeight(),
    FloatRect tileRectInDoc = tileRect;
    tileRectInDoc.scale(1 / tile->scale());
    PrerenderedInval* prerenderedInval = content->prerenderForRect(dirtyRect);
    if (!prerenderedInval || prerenderedInval->bitmap.isNull())
        return false;
    SkBitmap sourceBitmap = prerenderedInval->bitmap;
    // Calculate the screen rect that is dirty, then intersect it with the
    // tile's screen rect so that we end up with the pixels we need to blit
    FloatRect screenDirty = dirtyRect;
    IntRect enclosingScreenDirty = enclosingIntRect(screenDirty);
    if (enclosingScreenDirty.isEmpty())
        return false;
    // Make sure the screen area we want to blit is contained by the
    // prerendered screen area
    if (!prerenderedInval->screenArea.contains(enclosingScreenDirty)) {
        ALOGD("prerendered->screenArea " INT_RECT_FORMAT " doesn't contain "
                "enclosingScreenDirty " INT_RECT_FORMAT,
        return false;
    IntPoint origin = prerenderedInval->screenArea.location();
    SkBitmap subset;
    subset.setConfig(sourceBitmap.config(), enclosingScreenDirty.width(),

    int topOffset = enclosingScreenDirty.y() - prerenderedInval->screenArea.y();
    int leftOffset = enclosingScreenDirty.x() - prerenderedInval->screenArea.x();
    if (!GLUtils::deepCopyBitmapSubset(sourceBitmap, subset, leftOffset, topOffset))
        return false;
    // Now upload
    SkIRect textureInval = SkIRect::MakeXYWH(enclosingScreenDirty.x() - tileRect.x(),
                                             enclosingScreenDirty.y() - tileRect.y(),
                                     subset, textureInval);
    return true;
PassRefPtr<ByteArray> getImageData(const IntRect& rect, SkDevice& srcDevice,
                                   const IntSize& size)
    RefPtr<ByteArray> result = ByteArray::create(rect.width() * rect.height() * 4);

    SkBitmap::Config srcConfig = srcDevice.accessBitmap(false).config();

    if (srcConfig == SkBitmap::kNo_Config) {
        // This is an empty SkBitmap that could not be configured.
        ASSERT(!size.width() || !size.height());
        return result.release();

    unsigned char* data = result->data();

    if (rect.x() < 0
        || rect.y() < 0
        || rect.maxX() > size.width()
        || rect.maxY() > size.height())
        memset(data, 0, result->length());

    int originX = rect.x();
    int destX = 0;
    if (originX < 0) {
        destX = -originX;
        originX = 0;
    int endX = rect.maxX();
    if (endX > size.width())
        endX = size.width();
    int numColumns = endX - originX;

    if (numColumns <= 0)
        return result.release();

    int originY = rect.y();
    int destY = 0;
    if (originY < 0) {
        destY = -originY;
        originY = 0;
    int endY = rect.maxY();
    if (endY > size.height())
        endY = size.height();
    int numRows = endY - originY;

    if (numRows <= 0)
        return result.release();

    ASSERT(srcConfig == SkBitmap::kARGB_8888_Config);

    unsigned destBytesPerRow = 4 * rect.width();

    SkBitmap srcBitmap;
    srcDevice.readPixels(SkIRect::MakeXYWH(originX, originY, numColumns, numRows), &srcBitmap);

    unsigned char* destRow = data + destY * destBytesPerRow + destX * 4;

    // Do conversion of byte order and alpha divide (if necessary)
    for (int y = 0; y < numRows; ++y) {
        SkPMColor* srcBitmapRow = srcBitmap.getAddr32(0, y);
        for (int x = 0; x < numColumns; ++x) {
            SkPMColor srcPMColor = srcBitmapRow[x];
            unsigned char* destPixel = &destRow[x * 4];
            if (multiplied == Unmultiplied) {
                unsigned char a = SkGetPackedA32(srcPMColor);
                destPixel[0] = a ? SkGetPackedR32(srcPMColor) * 255 / a : 0;
                destPixel[1] = a ? SkGetPackedG32(srcPMColor) * 255 / a : 0;
                destPixel[2] = a ? SkGetPackedB32(srcPMColor) * 255 / a : 0;
                destPixel[3] = a;
            } else {
                // Input and output are both pre-multiplied, we just need to re-arrange the
                // bytes from the bitmap format to RGBA.
                destPixel[0] = SkGetPackedR32(srcPMColor);
                destPixel[1] = SkGetPackedG32(srcPMColor);
                destPixel[2] = SkGetPackedB32(srcPMColor);
                destPixel[3] = SkGetPackedA32(srcPMColor);
        destRow += destBytesPerRow;

    return result.release();
void putImageData(ByteArray*& source, const IntSize& sourceSize, const IntRect& sourceRect, const IntPoint& destPoint,
                  SkDevice* dstDevice, const IntSize& size)
    ASSERT(sourceRect.width() > 0);
    ASSERT(sourceRect.height() > 0);

    int originX = sourceRect.x();
    int destX = destPoint.x() + sourceRect.x();
    ASSERT(destX >= 0);
    ASSERT(destX < size.width());
    ASSERT(originX >= 0);
    ASSERT(originX < sourceRect.maxX());

    int endX = destPoint.x() + sourceRect.maxX();
    ASSERT(endX <= size.width());

    int numColumns = endX - destX;

    int originY = sourceRect.y();
    int destY = destPoint.y() + sourceRect.y();
    ASSERT(destY >= 0);
    ASSERT(destY < size.height());
    ASSERT(originY >= 0);
    ASSERT(originY < sourceRect.maxY());

    int endY = destPoint.y() + sourceRect.maxY();
    ASSERT(endY <= size.height());
    int numRows = endY - destY;

    unsigned srcBytesPerRow = 4 * sourceSize.width();

    SkBitmap deviceBitmap = dstDevice->accessBitmap(true);
    SkAutoLockPixels deviceAutoLock(deviceBitmap);

    // If the device's bitmap doesn't have pixels we will make a temp and call writePixels on the device.
    bool temporaryBitmap = !deviceBitmap.getPixels();
    SkBitmap destBitmap;

    if (temporaryBitmap) {
        destBitmap.setConfig(SkBitmap::kARGB_8888_Config, numColumns, numRows, srcBytesPerRow);
        if (!destBitmap.allocPixels())
    } else
        deviceBitmap.extractSubset(&destBitmap, SkIRect::MakeXYWH(destX, destY, numColumns, numRows));

    // Whether we made a temporary or not destBitmap is always configured to be written at 0,0
    SkAutoLockPixels destAutoLock(destBitmap);
    const unsigned char* srcRow = source->data() + originY * srcBytesPerRow + originX * 4;
    for (int y = 0; y < numRows; ++y) {
        SkPMColor* destRow = destBitmap.getAddr32(0, y);
        for (int x = 0; x < numColumns; ++x) {
            const unsigned char* srcPixel = &srcRow[x * 4];
            if (multiplied == Unmultiplied) {
                unsigned char alpha = srcPixel[3];
                unsigned char r = SkMulDiv255Ceiling(srcPixel[0], alpha);
                unsigned char g = SkMulDiv255Ceiling(srcPixel[1], alpha);
                unsigned char b = SkMulDiv255Ceiling(srcPixel[2], alpha);
                destRow[x] = SkPackARGB32(alpha, r, g, b);
            } else
                destRow[x] = SkPackARGB32(srcPixel[3], srcPixel[0], srcPixel[1], srcPixel[2]);
        srcRow += srcBytesPerRow;

    // If we used a temporary then write it to the device
    if (temporaryBitmap)
        dstDevice->writePixels(destBitmap, destX, destY);
Exemple #12
void PluginView::invalidateRect(const IntRect& rect)
    if (m_isWindowed) {
        gtk_widget_queue_draw_area(GTK_WIDGET(platformPluginWidget()), rect.x(), rect.y(), rect.width(), rect.height());

void GraphicsContext::drawFocusRing(const Color& color)
    if (paintingDisabled())

    int radius = (focusRingWidth() - 1) / 2;
    int offset = radius + focusRingOffset();

    const Vector<IntRect>& rects = focusRingRects();
    unsigned rectCount = rects.size();
    IntRect finalFocusRect;
    for (unsigned i = 0; i < rectCount; i++) {
        IntRect focusRect = rects[i];

    cairo_t* cr = m_data->cr;
    // FIXME: These rects should be rounded
    cairo_rectangle(cr, finalFocusRect.x(), finalFocusRect.y(), finalFocusRect.width(), finalFocusRect.height());

    // Force the alpha to 50%.  This matches what the Mac does with outline rings.
    Color ringColor(color.red(), color.green(), color.blue(), 127);
    setColor(cr, ringColor);
void GraphicsContext::strokeArc(const IntRect& rect, int startAngle, int angleSpan)
    if (paintingDisabled() || strokeStyle() == NoStroke)

    int x = rect.x();
    int y = rect.y();
    float w = rect.width();
    float h = rect.height();
    float scaleFactor = h / w;
    float reverseScaleFactor = w / h;

    float hRadius = w / 2;
    float vRadius = h / 2;
    float fa = startAngle;
    float falen =  fa + angleSpan;

    cairo_t* cr = m_data->cr;

    if (w != h)
        cairo_scale(cr, 1., scaleFactor);
    cairo_arc_negative(cr, x + hRadius, (y + vRadius) * reverseScaleFactor, hRadius, -fa * M_PI/180, -falen * M_PI/180);

    if (w != h)
        cairo_scale(cr, 1., reverseScaleFactor);

    float width = strokeThickness();
    int patWidth = 0;
    switch (strokeStyle()) {
        case DottedStroke:
            patWidth = static_cast<int>(width / 2);
        case DashedStroke:
            patWidth = 3 * static_cast<int>(width / 2);

    setColor(cr, strokeColor());

    if (patWidth) {
        // Example: 80 pixels with a width of 30 pixels.
        // Remainder is 20.  The maximum pixels of line we could paint
        // will be 50 pixels.
        int distance;
        if (hRadius == vRadius)
            distance = static_cast<int>((M_PI * hRadius) / 2.0);
        else // We are elliptical and will have to estimate the distance
            distance = static_cast<int>((M_PI * sqrtf((hRadius * hRadius + vRadius * vRadius) / 2.0)) / 2.0);
        int remainder = distance % patWidth;
        int coverage = distance - remainder;
        int numSegments = coverage / patWidth;

        float patternOffset = 0.0;
        // Special case 1px dotted borders for speed.
        if (patWidth == 1)
            patternOffset = 1.0;
        else {
            bool evenNumberOfSegments = numSegments % 2 == 0;
            if (remainder)
                evenNumberOfSegments = !evenNumberOfSegments;
            if (evenNumberOfSegments) {
                if (remainder) {
                    patternOffset += patWidth - remainder;
                    patternOffset += remainder / 2.0;
                } else
                    patternOffset = patWidth / 2.0;
            } else {
                if (remainder)
                    patternOffset = (patWidth - remainder) / 2.0;

        double dash = patWidth;
        cairo_set_dash(cr, &dash, 1, patternOffset);

Exemple #15
IntPoint AccessibilityObject::clickPoint() const
    IntRect rect = elementRect();
    return IntPoint(rect.x() + rect.width() / 2, rect.y() + rect.height() / 2);
Exemple #16
PassRefPtr<Uint8ClampedArray> FilterEffect::asPremultipliedImage(const IntRect& rect)
    RefPtr<Uint8ClampedArray> imageData = Uint8ClampedArray::createUninitialized(rect.width() * rect.height() * 4);
    copyPremultipliedImage(imageData.get(), rect);
    return imageData.release();
IntRect AffineTransform::mapRect(const IntRect& rect) const
    IntRect result;
    if (m_m12 == 0.0F && m_m21 == 0.0F) {
        int x = lround(m_m11 * rect.x() + m_dx);
        int y = lround(m_m22 * rect.y() + m_dy);
        int w = lround(m_m11 * rect.width());
        int h = lround(m_m22 * rect.height());
        if (w < 0) {
            w = -w;
            x -= w;
        if (h < 0) {
            h = -h;
            y -= h;
        result = IntRect(x, y, w, h);
    } else {
        // see mapToPolygon for explanations of the algorithm.
        double x0, y0;
        double x, y;
        map(rect.location().x(), rect.location().y(), &x0, &y0);
        double xmin = x0;
        double ymin = y0;
        double xmax = x0;
        double ymax = y0;
        map(rect.right() + 1, rect.location().y(), &x, &y);
	if (x < xmin)
	    xmin = x;
        if (y < ymin)
	    ymin = y;
        if (x > xmax)
	    xmax = x;
	if (y > ymax)
	    ymax = y;
        map(rect.right() + 1, rect.bottom() + 1, &x, &y);
        if (x < xmin)
	    xmin = x;
        if (y < ymin)
	    ymin = y;
        if (x > xmax)
	    xmax = x;
	if (y > ymax)
	    ymax = y;
        map(rect.location().x(), rect.bottom() + 1, &x, &y);
        if (x < xmin)
	    xmin = x;
        if (y < ymin)
	    ymin = y;
        if (x > xmax)
	    xmax = x;
	if (y > ymax)
	    ymax = y;
        double w = xmax - xmin;
        double h = ymax - ymin;
        xmin -= (xmin - x0) / w;
    	ymin -= (ymin - y0) / h;
        xmax -= (xmax - x0) / w;
        ymax -= (ymax - y0) / h;
        result = IntRect(lround(xmin), lround(ymin), lround(xmax)-lround(xmin)+1, lround(ymax)-lround(ymin)+1);

    return result;

    /*IntRect r ( (int)( m_m11*rect.x() + m_m21*rect.y() + m_dx ), (int)(m_m22*rect.y() + m_m12*rect.x() + m_dy), rect.width(), rect.height() );
    return r;*/
static bool paintMozillaGtkWidget(const RenderThemeGtk* theme, GtkThemeWidgetType type, RenderObject* o, const RenderObject::PaintInfo& i, const IntRect& rect)
    GRefPtr<GdkDrawable> pixmap;

    // Painting is disabled so just claim to have succeeded
    if (i.context->paintingDisabled())
        return false;

    // No GdkWindow to render to, so return true to fall back
    if (!i.context->gdkDrawable())
        // This is slow, used only during printing process
        pixmap = adoptGRef(gdk_pixmap_new(0, rect.width(), rect.height(), gdk_visual_get_system()->depth));

    GtkWidgetState mozState;
    setMozillaState(theme, &mozState, o);

    int flags;

    // We might want to make setting flags the caller's job at some point rather than doing it here.
    switch (type) {
    case MOZ_GTK_BUTTON:
        flags = GTK_RELIEF_NORMAL;
        flags = theme->isChecked(o);
        flags = 0;

    GtkTextDirection direction = gtkTextDirection(o->style()->direction());

    if (pixmap) {
        GdkRectangle gdkRect = IntRect(0, 0, rect.width(), rect.height());


        bool result = moz_gtk_widget_paint(type, pixmap.get(), &gdkRect, &gdkRect, &mozState, flags, direction) != MOZ_GTK_SUCCESS;

        if (!result) {
            cairo_t* cr = i.context->platformContext();
            gdk_cairo_set_source_pixmap(cr, pixmap.get(), rect.x(), rect.y());

        return result;

    AffineTransform ctm = i.context->getCTM();

    IntPoint pos = ctm.mapPoint(rect.location());
    GdkRectangle gdkRect = IntRect(pos.x(), pos.y(), rect.width(), rect.height());

    // Find the clip rectangle
    cairo_t* cr = i.context->platformContext();
    double clipX1, clipX2, clipY1, clipY2;
    cairo_clip_extents(cr, &clipX1, &clipY1, &clipX2, &clipY2);

    GdkRectangle gdkClipRect;
    gdkClipRect.width = clipX2 - clipX1;
    gdkClipRect.height = clipY2 - clipY1;
    IntPoint clipPos = ctm.mapPoint(IntPoint(clipX1, clipY1));
    gdkClipRect.x = clipPos.x();
    gdkClipRect.y = clipPos.y();

    gdk_rectangle_intersect(&gdkRect, &gdkClipRect, &gdkClipRect);

    // Since the theme renderer is going to be drawing onto this GdkDrawable,
    // select the appropriate widgets for the drawable depth.
    return moz_gtk_widget_paint(type, i.context->gdkDrawable(), &gdkRect, &gdkClipRect, &mozState, flags, direction) != MOZ_GTK_SUCCESS;
void ScrollableAreaPainter::drawPlatformResizerImage(GraphicsContext* context, IntRect resizerCornerRect)
    float deviceScaleFactor = blink::deviceScaleFactor(scrollableArea().box().frame());

    RefPtr<Image> resizeCornerImage;
    IntSize cornerResizerSize;
    if (deviceScaleFactor >= 2) {
        DEFINE_STATIC_REF(Image, resizeCornerImageHiRes, (Image::loadPlatformResource("textAreaResizeCorner@2x")));
        resizeCornerImage = resizeCornerImageHiRes;
        cornerResizerSize = resizeCornerImage->size();
    } else {
        DEFINE_STATIC_REF(Image, resizeCornerImageLoRes, (Image::loadPlatformResource("textAreaResizeCorner")));
        resizeCornerImage = resizeCornerImageLoRes;
        cornerResizerSize = resizeCornerImage->size();

    if (scrollableArea().box().style()->shouldPlaceBlockDirectionScrollbarOnLogicalLeft()) {
        context->translate(resizerCornerRect.x() + cornerResizerSize.width(), resizerCornerRect.y() + resizerCornerRect.height() - cornerResizerSize.height());
        context->scale(-1.0, 1.0);
        context->drawImage(resizeCornerImage.get(), IntRect(IntPoint(), cornerResizerSize));
    IntRect imageRect(resizerCornerRect.maxXMaxYCorner() - cornerResizerSize, cornerResizerSize);
    context->drawImage(resizeCornerImage.get(), imageRect);
Exemple #20
// intersectingRegions and remainingFingerRegion are all in main frame contents coordinates,
// even on recursive calls of ::findIntersectingRegions.
bool FatFingers::findIntersectingRegions(Document* document,
                                         Vector<IntersectingRegion>& intersectingRegions, Platform::IntRectRegion& remainingFingerRegion)
    if (!document || !document->frame()->view())
        return false;

    // The layout needs to be up-to-date to determine if a node is focusable.

    // Create fingerRect.
    IntPoint frameContentPos(document->frame()->view()->windowToContents(m_webPage->m_mainFrame->view()->contentsToWindow(m_contentPos)));

    IntRect fingerRect(fingerRectForPoint(frameContentPos));
    IntRect screenFingerRect = m_webPage->mapToTransformed(fingerRect);
    log(LogLevelInfo, "fat finger rect now %d, %d, %d, %d", screenFingerRect.x(), screenFingerRect.y(), screenFingerRect.width(), screenFingerRect.height());

    // only record the first finger rect
    if (document == m_webPage->m_mainFrame->document())
        m_debugFatFingerRect = m_webPage->mapToTransformed(m_webPage->mapFromContentsToViewport(fingerRect));

    bool foundOne = false;

    RenderLayer* lowestPositionedEnclosingLayerSoFar = 0;

    // Iterate over the list of nodes (and subrects of nodes where possible), for each saving the
    // intersection of the bounding box with the finger rect.
    ListHashSet<RefPtr<Node> > intersectedNodes;
    getNodesFromRect(document, frameContentPos, intersectedNodes);

    ListHashSet<RefPtr<Node> >::const_iterator it = intersectedNodes.begin();
    ListHashSet<RefPtr<Node> >::const_iterator end = intersectedNodes.end();
    for ( ; it != end; ++it) {
        Node* curNode = (*it).get();
        if (!curNode || !curNode->renderer())

        if (remainingFingerRegion.isEmpty())

        bool isElement = curNode->isElementNode();
        if (isElement && isValidFrameOwner(toElement(curNode))) {

            HTMLFrameOwnerElement* owner = static_cast<HTMLFrameOwnerElement*>(curNode);
            Document* childDocument = owner && owner->contentFrame() ? owner->contentFrame()->document() : 0;
            if (!childDocument)


            foundOne |= findIntersectingRegions(childDocument, intersectingRegions, remainingFingerRegion);
        } else if (isElement && m_targetType == ClickableElement) {
            foundOne |= checkForClickableElement(toElement(curNode), intersectingRegions, remainingFingerRegion, lowestPositionedEnclosingLayerSoFar);
        } else if (m_targetType == Text)
            foundOne |= checkForText(curNode, intersectingRegions, remainingFingerRegion);

    return foundOne;
Exemple #21
static void paintGdkPixbuf(GraphicsContext* context, const GdkPixbuf* icon, const IntRect& iconRect)
    IntSize iconSize(gdk_pixbuf_get_width(icon), gdk_pixbuf_get_height(icon));
    if (iconRect.size() != iconSize) {
        // We could use cairo_scale() here but cairo/pixman downscale quality is quite bad.
        GRefPtr<GdkPixbuf> scaledIcon = gdk_pixbuf_scale_simple(icon, iconRect.width(), iconRect.height(),
        icon = scaledIcon.get();

    cairo_t* cr = context->platformContext()->cr();
    gdk_cairo_set_source_pixbuf(cr, icon, iconRect.x(), iconRect.y());
void drawPatternToCairoContext(cairo_t* cr, cairo_surface_t* image, const IntSize& imageSize, const FloatRect& tileRect,
                               const AffineTransform& patternTransform, const FloatPoint& phase, cairo_operator_t op, const FloatRect& destRect)
    // Avoid NaN
    if (!isfinite(phase.x()) || !isfinite(phase.y()))


    RefPtr<cairo_surface_t> clippedImageSurface = 0;
    if (tileRect.size() != imageSize) {
        IntRect imageRect = enclosingIntRect(tileRect);
        clippedImageSurface = adoptRef(cairo_image_surface_create(CAIRO_FORMAT_ARGB32, imageRect.width(), imageRect.height()));
        RefPtr<cairo_t> clippedImageContext = adoptRef(cairo_create(clippedImageSurface.get()));
        cairo_set_source_surface(clippedImageContext.get(), image, -tileRect.x(), -tileRect.y());
        image = clippedImageSurface.get();

    cairo_pattern_t* pattern = cairo_pattern_create_for_surface(image);
    cairo_pattern_set_extend(pattern, CAIRO_EXTEND_REPEAT);

    cairo_matrix_t patternMatrix = cairo_matrix_t(patternTransform);
    cairo_matrix_t phaseMatrix = {1, 0, 0, 1, phase.x() + tileRect.x() * patternTransform.a(), phase.y() + tileRect.y() * patternTransform.d()};
    cairo_matrix_t combined;
    cairo_matrix_multiply(&combined, &patternMatrix, &phaseMatrix);
    cairo_pattern_set_matrix(pattern, &combined);

    cairo_set_operator(cr, op);
    cairo_set_source(cr, pattern);
    cairo_rectangle(cr, destRect.x(), destRect.y(), destRect.width(), destRect.height());

Exemple #23
void InlinePainter::paintOutlineForLine(GraphicsContext* graphicsContext, const LayoutPoint& paintOffset,
    const LayoutRect& lastline, const LayoutRect& thisline, const LayoutRect& nextline, const Color outlineColor)
    RenderStyle* styleToUse = m_renderInline.style();
    int outlineWidth = styleToUse->outlineWidth();
    EBorderStyle outlineStyle = styleToUse->outlineStyle();

    bool antialias = BoxPainter::shouldAntialiasLines(graphicsContext);

    int offset = m_renderInline.style()->outlineOffset();

    LayoutRect box(LayoutPoint(paintOffset.x() + thisline.x() - offset, paintOffset.y() + thisline.y() - offset),
        LayoutSize(thisline.width() + offset, thisline.height() + offset));

    IntRect pixelSnappedBox = pixelSnappedIntRect(box);
    if (pixelSnappedBox.width() < 0 || pixelSnappedBox.height() < 0)
    IntRect pixelSnappedLastLine = pixelSnappedIntRect(paintOffset.x() + lastline.x(), 0, lastline.width(), 0);
    IntRect pixelSnappedNextLine = pixelSnappedIntRect(paintOffset.x() + nextline.x(), 0, nextline.width(), 0);

    // left edge
        pixelSnappedBox.x() - outlineWidth,
        pixelSnappedBox.y() - (lastline.isEmpty() || thisline.x() < lastline.x() || (lastline.maxX() - 1) <= thisline.x() ? outlineWidth : 0),
        pixelSnappedBox.maxY() + (nextline.isEmpty() || thisline.x() <= nextline.x() || (nextline.maxX() - 1) <= thisline.x() ? outlineWidth : 0),
        outlineColor, outlineStyle,
        (lastline.isEmpty() || thisline.x() < lastline.x() || (lastline.maxX() - 1) <= thisline.x() ? outlineWidth : -outlineWidth),
        (nextline.isEmpty() || thisline.x() <= nextline.x() || (nextline.maxX() - 1) <= thisline.x() ? outlineWidth : -outlineWidth),

    // right edge
        pixelSnappedBox.y() - (lastline.isEmpty() || lastline.maxX() < thisline.maxX() || (thisline.maxX() - 1) <= lastline.x() ? outlineWidth : 0),
        pixelSnappedBox.maxX() + outlineWidth,
        pixelSnappedBox.maxY() + (nextline.isEmpty() || nextline.maxX() <= thisline.maxX() || (thisline.maxX() - 1) <= nextline.x() ? outlineWidth : 0),
        outlineColor, outlineStyle,
        (lastline.isEmpty() || lastline.maxX() < thisline.maxX() || (thisline.maxX() - 1) <= lastline.x() ? outlineWidth : -outlineWidth),
        (nextline.isEmpty() || nextline.maxX() <= thisline.maxX() || (thisline.maxX() - 1) <= nextline.x() ? outlineWidth : -outlineWidth),
    // upper edge
    if (thisline.x() < lastline.x()) {
            pixelSnappedBox.x() - outlineWidth,
            pixelSnappedBox.y() - outlineWidth,
            std::min(pixelSnappedBox.maxX() + outlineWidth, (lastline.isEmpty() ? 1000000 : pixelSnappedLastLine.x())),
            BSTop, outlineColor, outlineStyle,
            (!lastline.isEmpty() && paintOffset.x() + lastline.x() + 1 < pixelSnappedBox.maxX() + outlineWidth) ? -outlineWidth : outlineWidth,

    if (lastline.maxX() < thisline.maxX()) {
            std::max(lastline.isEmpty() ? -1000000 : pixelSnappedLastLine.maxX(), pixelSnappedBox.x() - outlineWidth),
            pixelSnappedBox.y() - outlineWidth,
            pixelSnappedBox.maxX() + outlineWidth,
            BSTop, outlineColor, outlineStyle,
            (!lastline.isEmpty() && pixelSnappedBox.x() - outlineWidth < paintOffset.x() + lastline.maxX()) ? -outlineWidth : outlineWidth,
            outlineWidth, antialias);

    if (thisline.x() == thisline.maxX()) {
            pixelSnappedBox.x() - outlineWidth,
            pixelSnappedBox.y() - outlineWidth,
            pixelSnappedBox.maxX() + outlineWidth,
            BSTop, outlineColor, outlineStyle,

    // lower edge
    if (thisline.x() < nextline.x()) {
            pixelSnappedBox.x() - outlineWidth,
            std::min(pixelSnappedBox.maxX() + outlineWidth, !nextline.isEmpty() ? pixelSnappedNextLine.x() + 1 : 1000000),
            pixelSnappedBox.maxY() + outlineWidth,
            BSBottom, outlineColor, outlineStyle,
            (!nextline.isEmpty() && paintOffset.x() + nextline.x() + 1 < pixelSnappedBox.maxX() + outlineWidth) ? -outlineWidth : outlineWidth,

    if (nextline.maxX() < thisline.maxX()) {
            std::max(!nextline.isEmpty() ? pixelSnappedNextLine.maxX() : -1000000, pixelSnappedBox.x() - outlineWidth),
            pixelSnappedBox.maxX() + outlineWidth,
            pixelSnappedBox.maxY() + outlineWidth,
            BSBottom, outlineColor, outlineStyle,
            (!nextline.isEmpty() && pixelSnappedBox.x() - outlineWidth < paintOffset.x() + nextline.maxX()) ? -outlineWidth : outlineWidth,
            outlineWidth, antialias);

    if (thisline.x() == thisline.maxX()) {
            pixelSnappedBox.x() - outlineWidth,
            pixelSnappedBox.maxX() + outlineWidth,
            pixelSnappedBox.maxY() + outlineWidth,
            BSBottom, outlineColor, outlineStyle,
Exemple #24
void InspectorOverlay::drawNodeHighlight()
    if (!m_highlightNode)

    Highlight highlight;
    buildNodeHighlight(m_highlightNode.get(), m_nodeHighlightConfig, &highlight);
    RefPtr<InspectorObject> highlightObject = buildObjectForHighlight(m_page->mainFrame()->view(), highlight);

    Node* node = m_highlightNode.get();
    if (node->isElementNode() && m_nodeHighlightConfig.showInfo && node->renderer() && node->document()->frame()) {
        RefPtr<InspectorObject> elementInfo = InspectorObject::create();
        Element* element = toElement(node);
        bool isXHTML = element->document()->isXHTMLDocument();
        elementInfo->setString("tagName", isXHTML ? element->nodeName() : element->nodeName().lower());
        elementInfo->setString("idValue", element->getIdAttribute());
        HashSet<AtomicString> usedClassNames;
        if (element->hasClass() && element->isStyledElement()) {
            StringBuilder classNames;
            const SpaceSplitString& classNamesString = static_cast<StyledElement*>(element)->classNames();
            size_t classNameCount = classNamesString.size();
            for (size_t i = 0; i < classNameCount; ++i) {
                const AtomicString& className = classNamesString[i];
                if (usedClassNames.contains(className))
            elementInfo->setString("className", classNames.toString());

        RenderObject* renderer = node->renderer();
        Frame* containingFrame = node->document()->frame();
        FrameView* containingView = containingFrame->view();
        IntRect boundingBox = pixelSnappedIntRect(containingView->contentsToRootView(renderer->absoluteBoundingBoxRect()));
        RenderBoxModelObject* modelObject = renderer->isBoxModelObject() ? toRenderBoxModelObject(renderer) : 0;
        elementInfo->setString("nodeWidth", String::number(modelObject ? adjustForAbsoluteZoom(modelObject->pixelSnappedOffsetWidth(), modelObject) : boundingBox.width()));
        elementInfo->setString("nodeHeight", String::number(modelObject ? adjustForAbsoluteZoom(modelObject->pixelSnappedOffsetHeight(), modelObject) : boundingBox.height()));
        highlightObject->setObject("elementInfo", elementInfo.release());
    evaluateInOverlay("drawNodeHighlight", highlightObject);
void RenderTheme::paintSliderTicks(RenderObject* o, const PaintInfo& paintInfo, const IntRect& rect)
    Node* node = o->node();
    if (!isHTMLInputElement(node))

    HTMLInputElement* input = toHTMLInputElement(node);
    if (!input->isRangeControl())

    HTMLDataListElement* dataList = input->dataList();
    if (!dataList)

    double min = input->minimum();
    double max = input->maximum();
    ControlPart part = o->style()->appearance();
    // We don't support ticks on alternate sliders like MediaVolumeSliders.
    if (part !=  SliderHorizontalPart && part != SliderVerticalPart)
    bool isHorizontal = part ==  SliderHorizontalPart;

    IntSize thumbSize;
    RenderObject* thumbRenderer = input->userAgentShadowRoot()->getElementById(ShadowElementNames::sliderThumb())->renderer();
    if (thumbRenderer) {
        RenderStyle* thumbStyle = thumbRenderer->style();
        int thumbWidth = thumbStyle->width().intValue();
        int thumbHeight = thumbStyle->height().intValue();
        thumbSize.setWidth(isHorizontal ? thumbWidth : thumbHeight);
        thumbSize.setHeight(isHorizontal ? thumbHeight : thumbWidth);

    IntSize tickSize = sliderTickSize();
    float zoomFactor = o->style()->effectiveZoom();
    FloatRect tickRect;
    int tickRegionSideMargin = 0;
    int tickRegionWidth = 0;
    IntRect trackBounds;
    RenderObject* trackRenderer = input->userAgentShadowRoot()->getElementById(ShadowElementNames::sliderTrack())->renderer();
    // We can ignoring transforms because transform is handled by the graphics context.
    if (trackRenderer)
        trackBounds = trackRenderer->absoluteBoundingBoxRectIgnoringTransforms();
    IntRect sliderBounds = o->absoluteBoundingBoxRectIgnoringTransforms();

    // Make position relative to the transformed ancestor element.
    trackBounds.setX(trackBounds.x() - sliderBounds.x() + rect.x());
    trackBounds.setY(trackBounds.y() - sliderBounds.y() + rect.y());

    if (isHorizontal) {
        tickRect.setWidth(floor(tickSize.width() * zoomFactor));
        tickRect.setHeight(floor(tickSize.height() * zoomFactor));
        tickRect.setY(floor(rect.y() + rect.height() / 2.0 + sliderTickOffsetFromTrackCenter() * zoomFactor));
        tickRegionSideMargin = trackBounds.x() + (thumbSize.width() - tickSize.width() * zoomFactor) / 2.0;
        tickRegionWidth = trackBounds.width() - thumbSize.width();
    } else {
        tickRect.setWidth(floor(tickSize.height() * zoomFactor));
        tickRect.setHeight(floor(tickSize.width() * zoomFactor));
        tickRect.setX(floor(rect.x() + rect.width() / 2.0 + sliderTickOffsetFromTrackCenter() * zoomFactor));
        tickRegionSideMargin = trackBounds.y() + (thumbSize.width() - tickSize.width() * zoomFactor) / 2.0;
        tickRegionWidth = trackBounds.height() - thumbSize.width();
    RefPtrWillBeRawPtr<HTMLCollection> options = dataList->options();
    GraphicsContextStateSaver stateSaver(*paintInfo.context);
    for (unsigned i = 0; Element* element = options->item(i); i++) {
        HTMLOptionElement& optionElement = toHTMLOptionElement(*element);
        String value = optionElement.value();
        if (!input->isValidValue(value))
        double parsedValue = parseToDoubleForNumberType(input->sanitizeValue(value));
        double tickFraction = (parsedValue - min) / (max - min);
        double tickRatio = isHorizontal && o->style()->isLeftToRightDirection() ? tickFraction : 1.0 - tickFraction;
        double tickPosition = round(tickRegionSideMargin + tickRegionWidth * tickRatio);
        if (isHorizontal)
void MediaPlayerPrivate::paint(GraphicsContext* context, const IntRect& rect)
    if (context->paintingDisabled())

    if (!m_visible)
    if (!m_buffer)

    int width = 0, height = 0;
    int pixelAspectRatioNumerator = 0;
    int pixelAspectRatioDenominator = 0;
    double doublePixelAspectRatioNumerator = 0;
    double doublePixelAspectRatioDenominator = 0;
    double displayWidth;
    double displayHeight;
    double scale, gapHeight, gapWidth;

    GstCaps *caps = gst_buffer_get_caps(m_buffer);

    if (!gst_video_format_parse_caps(caps, NULL, &width, &height) ||
        !gst_video_parse_caps_pixel_aspect_ratio(caps, &pixelAspectRatioNumerator, &pixelAspectRatioDenominator)) {

    displayWidth = width;
    displayHeight = height;
    doublePixelAspectRatioNumerator = pixelAspectRatioNumerator;
    doublePixelAspectRatioDenominator = pixelAspectRatioDenominator;

    cairo_t* cr = context->platformContext();
    cairo_surface_t* src = cairo_image_surface_create_for_data(GST_BUFFER_DATA(m_buffer),
                                                               width, height,
                                                               4 * width);

    cairo_set_operator(cr, CAIRO_OPERATOR_SOURCE);

    displayWidth *= doublePixelAspectRatioNumerator / doublePixelAspectRatioDenominator;
    displayHeight *= doublePixelAspectRatioDenominator / doublePixelAspectRatioNumerator;

    scale = MIN (rect.width () / displayWidth, rect.height () / displayHeight);
    displayWidth *= scale;
    displayHeight *= scale;

    // Calculate gap between border an picture
    gapWidth = (rect.width() - displayWidth) / 2.0;
    gapHeight = (rect.height() - displayHeight) / 2.0;

    // paint the rectangle on the context and draw the surface inside.
    cairo_translate(cr, rect.x() + gapWidth, rect.y() + gapHeight);
    cairo_rectangle(cr, 0, 0, rect.width(), rect.height());
    cairo_scale(cr, doublePixelAspectRatioNumerator / doublePixelAspectRatioDenominator,
                doublePixelAspectRatioDenominator / doublePixelAspectRatioNumerator);
    cairo_scale(cr, scale, scale);
    cairo_set_source_surface(cr, src, 0, 0);

// static
bool InspectorHighlight::getBoxModel(Node* node, RefPtr<TypeBuilder::DOM::BoxModel>& model)
    LayoutObject* layoutObject = node->layoutObject();
    FrameView* view = node->document().view();
    if (!layoutObject || !view)
        return false;

    FloatQuad content, padding, border, margin;
    if (!buildNodeQuads(node->layoutObject(), &content, &padding, &border, &margin))
        return false;

    IntRect boundingBox = view->contentsToRootFrame(layoutObject->absoluteBoundingBoxRect());
    LayoutBoxModelObject* modelObject = layoutObject->isBoxModelObject() ? toLayoutBoxModelObject(layoutObject) : nullptr;

    model = TypeBuilder::DOM::BoxModel::create()
        .setWidth(modelObject ? adjustForAbsoluteZoom(modelObject->pixelSnappedOffsetWidth(), modelObject) : boundingBox.width())
        .setHeight(modelObject ? adjustForAbsoluteZoom(modelObject->pixelSnappedOffsetHeight(), modelObject) : boundingBox.height());

    Shape::DisplayPaths paths;
    FloatQuad boundsQuad;
    if (const ShapeOutsideInfo* shapeOutsideInfo = shapeOutsideInfoForNode(node, &paths, &boundsQuad)) {
        RefPtr<TypeBuilder::DOM::ShapeOutsideInfo> shapeTypeBuilder = TypeBuilder::DOM::ShapeOutsideInfo::create()
            .setShape(ShapePathBuilder::buildPath(*view, *layoutObject, *shapeOutsideInfo, paths.shape))
            .setMarginShape(ShapePathBuilder::buildPath(*view, *layoutObject, *shapeOutsideInfo, paths.marginShape));

    return true;
Exemple #28
void RenderTreeAsText::writeRenderObject(TextStream& ts, const RenderObject& o, RenderAsTextBehavior behavior)
    ts << o.renderName();

    if (behavior & RenderAsTextShowAddresses)
        ts << " " << static_cast<const void*>(&o);

    if (o.style() && o.style()->zIndex())
        ts << " zI: " << o.style()->zIndex();

    if (o.node()) {
        String tagName = getTagName(o.node());
        if (!tagName.isEmpty()) {
            ts << " {" << tagName << "}";
            // flag empty or unstyled AppleStyleSpan because we never
            // want to leave them in the DOM
            if (isEmptyOrUnstyledAppleStyleSpan(o.node()))
                ts << " *empty or unstyled AppleStyleSpan*";

    bool adjustForTableCells = o.containingBlock()->isTableCell();

    IntRect r;
    if (o.isText()) {
        // FIXME: Would be better to dump the bounding box x and y rather than the first run's x and y, but that would involve updating
        // many test results.
        const RenderText& text = *toRenderText(&o);
        IntRect linesBox = text.linesBoundingBox();
        r = IntRect(text.firstRunX(), text.firstRunY(), linesBox.width(), linesBox.height());
        if (adjustForTableCells && !text.firstTextBox())
            adjustForTableCells = false;
    } else if (o.isRenderInline()) {
        // FIXME: Would be better not to just dump 0, 0 as the x and y here.
        const RenderInline& inlineFlow = *toRenderInline(&o);
        r = IntRect(0, 0, inlineFlow.linesBoundingBox().width(), inlineFlow.linesBoundingBox().height());
        adjustForTableCells = false;
    } else if (o.isTableCell()) {
        // FIXME: Deliberately dump the "inner" box of table cells, since that is what current results reflect.  We'd like
        // to clean up the results to dump both the outer box and the intrinsic padding so that both bits of information are
        // captured by the results.
        const RenderTableCell& cell = *toRenderTableCell(&o);
        r = IntRect(cell.x(), cell.y() + cell.intrinsicPaddingBefore(), cell.width(), cell.height() - cell.intrinsicPaddingBefore() - cell.intrinsicPaddingAfter());
    } else if (o.isBox())
        r = toRenderBox(&o)->frameRect();

    // FIXME: Temporary in order to ensure compatibility with existing layout test results.
    if (adjustForTableCells)
        r.move(0, -toRenderTableCell(o.containingBlock())->intrinsicPaddingBefore());

    ts << " " << r;

    if (!(o.isText() && !o.isBR())) {
        if (o.isFileUploadControl())
            ts << " " << quoteAndEscapeNonPrintables(toRenderFileUploadControl(&o)->fileTextValue());

        if (o.parent() && (o.parent()->style()->color() != o.style()->color()))
            ts << " [color=" << o.style()->color().nameForRenderTreeAsText() << "]";

        if (o.parent() && (o.parent()->style()->backgroundColor() != o.style()->backgroundColor()) &&
            o.style()->backgroundColor().isValid() && o.style()->backgroundColor().rgb())
            // Do not dump invalid or transparent backgrounds, since that is the default.
            ts << " [bgcolor=" << o.style()->backgroundColor().nameForRenderTreeAsText() << "]";
        if (o.parent() && (o.parent()->style()->textFillColor() != o.style()->textFillColor()) &&
            o.style()->textFillColor().isValid() && o.style()->textFillColor() != o.style()->color() &&
            ts << " [textFillColor=" << o.style()->textFillColor().nameForRenderTreeAsText() << "]";

        if (o.parent() && (o.parent()->style()->textStrokeColor() != o.style()->textStrokeColor()) &&
            o.style()->textStrokeColor().isValid() && o.style()->textStrokeColor() != o.style()->color() &&
            ts << " [textStrokeColor=" << o.style()->textStrokeColor().nameForRenderTreeAsText() << "]";

        if (o.parent() && (o.parent()->style()->textStrokeWidth() != o.style()->textStrokeWidth()) &&
            o.style()->textStrokeWidth() > 0)
            ts << " [textStrokeWidth=" << o.style()->textStrokeWidth() << "]";

        if (!o.isBoxModelObject())

        const RenderBoxModelObject& box = *toRenderBoxModelObject(&o);
        if (box.borderTop() || box.borderRight() || box.borderBottom() || box.borderLeft()) {
            ts << " [border:";

            BorderValue prevBorder;
            if (o.style()->borderTop() != prevBorder) {
                prevBorder = o.style()->borderTop();
                if (!box.borderTop())
                    ts << " none";
                else {
                    ts << " (" << box.borderTop() << "px ";
                    printBorderStyle(ts, o.style()->borderTopStyle());
                    Color col = o.style()->borderTopColor();
                    if (!col.isValid())
                        col = o.style()->color();
                    ts << col.nameForRenderTreeAsText() << ")";

            if (o.style()->borderRight() != prevBorder) {
                prevBorder = o.style()->borderRight();
                if (!box.borderRight())
                    ts << " none";
                else {
                    ts << " (" << box.borderRight() << "px ";
                    printBorderStyle(ts, o.style()->borderRightStyle());
                    Color col = o.style()->borderRightColor();
                    if (!col.isValid())
                        col = o.style()->color();
                    ts << col.nameForRenderTreeAsText() << ")";

            if (o.style()->borderBottom() != prevBorder) {
                prevBorder = box.style()->borderBottom();
                if (!box.borderBottom())
                    ts << " none";
                else {
                    ts << " (" << box.borderBottom() << "px ";
                    printBorderStyle(ts, o.style()->borderBottomStyle());
                    Color col = o.style()->borderBottomColor();
                    if (!col.isValid())
                        col = o.style()->color();
                    ts << col.nameForRenderTreeAsText() << ")";

            if (o.style()->borderLeft() != prevBorder) {
                prevBorder = o.style()->borderLeft();
                if (!box.borderLeft())
                    ts << " none";
                else {
                    ts << " (" << box.borderLeft() << "px ";
                    printBorderStyle(ts, o.style()->borderLeftStyle());
                    Color col = o.style()->borderLeftColor();
                    if (!col.isValid())
                        col = o.style()->color();
                    ts << col.nameForRenderTreeAsText() << ")";

            ts << "]";

    if (o.isTableCell()) {
        const RenderTableCell& c = *toRenderTableCell(&o);
        ts << " [r=" << c.row() << " c=" << c.col() << " rs=" << c.rowSpan() << " cs=" << c.colSpan() << "]";

    if (o.isDetailsMarker()) {
        ts << ": ";
        switch (toRenderDetailsMarker(&o)->orientation()) {
        case RenderDetailsMarker::Left:
            ts << "left";
        case RenderDetailsMarker::Right:
            ts << "right";
        case RenderDetailsMarker::Up:
            ts << "up";
        case RenderDetailsMarker::Down:
            ts << "down";

    if (o.isListMarker()) {
        String text = toRenderListMarker(&o)->text();
        if (!text.isEmpty()) {
            if (text.length() != 1)
                text = quoteAndEscapeNonPrintables(text);
            else {
                switch (text[0]) {
                    case bullet:
                        text = "bullet";
                    case blackSquare:
                        text = "black square";
                    case whiteBullet:
                        text = "white bullet";
                        text = quoteAndEscapeNonPrintables(text);
            ts << ": " << text;
    if (behavior & RenderAsTextShowIDAndClass) {
        if (Node* node = o.node()) {
            if (node->hasID())
                ts << " id=\"" + static_cast<Element*>(node)->getIdAttribute() + "\"";

            if (node->hasClass()) {
                StyledElement* styledElement = static_cast<StyledElement*>(node);
                String classes;
                for (size_t i = 0; i < styledElement->classNames().size(); ++i) {
                    if (i > 0)
                        classes += " ";
                    classes += styledElement->classNames()[i];
                ts << " class=\"" + classes + "\"";
    if (behavior & RenderAsTextShowLayoutState) {
        bool needsLayout = o.selfNeedsLayout() || o.needsPositionedMovementLayout() || o.posChildNeedsLayout() || o.normalChildNeedsLayout();
        if (needsLayout)
            ts << " (needs layout:";
        bool havePrevious = false;
        if (o.selfNeedsLayout()) {
            ts << " self";
            havePrevious = true;

        if (o.needsPositionedMovementLayout()) {
            if (havePrevious)
                ts << ",";
            havePrevious = true;
            ts << " positioned movement";

        if (o.normalChildNeedsLayout()) {
            if (havePrevious)
                ts << ",";
            havePrevious = true;
            ts << " child";

        if (o.posChildNeedsLayout()) {
            if (havePrevious)
                ts << ",";
            ts << " positioned child";

        if (needsLayout)
            ts << ")";

    // Print attributes of embedded QWidgets. E.g. when the WebCore::Widget
    // is invisible the QWidget should be invisible too.
    if (o.isRenderPart()) {
        const RenderPart* part = toRenderPart(const_cast<RenderObject*>(&o));
        if (part->widget() && part->widget()->platformWidget()) {
            QWidget* wid = part->widget()->platformWidget();

            ts << " [QT: ";
            ts << "geometry: {" << wid->geometry() << "} ";
            ts << "isHidden: " << wid->isHidden() << " ";
            ts << "isSelfVisible: " << part->widget()->isSelfVisible() << " ";
            ts << "isParentVisible: " << part->widget()->isParentVisible() << " ";
            ts << "mask: {" << wid->mask().boundingRect() << "} ] ";
static bool isDeletableElement(const Node* node)
    if (!node || !node->isHTMLElement() || !node->inDocument() || !node->isContentEditable())
        return false;

    // In general we want to only draw the UI around object of a certain area, but we still keep the min width/height to
    // make sure we don't end up with very thin or very short elements getting the UI.
    const int minimumArea = 2500;
    const int minimumWidth = 48;
    const int minimumHeight = 16;
    const unsigned minimumVisibleBorders = 1;

    RenderObject* renderer = node->renderer();
    if (!renderer || !renderer->isBox())
        return false;

    // Disallow the body element since it isn't practical to delete, and the deletion UI would be clipped.
    if (node->hasTagName(bodyTag))
        return false;

    // Disallow elements with any overflow clip, since the deletion UI would be clipped as well. <rdar://problem/6840161>
    if (renderer->hasOverflowClip())
        return false;

    // Disallow Mail blockquotes since the deletion UI would get in the way of editing for these.
    if (isMailBlockquote(node))
        return false;

    RenderBox* box = toRenderBox(renderer);
    IntRect borderBoundingBox = box->borderBoundingBox();
    if (borderBoundingBox.width() < minimumWidth || borderBoundingBox.height() < minimumHeight)
        return false;

    if ((borderBoundingBox.width() * borderBoundingBox.height()) < minimumArea)
        return false;

    if (renderer->isTable())
        return true;

    if (node->hasTagName(ulTag) || node->hasTagName(olTag) || node->hasTagName(iframeTag))
        return true;

    if (renderer->isPositioned())
        return true;

    if (renderer->isRenderBlock() && !renderer->isTableCell()) {
        RenderStyle* style = renderer->style();
        if (!style)
            return false;

        // Allow blocks that have background images
        if (style->hasBackgroundImage() && style->backgroundImage()->canRender(1.0f))
            return true;

        // Allow blocks with a minimum number of non-transparent borders
        unsigned visibleBorders = style->borderTop().isVisible() + style->borderBottom().isVisible() + style->borderLeft().isVisible() + style->borderRight().isVisible();
        if (visibleBorders >= minimumVisibleBorders)
            return true;

        // Allow blocks that have a different background from it's parent
        ContainerNode* parentNode = node->parentNode();
        if (!parentNode)
            return false;

        RenderObject* parentRenderer = parentNode->renderer();
        if (!parentRenderer)
            return false;

        RenderStyle* parentStyle = parentRenderer->style();
        if (!parentStyle)
            return false;

        if (renderer->hasBackground() && (!parentRenderer->hasBackground() || style->visitedDependentColor(CSSPropertyBackgroundColor) != parentStyle->visitedDependentColor(CSSPropertyBackgroundColor)))
            return true;

    return false;
Exemple #30
void TileGrid::revalidateTiles(TileValidationPolicy validationPolicy)
    FloatRect coverageRect = m_controller.coverageRect();
    IntRect bounds = m_controller.bounds();

    if (coverageRect.isEmpty() || bounds.isEmpty())

    FloatRect scaledRect(coverageRect);
    IntRect coverageRectInTileCoords(enclosingIntRect(scaledRect));

    TileCohort currCohort = nextTileCohort();
    unsigned tilesInCohort = 0;

    double minimumRevalidationTimerDuration = std::numeric_limits<double>::max();
    bool needsTileRevalidation = false;

    // Move tiles newly outside the coverage rect into the cohort map.
    for (TileMap::iterator it = m_tiles.begin(), end = m_tiles.end(); it != end; ++it) {
        TileInfo& tileInfo = it->value;
        TileIndex tileIndex = it->key;

        PlatformCALayer* tileLayer = tileInfo.layer.get();
        IntRect tileRect = rectForTileIndex(tileIndex);
        if (tileRect.intersects(coverageRectInTileCoords)) {
            tileInfo.cohort = VisibleTileCohort;
            if (tileInfo.hasStaleContent) {
                // FIXME: store a dirty region per layer?
                tileInfo.hasStaleContent = false;
        } else {
            // Add to the currentCohort if not already in one.
            if (tileInfo.cohort == VisibleTileCohort) {
                tileInfo.cohort = currCohort;

                if (m_controller.unparentsOffscreenTiles())
            } else if (m_controller.unparentsOffscreenTiles() && m_controller.shouldAggressivelyRetainTiles() && tileLayer->superlayer()) {
                // Aggressive tile retention means we'll never remove cohorts, but we need to make sure they're unparented.
                // We can't immediately unparent cohorts comprised of secondary tiles that never touch the primary coverage rect,
                // because that would defeat the usefulness of prepopulateRect(); instead, age prepopulated tiles out as if they were being removed.
                for (auto& cohort : m_cohortList) {
                    if (cohort.cohort != tileInfo.cohort)
                    double timeUntilCohortExpires = cohort.timeUntilExpiration();
                    if (timeUntilCohortExpires > 0) {
                        minimumRevalidationTimerDuration = std::min(minimumRevalidationTimerDuration, timeUntilCohortExpires);
                        needsTileRevalidation = true;
                    } else

    if (needsTileRevalidation)

    if (tilesInCohort)

    if (!m_controller.shouldAggressivelyRetainTiles()) {
        if (m_controller.shouldTemporarilyRetainTileCohorts())
        else if (tilesInCohort)

    // Ensure primary tile coverage tiles.
    m_primaryTileCoverageRect = ensureTilesForRect(coverageRect, CoverageType::PrimaryTiles);

    if (validationPolicy & PruneSecondaryTiles) {
    } else {
        for (auto& secondaryCoverageRect : m_secondaryTileCoverageRects) {
            FloatRect secondaryRectInLayerCoordinates(secondaryCoverageRect);
            secondaryRectInLayerCoordinates.scale(1 / m_scale);
            ensureTilesForRect(secondaryRectInLayerCoordinates, CoverageType::SecondaryTiles);

    if (m_controller.unparentsOffscreenTiles() && (validationPolicy & UnparentAllTiles)) {
        for (TileMap::iterator it = m_tiles.begin(), end = m_tiles.end(); it != end; ++it)

    auto boundsAtLastRevalidate = m_controller.boundsAtLastRevalidate();
    if (boundsAtLastRevalidate != bounds) {
        // If there are margin tiles and the bounds have grown taller or wider, then the tiles that used to
        // be bottom or right margin tiles need to be invalidated.
        if (m_controller.hasMargins()) {
            if (bounds.width() > boundsAtLastRevalidate.width() || bounds.height() > boundsAtLastRevalidate.height()) {
                IntRect boundsWithoutMargin = m_controller.boundsWithoutMargin();
                IntRect oldBoundsWithoutMargin = m_controller.boundsAtLastRevalidateWithoutMargin();

                if (bounds.height() > boundsAtLastRevalidate.height()) {
                    IntRect formerBottomMarginRect = IntRect(oldBoundsWithoutMargin.x(), oldBoundsWithoutMargin.height(),
                                                     oldBoundsWithoutMargin.width(), boundsWithoutMargin.height() - oldBoundsWithoutMargin.height());

                if (bounds.width() > boundsAtLastRevalidate.width()) {
                    IntRect formerRightMarginRect = IntRect(oldBoundsWithoutMargin.width(), oldBoundsWithoutMargin.y(),
                                                            boundsWithoutMargin.width() - oldBoundsWithoutMargin.width(), oldBoundsWithoutMargin.height());

        FloatRect scaledBounds(bounds);
        IntRect boundsInTileCoords(enclosingIntRect(scaledBounds));

        TileIndex topLeftForBounds;
        TileIndex bottomRightForBounds;
        getTileIndexRangeForRect(boundsInTileCoords, topLeftForBounds, bottomRightForBounds);

        Vector<TileIndex> tilesToRemove;
        for (auto& index : m_tiles.keys()) {
            if (index.y() < topLeftForBounds.y() || index.y() > bottomRightForBounds.y() || index.x() < topLeftForBounds.x() || index.x() > bottomRightForBounds.x())
