Exemple #1
void CViewAngleAnimation::SaveAsAnimFile( const char *pKeyFrameFileName )
	// save all of our keyframes into the file
	KeyValues *pData = new KeyValues( pKeyFrameFileName );

	pData->SetInt( "flags", m_iFlags );

	KeyValues *pKey = new KeyValues( "keyframe" );
	int i;
	int c = m_KeyFrames.Count();
	char buf[64];
	for ( i=0;i<c;i++ )
		pKey = pData->CreateNewKey();

		Q_snprintf( buf, sizeof(buf), "%f %f %f",
			m_KeyFrames[i]->m_vecAngles[2] );

		pKey->SetString( "angles", buf );
		pKey->SetFloat( "time", m_KeyFrames[i]->m_flTime );
		pKey->SetInt( "flags", m_KeyFrames[i]->m_iFlags );

	pData->SaveToFile( filesystem, pKeyFrameFileName, NULL );
// Purpose: 
void MountExtraContent()
	memset(g_AppStatus, 0, sizeof(g_AppStatus));

	KeyValues *pMountList = new KeyValues( "MountList" );
	if( !pMountList->LoadFromFile( filesystem, "mountlist.txt" ) )
		// Create default
		pMountList->SetString( "dota", "0" );
		pMountList->SetString( "left4dead", "0" );
		pMountList->SetString( "left4dead2", "0" );
		pMountList->SetString( "portal2", "0" );
		pMountList->SetString( "csgo", "0" );
		pMountList->SetString( "dearesther", "0" );
		pMountList->SaveToFile( filesystem, "mountlist.txt", "MOD" );

	if( TryMountVPKGame( "DOTA", "../../common/dota 2 beta/dota", APP_DOTA, "dota", pMountList ) )
		PostProcessDota2( "models" );
	TryMountVPKGame( "Portal 2", "../../common/portal 2/portal2", APP_PORTAL2, "portal2", pMountList );
	TryMountVPKGame( "Left 4 Dead 2", "../../common/left 4 dead 2/left4dead2", APP_L4D2, "left4dead2", pMountList );
	TryMountVPKGame( "Left 4 Dead", "../../common/left 4 dead/left4dead", APP_L4D1, "left4dead", pMountList );
	TryMountVPKGame( "Counter-Strike Global Offensive", "../../common/Counter-Strike Global Offensive/csgo", APP_CSGO, "csgo", pMountList );
	TryMountVPKGame( "Dear Esther", "../../common/dear esther/dearesther", APP_DEARESTHER, "dearesther", pMountList );

	if( pMountList )
		pMountList = NULL;
void CEditorRoot::SaveLayout()
	KeyValues *pKV = new KeyValues( "config" );

	pKV->SetInt( "preview_visible", (pPreview && pPreview->IsVisible()) );
	if ( pPreview )
		pPreview->GetBounds( px, py, psx, psy );

	pKV->SetInt( "p_x", px );
	pKV->SetInt( "p_y", py );
	pKV->SetInt( "p_sx", psx );
	pKV->SetInt( "p_sy", psy );

	pKV->SetInt( "draw_datatypes", m_bDraw_Datatypes ? 1 : 0 );
	pKV->SetInt( "draw_shadows", m_bDraw_Shadows ? 1 : 0 );
	pKV->SetInt( "draw_all_limits", m_bDraw_AllLimits ? 1 : 0 );
	pKV->SetInt( "compile_preview", m_bAutoCompile ? 1 : 0 );
	pKV->SetInt( "enable_nodeview_tooltips", m_bDoTooltips ? 1 : 0 );
	pKV->SetInt( "compile_always_full", m_bAutoFullcompile ? 1 : 0 );
	pKV->SetInt( "compile_auto_publish_to_materials", m_bAutoShaderPublish ? 1 : 0 );
	pKV->SetInt( "precache_auto_reload", m_bAutoPrecacheUpdate ? 1 : 0 );
	pKV->SetInt( "warn_unsaved_changes", m_bWarnOnClose ? 1 : 0 );

	pKV->SetInt( "cedit_x", cedit_x );
	pKV->SetInt( "cedit_y", cedit_y );
	pKV->SetInt( "cedit_sx", cedit_sx );
	pKV->SetInt( "cedit_sy", cedit_sy );
	pKV->SaveToFile( filesystem, VarArgs( "%s/shadereditorui/editor_config.txt", engine->GetGameDirectory()), "MOD" );

void CButtonPanel::OnCommand( const char *command)
	if (!Q_strcmp(command, "opennews"))


		m_iLatestNews = time(NULL);

		KeyValues *manifest = new KeyValues( "latest_news" );
		manifest->SetInt("time", (long)m_iLatestNews);
		manifest->SaveToFile( filesystem, "latest_news.txt", "MOD" );


	if (!Q_strcmp(command, "openleaderboard"))


Exemple #5
//Called every time a new time is achieved
void CTimer::SaveTime()
    const char *szMapName = gpGlobals->mapname.ToCStr();
    KeyValues *timesKV = new KeyValues(szMapName);
    int count = localTimes.Count();

    for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
        Time t = localTimes[i];
        char timeName[512];
        Q_snprintf(timeName, 512, "%i", t.ticks);
        KeyValues *pSubkey = new KeyValues(timeName);
        pSubkey->SetFloat("rate", t.tickrate);
        pSubkey->SetInt("date", t.date);

    char file[MAX_PATH];
    Q_strcpy(file, c_mapDir);
    Q_strcat(file, szMapName, MAX_PATH);
    Q_strncat(file, c_timesExt, MAX_PATH);

    if (timesKV->SaveToFile(filesystem, file, "MOD", true))
        Log("Successfully saved new time!\n");
        IGameEvent *savedEvent = gameeventmanager->CreateEvent("runtime_saved");
        if (savedEvent)

// Purpose: saves control settings to file
bool BuildGroup::SaveControlSettings( void )
	bool bSuccess = false;
	if ( m_pResourceName )
		KeyValues *rDat = new KeyValues( m_pResourceName );

		// get the data from our controls
		GetSettings( rDat );
		char fullpath[ 512 ];
		g_pFullFileSystem->RelativePathToFullPath( m_pResourceName, m_pResourcePathID, fullpath, sizeof( fullpath ) );

		// save the data out to a file
		bSuccess = rDat->SaveToFile( g_pFullFileSystem, fullpath, NULL );
		if (!bSuccess)
			MessageBox *dlg = new MessageBox("BuildMode - Error saving file", "Error: Could not save changes.  File is most likely read only.");


	return bSuccess;
Exemple #7
// Purpose: saves all the current settings to the user config file
void CSystem::SaveUserConfigFile()
    if (m_pUserConfigData)
        m_pUserConfigData->SaveToFile((IBaseFileSystem*)filesystem(), m_szFileName, m_szPathID);
// Purpose: saves all the current settings to the user config file
void CSystem::SaveUserConfigFile()
	if (m_pUserConfigData)
		m_pUserConfigData->SaveToFile(g_pFullFileSystem, m_szFileName, m_szPathID);
Exemple #9
bool CRoomTemplate::SaveRoomTemplate()
    if (!m_pLevelTheme)
        return false;

    char szThemeDirName[MAX_PATH];
    Q_snprintf(szThemeDirName, sizeof(szThemeDirName), "tilegen/roomtemplates/%s", m_pLevelTheme->m_szName);
    g_pFullFileSystem->CreateDirHierarchy( szThemeDirName, "GAME" );

    char szFullFileName[MAX_PATH];
    Q_snprintf( szFullFileName, sizeof(szFullFileName), "tilegen/roomtemplates/%s/%s.roomtemplate", m_pLevelTheme->m_szName, m_FullName );
    KeyValues *pRoomTemplateKeyValues = new KeyValues( m_FullName );
    pRoomTemplateKeyValues->SetInt( "TilesX", m_nTilesX );
    pRoomTemplateKeyValues->SetInt( "TilesY", m_nTilesY );
    pRoomTemplateKeyValues->SetInt( "SpawnWeight", m_nSpawnWeight );
    pRoomTemplateKeyValues->SetString( "RoomTemplateDescription", m_Description );
    pRoomTemplateKeyValues->SetString( "Soundscape", m_Soundscape );
    pRoomTemplateKeyValues->SetInt( "TileType", m_nTileType );

    // exits
    int iExits = m_Exits.Count();
    for (int i=0; i<iExits; i++)
        KeyValues *pkvSubSection = new KeyValues("EXIT");
        pkvSubSection->SetInt("XPos", m_Exits[i]->m_iXPos);
        pkvSubSection->SetInt("YPos", m_Exits[i]->m_iYPos);
        pkvSubSection->SetInt("ExitDirection", (int) m_Exits[i]->m_ExitDirection);
        pkvSubSection->SetInt("ZChange", m_Exits[i]->m_iZChange);
        pkvSubSection->SetString("ExitTag", m_Exits[i]->m_szExitTag);
        pkvSubSection->SetBool("ChokeGrow", m_Exits[i]->m_bChokepointGrowSource);


    // tags
    KeyValues *pkvSubSection = new KeyValues("Tags");
    for ( int i=0; i<GetNumTags(); i++ )
        pkvSubSection->AddSubKey( new KeyValues( "tag", NULL, GetTag( i ) ) );

    if (!pRoomTemplateKeyValues->SaveToFile(g_pFullFileSystem, szFullFileName, "GAME"))
        Msg("Error: Failed to save room template %s\n", szFullFileName);
        return false;
    return true;
Exemple #10
void CTileGenDialog::GenerateRoomThumbnails( bool bAddToPerforce )
	// save out a keyvalues file with position/size of each room
	KeyValues *pKV = new KeyValues( "RoomThumbnails" );
	char filename[MAX_PATH];
	for ( int i=0;i<m_pMapLayout->m_PlacedRooms.Count();i++ )
		CRoom *pRoom = m_pMapLayout->m_PlacedRooms[i];
		if ( !pRoom )
		KeyValues *pkvEntry = new KeyValues( "Thumbnail" );
		Q_snprintf( filename, sizeof( filename ), "tilegen/roomtemplates/%s/%s.tga", pRoom->m_pRoomTemplate->m_pLevelTheme->m_szName,
			pRoom->m_pRoomTemplate->GetFullName() );
		pkvEntry->SetString( "Filename", filename );

		int half_map_size = MAP_LAYOUT_TILES_WIDE * 0.5f;		// shift back so the middle of our grid is the origin
		float xPos = (pRoom->m_iPosX - half_map_size) * ASW_TILE_SIZE;
		float yPos = (pRoom->m_iPosY - half_map_size) * ASW_TILE_SIZE;
		pkvEntry->SetFloat( "RoomX", xPos );
		pkvEntry->SetFloat( "RoomY", yPos + pRoom->m_pRoomTemplate->GetTilesY() * ASW_TILE_SIZE );

		pkvEntry->SetFloat( "RoomWide", pRoom->m_pRoomTemplate->GetTilesX() * ASW_TILE_SIZE );
		pkvEntry->SetFloat( "RoomTall", pRoom->m_pRoomTemplate->GetTilesY() * ASW_TILE_SIZE );

		pkvEntry->SetFloat( "OutputWide", pRoom->m_pRoomTemplate->GetTilesX() * RoomTemplatePanelTileSize() );
		pkvEntry->SetFloat( "OutputTall", pRoom->m_pRoomTemplate->GetTilesY() * RoomTemplatePanelTileSize() );

		pKV->AddSubKey( pkvEntry );

	if ( !pKV->SaveToFile( g_pFullFileSystem, THUMBNAILS_FILE, "GAME" ) )
		Msg( "Error: Couldn't save %s\n", THUMBNAILS_FILE );


	m_pMapLayout->SaveMapLayout( "maps/output.layout" );
	if ( engine )
		char buffer[256];
		Q_snprintf(buffer, sizeof(buffer), "asw_random_weapons 0; asw_building_room_thumbnails 1; asw_add_room_thumbnails_to_perforce %d; asw_build_map %s", bAddToPerforce ? 1 : 0, "output.layout" );
		engine->ClientCmd_Unrestricted( buffer );
Exemple #11
void CASWJukeboxPlaylist::ExportPlayistKV( void )
	KeyValues *pPlaylistKV = new KeyValues("playlist");

	for( int i=0; i<m_CombatMusicPlaylist.Count(); ++i )
		KeyValues *pTrackKV = new KeyValues("Track");
		pTrackKV->SetString( "TrackName", m_CombatMusicPlaylist[i].m_szFilename );
		pTrackKV->SetString( "HexName", m_CombatMusicPlaylist[i].m_szHexname );
		pTrackKV->SetString( "Album", m_CombatMusicPlaylist[i].m_szAlbum );
		pTrackKV->SetString( "Artist", m_CombatMusicPlaylist[i].m_szArtist);
		pTrackKV->SetString( "Genre", m_CombatMusicPlaylist[i].m_szGenre );
		pPlaylistKV->AddSubKey( pTrackKV );
	pPlaylistKV->SaveToFile( filesystem, sz_PlaylistFilename );
void DownloadCache::PersistToCache( const RequestContext *rc )
	if ( !m_cache || !rc || !rc->data || !rc->nBytesTotal || !rc->nBytesCurrent )

	char cachePath[_MAX_PATH];
	GenerateCacheFilename( rc, cachePath );

	FileHandle_t fp = g_pFileSystem->Open( cachePath, "wb" );
	if ( fp )
		g_pFileSystem->Write( rc->data, rc->nBytesCurrent, fp );
		g_pFileSystem->Close( fp );

		m_cache->SaveToFile( g_pFileSystem, CacheFilename, NULL );
	CUtlVector< SimpleTexture* > hList_Textures;
	CUtlVector< SimpleCombo* > hList_Combos;
	CUtlVector< SimpleEnvConstant* > hList_EConstants;
void df_SaveDump_File( const char *canvasname, const BasicShaderCfg_t &shader )
	KeyValues *pKV = new KeyValues( canvasname );
	char _path[MAX_PATH];
	Q_snprintf( _path, MAX_PATH, "%s/%s.dump", ::GetDumpDirectory(), canvasname );
	Q_FixSlashes( _path );

	pKV->SetString( "vs_name", shader.ProcVSName );
	pKV->SetString( "ps_name", shader.ProcPSName );
	pKV->SetString( "shader_filename", shader.Filename );
	pKV->SetString( GetDumpVersion_KeyName(), GetDumpVersion_Current() );

	pKV->SetInt( "i_sm", shader.iShaderModel );
	pKV->SetInt( "i_cull", shader.iCullmode );
	pKV->SetInt( "i_ablend", shader.iAlphablendmode );
	pKV->SetFloat( "fl_atestref", shader.flAlphaTestRef );
	pKV->SetInt( "i_dtest", shader.iDepthtestmode );
	pKV->SetInt( "i_dwrite", shader.iDepthwritemode );
	pKV->SetInt( "i_srgbw", shader.bsRGBWrite ? 1 : 0 );
	pKV->SetInt( "i_vfmt_flags", shader.iVFMT_flags );
	pKV->SetInt( "i_vfmt_texcoords", shader.iVFMT_numTexcoords );
	pKV->SetInt( "i_vfmt_udata", shader.iVFMT_numUserData );
	for ( int i = 0; i < 3; i++ )
		char tmp[48];
		Q_snprintf( tmp, sizeof(tmp), "i_vfmt_texcoordDim_%i", i );
		pKV->SetInt( tmp, shader.iVFMT_texDim[i] );

	pKV->SetInt( "i_vlit", shader.bVertexLighting );
	pKV->SetInt( "i_vrefract", shader.bRefractionSupport );

	KeyValues *pKVIdentVS = __AllocKV_Identifiers( shader.pVS_Identifiers );
	pKVIdentVS->SetName( "identifiers_VS" );
	pKV->AddSubKey( pKVIdentVS );

	KeyValues *pKVIdentPS = __AllocKV_Identifiers( shader.pPS_Identifiers );
	pKVIdentPS->SetName( "identifiers_PS" );
	pKV->AddSubKey( pKVIdentPS );

	pKV->SaveToFile( g_pFullFileSystem, _path, "MOD" );
void CTilegenKVEditorPage::OnCommand( const char *command )
	if ( !Q_stricmp( command, "Save" ) )
		KeyValues *pKV = GetKeyValues();
		char fullFilePathBuffer [512];
		Q_snprintf(fullFilePathBuffer, sizeof(fullFilePathBuffer),"C:\\Program Files\\Steam\\steamapps\\sourcemods\\alienswarmdirectormod\\%s", m_szFilename);
		Msg("Saving to [%s]", fullFilePathBuffer);

		//if ( pKV != NULL && !pKV->SaveToFile( g_pFullFileSystem, m_szFilename, "GAME" ) )
		if ( pKV != NULL && !pKV->SaveToFile( g_pFullFileSystem, fullFilePathBuffer ) )
			if ( p4 )
				char fullPath[MAX_PATH];
				g_pFullFileSystem->RelativePathToFullPath( m_szFilename, "GAME", fullPath, MAX_PATH );
				if ( p4->IsFileInPerforce( fullPath ) )
					MessageBox *pMessage = new MessageBox( "Check Out?", "File is not writeable. Would you like to check it out from Perforce?", this );
					pMessage->SetCancelButtonVisible( true );
					pMessage->SetOKButtonText( "#MessageBox_Yes" );
					pMessage->SetCancelButtonText( "#MessageBox_No" );
					pMessage->SetCommand( new KeyValues( "CheckOutFromP4", "file", fullPath ) );
				VGUIMessageBox( this, "Save Error", "Failed to save %s.  Make sure file is checked out from Perforce.", m_szFilename );
	else if ( !Q_stricmp( command, "New" ) )
	BaseClass::OnCommand( command );
Exemple #15
bool CLevelTheme::SaveTheme(const char *pszThemeName)
	char szFullFileName[MAX_PATH];
	Q_snprintf(szFullFileName, sizeof(szFullFileName), "tilegen/themes/%s.theme", pszThemeName);
	KeyValues *pThemeKeyValues = new KeyValues( pszThemeName );
	pThemeKeyValues->SetString("ThemeName", m_szName);
	pThemeKeyValues->SetString("ThemeDescription", m_szDescription);
	pThemeKeyValues->SetBool( "VMFTweak", m_bRequiresVMFTweak );
	pThemeKeyValues->SetBool( "SkipErrorCheck", m_bSkipErrorCheck );
	char buffer[128];
	Q_snprintf( buffer, sizeof( buffer ), "%f %f %f", m_vecAmbientLight.x, m_vecAmbientLight.y, m_vecAmbientLight.z );
	pThemeKeyValues->SetString( "AmbientLight", buffer );
	if (!pThemeKeyValues->SaveToFile(g_pFullFileSystem, szFullFileName, "GAME"))
		Msg("Error: Failed to save theme %s\n", szFullFileName);
		return false;
	// TODO: check the room templates folder for this theme exists
	return true;
void CTilegenKVEditorPage::OnCheckOutFromP4( KeyValues *pKV )
	const char *pPath = pKV->GetString( "file", NULL );
	if ( pPath != NULL )
		if ( p4->OpenFileForEdit( pPath ) )
			KeyValues *pKV = GetKeyValues();

			if ( !pKV->SaveToFile( g_pFullFileSystem, m_szFilename, "GAME" ) )
				VGUIMessageBox( this, "Save Error!", "Checked out '%s' from Perforce, but failed to save file.", pPath );
			VGUIMessageBox( this, "P4 Error!", "Failed to check out '%s' from Perforce.", pPath );			
void CTilegenLayoutSystemPage::OnFileSelected( const char *pFullPath )
	if ( g_pFullFileSystem->FileExists( pFullPath ) )
		VGUIMessageBox( this, "Save Error", "A layout system already exists with filename %s.", pFullPath );
	// create new keys
	KeyValues *pNewKeys = new KeyValues( "Mission" );
	// save them at the full path
	if ( !pNewKeys->SaveToFile( g_pFullFileSystem, pFullPath ) )
		VGUIMessageBox( this, "Save Error", "Failed to save new file %s.", pFullPath );
	m_pEditor->SetMissionData( pNewKeys );

	m_pReloadMissionButton->SetVisible( true );
	m_pSaveButton->SetVisible( true );
	m_pGenerateButton->SetVisible( true );
	bool bConverted = g_pFullFileSystem->FullPathToRelativePath( pFullPath, m_szFilename, MAX_PATH );
	if ( !bConverted )
		Warning( "Failed to convert this to a relative path: %s\n", pFullPath );
	m_pFilenameLabel->SetText( m_szFilename + Q_strlen( "tilegen/" ) );	
	m_pNewMissionDatabase->AddFile( pNewKeys, m_szFilename );

	if ( p4 )
		MessageBox *pMessage = new MessageBox( "Add to P4?", "Would you like to add this mission to perforce?", this );
		pMessage->SetCancelButtonVisible( true );
		pMessage->SetOKButtonText( "#MessageBox_Yes" );
		pMessage->SetCancelButtonText( "#MessageBox_No" );
		pMessage->SetCommand( new KeyValues( "AddToP4", "file", pFullPath ) );
Exemple #18
static void WriteToProgramCache( CGLMShaderPair *pair )
	KeyValues *pProgramCache = new KeyValues( "programcache" );
	pProgramCache->LoadFromFile( g_pFullFileSystem, PROGRAM_CACHE_FILE, "MOD" );

	if ( !pProgramCache )
		Warning( "Could not write to program cache file!\n" );

	// extract values of interest which represent a pair of shaders
	char	vprogramName[128];
	int		vprogramStaticIndex = -1;
	int		vprogramDynamicIndex = -1;
	pair->m_vertexProg->GetLabelIndexCombo( vprogramName, sizeof(vprogramName), &vprogramStaticIndex, &vprogramDynamicIndex );

	char	pprogramName[128];
	int		pprogramStaticIndex = -1;
	int		pprogramDynamicIndex = -1;
	pair->m_fragmentProg->GetLabelIndexCombo( pprogramName, sizeof(pprogramName), &pprogramStaticIndex, &pprogramDynamicIndex );

	// make up a key - this thing is really a list of tuples, so need not be keyed by anything particular
	KeyValues *pProgramKey = pProgramCache->CreateNewKey();
	Assert( pProgramKey );

	pProgramKey->SetString	( "vs", vprogramName );
	pProgramKey->SetString	( "ps", pprogramName );

	pProgramKey->SetInt		( "vs_static", vprogramStaticIndex );
	pProgramKey->SetInt		( "ps_static", pprogramStaticIndex );

	pProgramKey->SetInt		( "vs_dynamic", vprogramDynamicIndex );
	pProgramKey->SetInt		( "ps_dynamic", pprogramDynamicIndex );

	pProgramCache->SaveToFile( g_pFullFileSystem, PROGRAM_CACHE_FILE, "MOD" );
// Purpose: debug helper, spits out a human readable keyvalues version of the various configs
void OutputKeyValuesVersion( CVCProjConvert & proj )
	KeyValues *kv = new KeyValues( "project" );
	for ( int projIndex = 0; projIndex < proj.GetNumConfigurations(); projIndex++ )
		CVCProjConvert::CConfiguration & config = proj.GetConfiguration(projIndex);
		KeyValues *configKv = kv->FindKey( config.GetName().String(), true );
		int fileCount = 0;
		for( int fileIndex = 0; fileIndex < config.GetNumFileNames(); fileIndex++ )
			if ( config.GetFileType(fileIndex) == CVCProjConvert::CConfiguration::FILE_SOURCE ) 
				char num[20];
				Q_snprintf( num, sizeof(num), "%i", fileCount );
				configKv->SetString( num, config.GetFileName(fileIndex) );
	kv->SaveToFile( g_pFileSystem, "files.vdf" );
void CTilegenKVEditorPage::OnCommand( const char *command )
	if ( !Q_stricmp( command, "Save" ) )
		KeyValues *pKV = GetKeyValues();

		if ( pKV != NULL && !pKV->SaveToFile( g_pFullFileSystem, m_szFilename, "MOD" ) )
			if ( p4 )
				char fullPath[MAX_PATH];
				g_pFullFileSystem->RelativePathToFullPath( m_szFilename, "MOD", fullPath, MAX_PATH );
				if ( p4->IsFileInPerforce( fullPath ) )
					MessageBox *pMessage = new MessageBox( "Check Out?", "File is not writeable. Would you like to check it out from Perforce?", this );
					pMessage->SetCancelButtonVisible( true );
					pMessage->SetOKButtonText( "#MessageBox_Yes" );
					pMessage->SetCancelButtonText( "#MessageBox_No" );
					pMessage->SetCommand( new KeyValues( "CheckOutFromP4", "file", fullPath ) );
				VGUIMessageBox( this, "Save Error", "Failed to save %s.  Make sure file is checked out from Perforce.", m_szFilename );
	else if ( !Q_stricmp( command, "New" ) )
	BaseClass::OnCommand( command );
// saves current save data to a keyvalues file
bool CASW_Campaign_Save::SaveGameToFile(const char *szFileName)
	// make sure the path and extension are correct
	char szFullFileName[256];
	char tempbuffer[256];
	if (szFileName==NULL)
		if (m_CurrentSaveFileName == NULL_STRING)
			Msg("Error: Couldn't save game to file as we have no name already and you didn't supply one.\n");
			return false;
		Q_snprintf(szFullFileName, sizeof(szFullFileName), "%s", STRING(m_CurrentSaveFileName));
		Q_snprintf(tempbuffer, sizeof(tempbuffer), "%s", szFileName);	
		Q_SetExtension( tempbuffer, ".campaignsave", sizeof(tempbuffer) );
		const char *pszNoPathName = Q_UnqualifiedFileName(tempbuffer);	
		Q_snprintf(szFullFileName, sizeof(szFullFileName), "save/%s", pszNoPathName);

	// before saving, check if this is actually a completed campaign
	if (ASWGameRules())
		int iLeft = ASWGameRules()->CampaignMissionsLeft();
		if (iLeft <= 0)
			Msg("Deleting completed campaign %s", szFullFileName);
			filesystem->RemoveFile( szFullFileName, "GAME" );
			// notify the local mission source that a save has been deleted
			if (missionchooser && missionchooser->LocalMissionSource())
				const char *pszNoPathName = Q_UnqualifiedFileName(szFullFileName);
			return true;
	//  we don't want completed campaigns lingering on disk

	KeyValues *pSaveKeyValues = new KeyValues( "CAMPAIGNSAVE" );
	pSaveKeyValues->SetInt("Version", m_iVersion);
	pSaveKeyValues->SetInt("SkillLevel", m_iLowestSkillLevelPlayed);
	pSaveKeyValues->SetString("CampaignName", m_CampaignName.Get());
	pSaveKeyValues->SetInt("CurrentPosition", m_iCurrentPosition);
	pSaveKeyValues->SetInt("NumMissionsComplete", m_iNumMissionsComplete);
	pSaveKeyValues->SetInt("InitialNumMissionsComplete", m_iInitialNumMissionsComplete);
	pSaveKeyValues->SetInt("Multiplayer", m_bMultiplayerGame ? 1 : 0);
	pSaveKeyValues->SetInt( "NumDeaths", m_iNumDeaths );
	pSaveKeyValues->SetBool( "FixedSkillPoints", m_bFixedSkillPoints );

	// update date
	int year, month, dayOfWeek, day, hour, minute, second;
	missionchooser->GetCurrentTimeAndDate(&year, &month, &dayOfWeek, &day, &hour, &minute, &second);
	//year = month = dayOfWeek = day = hour = minute = second = 0;
	Q_snprintf(m_DateTime.GetForModify(), 255, "%02d/%02d/%d %02d:%02d", month, day, year, hour, minute);
	pSaveKeyValues->SetString("DateTime", m_DateTime.Get());
	// write out each mission's status
	KeyValues *pSubSection;
	for (int i=0; i<ASW_MAX_MISSIONS_PER_CAMPAIGN; i++)
		pSubSection = new KeyValues("MISSION");
		pSubSection->SetInt("MissionID", i);
		pSubSection->SetInt("MissionComplete", m_MissionComplete[i]);
		pSubSection->SetInt("NumRetries", m_NumRetries[i]);

	// write out each marine's stats
	for (int MarineID=0; MarineID<ASW_NUM_MARINE_PROFILES; MarineID++)
		pSubSection = new KeyValues("MARINE");
		pSubSection->SetInt("MarineID", MarineID);

		pSubSection->SetInt("SkillSlot0", m_iMarineSkill[MarineID][ASW_SKILL_SLOT_0]);
		pSubSection->SetInt("SkillSlot1", m_iMarineSkill[MarineID][ASW_SKILL_SLOT_1]);
		pSubSection->SetInt("SkillSlot2", m_iMarineSkill[MarineID][ASW_SKILL_SLOT_2]);
		pSubSection->SetInt("SkillSlot3", m_iMarineSkill[MarineID][ASW_SKILL_SLOT_3]);
		pSubSection->SetInt("SkillSlot4", m_iMarineSkill[MarineID][ASW_SKILL_SLOT_4]);
		pSubSection->SetInt("SkillSlotSpare", m_iMarineSkill[MarineID][ASW_SKILL_SLOT_SPARE]);

		pSubSection->SetInt("UndoSkillSlot0", m_iPreviousMarineSkill[MarineID][ASW_SKILL_SLOT_0]);
		pSubSection->SetInt("UndoSkillSlot1", m_iPreviousMarineSkill[MarineID][ASW_SKILL_SLOT_1]);
		pSubSection->SetInt("UndoSkillSlot2", m_iPreviousMarineSkill[MarineID][ASW_SKILL_SLOT_2]);
		pSubSection->SetInt("UndoSkillSlot3", m_iPreviousMarineSkill[MarineID][ASW_SKILL_SLOT_3]);
		pSubSection->SetInt("UndoSkillSlot4", m_iPreviousMarineSkill[MarineID][ASW_SKILL_SLOT_4]);
		pSubSection->SetInt("UndoSkillSlotSpare", m_iPreviousMarineSkill[MarineID][ASW_SKILL_SLOT_SPARE]);
		pSubSection->SetInt("ParasitesKilled", m_iParasitesKilled[MarineID]);
		pSubSection->SetString("MissionsCompleted", STRING(m_MissionsCompleteNames[MarineID]));
		pSubSection->SetString("Medals", STRING(m_Medals[MarineID]));

		int iWound = IsMarineWounded(MarineID) ? 1 : 0;		
		pSubSection->SetInt("Wounded", iWound);
		int iDead = IsMarineAlive(MarineID) ? 0 : 1;
		pSubSection->SetInt("Dead", iDead);


	// check for any new players to add to our list
	for ( int i = 1; i <= gpGlobals->maxClients; i++ )
		CASW_Player* pPlayer = dynamic_cast<CASW_Player*>(UTIL_PlayerByIndex(i));

		if ( pPlayer )
			// first check his network ID
			const char *pszNetworkID = pPlayer->GetASWNetworkID();
			// check if it's in our list
			bool bFound = false;
			for (int k=0;k<m_PlayerIDs.Count();k++)
				const char *p = STRING(m_PlayerIDs[k]);
				if (!Q_strcmp(p, pszNetworkID))
					bFound = true;
			if (!bFound)
				// add it to the list
				string_t stringID = AllocPooledString(pszNetworkID);

			// then check player name
			const char *pszPlayerName = pPlayer->GetPlayerName();
			bFound = false;
			for (int k=0;k<m_PlayerNames.Count();k++)
				const char *p = STRING(m_PlayerNames[k]);
				if (!Q_strcmp(p, pszPlayerName))
					bFound = true;
			if (!bFound)
				// add it to the list
				string_t stringName = AllocPooledString(pszPlayerName);

	pSaveKeyValues->SetInt("NumPlayers", m_PlayerNames.Count());	
	// write out player names
	for (int i=0; i<m_PlayerNames.Count(); i++)
		pSubSection = new KeyValues("PLAYER");		
		pSubSection->SetString("PlayerName", STRING(m_PlayerNames[i]));
	// write out player IDs
	for (int i=0; i<m_PlayerIDs.Count(); i++)
		pSubSection = new KeyValues("DATA");		
		pSubSection->SetString("DataBlock", STRING(m_PlayerIDs[i]));
	// write out last commanders section
	pSubSection = new KeyValues("COMM");
	for (int i=0;i<ASW_NUM_MARINE_PROFILES;i++)
		char buffer[16];
		Q_snprintf(buffer, sizeof(buffer), "Comm%d", i);
		pSubSection->SetString(buffer, STRING(m_LastCommanders[i]));		
		Q_snprintf(buffer, sizeof(buffer), "Slot%d", i);
		pSubSection->SetInt( buffer, m_LastMarineResourceSlot[i] );
		//Ch1ckensCoop: Record which marine was primary for reservations.
		Q_snprintf(buffer, sizeof(buffer), "Primary%d", i);
		pSubSection->SetBool( buffer, m_LastPrimaryMarines[i] );

	if (pSaveKeyValues->SaveToFile(filesystem, szFullFileName))
		if (missionchooser && missionchooser->LocalMissionSource())
			const char *pszNoPathName = Q_UnqualifiedFileName(szFullFileName);
		return true;
	return false;
void CGECreateServer::OnCommand( const char *command )
	if ( !Q_stricmp(command, "play") )
		CUtlVector<char*> commands;

		// Pull the values from our controls and apply them to commands and save off the choices
		for ( KeyValues *kv = m_kvCmdMap->GetFirstTrueSubKey(); kv; kv = kv->GetNextTrueSubKey() )
			KeyValues *kv_value = m_kvCmdValues->FindKey( kv->GetName(), true );
			char *cmd = new char[128];

			try {
				if ( !Q_stricmp(kv->GetString("type"), "CHOICE") )
					ComboBox *panel = dynamic_cast<ComboBox*>( FindChildByName(kv->GetName()) );

					const char *cmd_value = panel->GetActiveItemUserData()->GetName();
					kv_value->SetStringValue( cmd_value );

					if ( !Q_stricmp(cmd_value, RANDOM_VALUE) )
						int idx = GERandom<int>( panel->GetItemCount()-1 ) + 1;
						idx = panel->GetItemIDFromRow( idx );
						cmd_value = panel->GetItemUserData( idx )->GetName();

					Q_snprintf( cmd, 128, "%s \"%s\"", kv->GetString("cmd"), cmd_value );
					commands.AddToTail( cmd );
				else if ( !Q_stricmp(kv->GetString("type"), "TEXT") )
					char cmd_value[64];
					TextEntry *panel = dynamic_cast<TextEntry*>( FindChildByName(kv->GetName()) );
					panel->GetText( cmd_value, 64 );

					// We don't allow blank values... use default instead
					if ( !cmd_value[0] )
						Q_strncpy( cmd_value, kv->GetString("default",""), 64 );

					kv_value->SetStringValue( cmd_value );

					Q_snprintf( cmd, 128, "%s \"%s\"", kv->GetString("cmd"), cmd_value );
					commands.AddToTail( cmd );
				else if ( !Q_stricmp(kv->GetString("type"), "BOOL") )
					CheckButton *panel = dynamic_cast<CheckButton*>( FindChildByName(kv->GetName()) );
					if ( panel->IsSelected() ) {
						kv_value->SetStringValue( "1" );
						Q_snprintf( cmd, 128, "%s \"%s\"", kv->GetString("cmd"), kv->GetString("on_val","1") );
					} else {
						kv_value->SetStringValue( "0" );
						Q_snprintf( cmd, 128, "%s \"%s\"", kv->GetString("cmd"), kv->GetString("off_val","0") );
					commands.AddToTail( cmd );
					delete [] cmd;
			} catch (...) {
				delete [] cmd;

		// Apply the commands
		for ( int i=0; i < commands.Count(); i++ )
			engine->ClientCmd_Unrestricted( commands[i] );
		// Save our last used settings to our custom file
		m_kvCmdValues->SaveToFile( filesystem, COMMAND_MAP_VAL, "MOD" );

		// Cleanup

	SetVisible( false );
bool CASW_Mission_Chooser_Source_Local::ASW_Campaign_CreateNewSaveGame(char *szFileName, int iFileNameMaxLen, const char *szCampaignName, bool bMultiplayerGame, const char *szStartingMission)	// szFileName arg is the desired filename or NULL for an autogenerated one.  Function sets szFileName with the filename used.
	if (!szFileName)
		return false;

	char stripped[MAX_PATH];
	V_StripExtension( szCampaignName, stripped, MAX_PATH );

	char szStartingMissionStripped[64];
	if ( szStartingMission )
		V_StripExtension( szStartingMission, szStartingMissionStripped, sizeof( szStartingMissionStripped ) );
		szStartingMissionStripped[0] = 0;

	// check the campaign file exists
	char campbuffer[MAX_PATH];
	Q_snprintf(campbuffer, sizeof(campbuffer), "resource/campaigns/%s.txt", stripped);
	if (!g_pFullFileSystem->FileExists(campbuffer))
		Msg("No such campaign: %s\n", campbuffer);
		return false;

	// Get the current time and date as a string
	char szDateTime[256];
	int year, month, dayOfWeek, day, hour, minute, second;
	ASW_System_GetCurrentTimeAndDate(&year, &month, &dayOfWeek, &day, &hour, &minute, &second);
	Q_snprintf(szDateTime, sizeof(szDateTime), "%02d/%02d/%02d %02d:%02d", month, day, year, hour, minute);

	if (szFileName[0] == '\0')
		// autogenerate a filename based on the current time and date
		Q_snprintf(szFileName, iFileNameMaxLen, "%s_save_%02d_%02d_%02d_%02d_%02d_%02d", stripped, year, month, day, hour, minute, second);

	// make sure the path and extension are correct
	Q_SetExtension( szFileName, ".campaignsave", iFileNameMaxLen );
	char tempbuffer[256];
	Q_snprintf(tempbuffer, sizeof(tempbuffer), "%s", szFileName);
	const char *pszNoPathName = Q_UnqualifiedFileName(tempbuffer);
	Msg("Unqualified = %s\n", pszNoPathName);
	char szFullFileName[256];
	Q_snprintf(szFullFileName, sizeof(szFullFileName), "save/%s", pszNoPathName);
	Msg("Creating new save with filename: %s\n", szFullFileName);

	KeyValues *pSaveKeyValues = new KeyValues( pszNoPathName );

	int nMissionsComplete = 0;
	if ( szStartingMission && szStartingMission[0] )
		KeyValues *pCampaignDetails = GetCampaignDetails( stripped );
		if ( pCampaignDetails )
			int nMissionSections = 0;
			for ( KeyValues *pMission = pCampaignDetails->GetFirstSubKey(); pMission; pMission = pMission->GetNextKey() )
				if ( !Q_stricmp( pMission->GetName(), "MISSION" ) )
					if ( !Q_stricmp( pMission->GetString( "MapName", "" ), szStartingMissionStripped ) )
						nMissionsComplete = nMissionSections - 1;		// skip first dummy mission
	pSaveKeyValues->SetInt("Version", ASW_CURRENT_SAVE_VERSION);
	pSaveKeyValues->SetString("CampaignName", stripped);
	pSaveKeyValues->SetInt("CurrentPosition", nMissionsComplete + 1);		// position squad on the first uncompleted mission
	pSaveKeyValues->SetInt("NumMissionsComplete", nMissionsComplete);
	pSaveKeyValues->SetInt("InitialNumMissionsComplete", nMissionsComplete);
	pSaveKeyValues->SetInt("Multiplayer", bMultiplayerGame ? 1 : 0);
	pSaveKeyValues->SetString("DateTime", szDateTime);
	pSaveKeyValues->SetInt("NumPlayers", 0);	
	// write out each mission's status
	KeyValues *pSubSection;
	for (int i=0; i<ASW_MAX_MISSIONS_PER_CAMPAIGN; i++)
		pSubSection = new KeyValues("MISSION");
		pSubSection->SetInt("MissionID", i);
		bool bComplete = ( i != 0 ) && ( i <= nMissionsComplete );
		pSubSection->SetInt("MissionComplete", bComplete ? 1 : 0 );

	const int nInitialSkillPoints = 0;

	// write out each marine's stats
	for (int i=0; i<ASW_NUM_MARINE_PROFILES; i++)
		pSubSection = new KeyValues("MARINE");
		pSubSection->SetInt("MarineID", i);
		pSubSection->SetInt("SkillSlot0", 0);
		pSubSection->SetInt("SkillSlot1", 0);
		pSubSection->SetInt("SkillSlot2", 0);
		pSubSection->SetInt("SkillSlot3", 0);
		pSubSection->SetInt("SkillSlot4", 0);
		pSubSection->SetInt("SkillSlotSpare", nInitialSkillPoints + nMissionsComplete * ASW_SKILL_POINTS_PER_MISSION );

		pSubSection->SetInt("UndoSkillSlot0", 0);
		pSubSection->SetInt("UndoSkillSlot1", 0);
		pSubSection->SetInt("UndoSkillSlot2", 0);
		pSubSection->SetInt("UndoSkillSlot3", 0);
		pSubSection->SetInt("UndoSkillSlot4", 0);
		pSubSection->SetInt("UndoSkillSlotSpare", nInitialSkillPoints + nMissionsComplete * ASW_SKILL_POINTS_PER_MISSION );
		pSubSection->SetString("MissionsCompleted", "");
		pSubSection->SetString("Medals", "");
		pSubSection->SetInt("Wounded", 0);
		pSubSection->SetInt("Dead", 0);
		pSubSection->SetInt("ParasitesKilled", 0);
	// players section is empty at first 

	// Create the save sub-directory
	if (!g_pFullFileSystem->IsDirectory( "save", "MOD" ))
		g_pFullFileSystem->CreateDirHierarchy( "save", "MOD" );

	// save it
	if (pSaveKeyValues->SaveToFile(g_pFullFileSystem, szFullFileName))
		// make sure our save summary list adds this to it, if needed
		Msg("New save created: %s\n", szFullFileName);
		return true;
	Msg("Save to file failed. Filename=%s\n", szFullFileName);
	return false;
Exemple #24
static void saveZonFile(const char* szMapName)
    KeyValues* zoneKV = new KeyValues(szMapName);
    CBaseEntity* pEnt = gEntList.FindEntityByClassname(NULL, "trigger_momentum_*");
    while (pEnt)
        KeyValues* subKey = NULL;
        if (pEnt->ClassMatches("trigger_momentum_timer_start"))
            CTriggerTimerStart* pTrigger = dynamic_cast<CTriggerTimerStart*>(pEnt);
            subKey = new KeyValues("start");
            if (pTrigger)
                subKey->SetFloat("leavespeed", pTrigger->GetMaxLeaveSpeed());
                subKey->SetBool("limitingspeed", pTrigger->IsLimitingSpeed());
        else if (pEnt->ClassMatches("trigger_momentum_timer_stop"))
            subKey = new KeyValues("end");
        else if (pEnt->ClassMatches("trigger_momentum_timer_checkpoint"))
            CTriggerCheckpoint* pTrigger = dynamic_cast<CTriggerCheckpoint*>(pEnt);
            if (pTrigger)
                subKey = new KeyValues("checkpoint");
                subKey->SetInt("number", pTrigger->GetCheckpointNumber());
        else if (pEnt->ClassMatches("trigger_momentum_onehop"))
            CTriggerOnehop* pTrigger = dynamic_cast<CTriggerOnehop*>(pEnt);
            if (pTrigger)
                subKey = new KeyValues("onehop");
                //subKey->SetInt("destination", pTrigger->GetDestinationIndex());
                subKey->SetBool("stop", pTrigger->ShouldStopPlayer());
                subKey->SetBool("resetang", pTrigger->ShouldResetAngles());
                subKey->SetFloat("hold", pTrigger->GetHoldTeleportTime());
                subKey->SetString("destinationname", pTrigger->m_target.ToCStr());
        else if (pEnt->ClassMatches("trigger_momentum_resetonehop"))
            subKey = new KeyValues("resetonehop");
        else if (pEnt->ClassMatches("trigger_momentum_teleport_checkpoint"))

            CTriggerTeleportCheckpoint* pTrigger = dynamic_cast<CTriggerTeleportCheckpoint*>(pEnt);
            if (pTrigger)
                subKey = new KeyValues("checkpoint_teleport");
                //subKey->SetInt("destination", pTrigger->GetDestinationCheckpointNumber());
                subKey->SetBool("stop", pTrigger->ShouldStopPlayer());
                subKey->SetBool("resetang", pTrigger->ShouldResetAngles());
                subKey->SetString("destinationname", pTrigger->m_target.ToCStr());
        else if (pEnt->ClassMatches("trigger_momentum_multihop"))
            CTriggerMultihop* pTrigger = dynamic_cast<CTriggerMultihop*>(pEnt);
            if (pTrigger)
                subKey = new KeyValues("multihop");
                //subKey->SetInt("destination", pTrigger->GetDestinationIndex());
                subKey->SetBool("stop", pTrigger->ShouldStopPlayer());
                subKey->SetFloat("hold", pTrigger->GetHoldTeleportTime());
                subKey->SetBool("resetang", pTrigger->ShouldResetAngles());
                subKey->SetString("destinationname", pTrigger->m_target.ToCStr());
        else if (pEnt->ClassMatches("trigger_momentum_timer_stage"))
            CTriggerStage *pTrigger = dynamic_cast<CTriggerStage*>(pEnt);
            if (pTrigger)
                subKey = new KeyValues("stage");
                subKey->SetInt("number", pTrigger->GetStageNumber());
        if (subKey)
            subKey->SetFloat("xPos", pEnt->GetAbsOrigin().x);
            subKey->SetFloat("yPos", pEnt->GetAbsOrigin().y);
            subKey->SetFloat("zPos", pEnt->GetAbsOrigin().z);
            subKey->SetFloat("xRot", pEnt->GetAbsAngles().x);
            subKey->SetFloat("yRot", pEnt->GetAbsAngles().y);
            subKey->SetFloat("zRot", pEnt->GetAbsAngles().z);
            subKey->SetFloat("xScaleMins", pEnt->WorldAlignMins().x);
            subKey->SetFloat("yScaleMins", pEnt->WorldAlignMins().y);
            subKey->SetFloat("zScaleMins", pEnt->WorldAlignMins().z);
            subKey->SetFloat("xScaleMaxs", pEnt->WorldAlignMaxs().x);
            subKey->SetFloat("yScaleMaxs", pEnt->WorldAlignMaxs().y);
            subKey->SetFloat("zScaleMaxs", pEnt->WorldAlignMaxs().z);
        pEnt = gEntList.FindEntityByClassname(pEnt, "trigger_momentum_*");
    if (zoneKV->GetFirstSubKey())//not empty 
        char zoneFilePath[MAX_PATH];
        Q_strcpy(zoneFilePath, "maps/");
        Q_strcat(zoneFilePath, szMapName, MAX_PATH);
        Q_strncat(zoneFilePath, ".zon", MAX_PATH);
        zoneKV->SaveToFile(filesystem, zoneFilePath, "MOD");
void DownloadCache::PersistToDisk( const RequestContext *rc )
	if ( !m_cache )

	if ( rc && rc->data && rc->nBytesTotal )
		char gamePath[MAX_PATH];
		if ( rc->bIsBZ2 )
			Q_StripExtension( rc->gamePath, gamePath, sizeof( gamePath ) );
			Q_strncpy( gamePath, rc->gamePath, sizeof( gamePath ) );

		if ( !g_pFileSystem->FileExists( gamePath ) )
			// Create the subdirs
			char * tmpDir = CloneString( gamePath );
			COM_CreatePath( tmpDir );
			delete[] tmpDir;

			bool success = false;
			if ( rc->bIsBZ2 )
				success = DecompressBZipToDisk( gamePath, rc->gamePath, reinterpret_cast< char * >(rc->data), rc->nBytesTotal );
				FileHandle_t fp = g_pFileSystem->Open( gamePath, "wb" );
				if ( fp )
					g_pFileSystem->Write( rc->data, rc->nBytesTotal, fp );
					g_pFileSystem->Close( fp );
					success = true;

			if ( success )
				// write succeeded.  remove any old data from the cache.
				char cachePath[_MAX_PATH];
				GetCacheFilename( rc, cachePath );
				if ( cachePath[0] )
					g_pFileSystem->RemoveFile( cachePath, NULL );

				BuildKeyNames( rc->gamePath );
				KeyValues *kv = m_cache->FindKey( m_cachefileKey, false );
				if ( kv )
					m_cache->RemoveSubKey( kv );
				kv = m_cache->FindKey( m_timestampKey, false );
				if ( kv )
					m_cache->RemoveSubKey( kv );

	m_cache->SaveToFile( g_pFileSystem, CacheFilename, NULL );