// Purpose: Add an item to the drop down
// Input  : char *itemText - name of dropdown menu item
int ComboBox::AddItem(const wchar_t *itemText, const KeyValues *userData)
	// add the element to the menu
	// when the menu item is selected it will send the custom message "SetText"
	KeyValues *kv = new KeyValues("SetText");
	kv->SetWString("text", itemText);
	// get an ansi version for the menuitem name
	char ansi[128];
	g_pVGuiLocalize->ConvertUnicodeToANSI(itemText, ansi, sizeof(ansi));
	return m_pDropDown->AddMenuItem(ansi, kv, this, userData);
// Purpose: Updates a current item to the drop down
// Input  : wchar_t *itemText - name of dropdown menu item
bool ComboBox::UpdateItem(int itemID, const wchar_t *itemText, const KeyValues *userData)
	if ( !m_pDropDown->IsValidMenuID(itemID))
		return false;

	// when the menu item is selected it will send the custom message "SetText"
	KeyValues *kv = new KeyValues("SetText");
	kv->SetWString("text", itemText);
	m_pDropDown->UpdateMenuItem(itemID, itemText, kv, userData);
	return true;
void CQCGenerator::OnNewLODText()
	KeyValues *pEditItem = m_pLODPanel->GetItem( m_nSelectedSequence );
	KeyValues *pListItem = pEditItem;
	wchar_t szEditText[MAX_PATH];

	pEditItem = pEditItem->GetFirstValue();
	const char *name = pEditItem->GetName();
	for( int i = 0; i < m_nSelectedColumn; i++ )
		pEditItem = pEditItem->GetNextValue();
		name = pEditItem->GetName();
	m_pLODEdit->GetText( szEditText, MAX_PATH );

	pListItem->SetWString( name, szEditText );

// Add a file to the file list.
int PerforceFileList::AddFileToFileList( const char *pFullPath, bool bExistsOnDisk )
    bool bIsFileWriteable = bExistsOnDisk ? g_pFullFileSystem->IsFileWritable( pFullPath, NULL ) : true;

    // add the file to the list
    KeyValues *kv = new KeyValues("item");

    const char *pRelativePath = Q_UnqualifiedFileName( pFullPath );
    kv->SetString( "text", pRelativePath );
    kv->SetString( "fullpath", pFullPath );
    kv->SetInt( "image", 1 );

    IImage *pImage = surface()->GetIconImageForFullPath( pFullPath );
    if ( pImage )
        kv->SetPtr( "iconImage", (void *)pImage );

    kv->SetInt( "imageSelected", 1 );
    kv->SetInt( "directory", 0 );

    // These are computed by Refresh
    kv->SetInt( "in_perforce", 0 );
    kv->SetInt( "synched", 0 );
    kv->SetInt( "checked_out", 0 );
    kv->SetInt( "deleted", 0 );

    wchar_t pFileType[ 80 ];
    g_pFullFileSystem->GetFileTypeForFullPath( pFullPath, pFileType, sizeof( pFileType ) );

    kv->SetWString( "type", pFileType );
    kv->SetString( "attributes", bIsFileWriteable ? "" : "R" );

    int nItemID = AddItem( kv, 0, false, false );

    AddItemToDirectoryList( pFullPath, nItemID, false );
    return nItemID;
// Purpose: applies only the game filter to the current list
void CBaseGamesPage::ApplyGameFilters()
#ifndef NO_STEAM
	if ( !SteamMatchmakingServers() )
	// loop through all the servers checking filters
	FOR_EACH_MAP_FAST( m_mapServers, i )
		serverdisplay_t &server = m_mapServers[ i ];
		gameserveritem_t *pServer = SteamMatchmakingServers()->GetServerDetails( m_eMatchMakingType, server.m_iServerID );
		if ( !pServer ) 

		if (!CheckPrimaryFilters( *pServer ) || !CheckSecondaryFilters( *pServer ))
			// server failed filtering, remove it
			server.m_bDoNotRefresh = true;
			if ( m_pGameList->IsValidItemID( server.m_iListID) )
				// don't remove the server from list, just hide since this is a lot faster
				m_pGameList->SetItemVisible( server.m_iListID, false );
		else if ( BShowServer( server ) )
			// server passed filters, so it can be refreshed again
			server.m_bDoNotRefresh = false;
			gameserveritem_t *pServer = SteamMatchmakingServers()->GetServerDetails( m_eMatchMakingType, server.m_iServerID );

			// re-add item to list
			if ( !m_pGameList->IsValidItemID( server.m_iListID ) )
				KeyValues *kv = new KeyValues("Server");
				kv->SetString("name", pServer->GetName());
				kv->SetString("map", pServer->m_szMap);
				kv->SetString("GameDir", pServer->m_szGameDir);
				if ( pServer->m_szGameDescription[0] )
					kv->SetString("GameDesc", pServer->m_szGameDescription );
					kv->SetWString("GameDesc", g_pVGuiLocalize->Find("#ServerBrowser_PendingPing"));

				int nAdjustedForBotsPlayers = max( 0, pServer->m_nPlayers - pServer->m_nBotPlayers );
				int nAdjustedForBotsMaxPlayers = max( 0, pServer->m_nMaxPlayers - pServer->m_nBotPlayers );

				char buf[256];
				Q_snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%d / %d", nAdjustedForBotsPlayers, nAdjustedForBotsMaxPlayers);
				kv->SetString( "Players", buf);
				kv->SetInt( "Ping", pServer->m_nPing );
				kv->SetInt( "password", pServer->m_bPassword ? 1 : 0);
				if ( pServer->m_nBotPlayers > 0 )
					kv->SetInt("bots", pServer->m_nBotPlayers);
					kv->SetString("bots", "");

				server.m_iListID = m_pGameList->AddItem(kv, server.m_iServerID, false, false);
			// make sure the server is visible
			m_pGameList->SetItemVisible( server.m_iListID, true );
// Purpose: Handles incoming server refresh data
//			updates the server browser with the refreshed information from the server itself
void CBaseGamesPage::ServerResponded( int iServer, gameserveritem_t *pServerItem )
	int iServerMap = m_mapServers.Find( iServer );
	if ( iServerMap == m_mapServers.InvalidIndex() )
		netadr_t netAdr( pServerItem->m_NetAdr.GetIP(), pServerItem->m_NetAdr.GetQueryPort() );
		int iServerIP = m_mapServerIP.Find( netAdr );
		if ( iServerIP != m_mapServerIP.InvalidIndex() )
			// if we already had this entry under another index remove the old entry
			int iServerMap = m_mapServers.Find( m_mapServerIP[ iServerIP ] );
			if ( iServerMap != m_mapServers.InvalidIndex() )
				serverdisplay_t &server = m_mapServers[ iServerMap ];
				if ( m_pGameList->IsValidItemID( server.m_iListID ) )
					m_pGameList->RemoveItem( server.m_iListID );
				m_mapServers.RemoveAt( iServerMap );
			m_mapServerIP.RemoveAt( iServerIP );

		serverdisplay_t serverFind;
		serverFind.m_iListID = -1;
		serverFind.m_bDoNotRefresh = false;
		iServerMap = m_mapServers.Insert( iServer, serverFind );
		m_mapServerIP.Insert( netAdr, iServer );

	serverdisplay_t *pServer = &m_mapServers[ iServerMap ];
	pServer->m_iServerID = iServer;
	Assert( pServerItem->m_NetAdr.GetIP() != 0 );

	// check filters
	bool removeItem = false;
	if ( !CheckPrimaryFilters( *pServerItem ) )
		// server has been filtered at a primary level
		// remove from lists
		pServer->m_bDoNotRefresh = true;

		// remove from UI list
		removeItem = true;
	else if (!CheckSecondaryFilters(  *pServerItem ))
		// we still ping this server in the future; however it is removed from UI list
		removeItem = true;

	if (removeItem)
		if ( m_pGameList->IsValidItemID( pServer->m_iListID ) )
			m_pGameList->RemoveItem( pServer->m_iListID );
			pServer->m_iListID = GetInvalidServerListID();

	// update UI
	KeyValues *kv;
	if ( m_pGameList->IsValidItemID( pServer->m_iListID ) )
		// we're updating an existing entry
		kv = m_pGameList->GetItem( pServer->m_iListID );
		m_pGameList->SetUserData( pServer->m_iListID, pServer->m_iServerID );
		// new entry
		kv = new KeyValues("Server");

	kv->SetString("name", pServerItem->GetName());
	kv->SetString("map", pServerItem->m_szMap);
	kv->SetString("GameDir", pServerItem->m_szGameDir);
	kv->SetString("GameDesc", pServerItem->m_szGameDescription);
	kv->SetInt("password", pServerItem->m_bPassword ? 1 : 0);
	if ( pServerItem->m_nBotPlayers > 0 )
		kv->SetInt("bots", pServerItem->m_nBotPlayers);
		kv->SetString("bots", "");
	if ( pServerItem->m_bSecure )
		// show the denied icon if banned from secure servers, the secure icon otherwise
		kv->SetInt("secure", ServerBrowser().IsVACBannedFromGame( pServerItem->m_nAppID ) ?  4 : 3);
		kv->SetInt("secure", 0);

	kv->SetString( "IPAddr", pServerItem->m_NetAdr.GetConnectionAddressString() );

	int nAdjustedForBotsPlayers = max( 0, pServerItem->m_nPlayers - pServerItem->m_nBotPlayers );
	int nAdjustedForBotsMaxPlayers = max( 0, pServerItem->m_nMaxPlayers - pServerItem->m_nBotPlayers );

	char buf[32];
	Q_snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%d / %d", nAdjustedForBotsPlayers, nAdjustedForBotsMaxPlayers);
	kv->SetString("Players", buf);
	kv->SetInt("Ping", pServerItem->m_nPing);

	kv->SetString("Tags", pServerItem->m_szGameTags );

	if ( pServerItem->m_ulTimeLastPlayed )
		// construct a time string for last played time
		struct tm *now;
		now = localtime( (time_t*)&pServerItem->m_ulTimeLastPlayed );

		if ( now ) 
			char buf[64];
			strftime(buf, sizeof(buf), "%a %d %b %I:%M%p", now);
			Q_strlower(buf + strlen(buf) - 4);
			kv->SetString("LastPlayed", buf);

	if ( pServer->m_bDoNotRefresh )
		// clear out the vars
		kv->SetString("Ping", "");
		kv->SetWString("GameDesc", g_pVGuiLocalize->Find("#ServerBrowser_NotResponding"));
		kv->SetString("Players", "");
		kv->SetString("map", "");

	if ( !m_pGameList->IsValidItemID( pServer->m_iListID ) )
		// new server, add to list
		pServer->m_iListID = m_pGameList->AddItem(kv, pServer->m_iServerID, false, false);
		if ( m_bAutoSelectFirstItemInGameList && m_pGameList->GetItemCount() == 1 )
			m_pGameList->AddSelectedItem( pServer->m_iListID );
		// tell the list that we've changed the data
		m_pGameList->ApplyItemChanges( pServer->m_iListID );
		m_pGameList->SetItemVisible( pServer->m_iListID, true );

Exemple #7
void CLeaderboardsStats::OnPlayerStats(KeyValues* kv)
    KeyValues *pData = kv->FindKey("data");
    KeyValues *pErr = kv->FindKey("error");
    if (pData)
        // int mtotal = -1; // MOM_TODO

        // int grank = -1; // MOM_TODO
        // int gtotal = -1; // MOM_TODO

        KeyValues *pMapRank = pData->FindKey("mapRank");
        if (pMapRank)
            int iMapRank = pMapRank->GetInt("rank", -1);
            if (iMapRank == -1)
                pMapRank->SetWString("mRank", g_pVGuiLocalize->Find("MOM_NotApplicable"));
                pMapRank->SetInt("mRank", iMapRank);

            const auto iRankXP = pMapRank->GetInt("rankXP", -1);
            if (iRankXP == -1)
                pMapRank->SetWString("rankXP", g_pVGuiLocalize->Find("MOM_NotApplicable"));
                pMapRank->SetInt("rankXP", iRankXP);

            pMapRank->SetWString("time", g_pVGuiLocalize->Find("MOM_NotApplicable"));
            KeyValues *pRun = pMapRank->FindKey("run");
            if (pRun)
                float seconds = pRun->GetFloat("time");
                if (seconds > 0.0f)
                    char sPersonalBestTime[BUFSIZETIME];
                    MomUtil::FormatTime(seconds, sPersonalBestTime);
                    pMapRank->SetString("time", sPersonalBestTime);

        KeyValues *pUserStats = pData->FindKey("stats");
        if (pUserStats)
            // MOM_TODO: fill in these
            // grank = static_cast<int>(pExperience->GetFloat("rank"));
            // gtotal = static_cast<int>(pExperience->GetFloat("total"));

            m_pPlayerLevel->SetText(CConstructLocalizedString(g_pVGuiLocalize->Find("MOM_Level"), pUserStats));
            m_pPlayerCosXP->SetText(CConstructLocalizedString(g_pVGuiLocalize->Find("MOM_CosXP"), pUserStats));
            m_pMapsCompleted->SetText(CConstructLocalizedString(g_pVGuiLocalize->Find("MOM_MapsCompleted"), pUserStats));
            m_pRunsSubmitted->SetText(CConstructLocalizedString(g_pVGuiLocalize->Find("MOM_RunsSubmitted"), pUserStats));
            m_pTotalJumps->SetText(CConstructLocalizedString(g_pVGuiLocalize->Find("MOM_TotalJumps"), pUserStats));
            m_pTotalStrafes->SetText(CConstructLocalizedString(g_pVGuiLocalize->Find("MOM_TotalStrafes"), pUserStats));

        m_pPlayerMapRank->SetText(CConstructLocalizedString(g_pVGuiLocalize->Find("MOM_MapRank"), pMapRank));
        m_pPlayerRankXP->SetText(CConstructLocalizedString(g_pVGuiLocalize->Find("MOM_RankXP"), pMapRank));
        m_pPlayerPersonalBest->SetText(CConstructLocalizedString(g_pVGuiLocalize->Find("MOM_PersonalBestTime"), pMapRank));

        /*if (grank > -1 && gtotal > -1)
            char p_sGlobalRank[BUFSIZELOCL];
            char p_sLocalized[BUFSIZELOCL];
            LOCALIZE_TOKEN(p_wcGlobalRank, "MOM_GlobalRank", p_sGlobalRank);
            Q_snprintf(p_sLocalized, BUFSIZELOCL, "%s: %i/%i", p_sGlobalRank, grank, gtotal);
    else if (pErr)
        // MOM_TODO: Handle errors
void CKeyBindingHelpDialog::PopulateList()

	int i, j;

	CUtlVector< ListInfo_t > maps;
	vgui2::Panel *pPanel = m_hPanel;
	while ( pPanel->IsKeyBindingChainToParentAllowed() )
		PanelKeyBindingMap *map = pPanel->GetKBMap();
		while ( map )
			int k;
			int c = maps.Count();
			for ( k = 0; k < c; ++k )
				if ( maps[k].m_pMap == map )
			if ( k == c )
				int mapIndex = maps.AddToTail( );
				maps[mapIndex].m_pMap = map;
				maps[mapIndex].m_pPanel = pPanel;
			map = map->baseMap;

		pPanel = pPanel->GetParent();
		if ( !pPanel )

	CUtlRBTree< KeyValues *, int >	sorted( 0, 0, BindingLessFunc );

	// add header item
	int c = maps.Count();
	for ( i = 0; i < c; ++i )
		PanelKeyBindingMap *m = maps[ i ].m_pMap;
		Panel *pMapPanel = maps[i].m_pPanel;
		Assert( m );

		int bindings = m->boundkeys.Count();
		for ( j = 0; j < bindings; ++j )
			BoundKey_t *kbMap = &m->boundkeys[ j ];
			Assert( kbMap );

			// Create a new: blank item
			KeyValues *item = new KeyValues( "Item" );
			// Fill in data
			char loc[ 128 ];
			Q_snprintf( loc, sizeof( loc ), "#%s", kbMap->bindingname );

			char ansi[ 256 ];
			AnsiText( loc, ansi, sizeof( ansi ) );

			item->SetString( "Action", ansi );
			item->SetWString( "Binding", Panel::KeyCodeModifiersToDisplayString( (KeyCode)kbMap->keycode, kbMap->modifiers ) );

			// Find the binding
			KeyBindingMap_t *bindingMap = pMapPanel->LookupBinding( kbMap->bindingname );
			if ( bindingMap && 
				 bindingMap->helpstring )
				AnsiText( bindingMap->helpstring, ansi, sizeof( ansi ) );
				item->SetString( "Description", ansi );
			item->SetPtr( "Item", kbMap );			

			sorted.Insert( item );

		// Now try and find any "unbound" keys...
		int mappings = m->entries.Count();
		for ( j = 0; j < mappings; ++j )
			KeyBindingMap_t *kbMap = &m->entries[ j ];

			// See if it's bound
			CUtlVector< BoundKey_t * > list;
			pMapPanel->LookupBoundKeys( kbMap->bindingname, list );
			if ( list.Count() > 0 )

			// Not bound, add a placeholder entry
			// Create a new: blank item
			KeyValues *item = new KeyValues( "Item" );
			// fill in data
			char loc[ 128 ];
			Q_snprintf( loc, sizeof( loc ), "#%s", kbMap->bindingname );

			char ansi[ 256 ];
			AnsiText( loc, ansi, sizeof( ansi ) );

			item->SetString( "Action", ansi );
			item->SetWString( "Binding", L"" );
			if ( kbMap->helpstring )
				AnsiText( kbMap->helpstring, ansi, sizeof( ansi ) );
				item->SetString( "Description", ansi );

			item->SetPtr( "Unbound", kbMap );						

			sorted.Insert( item );

	for ( j = sorted.FirstInorder() ; j != sorted.InvalidIndex(); j = sorted.NextInorder( j ) )
		KeyValues *item = sorted[ j ];

		// Add to list
		m_pList->AddItem( item, 0, false, false );

