void LLIMToastNotifyPanel::compactButtons() { //we can't set follows in xml since it broke toasts behavior setFollows(FOLLOWS_LEFT|FOLLOWS_RIGHT|FOLLOWS_TOP); const child_list_t* children = getControlPanel()->getChildList(); S32 offset = 0; // Children were added by addChild() which uses push_front to insert them into list, // so to get buttons in correct order reverse iterator is used (EXT-5906) for (child_list_t::const_reverse_iterator it = children->rbegin(); it != children->rend(); it++) { LLButton * button = dynamic_cast<LLButton*> (*it); if (button != NULL) { button->setOrigin( offset,button->getRect().mBottom); button->setLeftHPad(2 * HPAD); button->setRightHPad(2 * HPAD); // set zero width before perform autoResize() button->setRect(LLRect(button->getRect().mLeft, button->getRect().mTop, button->getRect().mLeft, button->getRect().mBottom)); button->setAutoResize(true); button->autoResize(); offset += HPAD + button->getRect().getWidth(); button->setFollowsNone(); } } if (mParentText) { mParentText->needsReflow(); } }
LLButton* LLToastNotifyPanel::createButton(const LLSD& form_element, BOOL is_option) { InstanceAndS32* userdata = new InstanceAndS32; userdata->mSelf = this; userdata->mButtonName = is_option ? form_element["name"].asString() : ""; mBtnCallbackData.push_back(userdata); LLButton::Params p; bool is_ignore_btn = form_element["index"].asInteger() == -1; const LLFontGL* font = is_ignore_btn ? sFontSmall: sFont; // for ignore button in script dialog p.name(form_element["name"].asString()); p.label(form_element["text"].asString()); p.font(font); p.rect.height = BTN_HEIGHT; p.click_callback.function(boost::bind(&LLToastNotifyPanel::onClickButton, userdata)); p.rect.width = BUTTON_WIDTH; p.auto_resize = false; p.follows.flags(FOLLOWS_LEFT | FOLLOWS_BOTTOM); if (mIsCaution) { p.image_color(LLUIColorTable::instance().getColor("ButtonCautionImageColor")); p.image_color_disabled(LLUIColorTable::instance().getColor("ButtonCautionImageColor")); } // for the scriptdialog buttons we use fixed button size. This is a limit! if (!mIsScriptDialog && font->getWidth(form_element["text"].asString()) > BUTTON_WIDTH) { p.rect.width = 1; p.auto_resize = true; } else if (mIsScriptDialog && is_ignore_btn) { // this is ignore button,make it smaller p.rect.height = BTN_HEIGHT_SMALL; p.rect.width = 1; p.auto_resize = true; } LLButton* btn = LLUICtrlFactory::create<LLButton>(p); mNumButtons++; btn->autoResize(); if (form_element["default"].asBoolean()) { setDefaultBtn(btn); } return btn; }
void LLToastScriptQuestion::createButtons() { LLNotificationFormPtr form = mNotification->getForm(); int num_elements = form->getNumElements(); int buttons_width = 0; for (int i = 0; i < num_elements; ++i) { LLSD form_element = form->getElement(i); if ("button" == form_element["type"].asString()) { LLButton::Params p; const LLFontGL* font = LLFontGL::getFontSansSerif(); p.name(form_element["name"].asString()); p.label(form_element["text"].asString()); p.layout("topleft"); p.font(font); p.rect.height(BUTTON_HEIGHT); p.click_callback.function(boost::bind(&LLToastScriptQuestion::onButtonClicked, this, form_element["name"].asString())); p.rect.left = LEFT_PAD; p.rect.width = font->getWidth(form_element["text"].asString()); p.auto_resize = true; p.follows.flags(FOLLOWS_LEFT | FOLLOWS_BOTTOM); p.image_color(LLUIColorTable::instance().getColor("ButtonCautionImageColor")); p.image_color_disabled(LLUIColorTable::instance().getColor("ButtonCautionImageColor")); LLButton* button = LLUICtrlFactory::create<LLButton>(p); button->autoResize(); getChild<LLPanel>("buttons_panel")->addChild(button); LLRect rect = button->getRect(); rect.setLeftTopAndSize(buttons_width, rect.mTop, rect.getWidth(), rect.getHeight()); button->setRect(rect); buttons_width += rect.getWidth() + LEFT_PAD; } } }
void LLChatHistory::appendMessage(const LLChat& chat, const LLSD &args, const LLStyle::Params& input_append_params) { bool use_plain_text_chat_history = args["use_plain_text_chat_history"].asBoolean(); llassert(mEditor); if (!mEditor) { return; } mEditor->setPlainText(use_plain_text_chat_history); if (!mEditor->scrolledToEnd() && chat.mFromID != gAgent.getID() && !chat.mFromName.empty()) { mUnreadChatSources.insert(chat.mFromName); mMoreChatPanel->setVisible(TRUE); std::string chatters; for (unread_chat_source_t::iterator it = mUnreadChatSources.begin(); it != mUnreadChatSources.end();) { chatters += *it; if (++it != mUnreadChatSources.end()) { chatters += ", "; } } LLStringUtil::format_map_t args; args["SOURCES"] = chatters; if (mUnreadChatSources.size() == 1) { mMoreChatText->setValue(LLTrans::getString("unread_chat_single", args)); } else { mMoreChatText->setValue(LLTrans::getString("unread_chat_multiple", args)); } S32 height = mMoreChatText->getTextPixelHeight() + 5; mMoreChatPanel->reshape(mMoreChatPanel->getRect().getWidth(), height); } LLColor4 txt_color = LLUIColorTable::instance().getColor("White"); LLViewerChat::getChatColor(chat,txt_color); LLFontGL* fontp = LLViewerChat::getChatFont(); std::string font_name = LLFontGL::nameFromFont(fontp); std::string font_size = LLFontGL::sizeFromFont(fontp); LLStyle::Params style_params; style_params.color(txt_color); style_params.readonly_color(txt_color); style_params.font.name(font_name); style_params.font.size(font_size); style_params.font.style(input_append_params.font.style); std::string prefix = chat.mText.substr(0, 4); //IRC styled /me messages. bool irc_me = prefix == "/me " || prefix == "/me'"; // Delimiter after a name in header copy/past and in plain text mode std::string delimiter = ": "; std::string shout = LLTrans::getString("shout"); std::string whisper = LLTrans::getString("whisper"); if (chat.mChatType == CHAT_TYPE_SHOUT || chat.mChatType == CHAT_TYPE_WHISPER || chat.mText.compare(0, shout.length(), shout) == 0 || chat.mText.compare(0, whisper.length(), whisper) == 0) { delimiter = " "; } // Don't add any delimiter after name in irc styled messages if (irc_me || chat.mChatStyle == CHAT_STYLE_IRC) { delimiter = LLStringUtil::null; style_params.font.style = "ITALIC"; } bool message_from_log = chat.mChatStyle == CHAT_STYLE_HISTORY; // We graying out chat history by graying out messages that contains full date in a time string if (message_from_log) { style_params.color(LLColor4::grey); style_params.readonly_color(LLColor4::grey); } if (use_plain_text_chat_history) { LLStyle::Params timestamp_style(style_params); if (!message_from_log) { LLColor4 timestamp_color = LLUIColorTable::instance().getColor("ChatTimestampColor"); timestamp_style.color(timestamp_color); timestamp_style.readonly_color(timestamp_color); } mEditor->appendText("[" + chat.mTimeStr + "] ", mEditor->getText().size() != 0, timestamp_style); if (utf8str_trim(chat.mFromName).size() != 0) { // Don't hotlink any messages from the system (e.g. "Second Life:"), so just add those in plain text. if ( chat.mSourceType == CHAT_SOURCE_OBJECT && chat.mFromID.notNull()) { // for object IMs, create a secondlife:///app/objectim SLapp std::string url = LLSLURL("objectim", chat.mFromID, "").getSLURLString(); url += "?name=" + chat.mFromName; url += "&owner=" + chat.mOwnerID.asString(); std::string slurl = args["slurl"].asString(); if (slurl.empty()) { LLViewerRegion *region = LLWorld::getInstance()->getRegionFromPosAgent(chat.mPosAgent); if(region) { LLSLURL region_slurl(region->getName(), chat.mPosAgent); slurl = region_slurl.getLocationString(); } } url += "&slurl=" + LLURI::escape(slurl); // set the link for the object name to be the objectim SLapp // (don't let object names with hyperlinks override our objectim Url) LLStyle::Params link_params(style_params); link_params.color.control = "HTMLLinkColor"; link_params.link_href = url; mEditor->appendText("<nolink>" + chat.mFromName + "</nolink>" + delimiter, false, link_params); } else if ( chat.mFromName != SYSTEM_FROM && chat.mFromID.notNull() && !message_from_log) { LLStyle::Params link_params(style_params); link_params.overwriteFrom(LLStyleMap::instance().lookupAgent(chat.mFromID)); // Convert the name to a hotlink and add to message. mEditor->appendText(chat.mFromName + delimiter, false, link_params); } else { mEditor->appendText(chat.mFromName + delimiter, false, style_params); } } } else { LLView* view = NULL; LLInlineViewSegment::Params p; p.force_newline = true; p.left_pad = mLeftWidgetPad; p.right_pad = mRightWidgetPad; LLDate new_message_time = LLDate::now(); if (mLastFromName == chat.mFromName && mLastFromID == chat.mFromID && mLastMessageTime.notNull() && (new_message_time.secondsSinceEpoch() - mLastMessageTime.secondsSinceEpoch()) < 60.0 && mIsLastMessageFromLog == message_from_log) //distinguish between current and previous chat session's histories { view = getSeparator(); p.top_pad = mTopSeparatorPad; p.bottom_pad = mBottomSeparatorPad; } else { view = getHeader(chat, style_params); if (mEditor->getText().size() == 0) p.top_pad = 0; else p.top_pad = mTopHeaderPad; p.bottom_pad = mBottomHeaderPad; } p.view = view; //Prepare the rect for the view LLRect target_rect = mEditor->getDocumentView()->getRect(); // squeeze down the widget by subtracting padding off left and right target_rect.mLeft += mLeftWidgetPad + mEditor->getHPad(); target_rect.mRight -= mRightWidgetPad; view->reshape(target_rect.getWidth(), view->getRect().getHeight()); view->setOrigin(target_rect.mLeft, view->getRect().mBottom); std::string widget_associated_text = "\n[" + chat.mTimeStr + "] "; if (utf8str_trim(chat.mFromName).size() != 0 && chat.mFromName != SYSTEM_FROM) widget_associated_text += chat.mFromName + delimiter; mEditor->appendWidget(p, widget_associated_text, false); mLastFromName = chat.mFromName; mLastFromID = chat.mFromID; mLastMessageTime = new_message_time; mIsLastMessageFromLog = message_from_log; } if (chat.mNotifId.notNull()) { LLNotificationPtr notification = LLNotificationsUtil::find(chat.mNotifId); if (notification != NULL) { LLIMToastNotifyPanel* notify_box = new LLIMToastNotifyPanel( notification, chat.mSessionID); //we can't set follows in xml since it broke toasts behavior notify_box->setFollowsLeft(); notify_box->setFollowsRight(); notify_box->setFollowsTop(); ctrl_list_t ctrls = notify_box->getControlPanel()->getCtrlList(); S32 offset = 0; // Children were added by addChild() which uses push_front to insert them into list, // so to get buttons in correct order reverse iterator is used (EXT-5906) for (ctrl_list_t::reverse_iterator it = ctrls.rbegin(); it != ctrls.rend(); it++) { LLButton * button = dynamic_cast<LLButton*> (*it); if (button != NULL) { button->setOrigin( offset, button->getRect().mBottom); button->setLeftHPad(2 * HPAD); button->setRightHPad(2 * HPAD); // set zero width before perform autoResize() button->setRect(LLRect(button->getRect().mLeft, button->getRect().mTop, button->getRect().mLeft, button->getRect().mBottom)); button->setAutoResize(true); button->autoResize(); offset += HPAD + button->getRect().getWidth(); button->setFollowsNone(); } } LLTextEditor* text_editor = notify_box->getChild<LLTextEditor>("text_editor_box", TRUE); S32 text_heigth = 0; if(text_editor != NULL) { text_heigth = text_editor->getTextBoundingRect().getHeight(); } //Prepare the rect for the view LLRect target_rect = mEditor->getDocumentView()->getRect(); // squeeze down the widget by subtracting padding off left and right target_rect.mLeft += mLeftWidgetPad + mEditor->getHPad(); target_rect.mRight -= mRightWidgetPad; notify_box->reshape(target_rect.getWidth(), notify_box->getRect().getHeight()); notify_box->setOrigin(target_rect.mLeft, notify_box->getRect().mBottom); if (text_editor != NULL) { S32 text_heigth_delta = text_editor->getTextBoundingRect().getHeight() - text_heigth; notify_box->reshape(target_rect.getWidth(), notify_box->getRect().getHeight() + text_heigth_delta); } LLInlineViewSegment::Params params; params.view = notify_box; params.left_pad = mLeftWidgetPad; params.right_pad = mRightWidgetPad; mEditor->appendWidget(params, "\n", false); } } else { std::string message = irc_me ? chat.mText.substr(3) : chat.mText; //MESSAGE TEXT PROCESSING //*HACK getting rid of redundant sender names in system notifications sent using sender name (see EXT-5010) if (use_plain_text_chat_history && gAgentID != chat.mFromID && chat.mFromID.notNull()) { std::string slurl_about = SLURL_APP_AGENT + chat.mFromID.asString() + SLURL_ABOUT; if (message.length() > slurl_about.length() && message.compare(0, slurl_about.length(), slurl_about) == 0) { message = message.substr(slurl_about.length(), message.length()-1); } } if (irc_me && !use_plain_text_chat_history) { message = chat.mFromName + message; } mEditor->appendText(message, FALSE, style_params); } mEditor->blockUndo(); // automatically scroll to end when receiving chat from myself if (chat.mFromID == gAgentID) { mEditor->setCursorAndScrollToEnd(); } }